tornado in a junkyard

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 1/330

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 2/330



Dr. Dn Gih Snio Vic Prid titut o rtio Rch:"Toado in a lunard by ae Perlo houd be in he lbrary of every one

who i inereed in he ubjec of originh book i a powerful arguen for 

creaion becaue i i horough fully docuened and cienfcally accuraei eaiy readable by cieni and layan alike ad wrien in a popular yle

ha wil ake i inereing and eneaning or reader o al age. igy rec

oend i book.

Puli' Wkly 8-3099: "ae Perlo iriguig Toado in a lunk-

 yard  ai o debunk evouionary heory in favor of creaoni. Perl o a

forer conrbuing edor o e New Ameican, draw upon he work o neo

Darwini and geeici o argue ha ile evoluion doe occureaning inor adapaion and variaion wihin a pecie ere i no olid

evidence for evoluion or converio of one anial ype ino anoher

D. Emmt L Willim Pidn, o Rch Socty: Toado in

a lunard  i a uniue preeaion of he cienific cae again Darwini

inforally wrie for ayen.If you are ookng for a uerfriendy eplanaion

of he ac upporing creaion, hi book i or you.

onviv Book lu 12-99: "ame Perobing e daa ogeher in

a volue readiy acceibe o nocienc ype Hi concluion carefuly

drawn: cience conradic Darwini . Perlof ye unuualy lvey

ake Toado in a lunkyard  eneraining a well a educaiona

Acto Jck Lmmon who plyd nc Dow i th 999 lm vionof nhit th in My congrauaion o Mr Perlo for an ouanding

pece of ork.

Homchoolig ody n/-2000: y anoher anievouion book?

Becaue oado in a lunkyard  i dfrnt. Auhor ae Perlo a forer 

fanaica aei and ancreaioni, uderand he oher ide poin of view.

He preen fac ha logcaly diprove Darinim

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 3/330

Ellen Myer rein Reurce Lry Wch Kn: "ve been heav

ily involved in the creationist moveent for many years and am faiiar with

most of the facts cited in Too. However, the racy style the any excelent

photos, and especialy the less know etais and etensive docuentaon wilnow ake Too y resource of hice in y work

he New Americn 91399: "Per f deonstrates-in this reviewer's opn

ion concusivey that scientific evence when eamined honestly, does not

support mode Darwinis but acully contradicts tThis is a very ipor

tant work wrtten in an inforal an attractive style that is a joy to rea

Vicki Brdy H "Hmechlng USA With so any books out on theevolution/creation debate it s geting ard to choose from good better d best

James book fas in the best caegry. I recomend that every hoeschoo

faily and church have a copy for teir libraies

SA New (rein Science Aiin r MidAmeric) JnFe 2000:This new book ay be one o the ery best Easy reading loaded wth great

quotes and very wel llustrated this uld be an ecelent resource book for stu

dent papers or ust the right book o Unce Fred.

m Eynn 30-yer creer miiry wih he Nvigr: "I hve read

many any books for laymen on craton science over the years but this is by

far the besteasy to read told with hmor cal it creation science or dum

mies -meaning people like me

Mchue New 1-99: Peros book is a powerful synthesis o recent

work by microboogists physicsts and other scientists showing there is no

hard evidence for the creation of ne species fro esting ones

Jni Hver H r k LN Ornd Flrd: ims prod

uct of the sities background and lamans approach to technica issues make

Too in lun  etremey adable wish had read this book first

when began my ow research ino te discrepancies surrounding the theory of 


hriin New 92799: Chisi News hghy recoends Too in


Mry Min H "Srigh Live KPXQ Phenix: "Too in

Jun is a ust read! t is one o he most inormative books on the reaton

vs evolution debate

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 4/330






8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 5/330


The Shadows of Power: The Cuncil on Foreign Reationsand the America Decine 1988)

The ase Agaist  Why the Evieehou Be Exaie (2002

Frst prntngun cn prntng Janua 000r prntng Ju 000

Furt prntn c 00Ft prntng mbr 00t prntng ctbr 00n rntng Augut 00

Copyght 1999  by James Perlo. ll gts reseved.Pnted and bond in te Unted States of Aerca

u by R Bk, 25 o B , B A 003

Unless otewse ndcated scrpre qottons sed n ts boo ae fom th HolyBible, New Inteatonl Veron copyrgt 19 19 19 Inteatonal bleSocety Used by permsson of Zondeva be Pblses

Excer frm  Drn's Blck Box: The ochemcl Chllenge to Evoluto  byMcael J ee copyrght 199  by Mcael ehe repnted w the perssonof he Fee Press a Dvson of Smon & Shste

Bk typoay o by G by l by B

Lbay of Congess Catalog Cad Nmbe: 9919

CgingnPuicin D

lo, me

Tad n kd T Reenles y o lo-s   p. m.

cdes loapcl eec d d.

SBNl: 909666006SBNl 09666005 . volon 2. eam. I T.QH6.2.4 99920 992 9

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 6/330

Bby Boomer Tue Out Tu O Bum Out Bur Out 1

Proble Crved Stoe . .. 7 

3. Marvelous Mutations   . ... .. .. .  ..    2 3 

4 Logc Storm Drw Gte 31

5 Org of the Specou

6 Drw v Deg

7 Veg Odd o Lfe


 5  3 

6 3 

8 A Apem for A Seo . . . . . . . . . 79

9 The Regg World Chmp ............ 97 

0 Old Myth Never DeThey y de Awy 111 . The Bg Bg Goe Blooey 13

E Dhlg You Dot Lok Dy Over ve Blo 131

3. Aupto Aplety 139

4 . Rock of Age 11

5 The ood Remembered 17 

6 Dour Drgo d ce

. .... . . 11

7 Trl by Holywood 197 

8 . Hve You Murdered Aybody ce Brekft  19

9 The Boomer Doomed. . .. .. . . . 9

0 Good Compy . .  37 

. You d the M Upt ............ 7 

Apedce  7 

Note  1

Pcure credt . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . 3 

Ackowedgemet . 39

dex ..................... 311

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8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 8/330

C A P T E R 1

aby Br unes Outurns n Bus Out

urns Out

It as spring 1963 M sithgra tachr Mr Halprn was in th mid-

dl f a lssn. "cintists h said "hav dtrmind that th Earth is

abt fiv billin ars ldJant Wdward n f litt cassats frwnd and raisd hr

han "But M Halprn thats nt what th Bibl sas lkd at th girl with slight it "Wll m srr but this is s-

thing that scinc has dfinitl prn Th Bibl is sip wrng n that

subct"ut thats nt what pants sa sh prsistd

r Halpn prhaps wanting t had ff a cmplaint frm Jantstr and fathr pausd thn sftnd his lin "Wl f curs h said" hav a right t ur rigius blifs an I nt saing u shuldn t

list t ur parnts. But this has bn prvn scintificalits ral nt

p t dbat.I didnt knw it thn but this it cnvrsatin wuld b a subt t

pwrfu turning pint in m lif tainl I hadnt grwn up rligius Mfail nvr prad r rad th Bibl W attndd church fr a whi but

strictl as nminal an indirnt mbrs Th srmns wr bringdnt rbr a sing thing that as vr said

nthlss I didnt dspis th Bib as a child. M scnd grad tacr in La anada Califia awas had us rad fr th Psams tstart th da W vd t Massachustts in 960 and third gra cassput n a nativit pla. I was familia with th Gnsis accunt hw th 

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wrld was cratd"In th bgnnng Adam and Ev, that stu I ddnt

hav any das abut t, but suppsd t mght b tru

Mr Hap, hwvr, sht that dn n ams Tachr was lng us,

fr a fact, hat scnc had prvn th Bbl wrng; Adam and Ev rblay Ad f h Od Tstamnt wa a fary tal, th Nw prbaby was

as. As my tn yars dawnd, I ld mr such das Th Bbl, I as

td, cntand sm rspctabl ptrbut bynd that, was valulss It

was a lt f myths and lgnds, n m vald than Grk mythlgy. Gd

dd nt cra us; w had vlvd fr aps, and lf bgan as lttl cls n

th can bns f yars ag Man cratd Gd. H was lk ana

Clausas a chld yu mght bv n hm, and that cud b cmfrng,but atr n yu wsd up and ralzd thr was n such bng

Ar al, ddnt th Bbl say mn nc vd fr hundrds f yars And

hw abut that unk abut Nah takn all ths anmals n th Ark? Obv-

usy, bgus Charltn Hstn pud mracs n The Ten Command

mens but thr sur wrnt any hapnng n ral lf tday! n tm, I

bgan grwng hstl tward rlg Ar all mnstrs cmmttd n

crm bynd frgvnssaturday ng TV had grat cartns, sp-

cally Lny Tuns at M But n unday? Nthng but tdus srmnsand n ths prcab days, yu culd nly pck up thr r fur sta

tns clary arund Bstn

I ntcd smthng ls, t f my nc sthgrad chums f

963 wr warng athr ackts and turnng nt vrtua hdlums n

964 Of curs, vryn knws that ns rbl, and ts rghty chalkd up

t pubrty hrmns, that srt f thn. But ths as mr; a mannss was

grwng n ths kds that ddnt s t b arund n th ffts.In fact, thngs changd n 963 n a natnal vl Prsdnt Knndy

was assassnatd, and h Vtnam Wr was hatng up eave o Beaver

ran ts last psd, and th Batls r arund th cr Amrca was

suddny drnt I ddnt knw wha was gng n, but sthng had

undnaby changd

Latr I gt ntrstd n lbral pltcs, spcaly ar watchng th

968 Dmcratc Natna Cnvnt n TV And whl n rtrspct, pr-

haps th ntwrks shwd nly what thy wantd, th scnar cnvydarcut gd guys and bad guys Th gd guys wr th prtstng hp

ps and ypps Th vlans wr th Chcag plc, Mayr Rchard

Daly, and th Dmcratc Party s cnsrvatv wng, whch wantd t push

n n Vtnam CstaGavrass Z a brantly prducd mv, furthr cn-

sldatd my vws

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n th sur of 69 got o kow so hpps fro narb Cabrdg. I lovd thr nonconfot and polcs bu spcall lkd thatth accptd rspctd and talkd wth about adult ssus It

was a wlco rf fro th uvl clqushnss of hgh schoo socthat fall I ntd Colb Collg n Watrvll Man as a frshan

Th natons batl ovr Vtna was hadng towads ts crscndo and th 

caus was toall dvdd W ddnt call ourslvs "bals and "consrvatvs thrw wr th "fraks or "ocks and dfnt

landd n th "frak cap A frnd nd I htchd to D.C. o protst th wa.I ad poltcs vocfrous knon and whl druk vn nsutd arunnng back on th football a knockd out on of th but I

ddnt prss chargs; ar all got so atnon and bsdsdsrvd th punch

startd wrng a lwng colun cad "Cand Cgartt for th Co nwspapr th Echo I alwas sprnkld n foulttr words ctantha th capus pruds ndd a fw good jolts And wrot a coc strpfor t pap as wl spoofng Prsdnt Rchard Nxon and Vc Psdnt

Spro Agnw as Batan and Rob. Thd go whzg about n caps

sockng brals k Knndan a McGovan wth bg "pws and"bff

T capus consrvatvs coutrattackd wh coluns opposngn h rotatd thr forcs bu t ddn attr I was convncd I couldrun gs around al of th

Aftr th Knt Stat shootngs n sprng of 97 Colb jond th rs

of th naton's collgs and wnt o srk. I ad a bln for Cabrdg

and nd a oo n a hpp hous a fw blocks fro Harvard Squr.

Cabrdg was a rvoutonar frtss th HaghtAshbur of th East.Long har was a badg on a an thn dntfng ou as "br rbl

fatrnt Stangrs would approac ou sa "H and o wnt h con-vrsato M rooats and wld ll grtngs out h wndow to

othr hpps passng n th strt; n th' d co w 'd ght up jonts and

rap for hours Nothng aks frnd lk utua nsand our badgus wr vrwh pgs (cops Nxon th ltarndustra stab-lshn and anon who agrd th th Obvousl th Vctoan

fogs of th pvous gnaton dd lk our lfstl bcaus th wr jalos. Evn clbrts I'd adr as a chldk John Wan BobHop and Walt Dsnwr now on st of total skuzzbals bcaus of

hr consrvatsCabdg n h sur of '7 as cacklng wth xctnt Evr

vng sd o brng so nw adntu. Th grls wr goodlookng

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and nar vr song on rado that summr was a toal ht I hawkd th thnradca Boson Phoenx on h strt. I narowl udd pigs fring targas durng a Harvard uar riot. I go muggd on nightand vn ha I

dug moronicall chasing th gus though th strts of Cambrdg Th nxt da I rad in th papr that th sam duds had bn on a crim spr and knifd som popl

I was ightn and m housmats a w ars oldr but th tratd m as an ual which I rall lovd. I shad a room with a hashsh dalr Idlvrd a fw bags of grass for hm. Prsonal hough I didnt go muchfor marijuana and hashcouldn't sm o gt hgh off thm lik othr po-p. o I stuck mostl with booz. But hat was cool wth vondivr-sit crca 97

Whn I rturnd from Colb to Cambrdg in th summr of 97 how-vr I was shockd at th dirnc on ar had mad No mor owrchild idalism and brothrhood among longhairs. Th whol movmnthad grown sulln with cnicism and infighting Popl vid to b coolrthan ach othr. It go to whr if ou ikd McCartn ou wr uncool;onl Lnnon was cool. Th chang wasnt jus a Cambridg thing i wasnationa Th music had uckl soud and hits wr bcoming fw andfar btwn Th Bals and uprms had split up Hndrix Morisonand Jopln wr dad And thats what happnd to th whol hipp thingdvidd and dad It rmndd m of 96364, whn m grad school frnds and h countr had undrgon a swping transformationNow anothr was msrious occuing I still didn know wh onl thatit happndand snc othrs shard m obsrvation I knw I wasnttoall bonkrs

B th midsvntis Vinam was windng down and w rbls wr withou our biggst caus Th grat music was all gon. Rock and oll wasclpsd b disco whch mostl soundd alik to m. In 97 h numbron hi had bn th bautful Brde Over Troubed Waer In 976 Dsco

Duck. Bos I told m roomats music has com a long wa sinc th Bas . W aughd sadl.

On thing didnt chang houghm hard of rligon and th Bibl. Iwas a fulfldgd athst wih on contmpt for naiv fools who blivd.

Nothing could brng a smirk to m fac lk th mntion of God or h mwordmoralit M frinds and I who had Naona Lamoon mntalitismad no nd of God joks Havn w said was boooringstrunga harp all da But hll Farout Th was alwas a part an ndss sup-pl of booz and th usic was gra On som nights if ou wr luckou mght catch an apparanc b th dv himslfa ral swl downto-ath Jo

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Th onl "judgnt d ws ging to b th on run b To wk

th Rd ox ownr who did in 97 wk hd invstd illions in high

sris for ovr fort rsnd th ps nvr won h word ch-

pionship. On judgnt d Ywk would gthr bfor hi ll th gotsch o who would civ punishnt fitting his dds Th prs

would pld for rc but nc T would d o th btting vrgs

nd winnng prcntgs nd thir fts would b sld Johnn Psk

who d tht wild throw to blow th 6 World rishd gt ndlss

outhus of bsblls "Tst good Psk ncl To woud sk with

chuck on Buddinth shotsto who bootd l thos groundrs bck n

th fiftis Hd rid down bnnist tht turnd into zor bld Bill

Bucknr? Wl w didnt know bot h t.Tht ws th ild stu On frind nd I invntd joks bout God nd

Jsus Christ tht wr so crud oscn tht I doubt th blsph hs

vr bn grt xcdd

Vr rr soon wuld tr t pproch bout God I htchhikd

lot in th rl svntis nd n xhoin ddict who gv rid wit

nssd bout Jsus Christ Wl I didnt rl ind h ws n OK gu

hn n od AfroAricn pickd up hitching nd tlkd bout GodI sirkd noddd nd thnkd hi for th ift I couldnt rl tlk bck

t ths popltr ll th wr doing fvor Thn gin it did

s lik ripo to giv popl rids ust to push our ligion on th!

But if ou c to bout God fro out of th buwtch out! On

on job whr workd girl ust ntiond God in pssing. "God I sid.

od? Co on Gt rl wil Evron knows th snt n God! I

n whr hv ou bn Wht do ou think ths is th Middl Ags

Hr s ristld Wl tht ws hr pobl Nxt t sh d know to kphr stupid p shut

M niosit towrd rlgion ws so grt tht I vn studd th pl

Inher he Wnd to s wht proofs ginst God I coud ln

Howv own lif ws bginning to sg Bozing it up nd lstning

t "Born to b Wid through stro hdphons cn onl go on for so long

I ws gtting oldr but not bttr Ad if d bn frnk with slf would

hv dttd tht undrnth th srl surfc I wsnt hpp I wsntcptnt t too n things; I ws socil inpt nd rquntl dishonst.

o ppl pprochd wth Nw Ag prspctv Initill I

rud th Atr ll I ws ginst rligion not ust Christinit But

with nough prsusion nd sfdistisfction I cst o niosit to ll

things spiritul nd bgn ong trk into th strs of th Nw Ag 

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C A P T E R 2

ProbesCarved in Stone

his bk das with scinc and a lssr tnt riginnt actltpics ms us ma blins fr a th bkstr. Wuldn t w al rathrn sm Dlber and Far Sde catns Hwvr scinc and rgnar signfcant subjcts. tmatl h addrss wh w ar wh w ar

whr w cam rm and whr wr ging.Th prvailng planatin r lif runs smthng i this Abu itnbillin ars ag al th univrss mattr and nrg wr cmprssdtgthr but r sm rasn pld n a big bang This was a ht pcssbu as thngs cl hdrgn an lium gas frmd. Th gas mlculsapsd n thmsvs t ma ss and galas. Thus th univrs camt b.

ur sar sstm frmd v bin ars ag m a cud ust and

gas which cndnsd int th sun and plants n a ppular ldr thrth plants spun rm th sun.) lng tim ag Earth was mltn rc.As its hat dssipatd cans f warm primrdia "sup prsntd idalcnditins fr th rigin f i

Abu thr billin ars ag l gan as smpl clls. Evntua thsvlvd nt muticllular rganims which thn bcam invrtbratscraturs with n backbns li jlish and clams) Ths n urnvlvd int vrtbrats and th firt fish.

Atr a whil sm sh tird th watr and arnd t g n d and.Ovr ns as fsh sruggd t g ashr h dvpd ittl lgs andfinall succdd bcming ahibians rgs salamandrs tc.).mphibians thn vlvd int rptis and rptils int mammas an birds.

h prcss b which this ccud is calld "natural slctin. Organ-isms bs suitd t thir nvirnm wr abl t survv and passd hir


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strngths on to th nxt gnration Ths ovr craturs bca r

highl dvlopdn uch th sa wa w ar tod that brdrs

dvlop bttr fruits flowrs or rachorss. Lss fit cratrs bca

xtinctEach organis rsltd fro adapations o its nvronntal nich.

Giraffs for xap ivd arond hgh vgtaton inc giraffs longr ncks survivd btr long ncs bca sandard in th spcis In

th tooth and claw srggl for xistnc ach anal has volvd survval

chanss. W s this ilstratd vwhr chaons can chag

colrs and so conca hslvs from prdators porcpins hav nds

to fnd o nis and so forth

Man it s said dscndd fro aplik craturs As h volvd nd

bca or inlgnt hs brain and skll grw largr H forrl swng

fro trs but aftr adaping to if on h grond h lost his tail as it no

longr srvd an purpos Bcas ats wih ss har wr or atrac-

tiv an vntual ost his aplk hr as wll. Latr h rachd th cav-

an stag sill a brut bt ab o s crd ston tools. Final h vod

to his od stat

That or or lss is h xplanion for lf and h nivrs hatschools tach oda. ntil th nntnth cnur th Biblical viwtha

God had cratd th word and anwas alos nivrsa in th Wst t

aftr publcaton of Darwns The Orgn of Seces in 89 votionar

idas bgan pacng rigous orthodox until votion itslf bca


n rcnt ars howvr arwinis has bn chalngdno on i-

gios grounds bu coplling scintiic ons Books sch as Evouo ATheo n Crss b oclar bologst Michal nton Darn s Back

Box b biochist Michal Bh and Darn on Tra b law profssor

Phiip Johnson to na jst a fw hav shakn th vouonar sab-


This bok wil xain h gowing cas against votion. Tha ans

w'l da withghscinc suff B wll tr o kp it sp and

inrsing lik thos Dummes books. Wll dfin scintic words vn

at th risk of annoing thos wvrsd in sch rnologpaking of dfinions what is sinc? Webser's Ne Word Do-

na dscribs it as "ssatzd knowdg drivd fro obsrvaton

std and xprntaon

cnc dpnds on obsrvations not subjctiv opnions. What osr-

vations thn spport th thor of olton? How can w know tha fsh

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 16/330


evlved int land creaures and epties int birds especall since this hap-

pened llins f ears ag befre e were arund t see t

he nl real wa t knw he pas is t cnsult recrdsin this case the

fssil recrd I qute PierrePaul Grass the st einent French zlgistf his da

aralss ms mmbr ha h procss of volon s rvaldonly hroh ossl foms A nowd o paonooy h sdy o fosss] s hro a prqs; oly palonooy can provd hm whh vdnc of voon and va s cos or mchansms.

ale palentlgist Carl unbar stut defender f evlutin agreed

Alhoh h compaav sdy o lvn anmas and plans may vvry convncn crcmsana vdnc osss provd h ony hsorcal docmnary vdnc ha has volvd fom smplr o mor andmo compx forms

ir Gavin de Beer directr f he British Museu affred "he

last wrd n the crediblit and cure f evutn les with the paentl


ssils are ipressins r rea f plant and ania life preserved nhe earh he are fund in dierent edia such as sedientar rcs vl-

canc ash ca r aber bne r shell can cnsttue a fssl s can a


f he 29 failies f land verterates livng tda 79 percent are rep

reseted in the fssil recrd88 pecen excluding brds (which dn't read-

i fssilize) here are lns ssils in useus representing se

2 speces Natinal plls usll cnsider just 2 pepe enugh

t accuatel sape ur entre natn. we certainl have enugh fssispeciens t verif arwins

hs s especall true since evltin s a gradual prcess requirng l-

in f ears Darwin sated tha te nuber f interediae and transi-

tina inks between all livng and extinct species ust have been incn-

ceivabl great But assured if this ter be true such have lived upn the

earth hus the fssil recrd shul depic evlutins histr rganss

prgressing thrugh thei stages f velpent.s entined arwinis clais ish transfred int land creatures b

evlvng little ars and egs ver es f true there shuld be nnuerable

fssils f fsh with rudiena as and legs Yet we d nt find the In

fact rganiss appear in the fssl recrd full fred withut transitinal stages

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Drwin hisel recgnized his prble He ned in The Orn of


Why hen i no every eooical omaon and every am fl ofch inermedae lin? Geooy aredly doe no reveal any chfineyradaed oranic chan and h perhap he mo obvio anderio objecion which can be red aain he heory he explanaionlie a beleve in he exreme impeecion of he eoloical recod

Interestingly s the nineeehcentury criticis Drwinisce nt r clergyen but scientiss French plentlgis FrnisJules Pictet cplined

Why don we find hee radaon in he foi record and whynead of collecin hoand of dical ndvda do we no ndmoe inermedary form? o hi Mr. arwin eple ha we have know-ede of ch a mall poporion of foil ha one canno conc proof . Coneqenly accordin o hm we have only a few incomplee paeo he rea boo of nare and he anion have been in pae whch welack By why hen and by wha pecla le of probably doe happenha a pece which we nd mo feenly and mo abndanly in all

he newly dcovered bed ae in he mene majory of he cae pecewhich we already have n or collecon?

Drwin hped re ie nd excvins wuld yield ssis supptinghis thery He explined ht "Only sll prin he surce heerth hs been gegiclly explred nd n prt with suicient cre nd

"We cntinuly get hw lrge he rld is cpred wih the re verwhich ur gelgic rtins hve been creully exined

But in Drwins lietie nthing iprved nd he lented When we

descend detils we cn pve ht n ne species hs chnged (ie wecnnt prve ht single species hs chnged)

Are things dierent nw? Anthrplgist Edund R. Lech td the98 Annul Meeting the Briish Asscitin r he Advnceent Science Missing inks in the sequence ssil evidence wee wry tDrwin He el sure they wuld eventully urn up but they e sill ss-ing nd see likely rein

Les her r Dvid Rup curr gegy t he Field Museu Nurl Hisry in Chicg which huses the wrlds lrges ssilcllectin

He Darwn wa embarraed by he foil ecod becae i ddnlook he way he pedced i wold and a a re he devoed a on ec-on of h Orn o Ss o an aemp o explan and aionalie hedieence . . Dawin eneal oion o he ncompaibiliy of foi

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evidence and hi heoy wa o ay ha he foi record i a very incom-plee one . . . Well we ae now abo 1 0 year aer Darwin and nowl-edge of he fol ecord ha been greay expanded We now have a qar-er of a mllion fo pecie b e aion han changed mch. he

recod of evolion i ill piiy jey and ironically we have evenfewe exampe of evolonay ranion han we had n Darwin' ime.By hi mean ha ome of he caic cae of Dawinian change in hefoil recod ch a he evolion of he hoe n orh Amerca havehad o be dicarded or modfied a a el of more deaied informaonwha appeared o be a nce imp progeion when elaively few daawere available now appear o be ch more complex and mch le gradaiic

Harvard palntlgst tphn J Guld prbabl vlutins ladingspksprsn tda has acknwlgd

he exeme aiy of ranioal form in he foil ecord pe ahe ade ecre of paleonology. e evoionary ree ha ado or ex-boo have daa only a he ip d node of hei banche he e infeence however reaonable no he evdence of foil

Clin Pattrsn sni palntlgist at th Bitish Musu f Natual

Histr wrt n a prsnal lttr

fly agree wi h yor commen on he lac of drec i rao ofevolonary aniion n my bo f new of any fol or lving wold cerainly have nclded he Yo gge ha an a hod beed o valie ch ranformain b where wod he ge he infomaion from? cold no honey provide i and if were o leave oariic icene wold ha no mi ad he eade?

wroe he ex of my boo for year ago. f were o wre i now hn he boo wold be aher dieen. Gradalm i a concep believein no j becae of Dawin' ahoiy b becae my ndeandingof geneic eem o demand i. Gold and he American Mempeople are hard o conadc whe hey ay here are no raniional fo-il . A a paeonoogi myelf mch occpied wih he phlooph-cal problem of idenifying anceral form in he foi recod Yo ayha hold a lea how a phoo of he foil from which each ype oforganim wa erived wil lay on he inehee i no one ch fo-

il for which one cod mae a wargh agme. I

Grg Galrd ipsn prha th twntith cnturs frst pal-ntlgist said

hi regla abence of anal form i no confined o mammalb i an almo niveral phenomon a ha long been noed by paleon

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tooiss t is true o mos orers o csses o nims both vertebrte n invertebrte

David B Kitts of the School of Geoog and Geophsics at te nive-sit of Oklahoma wrote

esite the right romse tht eontoog rovies mens o seein evouion, i hs resente some nst iicutes or evoutonstshe mos notorous o which is the resence o s n the oss recorvouton requires intermete orms between secies n eontoooes not rovie them I

Dr Steven Stanle of the Depatmet of Eath and Panetar Sciences

Johns opkins niversit adds The known fossil record fails to documenta singe eampe of phletic evolution ccomplishing a major morphologicstructua] tansition and hence offers no evidence that the gradualisticmodel can be vaid

Professor eribert Nisson, director of the Botanca nstitute at Lundniverst Sweden decared afte fort eas of stud t ma, thereforebe firml maintained that it is not even possibe to make a caricature of anevoution out of paleobioogical facts he fossil material is now so com

plete that it has been possibe to construct ew casses and the lack of transitiona series cannot be eplained as de to the scarcit of the materia Tedeficiencies are real the wil never be filed e compained

osute ncestr e s no oun, it is sim stte th hst o been oun rwn hmse oen use hs rument n n hsme t ws erhs ustibe Bu hs ost is vue throuh themmense vnces o eobioo in te twenieh centur he r e

sution s th hose osss hve no been oun which were execteus where new brnches re suose o or o rom the mn sem hs been mossbe to in he conneng tes

Garet J Nelson of the American useum of Natural stor:

t is mske to beeve tht even one ossi seces or oss roucn be emonsre to hve been ncesr to noher he ncestorescenn retionshi m on be ssume o hve exse n thebsence o evence nicing oherwise.

To quote a more famlia voice Neseek reported in 980

n the ossi recor missin ins re he rue he stor o ie is s soine s sent newsree in whh secies succee one noher sb s Bn rme mnsers he more scenists hve serche orhe rnsion orms between seces the more he hve been rusrte

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R O L E M S R E D I N S T O N E 13

B ctg s ma authrts hvt mat t bat a dad hrslt dmstrat bd qust that th fss rcrd ds t supprt v-lut Ths s tru fr vr class amal

uppsd mcrscpc rgass vlvd t th frst vrtbrats.

Tda w hav umrbl fssls frm th Earhs mst act rcksth Cambra ad (much mr rarl Prcambra pds t har trasta fssls lkg mcrrgasms ad cmpl vrt-bras

Yu hav prbabl hard f th Cambra ps Cambra rckctas umrus mar rgasms whch appard suddthr fs-sl cstrs cmpltl mssg tph Ja Gud ackwldgs thatur mr tsv labr has stll fld t dtf a cratur that ghtsrv as a pausbl mmdat acstr fr th Cambra auas. Brtshblgst Rchd awks a ardt vlutst ts:

Th Camban saa o ocks vna abo 00 mon yas a hos ons n whch w fn mos of h majo nvba ops Anw n many o hm alay n an avanc sa of voon h vyfs m hy appa s as ho hy w js plan h whoany voonay h soy

uppsdl vrbrts vlv t vrbrtssurl a vr lgprcss t dspt cutlss fssls frm bth grups thr s t spcm trmdat btw thm! If such std musums wuld ds-pla thm

hr dd th frst fsh cm frm Thr ar blls f fsh fssls

but as J R Nrma f th Brtsh Musum f Natural Hstr statd: Thglgcl rcrd has s far prvdd vdc as t th rg f thfshs . . Grald Tdd Arian Zoologt lbratd

Al h sbvsons o h bon fshs s appa n h oss l coa appoxaly h sam . y a aay wly vn mopholocaly an hy a havy amo. How hy ona? Whaallow hm o v so wly? How hy all com o hav havyao? A why s h no ac o al nma foms?

h t grup amphbas als ppars suddl th fss rcrd.Fr ars vlutsts clmd tht th cacath b fss fsh was

a rrur f th amphbs ts s dscrbd as lmblk. Th clacath had suppsdl b tct r 7 il ars.

h 98 fshrm caught lv th Afrca cast cth but 20 mr hv b caught. Ths mbarrssd vlutsts frbsds prvg th clacath was t tct fr 7 mll ars am-t rvald t was prct h wth amphba charactrstcs.

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Amphibians supposd vovd into rpis But as paonoogis

Robrt L aro notd in Biologial Reie of te Cambidge Piloop

ial Soie

nfornaly no a ingl pcin of an appropria rpilian anc-or known pror o apparanc of r rpl. T abnc of cancral for la any probl f apibianrpil raniionnanwrd.2

Fro B to Jui Pak dinosaurs hav bcom a hot it. But

how man dinosaur ancsors occur i th fossi rcord Not one een

toug tey uppoedly amed at fo million yea om 

dinosaurs had spiks som armor pats Thir contmporaris th ptro-dacts had wings Whr ar a th transitiona fossis showing how ths 

faturs dvopd?

This probm among prhistoric ris was rcognizd vn in th 

nintnh cnur. ir Richard Own who coind th word dinosaur

and suprintndd th Dpartnt of Natura Histor at th Briish

Musu nod

a icyoar by wic gn diappar in cak iardly diingiabl p�ificaly fr fir icyoar, wicabrpy inrodc a rang for of aliard in Lia T odProdacy i a orog and copl a on a a2

Rpis agd bcam mama Thr ar fossis ha hav bn

abd "mammaik rptis but sic h ar a tinct w cannot

amin thir sof issus As ocuar bioogist Micha Dnon obsrvs

poibiliy a aallik rpi wr coplly rpiianin r of ir anaoy and pyiology canno b xcldd. T onyidnc w a rgarding ir o biology i ir crania ndocaand gg a, a far a r nral nrvo y wr concrnd, y wr nirly rpilian.

And vn ths ack an dirct fossi intrdiats Tom mp curator

of zooog at th Ofod nivrsit Musu rot

Gap a a lowr axonoic ll, pci and gnra, ar pracicaynral in oil rcord of aalik rpil. n no ingladqay docnd ca i i poibl o rac a raniion pci bypci, fro on gn o anor.

To account for th oddit of ocanic mammas (whas sa cows and

dophins voutionists sa th vovd fro fish to and craturs thn

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wnt ac to th sa again But Brish author Douglas Dwar a fllow of

th Zooogical Socit nod

Bot wal and a cow wim by t p and down momnt of t

grat flattnd tail. Sc ont i ipoibl in a land ania tat aa pi, bt a wldlopd pi i ntia to ry and aniawic it ind lg for wakig . . a rpatdly akd otionit to dcib or draw t kton of a crat of wic t pliand ind g ar anatocally idway btwn t tat tat prail inwal and a cow on t on ad and a land qadrpd on t otro on a accptd t calng and of co a foi of c a ca-tr a not bn fond and nr ill b.

ptils supposdl cam ird as wl thir scals tuing into fat-

rs Bu what documntation xists? W E. Swinon of h Briish usum

of atural Histo statd: orign of irds is largl a mattr of dduc-

tion hr is no fossil vidnc of stags trough which th rmaral

chang from rpil to ird was achivd. Barara J Stahl in Vertebrate

Hio Pblem in volution wo: No fossi structur transitiona

n scal and fathr is nown, and rcnt invstigators ar unwilling

to fund a hor on pur spculatihat aou inscts Ptr ar athor of h Lif Natur Lirars oo

he Inet osrvd:

Tr a no foil known tt ow wat t priti anctalnct ookd ik Ania f c coplty do not co ntobing ddny ty t a b oling for tn of ilion of yabfor Unt foil of t anctr ar dicord, owr, t arlyitory of t nct can ony b infrd.

iwis plants lac fossil vidnc for thir volution Th av no

ancsral forms n th googc ars Profssor Chstr . old,

vrsit of Miigan, notd in An Intodution to Paeobotany

a ong bn opd tat xtint plant will ltiatly ral om oft tag tog wic xiting gop a pad dring t cor oftir dopnt bt it t b fly adittd tat ti apiation a

bn flfilld to a y ligt xt n tog paobotanical rarca bn in progr fo o ta n ndrd yar A yt w a notbn ab to trac t pyognti itory of a ing grop of odpant fo it bginning to t prnt

Supposdl, marin plants volvd into rrstral pants ut as Gnsl

and ndrws rportd in Amerian ientit:

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ill lack ay prci iforati cocrig t prd aaicactor fro wic ad plat od ad t arc for idc oft prcror ad of probab traitioal tag coi

E . H. Coer professor of ropical oa at Camridge Uiverstthough opig that othe elds suppo evolutio stated that:

ti tik tat o t prdicd foil rcord of pa i ifaor of pcial craio f owr aor xplaatio cod b fodfor i irarcy of caificaio i old b l of ory ofolio Ca yo iagi ow a ocid a dckwd ad a pal aco fro t a acry ad av w ay idc for i ap-

tio? T olioi b prpad wi a awr b ik tatot wod brak do bfor a iqiio. Txtbook oodwi

ome will ask What aout the horse s that a weldocumetedexample of evoluto The famous horse seuece origiaed with h-

iel C arsh a ieteethcetur fossil huter who dug p dozes ofhorse fossils arsh put them i a logcallookig arragemet that ale

Uiversit displaed. The seres was log claimed to demostrate proges-

so from smaller multitoed horses o the larger oetoed horse of todaHowever the sequece is discredited oippu he ti creature oce

cosidered the first horse is ow ko to more closel resemle the od-e hrax a rodetlike mammal t is rue that i orth merica oetoedhorses are foud i more recet geologc laes ha threetoed However

excavatios i Neraska have show that threetoed ad oetoed hosescoexisted d i outh merica a oetoed horselike creatre

oaerium, ecame extict efore threeoed tpes of the same oder

ddt is quite eas to arrage some fossls from smalles to lagest ad clam

this proves evolutio Oe could for example pace the oes of a hi-

huahua eagle oxer ad Great Dae sequece the tell a future ge-

erao that the show dog evolutio. hs is essetial what happeed iththe horse Eve toda however horses var greatl from miiatures adpoies up to work horses

Lest aoe thik me impertiet calg the horse sequece dead

have alread quoted (p David aup of Chicagos Field useum. Butlet s hear additioal authores

Professor Heriert ilsso of Lud iverst:

faily r of or i baf ad coio oly i t tx-book. rality proidd by r of rarc i i p togtrfro tr part of wic oly lat ca b dcribd a icldig

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orses. Te fors o te first part ae st as c ittle orses as te presentday damans [yraxes] are orss

aret Hardin profeor of iolog at the Univeit of Califoia Sana

BaaaT]ere was a tme wen te estng fosss of te oses seeme to

indicate a straigtlne eolton om sal to large ro doglike toorseke ro anials wit sie grinding teet to animals wit tecoplcated csps o te odern rse. It ooked straigtnelike telinks of a can. Bt not for long. s more fossils were ncoered tecan splayed ot int te sa pylgenetc [eoltionary net and it wasa too apparent tat eoltion ad t been in a straigt lne at all bt tat

to consder size ony orses ad nw grown taler now sorer wt tepassage of tie. Unfortnatey befoe te pictre was copletely cear anexbit o orses as an exampe o ortogenesis ad been set p at teerican se of atral isory, ptograped and c repro-dced in eleentary textbooks wre t is stll being reprnted today) .

oce Renerger enior editor o Siene :

Te poplarly tod exampe o orse eoltion sggestng a gradal

seqence o canges from fortoe foxsized creatres liing nearly 50illion years ago, to todays c larger onetoed orse, as long beenknown to be wrong Instead of gradal cange fosss of eac ntered-ate species appear fly dstinct, ersist ncanged and ten becoeextinct Transitional fors are nknwn2

noher popuarl cited foil i he extinct ird Araeopex whoename mean ancient wing. Found i the ame geoogic trata a dinoaur

it wa conidered anceral to modem ird predaing them 6 mionea. Evoutionit have long calle it intermediate etween reptile and

ir Araeope wa noted to hae feather ie a irdu lie a rep

tile teeh claw and a ather long tai.

hat exemplie omething evouionit often do equae imilarie toreationhip. houghful conideaon and new dicoveie have demon

traed that Araeoperyx wa a rue ird Onl ird have feather

Araeope had perfect developed wing a Stah note i feather

gav no hint of primive eature impint the left in he roc cear andharp mae it evident that the feater of Araeopex were aread in

uraic ime exact le thoe of id ing toda t alo had a ea

idie ull perchng feet and wihonea unique to ird n

Araeopex foil none of he rait are in a tranitional tage utful developed

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s fr ts repile caracterisics es i t ad caws n is wngs u s

des te strc and nd cnsders t part repte True Araeopex

ad teet ut s did sme ter fssil rds and its teeth diered distinct

frm tse f reptles4 urtermre se reptiles such as urles ave nteee aen a distnc reptiian tademak s Araeopex tai

furer nspecin as swn strng resemles a swans

fssil resemlng a mde rd as nw een fund in Easte Cl-

rad in te same gelgic strata as Araeopex, and Texas Tec

researcers ave reprted discvering ird fsss in rcks dated mucder Tis eiminates Araeopex as te ancestr das irds. Even

leadng evluniss Sepen a Guld and Niles ldedge discunt it as atransitinal frm terming i ntng me an a curius msac.

Dieard evlutinists cninue asset ta intermediates exist utsince te mus cntnua cie te same exampleste rse

Araeopex mammalike reptles and scant erswe see ust w

rare te are (Of curse claims are als made regardng uman tansitina

frmsaustrapitecines Neanderals etc Tis suec is s vast we

will later address it separate)

T reprase e ransitinal prlem Trugut e gelgc laerswic suppsed fmed ver ense varius kinds f fssls remain

esseniall uncanged in appearance Te sw n evlutin ver lng

ages Palentlgsts cal tis stass Siene editr Bce Renserger

repng cmments Niles Eldredge nted: Species simpl appear a a

given pint in gelgic time persist largel uncanged fr a few illn

ears and ten dsappear Tm Kemp saed in Ne Sienis

As is now w nown os fossil spcis appar instananosly inh fossil rcord prsis for so iions of yars irally nchangdonly o disappar abrptly. . .

s Harvads Stepen Ja Guld put it

ost spcis hibit no dirciona chang dring thir tnr on arthThy appar in th fossil rcord ooing ch h sa as whn thy dis-appar orphologica chang is sally iid and dircionlss.

Bees are a perfect example f stasis Teir fssils are muc lke das

ees n 988 Geoime cmmened e discver f te ldest ee ever

fund in amer

Daid Griadi a crator at th Aican s of ara HistoryN rpord in Dcbr tha th singlss bs adancd fatrs showhat bs ha changd li in th la 80 ilion yars2

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Lkwis, arthopods hav alwas n ahopods clams clams and shs Spongs hav awas n spogs lsh jllsh, and snails snailsCration scintist Duan Gish comntd wth iron

tinit wd a bl tat wil om codald n a fi wic d nto ampibian wic ld ntopl wc d nt bird and mamal and lwr mamalold n p laddr to man all ndr cmplling cang n tnironmnt crdat a rad ncangd fo at at 600 millinya oltion i a ang pnnon indd.

Amphians rmain gnrall unangd in th ossl rcod so do mam-mals For xampl palontologis ort L Carrol o McGill Univrst

wo Th odst sklton o a a anyceri rom th ar Eocnaout 50 million as ago in th lutionar tm ram], appas almostinditinguishal rom lving ats

ossil plants dmonstrat stass oo D Gar Parkr, a iologist whornouncd volution asks

Did yo r wond wat kind f plan t dnar rmpd arondn? anwr ay rpi yo nfamiliar anima now xtinct,

wandd aond among o familiar plant oak wilw magn-ia aaa palm and or c commn fowrng plant.

, as Darwinism proposs actia volvd all th wa into man thnadapiv changs should hav n constantl ongoing Wh thn do os-sis sta th sam through countlss llions o as

Woud t worth pointing out th th ossil rcod showing al animalscoplt whn rst sn, is what wd xpct i God cratd thm whol,jus as t Bil sas

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P . Coelacant ossil in urassic rock

P 2 Te coelacant was togt extinc for 7 milon yeas

until caugt o Madagasca.

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P 3 oss o Arheopex, purported link

between reptles and birds

P Artists restoton oArhaeoptex

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:;�·i<' -


r v

P 5. Insects peseved i amber demonstrate stasis


OcdmKG Gl

P . Transitiona sequenes: easie drawn tan done

2 2

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C A P T E R 3

Marveus Mutatins

efore contining I sod mention tat sing scientic qotations in te

creation-evoltion debate as stired controversy. Some feel qite eatedly

tat te opinons of any creation scientist a scientist wo believes te Bible

accrately eplains creation carry no validity or eample Iowa State ni

versity professor on Patterson stated in te Joua of e Naona Cen-

erfor Siene duaon "As a mater-of-fact creationism sold be dis

cminated aganst. . o advocate of sc propaganda sold be trsted to

teac science casses or admnister cience programs anywere or nder

any circmstances. l

I believe tat a person's religos convictions do not invalidate is qal

ications as a scientist. Isaac ewton and ois Paster were devot Cis

tians wo trsted te Bible and believed n divne creation. Sold we tere

fore epnge te dscoveries A scentic observation stands or fal s on its

own merits not te observers spirital otloo

Still al bt a few of my qotes come from evoltionists. Sc sage as

also been controversia owever, becase it is said tat qoting an evotionist in spport of creation misrepresents te person. owever mc dis

sent eists witn te evoltonary commnity And were a Darwinst com

ments for eampe on te fossil records faire to docment transitiona

forms it is valid to qote im in tat contet. et me be cear tat in citing

evoltionists on specific topics I am not implying tey are creationists.

