trinity feruary 2021 news

Post on 11-Nov-2021






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Trinity News FEBRUARY 2021

Rainsford Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2XB Tel. 01245 269079


Charity No: 1144617

Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to proclaim the love of God, in Jesus to all people

Trinity Methodist Church

MARCH 2021


Kit Wells would like to say thank you to all involved for the lovely surprise gift which was delivered just before Christmas by a smiling Ramona.

Doreen Short too has phoned to say how much she appreciated the Christmas gift and many others have telephoned.

On behalf of everyone at Trinity, a huge thank

you to the Minister, Deacon, Student Minister,

Admin and other helpers for keeping our Church

running through these most trying of times. The

fellowship provided by the Church is highly

valued and appreciated. Our gratitude is

immense. Ed

Also, thanks to those who made donations to Action for

Children through messages on the Christmas ‘Tree’. Anthea

Trinity extends a

warm welcome to

Lance Molyneux as he

takes up membership into the

Methodist Church family.


From the Manse………...

TIME is a funny old phenomenon, we don't need quantum physicists to tell us that it is hardly the absolute metronome underpinning everything that we often assume it to be. I've been musing on the business of time as I, like you, ponder the question: How Long, O Lord?

How long, O Lord, until we can browse the shops?

How long, O Lord, until we can see our family and friends?

How long, O Lord, until we can sing our songs with gusto?

Some of you will know we have a little dog, Ferris, (named after an 80s movie well-loved in our house!). Ferris seems blissfully unaware of time as he lolls around the house or goes for a walk! He doesn't give the impression of discontent if the days seem long and uneventful, just lives in the moment of whatever is happening. I'm sure he has virtually no sense of time passing either slowly or quicky. I wonder if I should take a leaf out of his book?

Time seems to have taken on a weird slippery nature for me, especially in Lockdown 3. On the one hand it seems to drag as each day fails to be punctuated by the kinds of things that normally we love to do, or look forward to. On the other hand, despite this, Sunday seems to come round so quickly! I guess the thing I'm struggling with most is the sense of uncertainty that we are all living with. How long, O Lord, will this go on?

I don't often listen to BBC Radio 3, but I had some reading to do this morning, so I thought classical would make background music that wouldn't interrupt. I was somewhat surprised to hear them play Sam Cooke! Change is Gonna Come:

It's been a long A long time coming But I know a change gonna come Oh, yes it will

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Surely a song of hope and belief in the face of oppression, injustice and drudgery, a time for me to count some blessings compared to the suffering of others. Without wanting to be melodramatic about the relative ease with which I face the need for change, I needed that same hope for things to change.

I pray that in our waiting we will be strengthened by the faith which is for all seasons. God bless you in this time of waiting, watching and longing for a change to come.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

(Ecclesiastes 3)



As we start another year, it’s the treasurer’s job to advise you of our

current financial position and none more so than during these unsettling

times. Don’t worry, it’s not all bad news, we have reserves, certainly

more than most in the Circuit.

However, as time goes on I find myself dipping into them more and more

to prevent our bank account from slipping from the black into the red.

Please also bear in mind that this year’s budget was set at £26,000 in

deficit so that will reduce our reserves by that amount.

Without our regular Sunday donations we are certainly feeling the pinch

and despite looking at all our suppliers and cutting back as much as I can,

we should be aware that we are falling seriously behind with our cash


Many of you have transferred to standing orders with your banks and

this has been a great help. Some of you have been good enough to pop

cheques and cash through my door, despite the call to stay at home, so I

am eternally grateful for your thoughtfulness and determination to get

your donations to me. It doesn’t matter if this is cash or cheques, it gets

banked as quickly as I can and has been a great help.

Trinity folk have always been most generous with their donations and I know that

some of you have religiously been putting away your money until a time when we

can all meet again in Church. Sadly, I fear, this will be quite a while yet so it would

be very helpful if you could get your donations to me.

As I said, I am more than grateful to those of you who have continued with their

online donations and postal offerings but I would like to ask those who have not

managed to present their offerings to the church to please consider your options

and either change to a standing order or post a cheque to me.

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Unless you are out and about shopping etc, please do not leave your homes unnecessarily, stay safe. I am more than happy to talk to you and help you as much as I can. Feel free to call me, Nigel


Trinity Christmas Gifts

During December, Deacon Ramona invited members and friends at Trinity to take part in a project to give small gifts to housebound members and those who have been particularly isolated because of the Covid19 pandemic in 2020. Pastoral Visitors helped to identify who we should send gifts to and in the distribution of the gifts. Thank you everyone who donated gifts of all kinds towards this project. I have received many messages of thanks for the gifts received.

