tough mudder boot camp

Post on 08-Feb-2016






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Boot Camp Training


Tough Mudder Boot Camp Tough Mudder Boot Camp is a high-intensity circuit series designed to torch every part of your body. Each

exercise is a timed station designed to challenge your heart, lungs, and muscles, as well as prepare you for

specific Tough Mudder obstacles. Boot Camp will set you on the path to becoming a sculpted, rugged, gritty


At the Tough Mudder level, you should strive to complete this Boot Camp three times per week and work out

on three additional days with further cardio training (or repeat this Boot Camp if it’s your jam).

Overview: Here is the general structure of the Tough Mudder Boot Camp workout:

Time: 60 Minutes

Recommended Equipment:


Pull-up Bar



Bosu/Medicine Ball

If you do not have the equipment or resources to complete one of the obstacles above, look on for alternative exercises.

Advancing Levels: Once you’ve mastered this Boot Camp you are ready to tackle Tough Mudder! Take rest as

needed for your fitness level. We recommend one minute of rest per circuit, though you may need to build up

to this level. Please consult your doctor or physician for any additional concerns.

Tough Mudder Boot Camp Time

(min.) Obstacle Description

5 Warm-Up One minute for each exercise: (1) running; (2) grapevine, alternate sides; (3) side shuffle, alternate sides; (4) high knees; (5) butt kicks.




2 Running Man Start running. Treadmill, sidewalk, whatever.

1 Devil’s Beard Spider Push-Up: Start in a high plank position and descend into a push-up. As you lower, bring your right knee to your right elbow. Return to high plank and repeat on the left side. Alternate sides and work up to mountain climbing speed.

2 You Don’t Know Jacks Jumping Jacks: Just like you did in elementary school. Only this time, only bring your arms down to your shoulders (not your hips) and all the way back up. We want to see your hands graze each other when they go up.

1 Cliff Hanger Tough Squat + Press: Holding a weight to your chest, stand with feet hip-distance apart with your toes, knees and hips in a straight line. Pull your belly button toward your spine and contract your abdominal muscles. Slowly lower your body, as though you are sitting in a chair (knees at 90-degree angles). Make sure your knees are BEHIND your toes. As you return to standing, press the weight over your head and return to starting position.

2 Do Work: Jump Rope Jump Rope: Double Jumps

1 Everest Slippery Mountain Climbers: Find a wooden floor or flat surface and place your feet on two washcloths or a folded hand towel. Assume a high-plank position. Keeping your upper body still, pull BOTH legs in toward your chest at the same time and then push them back out to resume the plank position. Repeat these in-and-outs.





2 Log Bog Belly Bombers Belly Bomber/Burpee: Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back to a push-up position. Immediately return your feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as you can from the squat position. Repeat, moving as fast as possible and maintain a fast pace.

1 Hangin’ Tough Turkish Getup: Start lying on your back, holding a kettle bell, dumbbell or rock above one shoulder. Then simply stand up, using your free arm to help you up while keeping the weight above you at all times. Keep the arm fully extended- don’t bend that elbow—as you lie back down and repeat. Switch sides halfway.

2 Greased Lightning Skates

Skates: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and balance your weight on your right foot. Then pick up your left foot and loop it back behind you and toward the right leg, tracing a D-shape with your toes. Your left foot should be behind your right leg. Bring your left arm to your right foot. Now push with your right leg and transfer your weight to your left leg and bring your right leg behind your left. Bring your right arm to your left foot. Continue skating, gaining speed and distance between each skate.

1 Turd’s Nest Crawl Outs: Stand with your legs straight and your hands flat on the floor. Keeping your legs completely straight, walk your hands forward as far as possible. Keep your stomach tight, with your navel pulled in toward your pelvis. Then take small steps to walk your feet forward to your hands, ending in the starting position. Repeat. Faster.

2 Glacier Ski Jumps Ski Jumps: Stand with your feet together on the side of a crack in the sidewalk or floor or next to a folded towel. Bend the knees and jump to the right as far

Tough Mudder Boot Camp as you can—think of jumping laterally rather than vertically. Land with soft knees and immediately jump laterally to the left.