Most wold strongly reject ts boos broader concsions

Bt te critics cant ave it bot waysif all qotes by creation scientists

ae "invalid and al qotes from evoltionary scientists are "msrepresentations we get a two-eaded coin tat permits no references at al will

terefore qote bot freely based only on te academic credentials of te

individals and te apparent merit of teir observatons.

Ecept were especially reevant I will not slow te tet by trying to

annotate eac persons religios beliefs in most cases I wold ave no idea


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wat ty wr. Howver, veryone I quo wo as publicly akn a posi

ton as a creaion scnist s listed n Appendix One o tis book. Tose wo

consider rlgious beies a yardstck o cntic rliablity are wlcome to

consult it.

* * *

Bsides a near-total lack o ossil vdece, anoter probem conronts Dar

wins tess: s could not dveop tose littl arms and legs unlss tey

rst ad genes or arms and legs. Werd t genes come rom

In living cels, redtary inormation is carred by treadlik sructures

caled cromosomes genes are e sa portions o cromosomes conced wit spcc caracterstics. O cours, people ar born wt red

air and brown ys only i ey av genes or red air and brown ees.

Gnes dictae an organsms entire psical makeup, to t minutest dtal .

T ninteentcntury monk Grgor Mendel laid te groundwork or

gnetics in is now-amous botanica xperimts. He was gnored n is

own tim, owever, and no untl e tente century was gnetics stab

lsed as a science. T ld was unknown to Darwin, wo smpl tougt

craurs adaptd o environments, unaware at no cange occurs witoutapproprae genes.

T dscovry o genetics trust a brck wall beore evolution. How dos

a microbe single cell tu into a clam, nto a is, into a rog, into a lzard,

nto an ape, into a man Tse transormations couldnt appen unlss t

organm rs ad t nnumerable gnes required or tem.

Mod voluionists came up wit an answr: muaon Mutations, o

cours, are abrupt alteratons n gns or cromosoms. stimates o mua

tion rquncy vary it depends on meod o caculaion as wel as te type

o organism beng consderd, but evyon agrees tey occur quit raly

Darwist Ricard Dawkns noes tat te probablit tat a gen will

mutat is oten less tan on in a llion2 rio Capra, dircor o te

Cner or colieracy n Berkeey, Caliornia, reported in 996 "It as

ben estimatd tat tos canc errors occur at a rat o about one per sev

ra ndred milion cells in ac genration.3 Mutations can result rom

nens causs suc as radiaton, may produce pysica canges, and arsometms transmited o osprng.

To make genetics jive wt Darwinism, mode evolutonsts say natural

selcton works armoniously wit mutaions n otr words, an orgaism

dvops som new positv caracteristc troug mutation, better adaptng

i o te environment. Te cratur tn passs tis mutatd trat on t te

nex gneraton, wile organisms witout , bng wakr, d out. A prct

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exaple, we are told, is tated bcteria wic resst antibiotcs sc as

peiclli ts creatig a new strain o stroger bacteria

votion postates tat taons prodced al te canges tat ave

brogt te icrobe p te ladder o a a Ideed, tey mut ave or Darwian teory to work i le bega as a sngle cell, ten te ere livig

word arod s reslted ro aions

is explanaton aces seros dicltes, owever. Mtations are alost

niversay aru an bens, tey are classed as brt deects

ey oten reslt in deat or sterili. People today ser ro ore tan

4 disorders cased by gee ations Dows syndroe, cystic bro

sis ad sickle cell aneia are aiir exaples. Bt wat beneits can we

st ro tation Wo opes is ild wi be born wit oee an ear is a ngenios srctre Blood s pped ro e

rigt sde o te eart to te lngs, were it receves oxygen back to te

eart's let side, wic propes it to e rest o te body trog ore tan

6 iles o vessels. e ear as or cabers a syste o valves

prevents backlow to ay o tese electrical ipses ro a paceaker

coro te ears ryt

Rarey, babies are bo wt congeita ear disorders, aking blood

st to te wrog place ere s no known case o tations iprovingcircaton. eoglobnte bloos oxygen-carrying coponentas

over orty at variants o one ransports oxygen as wel as noral


o accep evoltio, we st beieve tat an blood circlaiona

woder o engineeringwas acaly ontruted by cance ations,

we acal observaton deosras tey do oting bt daage it. We

st beleve tat tatios bilt te an brain and every oter eatre o

lie o Eart. Britis sciece writer rancis itcg noted

To of ot porf ca of aion ar ard ga andxray A ont rflction on t orror of Hiroia cidrn bornit dford lib and bodi or blood diordr condning t orar da i nog to o ta y r nikly candidat oay a o in t trgg f xitnc in a lifga r r-vival of t fitt i t govrning rl.

Bioceist Ernst Cai, wo sard a obe Prize or is work o pecii, declared

To potlat a t poiivit o nd of a cntry and irfollor r av don ta dvopnt and rvival of t fitti ntr a conqnc of canc ation or vn tat natr carrot xprint by tria and rror trog tation in ordr to crat lv

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ng y bt fttd to m to a hypoth bad on nodnc and rconcab wth th act. . . . Th cacal olton thor a a gro oplfcon of an ny cop and

ntrca a of fact and t aa that thy wr wallowd oncrcally and adly and fo ch long t by o any cnttwtho a rr of prot.

ven Teodosis Dobzansky on o te twentiet centry's leading

Darwinists acknowledged:

And yt a ajorty of taton th tho arng n laboato andho tord n nata popaon odc dtroraon of ably

hrdtary da and ontrot Sch chang t wold canhardly r a otonay bdng lock.

atral selection does not tend to reserve mtaions rater it weeds

tem ot. I again qote Mr Hitcing:

On th fac of t thn th pr ncon of th gntc yt wold to b o chang o ptat th pc n a nalyadapd fo n pon to atd cndton and f at al pobl to gt

thng bac to noal. Th o of nral lcton ally a ngaon to droy th fw tan ndal that thratn th ablty of thpc.

Te teory as yet anoter gap. r mtations to occr tere mst rst

be genes. Bt ow did genes originat eore te rst mtation

ets look closer at wat mtation really are: inormationa erors. Te

genetic code presents eicient instrions or al nctions o te man

body or any oter organism Mtatios are cance events wic alter tose

instrctions. Tey create a oss o inmationnot a gain Dr ee Spetner

olds a PD. in pysics rom MIT; tagt inormation and commnica

tion teory or ten years a ons Hopns niversity and te Weizman Insti

tte. His 997 ook Not By Cane! atteing te Mode eo of vo-

lution eamines mtational teory in etail Spener notes

B n all h radng I' don n fcnc trar I nrfond a tation tha addd nforaon . . . A pon aton hat ha

bn dd on th ocla ll t o to rdc h gntc nfor-aton and not nca .

Britains Micael Pitman armed

th obraton nor conrold prn ha hown naral c-ton anpang taton o a to podc a nw gn horonny y or organ. I

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Dr . E. Wldr-Smit lucidad in is book Te Natural Scene

Kno Notng of voluton

If watr pord oo a tx wrtn nk h xt w th d-

fd or pary dgd; t nr fndaaly nw nforatonaddd o th txt th annr h chry of muttons n h gnccod foraon ha an ffc iar to hat of war on or tx. ao odfy or droy arady xtng gtc nforaon t thynr cra w forao. Thy r cra for xapl an nrynw oogca organ ch a an or ar. Hr an rror or o-arw whch ach hat fnntally nw foraon crady taon.

cal B associat prossor o bocmstry at ig nrstydraws tis analogy in s 1996 boo Darn Blak Box Suppos you

rciv a manuacturrs instructions n ow to assmb a bicyc muta

tion is ik a prnting ror cangng n o t dirctions rom "tak a 4

inc nut to "tak a 3/8 inc nut This is vry unliky to giv you a bttr

bicyc But suppos by canc it dd and 3/8 inc nuts bcam a nw stan

dard or t bik t strtcs crdbilty to say tat a srs o suc rors

could stp by stp convrt your bicycl into a motocyclyt tats wat

votion claims. 3

By t sam tokn it is nary imssibl to vn transform on sntnc

into anotr .. "itt Mss Mut sat on a tut into "ttl Bo-Pp

as ost r sp by canging on ttr at a tm and stil av it man

ngu at ac stp T longr t sntnc t mor dcult tis task or

can n organ or animal bcom anotr by canging on gn at a tim

and still b unctioning at ac point.

O but wait. Wat about tat ampl o bactria rsisting antibioticsDosn't tat prov t mutationa tory at ast possib ctualy som

bactria possss a natural gntic capcity to rsist crain antibiotics muta

tions ar not involvd. n otr cass mutations caus a structural dct in

rbosomst cllular constitus tat antibotics lik strptomycin

attac to Sinc t antibiotic dosn' t connct wit t misshapn ribosom

t bactrium is rsistant But is tat voution s Sptnr nots

hn hat th ao rc th pcfcty of th rooron and ha an ong gtc nforaton Rathr than ay thacr gand ranc o h noc, w wod r corrct oay hat t o t ntty to t. I o nforato. h DT noDar-wna thory ppod o xpla how h foraton of f ha nt p y olo Inforat canno lt p y taton hao t. A n can ak on y ong a lt at a .

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2 8

In oter cases, some mutant bacteria, because tey ave defetive me-

brane don t absorb nutrients wel ortitously or tem, tat neiciency

also prevents teir absorbing antibiotics And so, in tis instance also, ey

survive beter tan teir normal cousns. But te muation did not maketem stronger, or "evolve to a iger tte

kewise, i te worlds ligt suddeny dsappeared, bind people migt

ave an advantage over oters, since tey were aready accustomed to oper

ating in darkness But we cannot ten interpret blindness as positive, or rep

resenting evolutionary advance.

C. P Martin, writing in Amerian Sentit made a simlar point wen e

compared x-rays eect on te body to eing kicked and beaen:

It i qt pobl tat ont nong abot gt dlocat a anodr, and tat contind nocing abot gt actay rdc tprio dlocation no an pron wold ct c a ca a ti topro tat t rlt o nocng a an abot ar not inr; nor wodanyn rr to t rt a idnc at nocing a an abot can pro-dc an pront o t noral an. For a trly progr or o-ltonapt tation t rlt n an ipront or t nora condi

tion T trt i tat tr i no car dnc o t xitnc o cp tation. In natral poplatn ndl illon o a andgrat gnic dirnc xit bt tr i no idnc tat ty aro bytation I

We could ypotesize urter exampes o cance beneits rom desrc

tion, bu tey always require exceptional circumstances. Evoluionists, ow

ever, ve made te exception te rule. Teir catalogue o known benecial

mutations is so slim tat tey must again and again trot out drug-resistant

bacteri. rom tis and oter rare intnces, suc as te development oConcord grapes tey extrapoate an entire world creaed by mutation.

Even i we allow or an occasiona beneicial mutaion, a is would

need more tan one to develop an ar or legt would require an orces

trated multitude. Wat are te cances o many mutations occurring

togeter George Gaylord Simpson, proessor o vertebrate paleontoogy at

arvard, commented

itano apparanc o ral gn tation in on indiidala nr bn obrd o ar a ow and any tortca artionta ti i an portant actor in olton can b diid . . t prob-ability tat i iltano tatio wod occr n any on inddalwold b abot 000000000000000000001 T an tat f t pop-laton aragd 00,000,000 ndida wt an arag ngt o gnr-atin o ony on day, c an nt cod b xpctd only onc in abot

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, yara priod ao on hndrd i a long a hag of h arh

ut couldn a fis undergo a sinle mutaion contrbuting to a leg wit

more accumulatng over eons Actually many muations dont get passedon. ot only do tey normally make te indvidual less fit but a mutaed

gene is often recessivetat is ospring receive te trait only if bot par

ents ave it. Examples are sicke cel anemia and cystic fibrosiscidren

don get tem unless bot parents trnsmi te gene Tis is wy people are

conseed o marry someone from otside teir famly

o for our fis friend to perpetuate te benecial mutation creating a

bit of a leg e migt ave to mate wit anoter s possessing te same

cance mutation. Could suc lucky oincidences appen again and againnd te problem grows For a utation to become a new standard t

mus spread troug te wole speces. Teres an adage Two eads are

beter an one. Suppose tat by mation a man was born wit two eads.

An say e was smarer tan everyone ese and tus able to survve better

Even so for te trait to become uniersal te man would firs ave to pass

it to is cildren f te muation ws recessive tis woud be impossible

unless is wife also ad two eads en teir twoeaded ospring would

ave to mate and someow be so attracive or inteigent compared to otermans ta all oneeaded people were eliminaed. Tis woud surey be

a long processbut one tat must occur every time any muation becomes

te norm for any speces.

anging species is no easy trick As e ast capter noted fossils sow

tem remaining uncanged for eons. Wy ten ave some creatures appar

enty never mutatedwie oters if evolution is true mutated ike crazy

ere are mutationsbut not ansmutatons Zooogist PierrePaul

Grass former president of te Frenc Academy of Sciences observed

Th opporn apparanc of aion pring ana and plano hr nd hard o b Y h Darwnian hory nor dandng A ng plan, a ing anal wold rqr hoandand hoand o cky appropria n Th, racl wold coh rl n wh an nnil proailiy cod no fail o occr

rasss comments bear witness at evolutionists wile rejecting mira

cles suc as God creating ife mus conure miracles of teir own o makeDarwins teory work Spetner as calcuaed te odds of developing a sn

ge new species troug mutation b multiplying te rate of muation times

te cances of a mutation being avantageous tmes te cances of te

muation spreadng trougout a species times te number of steps requred

o form a new species Toug e uses rates generous to evolutionary

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theory, the resulting odds are one in 6 x 1 038 thats a 36 with 23zeroes ater 8 Mathematicians usually consider anything with odds

greater han 1 in 105 eectivey impossble To loosely paraphrase Speter,

believing species develop though mutions is like beleving youll become

a millinaire by colectng the pennies ou fnd while out stroling

So far, incidentally no evolutionist as been spoted basng in x-rays in

hopes f "mutating into a higher state

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ogic Sorsarwin's ates

w evolutionists would agree t by my rekoning tere are now two

strkes on Darwinism Woa! Here omes a olan Ryan astball

The problem of af organs

In a populr evoluonary explanaion eres ow reptiles evolved into

birds: Tey wanted to eat lying insets tat were out o rea So e rep

tles egan leaping and lapping tir arms to get iger. Over milions o

yers teir limbs transomed nto ings by inrements In anoter model

te reptiles were tree-dwellers wo eaped Tose wo glided well survived

and eventually developed wings ut tose wo glided poorly went ker

plunk and were wiped out In ese senaos e reptiles sales sprouted

eaters over time and inally tey beame irdsne problem s tat anatomialy repilian sales and ird eaters are

opleely dissimilar Sales are a toug tin plate. eaters are so and

deliate like air tey aise rom mall oles in te skin alled olliles

tey are ed togeter by a networ o little ooks invisible to te naked

ey-ne eagle eater s over 2 o em

n Vertebrate Hsto Pbem n Evouton Barbaa . Stal noted "It

is o diiult to imagine ow eaters one evolved assumed additionaluntions but ow tey rose intily presumably rom reptilian sales

dees analysis

e teory suers rom an illogial premise tat pervades Dawinsm

ording to natural seetion a pysial trai is aquired beause it

enanes survival Obviously ligt is eneiial and one an ertainly see


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how fyng animals might survive bettr than hose who couldnt, and ts

natural selecton woud preserve them.

The problem is, wings wold have o survival value ntl they reaced

the point of fght Birds wings and fethers are perctly designed instruments. Those wit crppled or clipped ings cannot fly and are bad cand

dates for suvival. ikewise, he intermediate creature whose lmb was alf

leg, half wing, woud fare poorlyit oldnt y, nor walk wel. atura

selection would eliminate it withou a econd thogt

The same would hold true for the is that Darwinsms sh supposedly

deveoped, or for any body part. nti he organ is operatve, t oers no

advantage, and naral selection has n reason to favor t. s Stephen ay

Goud asked "Of what possible use e the imperfec incipent stages of

seful sructures What good is haf a aw or half a wing3

Evolutonists, incuding Gould, genrally try to epain organs' develp

ment by hypotesizing hat, en roue to becomng fnctional, they must

have served some other useful purpos now unknown to us and hus sur

vved under natural selection But ths s merely a rationalization based on

no evidence

classic eample of an organ that ould not have evolved is the huaneye, whose superlative design was not eal appreciated until the inventon

of cameras and oher optical nstruments dependent on the same prnciples

or sight to occr, lgh ms pass thrgh the pupil, which automaticay

adusts, by widening or contracting, t permt a proper amount of ligh to

ener the eye I then passes through the ens, which focuses the image on the

retina, the light-senstive area in back of the eye e retina contans more

than 20 million photosensitive cels called rods and cones, which ranslate

ight into nerve impulses that reach th brain via the optic nerve.Vision reqres tha all of these be orking How then did naural selec

tion make them Dd he ens precede the retina Did te optic nerve come

rst By themselves, none o these costute vison they possess no iner

ent survval value that would cause atura seection to prefer them To

accep evolution, we must believe that chance mutations smultaneously

developed each, untl one day, by sheer coincidence, all were complete nd

harmoniousy arranged, and vson ocurred The situation troubled Darwin

hmself, who noted

To sppos tat y wt all it ntabl contriancs or ads-ing focs to dirnt distancs, for adtting diffrnt aonts oligt and or t corrcton of sprical and croatic arraion colda n ord by natral scto ss, I frly conss asrd nt gst dgr

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L O S T O R M S D R N S T E S 3 3

Most evolutionary texs avoid discssng eye evouion. One at tried

Gavin de Beers followed Darwin's own atepted

expanation by sowing a sequence of eyes of dieren organiss, stating

wit te os primtive But as one observer pointed out, "Tis ee ising

of eyes fro various anals wic e neglects or is unable) to sow to be

related can carry no convicion fo e case or evoution. t would be

equaly stupid to place a candle, a torc and a searclig side by side and

poceed to advance o a genealogical elationsip5

Wat abou color vision Micael Pitan wrote

I s ond n svral ony fs rpls rds s and prasAong aas ony pras s n coor Dogs cas orss and lls

do no Fs spposdly old ncssary rnal cons o gv color vson n los Rvovd y cran nrlad rdsand rpls y wr los y aals y ck rsrfacd" n pr-as An odd sory ndd

Science as poven te eye far moe coplicaed an was known in

Dawins tie. ny organ, of course, may be reduced to its olecuar struc

ture. n bocemist Micael Bee describes visions

icoscopic pysioogy Te folowing aeria i s full of ecnical wordsbut is underscoes e coplexity

Wn g firs srks rna a poon nracs w a olclcalld csrnal wc rarrangs wn pcosconds o ransrna.A pcoscond s ao aks lg o ravl rad o a sngl an ar. T cang n sap of rna oc forcs acang n sap of pron rodopsn o wc rnal s gyond. T prons aorpos ars s avor ow calld

arodopsn II pron scks o anor pron calld ransdcnBor png no arodopsn I ransdcn ad gly ond asa ocl cald GDP. B wn ransdcn nracs warodopsn I GDP falls o and a ocl cald GTP nds oransdcn .

GTPransdcnarodopsn II now nds o a pron calld pospodsras locad n nnr ran of cll Wn aacd oarodopsn II and s norag pospodsras acqrs cca aly o c a ocl cad cGP

Wn aon of cGP s rdcd cas of cavag y pos-podsras on cann closs casng clar concnrao oposvly cargd ons o rdcd. Ts cass an aanc o cargacross cll ran a fnaly cass a crrn o ransddown opc nrv o ran. rsl wn nrprd y ran s vson

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3 4 T

S o mutations had to engineer simultaneously not only the gross anaom

ial strutures of the eye but its elaborate moleula interations.

Irreducible compexty

s te ompleity of anything inreases the probability of hane eating

it dereases The man point of Behe's book is that biohemistry has proven

a numbe of bodly systems to be irreduibly omple He says tat "design

[intelligent reaton] is evident when a number of sepaate interating om

ponents are ordered in suh a way as to aomplis a funtion beyond e

ndvidual omponents. Gadual hange as awin proposed annot po

due su systems beause "any preurso to an ireduibly omple system

that is missng a part is by definition nonfuntional

Blood lottng swings into ation wen we get a u. ts multi-step

proess utilizes numerous proteins many with no other funtion besides

lottng Eah proten depends on an enzyme to avate t So whih

evolved fistthe protein or enzyme ot te protein it annot untion

wihout te enzyme to swith it on. Bu why would the enzyme have ome

rstwithout the protein it serves no purpose. The system is ireduibyomple.

If a person aks jus t one loting fato as n hemophla a mutational

disorder he risks severe bleeding. urthermoe after a lot foms the pro

tens wh podued it must be ativated by oter substanesotherwise

the rest of te person 's blood would sta to oagulate Step-by-step evolu

tion of lotting is inoneivable in te trial and eror stage organsms

would have eithe bled to death or loted to deat.

noter eample Behe gives the une system In infetions it mustdistinguish te invading baterial es from the bodys own elster

wise the latter will be attaked whh is te ase n "autoimmune dseases.

n antibody identies the baerium by attaing to it. n a omple bio

hemial proess a variety of white blood ells"killer els suh as lym

phoytes and maophagesare notified of the bateriums presene These

tavel to te site and using the identfying antibody attak the enemy.

ike blood lotting ths system is ieduibly omple What evolved

st The killer ells Without the identifyng antibody they wouldnt know

where to attak. But why would the identifier develop fist withou any

ting to notfy If the network evolved gradually dsease would kll te

ndividual before it was perted.

Bee noes the pauity of atles and books on o suh biohemial

enttes evolved e says that "if you seah the sienti literature on evo

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L O I S T O M D I N S T E S 3 5

lion and i you ocus your seach on he quesion o how oleclar

chineshe basis o liedeveoped you ind an eerie and copee

silence The coplexiy o lies ondaion has paralyzed sciences aep

o ccoun or i . In his researh he ond only wo very sho highlyspeclaive papers aeping o eplain he iune syses evoluion

o a olecuar level. Biologis aes Shapiro o he niversiy o

Cicago agrees:

There e no deted Dwin cconts for he evouton of ny fundmentl bochemc o cellu ssem only vrety of wshf secultions t is remrble ht Drwiism is cceted s stisfctory exntion fo such vs subjecevolutionwith so lte rigoous

emntion of how wel is bsi theses wor n llmintng secifcnsnces of biologc dtion r dvesiy.

he huan body as a oal syse i s also irreduciby coplex I is di

cl o change one par wiho inuencing ohers Take he liver: i an

uacures bile; deoxiies poisons ad wases; regulaes sorage and use o

glcose proeins as and viains; synhesizes blood cloing and iune

syse acors and processes breadown producs o old blood cells O

ae he kidneys hey reove wase hough uine prodcion; regulae he

boys waer conen and elecrolys sodiu caciu ec and suppo

he adrenal glands which secree hrones such as adrenaline

voluion says evey organ deloped hrough chance aions Bscures ike he iver or kdneys cnno change wihou drasically aec

ing he res o he body wih wi hey ainain a deicae baace We

s asse ha by lucky happensance each ie hese organs uaed

oe body pars also aed in haonious cooperaion. The noed wrie

Ahu Koese coened:o cnnot hve muton ccrng lone eseve it by ntul

seecion nd then wit few thound or mlion yers nl mion Bjons it nd so on o C nd D h mutton ocuing lone wol bewied o befoe cod be comed with he othes They re l inedeendent The docrine ht her oming togethe ws de to series ofblnd coincdences is n font nt ony o common sense but o the bscncies of scienfc exntio

nd wha o he huan brain Yokel wroe in a prooional leero Scientc American in 1979

The dee new nowedge bo the bin gtheed n cceletedte n recent yes shows this gn to be mveousy desgned ndccitted beyond he wonders th whch ws invested by gnontmgintion.

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Mcroelectronics cn ck bot milion crcits in cbc footwheres the brn hs been estimted to ck mlon mill ion circts ercbic foot Comter switches intert with not more thn two other

switches t time wheres brn cel my be wred to 1,000 other celson both its int nd ott sdes. .

Yokel called te brai desiged I as about te billo euros erve

cells wi a tousad rillio coects 5 Eac euro coas arod

oe rillio atoms e bra ca do te work o udreds o supercomut

ers Buldig a computer requires gre itelligece Wo beleves eve a

smple oe coud arise by cace Ied, te brai is more ta a cm

putert is a video camera ad ibry, a computer ad commuicatios

ceter, al i oe Yokel added

erhs the most esive estios srond the brin fnctions thtmke s hmnthe cctes of emory nd lerning. Trnscendingwht might be clled the hrdwre of the brn there comes sowreccity tht edes hyothesis. The nber th exresses ths ccty ndigitl nformtion bts exceeds the rgest nmber to whch ny hyscmenng cn be ttched.

ow about our tougts Did cae evolve tem, too Darwi crticPillip oso asks:

Are or thoghts nothng bt" the rodcts of chemcl rectonsin the brin nd dd or thnking iities orignte for no reson otherthn ther tilty n lowing or D o reodce tse ven scentificmteriists hve hrd time believng tt For one thing mteriismied to the mind ndermnes the vdity of l resoning incldngones own. f or theories re the roucts of chemc rectons how cnwe know whether or theories re tue? Perhs evoltionst] RchrdDwkns believes n Drwnsm ony becse he hs certin chemcl inhis brn nd hs belief cod be chged by somehow inserting dfferent chemc

e aimal kigdom also llustrae eaures too compe or evolut to

expai. Tme magaze, i a article citical o creatioism, describe te

remarkable bombardier beele:

Its defense system s extrordinrly intrcte cross between ter gsnd ommy gn When the beetl senses dnger it internly mxesenzymes contined in one body cmber with concentrted sotionsof some rther hrmless comonds hydrogen eroxde nd hydroinones confined to second chmer. Ths genertes noxios sry ofcustic benzoinones whch exode from its body t boilng 1 Wht is more the d s med though twn rer nozzes which cn be

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oed ke B 7's gn tret o h hngy nt o frog wih b ls eyeccrcy

3 7

Sinc t cmicals and nzys ar plosiv wn md n a small

spac, ow coud canc av volvd tis dfns syst witout blowing btl o smtrns?

r ow could natural slction produc t monac buttrfy, wic

ransforms from a catrpillar to a bttry wit two compound ys, ac

w 6 lnss, and a bain tat cn dcipr 72 nrv pulss fro

t ys?

tnct craturs mak prolm vn mor prpng Cambrian

roks, datd at ovr 5 mllon yas, contan fossls of many of t oldst

invrtbrats nown Among t t rilobt It was an artropod tboad catgory o jont-lggd anal tat includs lobstrs and spidrs

Accordig to volution, Cabria rocks soud conain only "prtiv

organiss T triobit was anyting bu. It ad a sgmntd body, gs 

gis antna, and a comp nrvus systm Morovr, according to Sci

ene News tilobis ad "t ost sopisticatd y lnss vr producd

by naur. Riccardo viStti o nivrsity o Cicago wrts n is

bok Triobites:

In fc this opc doble is device so ypclly ssocted wthhmn nvenion tht its discovey n ilobies comes s something of shock The elion h tiobit deveoped nd sed sch devices hlf bllion yes go mkes he shoc even grete And fin dscoveyh the efrcting nerfe between he two ls eements n tlobeseye ws dsigned n ccordnce wih opicl constctions woked o byDescrtes nd ygens n the mideventeenh cenryborders on sheescence fction . The desgn of te trlobte's eye lens cold we qu-fy fo pen discosre

k otr aimals, triobits lk fossl ancstors sowing ow ty


N parisn

Mr Darwins probms arn ovr aonomy is t scinc tat classifis

plats and animals, groupng tm accordng o caractrstics y sar.Swdis botanist Carolus innas 771778) pionrd t fild

assgnd organiss by class, ordr gnus and spcs, and dvlopd t

twword namng systm, i. , a cat is Feis bonging o t spcis

o t gnus Feis T syst won univrsal accptanc innaus,

wo blvd t Bibical account o cration, saw tat t anial kig-

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doms larger divisionscontrary to eolutionwere distinctly divided

witout overlaps

Two centuries ater Teodosius Dozansky proessor o zoology at

Columbia nversity essentially conred tat observation we assemle as may dvduals lg at a gve tme as we ca we

otce at oce that the oserved varat does ot om ay kd of cotos dstrto stead a multtud o separate dscete dstrutosare fd othe words the lvg wd s ot a sge aray of dvdas whch ay two varats are cocted y oke seres o tegrades ut a aray o moe or ess dcty separate arays termedates etwee whch are aset or at eas are.2

ustn Clark te eminent zooost o te Smtsonian Institutin 

was no creationist but e declared:

The complete asece o ay teedate foms etwee the majogrops o amas whch s oe of the ost stkg ad most sgcatpheomea oght ot y the study f zoology has htheto ee overlooked o at east goed . . .

o matter how ar ack we go t foss ecord o pevos amal

lfe po the earh we fd o trace o y ama foms whch are termedate etwee the vaos mao gps or phyla

Ths ca oy mea oe thg The ca e oly oe terpetato oths ete ack of ay termedates twee the mao grops of amasas fo stace etwee the acoed amals o vereates thechodems the molsks ad the artpods

f we are wg to accept the fact we mst eeve that thee evewee such temedates or other ds that these maor goups haveom the vey rst oe the same reto to each othe that they eatoday

In te rican andscape we see anials sowing little resembance to

eac oter ions zebras elepants moeys graes If Darwinsm is tre

wy did tese creatures adapt to te same general envronment so dier

ently I tey are descended rom a cmon ancestor wy dont we see

species intemediate between tem Were are te giaants and eeraes

Te evolutionist believing tat te arious animals branced rom eac

oter in te distant past supposes te iermediates al became etinct uti tat is true wee are teir ossils Suppositions become endless s

W R Tompson noted in is introducion to a 956 edition o The Orn


Takg the taxoomc system as a whole t appeas as a odelyarragemet o cleact ettes whch are cearct ecause they ae sep

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r y g . . . grl ty t lii, y vri lti t lii t tgri r r , i ti igy t Oign o Ss. i iiy rqir y t y, iri gt r iv v

g ii vi i lg r gr rgilw yt , wr t iti itigl i iti i.

3 9

Recent scientiic advances validae innaeuss original view Evolution

ists ad expected tat since animal ave many similar anatomical eatures

te genes woud also prove similar Aer all, it s genes rom ancestors tat

determine our pysica caacerisics. But moecua bioogst Micae

Denton notes tat "omologous cresponding] stuctures are speciied by

quite dieren genes in dierent secies Tere are exceptions but tey

ae relativey rare As Gavin de Beer ormer director o te Bis Museum,


i w lr t t i wt wi it w t iri lg trtr r r lilgy w i r rit ri t itity g.

voutionists ave long cited esmblances in te biocemisry o menand animas as poo o teir common descent. However, some similaity is

not surpising, snce we all beate e same air, eat te same ood and drink

te same water Breakrougs n biological reseac ave in act unde

scoed e dierences Denon, in olution A Theo in Crisis noted

t ir ii wlg w rig gw iiy r y triti i t 0 30 Bt

i y t il ilg, t tiiy, r ii iti t rig ivii t, v i. t rvig li trii r tg wi vi ig v , r ilgy rv y i t iy t g .

[N livig y t ig iitiv rwi t y r y, r i tr t igt ii it vltiy q g ll t irily ivr l rt F t w t l igy igt ig t gl

tw itry iity, t rvlti w ry iitig .

] ri q ig 60, it iigly t t w gig iy vi qtil gt i t w r gig i ritil viw t yt t r

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ntly o igly or ric o w l l ir v-n o volution tly n

Evolion says baceria evolved scssvely ino fis, ampbians, rep

les, mammals and man. Hmans ave abo l , imes moe D an

baceraye salamandes, wo are ampibans, ave 20 imes more D

an mans.2 Hmans ave 0 imes moe DA an some nsecs, b

less an alf a of ceain oer insecs 3 More signiican are e qul-

ave conradicions Coln Paeson o e Brs Msem of aral His

oy as poined o a wen amino acd seqences for apa emoglobns

are compaed, crocodiles and cickens e more smilar an crocodes and

vpers, even og e laer wo are bo repies3Denon's book anayzes varios moeclar srcres, sc as a of

cyocrome C, a proen involved in ceaing cellar energy is fond in

organisms ranging from baceria o ma Based on cyocrome C, a re is

closer o a bird an o a snake32 Deno repors

[log ytoro C qun vi ong t inttrrrl vrr ll o t r uin ro to o i. oul lvl tr no o ouionry nion o i _in _ rti _ So i lwy trtiony onir inr wn n or ttri vr in olulr r ro ny grou o il or l

We' re not one yet

Yo, Dawin More problems In s Boene aricle "Eincion Raes

Pas and Presen, orman Myers saed:Toy' r o xtnton] n i toug vriou nyi

tnqu to iniu o 000, n oy vrl ounci y t gnrly tk n o toun o yr or nwtrrl vrt or nw ln to rg uly n vnci w ri uovr t noy nt uly rquir nur, not ilnni to gn nw i

f osands of species become exnc every year, b i akes eons o

evove s one, ow is evolion maeaically possible Man's mpac on

e envronmen as acceleraed modern exincion raes, b s s sf

cen o resolve e diemma

e's ask an even more fndamenal qeson: Wy aren' fis oday

growing lie arms and legs, rying o adap o land Wy aren' repiles

oday dveloping feaes Soldn' evolion be ongoing I organs ke

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ens build, wy does every ceaure oday ave coplee, unctioning

pas nsead o a-ored ones

Evolutin is not visble in te past, via te ossil ecord is not visible

in te present, weter we consider an ogans as a wole or on te icro

scpic planes o biocestry and oecular biology were, as we ave

seen te eory aces nueous diiclties. n sort evoon is just no

visible Science is suppsed to be based on observaions.

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xonomy (ssiction) impe eview

1 oe of he lare divisios of he livwod. cuded are he aa ad veeable kidosad hose of icroscoic raiss.

2a aor divio wihi a kido Arhoods oileed seeed creaures such as obsersad isecs ad ollusks sofboded creaures usuaywih shels such as oysers ad sails ae eales ofhyla Ma belos o he hyu of chordaes as do aloher backboed creaure.

(3 divides a hylu o oe siilar creaures.

Maals reiles ad bis ae casses wihi he hylu of chordaes.(4 a subdivisio of class. Ao aals

dos ae i he oder of caivores (esheaers olesare i he oder of isecivres (iseceaes.

(5) sila ceares wihi a oder. iosers leoards ad doesc cas all belo o he ca

fay.6 a fher subdivso ios ad iers beloo he eus Panther hose cas o he eus Fels

7 classificaios boo ru. ios Pan-

thera leo) ad ers Panthera tgris) ae differesecies wih he sae eus Accord o evoluio-iss a belos o he seces saiens of he eusHomo

of he faily of hoiids of he order of iaesof he cass of aals f he hylu of chordaes ofhe kido of aals


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LATE 8 The trilobite's copet deies is Cabria locatio

LAE 9 The bbarder beete44

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C A P T E R 5

rigin f the Specius

Are we callng Darwin a bad obrver re we attempting to treat im

wit contempt re we saying e shld be referred o as a pinead Cer

tanly not.

Carles Darwin 18188) wa te son of a weaty Engls pysi

cian s a yongster, e enjoyed cocting sells and brd eggs. e stded

medicne for a wile at te niversy of Edinbrg, and later teoogy at

Cabridge, bt was geeral bord wit is edcaton. Te event tat

caged is life came in 1 8 3 we te yong man was ired as naraist

on te MS Beage an eplorig sh on a global ecrson tat wold last

five years

One part of te voyage tat greay intriged Darwin was a vist o te

Gapagos Islands, several ndred iles o e wes coast of So mer

ca e notced tat plants and anils differed from island to island. Te

finces particlarly mpressed im. Eac isand seemed o ave is own

variety wt a distinctive bea. Soe ad large beaks sed for cracking

seeds oters slender beaks sted to atcing insects some ad beaks idealfor probing fowers one type even hd a "wood boring beak wit wic t

grabbed cacs spines to searc ins rees. Tese finces dd not appear to


Darwin qite reasonably cocd ta te birds ad a common ances

tor, and ta eac variety ad adapte to ts environment From s and sim

ilar bservaions of oer creatres Darwn inferred ta al specieste

ene plant and animal kingdosad reslted from environmena adaptatins over eons Tis contraited e belef, ten widely eld, tat species

were immable It aso contested te deoCristian view tat God ad

created all lfe forms. It was nt nl a qarercentry later, n 185 tat

Darn smmed p s observation n The Orign of Species bt te book

cased a sensation and ieditely old ot.


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e's ive due credi Darwi was a d sude f aure He creclybserved ha aals have varais elaed evireal adapai.His isake was assu, wihu evdece, ha a ras has un


adapive pwer, ad s culd ras i a cpleely differe classf aal her wds, ha a fsh culd, ive euh e ad he rhevires, bece a ape. He re f aural seleci: "By hisprcess l ciued . i sees e als cerai ha a diaryhfed quaduped ih be cvered i a iraffe. I

Darw recrded hiree "speces f fch he Galpas Bu whadid he acually see? Difereces i he beaks, ais ad pluae f hesefiches. There is hi earhshaki abu vaiai i aure. Peole

vary ke swlakes, w are ealy alke (ecep fr ideical wsSe f us have bld har, se e, black r brw. Peple differ iay her wasye clr, ski cr, heih, ec Ne have he saeerpis. Bu hese discis d separae us i uliple speces

The idea ha beak vaiais csiue species is crversial. Piesvary i appeaace re ha Darwis fches, ye are csidered all parf e species. Ds diffe arkedly, bu ae rearded as e speces. uherre, alhuh Darwi believed he fches did ierbreed, recesudies i he Gapas slads have esraed ha se f he ,resul hybids aha Weie, wh epred his i The Beak ofhe

Fnch, ed "Sae as sees, hee hybids ae he es fiches heslad Wha Darw bseved was separae species, bu rdary vai-ai wihin a species, re uusul ha he variable d breeds r differe races f a.

Par f he prble he hazy deii f "speces. Darw hself

csidered a lse er ad balked a defii i. He said: " lk a hee species as e arbraily ive fr he sake f cveece a se fidividuals clsely esebli each her, ad ha i des esseiallydier f he e variey, which is ive less dsic ad e flucu-ai frs.

A he faed Scpes ral, Dr. Mayard Mecalf, a zlis fr hsHpkis, saed " al hs dscussi have used he wrd speciesThere are such his as species i aure The wrd species is de-abe, ad is used by bilss erely as a cveece, ad i has whllydiere eais whe appied diee rups f aals ad plasAls a he ial, Hra Hacke ewa, a zlis fr he Uiver-siy f Chica, said: "The species is he ui f classifcai, bu here isserius dub as wheher speces have ay ealiy usde f he ids faiss.5

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O R N O E S P E I O U S 47

T hs day taoosts are coatly adjust the cassfcao ofspecesthe scece s eact. Arud 194, evolutosts TheodosusDobhasky ad Erst Mayr epouded a repoducve deftoaalstha dd ot terbreed they sad wre separae speces Bu ths does'thold up cosstely ethe. Dos a cosdered a deret speces focoyotes woves ad ackalsyet occsoaly terbreed wth ay of the.Apparely the defo of speces o "utable tself.

As Nles Eldrede of he Aerca Museu of Natural Hsory wrote New Scentst "Daw t has ow bcoe coopace to ackowledeeve really addressed the o of speces' hs book of that tite. Idscssed survval of the ttestbu ot arrva of the ttest. H S pso

professor of physcs at e Uvesty of Macheser Brita woteDarins booOn the Orgn ojSpecesI nd e nsasacoyi says nohng abo he oigin o eces; i is ien ey enaiey,ih a special chaper on Diclis on heory and i incldes a geaea o dscsson on hy edence o naa seecon does not exis inhe oss ecod

Zolost Harod G. Coff cocled that Darw related a partal truthe ms admi ha Darn dd se deen aaions om one isand

o anohe n he Galpagos And he d see edences ha made necesay or him o dscad a belie ha ng hngs did no change heyere reaiely minor and he had no compelng eidence ha orced hmo beee n limiless ansormao Darn made a common msaea o eiheo Ether speces e ixed or nimed change occrred he h es beeen he o eremes

Marjore Gree the welkow histora of scece at he Uversty ofCalfora Davs obsevedhee are, indeed all he mne peciazed degences lie hose o

he Galpagos nches hh so asnaed Dain; is he sory ha sold n he Orgn and elaboraed b he seleconiss oday hese aeead ends as mniae o deeopen i s no om hem ha he greaassie noees o eoon col hae sprng And i one ernso ead Orgn ih hese cicsms mnd one nds ndeed ha or all

he brllance o s hypoheses o a he spendi smplcy o hmechansm by hch i expains so many and so aied phenomena ismpy s no abo he origin o spies, le alone o he grea orders andclasses and phya a a Is argme moes in a deren direcion alogehe n he direcion o mine, pecialied adapaons, hich eadnless o exincon nohee9

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Has ayoe ever wiessed he crao of a ew species? GeeicsThoas Hu Mora who wo a obe Prize for his work o hereiyackowleded "Wihi he period of ua hsory we do o kow of a

sle isace of he asforaio o oe species io aoher if we applyhe os riid ad eree ess used o disiuish wid speces fro eachoher Coli Paerso direcor of he Brish Museu of Naural Hsory said

"No oe has ever produced a species b echaiss of aura seecio. Nooe has oe ear i ad os of h curre arue i eoDarwisis abou hs uesio

Darwi hse could o docue a boa fde case. As we have oedhe woe "We cao prove ha a sie speces has chaed. We wo' push hs poi oo hard ecause aai if "species is deedvery fleibly oe could arue ha e oes oriae Bu hs would s-ply ea varao as whe dos are red io diere ypesvoluio a horizoal o veical sese.

Give our coe I woud be ress if I dd o eio a case e-uey cied by evoluoss as li proof of Darwi's heoryhe

peppered oh The Epie Srikes ack Harvard profs i Darh aderhelesThe peppered oh is a Brish scies ha coes i whie ad backvarieies. Before 185 he black oe wee uie rareearly all pepperedohs were whie The idusrial revluio chaed his Peppered ohsres o ree ruks duri he day. Puio klled he liche o rees adbackeed he wih soo As a res preyi brds could beer see hewhie ohs. The black ohs hower prevously uie visbe were ow

caoufaed By1895,

i a role rersal98

perce of peppered ohswere black. Rece polluio corols however have caused a resuece ohe lihcolored oesDarwiiss hal hs as evoluo ocurri before our eyes. Ceraly i

is a valid eaple of aural seecio ad he es surviv. Bu does icosiue evoluo? The whie ad lack ohs are variees o he saespecies Boh eised before polluo brouh a shf No ew speciesfored. Now if hey had ued io odzla's od eess Mohra we'd beore ipressed aai uoe he ee Frech zoolois Grass

e eoon n acon o J xley and oe bioogiss is simpye obseaion o demograpc acs loca caions o genoypes geograpical disbions Oen e spcies conceed ae emained paccally ncanged o ndeds o cees Flcaons as a esl o ccmsances po modica o e genome does no imply

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voluon, and av angibl poof of is in many panconic[uncang ng] spcs.

