tsuyu – open, public ro, [rŌ] · 露見 roken discovery, detection, exposure 63 朝露 asatsuyu...

Post on 17-Oct-2020






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RO, [RŌ] – open, public tsuyu – dew

露天で  roten de outdoors, in the openair


露店  roten street stall, booth 168

露出  roshutsu (indecent/film)exposure


露見  roken discovery, detection,exposure


朝露  asatsuyu morning dew 477

RAI – thunder; mine, torpedo kaminari –thunder

雷鳴  raimei thunder 948

落雷  rakurai thunderbolt, bolt oflightning


雷雨  raiu thunderstorm 30

地雷  jirai (land) mine 118

魚雷  gyorai torpedo 290

SHIN, furu(eru), furu(u) – tremble, shake

地震  jishin earthquake 118

震動  shindō tremor, vibration 231

震度5   shindo go magnitude 5 378

震央/源  shin'ō, shingen epicenter 352, 589

身震い  miburui shiver, tremble,shudder


SHIN, fu(ruu) – swing, wield; flourish fu(ru)– wave, shake fu(reru) – swing, lean toward

振興  shinkō advancement, promotion 369

振動  shindō swing, oscillation,vibration


振り替え  furikae transfer 757

振り返る  furikaeru turn one's head,look back 448

NIN – conception, pregnancy

妊婦  ninpu pregnant woman 316

妊婦服  ninpufuku maternity dress 316, 696

不妊  funin sterile, infertile 94

妊産婦  ninsanpu expectant andnursing mothers

278, 316

SHIN – pregnancy

妊娠  ninshin pregnancy 985

妊娠中絶  ninshin chūzetsu abortion 985, 28, 755

NŌ, ko(i) – dark, thick, heavy, strong (coffee)

濃度  nōdo (degree of) concentration 378

濃厚  nōkō thickness, richness,strength


濃霧  nōmu dense fog 980

TŌ, [ZU], mame – bean, pea; (prefix)miniature

大豆  daizu soybean 26

小豆  azuki adzuki bean 27

枝豆  edamame green soybean 889

コーヒー豆  kōhīmame coffee bean 豆本  mamehon miniature book,

pocket edition25

HŌ, yuta(ka) – abundant, rich

豊富  hōfu abundance, wealth 726

豊作  hōsaku good harvest 361

豊漁  hōryō good catch (of fish) 712

豊年  hōnen fruitful year 45

豊満  hōman plump, voluptuous,buxom


EN, tsuya – gloss, luster; charm, romance, love

ade(yaka) – charming, fascinating

艶美  enbi voluptuous charm,bewitching beauty


艶事  tsuyagoto love affair, romance 80

艶消し  tsuyakeshi non-glossy,frosted (glass); disappointment,disillusionment


TŌ, TO, nobo(ru) – climb

登山  tozan mountain climbing 34

登場  tōjō stage entrance;appearance


登記  tōki registration 372

登録  tōroku registration 547

登用  tōyō appointment; promotion 107

HAI – abolish, abandon, discontinue; decay;

scrapped suta(reru), suta(ru) – becomeoutmoded; decay

廃止  haishi abolition, abrogation 485

廃業  haigyō going out of business 279

退廃  taihai degeneracy, decadence 865

廃人  haijin cripple, invalid 1

KI – abandon, throw out, give up

廃棄物  haikibutsu waste (matter) 992, 79

放棄  hōki give up, renounce, waive 521

棄権  kiken abstention, nonvoting;renunciation


自棄  jiki self-abandonment 62

破棄  haki destruction; annulment,revocation


TAI – belt, zone obi – belt, sash o(biru) –wear; be entrusted (with)

包帯  hōtai bandage 819

地帯  chitai zone, area, region, belt 118

熱帯  nettai the tropics 655

所帯  shotai household 153

TAI – stay, stopping over todokō(ru) – be leftundone; fall into arrears, be overdue, be left unpaid

滞在  taizai stay, sojourn 268

遅滞  chitai delay, procrastination 715

滞納  tainō delinquency (in payment) 771

沈滞  chintai stagnation, inactivity 964

JUN – pure

純毛  junmō pure/100 percent wool 287

純益  jun'eki net profit 729

純文学  junbungaku pure literature,belles lettres

111, 109

純日本風  jun Nihon-fū classicalJapanese style

5, 25, 29

単純  tanjun simple 300

DON, nibu(i) – dull, thick, slow-witted, sluggish,

blunt, dim nibu(ru) – become dull/blunt, weaken

鈍感  donkan obtuse, thick,insensitive


鈍重  donjū dull-witted, phlegmatic,stolid


鈍角  donkaku obtuse angle 481

鈍器  donki blunt object (used as aweapon) 536

MEI, mayo(u) – be perplexed, vacillate; getlost; go astray

迷宮/路  meikyū/ro maze/labyrinth 734, 151

迷信  meishin superstition 157

迷彩  meisai camouflage 959

低迷  teimei be low, in a slump(market prices)


迷子  maigo lost child 103

nazo – riddle, puzzle, enigma; hint, suggestion

字謎  jinazo kanji puzzle (inferring akanji from a cryptic description ofits parts)


JUTSU, no(beru) – state, mention, refer to,explain

供述  kyōjutsu testimony, deposition 197

記述  kijutsu description 372

上述  jōjutsu above-mentioned 32

口述  kōjutsu oral statement;dictation


著述家  chojutsuka writer, author 878, 165

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