tour of the solar system powerpoint homework debrief tahoma jr. high 8 th grade science maple...

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Tour of the Solar System PowerPoint

Homework DebriefTahoma Jr. High8th Grade ScienceMaple Valley, WA

What is the leading theory explaining the

start of the present

Universe called and when did it

apparently happen ?

“The Big Bang”

~14 Billion years ago

About how old is the Sun and

about when will it run out

of fuel ?

Sun as a red giant sheddingouter layers as it approaches death

~5 Billion years old

will run out of fuel in ~5 Billion more


1 unique thing about MERCURY:

Solar wind stripping atmosphere off Mercury

no atmosphere

(being so close to the Sun has its dangers!)

1 unique thing about VENUS:

hottest planet (even though 2nd from Sun)

Runaway Greenhouse Effect from CO2

also sulfuric acid rain !

1 unique thing about EARTH:

only place known to have


because it has water as liquid

allowing chemicals to


1 unique thing about MARS:

biggest mountain


student made joke(although Mars is actually INSIDE the Milky Way galaxy)

1 unique thing about Asteroid


unformed parts of a potential


largest is Ceres, over

1,000km wide(~600 miles!)

1 unique thing about JUPITER:

Biggest and oldeststorm in Solar system:Great Red Spot(400+ years old)

Also:Io (moon) only otheractive volcanoes otherthan Earth…and Europa, ice planet with possible liquid ocean under frozen crust

1 unique thing about Saturn:

best rings in solar system

1 unique thing about URANUS:

tipped on its side

1 unique thing about NEPTUNE:

highest winds in solar system

up to 2,000 kph(or 1,200 MPH)

Great Dark Spot stormwith “scooter” storms

around it

1 unique thing about PLUTO:very elliptical orbit

(not even close to a circle)

orbit is not in the plane of ecliptic(orbit on angle compared to others)

it and its moon orbit a point in space,not a point within the parent planet

Basically it doesn’t followthe “rules” for being a planet like the other 8 so it was removed in 2006.

Does Pluto fit the standard definition of a planet ?

Take a look at the previous slide (hit “Backspace”) and look at all the unique things about it

Also, Pluto messes up the neat situation of four rock planets close to the Sun, followed by four gas planets

(Sun’s gravity pulled heavier elements closer)

Also, don’t forget that we have found other objects beyond Pluto (Quaoar, Varuna, Sedna, 2004 DW,

2003 EL61, and about 800 more, some maybe 1,000km across), so should they be planets too?

Most astronomers agree calling Pluto a planet was a mistake from the start – but everyone was very excited when it was found.

end show

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