4 9

Breeders of dos and horses have isolaed animals with trais hey

thoht desrable This has iven rse to new variees but not seies. nnature's arallel a few anmals someimes beome eorahaly isoated.The oulation they sire inherits ther artiular enes and thus ther har-aterists. That s essentially what haened to Darwin's finhesafterbeomin seuestered on islands they individuated from other finhes butno new sees emered.

Darwin however as well as modern evolutonists have ted breedinexeriments as evidene for evolion. Darwn exeted that breederswould n time develo enune ne sees. They havent ranis Hth-in ummed the situation wel

vy ss of bdng xpmns a has v akn pac assabisd a fin imi o bdin possibls Gns a a song infunc fo consvaism, and alo oly mods cang o i ondvics ificially bd spcs sly di ou bcaus y a sil oss obus o uickly v o om

o one has ever rown blak tuls or blue roses beause the enes arenot here. uther B urbank the famed Ameran lant breeder saidI kno fom my xpinc a can dvlop a pum alf an nc ong

o on incs long v possib ng n bn bu I amilng o admi a i ops t y o g a pm se of a malpa o on as big as a gapfi I av oss a boom py sadiyfo sx mons n ya bu I non a il boom v, and Iill no av n so is o dvlopmn possib ands lms foo a a plans and anmals all nd o v in sccssv gnaons, oad a giv man o avag

he more a seies is ushed fro the norm the harder t ets. volu-tost Ernst Mayr demonstrated ts when he tried to modfy fri fliesthrouh breedin The flies norma averaed 36 bristles on their bodiesWhen the insets were bred down to 25 bristes they beame sterle. Mayralso bred the lies uwardsbut wn they reahed 56 bristles they aain

beame sterie ontroed ontions and ntelent lannin annottraform a seies how uh less could natural seletion oeratin underhane onditions without intelliee?Suose we wanted elehants wh lon trunks. So we aired o lon-

trked eehants and allowed only their osrin with the lonest trunksto ate and so forth Well we wod et some lon trunks that way but

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ever rks a hosad fee lo Ges pose ls. B Darw ora of eecs declared

can see no lmi o he amon o change o he beay and compexiy o he coadapaons beeen a ganc bengs one ih anohe andh hei physcal condons o e hich may have been eeced n heong cose o ime hogh nae's oe o seecion, ha s by he svi val o he es

Moder Darwss o corse ha heorzed a ees wll rascedher s hroh ao. B a Chaer Three llsraed hs ar-e s sporable Evolos chard Goldscd oe of he we-

e ceys os ee eecs ackowlededI s e ha nobody hs a has odced a ne species o gens ecby macomaion s eay e a nobody has eve odced even aspeces by he selecon o mcomaions

Pla ad aal breedes do acre ew ees hey spy seeec forao ha s already he I fac e pracces resl o

forao. Whe yo solae say lldos alow he o ae oly

w oher blldos hey say blldos . They have los he capacy o lookay oher way. Ths he creao o specal varees sc as Darwsfches eas eec forao s oeo aed as evoloclas

We h borrow Goldschds se of "acro ad "cro o oeha whe evolo does ocrea or adapaos advaraos wh a speceshere s o sc h as evooor coverso of oe aal ype aoher o a ew es or oher

broad classfcao evel Goldsch wod ave kowhe bred ysyohs for wey years ad a ll eeraos Al he ever o wasore ypsy ohs

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AE 1 The HMS Bege

G. mgnirost1·s. stenlU /u

G fosc uR · Z

(m 7'ns oj th Zoooga So�y)

AT 1 1 Beaks o he Galpaos nches

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arwin vs. esign

igst Gary Parker has writtenImagn tat yo ar ang ang a cr on a ay smmr arnoon, dy cng at t pbbs ang t ban Occasonay yo racdon to pc p a pbb tat as a nsa sap On pbb rmndsyo o a coboy boo

As yo ro t pbb arond n yor and yo notc tat t sofrarts a mor orn aay tan t d ats Dspt som aparanc o dsgn t boot sap of t mbd pbb s cary t rst of

tm, canc, and t procsss o atrng and rosont tn yor y spots an arroad yng among t pbbs mm

daty t stands ot as drnt In t arroad cip mars ct trogt ard and so pars of t roc ay In t arroad sattr sapd and modd according o a dsgn tat gvs t rocy matra a prpos

Now soeone reading this book is robably thinking OK ack, get it.

Yore going to lay soe God st ave designed he niverse trip on s.Well not bying it. Even an arohead given enogh tie, cold havebeen omed by p the ante. Say were wakig along in Soth Dakota and we notice

the faces carved on Mont Rsho. Will anyone give e odds on that

beig prodced by erosion? thin st people wold agree that, even n abillion years it woldnt happen

The bioogy o f han beings is fa ore cople than the Mot Rsh-

ore sclptre. How then cold chane creaethe

in a billion years?British philosopher and theologia Willia Paley (743-805) pennedthe ost faos "walking aong aent He reasoned that if his footstrck a rock dring a stroll wel pehaps the rock had aways lain there.Bt what f he stbled pon a watch? Cold it have arisen by chance?ooking a the tiepiece with its incate echaniss it wold be clear


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that soeone had ade it And if th ach had a desiner what abot hebody's infinitely ore cole orns? Paeys "watchaker aruentheld ta desgn proves a desgner en we see handwritin on a w ora dress in a sho, we know hey resued fro intellience not chancThe aruent was kown wel bere Paley's ie. The Roan ioso-her Cicero said

en o loo a a pice o a ae o ecognize a i is a oo a en o oo om aa e cose o a ship o do no eion a is moemen is gided b silled ineligence en o see asndial o a aecoc o see i els he ime b design and no b

cance o hen can o imagine a e nese

s aoe is deoi

o ppose and ineligence en i embaces eeing incding eseaiacs hemseles and ei aiics

One colaint osed by aheists [ know sed to be one runs like his"t's too easy. Ask a erson who beeves in he Bibe why vaious thinseist, he can't answer your questions so he just stands there with his outhhanin oen reeatin, Oh, wel, duh, God ust have created it tha

way'O fcourse a redundan rey i s soewhat obliatory ifGod really cratedthe universe And evouionists have eir own at answer natural selecion,whic is so lastic that it can be a to eain anythin.

For eae, a retile's lower j has several bones while he aalian jaw consists of a sine bon. Retiles have one bone in each ear,amals three. f retiles becae aas how did this transforationtake lace? Evolutionists clai tha, over ie bones fro the retili jawus have iraed to the ea and boe aalian ear bones. Yet thereare no fossils of nuerica intereiates (ie. anials with two ear bonesor wo or three bones in the lower ja. And how did reties hea and chedurin the transition? This is what ean wen call natura selection astic Nevertheless such heories tend to becoe "fact once enunciated

Dawin did the sae thin in sain our aelike ancestors evetuallylos their body hair because they reerred ates with less hair (Do we still

have sely arit hair because the thouht hat was a uon? Thee isno roof Anyone can invent a hyoesis to eain soethinhats different fro deonstratin it o be a fact and certainly no ore substntivethan sayin that God created thins at way

Did iraffes really develo lon necks because they lived around hihveeation causin the etinction o shorternecked iraes? How then didyoun iraes survive? sn' t i ore likey that facin such an environen

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D R N S D E S N 5 5

iraes wold have siy iad o where food was ore accssible?Col Parso of he Briish Ms of Nara isory oed

I is easy enough o mae up sories o ho one orm gae rise o

anoher, and o nd reasons hy e sages shoud be aoured by nauralseecion u such sories are no par o science, or here is no ay opuing hem o he es

old al. wroe i Paeoboog

Paeonoogiss and eoluionary bioogiss in genera are amous orheir aciiy in deising pausible sories bu hey oen orge ha pausible sories need no be rue

Ad aa qoe Frace's PierrPa GrassToday our duy is o desroy e myh o eoluion, considered as aimple, undersood, and explaine phenomenon hich eeps rapidyunolding beore us ioogiss mus be encourage o hin abou heeanesses o he inerpreaions an exrapolaions ha heoreicians puorard or lay don as esablished ruhs The decei is someimes unconscious, bu no aays, since some peope oing o heir secarianismpurposely oerloo realiy and refuse o acnoedge he inadeuaciesand he asiy o heir belies

Whle evolioiss ca hik ocalsod rsos for why a-ral selecio rodced cera hs, ay heoa ress sch rao-alaio. Caada bioos dw Beralay old a syosi:

I, or one, in spie o a he beneis dran rom geneics and he mahemaica heory o selecion, am si a a loss o unersand hy i is oselecie adanage or he ees o Comacchio o rael periously o he

Sargasso sea, or hy Ascars has o migrae al around he hoss bodyinsead o comoraby seing in e inesine here i beongs or haas he surial aue o a muipe somach or a co hen a horse, asoegearian and o omparable sie, oes ery ell ih a simpe somach or hy cerain insecs had o deelop hose admirabe mimicries and proecie coloraions hen he common cabbage buerly is ar more abunan ih is conspicuous hie ings One canno rejec hese and innuerable similar uesions as incopeen i he selecionis explanaion

ors uie ell in some cases, seecionis explanaion canno bereused in ohers

In curen heory, a speculaie may hae been or mus hae beenexpressions occuring innumerabe imes in selecionis ieraure) isacceped in ieu o an expanaion hich canno be proided in myopinion here is no scini la o scienc proo ha eoluion in he senseo progession rom ess o more complicaed organisms had anyhing o

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do ih b dpion sciv ng o podcion o g ofsping

Notc that chdre reseble ther parets, Charles Darw correctlyobserved that charactestcs are herted Bt he flated the coclso.He asked "hat ca be ore curo tha that the had of a a, foredfor rasp, ad that of a ole for d, the le of a horse, the padde ofthe porpose, ad the w of a bat shud all be costructed o the saepatte, ad shold clde sar bes, the sae relatve postons?He sued these ad other observaos by ot the zoolost H.Flower "Is t ot powerfully sueste of tre relatoshp, of hertace

fro a coo acestor? Sce the a that ost resebes a s theape, he decded they had a ot le descet.Udeaby, vaous creatures, lud a, have coo physcalstrctres two eyes, for bs, a hrt, bra, ad so forth. But do theseths est colectvely because o acestryor because the des secet?

A Toyota Cary stroly resebe a Nssa Setra. Both have a tras-sso, headlhts, brakes, for whees, ad coutless oter correspod

features Does ths ply a eeaca relatoshp? They share tesecopoets becase the des s ecet. ust ty drv a car wthtwo aals, cars are ot eactly lke They vay sze, shape, color,

style, ad accessores Bt there are sc prncpes of desgn shared y allvehcles, ra fro a chlds reoecotrol racer all the way up to a tractortraer, jst as there are aas fro a ouse to a elephat. MarkRdley, a research fellow at Oford Uversty, observed The Probems of


Any s of obcs hh o hy oigind in n voionrypocss cn b cssid hichiclly Chis o insnc indpndnly cd hy no gn by n voliony pocss b nygvn is of chis cod b cssif hichicly phps by dividinghm fis ccoding o hh o hy md of ood nd hnccoding o hi colo by d mnfc nd so on h fch li cn b clssifid hichiy is no in islf n gmn fo


Daw beleved that boe sartes prove a ta le of descet ets the observe that the ha had ad foot stroy reseble each other.Each has fve dts The thub a are toe each have two boes, whethe saller dts all have three. Ho do we epla these ucay paallesbetwee hads ad feet? A coo or? Not accord to Darwss

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D R I N S D E S N 5

fishtoand theory As Michae Deton notes "There is no doubt that inters of evoution the fore and hinibs st have risen indeendentythe orer suosedy evovin fro the ectora fins of a fish the atter

fro the evic fins And he adds that "no evoutionist cais that thehindib evoved fro the foreib or that the hindibs and foreibsevoved fro a coon sorce Darinis can ony eain the rese-bance as coincidence

And hy do so any thins coe aired?yes ears nostris arses hands feet breasts ns kidnys onads obes of the brain inson birds Natura seections anser Why anias ith to eyes survivedbetter than those ith one But if it is jst a srviva atter hy sto atto? Why not three eyes or eiht?These orans are not ony aired but are irror iaes of each otherSyetry is aesthetic artists use it to convey beaty t seaks for desinore than chance and tation

f e can acknoede desin in an arroheadas an anthroooistsurey ihy not in a roses ovey etas and frarance or a eacocksfeathers? The evotionist resonds "Oh beaty akes anias ore

attractive to atesit has surviva vue for natura seection But do ani-as see beaty as e do? And hat of retty troica fish that si atdeths here their coors cannot eve be seen? Desite a his inteience an as trobe dicatin hat "chance

and utation have sosedy evoved A fe decades ao soe doctorsure others to sto breast feedin caiin baby foruas oud besuerior We a kno that has roved fase When an infant is born rea-turey the other's ik even chane to eet its secia needs But nderthe "surviva of the fittest a nature shoud suosedy eed out andeiinate the reature infant since i is eaker than others

Darin ictred a toothandca ord here creatures coete in the"stre for eistence and ony the tron srvive. Evoutionists are ondof recitin oensive and deensive echaniss that natura seection hasendoed certain anias iththe tier's cas the oose's anters thebee's stiner

But uch doesnt fit the ictre o abot a sie banana hichaccordin to Darinis robaby aroe fro the sae oneceed ancestoras the tier? f its soe urose is survia hy did it deveo no eaonrysuc as barbs oisonos fues or noious taste to revent its beineaten? Of course fruits often sread seds throuh bein eaten hich er-etuates the secies but dare e not say the urose of a banana can

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tape, r any ther frt, s t be eae st as the rse is here fr s tbehld and se?

Mch f natre perates in harn and cperatin. Bees help werspllinate Rbert MacArthr, in an exensie stdy f aris ypes f warbers, bsered that they lie in peacefl cexstence wht inadin eachthers territries een thh they e the sae fd. II n the Sthwest-e US the ycca pant depends n the ycca th fr fertiizatin, and theth's ara depend n the plant fr d een thh insecs spps-edly eled lins f years befre lwerin plants. Wen nted inScenc Amercan

n he dese hee an and hnge o ae ae he noma bdeno all pans e nd no iece compeon o exsence h he songcoding o he ea On he conay he aaable possessonsspacegh ae and oodae shaed and shaed ale by al hee s noenogh o al o go a and song, en al eman smae hs acapice is ey deen om he imeonoed noon ha naes ay ischoa compeon among nddas

Dr. Gary Parker descrbes cperan n the ceanNoadays hee ae many lage sh h shap eeh ha oam he

oceans seeing ha hey may deo as hey eed on smae sh andshimp he mohs begin o accmlae ood debs and paases acing ecose o a oohbsh ho is ch a ish gong o cean is eeh

Fo seeal nds o ish he anse is a si o he oca ceaning saion hese ae specia aeas sal aed by he pesence o ceainshmp and small bghy coloed sh

Ofen esh om chasng and eng ohe sma ish and shimp a

pedaoy ish may peiodcaly sm oe o ae his pace in ine lieay) a he neaes ceanng saon hen his comes he opens hismoh de bang he iciosloong eeh

o mgh sspec o cose, h sch a sigh old ghen of heie cleane ish and shmp , n Ino he as o deah sim he lle cleanes No een a endy do ll snap a yo i yo y o pc oa ic, and pobably iiaes he big sh o hae a shmp calngaond on is onge and lile ish pcng o paases n he so sseso he moh he bg ish js hoes hee aong he ceanes o dohe o I een hods s gl chambe open so ha he shmp can calaond on he gl l iamens picing o paasies

A he end o al hs ceaning, e second miace occs o mghhn he sh mgh espond Ah cean eeh SNAP, ee mea , nohen he cleaning s done, he bi sh es he ile cleane sh andshimp bac o agan hen he bi sh sms oand begins hningagan o lile ish and shmp o ea

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D A R I N V S D E S N 5 9

f only he sron survive hy dos he skish and vulnerable chickenive bu no he ? Wha abou seep any of hich if confroned bypedaors such as olves do no run or h bu freeze and alo he-selves o be aacked?

Dariniss ay objec ha "suval of he es does no necessarilyip kler aribuesonly he abil o survive in ones niche. Bu hisbecoes a auoog circular auen One asks "Who survives?The anser "The fies So one ass: "Who is he fies? The anser"Those ho survive. eplains il. Philosohy rofessor reory AlanPesey noed:

On of h mos fun obcns agans h hory of naural slc-

on is ha is a sophisicad aulogy ha is mos unsng s ha sm oluionay bioogiss ha nouams abou poposng auoogs as xplanaions On ould immdaly c any xicograph h rid o dfn a od by h samod o a hinkr ho mly ad hs proposiion o any onsanc of goss dundancy y n on sms scandalizd ha mn ofscinc should b saisfd ih a maor princpl hch is no mor han aauoogy

Fness does no alays ean srvival. The sares os resourcefulpersons are no necessaily hose ho leave he os osprin So in recenyears evoluioniss educed he definion of "ness o siply "hose holeav he os offsprin Bu even his enais a raher cicuar aruen.As eneicis Coad Waddinon of dinburh Universiy noed

Th you do com o ha is c a acuous samn Naualscion is ha som hings la m offspring han ohs and you ask,hich la mo ospng han os and is hos ha la mor o-

spng; and hr is nohing mor i han ha

ne a asked: f he fies creaures are hose ho eave he os o-spri hy aren' rabbis no ruers of he arh?

have heard his coplain Bibical accoun of creaion is no acopeen aleaive o naural seleion because i eaches ha species are

fie and iuable This is a idspead falsehood. The Bible ony saysin e firs book of Genesis ha pas and anias reproduce "aer heir

kins Bu ha did "kinds ea? Was God usin Dobzhansky andayrs definiion of species or ar soehin anyone can undesand?Cas ae alays cas dos are alas dos. The Bible doesn say a nch'sbeak can vary in shape any ore an i says peopes noses can v

noher coon objecion o h desin aruen is: "ven if God didceae he ord none of us ere arond hen o see i happen. Since science

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deals oly with observable evets Bbcal ceatio st be eclded foscietic cosideratio

Bt u oeto. Noe of s were arod to see the Big Bag eiter

Ad as Chapter Two dscussed the bes evdece for aciet lifes hstothe fossl recordoffers little if ay support for Darwis. Evoltomeaig ot just beak varatios bt a amals tasfoatio to a c-petely dieret type caot be obsered either i the preset o fro hepast. Ths evolto depeds o faith s much as creatio does. HarsoMatthews og drector of the odo Zoologica Socety oted i 191 :

eief in e eoy of eoluion i s u eacly paalel o bee n special ceaonbo ae conceps c beees no o be re bu neie up o e pesen as been capabe o poof

So it is ioic that ay ode evotioists dead ha Darwiis beaccepted as fact. Darwi hself cosiered it oly a theory o a law dcofided hs doubts i a letter to a oleague 858 the yea bereOrigin pbicatio:

an you eay fo a you say abou my boo bu you begeay dsappoined ill be gesy oo ypoeca I il eryley be of no oe sece an colang some acs; oug I myselfin I see my ay appoximaely on e oigin o e species u alaso equen o amos unesal i is n an auo o pesuade msefof e u of is on dogmas

The folowg ecepts fro a etter to Daw by hs wife a abouthis wok ad religios views are also evelatory

You mind and me ae ful o e mos neesing subjecs and

ougs o e mos absobing ind follong up you on dscoeies) bu c mae ery dcul o you o aoid casng ou as ineupions oe sors o ougs ic ae no eaion o a you aepusug o o be able o ge you ole aenon o bo sdes of equeson

seems o me a e line of you pusus may ae led you o iecey e dicuies on one sde an a you ae no ad ime o conside and sudy e cain of diculies on e oe; bu I beliee you do

no conside you opnion as omed

May scietists are recogizig tha Darws is ot oy suppositoalbut false. I Science Digest Zygmut ityski suaized the cocsisof Aim Michel who had iterviewed several Frech biologists:

e classical eoy o eoluion i is sic sense beongs o e pasen if ey do no pubcly ae a defnie sand almos all Fenc spe

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ciaiss hod oday srong mena eseaions as o he aidy of naualselecon2

Arhur Koesler oed 978:

In he meanime he educaed ublc connues o beee ha Dainhas poided a he reean ansers by he magc formua of andommuaion plus naura seeconue unaae of he fac ha andommuaons urned ou o be ireen and naual seecon a auology2

Nor Mcbeh wroe Amecan Boogy Teacher:

Darnism has faed in pacie The hoe am and pupose of Dainsm is o sho ho modern fms descended from ancien foms hais o constuc relable phyogenie geneaogies or family ees n his ihas uely fai ed Dainsm i no science

Swedsh boogs S�re �r declred hs book Darwnsm The

Reaon of a Myh

I suppose ha nobody ill den ha is a grea msforune if an enebanch of science becomes addicd o a false heoy u hs is ha hashappened n boogy fo a ong ime no people dscuss eouonaryproblems in a pecular Drnan ocabulayadapaion seleconpressue, naua seecon etcheeby belieng ha hey conrbueo he expanaton of naura eens They do no, and he sooner hs s discoeed he soone e shal be le o make real pogess in our undesanding of eoluon

As url seecos sgfce cubles he ossbly of God, cre-o d desg s g kg wedge scefc crcles. I 1998

coer sory eled "Scece Fd God,Newsweek

oed:The achieemens of modern sience seem o conadic eligion andundermne fah u fo a goin number of scienss he same discoees oe suppo for spiiuaiy nd hns of he ey naue of God Accodng o a sudy released last ea 40 pecen of American scienissbeliee in a pesona Godnot meey an ineabe poe and presence nhe old bu a dey o hom he can pay2

Though o dg hs ersuse Pl Des wroe New


The empaon o beee ha e nese s he produc of some sortofdesgn a manfesaon of suble aeshec and mahemaica judgemenis oeheming The beef ha ere s somehing behind i al s oneha I pesonaly shae h I susc a majoiy of physicss2

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Jhn Pkinhe h lef a caee as a dsinuished phsicis a Ca-bide nves bee an Anlan pies, bseves

hen you ealize ha he as of naue mus be incredibly ney unedo poduce he univese e see ha conpies o plan he idea ha he univere did no jus happen bu ha here mus be a purpose behind i

Chales Tnes h shaed he 194 Nbe Pize n Phsics f dsv-ein e pincipes f he lase sas:

s a eligious peson I songy snse he pesence and acions ofa creaive being fa beyond mysef an ye alays pesonal and close by

Suc cens ud have seeed ild an de scienis like MaPlanck Nbe Pize inne and funde f de phsis h ehee is evidence of an ineligen orde of he universe o hich boh

man and naure ae subsevien heeve e look e find no evidence as fa as e can see of any conic beeen science and eigion, buony complee ageemen on he decie issues insead Side by sidescience and reigion age a consan ninuing and unrelening suggeagains skepicism and dogmaism, agans disbeief and supesiion he

bae cry he goal o his suggle has been and ill aays be: oado God

Auh Davd Raphael Klein a hae said besnyone ho can conempae he eye of a housely, he mechanics of

human finge movemen he camouage of a moh o he building oevey kind of mae from variaions n arangemen o proon and elecon and hen mainain ha al his deign happened ihou a designe

happened by shee, bind accidensch a person believes in a miacle famoe asounding han any in he ibl9

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C A P T E R 7

Vegas Odds on ife

At the tieTh Orgn ofSp

was published about haf of all surica patients typicay died fro infetions which physicians assued arosespontaneously t was the work of ouis Pasteur 822-895) and Josephiser 182-192) that proved infetons are aways spread eadin to theode concept of sterile technique

Darwinists were slow to accept tis discovery however because evolution rlin out creation by God reuires that life can arise by itself. Geranys Est aecke one of the eat nineteenthcentury popularizers ofDawinis continued to push the ld concept of "spontaneous eneration.e predicted that sponaneously enerated bactera would be discovered. n868, he even pubished spelative drawins of such Within a year Britishzoloist Thoas uley whose ston advocacy of evoution earned hthe nicknae "Darwn's buldo claied to have discovered Haece'sbacteria in ud saples taken fro the oceans depths uey dubbed hisnd Bathybus hack in aecke s honor and it was widely reported that

spntaneous eneration had been proven.Microscopic eaination by a eist however ascertained that uley's bacteria were jus a cheica precipitate. Al other efforts to deonstrate spontaneous eneration of ie have failed.

Natura selection atepts to eplain how livin thins chane. But itdoesn't eplain how they bgan a pin hole in evoutionary theory Todayit is coonly tauht that life arose fro nonlivin aterials in a "priordial soup. Chares Darwin used

is ofn said a al onions o s poduion o a liingoganism a no psn ud eer a bn psn u ando a a big i oud oni in som am lil pond i alsos o ammonia and pospoi sls ig a ii psna a poin ompound as miall omd ad o undgo sillmo oplx ags a psn da su ma ould b insan

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dord or asord whch wod hav n h cas for ivingcrars wr ford

Darwi's day cellla coleiy was arecaed. Haeckel caedhe cel a "sile ie of albios cobiaio of carbo asassed ha checas cold cobie o for oe wh reaive ease Hwever as scieifc advaces showed cell wee ayhi b sile he oddsaais heir chace forao icreased. ve ore deadly o he heoryoye rese everywhere wold esroy aio acids (he bildiblocks of roes which are he ai ooes of cells).

he weeh cery Sove biocheis A. ar frher develoed

he evooary heory of ors He roosed ha here was o free oy-e i he acie arh's aoshere. he ases he said sch as hydro-e ehae ad aoia ih have eised b o oye. Cobiedwih evercreasi esiaes for he Earh's ae he robabiliy for chaceforaio of lfe was boosed. ar sarized his ideas hs 136book The Orn of Le

ari's heory was osesibly valaed by he faos eere ofSaley Miller i 1953 Miller a Uiversy of Chicao radae sde

creaed a aaras i whch he cobed waer wih hydroe ehead aoia (he ases ari had dsssed) ad sbeced he ire oelec sarks Afer a week he discovered ha soe aio acids hadfored i a ra i he syse. was coecred ha i he riiive rhih (corresod o Miler's eecrciy) cold have srck a silararray of checas ad rodced ai acids

eres sch as Mller's hav creaed headies roclai ha"lfe has bee creaed laboraore. e s be clear alhoh sciesshave syhesized soe oraic cheals o oe has ever syhesized feThe ariMiler odel is robably evolio's os widey acceedheory of ors b faces a ber of robes

(1 is dobfl ha he yo rh was oyefree. The Bulet of

the Amercan Meteoroca Soce oed 1 982cn poochca caclaons y aosphric rsarcrs a an

gly [sarc Cnr] wr prsn a an inrnaiona scnfc con

rnc as fal y sa a a h coplx organic olcls prcrsors of ving syss) wr irs ford fro aosprcgass, ars aospr was no coposd priaiy of hanammona, and hydrogn as was prvsly spposd xygn n ars arly aosphr may ha n p o on llon ms graran anyon vr hogh.

aley researcher oel S. eve aed:

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any of h fgs w s in cop siaons a consvaiv n h cas of o cacla oxygn vs on i o vincfo h ay gological co spos o concson was pzzling googiss now fo hi analss of h os nown ocs ha h

oxygn vl of h ay aosph ha o ch hgh han pvosly calca nalyss of hs ocs sia o o han 35lion yas o, fon oxiiz ion n aons ha cal fo aosphic oxygn o a las 1 1 0 is ga an phaps p o on ll onis ga han ohwis accp

That sae yea, Ceey ad B adha cofied i eoogy

cn ological an nplanay sis s o favo an ay ox

z aosph ich n C an ssiy conanng f oca oygn h xsnc of ay [san poss sain wih h sycoo o oxiz ion] sa an gonwa spha oxiz sialan saoo wahng css an h ison of fic on in snay ocs a googical osvaions an infncs copal whh ioogca an panay pcons is sggs ha fo h o h als a ocs a 3 il on yas ago, ah ha an oxygnicaosph

6 5

But let's assue Oai ad ille wee ih ad the ealy atoshee had o oxye Withou oxye o ooe aye woud exist to otectus o the sus cosc ays. Cal Saa oited out that subject to thach ultavolet liht today's oaiss would eceive a lethal dose ofadiatio i just 3 secods How could the faile beiis o life havesuvived such a evioet?

(3 Dawi soke of life bei i a "wa litle od Oe htvisuaie ods havi the iht cheica akeubut they wouldt lasfo he eos equied to deveo livi oaiss Theefoe ode evo-utioists like Oai seculated tha etie oceas costituted the "io-dial sou But that us u Mies exeiet because a ocea wouldeed coutless tos of aio acids et the ih cocetatio of chei-calsad would lihti bots uce that uch?

(4 f a vast iodial sou exised eoloy shoud cooboate it. Butas Michael Deto otes: "f the tditioal stoy is tue theefoe, thee

ust have existed fo ay ilios of yeas a ich xtue of oaic coouds i he aciet oceas ad se of this ateial would ikey havebee taed i he sedietay ocs la dow i he seas of those eoteies. Yet ocks of eat atiquity ave bee exaed ove the ast twodecades ad i oe of he has a ace of abiotically oduced oaiccoouds bee oud

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Philip H. Abelson of he Caneie siuions Geophysica aborarydecared

f anaonia yposi r corc r soud gocca vidnc supporing i Wt s t vidnc for a priiivtanaona atospr on ar answ s ta r s no vidnc for i, ut uc against i.

(5) ihnin which is consideraly sroner han Mier's elecricsparks ofen desoys wha i conacs. ihnin of couse occurs all heie oday and poduces nohin reseblin eleens f lifecep ineuns of Frankentein ovies.

(6) Miler and his coauh E Orel wroe ha becase oranic c-pounds ae unsable such coud probably no have oriinaed life unless heoceans were quie cool"A eperau of °C would have heed reayhey said. Bu how could he youn arh whch was supposedly rauain fro a ho oen sae have bee ha cold?

(7) Mille perfored his eperie under precise condiions usin aask as a rap. Bu ancien oceans had conrolled envirnen o flasks.Evouion denies ha ife had a desie Bu even if scieniss


facure life in a lab wouldn' ha only how i was an ineen process?(8) Perhaps os ipoanly he ino acids Mille oduced as weshall see are a ivia facion of wha fe equies.

Amin acids t proteins

Bodies ae ade up of cells. Cells conis osly of roeins And proens

are chains of aino acids. So before e o a cell Milles aino acdswould firs have o for proeins.A poein us be anified a ilion ies o becoe visible o heeye Huan cells use abou 2 feren proeins. Mos proeins havehundreds of aino acids

Evey aino acid has a leas one aivain enzye Proein foraionrequires ha aino acids be acivaed y hei enzyes and colleced by asubsance called tranferRNA Did Mlers ihnin sikin he pir-dial sou also produce enzyes and ansferRNA?Anohe dfficuy for he OparnMler ode when an aino acid jnsa chain a waer olecule is released erefoe if wae s presen a waerolecule will norally be iven back and he cheical pocess revese. 2How hen could proeins have fore in ancien oceans? As A E. Wilder-Sih noed

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h ocan is thus pracicaly t last plac on ths or any othr pantwhr h proins of lf could ormd sponanously from aminoacids.

Aware of the proble evolutioists have iveted deret scearossch as that the ao acids washed up o a volcaos r where heat evaporated the water But what does that do to the MllerOre thesis of a cooleiroet? Such facful hypotheses have ot eoyed wde acceptace

Cances are

Poer's raest had is a straiht h (five uericaly cosecutive cardsal of the sae suit Play the ae toht you're ot apt to et oe Butwhat i you played for oths o ed? Sooe or later you ht lad astraht ush

r suppose I had tried to bat aaist Nola Rya whe the ace ptchewa at his peak. Not uch chace for a uy like e to et a hit off Rya. Butwhat if I could have swu away hudeds or eve thousads of ties?vetualy if oly by sheer luck d have otte ood wood o oe of hsptches ad set the ball to the outfeld for a hit.

Evolutio uses this type of auet asserti that ive eouh tiethe riht aio acids could have assebled toethe by chace ad foredpoteis

s this tue? If you had a deck of ards ubered oe to te ad shuledthe the odds that they would ce out i precise orderoe throuhteare oly oe i 3,628,800 N suppose you had a deck (or ay othersyste cosisti of 100 copoets The chaces of appear i precise

orde would be oe 10


e followed by 18 zeroes Aai aythi with odds reater tha i is cosidered effectively ipossible.ur aaloy is ipefect sce te body uses oly twety deret aoacis but the averae pote chai osists of well ove a hudred of thesewhch ust be i eact oder so we start to sese the probles atude.For ore precise aalysis I quote obel Prze wie Facs Crck whoalo with aes Watso deterd DNAs olecula structure

a paricuar amino acd squc was slctd y chanc how rar anvn would his ? uppos h chain s aout wo hundrd amnoacd log ths s, anythng, rar ls han h avrag ngth of protns of al typs inc w havjust twnty possitis at ach plac, hnumr o possiliis s twny ultipld y isf som two hundrdtims. his is convnintly wit 0 and is approximatly qua o1 0 hat is, a on folowd y 0 zros his numr is quit yond

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or vrydy coprnson . . . gr joriy of sqncs cnnvr v bn synszd , ny i

Heoobin, he bloods oyencyin poein, has wo chains, alphaand bea, conainin a oal of 287 ao acids. Soe individuals inhe aene which causes he aino acid vali o subsiue fo he ao acid luaic acid, a posiion 6 of he bea chi. The esul is sickle cell aneiaeven houh he ohe 286 aino acid ae assebled pefecly. This sowshow flawess a poeins sucue u be.

Si Fed Hoyle, he einen Biis asonoe, saed: vns nyon wi vn odding cqnnc w bik

cb wi concd nripossb ity o soion bing obnd by bnd prson oving cb fcs t rndo. Now igin bindprsons c wi scrbd b cb nd ry o conciv of cnc of simutaneousy rving sovd for o nv cnc of rrvng by rnd sing of js on of nybiopoyrs prons c. on wi if dpnds. noion noonly biopoyrs b oprng progr of vng c cod brrvd by cnc in prord rgnic sop r on is vi

dny nonsns of ig ordr. Si Benad ove, he asonoe ho buil he wolds s copleelyseeable adio elescope, said:

opron of pr cnc wou n wiin f bion o bion yr peod orgnic olcls n pv ss igv o ndrgo r ssbis in ordr o i pon corrcsqnc possiby of sc ance occrrnc dng o forion of on of ss pron ocs s ngnby sWin bondry condiions of i nd spc w consdring ifcivy zro.

Zoolois Haold Con sued he fndns of aes Coppede:Coppdg ccs odds r o on no on sb

proin wod rs fro cnc v f l os on rs srfc incding wr r nd crs of r wr d ino convnny vib ino cids nd  o bion yrs wr nvovd I

n sho, chance could no podu even one poein. And a "siple,sinlecelled baceiu conans thounds of dieen poeins Wha, hen,ae h odds of asseblin all he pins necessay fo life? You pobablydon' wan o kow. Con noed:

orowiz s drnd prbiiy for origin of orgncpcrsors for ss iy liing ny by rndo procsss. H

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asd s alations on aton poailitis a sowa dn ando aa approa ta ost s optatos asfo podg ssay ols, aio aids, potis ta, foa o t sz of t sallst known to a (Mycopasm homins

H is ss a o o 0 wt 340 llon zros aft it

Muc of t sconcton about t robablts or lf tracs back to"Darwn's buldo Toas Huy n akn s cas for canc onsHuly rotdly sad tat s onkys okn randomly at tywtrs forons of yars coud w all ooks n Brs Musu. W aval ard varatons on ts t suc as tyn onkys rcran tworks of Saksar

Howvr, anyon wo blvs ts rojctons asn't furd t at.Wat ar t odds of a onky y on rdtrnd nnlttr wordsuc as "voluton? Snc t aat as 26 lttrs on ust ully 26by slf t ts W fnd t onky would nd on avra or tanv tron attts ust to wrt "voluton onc cocty Tyn tn lt-trs nut ts would tak ov on yars f on wod s tat ardto t on bns to fato t dcuts of randoy roducn a ara-ra o t coonnts of lf

Craton scntst Duan Gs u t onky attr n rsctv oky ypig 00 ts vy sod for fv lion yas wodno av ots an of ypng a partilar sn o 00 ttrsvn on witot splig ors

at, if on ilo ( 09) plats t sz of t art w ovrdyatoyall ad lowolow wi onkys, and a onywas satd a a ypwitr rqirin aot sqa t fo a oky,of appoxatly 0 6 sqar f avaa o a of t 0 plats),

and a onky typd a strng o 0 tts vry sod fo fv llioyars ao 0 7 sods) as ar ovwing ta no o os onkys wod av typd stn orly ly 0 trisod ad y al ts o n ta fv ilon yars . . wod no slgts a tt a sng on o t 02 okys aion trio okys wold av typd a pstd st of 00

tts s as s o ts pact atil is t aalist dsignof l on t art dr ass piodia odons) wiot a

sping ro, v on . Cosidg an zy, t o 00 aio ads t wod nopossility watv at a sg ol old v av aisn y pa on t at i v l on yas

So ay obc tat voluton not just a canc rocss tat naturalslcton rovs t odds But naural slcton orats ony n lvn

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his; here we are dscssi iaae checas that evliists the-seves say preceded the stat f life N e wis ths race f srvivalalhe ctestats are dead at the start le

ve if ck dd p ai acds a prteis tethe, wld that createa livi ras? Chest h Kesa wrte i assmd ha h pioic as conand all of h maial

ha "chmica volion is spposd o hav ogh ao. hn how,and in wha om, cold li hav aisn om sch a scad mangh qsion ms answd if h is an answ, o giv maning anddicion o h psi o chmica vion ohws ha ps wilconin o an ndlss sis of laaoy xpmns nad o h

cnal pom h has n a good dal o ncca accpanc ofxpimns, sls, and conclsios whch w a a oo ady oacnowldg cas hy sppo pconcivd convicons. . . .

We ca dp sar, r, baki pwder, ad a e the fbtthey wt t it a cake by theselves. We have t x ad bake heaccrdi t a recipe Thrwi steel, rbber, ass ad plastic tetherdest ake a car. takes skillfl eeei Hw ch re, the,wd telece be eeded t desi fe? f brlat scetists have faedt create it, hw cld blid stpid chce?Hard cll

Ai acids prteis the ext tep wld be cels Gree ad Gd-berer, their bk Molecular Insgh no he Lvng Process ted hat"the acrlecletcell trasiti s a jp f faastic diesis,

which lies beyd the rae f testable ypthesis. A typical cell ctste illi illi ats. f y bilt a scale del f e si teis ball-sized "ats, at e at pe ie, t wld take 50 lli years arlSaa ted

h nfomaion conn of a simp cl has n salshd as aond 0 is compaa o ao a hndd milion pags o h ncy-clopadia Biannca.

ve Richard Dawkis, e f evtis st tspke defeers,ackwledes that a cel ces "ctas a dally cded database laer, ifrati ctet, tha all 30 vles f the Encyclopaedia Briannca

pt tether Ad ths fre is fr eah cel, t all the cells f a bdy pttethe

Meclar bilist Michael Det takes his eaders a rearkaletr f a cell's ier

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To grap he reaiy o ie a i ha been reveae by molecular biologywe mu magniy a cel a houand milion ime uni i i weny kiomere in diameer an reembe a gin airhip l arge enough o cover a greaciy ike London or ew ork Wha we woud hen ee wou be an obec

o unparaee compexiy an adapive deign On he urace o he cewe woul ee milion o oening like he por hole o a va pace hipopening an coing o alow a coninua ream o maeria o low in anou. we were o ener one o hee opening we woud in ourelve ina orl o upreme echnology and bewidering complexiy We woud eeene highly organize corrior an conui branching in every irecion away rom he perimeer o he ce ome eading o he cenral memory bank in he nuceu an oher o aembly plan an proceing uni

he nuceu ie oul be a va pheica chamber more han a kiomere in diameer reembling a geodeic dome inide o which we woud eea neay acke ogeher in ordere array he mile o coied chain ohe DA moecue A huge range o produc an raw maerial woulhule along al he maniold conui in a highly orere ahion o anrom all he variou aemby pla in he ouer region o he ce.

We would ee aroun u in eery irecion we looke a or orobolike machine. We woul noice ha he imple o he uncional

componen o he cell he proei molecule were aonihingy compex piece o moecular machiney each one coniing o abou hreehouan aom arrange in high organize 3D paial conormaionWe woul woner even more a we wached he rangely purpoeuaciviie o hee eird moecu machine paricuary when we realize ha epie a our accumuae knowlege o phyic an chemiyhe ak o deigning one uch moecular machineha i one ingle uncional proein moleculewoud be compeey beyond our capaciy a preen an will probaby no be achved unil a lea he beginning o hene cenury

We woul ee ha neary ever eaure o our on advanced machineha i anaogue in he cel ariia anguage an heir decoding yem memory bank or inormaon orage and rerieval eegan conroyem reguaing he auomae aembly o par an componen erroraiae an prooreaing device uiize or ualiy conrol aemblyprocee invoving he principe o preabricaion and mouar conrucion In ac o eep wou be eeling o  au o peruaive he

anaogy ha much o he erminogy we wou ue o decribe hi acinaing molecular realiy woud be borrowed om he worl o lae weniehcenury echnoogy2

o uch o a cel bei a "sip little ump o abmious cobiatioo arbo as Haeckel put it The cel has achies more itricate tha ay

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made by ma. Whe i the history of siece did a machie arise spota-eosly?

Frthermore cells are as Behe wol say "iredcibly complex Each

cellar strctre fctios oly i coordatio with others. Explaii howsch this arose idepedety poses ismotable diclties for evo-ltio For example cell membraes deed o proteis yet proteis ca-ot fctio withot a cell membrae. Scientc Amercan, Joh Horadescribed aother closed circle

DA cnno o ork ncling orming more DA ithot thehel o ctlyic protein or enzyme hort proein cnno orm h

o DA bt neher cn DA orm ot protein

Bt wait DNA? There's aother hdle for Darwiism genec

code How do cells kow they are am cells ot ose cells? How do thecells of a fetal rae kow to row p as a irae ot a zebra? Theyreqire istrctios.

enes carry hereditary iformatio. A is the sbstace of which eesare made. The genec code is a real ce fod i DNA molecles tattells the cells what to do. We may look a cell as a litte factory protesas machies i the factory ad the eeic code as strctios for assembyof the machies

The code is a actal laae that sietists have deciphered. It cosistsof sbstaces called cleoides of wch there are for. They are disti-ished by their bases (A) adeie (T) ymie (G) aie ad cyosie. These fctio st like a alphat. A ee cosists of abot 000

cleotides which ormally appear i iplets sch as AG or ATG Most

triplets specify amio acids bt some iicae "stop jst as a teleram wllsay "stop to ed a setece All of the orld's oraismsaimals patsad eve virsesdeped o this code or existece.So cells like compters areprgred for their fctios. The eetic

code is far more complex tha the code Microso eieers sed to desWidows X Ayoe believe Wido XP cold t p withot iteliece? How the the eetic code? f corse evoltioists have theirstock aswer time ad chace. othe words if yo had a deck of cardseach beari a letter ad kept shi them evetaly yo wod et ameafl setece like "I OE YO.

Bt A. E. WilderSth poited ot e allacy of sch reasoi Sppose yo haded yor " OE YOU setece to a ma who spoke olyGerma? To have meai a messae mst be received by someoe whoderstads it.