Hilary Walden—Pastoral Secretary


Hello and Happy New Year!

I am Esther Burton, the newly appointed Circuit Safeguarding Officer for the

Chelmsford Methodist Circuit.

For some I may be a familiar face and to others I am not. I have been

worshipping within this circuit since 2009 and am a member of Hatfield

Peverel’s Reality Church. I am married to David Burton, who is a local

preacher in the Circuit and have two children who keep me on my toes!

My background is as a primary teacher and since 2010 have been working

specifically with vulnerable children and their families. I have held

safeguarding focused positions in the education sector for over 10 years.

I am excited to be taking on this role in the Chelmsford Circuit and look

forward to working with the fantastic team across the Circuit in creating and

delivering a positive and safe environment for everyone. If you require

support regarding safeguarding, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

The contact details for me are:

Messages can be left using the above details and I will respond as soon as




Letter of thanks for

my first term

Dear Trinity Friends

Happy New Year…I am starting to feel part of the Zoom furniture now! Going to a new place is always a little daunting, especially when my home church was like a comfort blanket. However you have all made me incredibly welcome and involved me on every level.

This is some of what I have been up to since joining you in October.....

I have moved out of our home in Leigh-on-Sea to live in our motorhome on the road next to my sister’s bungalow. It feels a bit like we are always on holiday! Her home is on the market, so when it sells we will be buying together. There are some things that are a struggle living in the motorhome but generally it is a blessing that we have no mortgage as my husband and I are both musicians. I do miss our music terribly which is why it is fulfilling to provide some of the music for the services. If anyone is interested I will let you know when our band album is released; we are very excited it is nearly ready because it has been a long while coming due to lockdown restrictions.

One benefit of not playing gigs each week is that I have had more time to devote to my studies at Queens and to spend with you here at Trinity. I have had weekly meetings with Rev Mark Pengelly where the hour has flown by each time and I have still so many more questions. He is one of the most encouraging and patient people I have met. Patience was greatly needed on a number of occasions with my technology ability - or should I say “lack of”. We have really packed in a great deal in these weeks. I have experienced a family funeral meeting, a lockdown funeral, zoom wedding preparations, all kinds of meetings, a carol concert and services on Youtube and in person.

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I have been particularly inspired by Sheridan Pengelly and the team about environmental matters, so much so I have transferred by bank account to one that doesn’t invest in fossil fuels. I am very excited to see how the church responds to being as green as possible. The kindness shown to me and the feeling of belonging has been amazing and kept me sane during this testing time of the virus. I am a ‘people person’ and I just love the company of others, unlike my husband who was quite content his big birthday fell in this particular year! All through these last few months I have felt the presence of God with me through my family, friends and my new church family in Chelmsford. I am looking forward to continue learning and sharing with you in this new year. My prayer for us all is one of health, hope and joyful times to come. God bless you all. Heather xx Student Presbyter

Trinity sends Blessings and our prayers to Ramona as she plans and

prepares for her Sabbatical during March through to end of May 2020. Ed


“It made a difference to that one!”

Towards One World

Supporting Communities in Ethiopia

It was most gratifying that, following my suggestion in September, many supporters, who were holding back donations at home, sent these in to the church and we were able to send a cheque for £1200 to All We Can. This amount included the Gift Aid tax refunds for 2020 and brought the total sent so far to £1950. I am so pleased that, in difficult times, we have been able to work towards our £4000 commitment, so that the work with severely disadvantaged people in Ethiopia can continue. You will, no doubt, have seen, in the previous Trinity News, an update on this work from Matt Forsyth at All We Can.

I should now like to renew my request! Please, if you are able to, send a cheque for the accrued donation which you have held back since the last request. This needs to be in a numbered orange Gift Aid envelope, if you use these, and should be sent to church treasurer, Nigel Murrell or to the Church Office.

Maybe, fairly soon, after we have all been vaccinated, we can return to our ‘normal’ way of collecting your welcome donations! On behalf of Matt and of the people in Ethiopia who gain so much from them, many thanks!

