tutorial - add zotero item from google scholar (quick&dirty)

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Short presentation showing how to add reference items to Zotero from google scholar and how to attach .pdf files to already existent reference items


Adding Zotero reference items from google scholar

Quick &Dirty

Search the reference in google scholar

Click in the “save to Zotero” on the top of your browser (safari)

Select the reference(s) you want to add to Zotero from the list in the pop up windows and click “ok”

The process will be shown in the “process window”

In this case, the selected item has already the .pdf embedded and it is saved in Zotero.

Go to the stand alone and you can see the reference item added with the .pdf attached

The metadata has been added from google scholar

If the .pdf is not embedded

Select the reference(s) you want to add to Zotero from the list in the pop up windows and click “ok”

Go to the stand alone and select the item you want to add the .pdf file

The metadata has been already added from google scholar

Click in the “add attachment” icon and select “Attach saved copy of the file”

Select the file you want to attach to the Zotero reference item

The .pdf file is attached to the Zotero reference item

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