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V E A S D D S O N L I F E 73

Cels translate he eneic coes insrucions. Sayin ha chance poduced he code is insuicien We us also believe chance creaed he celular ranslaion devices How coul a ranslaion device, fored by chance,inerpe inforaion aso foe by chance? How could a haphazadachine ranslae soehin wih no eanin ino eanin? Caryl P Haskinss coens in Amercan Scet wee undesaed

Did he code and he mean o ranaing i appear imulaneouly inevoluion? eem amo incedibe ha any uch coincidence coudhave occurred given he exraordinary complexiie o boh ide and herequiremen ha hey be coordinaed accuraely or urviva

Which cae firs? No likey he eneic code, if here was nohin oanslae i Tha woud be ike boks eisin befoe here wee people oead he. Bu why would ransan devices evove firs, if here was noeneic code o ead? This is ye aher irreducible copleiy. Evoluioniss Rober Auros and Geore Saciu woe in The New Bology 9)

Wha caue i reponibe or e origin o he geneic code and direci o produce animal and plan ecie? canno be maer becaue oie maer ha no incinaion o hee orm any more han i ha o he

orm Poeidon or o he orm

o microchip or any oher ariac heremu be a caue apar from mae ha i able o hape and direc maer

I here anyhing in our experienc like hi? e, here i our own mindhe aue orm originae in e mind of he ari who hen bequeny hape maer in he appopriae way For he ame reaonhere mu be a mind ha direc nd hape maer in organic form hi ari i God and naure i od handiwork

Maer is no ininsically nforaive. To say ha a huan cell was bui

by is cheicas is like sayin a ook was wien by is paper and ink, oha a ypewrier was consuced he iron in s frae. Funciona desinequires ore han aeri akes inellienceThe US. ovenen has buil a nube of adio eescopes a ea

epense. Evouioniss hoped hese ih deec radio sinas fo inelien beins elsewhee in he univese Afe all, if chance creaes life, orelife should be ou hee. So fa, se elescopes have eceived no sinalsfo oher cvilizaions Bu if hey did how would we know he essaes

weren poduced by chance? Wy, he sinals would have a paeacode revealin inellec. Why, hen, is a bacerus genetc cde, wihenouh infoaion o fil encycopedias, disrearded as happensance?Soehin wron wih his hee picure.

Anoher rivial quesion: Whe and how did ces acquire he abiiy orepoduce heselves? Chalk up aoher one fo "chance.

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Aio acids. Proteis. Cels The eetic code Traslatio deices.Reprodcti e aility. A lot for lck to aoplish. f yo placed bets with aeoltioist o coi tosses ad yo fipped thirty straiht heads hed

acse yo of hai a twoheaded i. Sity straiht ties he ihtoe aer yo with tooth ad claw. Yt the sae eoltioist withot atti a eyeash will beiee that iitely less proae eets took placto paraphrase Michael Pita that the cosi casio kept tri pstraiht shes.

Oe of y faorite shows bak i te seeties was The Rocord Fesstari Jaes Gaer. Oe episode ws called "The Great Ble ake dad Deeopet Copay. Rokfo atted a crooked real estate rthat was selli parcels of desert lad as prie "lakefrot propertyassr-i cstoers that i the ftre a lak wod be added ad the ad deel-oped. "Take a look at that! the salesa wod tell his scker poiti atbarre widswept sad. "There's the hoppi eter! Ad oh! ook oerthere! Theres the cotry clb where yoll e eoyi barbeces eerySatrday!

Eoltios sales pitch is a bit like that Professor Proability takes s toa plot of epty lad with a pod o it ad oers it to s for $40 illio

"$40 illio? ! we ask. "Bt theres othi here! "There will e wiks the professo "Why i tie the heials i thatpod wil t ito ateria the actera ito fish the fish ito e ad thee wi id a whoe ciiiatio Wy this ad will ecoe a ity tee-i with hotels ad aseet parks. tell yo y fried at $40 iiothis pod is a barai !

Did we really o fro "ato to Ada? Ca thii olecles t

theseles ito thiki ha bei? No oe has aswered that qestioore pictresqely tha Sir Fred Hole. Nature qoted the astrooer assayi that the proaiity of hiher ife fors eeri y hace ae oparale to the odds that "a torado sweepi throh a yard ihtassele a Boei 747 fro the ateials therei

What the is the ateratie? ai qote DNA codiscoerer FracisCik

An hone man, ame wih a he nowege avaiabe o u · nowcou ony ae ha in ome ene h ign o ie apear a he momeno e amo a miracle o many are e conion which wou have hao have been aiie o ge gong.

Soe idi Hoyle ad Crk teseles hae proposed that ifewas perhaps deposited o Earth fro soe etrateestrial sore Bt thatstill wodt eplai how life ot stated esewhere! Which leaes s with

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E A S O D S O N L I E 7 5

God aoe. kowha ies he Darwiis. Bu as Biish philosopher G . K.Chesero said, " is absurd or he eoluiois o coplai ha i isuikabe or a adiedly uhikable God o ake eeryhi ou ooi, ad he preed ha i is re hikable ha ohi should urise io eeryhi.ike eluio's oher braches, eories o oriins require as uch ahas reliio. Ahropolois ore iseley obsered "Aer hai chidedhe heoloia or his reliace o h ad iracle, sciece oud ise ihe ueiabe posiio o hai creae a yholoy o is ow aely,he assupio ha wha, ae lo or, coud o be proed o ake paceoday, had, i ruh, ake place i he prieal pas.

s Chai, he Nobel Prizewii biocheis, sued i succicly ve i or yer t pecuion bout te orgin o ie e to noueu purpoe even te mpe living yem i fr oo compex to beuneroo in term o te extremey primitive cemitry cienti veue in teir tempt o explin unexpinble ppene biliono yer go Go cnno be explie wy by uc nive tougt

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PTE 13. Thoas Hley"Darwis Bldo

PA 14 Staley Millewih his apparats

LATE 15 To ake chace orii of life possibleSovie biochest Aleaer Opari proposed that he

early Earth had a oyefree aosphere.

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PATE 6 Asroe Fred Hoyle

'0,yo Iy _ p'.  .1.  e . p y I.,  e 9y

20 30 0

 p  I 9 p •  9y " p   p p  I.,  I p y h 9y  h p50 6 

91y Iy I le 9 p   ,.  v h, his y y ,.1 p70  80

.1.  9y ph .p  I gly I Iy e g y ,  y e y

0 00  1 10  ph y y 'Y ,.,  ., ie ie t, I" " " 1" h

20  30 

ph .1  Y  '  p .1   p  •   p • gly 

140  0 .h, yo h gly  p  y .   t,  h h, p  p  .'  I" 

60  170 

g I.,  p  I.  .  ,y  Iy I  t p  gy .h Iy ile I p .1. 

80  0 00

e yo 9y Iy y Iy p 9y gy p I y y•

0Iy Iy p  t, I. 1 91y p  gy y .h, h,230  40

p y  ,.1 t • .  .,.  v I.,  "p  I I I, .

PATE 7 Aino acid sequence f he oein cyoysinoedeonsaes life's ole recision.


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. ',



, . . .�.


i ,'oc31:- V W2. c3A0 "1 =M I

: IJf ;t dO l/J n) JYtM



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n Ap-anfr A Sasns

A few yeas ao, he sory oes, a eporer was inerviewin he ChicaoCu' anaer on openin day. "Tel e he asked "how many of heplayers in your ineup would you clasify as real suers?

"Al nne of he, he anae reped whou hesiaion.The reporer looked a h in disbeief. "Oh, really? he said barey abe

o conceal a srk. "Well we. ine sluers in one lineup! neve headof ha before.Neiher have , said he Cubs manaer. " houh you said sluggards

The precedin chape exained he beinnn of he evouionay escale. ow we ook a s endour spposed "apean ancesors. nu-be of canddaes hae been poposed We are on o inspec he roser andsee if hey qualify as suers or sluards.

Man sharin his descen wih ape was probably Dawns os conro-

eral claim. People didn' ind s uch he dea ha anals evolvedfro oher animalsb puin a in he sae caeory offended any.Darwin's supporers herefore consdered discoery of a "missin lnkcucial o peservn he ene hey However, as zoolos Ausin H.Cak of he Sihsonian nsiuon on ao saed

an i no an ape an in pe o he imiaiy beween hem here no he ghe eviene ha man i eene fom an ape . . Fromime o ime varou miing nk" uppoe o onne man wih heape have been eibe u n lgh of al he evene avaable ahe peen ime here i no juaon n aumng ha uh a hing a aming link" eve exie or ine ou have eve exe

Chaper Two we noed ha paleonoloy he sudy of fosss, hasfaied o dscover ransional fors for anals. Paleoanthpology is he


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study f fssils f hds (frs f huas) ad ther evideces faciet a. Mst f us recall schl ttks wih drawis f a's r-ress fr ape each picture shwn he creature less hary less rte-

like ad walki re upriht. It was aey eplaied that these radaiswere the arists aiati. erld weste ad Adree Zihlated New Scentst:

maginaton rn riot n conrn p an image o or mo ancenanceorthe creatre ha gave rie oth ape and hman Th ancetor no apparen n ape or hman anaomy nor in the oil record b eviden ony n the neen world o he genome wihn he ce

h Reader authr Mssng Ln

said iNew Sentst

E]ver ince Darwin work npred he noon tha ol inkngmodern man and extnct anceor wod provde he mo convincngproo o hman evolton, preconcepion have ed evidence y he noein he tdy o ol man

rd Zuckera the faed aats f he Uiversity f Birharearked:

For example no cienti cod ogcally dpe he propoion thaman wtho havng been nvolved in any ac o divne creation, evolvedrom ome apelike creare n a very hort pace o mepeakng ngeologica ermwho eaving ay ol trace o he ep o heraormation.

A I have aready mped den o prmate have not een d

ngihed or cation when working whn the logica contraint o heir

bjec The record i o aonihng ha i legitmate o ak whether

mch cience i ye o be ond in hi ield at al The ory o he Piltdown an hoax gve a pretty good anwer

The jawed fraud

Betwee 1908 ad 1912 Chales Daws a aateur fssi huter ecv-eed pieces f a ld hua sku fr a rave pt Ptdw Elad afew ies fr Darwis he The fid ipressed Arthur Sih Wd-ward f the Brtish Museu They du deeper at Ptdw jed y PereTelhad de Chard a ctrversa Jesu pest (A paletlist ad ut-spke Darwist Teilhard declared that evluti "is a eera cdi twhich all heries all hyptheses all systes ust w ad which theyus satsfy hecefrward if they are e thikale ad true. Evlu sa liht luiat al facts a curve at al ies us flw)

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A A PE MA R A L S E A S O S 8 1

rther dii prodced a lower aw apelike i shape, bt with teeth tooshort for a ape. The skll ad lowr aw were assied to the sae idi-vidal, who was said to be at least 00000 years old Dawso ad Wood-

wad aoced the fid i Deceer 912 ad the word was tod thatDawi's "issi lik had bee fod Thoh its editoria pae revealedisivis the New York Times ra a story o it headlied "Darwi TheoryProved Tre

or the et for decades, ltdo Ma was evoltios reatest show-case, feated tetbooks ad ecopedias. May papers ad doctoraldissertatios wee writte o Piltdo Ma, which was desiated Eoan

thpus ("daw a dawson i Dawso's hoor The scietists who had

woked o the fossil ad verfied s atheticityWoodward, aatoistArthr Keith, ad brai specialist Gafto Elliot Sithwere all khted. the eatie, clerye who ha deoced evoltio were ridicledltow, it was said, had prove th wro.

The British Mse displayed a aster cast of Piltdow Ma, ad h-dreds of thosads azed po their apea "acestor. The acta fossilswee kept locked p. 1953 however, scietists sbected the to a ewethod of cheical aalysis, which roved the apelike awboe very recet.Close ispectio also revealed fie arks o the teeththey had bee whit-tled dow to ake the shorte a ore halooki Ad the boeshad bee treated with cheicals to crease thei apparet ae The aw hadclerly bee plated ad bore o rlatio to the ha skll, which wasdeteried to date to the Midde es bt ot hdeds of thosads ofyeas ao. (The Piltdow site had be sed as a ass rave dri the reatplae of A.D 389 1982 collae testi proved coclsively that

the awboe was a oratasNo oe kows for sre who peretrated the frad vestative bookshave sested ore tha a doze sspectseve Sherock oles creatorArthr Coa Doyle, who lved ar the site! A few writers, icldiStephe Jay Gold, have ade a ase for Pierre Teilhard de Chard. 1 9 2 soe scietists had epressed obts abot the awboes relatioshipto the skl, sayi that if a caie tooth were fod, it wold esolve theater. Teilhard the "fortitosly haced po a caie tooth at hs feet,

while sitti o a ravel pile at the iltdow site. vestiators later deter-ied Teihads tooth had bee file dow ad pated Bt did he plat it,o was it pt there for hi to fd?arwiists have tried to save fae i the iltdow atter by sayi it

shows how evoltioary sciece "corrects isel Bt the ectificatio tooksoe forty years. Ad reardless of who coitted the frad, Piltdow

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poved that even a multitude ofexpes, blinded by peconceptions, could bedeceved As a esult, an ente geneton was deceved with hem

Te im-m m

Ameca was not to be outdone in he adventuous seach fo a ssng lnkn the ealy 920s, paleontologist Hey Fifield Osbo, an adent evolu-tionst, was batting William Jenning Byan ove the teachng o evolutionin public schools Byan, o couse, ent on to ad the posecuon in thefamous copes tial n 1922, geoloist Haold Cook dscoveed a singetooth in Nebaska Afte examning t, Osbon declaed it belonged to an

ealy apeman, whom he named Hepepthecus hadcook n Cookshono. Populay, became known as Nebaska Man.

Osbon was paticulaly delghed because Nebaska was Byan's homestae He gloated hat "he Eath spoke o Byan and spoke fom hs owntate of Nebaska, n he message of a diminuive tooth, the heald ofanthopoid apes n Ameica . this te tooth speaks volumes of tuhtuth onsisten wih all we have kown befoe, with all that we have foundelsewhee


Gegoy and Milo Hellman, specialists in eeth at the Amei-can Museum of Natual Hstoy, said afte caeful sudy that he tooth wasom a speces cose to man han ape Hais Hawthone Wilde, a zooogypofesso at mth College, wote in his book The Pedgree of the Human

RaceJdgng from he ooh aone he ana eem o have been abo

halway beween Ptecantpus [Java Man dced nex] and he manof he reen day or erha beer eween Ptecantpus and he manof he eandera ye 9

n England, Gafon Elliot mh, who had been invoved in the Piltdownaa, convnced The Iustrated London News to pubish an atst's ende-ng o Nebaska Man The pictue, wich appeaed in a twopage spea andeceived wde distibution, showed o butish, naked apepesons, the malewih a cub, the female gatheing oos All ths fom one tooth

Howeve, uthe excavaons a Cooks site evealed that the tooth

beonged neithe to ape no man, but o a peccay, a close elative of the pig"Nebaska Man was unceemoniouly whdawn as a "ssng lnk

Dubous Dubos

When suded bology n high school, ou textbook feaued a beetlebowed apeman called "Java Man We wee assued that this moon was

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ou acesto G K . Cheseton aptly coented on Java an's depiction in

his te:

A eae rawng wa reprouce careully hae o how he very

ar of h hea were al numere o uninorme eron ooking a icareuly lne ace wou imagne or a momen ha hi wa he porraio a hgh one o a ew eeh an a ragmen o a cranium

Te Java Man stoy acually begis wih Enst Haeckel, he Gean

zoologist who ade those iaginativ dawings of "spoaeously gene-

aed bacteia Haeckel was convicd that apeen us have existed,

adagai withou evidecehe coissioed a paining of such, who

he naed Piheanhpu aalu apea without speechOe of Haeckels studets, Eugene Dubois, becae deeied to find

Pheanhrpu This was befoe Pitdown Gloy ad hono wee sue to

cove the fist an who could validae Dawinis by nding the issing

lin Haeckel believed en had sepaaed fo apes soewhee i Afica o

oute Asia

n 1 887, Dubois signed up as a docto fo eigh yeas wih he Duch

edical cops i the Dutch Eas dies (now ndoesia, intending o hunt

fo ssis duig all his spae tie he auhoities hee peied hi

to seach he was give fty foced aboes ad two ay copoals as


Yas of excavatio poduced litle of significace The, i 1 89 , alog

Javas olo Rive, the laboes dug up a tooh and a sullcap The ate was

apelie, havig a low foehead ad lage eyebow idges The followig

yea, about foty feet away, the diggs ueathed a high bone ha was

cleay huan As natualist Richad Caigto elaed:Duoi wa a r inclne o regar hi ku cap an eeh a elong

ing o a chimpanee in pie o he c ha here i no known eviencea hi ape or any of i anceor eer lve n Aia. u on releciona afer correponing wih he grea Ern aecke Proeor of Zooogy a he Univery of Jena he eclare hem o belong o a creaurehich eeme amiraly uie o he role o he mng link." I I

Dubois, ike Piltdows discovees, pesued that a apeike boesoehee nea a hua boe eant te wo beoged o he sae ceaue,

constitutig Dawis lik Following Haeckels lead, Dubois naed his

find heanhpu erecu "eect aean Haeckel, who had ot eve

see he boes, teegaphed Dubois Fo the iveto of Pihecatopus

to his happy discovee 1 2

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n 895, Dubois retued to Europe o make i s case. He went on a lec-ture circuit and displayed his fossils a he nternaiona Congress of Zool-ogy in the Netherlands The response rom experts was mixed, however

Rudolph Virchow, who had once been aeckels professor and is regardedas the fathe of modern pahology, said "n my opinion this ceature was ananimal a gian gibbon, in fact The thig bone has not the slighes connec-tion wih the skull. 3

The circumstances of Dubois find ere unorthodox He had apparentlybeen absent when the laborers dug up is fossis Maps and diagrams ofthe sie were no made until after the excavaion. Under such conditions, amode dig would be disregaded.

Although e had studied anatomy and medicine, Dubois had no formatraining, at he ime, in geology or paleontology Little was known abouJavas terain, and he was unualified to date the layers containing he os-sils n fact, after making the discovery, he relabeled hemaking his ape-man older G H R von Koenigswa, a paleoanthropologis in Java fomany years, emaked

When Dboi ie hi r eciion o the ol Javanee ana he

eignate it Peiocene no ooer ha he icovere h Pthecanthpus than he ana ha enly o become Tertary e i everythingn hi ower o imnih the Pleiocene character o the ana

Angered by the ukewarm recepion from scientists, Dubois becamesecretive and woud not le anyone ese inspec the bones hile vigorouslydefending his nd as uniuey constiuing he missing link, he sharply cri-icized fossils found by others. His egosm even rankled other evolutionistsAs von Koenigswald related

Pthecanthpus becae Dboi einy wa hi covery h creaton hi exclive oeon on hi oint he wa a naccontable a ajeao lover Anyone who iagree wih hi nerretaon o Pthecan

thropus wa hi eronal enemy When h ea aie o wn generaacceance he leny wihrew rowing itrl nociabe aneccenrc at nigh he e to her brgar rowing ron he hoebent on tealng hi Pthecanthpu

n 1 907, an expedition of German scientiss from various discipines, ledby Professo M enore elenka, traveled to Java seeking more clues tomans ancesry in the region of Dubois discovery. Typically, Dubois di notcoopeate, refusing to let them see hs precious bones (ecrecythe hall-mark of true science

The expediion established a barracks, ired 75 workers, and metodi-cally removed 0000 cubic meters of maerial t sent 3 crates of ossil

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aeal back to Geany Howeve no evdence fo Pithecanthpus wasfound n the statu of Dubos fnd the scentsts found eats, and oaand auna hat looked ate ode. The expedon's eport also noed a

neaby volcano that caused peod floodng n te aea. Java Man hadbeen found n volcanc sedents he epot obseved that te checal

natue of those sedents, not ancen age, pobably caused the fosslzatono Pithecanthpus And natve tdton ndcated the olo Rve ad

changed couse n te hteenh o uteenth centuy true, Dubos fos-sls gt not be uch ove 500 yeas old D E. Cataus, a geologst onte expedton, concluded that Pihecanthpus was contepoay wthoden huans I ?

asng urthe uestons: Dubos' own excavatons had also ecoveedtwo skulls, clealy huan, fo anohe ste called Wadjak Howeve, he

declned to dsplay the when tupeng Java Man In fact, he kep heWadjak skuls hdden unde te looboads of s house o thty yeasThe eason s speculave, bu pehas Dubos beleved that f anyone sus-peced Java Man had coexsted wt oden huans, then t coud not bethe ssng lnk

Why dd Dubos nally eveal the kulls n 1 920? Athu Keth wote:"The event whc bought the fo D Dubos' fossl cupboad was te

publcaton of D. tewat A ths onogaph on the Talga anannhabant of Austala n Plestocene es Wth hs Java Man ae fad-ng, Dubos apparently could no et dsclosng the Wadak skulls, nsst

ng hey poved that he, not mth, hd ound the st "potoAustalan.

Ove the yeas, fossl agents la to Dubos' skullcap wee ecoveed fo Java nce 950, paleotopologsts have been callng Java

Man Hoo erectus an ealy fom o an But late n lfe, Dubos, stll ryng o dstance s nd fo othe dcovees, nssted tat Pithecanth-

pus was not a an, but a ggantc enus alled to te gbbonsa bt

onc fo, altough e stl caled t e eal ssng nk, a gant gbbon

was just wat Vchow had ognal dsssed Java Man asToday, the elenka fndngs and vaous defcences o Dubos' wok are

lagely gnoed, and Java Man emans n textbooks as one o evoluton'sundsputed "facts

Bu n te Cna op?

Anothe becle ancesto n y hg school bology extbook was "PekngMan In 1919, D Davdson Black, who ad woked wt Gaon Elloth on te Pltdown nds, tavele o Cna hopng to dscove a mssng

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link o hs own. This went unfufilled unti 1 927, when he was shown a sin-gle tooth. Black announced that it cae fom an apeman, whom he caledSinanhpus pekinensis speculatin that ivaled Nebaska Mans fo

boldness.Th Rockefele Foundation povid a age gant to establish a laboa-

toy in China to contnue the seach. lack and his team connued diggingat the same sitea limestone hi, cotaining a colapsed cave, caed ChouKou en (Dagon Bone Hil). he xcavation lasted unti Wold Wa began, and ued up fagments of 4 skuls, 11 awbones, and 14 teethNumeous animal fossils wee also ecoveed.

Davdson Black ded n 1934, but ot befoe he eceived many honos fodscoveing Sinanhropus pekinensi incuding membeship in Bitain'sRoyal Society He was eplaced by anz Weideneich, who, lke Osbonand Back, was easily smitten by the tooth faiy. Based upon some agemola teeth bought in Hong Kong apthecay shops, Weideneich descibedyet anothe ssing link iganopihus ceatue who, he caimed wastwce the size of a male goila. ianopihecus failed to catch e withevolutionists, howeveas William x notes, This ancestal model had a

shot un than he Edsel.Anothe majo gue at the Chou Kou Tien excavations was Piee Tei-had de Chadin, one of the pime Pitdown suspects. The Vatican had ban-ished Telhad to China in 1926 fo his unothodox egious views andadvocacy of evolution He had a emakable poclvity fo being aound

missing lnks at the tme of thei iscovey. Teihad invited his od po-fesso, Macelin Boule, to evaluae the Peking Man fossis. Boue headedthe nstitute of Human Paleontolog at the Museum of Natual Histoy in

Pais Boule and his coautho H. V Vaois late notedlack wo ad el jutiied in rging e erm Snanthpus to deig

nae one toot wa naturay conceed to legimie t creaion wen ead o decribe a ucap

Oddy, although skulls jawbone and teeth wee found at the site, theewee hadly any fagments of oth body pats. As Dunba and Waageobseved in Hisorical eology he absence o aity of othe skeleta

pas, as wel as evidences that the base of each skul had its base bokenaway n a denite manne, suggests tongly that the heads had been seveedfom he bodies and hat the bains had been eaten Alhough the cassicpainings of Pekng Man show him iving in the cave, it s appaent that theheads had been cut o somewhee ese and bought to the site. n pats ofAsia, monkey bains have long ben consideed a delicacy Some haveasked Was Peking Man an ape hund and killed fo food? ha his boken

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bones wee mixed with those o f many othe animals adds some cedence tothis possibility

Initialy Snanthu was deemed a vey ancient apeman In 93 in

the achaeological ounal Antqut Gafton Elliot mth made glowingcompaisons between the Pekng fossils, the faudulent Piltdown Man and

he scant fagments of Java Man He hen stated:

I very ignicn phenomenon h Chou Kou ien in pe othe mot creul erch n he cve uring the l three yer no rcehever o implement o ny or h been oun. When it coniereho v untity o oil remin h been oun n he crupuloucre hich h been exercie in he erch t mut be omethng more

hn mere coincence ht no rce o ny tone mplemen h beenoun hoe ho hve been erching in vin or evience o humncrmnhp on th te re beng orce to the concluion th Pekngn in uch n erly phe o veopment no yet to hve beguno hpe mpemen o tone or he orinry nee o hi ly e2

This was shaply contadicted when tone Age expe Heni Beil vis-

ited Chou Kou ien. His 932 epot in he ench Joual Anthrlge

evealed thousands of tools at he ste made of stone bone and uatzsimpe chisels anvils tools fo making tools etc He also found a black, cin-dey deposit seven metes thick indicating fies had been maintained thee

fo ong peiods Clealy the site ha been he locale of a type of humanindsty. Beui wote

ny tinguhe expert iepenently o ech oher heexpree to me the hought ht creture o phyclly int romn even enerthl coul not hve been cpbe o he behvor

hve ecrbe In h ce the remin o Santhropus cou be conere imple hunng rophie tbutble lke he rce o re nutry o true mn hoe remn e hve not yet oun2

Boule and Vallois expessed a simila doubt

We my thereore k ourelve heher or no t i overbol to conier Snanthpus the monrch o ou Kou ien hen he pper n iepoit ony in he guie o mere hunter prey on pr th the niml

by hch he i ccompne2 is aely mentoned but in 933 mode human skeletons wee dis

coveed at Chou Kou ien ince these wee in the uppe cave they havebeen dismissed as compaaively ecent. Howeve thoughout the lowe

excavation layes the bones of animls as well as those of Peking Man,wee unifomly mixedevealing no evolutionay pogession. as it

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8 8 O R N A D O I N A J U N K YA RD

pehaps hese humans who used the tools and fie and hunted and decapi-

tated Sinanthus?

If so who was Sinanthus? A pimtive apeman? t seems unikely that

such would have lived sidebyside with mode men (making the atte

cannibals) Jus a huned ape? Not acoding to the semihuman econsuc-

tions of Peng man begun by Black and completed by Weideneich. These

ae the basis of the faous Peking Man poais seen aound the wold The

mos famous model Nely actually consisted of fagments fom sevea

individuals he awbone found some 80 feet fom the skull Whee Weideneich had no fagens he filed in he gaps with plase and his judge-

ment. The final image of Nelly was completed by Lucille wann anAmeican sculptess living in Peking at the tie

Can we always tus econstuctions? Eest Albe Hooton the eminent

Havad anthopologist wote "You can with eual faciity model on a

Neandethaloid skull he featues o a chimpanzee o the lineaments of a

philosophe These aeged estoations of ancient types of man have vey

little if any scientific value and ae likely to mislead the public.

Due to he wa he oiginal Peking Man fossils wee odeed shipped fo

safekeeping They all then vanished excet r t teeth. They ae gone to

this day and no one knows what became of hem Thee wee many umos

al uncooboaed: they wee lost when invading Japanese toops ansacked

a tain they wee on they wee secetly shipped o Tokyo they wee on a

bage that capsized they wee stoen by Chinese dock wokes they wee

solen by maines In 1 95 , Wenchung Pei (who had oveseen the

excavations) even chagedpobably with some podding fom he new

Communist govenmenttha the ossils wee being secety held by theAmeican Museum of Natual Histoy

Whaeve happened the oss was convenient fo Dawinism as thee is

now no way to subject them o the kind of checking tha doomed Piltdown

Man o o definitely veify the econstucions' accuacy Evoutionists

object that photogaphs and diagams still exis but that is a fa cy fom

having the oiginals. If all hat emaned of Piltdown Man was a few pic

tues pehaps we'd sill be calling him ou ancestoTo balance the pespective let me say thee is no evidence that Weiden

eich faked his econstucions In fact when a small piece of bone was

found many yeas ae it epotedly fit pefecty into one of his cass

Howeve if scientists at the Biish Museum wee fooled into assembling

Piltdown Man fom a human skull and oangutan jaw coud not peconcep-

tions have also guided Back and Weideneich? Without kowing wha a

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Sinanhru lked ke w des e place bne fragments in teir "nr-

ma relatin?

Peking Man remains cuded wit ubt.

The oot brute

N apemen review wuld be cmpte witut discussng Neandertals

Parts f te first suc skeletn were recvered frm a uary in Germany's

Neander valley ("ta r ta means valley) Te unusuallking bnes

were brug t te nted patgis udlp Vircw at te University f

Berlin Vrcw sad ey benged t a man sufferng frm atrtis and

rckes (a bne dsease caused by vitan D deficiency) as well as blws tte ead.

But Tmas Huxley "Darwins bldg saw tem as evdence f a

missing ink Tis view became especially prminent as sima bnes were

unearted at ter stes Marceln Bule rginated te cassc descripin

f Neandertas Wrkng wit a fairly cmplete skeletn fund near te vil-

lage f La Capelleauxaints in 19 Bule depcted te Neanderal as

an apeman stping wit ead tus frward and knees bent suggestingan apelke gat. Fr mre tan fry years Neandetas were presened tis

way te publicaps brutes nake airy and wielding clubs

Hwever in 1955, anamss Wiam J traus f Jns Hpkins Uni-

versty and A J E Cave f t. Bartmew's Hspital Medcal Clege

(ndn) were atending an anaty cnference in Paris Lking at

Bues recnsructin f te La Caplleauxains skeletn tey imme

diately sptted significant errs wc tey summarized in te QuarerlyRevie Bilgy. Tey nted

[T]here i nohing in hi o morphoogicl pe o jui he com

mon mpion enel m w oer hn ull erec bipe

wen ning n wking. I m b he rhriic ol mn" o LCpeleuxSin, e pour prope o enerhl mn i cul n n wlk wi omeing poogic kpoi uncbck] bu i o he h i counerpr in moe men imir ice

wih pinl oeorrii e cnno i view o i mnie poog bee o provie u wih elible picre o elh, norm enerhlin owihning i e col be reincrne n plce in ew ork ubwprovie he ere be ve n ree inmoe clohingi i oubu wheer e woul rc n more enion hn ome o i oer enizen2

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Tis skee like e e Vicw examied ad bee aic Beled by Dawiia suppsis misk a ucbacked cdii f aapema e asii f becmg pig

Ae sag: Neadeal skulls wee lage a se f mdeumas Ts flew i e face f evluiay adi wc said a aevved pgessvely fm ceaues i smale bas ad skulls

keles f may Neadeas ave w bee ecveed ad ey ae lge depiced as apeme Tey ae classed alg wi mde ma asHm saens Fa fm beig bues eadeals bued ei dead wigea cae Oe was fud ieed i evidece f flwe buuesae wi wa appeaed be a pmiive flue. Tee is evidece

a Neadeas wee aiy waled aud aked 908 Nareelaed e discvey f a Neadea buied i a sui f am alugevuiss dismss e ep becaue i ca lge be veied

T be sue Neadeal skeles die fm aveage mde umasLike Vicw sme beleve ey suffed fm ickes ad e be diseases acis vae made is case a 1 970 Nature acle eied asVicw Rig Abu Neadeal Rickes is cmmy seedayi Ameica e disease was alms wped u by fifyg ilkwi vami Bu i e pas paiculay dug e ice age may avebee cmm due p die ad les sulig (wic e bdy ulizes make viam D) Rickes pduces sympms esemblig Neadealais especially f a pes is afled cildd Hweve smebseves e a ces s evie i al Neadeal skees ada may Neadeas appea bus f be disease explai eidieeces fm mde ma Neaeas may ave bee a dsic ace

a became exc Bu i eve ee ey "apemeBy e 1 950s uma palelg was sueig fm a bad case f eblas Pildw Ma ad bee expsed as a faud Nebaska Ma was apig's Java Ma's discvee a caled im a geus allied e gib

bs Pekig Mas fssils ad flw e cp ad Neadeas ad uedu be Hm saens Dawism espeaely eeded a s i e amfm a ew apema

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A 19 Te pcte of Pthecanths

cossioned y Ens Haeckel

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P 20. ugene Duboisdscovee of Java Man

P 2 culptue o PiltdonMan whose acta jaw was an

oangutans demonstates theuncetainty of hominid


P 22 Nebaska Manwas depicted as abov based on one ooth.

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LATE 23. Piltdown discssion Pitdown demonstaed ow peconceptionscold stee leading scientists ino eo. Rea om let: Biis Msem

odel make Fank Baow neuologist Gaton Elliot mit CalesDawson, wo discoveed e oiginal ossils Bitis Msem geologistt mit Woodwad. Font: t Undewood, anatomist t

Keit, zoologist William Pyca zooogist Edwin Lankeste.

AE 24 Reconstuction o ePildown skl

Top ten sayings arbuted to the Ptdown Man:

(10 ) I'm surrounded by iots."

(9) Appearances can e decevng

Theres a sucker orn every mnute.

Noody makes a monkey out of me!

Stup s as stupd does

(5) You ougt to have you head exmined."

Neve gve a sucker an even fake"

(3) I have a one to pc wth yo

Le's pu or heads together.

(1 ) Never look a gf fossl n the mouth."

(Few know t, but prior to hs downfal l n 1 953

Pltdown Man My from Ply as hs ansnew hm-was oe of Brtan's eadng stand

up comcs frequently ppeain in pubs wthanatomst Sr Arur Keith as hs straht man.It was epoed ta amdst hs oss ollesevue at te London Paladium, Eugene Dubosstormed out drng the wsecracking skulsimpersonaton of Java Man.)


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P 25 Fanz Widnh wih Snanth skull

P 26 P Tilhad d Cadin with Snanth skull


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E 27. Recnstrucons o headand skul o Nelly

LTE 28 Early portrayal o Neanderhas


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C A P T E R 9

The ReignigWorld Cimp

ike Davidsn lack f Pek Man fame, Raymnd Dat studied

unde Gaftn Ellit mth and bece a cnvinced evluinist Like lack

and Dubis, Dat ventued t a ete place and etued with a missing

link (f a pesn was detemined find the missing link in thse days, it

sees he was lkely t nd it As Lenstein and Zihlman nted in Ne Sc

enst n the cuse f the pas entuy, the discvee f evey newhinid hminid has nminate it as a ptential human ancest

Dat went t uth Afica, whe he was sn led t a small fsslized

fac and jaw in a cave in the Taun imestne uay Cnvinced he bnes

had th human and apelike chaaistcs Dat annunced he had und a

mssing link which he called Austlthecus arcanus ape f suthe


ecause Dat's discvey cined with the cpes tial his TaungChld eceived favale pess eve, mst scentists ejected the find

as a yung ape (bnes f yung aps tend t esemble humans me han


ut the vd ceaed by the Pdn scandal helped bng the Tang fs-

s ack in vgue, especially as e nes tued up in Aca Tday,

ausapthecines ae widey pmed as the ancest nking us t apes

he Taung fssil was iniially eemed 23 millin yeas ld ut in

1973 gelgist T C Ptidge eted in Nature that the cave site culd

nt have fmed me than 8700 yeas ag This shapy cntadcted

pevius attempts classify the ssil in man's ineage Hweve, the

Taung Chlds diculies wee ued fm he limeligh with the discv-

ey f Lucy in 1 974.


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Lucy and othe austalopithecine ossils have been geaty populaized

by the National Geogaphic ociety wich initialy bought ame and un-

ing to anthopologist Louis Leakey his wie May and son Richad

Louis Leakey ganed acclaim in 19, when he ound a skull n Tanza-nias Olduvai Goge Calling it the oldes man eve ound Leakey naed it

Zinjanthr (East Aca Man although it has since been eclassed as

an austalopithecine Radiometic datig (a subject we will discuss late

gave the ossil an age o 5 million yeas

Raising uestions howeve was a peectly human skeeton that Gean

anthopoogist Hans Reck had long beoe ecoveed at a level just above

Leakeys ind The Reck ossil has been adioetically dated at about1000 yeas 1d On caeul inspectin Reck ound no evdence that te

skeleton had been intusively buiedhe oveying soil was undistubed

Howeve thee wee poests om the evolutionay community: mode

huans ween supposed to be in old deposits vaious explanations wee

advanced Reck maintained his posiion o two decades Utimately he

acuiesced and co signed a lette sayin he skeeton was pobaby an intu-

sive buial One wondes howeve to wha exent this was copelled by

pee pessue in a wold o evolutionay peconceptionsAnothe discepancy aose when May Leakey excavaing owe than he

husbands ind discoveed a cicula stone stuctue clealy the esult o

puposeul wok esembling shelte still built today by soe Aican

tibesmen How coud apelike ausalpihecines have poduced

A uthe chalenge aose in 198 when ootpints wee discoveed at

Laetoli anothe Tanzanan site in a gelogic statum dated 35 ilion yeas

old Tim Whte woe o these in Sciece Potions o the tails ae eodedbut seveal intact pints ae peseved The uneoded ootpints show a toal

mophological patte ke that seen in mode huans Russell H Tutte

a Univesity o Chicago specalst who studied the ootpnts extensively

noted tat hey wee indistinguishabe o those o habtually baeoot

Hm aien" How could austalopthecines leave moden ootpints

Ceation scientist Duane Gsh descibes wth iony Natinal Ge

grhic depction o pehistoic Laetoli

Footprint of antelope pig rafe, elepant rno areotrce, an oter anima were fo a aetoli n artit conceptiono te cene we ee pcture o girae or te girae ootpint elepantor te elepant footprnt otrice o te otrc ootprint etc Anuman for te uman ootpint? O no Occpying te man foot-prnt we ee a ubman creatue alape an aman

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T E E I N I N O D I P 9 9

Nanal egrahc also boght into pomnence the Leakeys' sonRchad, wh his 1972 discove o "skull 1470 in Kenya The ossllooked elatively mode but Leakey dated i nealy thee million yeas

od, and boldy announcedEiter we to out ti kull r we to out our teore o early man

It imply it no previou model of uman beginning . . [t eave inruin te notion tat al eary oil can be arranged in an orderlyeuence o evolutionary cange

Nanal egrahc "elped Leakey's caim o the skul's geat age

by havng an atist esh n the ace wh an apeike nose, even though nasa

bones had not been ound (noses made o caiage nomaly don' ossize Howeve the skull's mopology was too moden o many toaccept, and adiomeic echniues gave vaying dates Evenualy, a consensus was eached o an age unde two lon yeas, and Leakey lost hisstatus o nding the wold's oldes hoind.

a missing ink could bing is discovee om obscuity o ame in Pilt-

don days, t s no less tue today Richad Leakey was upsaged when"Lucy, an austalopthecine oss, was ound nea Hada in Ethopia by

Donad Johanson cuato o physical anthopology at the Ceveland NatualHisoy Museum. ntaly, Johanson ound a knee join ookng i ove, he

declaed it belonged o a hominid Based on anma ossis in he aea, heconsdeed t thee mllion yeas old Ae ecoveing othe bones whichJohanson aso ought wee om homnids, his expediion made a pess

announcement ivaling Leakey's o bodness

Tee pecimen clearly exibit trait wic mut be conidere a

indicative o te genu Homo Taken togeter tey repreent te motcomplete remain o ti genu rom anywere in te word at a veryancient time

Al previou teorie o te origin o te ineage wic ead to modern man mut now e totaly revied We mut trow out many teoieand conider te poiility tat man origin go bac to wel over ourmilion year9

ohanson's bes nd was a ceatue hat had been abou thee and a hal

eet tall. ixy pecent o the skeleon, ncludng most o the skull, was mssing was named "Lucy because the Beates tune "ucy in the ky with

Diamonds was blaing at Johanson's camp at he time This dscovey wasalso populazed n Nanal egahc which didn't hesitate o publish

a panting o hese ancient ancesos, even though the emains had beenagmentay

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By callin his skeeton "Lucy and te collective fossils fom te aea"Fist Family Johanson helped eninee a popua impession that theywee ealy humans He bean eceivin ant money fom any souces

Thee ae diicultes howeve wth assetin that Lucy o any austalo-pthecn was ou ancesto Austalopithecne fossils show that they hadlon foeas and so hind les like todays apes They also had cuvedfines and lon cuved toes ike those apes use o teeswinn te andusman witin in the Ameran Jua Phya Anthrgy noted

There i no evience tha any extant primae ha long curve, heavlymucle han an ee or any purpoe other han to meet the eman o

u or partime arboea treeweng e

The main substance to the clai that Lucy walked upiht was theappeaance of the le bones and p ten and usan whle aeein theHada finds wee bipeda to some deee found them substanially aboeal

In ummary, he nee o he mal aar homni hare with oherautralophecne a mare obliquiy o the emoral ha relative to thebiconyar pane, but in a oher repec t al eher outie he range o

moern human varaon, or barely whn it. . . an ince many o theetra may no erve to pecy he pecie naure o he bpealy tha wapractice we mut agree with Tarieu that the overa rucure o the nee compaibe wh a ignicant egree o arboreal ocomotion I

Bitain's Lod olly Zuckeman who was ased to peeae fo hs scientific achieveents was a leadin authoity on austalopthecines havinsubected tem to yeas of bioetic testin Althouh the folowin coments ee made pio to Lucys discovey, they ae woth notin

For my own par, he anatomica ba or he caim ha he auralophecine wae an ran uprght e man i o much more lmy than theevience whch pont to he concuion ha ther gai wa ome varian owha one ee n ubhuman prmae, that remain unacceptabe

Chales Oxnad fome diecto of aduate studies and poesso ofanatomy at the Univesty of outhen Califoia Medical chool subectedaustalopithecine fossils to extensive compute analysis tepen Jay Goud

called i "ou leadn expet on the uantitative study of skeetonsOxnad decaed:

The autralophecne nown over he at everal ecae romOuva an Steronten, Komraa an aapangat are now revocably remove rom a place n the evouton o human bpealim, poby rom a pace n a group any coer o human han o Arcan ape ancertainly rom any pace n the rec human neage All o th hou

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ake woner abot he a renation o han evolion n nroctory textbook n encycoaei an in oar blicaion. In chvole no ony are atraloihecne ecribe a being o known oly ze an hae bt a oeing ch abiie a beaty an ool

ng an aking an ch evemen a the e o ire an eicocial trctre. Even acia eatre ae haiy (an noncentcay


He stated in 198

he varo atraloithecine re inee ore ieren ro othArcan ae an han in o eatre than hee latter are rom eachoher o the bai o hi accence ha been the act tha even oo

ing invetgaor have on hee lrge ierence a hey too e techniqe an reearch egn that were le biae by rior notion a owhat the o ight have been . . ao ot o the new e havecome o aboraore ineenen o hoe rereening nivia whohave on the oi

0 1

T be sue, many evlutinay anhplgists have caled the austalp-

ithecines bipeda ancests ma But cntay t the geneal public

impessin, this view is a m uncntestedThe assumptin that twted bility establishes human kinshp is

gundless Gilas ccasinally walk bipedally Tanzanian chimpanzees

ae seen standing n tw legs wen gatheing uit m smal tees

Zaie' s pygmy chi mpanzee walks upght s ten that it has been dubbed "a

living ink Scene Nes epts the latte "Like mde gilas they

ten t be knuckewalkes n the gund yet they seem t be natual

bipds, t, euently waking upight bth n the gund and in thetees 9 even i austalpithecine did have sme lted abiity t g n

tw eet, it desn't make them man's ancest any me than these mde

apes F that matte bids ae bpeltheee human?

Fuhe cmplicating the case ustapithecnes ae utpace s

sils An ebw bne was discvee at Kanapi in Kenya entmbed in a

gegic statum lwe than whee astapithecines ae und The ssil

has been dated 4.5 milin yeas ld The pblem? t appeas peecty

me Based n cmpute analysi s Heny M McHeny the nivesty

Calia Davis, stated "The esults shw that the Kanapi specmen

whih is 4 t 45 milin yeas ld is indistinguishable m mde Hm

apiens did apes evlve man then int apes again then back

int man?

