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U3 Africa Test Jeopardy &U4 Discussion Review

Mrs. Wethington; 7th Grade Social Studies


• How to write a discussion post

• Question/Video of the Day

• U3 Africa Test Jeopardy Review

NCA Announcements

• NO SCHOOL on February 17th for President’s Day!

• NO LIVELESSON until February 24th.

DISCUSSIONSWhat you should and shouldn’t be doing.


• 3-4 (or more) sentences

• Facts and supporting details

• Correct spelling and punctuation

• On Topic

• Your analysis

• All your own information OR proper citations

• One sentence (maybe only two)

• Spelling errors

• No punctuation

• No supporting facts

• Off topic

• Wrong information

• Not your own information

• Comment (Good Job)

Example: choose the proper postExample One

I think farming and ranching was the industry that was most influential to the development of the West. Not only were most of the population farmers and ranchers, but the climate and geography of the region was very well suited to those two activities. Railroads brought people to the West, and the hopes of striking it rich from mining often encouraged them come, but very few people actually got rich from those two industries. The people who stayed in the West most often made their living through agriculture. The textbook called it a “Cattle Kingdom.” Additionally, the cheap land offered by the government through the Homestead Act further increased the population in the West without the help of the mining industry. While mining brought “boomtowns” that sprang up quickly, they often didn’t last very long. Agriculture encouraged the development of “cow towns”, which formed more slowly but also tended to last longer.

Example Two

I think farming and ranching was the most important because most people were farmers or ranchers.

Discussion post: The response

I am NOT grading you on your responses to other’s discussions, so your discussion better be GOOD!!!!

However, if you do you could earn extra credit.

“Good Job” doesn’t count!

Your discussion assignment • Which of the following goals would benefit the people of Africa

the most?

• stable democratic governments• Build on respect for human rights

• Tend to foster environments that help to establish of private enterprises

• foreign investment in African businesses• Governments can create jobs

• Improves economic growth and provides capital (money)

• environmental protection and renewal• Reduces pollution and increases public health

• Preserves ecosystems

• something else

Your discussion assignment • Justify your answer with at least one supporting fact.

• For full credit write 3-4 sentences expressing your opinions

with supporting facts and details.

• Back up your opinion with research.

• Write your response ONCE in the discussion box.

• You do NOT need to reply to other students…

unless you want extra credit.


Excerpt from New Nevada Palominos Enlisting in the U.S. Marines

US Dept. of the Interior--Carson City Field Office

4 Background: The U.S. Marine Corps first adopted a BLM wild horse for the

Mounted Color Guard in 1988. A two-year old horse called "Okinawa" became an

integral part of the equine unit, quickly learning to lead a parade with flags

flapping, jets flying overhead, audiences clapping and dealing with unexpected

loud noises. (2) His calm performances encouraged the Marines to adopt seven

other wild horses. (3) The Mounted Color Guard has since participated in every

Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California, since 1990, as well as

dozens of other annual parades and shows.

Which fact supports the idea that wild horses can be trained for adoption?

Get a pen and your

notebook! You may also

open your textbooks in a

new tab to find the answers.

Later African


Colonization and

Independence in




$500 $500 $500 $500

$100$100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200





Living and

Working in



Facing Africa

Q: Which factors led to the

downfall of Ghana?

A: Ghana’s large population began straining resources.


Q: What is an example of the

impact trade had on the

people of Southern and

Eastern Africa?

• A: Millions of people in East Africa

speak a form of Bantu. ($200)

Q: How did animal herders in

the Sahara adapt to their


• A: They lived a nomadic lifestyle. ($300)

Q: What is a similarity

between Ghana and Mali?

• A: They both grew powerful through trade.


Q: What largely contributed to

the development of Swahili


• A: Trade between East Africa and Southwest Asia. ($500)

Q: When archaeologists

study an excavation site, are

the objects found closer to

the surface younger or older?

• A: Younger. They are usually not as old

as those found in deeper layers. ($100)

Q: What is an artifact?

• A: An object made or used by

humans. ($200)

Q: What was the main unit of

society in early Stone Age


• A: A small band of people. ($300)

Q: What is an example of a

technological advance made by

Stone Age humans?

• A: Cooking with fire. ($400)

Q: What discovery in 1974 gave

scientists evidence that humans

walked upright as long as 3.2

million years ago?

• A: The discovery of “Lucy,” a

fossilized skeleton of a woman.


Q: Why did European nations

colonize Africa?

• A: They wanted the natural resources in

Africa. ($100)

Q: What is Pan Africanism?

• A: The idea that all black Africans

should be united to achieve common

goals. ($200)

Q: How do the governments

of South Africa and Nigeria


• A: South Africa is a parliamentary democracy and Nigeria is not. ($300)

Q: What aspect of Africa’s

physical geography had the

greatest influence on

European colonization of


• A: Africa was rich in natural resources that

Europeans needed. ($400)

Q: Summarize the main idea

of this passage: “Forty years ago, we had nothing—

no doctors, no engineers, no writers. We had no university. We thought a flag

and a national anthem were enough for independence. . . . That is now a thing

of the past. One has to count on the people. And despite all the problems,

success for us is a certainty. Every day we’re working hard, because we’re

dreaming of a better quality of life.”

—Ousmane Sembene, filmmaker

• A: The country took some time

to develop but eventually met

the needs of its people. ($500)

Q: What natural resource is

found in Kenya?

• A: Rich soils. ($100)

Q: What natural resource is

Nigeria known for?

• A: Oil. ($200)

Q: What natural resources

are found in South Africa?

• Mineral wealth such as diamonds, chrome,

gold, platinum, and uranium ($300)

Q: What are the three major

religions practiced in Africa?

• A: Islam, Christianity, and indigenous

beliefs. Islam is the dominant religion in the north,

east coast, and northern parts of West Africa. Ethiopia,

Eritrea, Gulf of Guinea, and a small minority in Egypt

practice Christianity. Indigenous beliefs are practiced in

Central and Southern Africa. ($400)

Q: The rise of which dynasty

helped strengthen

Christianity in Ethiopia?

• A: The rise of the Zagwe


Q: What is an effect of the

desertification taking place in

parts of Africa?

• A: Some Africans struggle to get

clean drinking water. ($100)

Q: What has negatively

affected Africa’s economy?

• A: The lack of quality health care.


Q: Why does the relationship

between the Hasua people

and the Yorubas of Nigeria

add challenges for the


• A: The two ethnic groups are in conflict.


Q: Which is an example of

specializing in the service

sector; growing coffee beans,

exporting minerals, investing

in education, or focusing on

call centers?

• A: Focusing on call centers. ($400)

Q: Based on the following

quote, how can widespread

disease affect a country’s

economy? “Most people in rural areas are farmers, and

when you have a disease like Guinea worm [a parasite], you are incapacitated,

unable to continue with your work. By preventing the hundreds of thousands of

cases that we do each year, we are freeing up that many more people to farm

so that they will have food and be able to take care of their families.”

—Emmanuel Miri

• A: It can hurt the economy by removing people from the

workforce. ($500)

Why did South Africa’s

independence from Britain in

1910 not lead to freedom and


• A: A small minority of whites kept political power for themselves. South

Africa adopted apartheid which limited where blacks could live, work,

travel, and go to school. It also forbade them from voting or marrying

people of different races.



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