transport payment

Post on 15-May-2015






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Web based SAP inteface and integrated Solution.


SAP Integrated SolutionBy


Transport Service Provision and Payment System


•Petrobras owns and operates two refineries in Bolivia. The company uses SAP as its main ERP system. The company transports gas and oil using outsourced contractors.

•Gas and OIL transport services payment has its own particularities like loss and gain tolerance, river level tolerance, pipeline received products payment, etc.

•During a recent SOX pre-audit it was observed that the company does not count with a traceable transport service provision and payment system. This is due to fact that SAP IS-OIL does not contemplate the particularities of the operation in Bolivia.

•Based on JAD Sessions conducted between the company and the consultant we came up with the idea of designing a custom solution to the problem with full integration with SAP.


• Provision for transport Service: Is a calculation of the cost of transport services which have not been invoiced during the period. the base for that calculation is the actual transport operations which are registered in SAP.

• TD Or TR: Is a transport request in SAP that usually has a origin warehouse, a destiny warehouse, a transported product, and contract conditions (Tariff, Loss and Gain Tolerance).

• TD Or TR Closing: This refers to the volumetric balancing of the transport operation and the calculation of loss or gain of product.

• Reconciliation: Is the process of monetary settlement of the transport service with the contractor.

• PO: is the SAP Purchase order. • PO Liberation: is the purchase order liberation process in SAP.

Process Flow

SAP data importation

Transport contract conditions

TR Closing

Reconciliation Generation

Transport ServiceProvision

SAP PO Generation SAP PO Liberation

Transport operations (Data import)

SAP User and Password to import data

Use different filters to optimize search

Green = Contract conditions exists.Red = No contract conditions

Contract conditions like expiry date,product, route, tariff, loss tolerance.

Provision calculation by product, transport type and zone.

Transport Cost Provision

Transport Provision Accounting document calculated using SAP Chart of Accounts and benefit centers.

And registered on line in SAP using a BAPI Call

Transport Request Closing

Select Transport Request to close

Complete complementary data not in SAP and SAVE

Transport reconciliation generation

Select Transport operation to include

Select reconciliation type: by Volume, Weight or commercially available products

System generated reconciliation Number

SAP User and password to generate Purchase Order

SAP PO generated on line

PO/Reconciliation Liberation

Select PO/Reconciliation to Liberate in SAP

Liberate PO in SAP Using RFC and BAPI

Discount service value from next provision

Project Achievements and Conclusions•Deliver a rapid, easy and integrated solution to a problem that affects the transparency and efficiency of the transport service provision and payment process in the company.

•Extend the same solution to other logistics services managed by the company like delivery charges, inspection services, etc..

•SAP could be the main ERP system in the company, but it does not necessary have the solution of some industry or country specific requirements.

•SAP integrations with other systems is a possibility that should be considered by the company.

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