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Othe fossis contadic evolutionay heoy I n 1866 a mode skull asfound in a Califoia god mine in Plicene deposits, making it ove "wo

million yeas old i Athu Keith said of he discovey

he sory of he Caaveras sull, although grow stale from frequetretto caot be assd over. t s the "bogey whch hauts the su-de of early marepellg some fascag others ad tag the powers of belef of every eer almos o he breag po. . . deed weesuc dscoveres accordace wth or eecatos, f hey wee ha-moy wth the theores we have fou regardg the date of ma's evolu-to, o oe woud ever dream of dobg hem, much less of rejectgthem.

But ince the Caaveas skul does ot concu with thei assumptions

evoutionists eject it as a joke planed by mines

In 60 the alian geoogist Raggozoni dug a mode human skeleonout of Pliocene sata and examinaio f he ovelying ocks showed hey

wee undistubed (ie it was not an "intsive buial Keith wote: "As he

sudent of pehistic man eads and sdies the ecods of the Castenedlo'

nds a feeing of incedulity ises within him e canno eject this discov-

ey as false wihou doing injuy to hi sense of tuth, and he canno acceptit as fact withou shatteing his accepted beliefs

Many othe exampes can be cited (see, fo example, Malcolm Bowden'sbook, Aemen Fact or Fallacy pp 6 ome nds ae moe cono-

vesial than othes, but always disbeieed by Dainists avad anto-

pologist Eaest Hooton noed: "eeica and nonconfoming fossil men

wee banished to the imbo of dak museum cupbads, fogoten o even

destoyed Anhopologist G. W. chepes acknoledgedd whe someoe poduces ecs of Homo sapens geoogca

deosts moe acet ha the d lesocee we seek al maer ofukely elaatos or such a " ssblity," eve gog so fa as todscredt usually elable wesses. uch fds ulmatey become veable seletos he closet o ahroologsts who the subcoscouseeavo to suot dogma eve fal o descrbe such fds fully eough oallow fools to ete whee ages fea o read!

Ionically, evouionists, who once envisioned a whole ace of apemen

based on a single toohwhich tuned ou to be a pig'swill dismiss an

enie skeleton when it clashes wih Dawinian peconceptions he tuth is,

thee ae limits to how much one can deduce fom a bone Molecula biolo-

gist Michael Denton noes that "ninetynine pecent of the bioogy of anyoganism esides in its soft anaomy, which is inaccessible in a fossil

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T E R E I N I N O R D I P 03

Paleo anopoloists use cania capaciy (skull size o jude te evolutionay staus of ou supposed ancestos bu even in moden umans adultcanial capaciy anes fom 700 to 2200 cubic centimetes and as nobeain on intelience Peopes bone stuctue ealy vaies based on

eedty ae sex ealt and clae ome ae biboned some smallboned Tee ae umo westes and pymies Doubless ou ancient foebeas wee also divese in tei loks How ten can one assin a fossilbone o a distinct place in uman istoy? Apes vay widey too austalopitecines may simpy be a type ta became extinc As science jounalisRoe Lewin notes:

t is ortte truth tht ossils do ot emege rom the god

with bels lredy ttched to them d it is bd eogh tht mch of thelbelig ws doe i the me of egoism d ive lc of recitioof vitio betwee idivids ech ce i she ws te to idi-cte difeece i tye rther th tr vritio withi oltio

Likewise if evolutioniss nd "simpe ools at a fossil site tey associate tem wit olde ancesosbu today peope can still be found usinsimple sone ools (sometimes eye te best tool fo a job and i doesnmean e uses ae "less evolved

elock Holmes used to pick up an object and say sometn like "Watson deduce tat te owne of tis cia was an talian six feet two incesall between foty and ffty yeas ld wo walked wit a limp and ad alae mole on is le ceek Te specuative ponouncements of paleo antopoloists about bones and toos emind me somewat of Holmesbutat least te Bake teet sae was escbin someone alive by wom ecould ve is conclusons. cience pimaily addesses te pesen t cannot obseve te past wit te same auoity D Ge Kiby senio lectue

in popuaion biooy at Flindes ivesiy in Ausalia commented:

]ot beig leotologst, dot wt to or too mch scor oleotoogists, bt if you wee o sed yor ife icig boes dfidig litte frgmets of hed little frgmets of w thee's eystrog desie thee to eggete the imotce o those frgmets

n 983 Ne Scentt epoted ow a bone tout to be te collaboneof an ancient ominid acually tued out o be pat of a dolpins ib e

aicle uoted D Tim Wie antopoloist at te Univesiy of CalifoniaBekeley "Te poblem wt a lot of anopoloists is tat tey want somuc to find a ominid tat any scap of bone becomes a omnid bone.As ceationist Mavin Lubenow noes "No one wil cae if you discove teoldest fossi boccoli bu if you a fotunate enou o discove te oldestfossil uman e wod wil beat a pat to you doo

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Cuts "osty gaces all aoud s how oe peso descbed heecoute. ae, ohaso lt to . Cus .

eptembe the geochooogsts dea . ohaso a tough poes-

soal blow: hey publshed a pape showg tha a thopa seletofoud by s. Gettys meto Whte s 4.4 mo yeas old "oha-so s saely jealous that hs uy s o loge the oldest huma aes-to . ee says

d what o ucy geg he cass of he bs a woode dawea the stute oe bespecacled scetst obseves "hopoogsts dgup these boes so they ca beat each othe ove the head wth them

ones woe in Nature in 1990

aleoahopoogsts seem to ae up fo a lac o osss wth aecess of fuy ad ths mus ow be he oly scece whch t s stllpossbe o become amous just by havg a opo. s oe cyc says huma paleoology the cosesus depeds o who shouts oudest

10 5

Ove the yeas thee have been the poposed fossi men we have not

had time to discuss such as Ramathecu Heidelbeg Man and Rodesian

Man The huan evoutinay scenaio now uns something ike this Au

trlthecu (of which seveal vaeties ae descibed) eventualy tunedint Hm habl wh became Hm erectu, which pesumaby includedJava Man and Peking Man and he in tun evolved into Neandethals then

CMagnon Man and finaly mode man.

But dubt and dsageement mak al of this As Chistophe B tinge

noted in Scentc Amercan in 1 993 "The study o human oigins seems to

be a ed in whch each discovey aises the debate to a moe sphsticated

leve of unceainty

Bones not fitng expected pattens have caused con-fusion enang of species and ceaton of new ones As we have ilus-

ated modenloking bones often date lde than the pimtive

n 996 the Ne Yrk Tme epoed new eseac detemining hat

Hm erectu lived in ava as ecenty as 2,000 yeas ago "This suviving

populaton of H eectus in ndnesia the Tme said "would have been

alive at he same time as anatomicay mode humansHom sapiens

and also Neandethas wse exact place in human evoluton is the subject

of endless debate The me noted that othe scientists shaply contestedhe finding Elsewhee Hm erectu ossls ae found cntempay wit

he ancient Hm habl (2 milin yeas ld) Bones tha mopholgi-

caly fitHm erectu have been dated a million yeas apat yet lok indis

tinguishabe which is had f Dawnism How could no evolution occu

ove such a long peiod

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Most textbooks avoid sowig cmrehenve tables of e discoveeduma ossilsdoig so exposes e otadictios Mavi Lubeowsbook Bne Cnenn exibits suc cats documetig te iume-

abe disageemes ad ambiguities i te fossil ecodHum evoutio is o a odey picue because it is igly subective

As oe wag pu i, te oly evolutio ts seemgy take place as beei e teoies temselves D Robet Mti a seio eseac felow a teZooogical ociey of Lodo stated i 19 " ecet yeas sevealauos ave witte popula books o uma oigis wic wee basedmoe o fatasy ad subectivity a o fact ad obectivity. Lowesteiad Zima late oted i Ne Scen:

he subectve eement n ths roch to bulng evoutonry teeswhch mny leontologsts voct wth lmost relgous fervor seonstte by the outcoe there s no sngle fmly tree on whch theyge. n the contry lmost evey cocevbe combnton n ermu-tton of lvng n etnct homnos h been oose by one cst ornohe

Scence Ne commeed:

f lce on to of one nother l these cometng versons of our evo-lutonry hghwys woul mke the os ngees feewy system ook keCounty o 4 1 n khrt nn

Ad just ow muc evidece exiss i total fomig e basis of tese

igways e aswe may supise you Lyal Watso wote i Scence


he fossls tht ecorte our fmly ee re so scrce tht thee re stllmore scentsts thn secens. he emkbe fct s tht ll the hys-cl evence we hve for hun evoluton cn stl be lce wth roomto se nse snge con

o Reade used sligty dieet imagey Ne Scen

he ente homn colecton known toy wou brely cove bl-l tbe but t hs swne scence becuse t s stngushe by twofctors whch nflte ts rent relevnce fr beyon ts merts st thefosss hnt t the ncestry of suemely selfmortnt nmlour-seves econy th colcton s so tntlsngly ncoete n thsecmens themselves often so fgmenty n nconcusve tht moec be s bout wht s mssng thn bout wht s esent

Aagig a few boe fagmets i a seuece does ot pove a eatio-sip. Eve if you ad te compee fossilized boes of a fae ad so you

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cod not pove they wee inked ecep by hsoica ecods. o i t seems abit petenious to ake heeandhaffoo ta apeike ceatue suppos-edy thee mion yeas od and decae with cetanty that we ae sdescendants.

Man s physicay uite diee fom apes. Bioogy pofesso John W.

Kot noted

e mn nose s romnt brdge nd n elongted t wc slckng n te es n s ed ls fomed by n otollng o temcos membrne wc nes nsde of s mot es do no ves es ve tmbs on ter fe s we s on te nds . . . n se greest wegt t brt n reln to s weg s n dt et t brt

e sows e lest degree of mon nd s by e mos eless ofcretres n's ed s blnced n to of s sn colmn te ed ofe e s nged t e fon nsed of on to

nd as ceationist John Whtcob obseves "whie the physica die-ences between men and pimates ae uite geat the tamentan

gtct deence ae tte ht nnte 4oam Chomsky of MT ackoedged as the wods foemos ngus

eaked hat "human anguage apeas to be a unue phenomenon wth-

out signiican anaogue in he an wod What anma has a compexvocabuay? Uses witen symbos Obseves aws of gamma? Thinks uphyes?

ha anima manufactues to pacices hobbies composes muscenjys atwok soves math euas aughs at jokes thinks absactyobeys a conscence o woshps Gd? How can a being so dsnc as manbe tten o as "just one moe ana?

n most scences a heoy esus fom a seies of obsevatons. n thecas of man's common ancesty wh apes the theoy eceded the obsevations Dawinists began wh a assumpton hen went seaching fopof. The mssng nks ae st ssing Why? Fo a pofound easonThy wee neve thee.

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ATES 32 & 33. Jeausy between ssil huntes Othniel Mas (et andEdwad Dinke Cpe (ight) spild ve int a eda wa Cpe was

behind a Ne Yrk Herald aticle tat uted ne suce as sayng Mas"as neve been knwn t tell e tt wen a alsehd wuld seve te

ppse as well Mas cunteatacked wth an aticle claiing thatCpe had assebled the skeen an extinct eptile eaend is

AE 34 Richad Leakey wih skul 1470

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C A P T E R 0

Old Myths Never DieThey Only Fade Away

eoe closing ou look a Daws heoy, we need to mop up somelingeing alsehoods i has spawne

Te w t wsnt

When went o school in the sixtes u bioogy textbooks showe a picueo a human embyo next to vaio anmal embyos The human lookedamost inistinguishable om the imals We wee tod ths demonstatedhe ommon ancesty we shae wi them

t was uthe state hat embnic development poved Dawinismbecuse the embyo went though vious stages mmcking its evolutonayhistoy The etus began as a singl celljus as lie had bllions o yeasago t then woul unego a tapol stage ish stage amphibian stage and

so oth en oute to becoming humThis heoy was kown as embnic ecapitulation as well as he bo

geneic law Alhough the concep ecede Dawin (he discussed i n The

Orn Seces) i was populae by Est Haeckel Haeckel as wehave mentone publishe baseles awings o apemen and sponta-neously geneated bacteia He als ceated hose amous pictues o den-tcalookng human an animal emyos Haecke explaine

Whe we see that at a ceta tage the embyos of ma ad the aethe dog ad the abbt he g a he shee, though ecogzable ashghe vetebates cao be dstushed fom each othe the fac aoy be eucdaed by assumg a cmo aetage have llustaedths sgfica fact by ajuaost of coesodg stages the devel-omet o a umbe of deet veebates my Natura Hsto o Cr

aton ad my nthpogeny l

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ut shamefuly, Haeckel gossly aeed the appeaance of embyos tomake hs case As Fancis Hitching exlained

ut as a matte of iologca fact te emryos of me aes dogs, ad

raits ae ot at a te same ad ca easy e dstiguised y ay com-etet emryoogist. ey oy ookd te same i Haeces oosecause e ad coed o ts ere d tee, ad added its eseweeto mae tem seem detica.

ote eame was is iluato of te "wome stagetroug wic al verterates wee suosed to ave assed. He usedtree detica dawgs catoed resectvey a dog a cce ad a tortose 886, a wss rofessor of zoology ad comarative aatomycomaied tat Haecel ad smy used te same woodcut (of a dogemyo tree times.

ver te yeas vaious ote fogeres were eosed o iustate te"emyo of a Go i te fisstage Haece used te emryo of a dif-feret d of moey atogeter ad te sced of tose arts of teaatomy icoveiet to s teoy c as arms egs eart avel adoter ofsy aedages

At ena the univesity whee he taght Haecke was chaged with faud

by five pofessos and conviced by a nivesity cout His deceit was tho-oughly exposed in Heckel s uds nd ogeries ( 195), a book by Assmuth and Eest J Hull They uoed nineteen leading authoities oftheday Keibel pofesso of anatomy at Feibug Univesity said tha "itclealy appeas that Haeckel has in mny cases feely invented embyos oepoduced the illustaions given b othes in a substantially changedfom L Rimeye pofesso of zoogy and compaative anatomy atasle Univesiy called his distoed dawings "a sin against scientific tth-

fulness deeply compoising to the pblic cedit of a schoaulis Weisne pofesso of plant pysiology at the Univesiy of Vienna

called Haecke "one who in his most ecent witings exhibits himself as afanatical msleade of he people on who with delusive assuance psfoth what have ong been ecognized as eos and mistakes as if they weeveities Reinke pofesso of botay at the Univesity of Kiel wote that"wheeve biology comes in Haeckel uncitically jumbles togethe povedand unpoved mate and thus ceates a chaos in the mind of his eades t

is the oinion of not a few that on accunt of his lack of citical dispositionHaeckel fofeis all place in the anks f seious natuaists

uch exposue did not pevent Haekel's "biogenetic law and fauduentdawings fom being spead in bioloy classooms thoughout the woldFo decades to come studens wee aught that the human embyo mani-fested emindes of man's past, such a gill slits fom the sh stage of evo

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ut Actuay, the "gi sits evoioists thought they saw wee simpycefs a poches which, as he ebyo gows, eveop picipay ito

stctes of the ea, jaw ad eck

May scietists kew Haeckes theoy was competey fase The hmafets is fy huma at evey stage eith Thomso, pesiet of the Aca-

em of Natua cieces wote Americn Scientist "uey the bo-geetc aw is as ea as a ooai As a topic of seios theoetica

iy it was exict i the tweties D abie chwabetha wote

etoscopy maes it possbe o observe irectly he bo chihrogh a ty eescope iserte hogh he tee wall . he evel-opmet of the chilom the o of the parers cells o birhhasbee se ehasvey. s a eslt, oghel beefs have bee p toest. We ow ow fo sace, that ma, hs preaal stages, oes otgo hogh the complee evolto of lfefom a pmtve sgle ce oa fshlie wate ceatre o ma. oay is ow that every sep i theeta evelopmetal pocess s speciically hma.

ichae Richaso, a embyogis at t Geoge's Meica choo,

oo, fou thee was o eco that ayoe ever ctully checked

Heckel s clims by systemticlly cmpring humn nd otherfetuss dur-ing deelopment He assembe a scietific team that just thatpho-togaphig the gowig embyos of 3 eet species a 1 9 iteview

i oo's The Times D Richaso state

hs s oe he worst cases of scec fa ts shocg t hat someboy oe thoght was a grat scetst was eliberatey misleag t maes me agy . Wha he [Haece i was to tae a hma

embryo a copy peeg hat he saamae a he pg a all theohes looe he same a the same age o eveopmet hey ot. . hese ae faes. he pape we ca hem misleag a accae,bt that s st polte scetc aguage

foatey, embyoic ecapitaio's dispoof is sti ot popay

kow, a Haeckes awigs coie o ho sway i the pubic

What Coumbia ivesity bioogit Wate J Bock ote i 196 stisees te oday: "T]he biogeec w has become so eepy oote bio-

ogica hough tha it caot be weee ot i spte of is havg beedemostae to be wog by meous sbseuet schoas

t seems the height of petese that a theoya faet oe, at that

was esigate a "aw, as if it ha bee estabishe with the cetaity of

gavity But his is symptomatic of awism, whee specative opiiosouiey masueae as facts

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Basd on this law, it was claimd that babies bo with gowths on

thei tailbons had capitulated taisa thowback to ou teswinng

days. A. Rendle hot, pofsso of ugy at th Univsity of Bstol,

clafed this ssu long ago:

t s oen stated that hldren are bo wth tals but as a rule thealeged tas are nothng but atty or brous tumors suh as may bemet wth n many parts o the body, wthout any embryologal sgn-ane . . . here are many ongenta abnormaltes wth whh the med-a proesson s wel aquanted lb oot hare lp le palate ongen-ta dsoatons, naev supernumeray ngers and toes spna bda But

noe o these eal the ape Th ecaptulaton thoy geatly taded undstanding of fetal dvel-

opmnt Chidn with Downs syom wee caled mongolods

bcaus thei development was thouht to hav aested at the Mongoloid

phase (Old Dawinists thought huan volution had pocded though

Negod, Mongood and Caucasod stags Gould notes Recapitulaion

povided a convenient focus fo th pevasive acism of whit scn

tists. t ven nspid igmund Fuds ida that peopl capituatali volutonay bhavio As i avn d B, pofesso of embyo-

ogy at the Univsity of London, aptl oted edom has an asstion lk

that of Hackls thoy of ecapitulaton,' facle, tidy, and pausibl,widy acceptd wthout citical xamnaton, don so much ham to sci-


Drwns orgn grnder

Duing th copes tial tstimony, zooogst Hoatio Hacktt Newman, a

dfnse witnss, statd The ae, accoding to Wiedeshim, no lss han

80 vstgia stuctus in th huma bod, sucient to mak of a man a

vetable wakng musum of antiqutis This was anothe of Dawn-

isms geat mths: that the human bdy is loaded with vestigal ogas

lcs of the past no longe svng an pupos

On eason why so many tonsilctomis we peviously pfomed was

the false belief that tonsils w vsiga Today it s ecognizd tha the

tonsis hav an mmun functon Te thyoid gland, pituitay gland, thy

mus, pnal gand, and coccyx, also oc considd usess, a now known

to hav mpotant functions. The ist of 1 80 vstigial stuctus is pacti

cally down to zo. Unfotunately, ai Dawnsts assumd that f thy

w gnoant of an ogan's function, thn t h no functon

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Dawin had said that gans evlve ve ens a stuctue mght theefe

be icipientn its way t becming fulfledged The vestigial idea thus

psed uite a dilemma f evlutin Was a functiness gan incipient

and n its way in vestigial and n its way ut? he discvey that ugans re fully functina esved the pedicament and suggested that

Dawinism itself shuld be classed a vestigial

Evouion eoes

We wuld be emiss if we veked the cuent vgue that evlutin can

happen uite apidly. Dawin said:

s l seeco cs solely by ccmg slgh sccessvevorbe vos c proce o ge o se mocos c c oy by shor sow seps

weve a numbe f twentiethcentuy evlutinists became distubed

by the lack f evidence suppting hwhee wee the tansitinal fssis?

Hw culd cmplex stuctues ike the eye have evlved stepbstep?

Gadualism seemed impssible

In the 1940s a numbe f genetiists led by Richad Gldschmidt in

Ameica and O H. chindewf in upe began suppting a new expla-

natin f evltin hey nted tha mutatins in an emby smetimes

pdced mnstus ceatues . Nmally such wee uite ply adapted t

the envinmen But was it pssib that ne might ccasinally be b

that wasnt? Culd evlutin thus ccu in leaps?

Gldschmdt wte in his 940 b The Mteril Bsis of Evolution A

mnstsity appeaing in a single geeic step migh pemit the ccupatinf a new envinmental niche and hs pduce a new type in ne step

He called his a hpeful mnste chindewlf wte The fist bid

hathed fm a eptiian egg his esy explanatin did away with the dif-

culties f hw eptilian scales evved int bid feathes.

weve the hpef mnste tey was t much f mst evlu-

tinists t swallw Even if such a ganism was bn by chance it

cudn pduce a new species uness it maed with nother such ceatuels geneated by chance. Gldschdt and his clleagues wee idiculed

and te they discaded. As geneticis ewal Wight nted in Evolution:

hve ecore more h 10000 ewbo ge pgs hve seey hes o mosers o vrse sos, b oe wee remoeyopel, l hvg e shorly r brh o ee

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Bu he ossi ecod poble woud not dsappea and in 977 tephenJay Gould pubished an aticle entitle The Reun o opeu Monstes.Athough he did no agee that a bd ould hatch o a eptile's egg he

pediced ha "duing the nex decad Goldschid wil be lagely vindi-cated i the wold o evoluionay bogy

In a piece coauthoed wth Nies Ededge Gould intoduced an updatedechas o apid evoution caled unctuated euibiu. A nubeo evoutoniss today accept this teny heoy t sates that a species pe

sists unchangedn sass o "euiliuo llions o yeas Buthen a sall segent o the speces becoes isolaed t apidy evolves

then takes ove the ecologca niche the paent species whch becoes

extinct ince only a ew indvdual ee involved in the ast evolutonpocess the ossil ecod does no sw the tansional os The newspecie sel then pessts o a long e at euilibiu until "puncuatedby he aval o anothe new swily evolved speces

"Punctuaed euilibiu has an itlectual ng and pesens an expa-nation o why the ossl ecod show tasis and lacks tanstons But wh-

out uch suppoting evidence it ses little oe than a aionalizaon

Dawinian eos such as the beie at utations ncease genetc ino-ation apply no less o hs theoy tan to gaduais As biologist RobetE. Rckles noted in Science "The pctuated eulibiu ode has beenwdey acceped not because t ha a copelling theoetical basis butbecaue it appeas to esolve a dlea It was no bon o evidence

o evoutionbut lack o it

While punctuated eulibu expans away ossl gaps beween speciest cetanly cannot account o the ising links between lage cassica-

tions (genus aiy etc I does nt explain o exaple the copleeabsence o tansitiona ossis between invetebaes and ishesa span thatsupposedy took 00 llion yeas o does it iluinate how coplex

ogans evovedYeas ago when cononted with te lack o evidence o thei beies

Dawinists esponded tha it takes es o natual selection to develop a

new speciestheeoe we coudn see evoution because t happens soslowy Now Goud and copany sa e can't see evoluion because it hap-

pens o pidly.

Troug a ias darkly

But pehaps he tuh s we canno ee evolution because beyond inovaaions wihin species i doesnt xist oe scientiss whie continuing

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to aept it ave at east eognize te weaknesses of Dawinian teoy

Kenet Hsu wote in e Joul of Seimentry Petlogy (6)

We hve l hed ofThe Og o the Spees

lthough few of ushve hd tme to ed t dd ot secue coy ut two yes go su eusl of the clssc mde e udestd the ge of u eyebed . . . gee wth hm tht wsm cots "wced les t sot tul lw fomulted o the bss of fctu evdece but dogm eflectg the domtg sol hlosohy of the st cetuy

weis bioogist en Lvtup sai in 7:

beeve tht oe dy the w myth w ll be ed the getestdecet the hstoy of scece.

Ove te yeas oe sientiss ave enoune evoution wee neve

ooe to begin wit i Jon William Dawson wo pioneee Canaian

geology an seve as pesient of bt MGi Univesity an te Biis

Assiaion fo te Avanement of iene sai

hs evoutost docte s tself oe of the stgest heome of

humty. system desttute o y shdow of oof d suortedmeey by vgue oges d fges of seech ow o oe eteds tht they est o fcts ctuy obseved fo o oe hs eveobseved the oducto of eve oe seces et the ede te uethe of ws get boos o eces Bology d meely shmsef s he eds ech gh Wht s ssumed hee d wht soved? d he w fd the whoe fbc met wy e vso Wethus see tht evouto s hyothss hs o bss eeece o

scetfc fct d tht ts mged sees of tsmuttos hs beswhch cot be fed.

Pul Lemoine wo was pesien of te Geoogial oiey of Fane

an ieo of te Natual Hiso Mseum in Pais abanone evoution

As ief eito of te Encylopeie Frn�ise, 1 37 eiion e woe in tat


he theoy of evouto s mosble t bse ste of eces

o oe y oge beeves t . . voluto s d of dogm whchthe ests o loge beeve but whh they mt fo the eole

D T N Tamisian of te U Ai Enegy Commission sai in 15:

cetsts who go bout techg t evoluto s fct of fe e getcome d the stoy they e tellg my be the getest ho eve elg evoluto we do ot hve oe ot of fct.

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accp voluton as th only concival xpanaton for crain faturs of

th natural world.33 Hr ar attrson s rmarks

e o te reasos stared tag ts atevolutoary vew or let's

al t a oevoutoary vew wa last year ad a sudde realzato orver twety years ad tougt ws worg o evouto some way.e morg woe up ad sometg ad appeed te gt ad tstruc me tat ad ee worg o ts stu or twety years ad terewas ot oe tg ew aout t. ts qute a soc to lea tat oe cae msled so log ter tere was smetg wrog wt me or tere wassometg wrog wt evoutoary teory. aturaly ew tere wasotg wrog wt me so or te lst ew years 've tred puttg a sm-

pe questo to varous people ad goups o peopleQuesto s Ca you tell me aytg you ow aout evoluto, aye tg, ay oe tg tat s true tred tat questo o te geoogysta at te ed useum o atura Hstory ad te oly aswer got wasslece tred t o te memers o te volutoary orpology semar te versty o Ccago, a very prestgous ody o evolutosts, adall got tere was slece or a log tme ad evetually oe perso sad do ow oe tgtat t ougt o to taugt g soo

Adolf Hitlr said popl wil lv a ig li mor than a littl onaprinip h usd on his own folowr. Evolution cam a ig li Facts do

not always "spak for hmsvsrathr thy a sujct to intprta

tion Onc Darwinism was roady acptd many scintfic filds gan

inrpting facts n an volutionary contxt ths tndd to vadat th li

and mak i vn iggr Popl hav blivd t much as thy iv a

movi's vnts ar taking plac as thy sit in a thatr

Bt its tim to tu o th procto h lights ar coing on for al h

dcivd gnraions From snior ctzns to tnagrs w piing out ofth nma. wnty-thr skdoo Drwin ak a powd harly. Lik

split th scn daddio. Origin of?tota ummr man.

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E 6. Est Haeckel

LATE Stephen Jay old helped father the

concept of pnctted eqlirim.

1 2 1

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e Big BagGoes Blooe

T most widly accptd thory th univrs's orgin says that at on

ti all mass and nrgy wr corssd in a tiny cosmc gg Thn

aot ftn ilion yars ago th g xplodd crating th unvs in th

Big Bang Supposdly th xplosio first rsutd in radiaton whch latr

cam mattr

Evidnc for th Bg Bang consits largly of ( 1 ) dtction of coscradiaton raching th Earth unforly from al dirctions and (2 wav

lngth changs in th light manati from stars (d shift) whch sug

gsts thy a movng away from s and that th univrs is thrfor


h Bg Bang has plnty goig aanst it howvr Evolutionists hav

frntly statd that scintific discssons must xclud cration y God

caus supatural vnts fa outsd th ralm of nturl lw which iswat scinc dals with

But th Big Bang tsf violats naral aw Th laws of physics stat that

mattr and nrgy can nithr crad nor dstroyd Ths is th First aw

of Thrmodynamics th law of consvation of nrgy As th wknown

pysicist aul Davis wrot in his ok The Edge of Inni th Big Bang

"rpsnts th nstantanous susnsion of physical laws th suddn

arpt ash of lawlssnss that allo�d somthing to com out of nothng

It rprsnts a tr miractranscding physical prncipls f on allows for an vnt yd natural awa tru miracl as

Davis put itthn it i s ogically incnsistnt to xcld othr vnts such

as cration y God If thr was a csmic gg who put it thr? Th cos-

1 23

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T E A N O E S L O O E Y 2

Bg Bang advocats say gravty casd gass to condns into th cumps

w cal galais ut this is only a hypohsis Evn th intrprtations of

" shft and cosmic radiationh main vidncs cid fo th Big

Bangar dsputd within h scnific wold

n his 1988 artic in Discove " Big Bang v Happnd Ec J.Lnr quotd ol riz-winning physicist Hanns Alfvn on th Bg

Bang t s ony a myth that attmts to say how th univrs cam into

ing As astrnomr Frd H osrvd in Science Digest

s a resut of a hs, the man efors of invesigators have been naering over hoes in he bg ban heory to bul u an ea hat asbecome ever more come an cumbersome have litte esation n

sayng that a scly al now hang ver the big bang theory When a a-ern of acts becomes se agans a teory eerience shows tha the te-ory rarely recovers

rhaps God did crat th coss in an pansiv mannr furnishing

som crdnc for h Big Bang whih at last agrs with th Bil on on

point: tha th univrs had a ginng Ohr planations hav n po

pondd of cours such as Hoyl wn "stady stat thory whch con

jctud that th univrs has alway istd as it dos now But this still

fais to pain wh mattr cam fm

Jut your vryday, gardnarity, run-of-t-i pant

Acrding to volutionists Earth s no ig dal Aftr all look at th siz of

th cosmos hr ar poaly zillons of plants out th tr than ths

on W just on mor oriting th sun which is just anothr sta in th

Milky Way which is just anoth gaay Wr insignicant this was much

th point of arl Sagans ook Pl Blue Dot

owvr no astronomr has v nquivocally sn a pant outsd of

ou solar systm Distan stars havng plants lik our own is only an

assumption supportd y imitd and datal vdnc such as vaatons

in a stars ligh sgnal intrprtd to rprsnt th gravity cts of a nary

plant Wrtng n Science in 1998, au alas of h Ma-lanck Institut

for Astronomy dcid th rcnt nomnon of "pant mania a ias

amng astronomrs in whch vry avity and o vn a wigg n crcumstar dust disks is akn as vidnc for trasola plants

Also Earth is not so ordinay Eironmntalsts frquntly wa aout

th onsquncs of tmpatur chgs A coupl mor dgrs of goal

wamng w a told and lands wl l com pachd ocans wil ris cat

astrphic wathr and coogical cangs wll occur. On th othr hand if

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T E I N O E S L O O E Y 1 2

o us stas ae pinpoints of ight tere is just so much we can le aout

the Si Arthur Stanley Eddingto the astronome who pioneeed the

study of stas internal structure oserved

or he eae resolve to eschew theoy an am only enite obser-vaional facs, a astronomcal boos are banne. Thr ar no puy

osratona acts aout th hany ods stonomical measue-mens ae whou eceion measuements of henomena occung in aeresa obsevatoy o sation s ony by theory ha they ae rans-ate nto nowege of a universe outsie 8

erhaps the innumerale conditons permtting life o Earth are thee

ecause God created them ehaps he sun is thee o gve us light and heat

he oon to eguae he tides (and ust as the Bile says to povide us with

a "sse light to gove the nigh).

Design is suggested no only y h Earh ut y the very strucure of the

unerse As Newsweek noed

hysicists have stumble on sgns tha the cosmos is custombul forfe an consciousness t turns ot tha f he consans of naturenchanging numbers le he stength of gavty he charge of an eecton

an he mass of a oonwere he tiniest bi ieent hen aoms wouno ho togeher sars woul not bu an ife woul neve have mae anapearance

he eminen Bitish asronome ames Jeans wrote

]om he intrnsic evience of his creaion he Geat chec of henverse now appears as a ure mahematician We scover hat henvese shows evience of a esinng or contoling power

Rocket scintist Wernher von Baun who ecame diector of ASAsspace gh center and masteminded many of ou first ventures nto space

and o the moon declared

anne space igh is an amaing achevemen bu t has oene fomanin hus fa only a ny oor o viewng the awesome eaches ofsace. n ouoo through this eehole at the vast myseres of he un-verse shoul only conrm our beie n the ceainy of its Ceator fnt as fcut to unersan a scientis who oes no acnowlege he es

ence of a sueror raonality behn he eistence of the unverse as it sto comprehen a theologian who wo eny the avances of science

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3 °

ATE 38. Desgned for iving

Spae H E E . . . te fal frontier hese ae te vyges fte stas p Bby Pe, Its tmabe msn:. . . t ptese stange new wds

. . . t seek ut e nd ato tat dn't ext

. . . t bdy g were n Havad tcae gne bere!

ATE 39 St Spec

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C H A P T E R 2

Eart, Dalng,You Do 't Look a Day

Over ve Bilion

ah ony for and a half ilion ey no say Oh yeah?

Here comes te sun

The sn is aging; i is no a consa. As i gives s energy i oses ha

enegy a for million ons per second Physics Tody repoed in 979:

By anayng daa from Grew [bservatory n te erod183653 on ddy (Harvardmtsonan Center for stroyssnd Hg lttude bservatory n oulder and ram . Booazan (a

atematan wt . oss and Co n Boston) ave found evdene tatte un as been ontratng about 1 % er entury durng tat tme, or-resondng to a srnage rate of abut 5 feet er ou nd dggng deento storal reords ddy as und yearod ese observatonstat are onsstent wt su a sage

ese ere snning nmers for xtapolaion mean ha 100,000 years

ago he sn old have een ao ice is size making life asically

nenale And 00 milion years ao hen dinosars ere spposedy

roamng ao the sns peimeer ld have exended ell eyond hereEarh is Eddy laer redced his esiae of shrinkage from ve o o fee

per or has sil far oo mc for evoion This discosre aone

if coec shoos don o he aegd age of or plane and Darins he

ory Evolioniss reason ha he ss shrinkage ms e emporary cycli

cal or peripheral or ha he oservaions ere erroneos

13 1

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ERT D L I N . . . 13 5

vn taking such uctuatons nto acount th magntic fild may limit th

Eths ag to roughly 10000 yars

Young Man Rier

Mississppi Rivr is said to ha formd aout two million yars ago

Howvr a glanc at a map of th SA shows th rivr has cratd a hug

dlta jutting into th Gulf of Mico In th nintnth cntury A. A.

Humphrys and H L. Aot of t U.S . Army orps o f opographcal

Enginrs tnsvly studid th rvr and dlta. hy dtrmind th lat

trs ag y dividing ts avrag annual growth nto th distanc from thconinntal shorln hr conclusn Adoptng his rat of progrss

ft pr annum four thousand fou hundrd yars hav lapsd snc th

rvr gan to advanc into th gulf. 5 In th oldn days th truth was sm

pl to gt at.

Te eoe robem

On of h gratst ostacls to th Darwinian ag of Earth: man himslf.

Supposdly wv n volving fr mllions of yars. In rcnt dcads

dar wngs hav n ssud aut th dangrs of ovrpopulation. r

haps ths idas gratst ponnt was aul Ehrlich author of The -

in Bm.

h famns Ehrlich prdictd ddnt matrialz ut world population

has undnialy n growingfro aout on llion in 800 to two illon

n 930 to som s illion today Evoluton s dilmma coms from lookngfurthr ack and dong a littl math raton scntist Hnry Morrs notd

a fw yars ago:

Th avag famil si oda oldwid is aou 36 hildrn andh annual populaon gowh is prn assum an inal populaionof wo pop h frs parns h vouion modl wih is milion-ar hiso of man has o sraind o h aing pon I s ssn-

ial inrdil ha hr ould av n 5000 gnaions of mnwih a suling popaon o onl 5 ilion f h popaon nrasd

a onl 1/2 prn pr a for a ml on ars or if h avrag fam siw onl 5 hildrn pr famil o 5000 gnaions h num of

pop in h psn gnraion wuld xd 1 0 a numr whi isof ours url mpossil o 10 lrons oud rammdino h n nown univrs 6

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Howeve it i s now genely ecogned tht tmospheic - 1 4 is ising

As Elizeth Rph nd Heny M. Mchel noted in thei Ameicn Sci

entist tcle Twenty-fve Yes of Riocon Dtng

W now now h h ssumpion h biosphric invnor of C hs rmind consn ov h ps 500 rs or so is no u

One eson my e Eths decining mgnetic fied; this llows moe

cosmic diion which in tun cetes oe - 1 Ojects continng little

-14 my ppe old when in fct tee ws smply less tmospheic

14 when they wee living. Roet Stuckenh of the Sthsonin nsitu

tions Rdition Bology otoy seved in piece entitled Rdio

con Some otes fom Melns D

Now for on of m pr pvs On of h bsic ssumpions of C14 ding hs bn h h innsi f cosmc r pnrion rsponsi-bl for h producion of C 4 hs bn sbl for h piod of im ovrwhich w il cn m rdiocrbon msurmns As, nd lcd,is no so Thr hv bn vriions i n h innsi, nd hrfor vri-ions in h C14 conn in h mosphr

Thee e othe fctos One is pst empetue chnges in he ocenswhich so con dioxide nd thus ect -14 concenttion Anothe is

foss fues (oil col etc) which e igh in con nd hve een uned

extensvely since the industi evoluton chnging the tmosphec l

nce Volcnoes whch spew con dioxide into the envionment nd

othe pst ctsophic events my so hve lteed -14s concenttion3

Of couse the getest cstophe the Bile descies is woldwde

Flood If the theists wil pemit us to induge this scenio fo pgphGenesis stes th when God mde he Eth thee ws get wte

ove. Some cetion scientists intepet ths s cnopy of wte vpo

suounding the plnet te elesed t the time of the Food The geologic

ecod indices th lush vegettion once widey coveed Eth (fo exm

pe plm tee fossis hve een found in Alsk nd fossils of topc eves

ust 250 mles fom the South ole). Ths fts the theoeticl wte cnopy

whch would hve povided wm geenhouse eect (incesng veget

ton nd con doxide) nd shielded Eth fom cosmc ys (decesing-4). Assung he Flood did occu litte if ny 14 my hve existed

efoe then This would give nything olde thn the Flood flse ppe

nce of get ge

Anothe pole fo con dting is h 14 my hve een wshed

out of mtei (leched) o dded though contmintion. The teste must

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assume ha the objet has emained prisine for housands o f years As Dr

Ernest Antevs noted in te Joul Geology:

In pprng C 1 4 d nl w o dmn wn

C4 g nd u g of mpl T loro ndrmn onl moun of rdv on prn owvr loo nl do no dmn wr rdov ron l orgnl or n pr ondr nuv or w moun n lrd n ll or rgulr d nul d nl, owvr numrou l us  nong ou vl v pnpom C 4 g lo u g of mp?

Many absurd dates have been fund For example in 1984 Science

reported that the shells of living snals in artesian springs in Nevada were

arbon-dated as 7000 years old. is was attribued to fixation of dis

solved R3 wih whih the shells ae in abon isotope equiibrium

In Antrctic Joul, geologist kefield Do Jr related the effes of

anarti sea water whih has subnomal 14 leves:

T] ppn doon g o k Bonn l known o vn dd no mor n fw wk w dmnd o 615 ± 00

r A fl kld Mudo d n pprn g of 300r

Willad ibby wo invened the ethod said in his artile Radioabon

Daing in Americn Scientist

T fr ok Dr Anod nd d w our dvor nformdu o ndd k onl 5000 r W d oug n w woud l o g mpl long urv k o 30000

pu pon n nd n work would fnd You dook nd fnd mn u nd u o or rologl 0000 r old W n rr rup num nn g no known f ou m of frdn n Egp ol d of n r rn nd

Alhough he publi is led o belie radioarbon dating is nearly infalli

ble the method is ontroversial in s intifi irles. J Gordon Ogden dire

or of a radioarbon laboratory aer enumerating a haf-dozen faors thatan fasify the proess noted in 19

nd mf nrng dd ur of doron dfl o undnd or pp w quod fgu ll mn ll d rprn of doon onn of mpl vd loro nlud non of mpng or

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Q Would th rat of radioact dcay hav n constant at

th tim of th ig ang?

A I am not an astrophysicis I dont know th conditions

that xistd in th so-cal primordial owl of sop andso I am afraid I cant ansr yor qstion.

Q So you don t hav any opion as to whthr it was con

stant thn?

A hats out of my fild of xprtis. I cant vn tll you

whthr thr wr atom in th sam sns that w us

that trm now


As w notd n haptr Elvn t Big B ang if it occrrd vioatd nat

ral law crating mattr and nrg from nothing In kping wth this

Dalrympl acknowldgd that wh th univrs vovdfiftn illion

yars ago n Big Bang cosmologyw dont know f radioactv dcay

rats applid thn

So what if Go cratd th univs jt as th Bl say? Lk th Big

Bang this vnt woud hav transcndd natural laws. Radioactiv dcay

rats wod not hav applid thn ithr As Dalrympl wod pt it wcoudnt vn know "whthr thr wr atoms in th sam sns that w

s that trm now. And ths circmstancs wold hav opratd a fw

thosand yars ago not illons cnt dramatic vnts coud hav so

mpactd th cosmos that or assptons aot radioactiv lmnts ar

falsifid. As chmist Frdric B. Jnman notd in Inustril Reserch

nd Development

h ag of our gob s prsn hough o b som 4.5 bilion as,basd on adioda as of uranim and hoium Suh onfrmaonma b shoivd, as nau s no o b dsovrd qu so asil hrhas bn in rn ars h hori aiaion ha radioda as ano as onsan as pvious hoh, no a h mmun o nviron-mnal nfluns

And his ould man ha h omi os a rs during somgobal disas and vns whih rugh h Msozoi o a os ma nob 65 milon as ago bu rah ihin h ag and mmo of man I

Othr assumptions furthr wakn th longr dating mthods As with

-4 ths lmnts risk laching nd contamnation. How do w know

watr action has not washd ot s of th parnt or daughtr lmnts

ovr th prportd ons? If thr s a gloa ood this proaly wold

hav occrrd an w crtain aron gas did not lak from a spcimn

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14 6 ORN D O I N UN K RD

or that atmosphric argon did not cotaminat it? Although radomtrc

scntists sk sampls unikly to ha n compomisd rocks do not

com with las that say hav rmind pur and undisturd for thr

illion yarsHow do w kow that a spcimn di not hav daughtr lmnt to gn

with? Did th rock's lad com from raniu-r was t primordial lad?