Jeff Green


Don’t miss the opportunity to catch up on

our church history

‘From high street to trinity’

Over the years I have prepared several items for inclusion in Trinity News on such items as Church History and general activities. Copies of these are included in a file in the Office and the file was handed to the Revd Mark Pengelly on his arrival. He suggested that in some way, these papers could be up-dated and revised and included In some form of booklet. During the first lockdown I committed myself (with considerable support from Maureen) to bringing together, that which I had already prepared and then bringing it all up to-date with further pages and finally presenting it as a small booklet. The booklet is entitled ‘From High Street to Trinity’ and includes items of historic interest from the Archives, together with items as recalled by Beryl Kemp, some pages on what has happened over the years and finally a few pages of personal memories. Thanks to considerable help from the Church Office and in particular Karen Murrell, a small booklet has been prepared. To date only a small number have been printed and issued. Keith Byatt If you would like a copy of Keith’s book PRICE £2 please email the Church Office— When orders have been processed, a day and time will be organised for payment and collection. Diane.


I love cuddles

I was sitting in a cafe where I'd dropped in for some tea when much to my surprise a young lady sat with


I introduced myself to her - and we began to chat. I had never seen her before - but regardless of that

the conversation was enjoyable and my curiosity was

spiked When she looked into my eyes and asked me what I liked

she asked how I spent my time - what hobbies I

pursued I didn't think her forward – I didn't think her rude.

I told her of my love for golf and how I spent my time

she seemed very interested and we got on just fine

“but enough of me” I said to her – “tell me what you do. How do you spend your time? - what means a lot to you?”

She gave me a sort of dreamy look and in a wistful sort of

way said “there is only one thing in my life – that I love today

“its all I care about it seems - the one thing in my head

I know that it sounds silly but I love cuddles” is what she said

Never one to be less than kind – I jumped out of my chair I pulled her to my breast and gently

stroked her hair



The bad news is that Men’s Supper Club has not been able to assemble at the church since lockdown was introduced. The good news is that we have been able to meet via Zoom. In November, we managed to hold a virtual AGM when Dave Pitt, Eddie Cassels and I were all re-elected as the officers for the ensuing year. The AGM was then followed by a most interesting and entertaining talk by County Councillor John Spence, who gave us an insight into the work he did as treasurer of The Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Trust. The Trust’s work was really fascinating, and John’s little ‘royal’ anecdotes made it all very amusing also. We were deeply indebted to him for agreeing to do his talk over this medium. In January, following the success of the November experience, we decided to meet once again and this time the talk was by one of our members, David Exell. He gave the talk on ‘Unintended Consequences’ which, whilst being informative, was delivered with a lightness of touch which certainly made us chuckle. Thanks to him for the effort he put into the preparation. It has been encouraging to see 15 members engage with each other in this way and in friendship and fellowship. So, we have agreed to meet again in March and if you are interested in joining us – via Zoom – then please give me a call. You will be made very welcome!

Eric Smart - Men’s Club Secretary

I cuddled her real tight and said “there my dear how's that?” She said “well it's very

nice - - - - but Cuddles is my cat!!!”

Another lovely poem brought to us by: Michael Rolph

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to have one of my poems in your next newsletter. I love to use my ministry of verse whenever I can.



Our wonderful sign outside Trinity for all to see.


A Prayer for Putting on a Face Mask

Creator God, as I prepare to go into the world, help me to see the sacramental nature of wearing of this cloth. Let it be a tangible and visible way of living love for my neighbours, as I love myself. Christ Jesus, since my lips will be covered, uncover my heart, that people would see my smile in the crinkles around my eyes. Since my voice may be muffled, help me to speak clearly, not only with my words, but with my actions. Holy Spirit, as the elastic touches my ears, remind me to listen carefully and caringly to all those I meet. May this simple piece of cloth be shield and banner, and may each breath that it holds, be filled with Your name and in that love, I pray.

Amen Rev Richard Bott, Moderator Presbyterian Church of Canada


Grandpa’s Face

A little girl was sitting next to her grandfather as he read her a bedtime story. From time to time, she would take her eyes off the book and reach up and touch his wrinkled

cheek. She touched her own cheek after she touched his. After a little while of thinking she asked, “Grandpa, did God make you?” He looked at her and said, “Yes, sweetheart, God made me a long time ago.” She paused for a few seconds and then asked, “Grandpa, did God make me too?”

He replied, “Yes, indeed pumpkin, God make you just a little while ago.” Feeling their respective faces again, she whispered to him, “God’s getting better at it, isn’t he?”

Sent to us from a friend. Ed


Closing Date for April/May 2021

edition of Trinity News 17th March for publication on Sunday 28th March 2021

Articles to be sent to Anthea Tayler AND the Church Office or give a hard copy to the Church Office.

Church email:

Editor: Anthea Tayler Published & Printed by Trinity Church Office


Home telephone number—01245 499028 E-mail —

Deacon Ramona Samuel:

Home telephone number— 01245 690330 E-mail—

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