1 Bale Bonds Side High Plank Dips: Start in a high-plank position and lift one arm up to the ceiling so that your body forms a T-shape. Start to lower your hips by 2 inches and pull them back up. Repeat this motion and switch sides halfway.





2 Spider Web Climbers Standing Climbers: From a standing position, raise your left hand, reaching as high as you can, while driving your right knee up and out in a similar movement to the floor Mountain Climber. Switch by pulling down with your left hand and reaching high with your right hand. At the same time, let your right foot fall to the floor, then drive your left knee up and out.

1 Dirty Ballerina Leap Frogs: Begin by lowering yourself into a low squatting position. Place your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, bend your knees, and lower your bum toward the ground. Continue lowering until your knees are as close to a 90-degree angle as possible. Stay in this position as you jump forward. Jump longer and faster than you did as a Maybe Mudder.

2 High Steppin’ High Knees: Stand in place with your feet hip-width apart. Drive your right knee toward your chest and quickly place it back on the ground. Follow immediately by driving your left knee toward your chest. Hold arms out at shoulder length. Repeat quickly.

1 Funky Monkey Pull-Ups: Do a overhand pull-up, and between each pull-up shuffle slightly to the right or left to get comfortable with movement—the Funky Monkey is a slippery one.

2 FireWalker Quick Feet Quick Feet: Stand with your legs hip-width apart and start running in place on your toes. Increase your speed so that you feel like you are digging into the ground. Every 20 seconds, drop completely to the ground as fast as you can and jump back up to resume Quick Feet.

1 Twinkle Toes Bosu Lunges: Stand atop a Bosu ball or small medicine ball with both legs. Slowly lower your bum toward the ground to complete a full squat.





2 Tired Yet? Tire Jumps: Start by standing on one leg then shifting your weight to the opposite side and remain standing on the opposite leg. Pull your non-standing leg up toward your waist for balance.

1 Kiss of Mud High Plank: Lie face-down and prop yourself up by extending your arms straight. Your arms should be directly below your shoulders. Hold.

2 Running Man Run: Treadmill, sidewalk, whatever.

1 Boa Constrictor Tricep Dips: Get between two chairs, bars or a dip machine. Grab each bar or handle with each arm and lower yourself slowly and with control, then push yourself back up. If this is easy, then explode off the bar and lift yourself completely away from the support.

2 You Don’t Know Jacks Jumping Jacks

1 Braveheart Charge Scissor Jump: Lower yourself into a forward-stepping lunge for your starting position. From there, explode off the ground, getting enough air under you to scissor kick your legs and land with your opposite leg forward. Repeat.


Tough Mudder Boot Camp




2 Log Bog Belly Bombers Belly Bomber/Burpee: Same as above.

1 Rope A Dope Towel Pull-Up: Perform the same pull-up you did to prepare for Funky Monkey, only this time, drape towels over the pull-up bar and grip the ends. You might have to start with just hanging and holding the towels.

2 Greased Lightning Skates

Skates: Same as above.

1 Death March Squat Jumps: Stand in front of a bench, chair or box and use both legs to jump onto the object. Make sure to maintain a neutral spine and explode from a squatting position.

2 Glacier Ski Jumps Ski Jumps: Same as above.

1 Mud Mile Side Lunge + Towel: Stand with your feet and knees together, hands on your hips. Place a towel under your right foot and slide your right leg out and lunge toward the floor. Make sure your right knee does not extend past your toes and keep your left leg relatively straight. Push off through your right foot to return to the start to complete one. Alternate sides.


5 Cool Down 30-second slow roll-down to touch toes, 30-second roll-up back to standing. Stretch your quads, back, shoulders, arms (whatever needs it). Sit on the ground with your legs up on a wall (your butt is flush against the wall) for 2 minutes.

Participation in a training program is at your own risk, as this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce the risk of injury, before beginning this or any training program please consult

your doctor. Tough Mudder is not responsible for any injuries that may result from the exercises or training program described on Tough Mudder’s website.

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