Again th analyst maks an assumption

Th unrlaiity of such mthods is attstd y th discrpant dats thy

yild Evoutonist Wilam Stansfid of aifornia oytchnic Stat Un

vrsty acknowldgd

t is obos domerc echnqes my no be he soe dingmeods ey re cimed o be ge esimes on given geologiclsrm by deren rdiomerc mehods re oen qe dieren some-imes by ndreds o miions of yers here is no bsolely reibelongerm rdologcl cock 6

Gologst Stvn A Austin datd sampls from th Uinkart atau

whch ontans som of th hghst rocks in th Grand anyon (makng

thm postonally young Usng th ruidium-strontum mthod h

otand an ag of approximatly 1 3 illion yars Lad datng has put throcks at 26 lion yars and potassu-argon at anywhr from 10000 to

1 17 milion yars If th ruidum o lad mthods ar corrct ths high

rocks would oldr than thos lying ar th canyon's as (th ardnas

Basalt datd y dirnt tchnus om 0.7 to 1 1 illon yars d 7

Th Journl of Geophysicl Reserch rportd that lava from an

8001 80 1 rupton of th Hualala vlcano in Hawaii had n radiomt

rcaly datd Using various minrals and mthods tn dirnt dats wr

drvd rangng fro 10 mllion to 26 llion yarsSunst ratr an Arizona volcano is known from tr-ring datng to

aout 1 000 yars old But potassium-rgon put it at ovr 00000 yars

For th vocanc island of Rangitoto in w Zaland potassum-argon

datd th ava flows as 15000 to 65000 yars old ut th ourna of th

Gochmical Socity notd that th radocaron gologcal and otanical

vidnc unuvocally shows that t was activ and was poay uilt dur

ing th last 000 yars n fact wood urid undth ts lava has n

carondatd as lss than 350 yars 1

Ev th lava dom of Mount St Hlns has n radomtrcaly datd

at 28 milon yars. So on snss th futility of dating fosss y th rocks

containing thm

Aftr Richard Laky discovrd hs skul 170 h sumttd volcanic

rock sampls om th stratum of th fnd to J Ftch and J A. Mllr

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A S S U M PT I N S A P L E NT 14

authoities on potassiumargon dating. Tha method gave a date of over 00milion yeas Since no australopithcines could have ived so long ago thedates were hrown out the specimens considered tainted by xraneousargon itch and Miller requested new samples and dated them at approx-mately .6 mllion years Subsequetly Nture pubshed a paleomagneticstuy of fossils from he area which aimed An age of 2.7 o .0 Myr forthis goup is srongly indicated ll this undoubedy peased Leakey asit ade him discoverer of the worlds odest human fossil

nforunately this caused a stir in paeoanthropology Leakeys skulllooked too mode for 6 mllion years Pig fossis in he sratum did notcorrelate wh that date either Furthr radiometric ests wee conducted the

ealier sudes were crticied and inaidaed a new consensus pu the skullat abou 1 .8 mllion years a dae acceptable o evoluionThe point While he publc is led o believe radiomeric techniques inde

pendently confirm evolution hese dates are rather plastic f hey agreewith evolution they are accepted if no theyre tossed ou t's simpleenugh to cal a date bad becaus of contamnation leakng or leachng.No prof is required that these distotions occued a wrong date means

the did! A Hayatsu of the Deparent of Geophysics at the niversiy of

Wesern Ontao noted:n convenion interrettion ofr [ossimrgon ge d t is

common to discrd ges which re stniy oo high or oo ow comred with he res of he gro or with other vile d sch s thegeologic ime sce he discrencies etween the rejected nd thecceted re itrriy trited excess or loss of rgon.

. veden and John R Richds staed in he Joul of the Geolog-

icl Society of Autrli:hs if one elieves tht he derived ges in ricr insnces re in

gross disgeement wih estishe fcts of fed geoogy he mst conre geologcl rocesses ht cod se nomos or ltered rgon contents of the miners

Richard L. Mauger associae pressor of geology at as Carolina ni-vesity said:

n generl dtes in he corect b rk e ssmed to e corect ndre ished t those in disgreement wih other d re seldom lished nor re discrences flly eined.

n Rdiocrbon rition nd bolute Chronology T SveSder-bergh and ngrid Osson of the versity of ppsala Sweden reportedon the Twelfh Nobe Symposium:

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C 14 daing was eing discssed a a symosim on he ehistoy ofthe ie aley famos meican colleage rofessor ew rieflysmmaried a common atide among archaeoogiss oward i as fol

lows f a C 4 date sos o theores we i in the main text f idoes not enirey conadict hem we t it in a footnote nd if its com-letely o of date we jst do it

Te poonium pobem

Another radometrc phenomenon gored by evolutonsts suggests ayoung Earth. Robert V Genty s the world's eadng authorty on the

observaton and measurement of anomaous adoactve haloes Thats howhe was descbed by rancs Johnson asstant drecto of the Natonal cence oundatons Dvson of Astonomcal Atmospherc Earth andOcean Scences.

Gentry publshed numerous papers Science and Nture on radoactvehalos found n the Eath's deep grantes As a radoactve element decays t

emts energy n the fom of patcles o ays hs damages the mneral nwhch t s embedded creatng a halo. These are often qute beautful achelement produces a chaacterstc halo by examnng the halo scentsts candentfy whch element caused t.

Gentry became nterested n the haos of polonum 8 . Ths sotope hasa halffe of ony three mnutest's barely aound before ts gone. Yet thas left behnd trlons of halos n the deep Precambran gantes of theEarththe foundaton rocks of the contnents Ths presents a problem AsGentry notes:

ccording to evoltionay geology the recambian granites contain-ing these secia haos had crystalied gradally as ho magma sowycooed over long ages n the othe and he adioactiviy which oded these secia radiohaos had sch a leeting existence that it wodhae disaeared long befoe the ho magma had time to coo sicienyto fom a solid ock

Crtcs protested that snce polonu2 8 s one o many sotopes ormeddurng uranum's long decay nto lead t must have derved from uranum.But Genty could nd no traces of uranumwhch also leaves a characte-

stc halon the poonums vcnty rofesso R. G. Kamann summed upn Geotimes

he olonim haos eseciay hoe rodced y p ae the cenerof a mysery he halflife of the isoe is only 3 mintes e he haloshae been fond in ganitic ocks at consideabe deths beow land sr

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fce nd in l rs o te world ncding cndini nd Cndnd te ned es e difict rises rom te obsertion ereis no dentibe recrsor o e olonim ers to be rmordioonim f so ow did e srrodng rocks crysllie ridly enog

so t tere were crystls lble redy to be imrnted w rdioosby tces rom ?


Gentry copares the situaton to dropping an AlkaSeter tabletin waterits bubbes disappear inutes But if they were istantlyfroen the bubbles would be retaind Gentry believes the Earth and uni-verse were created swiftly just as eness says and cals poloniu halosGods fngeprints He has wrtte a book suming his findings Cre

tion s Tiny Myste

Radioetric dating is a copex sbect Ths chapter has no ntended toiply that radioetrc scientists ae dishonest or their procedures ds-proven However have attepted o ilustrate that these ehods are farore quesonable than their public age conveys As the preceding chap-ter recounted any approaches cn date the Earth besdes radioactvedecay whch is no unquely authoiative Radioetric technques workssming decay rates have been tbe ssming no daughter eeentsexsted n the orgina speciens sming no leaching or containatonhas occured and in the case of caron dating ssming atospherc car-bon ratos have never changed Bele in these ethods and in an old Earhrequires a degree ith.

Bioogist Gary Parker who ie to quote recounts a college exper-ence that heped u hi fro evotion to creation

n one grdte clss e rofessr told s we didn't e o memoriete dtes o e geologic systems ince tey were r too ncern nd

concng en in geoysics we went oer ll of te ssmions go into rdiometrc dting errds te rofessor sid f nd-mentlist eer go od of tis stff e wold mke oc ot o te rdo-metric dting sysem o kee te fit s wt e old s keee t"

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Working on a concept developed earlier by James Hutton Lyell proposedthat the geologic ayers simply resulted from natura processes visibletodaygradual erosion and sedimetation In other words sedmentary

rock had been fomed just as rain eodes a mountain and a rve leavesdeposits n a deltadrip by drip gai by gran Lyell sued his vews in

hs book Princples of Geology subttled Being n Attempt to Explin the

Former Chnges of the Erth s Sue by Reference to Cuses Now in


Lyels geoogy became known as uifotarianism present processeshave aways been occurring more or less unformly and account for nearlyeverything in the past or example shalowwater lime muds are now being

deposited in tropical oceans at a rate of one foot per thousand years so it sassumed that limestone in paces like te Grand Canyon also formed qite

slowly requiring eonsMany natural laws have been fomuated by observng curent processes

But geology unlike chemstry and pysics deals with pat events that thescentist cannot repoduce Geologic activity is not a constant like the speedof light t can occur sowly but also pidly, as during a flood earthquke

or volcano. Lyell however minmzed the impact of catastrophic events

ortuitously for evoluton the rst voume of Lyells book was pubishedin 1 830 When Chares Darwn depated on hs famous cruise aboard theBegle in 1 83 1 , he took a copy Darwn later sad fee as f my bookscame half out of Sir Charles Lyell s ban volution could never work of

course within the Biblcal time frame But here Lyel was saying the fossil-beang rock layers had formed over milons of years This made Darwns

hypothesis feasbe

After retuing to ngland Darwin became close friends wth Lyel Hewrote I saw more of Lyell than of any other man both before and afte mymarriage The geologist encouaged Dawn to pubsh The Origin of

Specie and later activey promoted it As Lyells uniformitarianism and

Darwins evouton seemed mutually corroborative both theoes grew instature until they became the standrds for geology and biology respec-tivey Neither man openly chalenged the Bible thus avoding the stigma ofadmitting atheism but their works et eect was to nvalidate the Scp-

tures. Darwin commented in 1 873 :

yell s most fmy connced t e s sen te t n te ege fr more ecently by neer ng sd wod gnst e be n e d cted otewse e red ltey oreys L o Votar

nd e nsss strongy t drect ts on Crstnty een wen wrtten w te wondeful orce nd go of ore) poduce lttle erm

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otered to tink of a good reply feeing tat explanatons are not wortte trole as long as te wor rings ests

The pubic generaly believes that e Earth's ayers look much like theexbook geologc column, with srata eaty sacked upon each oher. Thss not the case As geologst Steven A Austn noes

e noton tat te earts crst as an onion sin strctre wt sccessie layers containing al strata sytems distrted on a goal scale isnot according to te facts ata from cntinents and ocean asins sow tatte ten systems are poorly representd on a gloa scale approximatey% of te earts srface area on lan and nder te sea as sn r mr

0% o moe of te strata systems ssng eneat 4% of te eatssface as thr r mr systems ssng eneat and an estimated% as at ast n mssng sysem ny a few locations on eartaot 04% of ts area ae een decred wit te sccession of te tensystems eneat west Nepa west lia and centra oand eentire geoogic colmn composed of complete strata systems exists onlyin te diagrams drawn y geoogsts

The Grand Canyon, which oers e best vew o straa, contains nly

ve o the mao systems Evolutosts try o explain mssing layers bysaying they must have eroded away ut sgns o eroson are oen lackng.And i uniormitariansm is tue, and erosion is almos always slow, howcoud elminate rock layers ormed ver tens o millions o years?

Another problem: in hundreds o lcatons, geologic srata exist in a di-erent order than lsted in he geologi column Siene News has note:

n many places te oceanic sedents of wc montans are composed are inerted wit te older seients lyng on top of te yonger

Examples nclude the amed Materho, or the My hen Peaks o theAps, where Trassic Rock supposey some 00 llion years old) estsatop Eocene Rock 4050 mllon yes old or the Heat Mounan Thusto Wyomng which, as Whitcomb and Morrs noed:

occpies rogly a trianglar area 0 miles wide y 0 mes ong witits apex at te noeast coer of elowstone ark t conssts of 50 separate locks of aeooc strata oician eonian and ississp

pian resting essentally oriontal and conforay on ocene edssme 50000000 yeas yonge

Evolutionists atempt to explain discrepances by sayng one ayer wasshoved over another by crust acivesoverthruss, olding, aults,landslides. Bu whie some cases o nverted srata dsplay geoogi ev-dence or his, others do not.

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simle coas wose ank eene o e length o exosue to e 3F emeature

Anther diiculty fr unifraran gelgy is bending strata n sec-

tins f the Grand Canyn fr example layers rest n each ther i anundulaing pate see picture and fgure n page 166 f the rcks reallyfrmed ver ens they wuld have cmpetely hardened befre subseqentstrata were impsed Hw then culd they later cntrt withut tremendusfracturing? Such feaures would make sense hwever if he varius layershad stil been relaively sft when bent

A beter mode

he Bbles wrldwide ld wuld explain mch why here are wavysrata why mst rck is sedimentary why marine fssis are fund in muntains

t is rue f curse that while the fssil recrd lacks transitinal frmsand ften runs in the wrng rder there s a trend. One generally des findinverteraes a he lwes gegic levels sh abve hem hen ampbians reptiles mammals and nally man This seems t supprt evluin

But say there was a great ld tody the cntnens verrun with waterland savagely erded massive sediments pured int the sea What crea-tures wuld be buried lwest? Thse hat dwell at the lwest levels clamsand ther inverebraes n the cean r

n ur imaginary scenari wh wud get bried next? Well wh livesver the marne inverebrates? ish Their ability swim abve the sedi-ments wud exceed that f invertebrates

As the ceans and akes verflwed and waer rse n the cntinens henext creatures buried wud prbaby be thse living at waters edgeamphibians Then wuld cme terresrial animals The nes wh the leastmbility fr escape? Reptiles Abve them ne wuld find mammals andat the greates heigh he mst resurceful being f all man

Nw he fssils f hese creatres wuld nt always be in precise rerbut this wuld prbably be he trend And that is us what we see in the e-lgc clum D rcks reveal evutis histryr he sequence f ec-

gcal znes aected by the ld f Nah?Anher questn Cuntess billin f fssis are in the Earth Bu dayillins f fish die daily and wih very rare exceptins hey dnt leaveany fssils Neither d ther animals Why nt?

Mst fssils are bnes mineralized by sediments A dead fish may atlike a gdfish in a bw r it may sik t is eiher devured by predars,r decmpsesbut rarely is i bured under sediment befre ne f these

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O K O A E 57

vnts occs This is of lan animas as wll Mlions of balosw kl in th last cnty bt thy lf no fosslsscavngs ancomposng bactia took ca of tat. Fosslization mans quick buil

n vinc fo tis s psvation of so boy pats. Millons of fshfossils incl ns an scas n fac many fossils a of entiely soboi cats, sch as lfsh an oms Evn th fons of pam tshav bn psv. Obviosly sch oganisms w bi fast. vnhav fossils of animals gvng bith an ating ach oth s photos onp 6 Anna K Bhnsmy not in Ameicn Scientit:

ce a orgais ies wee by atritio o catasroe ere isusualy tese comettio aog oer orgaiss for te urets sore

i its boy is combie wit ysical weateig an ssolutoof ar arts soo leas to esruto uless te eais are uicyburie

ese ecaisms cotras wi te oular age of bural as a slowaccumulatio of seimet roug og eros o ie a gete falouro ar or water at gaaly coves ogaic remas

hat popa imag is stll sn at Hava nivsts Msm ofCa an Natal Histoy wh a gaphic pcts fossl fomation a

hos is on vbank t iv oos whil th cacass is fsh simntbis t thn aft milions of ya osion xposs th fossil

t th msms nifomtaian onanimalatatim xpanation isb by th bllions of fossils fon pack togth in mmns gav-yas aon th wol Th Joul of Pleontology not

ober Broom, te out frica aeotologist esimae tat tereare eig ure ousa mllio seleos o vetebrate aas i earroo formaio

aol S. a of h U.S Googica Svy wot in Science that nCafonias Monty shal mo than a bilon fish avaging 6 to 8nchs in ngth i on 4 sqa is of bay bottom Engans OR Sanston has aas with ov a thosan fossil fish p cbc yaThat sch fomations not massv an sn ath was cognizvn in th nintnth cnty whn gologist Hgh Mill mak

s erio o ou isory, soe errible caastoe ivolve i sue esructio e is o a area a least a ure miles ro bouaryto bouary eras muc more e sae afom rey as at romarty is strewe tc w reais wic exibt ueuivocaly temars o viole eat e gures are cotore, cotracte curve etail i ay staces is bet rou to te ea te ses stc ou; efis are srea to te ful as i fis at e i covulsios

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Dinosaurs too have graveyads. n Uah for eample forty to sy

alosaus were found buried togethe in 1940. The skeletons were disaricu

laed suggesting a disaster befell them he absence of bones of smal juve

niles iplied they may have been leeing n fact he fossiized bones of

most aimals are found highe than he fossilized fooprints2 suggesting

ight upwad as one would epect in a food.

t e Harvard Univesty fossil exhibit previously mentioned tere

is a colection of rhinoceros bones ecavated in Nebaska he dispay

sign reads

ne of te interestng featres of the eost is its comositon s tis

section sows te bones o not le n any natal assocaton bt ae s-atclate an intermnge t is iclt to reconstrct te circmstances wic le to te omation o tis eosit eras a loca cata-stroe ossibly a severe rogt

Even uniformitarians have to admit the role of catasrophes but they

invariaby call i "local since to do othewise coud make the Bible rght.

For f te geologic column is the esult of Noahs Flood the theoy of evo

uion goes down the tubes ! he uh is however tha sudden and assivedeah is the mark of fossils woldwde suggesting a disaster wodwide

Upeaal in geoogy

Deek ge fore Pesident of he Briish Geologists ssociaion said in

a 1993 book

niformitaranism tme becase it rovie a genera teory tat

was at once logica an seemingy "scentic Catastrosm became aoke an no geoogst wol ae ostlate anytng tat mgt be termea "catastroe for fear of beng lage at or (in recent years) lnke wita lnatc frnge of eikovsky an alifornian namentalsts Bt wo ike to sggest tat n te irst alf o te ast centry te "cata-stroists were better geologsts tan te "nformtarians

beakthrough eventuay came in 193, when geologist . Harlen Brez

poposed tha an ancient flood had scuptured numerous channels found ineastern Washingon Stae ater he etended the claim to include the steep

fifty-ile trench of he Grand Coulee He ced facs demonstrating that the

natura dam of a prehisoic body of wae ake Missoula had broken

loose creaing hese and other erosional features.

Bretzs concusions wee rejected for fory years because they didn

confo to yell 's unifomarian dogma of gradual erosion But Bretz con-

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learl much of Earths geologc hstor is a matter of interpretatio

jigsaw pue is relativel eas f ou have a picture to go bdiffult

without one Toda more geologsts are accepting catastrophism ending the

unfortarian monopol In the oua fGological Education Edgar B

Helmun declared n his artice "Shoul We Teach nifortarianism?

Te fact s the doctne of nformtaransm s no more proved ansome of te early deas f orldde cataclysms ave been dsproved.

Stephen Ja ould wrote in Natu Histo

Charles Lyell as a layer y professon and hs book s one of te

most rllant brefs ever pblshed b an advocate . . Lye reled ponto ts of cnnng o establs hs formaran ves as te only regeoogy Frs he se p a sra man to demos . . . . n fact te catasropsts ere mch more empcaly mnded an Lyel Te geologcrecord does seem to record catasropes rocks are fractred and contoted;oe fanas are ped ot. . . To crcmven ths lteral appearanceLyell mposed hs magnaton pon e evdence .

Secondy Lyells nformty s a odgepodge of cams ne s a

methodologcal satemen ta mst e accepted by any scentst catasrops and nformtaran alke ter cams are sbstanve noonsa have snce been tested and aandoned Lyel gave tem a commonname and ped a consmmate fast ne . .35

Warren D llmon stated in Scince in 1993:

As s no ncreasngy acknoledged oever Lyel aso sod geoogy some snake ol He convnced geologsts at ecase pyscal as

are constant n me and space and crren processes sold be constedfrs efore resorng o nseen processes t necessarly follos a alpas processes aced a essentaly ter cren rates . . . Ths extremegradalsm as ed to nmeros nfornate conseqences ncldng terejecon of sdden or catasophc events n e face of postve evdencefor tem for no reason oer an t tey ere no gradal.

ndeed geoogy appears a ast o ave ogron Lyel. n an nellecta shft hat may el rva tat hc accompaned te despreadacceptance of plate tectoncs te as 30 years ave tnessed an ncreasng acceptance of rapd rare epsodc and caastropc" evens

Derek ger who s certainl no creationist airms "The hurricane the

flood or tsunai [tdal wave] ma do more n an hour or a da than the ordi

nar processes of nature have achieved in a thousand ears37 nd i the

hurrcane local food or tsunami coud accompish so much what then he

Flood of Noah?

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z! INNT�   2  : NL LI go

Quaterna Reent ManPlesce


0 MIWON Ploc �3 YEARS TeiayMic '. . · ; Olgce DUATION

Eoe ,oPao6 MOmmal.

700 5 Cecus



5 Tssic

S Pian


2 Misssippian

�Deonian ;3 65Amhibns



_ 75 Ordician


9 Cabrian





LATE 43. n oder version of t geologic colmn most periods

are now considered to extend smewha frher back in tie)


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P 52 These strata radly ormed by catastrohc rocesses from

Mont St. Helens cone an aearance o great age.

P 53 Mudows from unt St. Heens heled to cut ths

new canyon. Note the sream runnng through t.

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PLATE 54. Folded sandstone in the Grad Canyon If the strata were fuly

hardened whe exed here should have been much more fracturing tha is

evident. For scale, note the peole near bottom o photograph.

Kaibab Upwarp

Kaibabimetone 250my

Muv imesoeBright gel Sale

Vihnu Schit

1 6 6

Coss secton of Gnd nyon geologyshong monocne nd


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peoples who spread to distant pars of he Earh afte the Flood wod not

have known of these matters bt wod certainly remember the Food itsef.

hrogh centries of mostly oral traditon the Flood stoy was altered and

embelished acconting for the varos discrepances In general the frthera cltre s from Ararat where he ark cme to rest the more the stories vay

from the Biblical version8

Anthopoogists today say civilizaon began in he Midde Eastjst

whee one wold epect if the ark settld here. he oldest historica doc

mens are fond in the Middle East

I know tha a host of objections eis egarding Noahs ark ets consider

the maor ones.

Come on, gimme a break! There's iions of species out there. You

seriously expect anyone to beieve they a in the ark?

As we noted in Chapter Five "specis s a loose term. Varieties sch as

Darwins nches are oen mstaken fr species n 9 abot a hndred

fnches all aike were tansported from the Pacic sland of aysan to a dis

tant isoaed clster of for islands. Wen eamined twenty years later he

brds were fond to look diffeent fro the original grop and also variedbetween isands especially in bi l shap. his dd not reire the eons evo

ltionists atribte o the development f arwins finches And obvosly it

was not de to mtations whch are inntesmaly rare events Rather the

change came from the nches inheren geneic cpci to vary and adapt.

his doesnt mean of corse that birds cold into cats or other ani

mas which wold eceed ther geneti imits)

The sweet pea has been bred from a ingle type nto hndreds of variees

since the year 700. By the same tokn t wold not have been necessaryfor Noah to have had a dalmatan beale terrier blldog and coe Even

evoltionists beieve he hndreds of og breeds oiginated from very few

common ancestors The primodial dogs ndobtedly had sbstantial capc

ity for genetc variation. Bt as some dogs became geographcally isolaed

or aricially bred genetic nformation was lost and they became distin

gished types. hese same phenomena wold be te of other animals

So Noah didnt need "milions of secies on the arkony the progen

itors of the innmerable varieties sen today. Frthermore the ark as

giganticaccording to the Bible 300 cbits long abot 50 feet) 50 cts

wide and 30 cbits deep Is estimatd cargo capacity was eal to 522mode bo cars I more han enogh to carry all the animals Ony a few

creatres sch as elephants are ite arge and even these cold have been


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T E F L O O D E M E M E E D 7

he Bbe says it rained fo fory days. We, I go news for ya, Jack.

he atmosphere can' hod tha uch water And suppose the Earth

eay was coveed wh water aove he mounans Where'd i a

go Dd God pu a bg pug?As w priousy notd nss n indicats hat whn Earth was c

at th w watrs ao whc som cration scintists ntr as a

canopy of wat apor This may ha bn rasd at th tim of th ood

whn h Bib says th foodgas of th hans wr opnd. Th

canopy woud not ha quatd to days atmosphr and rain capacity.

But th Bb first idntis anor sourc of ood watrs prhaps far

mo signifcant. t says thr was "atr undr whn Earh was cradan that whn h Dug cam th springs of th grat dp burst

forth 2 Of cours n toay srngs yid watr and dpsa xpo

raons ha ad hy ar comon to th ocan oor. But th Bibs

dsription is on of grat quantity ad forc iky impying ocanc act

ity w ocanos ar act now but tns of thousans of xtinct ons

xist ouching ry ara of th g incuding thousands on th Pacic

oor Th ood combind wars fm abo and bow

h did th watr go Th Eaths ogina surfac was probaby a

ty smooh. Th Bb says that atr th ood h mountains os th

ays sank own ha may whn most mountain-buidinga

pross si poory undrstoodocurd and th ocan basns formd. It

hs xpain why mounas today a so many marine fossis. Wr did

th war go? Tak a wak down to h ocan somtim. You b ookng

at t Sny-two pcnt of Eath sufac is cord with watr

OK Einsein, f you're so sma, how dd a he animas get to the

ak? Wha, dd kangaoos hop fom Austraia? Dd poar bears

wak there fom he Norh Poe

n if w disrgard suprnatura intrntion w must mmbr that

th words topography as not th sam in Noahs day Th contnnts

proaby did not xist as w now s thm. urthrmo as w ha mn

tiond pam tr fosss ha bn ound in Aaska and fossis of topicaas n Antarctica Muh ohr in shows th annt wod had ush

gtaton and a athr unifom ciat. Cam fossis ha bn found n

Orgon hippopotamus fosss in gand and rmany and hnocros

fosss in Sibria. A 9foot fruit r its fruit and as intact has bn

xcaatd fom th fozn ground of th Nw Sibian isands. I ?

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n h Goi Dst was onc ic with lif s Michal J Noack t

a potd in Scienc Americn:

Te Gob Deser of Cenra Asa one of e ears most desolaepaes . . . Ye te Gob s a parads or paleontologsts dnosarslards and smal mammals n an npeedented stae of preservaon Among em are 5 seletons of terapod dnosars more an00 slls of mammals . an even geater nmber of lzard sls andseletons 8

onditions fo th Food w pantly dal f th was a wat

canopy t woud ha xcisd a waing gnhous c and phaps

addd oxygn o th nionmnt Fsls w nd todaygian asgiant dagonflis tcndca a tt sta fo liing osmic adiaon

would ha n ducd y th thnsong magnic d s hapt

Twl) and th wat canopys sh hus mutations would ha bn

much a Ths facos may xpla h gat human longity h Bl

nos fo ancin tims cntuis f th Flood with apidly dcasing

if spans aft th Food uni nally in Kng Daids im w ad Th

ngth of ou days is snty yas ghty f w ha th sngh

Psalm 9 1

Noahs kangaoos dd not ha to hop fom ustalaathough mos

masuials li only th today th fossls a found on sal conti

nnts No woud pola as ha om fom th Noth Polan icy

cic would not ha xisd Mot of Noahs anmas poaly lid

nay Poa as may just a aity who migatd noh aft h Flood

and adaptd to nw cod conditions

Pana beas eat ony bamboo, kaa beas ony eucayptus eaes

Di oah eay have suppies of at?

f h ddn't ths diay "ncssis may ha suld fom adapa

tion to isolatd nionmns at h Flood d a num of animals wth

unqu dtay hats ha n kno o adjus whn thi nomal food

cam unaailal2

Answe this, Bozo How cou a the wo's aces come om oahan hs amy

Th Bi says ight popl w n h k Noah hs wif th sons

and th daughs--law Th daghsin-law could ha com fom

dis aca ackgounds Whn popl think of ac thy typically think

o skin color, which is just a mat of how much mann o pigmnt you

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haan inhritd trait bad on n Whn a black pron marri a

whit pron thy ordinarily gi bith to mulatto who ar mdum-brown

in kn color. Whn two multtos mrry hr childrn may b totaly black

totally whit or brown-kinnd n clort jut dpnd on th gn com

bination inhritd. In othr word wo mulatto could giv birth o a rac

of black popl and a rac of wh pop and it woud rquir ony on

gnration not on. Th Bibl a tha atr th lood th pop pa

ratd and mgratd. Popl with m pigmnt can bttr tolra unlight

th probably why darkr-knd popl tndd to ttl in warmr

clat and lightr-knnd pop in coldr on

f on argu that ight popl cold not gntically produc th world

rac thn Darwin i in troubl ccordng to voution on primorial cllproducd vrything from blu wh to palm tr to ladybug to popl.

John Woodmorapp ha writn a cholarly book Noh 's Ak A si-

biiy Study, dalng with food tra wat dpoal and many othr

iu rlating to th ark. It i ailabl from th ntitut for raton

arch PO Bo 2667 E ajon 9202 6 9 480900.

Myt eu memoy dicud in hapr Twl w would gt th currnt population from

th ark ight vi\or if th ana growth rat inc had bn only 05prcnt (today' growth rat arod 6 prcnt) Th Bibl incdntally

la ou a tabl of nation in Gi 0. t lit th thr on of oah

Japhth Ham and hm) and th dcndant who bcam th trib

rac and nation of th world Th minnt archaoloit William .

lbright o John Hopkin nvriy aidThe tenth chape of Genesis h long attacted sdens of ancient i

enal geography and ehnography stands absoluey alone in ancien liteaure ihou a remote parallel ven among the Grees, here e indthe closest appoach to a disribton of peopes in genealogical frameork . The Table of Nations reains an astonishingy accrae document.

Bad on 25 ya of rarch rith author Bll oopr ha writtn abook calld Aftr th lood tiling ancint documnt it valdat th

accuracy of th Gni tabl of non. Th ancint Jw of cou who

wr dcndant of hm kpt ticuou gnalogi till found in th

Bibl Old Ttamn wll kown howvr that many othr trb

kt mlar rcord. oopr nt

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[Throghot the entre Tae of atons heher e tal aot thedescendants of Shem Ham or apheth every on of her names s fondn the records of the early srondng natons of the Mddle ast even

many of the oscre names of cetan remoe Ara tres tha are otherseno evdent n any modern hstory ook of he tmes, and enogh s avalae for a detaed hsory o e ren aot hem.

mong oopes sources on the idde East were rab hisorians; e

woks of toem Josephus and other ancient writers; and abonian 

ssra and Egptian records

Just a sma samping of te geneaogies ooper documents sshu 

whom te ibe ists as a son of Sem founded ssia; adai a son of

Japeth began the peope known as te ancien edes; he modern

Lebanese por of Saida is buit on the site of ancient Sidon named for Zidon 

a descendant o Ham who estabished the hoenician peope; ectan a town

in Saudi rabia perpetuates te name of oktan descendant of Shem and

ather of severa rab tribes; Dodanim whom eness names as a son of

Japheth originated a peope that he Geeks caed the Dardanianss

name sti remembered in the Dadanees strait osems o couse race

their roots to Ishmae a descendant of Sem. enesis 25 ists Hadad st acommo abic name as Ishmaes son

Our point oahs descendants ised in the ibes tabe of nations e

not "some od mth. ncent histories and modern names preserve the. It

sure beats tring to epain everhing b distributon of ape ancestors

ooper aso akes a fascinating ecursion into the histor of the European

peopes proving tat the considered themseves descendants of Japheth

Litte is common said of he ritons prior to aesas invasion in

55 B.C. ritains conques b various cutuesRomans Saons or

manssuppessed the remembrance of ea ritish histo ut ancient

records sti eisted and were summarzed in the eighth centur b e

Wesh historian ennius n his book History of the Britons and in te

twefth centur b the Wesh historan eore of onmou in Histo of

the Kings of Britin ennius and Geofre raced the ear rtish kgs

back to utus a descendant of apheh the son of oah rutus anded on

rtain around 00 B.C.os modern historans ignore or even ridicue the works of ennius and

Geoffre as fictions. ooper has found surviving medieva manuscrpts of

ear Wesh chonices a he ationa Librar of Waes berstwth; the

Fee ubic Lbra ardi Waes; esus oege Librar Ofod; and the

ritis useum London He comments

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Te above st of croncles a give e sory of te early Britnscnsttte a raer arge percentage of te ta nmber of Wes manscrps ta ave cme don to s rom medieval tmes Given tat teyare all catalged n easy accessble coecons t s astnisng at

even ter very exstence goes nenoned by mst scolars o areaare of em and ta Brs isory pror to 55 BC remans a blankpage B peraps teir acknoedment od lead te recorded isryf e eary Brions ncomfrably back to Geness and tat is a cnceptta mdesm smpy cold not accmmodate2


he six roya hoses of the no-Saxons aso traced their descent to

apeth t again, histoians discont it as myth Kenneth Sisam, writing

i Angoxon Roy Geneogies aidTe Bbica names s te rificia caracter of ts lengteed

pedigree and te crdeness of e connexions tat passed mster terise tey need not dean 5

ncrediy, evotion has so discredited enesis that many tae mere

mention of Biica names in an storica docment as evidence of its

ogery Bt, as oope points ot, ancient peopes reveed heir ancestos

tampering with geneaogies wod ve een a serios matte to them.he ancient Irish, thogh a distit peope from the ancient Bitish, aso

traced thei ineage to apheth Evetay they ranched o rish geneao

gies wee ecorded y En, son of King Dach, who died in 365

efe St atric roght hristianity to the isand he origina chronices

no ost, were preseved throgh sh ater oos as Keatings The Hiso

of Irend 1 630)

he orwegian and Danish ins aso foowed their ancestry ac toapheth. Odin, a famos figre in rse mythoogy, was actay an ances

tor ho ecame deiieda seventeeth-geneation descendant of apheth.6

ost ancient societies woshipe mtipe deities However, a emem

rance of one od, an Eden-ie padise, and other eements from enesis

cod often e fond in thei ctes ccording to the rees, the first

woan, andoa, opened a jar whic roght evi pon manind ompar

ison to Eve is had to avoid Xenophanes, ree phiosopher of the sixth

centy B.C, stated

Tere s one God, greates amn gods and men smlar mrtas neiter in sape nr n togt . He sees as a oe e tinks as a e,e ears as a oe . Alays e mans n te same state, cangng nta al B far from tol e gves everying it s ind.2

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T e Cinese cnnectin

Eaie we ecouned he Chinese egeds of Fuhi and Nu-wa which so

esembe poions of he d Tesam In hei book The Discove ofGenesis C H Kang and Ehe Neson made a case ha Chinese cuue

especiay s unque picogaphic anage conains images ooed in he

Bibes s chapes.

Chinas cuue and wiing ae beeved o have oignaed abou 2500BC s hee mao eigonsBuddhi Confuciansm and Taoism-d

no eis pio o 500 BC S who did e Chnese wosip duing he 2000yeas before

ignay he Chinese eveed e Shng Ti, whic means"empeo of heaven and sounds simia o he od Hebew wod fo God

Shddi. ike he ancien Jews he Cinese empeos oeed saciices o

heavenn fac he iua coninued i impeia ue ended in he wen

ieh cenuy. ohn Ross noed n his 909 book The Originl Religion of


ne of e most onorble prerogves of e Cnese emperor s te

nn scrfce oered te wner slstce to e Spreme Rer of tenverse. Even for osnd yers go ts scrfce ws longesblsed prctce nd te dy of perforng belonged of rg o te regnng Soveregn . . Te cenrl c of ts scrfce consss of brnng onn r n te open r te enre bod of yong bll s bofferngto od

Pa of he empeo's eciaion duig he iua esembed he anguage

of Genesis

f old n te begnnng tere ws te gret cos wto form nddrk Te fve eements plnes d nt ye begn o revove nor te snnd e moon o sne n te mdst tereof tere exsed neter form norsond To spr Soveregn cmes for n Ty presdency ndfrt dds dvde te grosser prs from e prer To mdes even;To mdest ert; To mdes mn A ngs wt ter reprodcngpower got ter beng . . . . To dd prodce Sprt e sn nd temoon nd e ve pnets 2

ke ews and Chisians he acie Chinese egaded God as a

Fahe. In he iua he empeo coninued

To st vocsfed Te to er s for To regrdes s s Fer. ty cld d nd nenlgtened m nbe to sow fort mydf feengs onorbe s Ty Gret Nme.

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ftr housands of yars howr th rituals mann had bn com

py ostll mor than an o cusom. Ross pond out ha Confu

cus sad that th man who could plan th sacric to God would b abl

to ul h Empr as asly as h cold look on th palm of hs own hand. Tradons wth forottn puposs ar not unusual. n mrca th snf

canc of Chrstmas and Easrth brth and Rsurrcton of Chshav

larly bcom ovrshadowd by Santa Caus and h Eas Bunny

Gnss prscrbd th radona svnday wk whch unlk th day

and yar has no bass n any asoomcal phnomnon. Dspt solaon

from ohr culturs for thousands f yars th ancnt Chns also had a

svn-day wk or a whl Ths aan rass th quston of common rl

os roos.Bu th most ntun lnk bn Chna and h Bb may b an

ua tslf Unlk Enlsh whch foms words rom an aphabt ancnt

Chns consstd of thousands of ctorahsach wrttn word bn a

lknss of th hn rprsntd Or tm h lanua has bn som

what modfd spcay by add phontc mnts to h pcurs n

Th Disco of Gnsis Kan an lson usd ancn pcoraps snc

ths mor tuly rval h anua's ornal mann.

Th Chns characr for boat s -a, whch combns th symbols for

vss * ' h /' and mouth Chns ofn uss mouh as

a synonym for prson as n th nlsh dom many mouths o fd.

hus h Chns symbol for boa s a vssl wh ht popl jus as th

ar card h prsonsoa s wf sons and thr wvs

Kan and Nlson numrad dozns of ohr Chns words susn

a rlaonshp to Gnss Whl th ntrprtaon was o an tn subjc

tv hy mad a thoht-provoki cas. n 997 Dr. Nson Dr. Gnrn Chock and Rchard E. Broadbry rlasd God Promis to th Chi-

n a book whch updatd th study usn oracl bon charactrs h most

ancn Chns wrn known

Was thr a rat Flood? Evoonsts wll allow for othr catastro

psk a b asrod wpn out h dnosaurs But h Flood? o way !

roncaly durn th 997 Pathfndr msson to Mas Scinc rportd

Bt eam scentsts ere aredy ding mpressnstic science nimages fm e ste fndng evience at t as sep y ne f elargest fldsr d sldes slar sysem sry . .

Glmek and s cleagues lieve at te firs images cnfirm tersspicn tat ilins f years ag a grea fd f a ilin cc meersper secnd sep te regn fr ees, carryng a variety f rcks rmdistant iglands

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P 56 The stoy of Noahs ak is echoe in wolwie foo legens

P 57. Floos inflic evastting amage When CaifoniasSt Fancis Dam boke in 1928 a wall of wate swept the San

Fancisuto Canyon, killin nealy five hune peopleNothing was left of the am but the emnant above Contovesy

suouning the isaste late hee inspie the movie Chinatown.

7 9

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C A P T E R 6

inosaus,agons and Ice

On he ol Tonight sho iohnny Carson ha jus nishe reaing rom

the revious chapter E cahon oul say to him: Well guess that'si Tha really sai it al mean here's nothing more that you coul

say about ol legens Every thing mean EVERYTHNG you coul pos

sbly kno abou ol cultures heir yths an legens is right there in that

chapter An Carson oul say ou are rong bronosaurus breah

The Floo is no the only comm remembrance of the orl 's cultures

They also remember ragons Fr Englan to China these ere long a

a o national mythologies The ians of Noh an Souh Ameica ha

legens about them They ere riten of in elan France Germany talyGreece Siteran Scaninavia thiopia Egyt Persia Russia nia

an apan

ver notce the uncanny resemblce beeen ragons an inosaurs?

age repiles ith big teeth long tais plate backs? An like inosaurs

raons came in many escriptions an ere repoe on every continent

ut hey hey guess that's just anoher coincience mean it's a big coin

cience ha all those ol cultures realle he Flooi never happenean it's also a coincience them alking about ragons Obviously they

magine the beass An the similarty to inosaurs? Well ah hat's just

eople's bologica subconscious Peter Dickinson noes Cal Sagan trie

to acoun for the sprea an consiency of ragon legens by saying that

hey are ossil memories o he tie of the inosaurs come on to us

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through a general mammaian memor nherite from the eary mammasour ancestors who ha to compete wi the great preatoy liars

Memories of 65 mllion years ago t be precise Thats supposely wheninosaurs went extinct Toay we conser just 2000 yeas ago to beancient times So when a paleontogist eclares a inosaur bone 00milion years ol the numbers are h o relate to Am realy saynginosaurs were contemporary with ma f Eath is young as ths book proposes they must have been

Oh fiesticks There may be soe ol legens about kights ghtngmonsters but they int call them iosaurs '

Thas rght Because the wor was nknown until the nineteenth centuryCoine by British anatomist Rchar wen after stuyng some nosaurbones it means errible la Oh moern terms like Tyrnnouru

rex in't exis before then ether n e meantme ancient peopes ha tocall the creatures something an they se ragon

Accoring o the Roman hstorian vy a great agon in Afrca attackethe amy of General Regulus Livy wote

Afer many of he odier had bee eized in [he dagon' mouh and

many moe cruhed by he fold of i ail i hide being oo hic forjavein and dar he dagon a a aaced by miliary engine andched by epeaed blo from heay one2

TimeLife Books The Enchned orld of Dgon notes

The creaue monrou rengh nd feociy a uch ha in clacal ime hey ee aid o be pedao of ha ohe naual behemoh heeephan: n Ehiopia i a epoe dragon ee caled imply ele

phn er

Were these great Afrcan reptles aginay? The Lo Angele Held

Exminer reporte in 970:

A fanaic myery ha develope ver a e of cave paining found inhe Goozomzi Hil 5 mie fro Salibury [in Rhodeia no Zimbabe. For he paining include a bronoauuhe 67foo 30oncreaure cieni believed became xinc milion of year before man

appeaed on eah.e he buhmen ho did he paining ued Rhodeia from only 500BC uni a coupe of hunded year go And he expe agee ha hebuhmen alay pained from ife

Thi beief i borne ou by ohe Gorozomzi Hil cave painingaccurae epreenaion of he eephan hippo buc and giae

Far more evience orginate in Erope Ken Ham et al write

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[n te ent century, an rman rte f h encuner th atappear t have een a Stgoauu n he 500 a urpean centfc Htoa nmaum ted everal anma c u are

dnaur a ll alve A elknn nauralt f te tme UlyeAldrvandu recrded an encuner eteen a peaan named Bapaand a dragn he decrptn ft at f the dnaur Tantophu

Te encuner a n May 3 1 57 near Blgna, aly and te peaanled e dragn

Adovandus also reported in Hisori Serpentium et Drconium Cra

[c AD 700 who later named he city o Cracow [Poland ater himse

sew an immense dragon which lared in the aoemenioned crag

meLie ooks he nchnted World of Drgons notes that MarcoPoo eported seeing some lindworms [twolegged dagons while crossing

the steppes o Central Asia The book ctes a number o other examples

Ireland: Accrdng t egend, Trtan f Lynee le a dragn heren the 1 1 t century

Provence, France Adragn called the Drac naed he hne vertrughu te 13h cenury te tn f Dragugnan a named fr t,

altug t rt atac eem ave ccurred n Beaucare. . . .Ise Ste. Marguerite, France: T and he Frenc ca e

tered a dragn durng much f he Mdde Age ecaue f te eat'fercty t a ften cnfued the Taraque . .

Sanctogoarin and Nedenbrg, Germany: The natural dardpel te n 1608 tha Sanctgarn a plagued y a dragn helght caued fre he dragn f Nedenurg pned el y angn them. .

Bonn, Germany Te aan naural Ule Aldrvand ad n hcllecn a ndr ked near Bnn n 1 57 . . .Swtzerand: Chrtpher Schrer, te Prefect f the cantn f

Sthurn, repred he ghtng f a nged muntan dragn nearLucerne n 61, a el a an encuner n 1654 eeen a unter anda dragn The aer rereated t a rutlng f cae n t muntanden

Rome, tay Te Hra natura f Plny te lder repred tha a

dragn lled n Vacan Hll durng te regn f te mper Caudu(ded 5 ) cntaned te dy a cd centure later, n 1660 teGerman Atanatu rcer eamd a dragn klled near e cty. Hecmmened n t unual eed fee. .

Kev, Russa A recrded n te ylnyegend f heredatngfrm e h Century, a dragn caed Grynyc terrzed t regn ryear efre the her Drna le t 8

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Ancient Persian kings were fame s ragon slayers A Chinese empeorof the Sung ynasty was repute to have raise one in his palace com


Describing an area in China that has prouce many inosaur bones,D elan Niermann wrote in the Cron Ex Nhlo Tchncl Joul

Te oldes record of possble dnosar bones s n a Cnese boo rten beteen 65 and 3 7 menons dragon bones fond aWceng n Scan Provnce . . To e Cnese Dragon bones" andDnosar bones" ere one and te same.

Autor Rhoa lumberg note

Un 7 enre vllages n Ca sppored emseves by dggngand seng dragon bones. Vstng sentss from te Amercan Msemof atra Hsory ere very pset en tey sa areoses fed te bones becase tey clamed ta tese ere fosss of presorc anmas Tey bog and spped ge antes o er msem n eor Cy and presened some to a sem n Peng. Tereafter sengdragonbone medcne as forbdden. Hoever an ndercover dragon

bone bsness contnes to caer to cstomers al over te Oren

Perhaps Englan, with its tales of S George an Sir Lancelot, s most

famous for ragon egens Georey of Monmouth recore how Kng

Morvi ie in c 336 .C.:

For a beas more fel tan any monser ever eard of before came pfrom e rs sea and preyed contnaly pon e seafarng fol adel n tose parts And en Morvd eard tdngs tereof e came nto

te beast and fogt er sngleanded B en e ad sed p a s eapons agans er n van te monser ran pon m open jasand saoed m p as [f] e ad been a te fs 2

Grante some egens have garingy ctitious elements multiheae

ragons, for example, or ones that guare treasures ut true stories often

evelop embellishmens Even the tales of ragons that breathe fire coul

have an analogue in the bombarier eetle (Chapter Four) which sprays its

enemies with an exposive mixture Fossils of one class of inosaur, he

Hdsurs or uckbille inosaurs, show holow protuberances on their

heas connecte to their noses by tubes The function of these strucures is

unknown 3

Many reports appear matteroffact Researcher il Cooper foun

ragon accounts at nearly 200 sites in his native Englan He relates for


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Ler n te fteen centy codng to conempory conclet sl svves n Cney Cdrs lry, te folong ncdents repored n te enoon of Frdy 6 Septemer, 44 o gnteples ee seen fgng on e nks of e Rver Stor (ner e v lge

f Lle Conrd) c mked te Engls cony orders of Solk ndssex ne s ck nd te ote edds nd spoed" Afte an rlong srgge ook pce to te dton of mny eodng tem"e lck monste yeded nd red o s l te scene of te conflcteng knon eve snce s Srpg medo

take the following chronicle te 405, from Solk Englan

Cose to e on of Bres ne Sdy, ere s ltey ppered o

e gre r of te conrysde rgon vs n ody t cresteded eet lke s nd extedng to n enomos lengt Hvnggered e seped of fock t devored mny seep . n orde destoy m l e conty peopl rond ere smmoned. Bt ene dgon s tt e s gn o e ssled rros e fled nto rs or mee nd ee d msel mong te ong eeds nd s nooe seen

Te evotionist will call sch reprts fiction. Or ancestors were afterall sperstitos morons more cosel reate to apes an magine things

t sppose the above accont was not of a ragon bt a wolf or other com

mon beast? n that case it wol be acepte with little estion

Te epic poem Beowu consiere the first great work of English ter

atre escribes a batte between the hero eowlf an a monster calle

Greel. Of AngloSaxon origin t is ot abot rtain which t never men

tions bt Scannavia the story tsef preating the Saxon mgration to the

sles Containng may mythc aspect it has been ismsse as a fary taleHowever it accrately mentions nmeros historical gres lste in Anglo

Saxo Danish an Sweish genealoges eowlf himself live from .

495 t 583 an was king of a tribe knwn as the Geats

Te monster's name Grene probably erive from Norse ginill,

meaing storm or genj, meaning below t may have escribe a

speces rather than merely the speci beast of the poem who preye pon

the Danes for twelve years 503 t 5 5 stalking the moors Al attemptsto sla hm ha faile as he was impevios to weapons. Beowuescribe

Greel as having powerfl aws wth whch he klle an ate many war

riors He stoo on two feet bt evienty ha weak forelmbs (eowlf

slew him by tearng one othe cretre then rete to its lair an ble

to eath) Son ike anyone yo met in Jussic Prk?

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The foeams wee eviently the monstes vulneable point Coope saysit is the vey sie of Genes jaws which paaoxcally woul have aieeowlf in his caefuly thought ou stategy of going fo the foelibs

because pshing himself ha ino the anmals ches between hose foelimbs woul have place eowulf ghly uneneath those aws an wouths have shelee him fom Genels teble teeth 7 We woulnt ecommen ying this at home, but emembe it if you eve un into a re.)

Speculaive? Highly ut i eowulf eally slew a re it woul expainhis fame as he subect of an epic poem Accoing to hat saga incientallyeowlf himsef ultimaely ie batting a yng agon

lyng agons? Oh come on man hat kills it as yh ight thee

Does it? Thee wee ying eptilesthe bestknown being peoactyls,who ha wing spans o up to 39 feet The fossi bones of one flying epieQuetzlcotlus uneahe in Texas in 972 ha a wing span of 48 feetwie han that of an F Phanom je

Ameican nians long ha legens of geat flying beass, which theyepesene in peoglyphs a Seige noe in Worlds Befre Our Own

Waever e pero glps rul represened all e Ameindian naons

of a en consued e Nores Terior ad a errible radionassociaed e creaures e caed Th Pasa (or Pusa

Accoing to nian oe, the Pis woul swoop on an take tibesmen A Amsong wote in his 887 booklet The Pis or the Deil

Among the Indins that he nian peo gyphs potaye the Pis as having the wngs of a bat but of the shape of an eagles He futhe note

Te me en e Piasas exised n is coun accordng o e in

radion as man ousand moons before e arrva of e palefacesie e Mams sas several osand ners before e palefacescame." Toug indefine as o e exac ime perod bo ndicae a verong period of imeman cenuriesand ma be consred o go aaback o e mesozoc or middeife geologcal perod knon as eage of repiles en e monser sarans exsed in grea numbers andvrieies . . .

Among e mos noabe ere e perodac or ngfingered monsosi ic in ever poin of e oble surpassed e icosaur and

plesosau as an aeria beas brd or reple ngs saped keose of a ba. . Te fossil remans of some enfive speces of ismonser ave been found and i s someimes caled e perosaur or fling l zard

ur concusions ma be summed up in a fe ords as follos:Frs Te ndians appeared upon s connen before e exncion of

e uge repiles and saurians of e mesozoic age

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vesed n te stdy of paeontology mmedately ecognzed t as elong-

ng to te gens Ptdacus anas many fossl emans of c aveeen fond among te stata c geologsts ave desgnated y te

name of las. Te ock n c ts nste as dscoveed eongs pe-csely to tat formaton te depost of c s so old tat geoogsts date

t moe tan a mllon of yeas ack.

On Aril 6 890 rizonas Tombone Epitph carrid this reort:

A nged monste esemng a ge allgato t an extemely eon-gated ta and an mense pa of ngs as fond on te desert eteente Wetstone and Hacca montans last Snday y to ances o

ee etnng ome fom te Haccas. Te ceate as evdentlygeatly exasted y a long fgt and en dscoveed as ae to fy ta sort dstance at a tme Afe te st sock of ld amazement adpassed te to en o ee on oseack and armed t Wnceste

es eganed scent coage to pse te monste and afte an exct-

ng case of seveal mes scceeded n gettng nea enog to open fe

t te fles and ondng t. Te ceate ten ted on te men t

ong to ts exasted condton tey ee ale to keep ot of ts ay andate a fe e dected sots te moste partly oed ove and emanedotonless Te men catosy appaced, te oses snotng t

terro and fond tat te ceate as dead. Tey ten poceeded to akean examnaton and fond tat t eased aot nnetyto feet n lengtand te geatest damete as aot fty nes Te mnste ad only to

feet tese eng stated a sot dstae n font of ee te ngs eejoned to te ody Te ead as nea s tey cold jdge as aot egt

feet long te jas eng tcky set t stong sap teet. ts eyes eeas age as a dnne plate and potrded aot alfay fom te ead Tey

ad some dclty n measng t ngs as tey ee paty foded

nde te ody t fnaly got one stagtened ot sffcently to ake a

measement of seventyegt feet makng te tota lengt fom tp to tpat 160 feet. Te ngs ee composed of a tck and neay tanspar-ent memane and ee devod of feates o a as as te ente ody.

Te skn of te ody as compaatvey smoot and easy penetated y

a llet Te en ct o a smal poton of te tp of one ng and took tome t tem Late last ngt one of tem arrved n ts cty fo sp-

ples and to make te necessary pepaatons to skn te ceate en tede e sent east fo examnaton y te emnent scentsts of te dayTe fnde etned eay ts mon accopaned y sevea pomnentmen o ll endeavo to rng te stange ceate to ts cty efoe t

s mtated.2

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The diensions described in this latter story vastly exceed that of anyfossilized ying retiles, but coarison is hard to avoid. Was this a latesurivo of the Pis tha terrorized Indian tribes?

Even he ible has assages descibing what any consider dinoaurs. InJob 0 we read

L the beem hic me lng t y n hich fees ngrss lie n x

Wt streng he s in hs ins t per n e musces f his bely His til sys e cer; te snes f is tighs re clsenitHis bnes re ubes f brnze s imbs ie rs f rn

Since Job descrbes any aiiar anials, the beheoth was resu

ably real also. oe clai it was an elehantbut what elehant has a tailthat swings like a cedar tree? A Brhiosurus would ate Job describesanther unknown creature, the eviathan

Sme purs frh frm his nsrils s frm bing p ver fire frees

His bre sets cs bze n flmes r frm his muthStrength resies n s nec; smy ges befre m

The fls f is fesh re igtly ne; tey re m n immvbleHis cest is r s rc hr s ler mllstneWen he rises up te migy re errifie; ey retret befre is

rsngTe sr t reches im s n eec nr es the sper r the r

the jvelinrn e rets e str n brnze lie rtten 2

Why did the dinosaurs becoe extinct? The most oua theory today:

a big asteroid struck Earth creatin clatic changes that wied the outut why would an asteroid destroy all dinosaurs large and sal, yet notmammas and other retiles?

inosaurs ay have died out fo the sae reason as any other creaturesthe lling of Earth by humans Wild beasts were very rolific untilan deciated them

igers, for exale were once a bane in Asia The thirteenthcenturytraeler Marco Polo wrote of ueinFu in China "The utitude of tigers

renders travelling hrough the country dangerous, uness a number of er-sons go in comany. And he said of the Chintigui region: In this rovince

the tigers are so nuerous, that the inhabitants, fro arehension of theirravages, cannot venture to see at night out of their towns .2 u whotoday fears travel in China because of tigers? Now they are considered anendangered secies.

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Dinosaurs vidntly wnt unmystriously th way o othr xtnctbasts Dragon slayrs' xloits wr rcordd in th litratur o counyatr country and our ancsors woud robably rsnt knowng w had rlgatd it al to abl and illusion.

A note on e ice age

ut ostFlood cimat changs may ha also contributd to limination oh dinosaurs On major has o Earh's ast w ha not yt discussd sth ic ag

Without qustion ic shts riousy cord northrn ortions oAsia Euo and Amrica. As glacirs mov thy scratch rocks movdbris and lav othr tlltal signs Ic shts rachd as a south in Amrica as th Ohio and Mssouri Rvr valys.

It is commonly claimd that thr wr many ic agsclassicallyoulasting around 00000 yars ach Today twnty or vn thity icags ar bing roosd Ths s rimaly basd on ( som idnc o

intrmittnt glacation in h gologc ayrs; and th assumtion tat

gologc layrs rquir ons to orm Frd rom uniormiaan dogmahowvr on ic ag aars mor ly th ntrmttnc rsuting norom numrous ic ags but th advanc and rtat o a sngl ic shtduring climac variations Wthin th ovral zon o as glacation thrar "drilss aras showing no eviene of glciers t ll as in southwst

Wisconsin. This strongly wighs aginst multil ic ags as dos thossil rcord. Micha . Oard nots

[N]ea all of e exincions of large mammals occrred after e lasglaciaion Ver fe occrred afer posaed, previos glaciaons acice age od ave been ver sressfl o e animas. Ho cold e sr-vive o3 ice ages, over a oorree million ear period, and engo exinc on ater e as? Te record of exincions is more consiseni js one ice age2

Dozns o thoris attmt to xlan th caus o th ic ag(s) SincEarth suosdly bgan as a hot moltn bal and vn now is blivd

warming what could hav occasiond massi gaciation n btwn?Cold wintrs alon wouldn't; w ha cold wintrs now and thy don't

gnrat ic shts. Chily summrs would also b nddothrws thglacirs would mt.

Cold alon howvr woudn't b nough; an c ag would rquir otso snow ut ionicaly codr air caris lss mostur and yilds lss rciitaton. Stors that occur ust blow rzing o cours oduc th

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havist snowfall Sohow, th ic ag ust hav ntaild or oisturnd codr traturstorological conditions nonxistnt today

Th bl rovids a rational xlanation. As th last chatr notd th

Flood would hav accoanid rution of th thousands of now dorantvocanos, as th ibical watrs bow gushd out and all th srings of

th grat d burst forthTh Earth's ntror is hot: traturs ncras by about 30 dgrs

cntigrad for ach kiotr dow hrough th crustso th srings ofh grat d discharging woud hav roducd war ocans. Studis ofoxygn isotos in Antarctic sa croorganis dosits rval that thocan thr was onc warr by so 20 dgrs cntigrad Warr

ocans man or vaoration and rciitation; and coutr roctionsat th National Cntr for Atoshric Rsarch hav shown that thywoud caus scialy havy rcitation in olar rgions

In th anti ash fro al th vocanos would hav darknd th sky.

Vocanic dust bocks sunlight but dos littl to rtain th Earths hat thusrducng atoshric traturs Th rution of a singl grat vo

canrakatoa in 883is blivd rsonsib for a subsunt world

wid dro in traturs that ast fiv yars. A silar ct occurrdar Tabora's rution in 1 8 15 : N Engand rcivd six inchs of snow

in Jun 1 8 6, and raurs hr wnt as low as 37 dgrs Fahrnhitthat August

Th Flood would hav thus crat th xact cobinationhigh prci

itation with ow tratursan ic ag ruirs Lik today, uatoria

rgions woud hav bn warst, and oar aras colds but with avragtmraturs owr, glaciation would hav xtndd furthr south than now

For although th ocans wr war h and was not.ith so uch watr id u in larg trrtria glacirs th ocans would

hav bn lowr, crating land bridgs btwn Sibria and Alaska (by

which Indians rachd t Arica and robably down th East Inds as

far as Austraia Howvr, as volcanos did down, and ash clard fro thatoshr, traturs would hav cibd, aking th gacirs rcdand ocans ris

uring th ic ag h iddl atuds would hav rcivd or r

citaton too but as rain rathr han now Aras now dry would hav bnnicy irrgatd I usd to wondr wy, in th ib God told th Jws hwoud bring th out of Egyt to a and owing with ilk and hony, a

land with sras and ools of watr, wth srings flowing in th vallysand hils; a land with what and bary, vins and g trs, ogranats,oliv oi and hony . . . That didn sound lik th coarativy archd

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P 58. Medeva theo of dnosaur extncton


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P 59 T Ptenon ns ing san

P 60 boy robs dinosaur traks Mad n t ground as s y suosdy raind undsturbd for ns o iions of yrs


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P 6 Lowrd atus fo il volcanoscoud hav contiud o an ic ag.

9 5

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C A P T E R 7

Trial by Holywood

It has n said tha fiction rsus ol or ffctivly than nonfcton caus t dos a tr jo of touching oions Prhas nothing

has avanc volutions caus so civly as a lay and Inherit

the Wind.

Inherit icts wha was rhas th ost faous cout cas of th twntith cnturyth "onky trial of 925 Th fnant was John cos

a schooltachr fro ayon nnss H was charg with violating hur ct a stat law that fora taching that an dscndd fro lowr

if fors (it did not rohit taching othr ascs of voluion Th ur ct had n uncontrovrsial in h Tnnss gislaur assing 75

in th hous and 2 in th snatading Scoss dfns was Clarnc arow th ost aous cri

na awy of his day assisting th roscution was Willia Jnnings ryan

forr Scrtary of ta and thr tis th ocratic Party's Prsdntial caniat Th ost coon rssion aout this trial s roaly

tha arrow huiliat ryan in crossxaination scoing a owrfulo for volution against rligious nanalis

Pulic lfs garding th rial asd largly on Inherit the Wind.

Th lay njoy a rcord thyar un on roadway t thn ca a

m starrng Sncr Tacy and Fdric March and was noinatd for svral cay wars Th ovi as wl as a 1988 lvisd ak havn shown countlss tis to studnts as "ucational aial Th lay

has n funtly rviv Fw l howv hav v rad th actua

tial tanscri For ost Inherit h Wind I h tria and for any vndns thir rction of th crationvolution dat

It ght said h co on lihtn u noody xcts liral intrtations fro Hollywood Evryon knows that scnwrts sotis

chang facs to ak a story o intsting Tha's igh I hav signd

away otions on an unroucd scrnlay of y own an I know tha

1 9 7

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whn a writr cionaizs a tru vnt may hav to cra conict whrnon xisd, to ut zi ino th sory nvnt nw charactrs to gnra


Thats no what I' talking aou Inhert the Win did not altr factsmrly to stmulat th audinc t rssy rvtd th Scos tria o

advanc a scific agnda It is tru at th orginal laywrights JromLawrnc and Rort E L acknoldgd that thir work s not hstor I and changd th rincials nas John Scos ca t Cas Clarnc Darrow cam Hnry Dummond Willa Jnnings ryncam Matthw Harson rady; Dton Tnnss ca Hillsoro,Tnnss Of cours vryon knw ho thy wr talking aout ut y

making ths disclamr and changing t nams, Lawrnc and L adddthir licns o smar.

This chatr will contrast Inherit th Win with th actua Scos tria ycomang th 1960 Sncr Tracy vi (th most famiiar and accssilvrsion) o th oginal courtroom trascit and ohr rcords

IN THE MOVIE th flm ons s th gr town minstr and othrrudshlooking rsidnts of Hillsoro gahr. Oinous usc ays agastth hymn Giv m that old tim rign ts good nough for m. Th ct

izns arch to th local high school hr young rt Cats (John Scos)s forthrightly taching ology usin Darwins Descent of Mn. Cats is

otrayd as a man who grw u in illsoro; nighorhood chldrn wla woud com to his hous to hrough his microsco

Th town ruds ars Cats n th st. Th arsting oicr rads a

droning fashion from a warrant. Cas says to him: "Co off it Samyouv known m al y if.

IN REAL LIFE ohn Scos was t a ology tachr nor dd h grwu in Dayton Tnnss Scos taug math and coachd footall ut had

rfly sustitutd for th rguar iolgy tachr during an illnss. H was

rcruitd y th Amrian Civil Lis nion CL) o chalng Tnnsss utlr Act. Evidntly h nr vn taught volution or Darwn.L. Sragu d Cas The Gret Mney Tril ras th folowing cnvrsatin twn Scos and rortr Wiam . Hutchinson of th Intrnaional Nws Srvic

There s smethng mst el y t s rried me I ddnt viate hela

Ajury has sad yu had," epie chinsn.Yes, t never agh tha evn essn I sipped as ding

smething ese the day I shd have tght and mssed the he lessn abu Darn and never did tea i. Thse ds they p n the stand

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codn't rememer hat tagh them three monts ago They erecoaced y the layers And t Aprl tentyforth date as st agess.

onest ve een scared al trog te tral tat the kds mght

remember mssed te esson afrad they d get on the stand and say hadn't taght t and ten the le tral od go ooey that happened tey d rn me ot of ton n a al

We l yo are safe no" sad tchnson2

9 9

ont buy it? Hrs what Scos himslf said n his autobiograhy Cen-

e r of he So:

To te l the trth asn' t sre ad taght evoton.

Darro ad been afrad for m o go on te stand Darro reazed tat as not a scence teacher and he as afrad that f ere pt on the stand old be asked f atally tagt ology.

nd Scos wrot of his studnt who wr cad as witnsss

f the boys ad got ther reve f evoton from me as naare oft. ddn't remember teachng t

N THE MOVIE w nxt s ats in jail, whr h las that th

faous Matthw Harrison Brady is coming to roscut hi Th jailr asks"Whos gonna b your lawyr s? Cats rlis "I dont know yt Iwrt to that wsar in Baltimr Thyr snding sobody

atss girlfrind Rach lads with him "Tll thm your sorry Tlthm it was a stak ut Brt sas: "Tl thm if thy lt my body out ofjail I d lock u my mind? Could yu stand that Rachl?

t night havng rcntly hard firy srmon by th town rachr amob gathrs outsid Catss jai rnng him in igy and thratning tolynch hm To th tun of "Th B atl Hymn of th Rublic thy sng:"Wll hang rt Cats to a sour apl tr our God s marching on ! Gloryglory halllujah rock is hurd through th jail window injuring him

n th courtroom Cats is told: ll fix you Catsw ll run you outof town !

ohn Scos is thus ortrayd a hroic martyr, rscutd by witchhuting bigots for daring to sak truth

N REL FE Scos nvr snt on scond in jail Violating Tnnsss Butr ct was not an imsonabl ons it was uishal onlyby a fin (which Scos was nv quird to ay)

urthrmor thr was no bad od btwn Scos and Daytons ol Th ntir aair was amicab rrangd Th CL had bn runnngads in Tnnss nwsars, oig to ay xnss for any tachr who

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would volunteer o articiate in a cot challenge to the new law (Te

CL of course is well known for oosing organized religion; it has fre

quently sued ulic schools a allow reigious teachings and owns tat

dislay nativity scenes at ChristasGeorge Raeyea anager of a ning coany noticed the ad e

convinced local usinessen at such rial woud ut Dayton on te a

(which it did and hoefly ift its saging econoy The en aroached

coes in the ocal drugstore run y "Dc Roinson Tey asked John ife

woud agree to say he had vioaed the law and e served with a warrant

coes ater recaled te conversation

Y lld n s a bg tr nt Rbnsn sd.Ys." nddd Wn Mr Frgs s sck."Wl tgt bg tn Ddn t cvr vltn?"W rvd fr fnl xms s bst mmbr." T tl t trt

snt sr d tgt vltnRbnsn nd t trs pprnt rn t cncd bt ts tc

nclt. d xprssd ngnss t snd trl. Tt s ng

The Dayton usinessen were so eager to have te ria tat wen ey

leed Chattanooga was trying to get is own cout case going Daytonians

threatened o oycot Catanooga erans and coe's indictent was

acceleraed.To e sure Jon coes elieved in volution However his tria was o

nstigated y wichhuntng fundaentlists u y the CL wic o

ony aid the defense's costs ut oere o ay the rosecution's as wel (an

oer tat was tued down Everytig aened with coes's consent

Fa fro lyncing hi e ownseo gave coes a seat of honor next oWilia Jennings ryan at a anque hld for the latter

IN TE MOVIE wen he locas arn Henry Druond (Carence

Darrow) is coing to e er Catess defense atorney they yell "W'll

send hi ack o el ! Ride hi out n a rail Dont let i into town !

ee hi out

When h e arrives he is greeted y ony one ersonnewsaeran E .

Horneck (ased on te cynica jouaist H L Mencken (Druond

was layed y encer Tracy and Hoeck y Gene ey Druond

ges a roug ecetion ig gru faer reukes hi senilelooking

ie salesan asks Horneck: re yu an evolutionist? n infide? sin

ner? Te only hositale folks are e Cates's enlightened students When

Druond aroaches the courthouse he next orning e is oudly ooed

night a o of fundaenaists outide his hote threaten to lync hi

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e Crisian men an women o ennessee know ow eelymankin is inebe o science or beets conere by e iscovery ote laws o natue an by te esignin o macinery o te uiization o

tese aws Give science a act an it s not ony invincible but o incalcuable service to man

IN TE MOVIE rady ooss vution solly on iblica grounds.

IN REA IFE h lo oosd it rational scntic grounds. n an

articl ublishd in Reder Diget rn said

t is no unusual o evouionists ecae a tei yoesis is asclealy establise as e law o graviion or e ounness o te ear

et anyone can rove at anying aier tan air wen rown u inoe ai wil al to te groun anyon an emonstrate te rounness ote eart by raveing aroun it

Bu ow abou te octine tat al te species by te opeationo inteior esien oces came by s an graua evelomen romone or a ew gems o lie wic apee on tis lanet millions o yearsagoe esimaes varying accoring te vigor o te guesses imaginaion an te number o cipes e i is baske? n e conay no

one as ever been abe to tace one singe secies to anoe arwinamie ta no secies a ever been ace o anoer but e tougt isyoesis soul be accepe even ug te missing links a notbeen oun tee is suc a ting s evoluion i is not ust one linke ink beween man an te lowe s o ietat is missing bu ate milions o links between millions species

Wen a ew bones an a iece o ull ae asione ino a suposeikeness o a preistoic animal escie as an aeman te evouion

ists a own beoe it an worsip i ltoug i contains a smale ecentage o act an e oneal percn t acoo permitte in a lega beveage

N HE MOVIE ady is coly unfailia wih Darwins works

Ar h dcars his knowldg o ib th olowing xchag


rummon: on supose ee are many porions o ths book

youve commie to memoye On o th Sps?Bay am no in te eas ineret in e agan ypoeses o tabook

rummon eve ea it?Bray n never wilrummon en ow in peitio ave you go te gal o woop u

tis oy war about someting tat you on know anyting abou?

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I soon bca cla that h athisc Daow was ochstating a aadof witnsss fo h uos of oting volution. (Th ial was bingboadcast by adio acoss th nation, nd od in all th nwsas

Th oscuon cocy otsd tht his was ivan to h lgal ustion at handHad Scos violatd t ul ct?and h judg, at

studying th issu, concudHowv th dfns agud ha Judg Raulson had fuh scn

tific tstiony, h would aiz h as wong. Giving gat lway hcoutously consntd to ha o f th xs H is what h said:

T Cort am going to t yo rodc vidnc and i s rand ar and f tat vidnc r o convinc m at as in rror od of cors rvrs mys

Wilia Jnnings yan hn ais a oint hat id Clanc Daow:

Mr Bryan ask yor onor ll ntitld o crossxamintr itnsss?

T CorYo l if ty go t sandMr DarroTy av no mor t to crossxamn ta to ring

in t jry to ar ts ss

Th judg thn askd Daow a innt qustion

T CortColonl at is t rpos of crossxamnation?Mr DarroT prpos of ossxamination s to sd o

t trialT CortWll snt an ot to ascrtan t trt?Mr DarroNo s an ort t so prdic

Obviousy, whn on sid in a tial als winsss th oosing aty hasa igh to cossxain th. ut Daw knw yan would ask hsxts tough usions lik Wh th issing links? Evn wos high ask if hy w athisswhh so could not dny without uing thslvs. ll his would so Daows volutionay showcas Hdcidd o hav his witnsss instad ak wittn adavits fo subssiono an aals cou hus avoiding an isk of cossxanaion:

Mr DarroW xpct to prott or rigts n som otr cort No

at is plain nog isnt it? Tn l mak satmnts of at xpct o prov Can av t rt of t day o drat m?

Daow was givn th whol wnd, duing which igh scintists dictad 60000 wods o stnogah Cois w givn o th ss;xcts w ad aoud in h couto Fa fo bing xcludd th tstiony of Daows witnsss occus 5 ags of h al tansc. Th

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TAL OL L OO D 2 05

cision to stay o th stan an subit only writtn aavits was notad by a bigot jug but by th fns itslf in an ort to scacrossxanation Th loy workd Ironically ost of th volutionary

vinc Darrow's xrts iscussPiltown Man uslss organsryonic rcaitulationnow sits i th trash ha of iscritd ias

N H MOV ray wins th cas hrough a vicious btrayal thatrvals uch about th writrs' viw of Christian faith Th Scos charac

r rt Cats is ngag to Rachl rown aughtr of th town rachrRvrn rown tlls Rachl sh ust lav rt Rachl rfuss H askswhy Sh says I lov hi Pa H says No no that is th lov of Juas

this an has nothing to or you but sin Rachl asks: Why do you hat

hi so? Hr fathr says with a alcious xrssion caus lov Godan hat his ns (Go that tns of th sixtis? Only rligion anarnts stan in h way of tru lov In Cats lls Rachl: It's hischurch or our housyou can't liv in both)

Rvrn rown orrs Rachl to bg forgivnss. Rfusing sh

assrtivly confronts hr fathr with how unloving h has bn sinc hr

chidhood. Th rvrn narly has a nvous brakown faling on his

ks an babbling ibl vrss.

atr Rvrn rown las a rayr tng which looks or lik astor troor rally:

Reverend Brown Do we crse e man wo denes e Word?Crowd (wdeyed frenzed) Yes!Brown Do we call down ellre on te man wo as snned aganst te

Word?Crowd: Yes!

Brown (lookng oward eaven)  Lord of te Tempest and e Tn-der! Srke down s snner as To ddst Tne enemes of old n tedays of te araos! Le m know e terror of Ty sword! For all eer-nty et s sol wre n angus and damnaon !

Race (sobbng): No, Pa Don't ray o destroy Bert!Brown Lord we as te same crse for ose wo ask grace for s

snnertog ey be bood of my blood and fles of my fles!

At this oint Matthw Harrison ray intrvns calling for oration

an orgivnss H braks u h rayr ting an walks Rachl hoaarnly to cofort hr For a ont th writrs s to b showing a

or balanc ictur of ray.Howvr w latr larn it's a rus to ilk Rachl for inforation about

rt Cats! Th nxt ay ray cals hr as a witnss insisting that sh

rat to h courroo what sh sai th night bfor Rachl rotsts

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2 0 6 T O NA D O I N J UN KAD

Mr. ady I conded you. ut ad h udg co hr o rawhat t tod hr durig thir os at ots rsoa thoughsshowig h had so doubts about rgo rady cruy forcs hr to h

o of tars, sayig T i t it , t t, t t, t it! th oiit is this tstioy that coicts CatThat ight Rach gos to radys roomig hous Sh ts his wf I

tud to your husbad for h H ouragd to o u y hart to

h And th h twstd y words trickd ! Why? Why did h doit' Sh baks dow sobbig, th s Ms rady f h coud do sucha thig h ust b a i a d rythig h stads for ust bi too! Th xt day, Rach ts rt I ft y fath. Tru o has

woIN REA LIFE, Joh Scos had girfid at th ti ofth tria ad

o wom wr r cad to tstifyIN HE MOVIE th judg cits ruod with cott of court

bcaus h aks a assiod sch about truh ad jusic, dyigthat his cit has rcid a fair tri (which th oi, of cours h

hastIN REAL LIFE Darow's cott citatio was for ratdy isutig

ad irrutig th judg Th sa was Judg Raustos ruig thatrya coud cossxai dfs rts f hy took th sad W haarady uod Darrow's tsty rark hat th uros of cossxatiois to show rjudc ts rad xcts fro th suig xchag,which d to h cttio

The CorCots ae a moke Mr DaroThey ae ofte tha yor hoor

The Cor. . hen they pem ossexamao fo the prpose ofeang pejde

Mr Daro sm yor honr thee s o sot of qeton ha heyar not ented o ossexame al ths evdee s to sho hat eexpet to pove and nothng ese an an e nohg else

The Co say ths f he fese ats o p the poof hereod the fom of adavs, of rse they a do ha. f they pt heness on he sand and the sae ses to ossexamne them, shall

expe them to do so.M. DarroWe exept to an take an exeponThe Cotes s ala expe h o o le oretlyM Daroo, s e do otLaghte) . . .The Cot old no say .Mr Darof yor hoor take af a day to rte a opon . .

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Te Court ave no aken .Mr DarroWe ant to make satements ere of at e expec to

prove do not undersand y every request of te sate and every suggestion of e prosecuton sould meet t an endess aste of ime nd

a are suggeston of anyting a is perfectly compeent on our parsoud e immedatey overruled

e Court ope you do not ean o reflect upon te cour?A is point Darro turned s ack on te judge and unced s

souders]Mr DarroWe your onor as te rg o ope.lauger]

2 0 7

aulston dd not charg Darrow with cont in th hat of ang as th

ov udg dos H ad th citaion th following day aftr rviwing

th court transcrit nd incidntally as in th l h drod th citaionas soon as Darrow aoogizd.

I THE MOVE Cats and Druond hang on ins and ndls wait

ing for th juy's dcision Whn a guilty vrdct is rad gloo alls onth dfndant and his rav attorny ady and th roscution xult ig

ory and ignoranc hav won th day

REL LIFE thr was no susns On th last day of th ral, Darrow himsechangd Scos's la to "guilty Hr ar his word

Mr. DaroLet me sugges ts. We ave all een ere que a ieand I say it in perfectly good fa e ave no itnesses to oer no proofto offer on te issues at e cour as lad don ere at Mr Scopes didteac a te cildren sad e aut at man descended from a loerorder of anmase do no mean o conradic a, and tnk to savetime e l ask te court o ring in te ury and instruct te jury o fnd

e defendan guy

ow What gos on? Why did Darrow lad Scos "not guilty thn

do an aoutfac? Th answr lis in hs faous intrrogaion of Willia

Jnings ryan gain this s wha th tral is riarily rrd forthat Darow trouncd ryan and tha volution thus rouncd fundantalis Lts look a that faous dat

THE MOVIE Druond, dnid h right to quot Darwin or call

scintific witnsss is rooding in hs hotl roo What I nd is a iracl h says

Hock, th joualist tosss a il saying: "Miracl? Hs awhol agful Courtsy Matthw Harrison ady

ruond holds th il thnking and sling n iaginay light

ul os aov hs had. H thy won't l hi ask scinc qus

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N THE MOVE Brady a Bbe era:

ummon ou eeve tht evey wo written n this ook shou etken i tey?

By: veything n the Be shou e ccepte excty s it s giventhee.

N REAL LFE we fnd Lawrece and Lee fed Bryan' anwer ouo onex:

ow: o you cim tht eveything in the Bie shou e teyntepete?

Byn: eieve eveythng in the Bie shou e ccepte s t s

given thee some of the Bie is given usttvey o insnce: ee the st of the erh wou ot nsist tht mn ws ctuy s otht he h esh o st, ut it s use in the sense of st s svng ospeope.

N THE MOVE ruond ak Brady abou ex:

ummon: ou'e up hee s n expe on the Bie. Wht s the Biic evution o se?

By: t is consee gin in.

awrence and Lee hu eabed Brady a a rude.N REAL LE? arrow never aked Bryan abou ex. ncdenay he

Be ay adue no ex nuN THE MOVE ruond ak Brady how od he Earh

By: ine Biic schor Bishop sshe, hs etermne fo usthe exc te n hou o the Ceion t occurre in the ye 4004 BC

ummon: We uh thts Bishop sshes opnon

By: t s not n opinion t i ie fct which the goo Bishoprrive t though crefu computton of the ges o the pophets s setown in the estment n fct he etemine tht the o egn theCeton on the of ctoe 004 BC tuh, t

ummon ht sten tn ime?

N REAL LFE here' wha wa ad

QM Byn cou you te e how o the eth s?

o, si, coun tQCou you come nywhe ne t? wount ttempt to. cu possy come s ne s the scien-

sts o ut h the e moe ccute eoe give guess.

THE MOVE Brady crube a ruond brng h nerrogaono a cax

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Bryan cyncally coened that da: " . . . I thnk t hardly far for heto brng nto he lelght y vew relgon and tand behnd a darklante hat hrow lght on other eoe but conceal heelve.

HE MOVE when the jury conct Ber Cate the judge decde tobe lenent an fne h only $00 Bady wldly uet.

Bry yor honor sy one hre ors?ge: ht s correct. ht seems conce the bsness of the

tri . . .Bry or honor the prosection tes exception! Why the isses

re so ttnic, the cort mst mete ot ore rstic pnishment!

REAL LFE Bryan had ood havng any enalte attached toenneee' Butler Act. Regardng te Scoe cae he ad

on' t thin we sho insst on re thn the minmm fine n wi et the eennt hve the money t py f he nees t.

Scoe as fned $100 he nu under the law but wa neverrequred to ay the enneee Suree Cout later dallowed t on a tech


HE MOVE Ber Cate' career over. Facng the judge for enencng he ay " do no have the elquence of oe of the en you have

heard n the lat few day ' jut a oolteacher A woan n he couroo hou "o any ore you an Cate ay heehy: " was a

choolteacher. REAL LFE Scoe wrote n h autobograhy " coud have con

tnued teachng n ayon. oc Robnn a reden of the chool boad

offered e y od ob of coachng ad teachng a and hyc . . But Scoe oted ntead to underake gaduate tude HE MOVE after h hodown wth ruond Brady

obeed wth a eech he want o dver n court. He ay to h wfe n

ther hotel roo "My eech Where y eech? 'll ake the ltenWhere' y eech? ut have t

He hen ob to h wfe "Mothe hey laughed at e Mr. Brady

hold her huband lke a chld and a "Huh baby.

Bry cnt stn t when they gh t meMr. Bry t rght, by. t right

he nex day afer the ral conude Brady ate to ake h"eech to the courtroo But no one nteretedreorter and hawker

ae buy talkng Brady athecally babble relgou hrae tryng ohout above the crowd noe. ruond Cae and Hobeck watch

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wh ook of dgu borderng on y Even h wfe aaed Then

Brady fa down wh a bg "hud nd de. Havng aanaed he an

characer hroughou he cr he wrer now k h off for rea ke

"There Take ha ya ouy nkn bgo! To add o a ouch of adchuor Brady had been wavng a fa bearng he nae of a funera aror.

N RAL L ecaor auged a arrow a uch a Bryan And

wha wa h "eech Bryan wa uoedy obeed wh? He had e

ared a cosng saemen; every aoey doe n aj ury cae. Bu a we have

een arrow knowng Bryan wa a owerfu oraor nxed ha oo by

changng Scoe' ea o guy

Bryan ade no ae o dever a enghy eech ha day n cour and

ceany ddn de here He dd de f a roke ve day aer bu a he ur

ued a very vgorou chedue over hoe day he wa ceary no he "bro

ken an oe have caed Brya wa edery had a bad hear and da

bee and wa ao ncked by a ang auoobe afer he ra oube

he cae' rgor ook her o a we

he ove' ear of Bryan knew few . He wa known o have a

bg aee a condon h dabe robaby exacerbaed Bu he f

goe o aburd rooron wh Bady gorgng hef on fred chckenrgh n he courroo Brady no ony a ar bu a oron away d

ared by he w of E. . Hornbeck he journa baed on H L Mencken

By conra ruond bran nd courageou hone and even ge

aong wh Brady' wfe uch bee han Brady

he eoe of Tenneeexce Cae h uden and grfrendare

a dengraed a gnoran bgo n a aerfu roke of ubey how

ever Lawrence and Lee dd no begn every enence oken by a Ten

neean wh "uh

N THE MOVE when E . Hobeck earn of Brady' deah he ay

he "ded o a bued bey rund chde Hobeck for beng o ca

ou The audence ee he aoey hu gracou o h enee.

N REAL LFE wa arrow hsewho ad Bryan "ded of a bued

bey (Mencken reoredy ad e ked he onofabch!

e anyone hnk e aone n h aeen of Inher he Wnd

quoe me agazne' reacon "The cr wdy and unjuy carcaurehe undaena a vcou and nrrownded hyocre u a wdy

and unwey deaze her oone a eronfed by arrow Crc

Andrew Sarr caed "bgoy n rvere The Ne Yorker coened

ha "hory ha no been ncreaed bu ao faay dnhed . . he

curng of ayon a a couny cooed enrey of backwood re

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gous anacs, whch aarenly wasn he case a all, makes he lay amuch oo elemenary sudy n black ad whe.

Consuona schoar Geald Guner sad was he ony ay he verwalked ou on

I ene up cuy sympthzng ith Bryn even though ws nconine o e oppose o his ies i he cse smpy ecuse the pywrghts h rwn he chcter in s cmic srp terms.

n he ove's hearcal raler fer showng soe cls of heruondBady debae, roducer·recor Saney raer od audences: The wnner? You'll have o e ha decson for yourselves when

you see Inheri he Wind"Oh, hanks, San! We can decde or ourselves! We can choose Bady,

who's gluonous, hyoccal, gnora, eansred, rudsh, and laghsa hs own bad jokesor choose ruond, who's wy, courageous, enerous, ncere, and broadmnded.

Inheri he Wind assers ha Joh Scoes was convced becaus heddn' eceve a ar ral alsely clms ha al evdence suorng scase was dsallowed

roncally, ha's wha Inheri dd. osecued Wa Jennngs Ban,he eole of Tennessee, and Chrsns by showng he "jury (he adence) only one sde of he sorya farcaed one

When he cous "Reverend Brown whed glassyeyed fundaenalss no a frenyhelng un he no a lynch obaudences ereexeced o be aalled a how he nser's roagandng bul haredno hs olowers. roncally, was h 's vewers heselves, wachng

hs scene, who were beng roaganed and encouraged o hae.Throughou he ove, defense aoey Henry ruond seaks ouagans "bgory, gnorance and hae. Those words rey well suareInheri he Wind.

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P 62 Claence aow

P 6 Wla Jennng Byan

P 63 ohn T Scoe

P 6 Poecuo ToSewa wen on o becoe

a S Senao

2 5

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P 66 Scoe and ayton zen reenac the cene a ocRobnon drgtore where e teacher wa recruted to ay

he broke the law Scoe eated econd from ef.George Raleyea lkng over h houlder

P 67 Clarence arow (extrem gt) hake hand wth udge n Raulton after the latter ded h conemt ctaon.

2 6

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P 70 co Reveend Bown goe bonker whe aynActor Caude Ak wen on to tar n Ryder Tuck coerca

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Racsm was ams nivesal amn leading ea evliniss man wm believed e aces ad evlve seaael mas xle "Dawin' s blldg we:

t my e quite ue h some negroes re eter hn some white menu no ronl mn cognin of he fcs beleves tht he vege egrois he equl sll less the supero of the white mn n f this e tue itis simply nceile ht when hi isilities re remove n ourprognthous elive hs fir el n no fvou s wel s no oppessorhe wl e le to compee successuly wih hs iggerine nsmlejwe riv n contest whc to e crie out y houghs n

not y es he highest pces withn he hechy of civlion wlssuey not e wthn the ech of o usy cousins .

Ens aecke e gea laize Dawinism in Geman was evenme sevee:

he menl life of svges rises litle ove th of he hghe mmmsespeclly the pes wth which hey e genelogcly connece heir inelgence moves within the rrowes ouns n one cn no

more (or no less) spe of their reso thn of tht of the moe nelgennimls hese owe ces (such the ehs o usrln negoes)e psychologiclly nerer to the mmls (pes or ogs) hn o civleuropens we mus herefoe ssign toly iffeen vlue to theirlives.

Hen Osbn diec e Aecan Msem Naa His wase evinis w imagined an ene civlizain"Nebaska Manbased n a singe ig's . He was as ne Wlliam Jennings Ban'sms sken ciics in e 1 0s Os declaed:

he sn of inellgence of he verge ul egro s similr o thof he elevenyeol youh of the spces Homo Spn5

Ts like s Dawniss is d Osbn classed backs as an ine-i sbdivisin mani He said:

f n unse ooogist wee to ecen upon the erh from Mrs n

stuy the rces of mn wih the sm imprliy s he rces of fishesirs n mmmls he woul unoely ive he exsing rces ofmn ino severl gene n ino vey ge nume of species n suspecies

Edwin G Cnkin ess big a incen we in is bkThe Direcion of Human Evouion (192):

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mtes, iots, etc., who are born evey yer with an heretary buen ofincurable sease?

Heckel dvocted dog wy wt udesrble duts s well:Hunres o tousans o ncubeslunatics, lepes, peope wt

cancer etcare rfciay ept aie n our moe communtes anthei suerings are caeully prooge witout the slightest profit totemselves o te geneal boy We ave stong poo o this n the statistics of unacy an the growt of asums an nervesanatoria . Watan enomous mass of sueing these gures ncate o the invalis themselves, an what a vast amount of trobe an sorow or the famles


uge prvate an publc epentre How muc of ts pan anexpense cou be spare i peope cul mae up their mins to ee the

incuabe fom te inescbabe toents by a ose of mopia Evoluto stogly flueced Ger plosoper Fedrc Netzsce

Cllg Drw oe of te tree getest e of s cetury (e putNpoeo frst e deouced Crsty d decred: "God s ded.Netsce, of couse dvced te de of te supe d "sterce He extoled cet wrrors nd dsprged e wek d uble

l Jegs Bry ptly obsrved 95 tt "te lry text-books due te gve Gery t doctre o te supe trsedto te tol polcy of te superse g wold power erHtler d te zs took te des of eckel d etzsce to ter zentAs posoper Getude Hefb erked 959

rom the pesevation of avoue races n the stugge o le [Dawn's subttle to Ogn o Sees] was a sort step to the preservation

o avoue nviuas casses or natonsan rom thei pesevation tothe glorfication ocia Darwins as oten been unerstoo in tssense: as a philosophy, exating copetton, powe, an violence oveonenton, etcs, an religon h t as become a portmanteau onationasm, mperaism, miitarsm an ictatorsip o te cuts o theero, te superman, an the master ae . ecent epressions o thsphilosopy, suc as Men Kam are nhappiy too famiar to equireexpostion ee. n t is by an obvus process of analogy an euction

that tey are sa to erve fom Darnism etsche precte tat tiswoul be the consequence te Dawinian teory gane genera acceptance

Htler sougt to ceve "c puty troug elto o Jews dperpetuto o Ary ser e At lest two llo people ereforcbly sterlzed Nz Gery to sy otg of e llos wo

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pershed in deah camps In his demened wa Hiler was ffiling his predicin Darwin made in The Decen f Ma:

t some te peiod no vey distnt s mesed by centes te

civized ces wi most cetny eminte nd epce te svgeces ogot e wod . . . e be beween mn nd is neestes wi en be wde fo it wi nevene between mn in moe civiized se s we my ope even te Ccsn nd some pe s ows bboon insted of s now beween te nego o sin nd ego

Darwin in ha same k had saidWt svges e we in body o mnd e soon emnted; nd ose

t svive commony ebi vigoos stte o et. We civizedmen on te oe nd do o mos to cec te pocess of emntion:we bid syms o e mbecie e mmed nd e sic we nstittepoows; nd o medc men eet te tmost si o sve e fe ofevey one to te s momen. . . s e we membes of cvizedsocieties popgte e ind o on wo s tended to te beedng odomesic nms w dob s mst be igy nos to te ceo mn . ecepng n te cse o n mse dy nyone s so igno-

n s o ow s wost nims to beed

er Begman f Nrhwes echical Cllege nes eview ofte wiings o e and contempoy Gemn bioogists

fnds t wins eoy nd wiigs d mo nence pon zipoces. e beeved e n gene poo cod be mpoved byseective beedng sing te sme teniqes tt fmes sed o beed speo stn of ce. n e fomton o is ci poces e eed

eviy pon e wnn evotion mode especiy te ebotonsby pence nd ece.

Sir Arhr Keih, presiden f he Brish Asscain f he Advancemen f Science wre in he 940s

e Gemn e s e conssenty mnined s n evoton-ist; e s consciosy sogt to m te pctce of Gemny confo toe teoy o evoion

Keih frher bseed:We see te devoy convncd t evoion podces te onybss o non poicy . e mns e dopted to sece te destinyof s ce nd peope wee ognzed sgte wc s dencedope n bood . . c condct s igy mmo s mesed byevery sce of etics ye Gemny tifies i; t i s consonnt wit tib o

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vouonry moriy Grmny rvrd o t tribl pt nd dmontrtng o t word, in t nd froy, t mtod o vou-ton, wi ti dfrnwt w mr bordr fory bwn trib

v bom t o md iion ung t forkd lgtning mod in

Hier deieed is views i s ook Mein Kam wc mes MSrugge Drwi of course d dfed ife s srugge for exisced ier ge sw e srugge s ewee rces George Se, i isAmerian Sienis ice Bioogic Sciece d Nzism oed

Grmn wo foud on ion nd t truggl, or Kam

it w rntd wr lor


erdi ngt of rwn ort

ier's wordview cer efeced Drw's beef iger ses ofevouio re cieved we e fis survive e srugge for exseceI Mein Kam e sid of rces

rongr mu domnt n no bnd wt t wr u r-ing own grn nly born wklng n vw ti rulbu r ll only w nd d mn; for f lw did no pr-

vl ny onvb igr dvmn o orgn lvng bing wouldb untinbl

As oed Gem piosoper Erc Fomm sid rlgon o oil rwinm blong o t mot dngrou -

mnt wiin oug of t a ntury d t propgon r ntionl nd ri goim by tbng it mor norm Hilr blivd in nyng t ll tn t w n lw o voluin

wi uiid nd ntd tion nd plly i rult

Someting for everyone

If Drw coribued o e deveoe of Nziism e did o ess or isoir cous commuism vg oce bee es eis msefI'm o esi o s evouo d Mrxism go d d Mrxdeouced eigio s e opium o e peope d i er ever iowere Commuiss ook power e curc ws if o boised ourigeurized i eec

George Sei oed i Amerian Sienis Mrx isef vewe Dr-wi's work s cofirmio b e ur scieces of is ow vews

Tee were m exremiss befor Drwi pubised Origin Bu sicereigous fi previed mog ms of e word's edig scieiss i

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was hard persadng he masses accp radcal delges Darwn, hw-ever pened he dr b prvdng a "scenc ranae fr denng Gd

Whle Hler envsned he "srggle fr esence as beween races,

Mar saw beween classes He sad: Darwns bk s ver mpran andserves me as a bass n nara scence fr he class srggle n hsrMar sen he narals prshees fDas Kaial, and ffered dedcae im, b Darwn plel declned, nng "he cnce mgh casesme members f m faml, f n a wa I len m sppr drecaacks n relgn

Sve dcar Jseph San mrdeed mllns. Lke Darwn, he beganas a helg sden And ke Darwn, evln ransfrmed hs lfe n940

a bk was pblshed n Mscw enledandmarks in e e of

Sain b Emelan Yarsavsk In e read:t very ely ge we still l in te ecclesistic scoo Com-

e tli eveoe crticl m n evoltiony setimets Heegn to re rwi ecme n teist.

G Glrze oyoo frien of tis reltes" eg to sek o Go. ose er me ot er momets

sence, si:"o kow tey re oolg s tere is o Go . . " ws stonse t tese wors. ever er ytng like it

efore"How c yo sy sc tngs oso exclme" l l len yo a oo to e t will sow yo tt te wo n l

iving tings re qite erent rom wt yo imge l ts tlkot Go is see nonsense ose i.

" Wt ook s tt enqire"rwn. o mst e t ose messe on me.

Sen ned ha "even Ma Tseg regarded Darwn, as presened bhe German Darwnss, as he fndan f Chnese scenifc scasmMa was e anher wh decmaed lns

And wh n? Darwn had "prven ha men were n Gd's creanInsead he were descended frm bacera, sh and lzards S n he mnds

f Hler, San and Ma, wh nre

peple as anmals? Wh n herdhem lke cale n bcars bnd fr cncenran camps and glags?Darwnsm als helped sf he rhless pracices f mnplss schas Andrew Cege and hn D Rckefeller hem, he "srgge fresence mean desrng bsness cmpen; f he scceeded, hswas merel "srvval f he es As Caege sad:

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ost eveoe mle is is infeioity is so ovous tt o one ccotest it o momet oly ts egee is wot iscusso l sycoogists wo ve stuie te teligece o women s well s oets nnovelsts ecogie toy tt tey eesent te most ifeo foms ofum evoluto n tt tey e cose to cie svges tn to ult civilie mn e ecel i icleness icostcy sence otougt logic n nccity to eson itout out tee eistsome stiguise wome vey sueio to te vege mn ut tey es eceto s te it of ny mostosity, s o emle o goilit two es; cosequety we my eglect tem etiey

2 2

Of cse evln ws n slel espnsibe f eve idelg heped fse. he gencides f he Nzis nd cmmnss wld hveevled win. N m sggesing h ds evniss dvcensm cism n fc Sehen J Gd hs been lee inexpsng he cism f el winiss weve evn's dedl in-ences cnn be denied

hee is cm scene in Inerit the Wind h ns s fws.en mmnd (Cence w) is esnng ne f he sdens fBe es (Jhn Scpes)

umo: et's ut it tis wy How l ts fuss n fetesout evolution o you tk it u you y?

How: ?uon i t o you ny ? ou stl eel esoy it? t

Ctes to you i t ut you sell gme y? fect you tcng ? lyfuly uces e oys igt m]

How: o s ety.umo: soutw u? t ono you mote n te?

How ue.ummo: Hvet mee noy since ekst, ve you?

I ish seph Sln hd been n he snd He cld hve nsweed,e hfl "Wh essevel hsnd peple in fc B fcse wh ge cnceed b l f fss nd fehes?

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C A P T E R 9

The Booes Dooe

S r bfr Scps aar, lc arrw ad dfdd w mrdrrsLpld ad Lb w cry's ms ssaal rals Lpld ad b r llg sds w mrdrd a bys fr rls s f y cld aay w . arrw pladd rclmcy, argg ta Lpld as rspsb fr s acs b adb drv mrdr by radg Frrc zsc's wrks. g Scps ral a cagrd Darrw lsd as Wllam Jgs Brya ds dfs f Lpld ad Lb

wll garatee tat y ca g w t te vesty f Ccagtayt ts g lray a f ve 1000 vlmes f etzsce a am se spea merately. ts y s t ame r ts, were heget t? s tere ay lame attace case smey tk etzschesphlspy sersly a fase lfe t? tee s qest ths case t wat s tre he w s t lame? he versty wle me t lame ta e s he sclars te wrl w e mre tame ta he s he plsers f t wrla etzsces ks ae

pshe y e f the ggest plshes the wlae me tame tha he. , t s a a t ag a yeal y fhe phsphy that was taght hm t te vesty.

W sprd zsc? a ga x, aw. w, a Scps tral, ar agd a rad aw oudn ' ossiby ae su-

dens' behavior. ca b sr   sg f Brya's was dd fnheri he Wind

Sm aras las capr dssdazsm cmmsm admplsmmay sm rm ad lva day's radrs S lsg csr m Amrca's bab bmrs

sartd s bk by rcallg y sxgrad acr, Mr. Haprd r class a Eat as fv bll yars ld ad Bbl was wrg., w dd' g ad s ay a day. B as sads f Mr

2 2 9

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Halperns and te USA tagt te same ng te planted sme prettdesrtve seeds

Unlke Daw llam ennngs ran aratel fresaw te reslts fevltn were tagt t ldren as ft: "If e beleve t e sad eg bak t s at te elgn f e parents! He reasned If evtned Dari fm fat wd d less t tes?

And snt ta wa appened? I qte Harvard prfessr E. O lsnef spkespesn fr evltnar sblg and a btter rt f Bb-lal Crstant

s wee mny ersons om m, ws bogn Chsn

When ws ee

n en


e he ohe Bs Chuch wh ge er

vor n neres n he unmen regon; e seveneen when go o he nversy o bm n he bou evouony heory

at nel sms wat appened t s bab bmers. I wasnt rase relgs mself bt ne sld n e fat f evltn beame a deaed atestfat std n ane t me

ere was a reasn w m genern bgt evltn s easl I were ng weent t abt Bbal mralt t begn wt. B erewas teacher, te same persn w agt mat eqans sangtese werent e wrds b w w rated tem"ssst! He ksY knw a Gd st ve been earng abt? Al e ere antn Gd and tats a sentf fa Ja ! e en Cmmandments? erebll ge em Make p r o es r rebels eenagers tamessage wasnt ad t ake Sden we ad an ese t d wat wealread wanted t d. ke t was K t get wasted.

e Bble ad been esen vlatns entral gng dment rneal tw tsand ears It defne mral vales n absltes. Bt nwrgt an wrng were rs t dee s avs Jerem Rn pt t n sbk Agey

We no onger ee ourseves o b guess n someone ese's home nhereore obge o mke ou behv onom wh se o eexsngosm es. s our eon now e mke he ues We esbsh hermees o rey We ee h wor n beuse we o we noonger ee behoen o ouse os We no onger hve o jusy orbehvor o we re now he rhes o he unvese. We re esonsbo nohng ouse ouseves o we re he ngom he ower n hegy oever n ever.

mas Hles gandsn J Hle was an ates and ne fevltn's fremst spkesmen n e twente ent He stae a

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T E O O R S D O O M E D 2

"Drwinis reved te wle i d s te retr rgnissr te spere rtinl discussin. Bu did we stp believing in dbecuse evlutin ws prvenr d we ccept evlutin in rder t deny As Dr Micel Wlker senir lecturer in ntrplgy t Sydneyniversity s nted

n is orc to concud ta any scintists an tcnologists paylipsrvic to arwnian ory oly bcaus it supposdy cuds aCrator rom yt anotr ara o trial pnomna an not bcaus itas bn paadgmatic in stablsi t canons o rsarc n t li scincs an t a scincs.

ulins brter utr Aldus uxley n erly dvcte te drugcuture nd sexul perissiveness t it bluny ad motvs or not wanting t worl to av maning consquntly

assumd t ad non and was abl tout any diicuty to nd satisyingrasons or ts assumpton r mysl as no oubt, or most o mycontmporaris t plosopy o maninglssnss was ssntially annstrumnt o ibration ibraon w dsr was simultanously ibration rom a ctan potcal an conomc systm an libration rom acrtain systm o moralty. W ojctd to t moraty bcaus t intrrd wt our sxual rdom w bct to t poitical and conomicsystm bcaus it was unjust.

nrtuntely penlties g wit denying d. Teen suicides vereed trgic levels Teres n edeic lw selestee. Nt sur-prsng One undred years g stents lerned tey were de in dsie Tdy tey re tld in eet "Te universe ws creted by cnceY terere re ere by ccident Yur lie s n purpse r ening.

Tere is n terlie; yu ve n sl Yu re just bl lecules tereslt rrid uttins wic trne ut OK tnks t yur nilncstrs winning bldy ttndclw sruggle r existence Yurretget grnprents ny reved were reptiles teir ncestrswer s bu ultiely yure desended r bcteri cnt iginew tt wuld diinis nynes slestee

uvenie crie s t levels nce niinble. Wepns detecrs rerutine t scl entrnces Wen yu tec students tt teyre nils

te star cting like nis. "Survil te ttes pretty well describesig scl sciety Evlutin is r rle del I every rgnis is ty-ing win survivl cntest wy vue nters lie Its prescrptin rselsness s well s brutlity

nyne ilir wit te Old esent r Tr knws tt wenncent Isrel nred d it prsred But in welt it rgt d dis

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T E O O E R S D O O M E D 23 3

Meanhie atheist Madalyn Mray O' Hair prsed a lasi on behalof her yon son Wiliam proesi prayer and Bible readin a his Bal-more school. he Spreme Cot dcded hat resentment by a fe atheistsoteihed he free speech of ons o believers. Bennin in 1 6 alchldren in pblic schools ere rbdden an expressed reaionship ihGod. Did ds sex and hard rock ove in o fil a void? Were o decadesof ain SAs a coincidence?

here as another factor. rio to he 160s evoltion had not beenorceflly pshed in American schos. A nmber of Sothern staes still hadstaes foriddn its eachin hs resrained the evoltionary conten ofbioloy texbooks hich had to rket in those states.

hen in 15 the th annivesary ofThe Org of Seces

the Uni-versiy of Chicao held a Dainia Centennial Celebration. Speakn at theevent lian Hxleydearedn utinay pattn tug t s n ng t n

m f supnatua was nt cat a anias an pants tat ina it nuing u uman ss minan su as w as ain an gin

ha year the Nationa Science ondation a .S. overnmen aencygrned $7 million o the Boloial Sciences Crriclm Stdy (BSCS)hich bean prodcin hih schoo bioloy textbooks ith a stron evol-tionary slant Given axpayer fndi maket considerations ere no lonera orry n he 160s pblic schols started sn BSCS textbooks. n hemantime srvvin Sothe an·evolion las ere repealed or sckdon by he Spreme Cort

Sdents of the sixties ths ace a toeded sord. On one hand they

re tah evolion hch eetively repdiated God and the Biblicaversion of creation On he other and Spreme Cort rins prohibitedteachers from discssin God rein from the Bble or prayin t aslea to den God's existence b iegal to arm it

One reason Americans acceped he imbalance as the stench Iher he

Wd had ven Christianity. Who anted to be associated ith its rotesecaricatres of fndamentalists? Reion as no nfashionable and pass;a Biblical Chrstian abot as elce as a dead rat at a paty

Given these factors the sixties perience as not a mystery bt a oi-cal predictabe ocome.he Spreme Cor's dy s o to ake lasthat rests ith orelected representaives. s resposibility is simply o determine if asaccord ith the Constiton. n reen years hoever many have charedCort ebers ith jdicia activisvertrnn eisation becase they

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disagree wih i ideologically Sh as are raher easy si by is-srig he Csii The mde Crs lg assal reigi isa gd exampe

Tha assal ied wih is190

deisi baig he Te C-madmes frm lassrms ad lmaed wih is 1992 edi prhbiigmisers fm sayig prayers a gradi ereies. Oh grea kids aeshig ea her heyre geig grked rak ad whas heSpreme Cr wred ab? Tha mebdy gh eah hem Tshal kill rhrrssay he wrd Gd a gradai Nw hereare real hreas siey. We a all eep well kwig he Cr is here peig s wh ase priie.

The Csiis Firs Amedme saes ha Cgress shall make aw respeig a esabishme f relii r phibiing he ee exerie

hereo" The C has sed he Esalishme Clase exse is ai-Gd derees whie siply igrig h Free Exerise Clase

Sre e was a diarship by pria eligis grp; ha waswhy he Csis ahrs wre e Esablishme Clase Demia-s had hisrially laized i varis f he liesias Mass-

ahses Bapiss i Rhde sad Eispalias i Virgiia Cahis iMarylad Qakers i esyvaia grp wished be red byaher.B hey all had a mm demi Chisiaiy. Sie reigi was

baed i any Ameria sh i 9 y d eed a risprdeedegree figre ha he Csii was ever ieded prhibi i.Jh Jay firs Chief sie f he US Spreme C was als presdef he Ameria Bible Siey. dehisia dies are he fdai

f Wese iviliaiKik Gd ad we ler as he ie sraeies did ha eveyhigllapses Sie Gd did exis we deided he les f mariage wereeedless Famly life he bega disiegraig. I he sxies we hgheveryhig wld be glde afer liberai frm Gd If i feels gd di we said. A few hsad ODs a a few ll VD ases laer haadvie rigs a lile hlw. Evi says were geg beer b smay ways were wrse.

We had aher sayig bak he ake ve war. B iriallywhe sexal passis g f r vie es seem as Spiraligvilee ae had i had wih he sexal revli f he sixies Nselfr meas selfrl I d wa he imes I ve readab aher hid beae deah by m's ive byfred.

We sed rage ab hse sa hibied fasis Viras wh

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T M R S D M D 35

w weigh s wn wih raliy B y kw wha The rans l ew Englan wen r eighy ars wih a single rer r rape.Haybe raliy des have a pe psses.

n rse he aaei perrane Aeran sens has gen-eraly bee isgrae. Clege pressrs ae reshen wh anspel lae Mex n a ap r ey wh Al Her was. The areahers nin he anal En Assiain keeps sayng ha aew re bilin llars in he sys wil re all B has alreay beenrie. Aeria spens re per pl han any her nain n Earh annerne reign sens sll ip s n sanarie exas

erning has eine in prprin discipline isn srprsng ha

eenagers whse shl plies he ih ns shn syng e inlge heir sxal iplses hre als gng nge heir layiplses n aer hw any BM pables heyre gven. They ll kkhse nirs righ in.

n 1785 Thas Jeersn wre his nephew eer Carr hen ab ebark n a rse sies: [Rea] everyhng n he rigina an n inranslans. Frs rea Gsih' s sry Greee . . Then ake panien hisry in he eal reain he lwing bks in e llwing

rer: Hers Thyies Xenhnis helenia Xenphnis Anaba-sis ins Cris Jsin. This sh r he rs sage yr hsrialreaing . . . . Jeersn nine engh aking any parale reenans.

was his an slae ase a h prigy. B wh ay bass nephews ha rea Greek an Ran assis in he riginal angage hyhas he Aeran nele eline s ar Cl be ha r reahersreligis ah an he selisplne aane herer ha se relan her apaiy r lengrnaly ilia Mrray he ery by whse ase resle in heSpree Crs ban n sl par is ay a ev Chrisian. He hasse he reals ha brgh i aih in a bk enie My Le

Witut Gd early w eaes aer he Cr's eisn he wre in aleer pblshe n he Baltimre Su

wou ik to apolog to th popl of t Cty of Baltor or

whatvr part play in t rovl of Bil rang an praying rot publc schools of hat city now al th valu o ths grat traitionan t portanc it as play past in ping rica a oaan lawful country can now s th aag ts roval as cas toor naton n t or o oss o at an oral cin

Maybe he res s shl ake a e.

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P Claene Daws defens f illes epld and eb (seaedbeind i ebs face pa bsuced) cnadiced is

aguen in e Scpes il wee e niied eipac f eacing n al beavi.

P 5 Juian Huxe apse fevlun decaed a ee isn lnge eie need f

e supenaual.

P 76 Wllia J Mua weads e Wia J Mua

Evangelisic Assciain.

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eed evl a eabe, b hlp ped he lack ev-dece e adrar, mpree by Day paper, cdered w-drawg e prgram, e rr rm aw wa grea a he Den

ver Pos

edra page edr wr Thee deeder ellecalreedm behaved ac, lke bch cervave CrTher wa a dere kd damealm, b e dgmac ad le era

lp J e la cae The prar pe cece ed-car a hey brgh a really b g elch e ghchl -de Bce Alber, prede he aal Academy Scece, per-aly repded Day a edra pbled e Denver Pot

Hw e Academy ad chaged Twey year earer had ed aAr-

maion f Freedom of Inqui and Exesion ha read, par eey rm my eion o te foowng prinipes

t e ser for noweg n unerstnng of te pysunierse n of e ing tings t nit t sou e onute uneronitions of intetu feeom wiou reigou, poiti or ieoog-i restrion

t soeries n ies sou e issemine n my e

enge wiout su restrtion· t freeom of inuiry n sseminton of es reuire t

toe so engge e free o ser wre er inuiry es free to tren free o pus ter fnngs wiou poti ensorsp n witoutfer of reruon n onseuene o unpopury of ter onusionsose wo enge existng eory ust e proee from reoryreions

Te prere lmed plc cl Crea meehave dcly earg degree becae very prgram demad aevlary vewp e ber ery wa wrkg ward a pycdcrae a Gerga Tec, h reeah radha ggeed a ygEarh Gery wa ld pre a mr cveal e pc Laeraer eyg cream' behal a e Arkaa baaced eamecr cae reearc crac w Oak Rdge aal abrary wa


Teed per Dea Key agh a cre evl a SaFracc Sae Uvery B whe e cared Of Pandas and Peoe

a bk advcag ellge deg, he wa cered ad h creake away

Dr Hal Arp, cdered e he wrld' e armer wapede e Armcal Scey e acc e early 80

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O O O M PA N Y 2 9

Hwever, fer spng he nen h "re shif sbsnes heBg Bng Arp ws enie ccess eescpes n n mve Erpe cnne hs wr

he iscrmnn exens bshng, where mjr scence jsgeer cnse n "esbshn h brs n ssen w ev-n. Hnnes Alfvn, wh shre 1970 Nbel Pre fr phscs fn ner mpssbe ge csmg rces pbishe fer he repiehe Bg Bng

che Behe recns he nfrne experence f Frres imsn 0 Scientfc Amercan kd a scnc wrt nad orrst

is to wrt sal colns fo atr cntist fatr of tir

agazin . ndstandin as tat if t dtos and rads lkdt colns s wold id as a prannt wtr tiacoln al wnt y wll t n is ca to w ork for a finaintriw was asd if lid in olton is plid wl, no lid n t ical accon of cration agazin fsd toir i.

vlnss cmnl chrge creinss n pbish cles neng scence rns Ths s re mn hve pbshe n he snr percs n her fe f exerse Hwever, hese scenss cmmn fn he ms ms n h f cren bin er pprv.

n 1985 Rger Lewn cme Scnc h n evence fr creinc be fn n echnc ierr hen Dr Rber Genr respnecmenng h he h pbsh nmers rces n pnm hlswch vle cren)ncg sever n Scnc sefhe mgzine smp refse prn hs er Dr D Rsse Hmphres f Sn

Nn Lbrres hen wre, ing h f he jrn wn evenpsh crenss lttr w r srprsng h he n exerme er sbmng rces. Scnc respnse The wn prnHmphres leer eher. Ths enl h cren scienss pbshbecme sr f sefffng prpec.

ven sme nncrenss fe p wih he iscrmnn Theccmpshe phscs is Le wre n eer pperng n Phyc


t adng a spat of lny anticratonst aticls and ttrs nyor icaton dcidd tat e ess irlnt and or togt-fl sold said .

a yslf sat in class a ass n t scincs and ants nwc any ida rotly igio was littld attackd and sotddown in t ost nscntfic an otonally crl way a sn

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H Sds lke smeh a awmded fdaeals bwld sa

Bls Jh Ra (1627170 was fs ses classf a

sms b speces, ad was csde he lead ah z adba hs da He as we a mbe f helcal bks cldh isdom of God anested in te oks of th Ceation .

e pevsl eed als Laes (17071778) wh lad hefdas f de ax ll kw as he Laea sse He was a beleve Isaac Asm ckwleded ha Laes hselffh he whle dea f evl bbl he Ditiona of Sin-

ti Biogahy sas f hHis view of nae was eep elgios enal o all s wor was

os onipoene saw e wroe in e laer eions o Systma

natura e nnie allknowing a allpowerf o I olowe isfooseps ove nare s fiels an sw everywee an eerna wiso anpower an insae pereion

Asme S lla Hescl (1781822) dscveed Uas adbl he eaes eflec elesces f hs da He sad "he devasme ms be ad Hs s h Fedeck Heschel, wh dscveed e ha 500 sas ad ebl declaed:

ll an isovees see e ae only fo e prpose o on-iing oe an oe song s a oe fo on ig an areonaine in e sare wngs

h Flamseed ( 1 6461 7 1 ) , w made he fs ea ap f he sas,was fde f he fams Geewh Obseva fs Asme Ralf Eadad a clemahe Rma ahlc hch deed Galle (15641642) fphld ha he plaes aed d he s (he chchs Eahceeed csml had bee adped m les eachs, he Bble)eveheless Galle was ahes F he Dve d he sad "heSaced Scpe ad ae dd b alke pceed

Besdes be a ea saesma ejam Fakl (170670 ve

ed he lh d ck cha akl sve ad bfcal lasses, adced he es psve ad eae chaes, bae, ad cdcHe azed he fs S psal svce ad s fe depae Smec Fakl as a beeve alhh he pked f a d ses ad eeaed se dbs b he dv f Jess hs, hsbelef Gd was cmpms e saed

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O O O M P AN Y 2 45

view n e d Te lived bef Dwin f e d ed The Origin f

Secie e wld ve seen s l deenYe, ig Newn, wed e ggened Dwn, wld ve

ccked is Bie e wind nd gne es O, ee e cmesdwn e see nw, w s lmn nd s S** ppens s nSlp me fve, sc !

B d n s scieniss in wins ime ween ied wi se, ee Cn e pl impessin, i ws scenssneginsw pm pped evlin n e nneeen cenTe Clc Cc, si smig fm s wngf cndemnn fGlle, wned n sk f ne emssmen Alg e cc

mnned n ndex f fdden ks,The Origin f Seie


Dcen of Mn wee neve plce n i en Dwin died, e AnglicnCc even nssed e e given e's fnel nd se i esmnse Ae

On e e nd, 7 1 7 scenss, ncldng 86 memes f e lSce (Bin's ms pesigs scienic gnzin), sgned mnfes enled Te Decln f dens f e Nl nd sc Scenes. Issed in ndn in 864 imed ei cnfidence in e Ble'sscenfc inegiA e cse f Cpe Ten, we ed sevel scieniss wm evlnfled cnvince ee wee m es wse fi i cld n skeLs se (82295 p sved me lves n n e scienisHe eslsed e gem e f dsese nd e pcess f sen eisled pgens nd develped vccnes cm emncldnges, dpe, nd nx f cse, e indced milk pseiz

n, wic is nmed f imse ws s mle Cin He did n pen is dscvees, gve em scie feel Tg ged mked is lifeee fs clden ded ngf ssned im Science e sd ngsmn nee Gd. And e seed Te me sd ne, e meI snd mzed e wk f e . In seies f expemens, se dspved e flse nin, e psed evlinss, ceisnnesl genee

d Kelvin(182907

ws ccding eEncycloedi Brin

ni fems mng e sml p f Bis scienss w elped l e fndins f mden pss He eslsed scle f sleempees, wi degees kelvi nmed f m spevsed lng f es Alnic cle, f wc e w knged; ed 2 n dces,plsed me n 600 scenf pes, nd pened 70 invenins

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Sr mbrose Feming presided t a crowded meetng eld at EssexHal Essex Sreet Strand las eveng o lanc a pbc protest aganstte eacng of organic evolton a a scientic trt

Sir Ambrose Flemng sad tat f ate years te arwinian anropo-

ogy ad been forced on pblc atnion by nmeros books or gyl straed periodcals in sc fasio as to create a beef tat t was a cer-ainly setled scentific t and a objectons to t were treated as erest of gnorance or bgotry Te fc at many eminent natralists ddno agree at arwn's eory of spcies prodction ad been sicientyestabised as a trt was generay repressed f ere ad been nocreaion ere was no need o assme any Creaor and te cef bassfor a religon was aen away and oraliy redced to mere man expe-



Alexader MacAliser (1819 prfessr f aamy a Camridgeaed may leadig exks lgy ad pysilgy He wre

tn te wdespread mpressio of te agnostcsm of scienifc mens argey de to te attde taen by a few of e great poparzers ofcence le Tyndall and Hxey as been my experence ta te disbeief in e revelaton tat God as gven n te ife and work deat and

esrecton of or Savor s more revalent among wat may ca teamp foowers of science tan amgst tose o wom scientfic work ise bsness of teir lves

sep Liser (18271912 saved less ives by develpig aisepic srgery g e se f disifecas (Liserie is amed aer im)He iveed disslvig sices ad e wirig f rke es He waskiged made peside f e Rl Sciey ad preside f e B iisAssciai r e Advaceme f ciece

Liser was e s f dev Qkers Bigraper Ricard B Fisere f is y "He became deey reigis Ideed e displayed ams Qakerlike aribe reigis esiasm Alg laer mreresried i expressig is fai isr wd declare "I ave esiaii sayig a i my pii ere is aagism bewee e Reigi fJes Cis ad ay fac scieica esalised

Samel F B Mrse ( 791187 iveed e elegrap ad Mrse

Cde il e firs camera i Ame ad fded e Naia Academyf sig He was als a accmplised prrai ais ad sclprA dedicaed Crisia Mrse esaised e f America's firs Sdayscls ad sppred missiaries e said

Te ony gleam of ope and ca not nderate i is from confdencein God Wen look pward i calms my appreensons for te ftre and

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I sm to ar a o sayng f I lot lls of t fld sall ntalso lot yo? Hr s my strong onfdn, and wl wat patnyfor dron of Prodn

n he siT nar I approa to t n f my plgrmag t arr s tdn of dn ogn of b t grandr and sblmy fGods mdy fo falln man ar m aprad, and t fr s lmnd w o and joy

The firs messge he sen eegph ws "Wh hh G wrghsicis n chemis Miche d (17911867 eveped e sci

ences f eecrici nd eecrmgnism, nvene he gener n nsfmer pineere he iefcin f gses, n iscvered enzene. e

Scen Jim Bgg wre f H was a do mmbr of andmanan a fndamntal

st stan ordr tat dmandd toa fat and otal ommtmn andmanans oganzd day rog r tal ntraton ft Bb Faraday fond no ol btwn s lgos bfs ad

s ats as a sntst and psopr H wd s dsos fnatrs aws as pa of t onta ross of radng t boo fnar, no dn n np fr t pross of adng t Bb odsor Gods aws A srong sn of t nty of God and na pradd Faradays f and wo

n his igph f , rce Wiims wreHs ml ty ay n a profod onsosnss of s dbt to s

aor In a y a sns, Faraays sn was frmy rood n sfat Wat g goa old a an s an t nowldg of Gosaton? In ts way, old partpat owr nfnsmally n ny

d never ccepe Drwin er n eder in his cch fr verwen ers he si

T Bb, and t aon wt ntng addd o t nor an away frm by man s so and sn gd for a nddal at all tms

and n all rmstans Fa n dny and wor of rst s gt of God t dn of s ft s obdn to ommandmnof rst

Mhew Mr (1806873) nwn s he "phfiner f he es,wre he rs exbk f mden cengrph e ecme he enghi n cen crrens n previing winds, n he chs he deve

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O O D M P A NY 29

e igniicanly rece cean ravel ime Annali main acaemicall i name r im.

Te Bibe inire ary wrk It reer e a e ea an

ary e in em e ai e Bibe i re an cience i rean erere eac i ry rea b ve e e er.ame Simn (811187), rr beic meicine a in-brg Univeriy icvere clrm e a an aneeic an eleinnvae e iel gynecgy e i

B again I looe an saw Jess y sbstte sorge n my seaan ying on te oss for me looke an e an was fogiven An seems to be my ty o tel yo of a Savio to see f yo w not aso

oo an ie

Tg exerimen ame e (18181889) rve e law energy cnevain an eermne e maemaic reaini beweenan elecric crren energy an e a i give . Te joue a ni energy mearemen i name r im e ai i evien a anacainance wi naral law mean e an an acainance wi en G erein exree.

Tg brn a lave Gerge aingn Carver 18641943) becamene e wrl greae agrcra cieni rking a e Tkegeenie an Alabama cl r ArAmerican e evele ver 30rc rm e ean an 118 r e wee a e we bblack an wie armer w beer ilize an an reviaize eS ecnmy. e i mc imrve race relain an wa al anacclie ar

ie Paer Carver aene nn i icverie b gave em

away e rne wn an er m Tma Ein eave Tkegee anwrk a ixy ime i ay. n 94 nae i lie aving e nie A ev Criian Carver a i en rm e Bible in acla a me n Snay rm 197 nil i ea e ai

Te seret of my sess? s spe is fon in e Bible n al lty ways anowlege Him an He sal iret ty pas

Te grea Frenc bilgi enri abre (1823195) w ineere

mem enmlgy receive i cry rbbn e egin nre ai G:Wot Hm I nerstan notn witot Hm al s akness

Every pero as s manias I rega teism as a mana I is te maayof te age Yo o take my skin om me more easly tan my faitin Go

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So o figue ou ha science hamnies wih he Bible, ou don haveo be a ocke scienisbu ou igh ask one enhe von Baun( 9121977) was dieco of ASA space figh cene he ovesaw heeam of scieniss ha sen he fis Aeican ino space and masemndedhe moon anding

An acive Chisian, von Baun aed fo he safe of hose on hemanned missions he planned He oseved: Thee ae hose who agueha he univese evolved ou of a anom pocess, bu wha andom pocesscould poduce he bain of man o e ssem of he human ee? Hewoud no have ageed wih he whip and given evoluion in odas class-

ooms o be foced o believe onl e conclusionha evehing in heunivese happened b chancewoul violae he ve objecivi of scienceiself The r men o ilbu and ville igh, wee also Chisians

Biogaphe Chaes Ludwig elaed a hei fahe, a bishop in he UniedBehen Chuch, neve ied of eing he posiive effec ha he iblehad on his chiden

Did oge mahemaician Chale Babbage (179287), who invened

he fis acuaia ables, fs speedoee fis skeleon kes, fis ophhal-moscope, and fis ain cowcace? He also designed calcuaingmachines ecognied as foennes f he compue. A commied believe,he woe a eaise on he compaibil of science and evealed eligion included a mahemaical anasis of iblical miacles

hsicis David Bewse (78168) began he science of opical min-ealog, invened he kaeidoscope, nd was founde and pesiden o heBiish Associaion fo he Advanceen of Science. He said Kowledgeindeed, is a once he handmaid and he companion of ue eligion Themuual ado and suppo each o. One of his sudens ecalled Hehanked God ha he wa of salvao was clea and simple no laboedagumen no had aainmen was uied To believe in he Lod JesusChis was o ive he used Him an enoed His peace On his ombsonewas wien The od is m Ligh

Sha we add Joseph Hen (1797188), who invened he eecomag-

neic moo and galvanomee, was s secea and dieco of he Smih-sonian nsiuion, pesiden of he eican Associaion fo he Advance-men of Scienceand alwas paed fo divine guidance duing anexpeimen? O Si iliam Huggns (821910) he asonome whofis demonsaed ha sas consis mos of hdogen, and who was apofessing Chisian? O obel e winne od Raleigh (1821919)codiscovee of agon heium an he ohe noble gases, who woe

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e wrs f te Lrd are great, sgt f a tem at ave peasreteren Nbe rzewnnng pyscs Rber A Mkan ( 1 8681 953tg crca f fndamentasm, d e wd st cse t ver atesm e d f scence s te Spr f ratna rder, and f rdery devepmnt Aesm as nderstand s te dena f te exstence f tssprt Ntng cd be mre antagstc t e we sprt f scenceee I mentn at regr Mende ( 81 884) w frmaed te awsf eredty, was abbt f a mnaster Many er emnen scentsts cdn r st

me may cnsder te men namd n ts capter nteecta mdgescmared t tday's agnstc and aestc evtnsts, sc as Sepen

ay d and saac Asmv Bt te ater ave ad n mnpy mdern mes; many egtmate scentsts re st Bbe beevers e Msrbase Creatn Researc Scety as ver 600 vtng members wt pstgradae scence degrees, eac f cmmted t crean nstead fevtn A te facty f Cafas Insttte fr Crean Researc dadvaced scentfc degrees In 199 Dr Raymnd Damadan, nventr fe edca dagnsc devce knwn s te MR, jned te nste's ecnca Advsry Bard

Ang a e scentss w ever ved, atests cmpse a sma mnrty eary, n ne s an enemy f sence fr beevng e Bbe Watsad ny tat saac Newtn, appyng fr a jb day at Scinc Amicanwd be ted dwn cd f te ers apped te same sandard mas rrest Mms

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P 77 "e lk a e la yem ee e ear a e ridae fm e u reeive e prper amu f ea ad g

Ti dd appe by ae.aa New

25 2

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P 78 "I nd t s diicut ndestd scientist des ntcknedge te presece f supeir tnty bend te estene te unverse s it is t cmpeend tegin d

deny te dvnces f scece.Wee vn Brun


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80 Sael F B Mrs

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8 1 Lis aster 82. regr Mene

83 hy hen sh we wh beieve in Christ be s sprise atwat can wit a wiing an in a abratry? Sme things

mst be baing t te critic w has neve been b againerge asingn Caver

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 264/330

C A P T E R 2 1

You and tan Upstas

If evoltiosts oor ts ook it ay rtal reviews, oe of teirarges may e tat do't od a dvaed degree. at's perfetly treAl ave is a Baelo of Siee om Bosto Uversity. "Ad so, terevew may go "wy sold ayo aept ts ma's opos over teatority of distigsed setists it dotoraes?

at is oe easo

wrote te last apterto demostrate e mltideof setsts agreeig wt s oos eal posito Yes, evoltio maye e prevailig view i Ameri gt ow, t o te oter ad, asm was oe te prevalg vew i ermay. edy s ot eessarily tesame as tre.

e evoltioeatio deate eaes may topis ology, molelaology, eistry, ioemisty, leotology, paleoatropology geol

ogy geets, pyss, astroomy, tematis radiometi datg, taxoom, oology et o peso olds egees i all tese feldsf tat wasrered to speak o evoltio, everoe wod e slet. A Dawst, yreaso of a dotoate oe or eve wo of tese areas does ot alfy asa expert i te rest. A speast i oe sjet is sally a laya iaoer Yo, e reader, y eviewi te fats, are ompetet to draw olsios aot evoltio, wete o ot yo ave a D i paleootay.

Frtermore, deyg vsle evde ased o te "atorty of evo

ltoists otradts te very tess fInhei he Wind

tat me solde lowed to tik for temselves, mpeded y dogma To sport tsase, tis ook ha ted experts ea feld addressed. e atory,owever, ave ot yet appealed to

o 384 God as a esto f evoltioists ee were yo we ad te eats fodatio? o saw te Big Bag explode, o Ear


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258 O N A O I N UNKA

rmed m gas and dus? Wh ee aw lie deelp spnaneusly rmuains generae new rgans r species ransrm in anhe? Ascience shuld e ased n supprin serans u eluin is ru-

aly arren hem. n any her ied acs didn' a hery wuld ediscarded luin suries ecaus s a is r an aemp denyd s ppsiin ah is irnic sce wih s lile rrraing eidence i mus e acceped n aih isl.

Sll he aheis rails ha reasn an aih are incmpaileea ene-mies wih reasn eracing scienc and aih emraing supersiiusmumjum. Tha misrepresens h Bie which reuenly exas ws-dm and knwledge ( didn reaie his as an aheis ecause knew allau he Bie wihu sdying i) declares exampleWisdom is supeme teefoe get isdom

Toug it ost all you ave get uestanding I

n he Bile d says Cme n e us reasn geher Fah isnincmpaile wih reasnuin i The errr has een in cnusngDarwinim wih science Unrunly many Chrisians hae dne jusha and aemped recncile hei elies wih i They hae waered

Chrisianiy dwn and ecme hesic eluiniss assuming ha dcreaed he wrld ilins years a and le lie happen y chance andeluinTaking his iew hweer maks aih meaningless eeryhng

eled hen mraliy and een ur rligius elies eled Sme Cis-ians adped heisic euin hpng ha aheiss and Darwiniss wudmee hem halway and accep d B hey deceied hemsees r ahe-iss crecy see euin as aniheica helgy As . RichardBzarh ned in

Arcan Ahs

Cistianity as fougt stil gs and wil figt siene to te despeate end ove evolution beause eoution destoys uttely te vey easo Jesus ealy ife was supposedl ade neessay estoy Adam andEve and te oiginal sin and in te bble you will find te sory emainsof te son of God f Jesus was not t edeeme wo died fo ou sins adtis is wat evolution means ten Cistianty is noting

We're hrugh discussing he Darin sde he cnic. eluinisn' rue and he wrd and humaniy are designed hen were acing dTw hundred years ag waching Kng ngland ride y sme pe-ple wuld sigh "Ab i ny culd lve in a palace like him and enjy alhis cmrs wuld e happy

Tday we aerage lks are much eer han ha King ngandHe cudn eephne anyne ick n eecrc lighs g he mes y

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Y O U A N D T M A N U P S TA I R S 5

arplaes pay a sere srf e ar cdg r ase c-rs frs fw drg wer Hs crs kew ess ab eal a efrmed ay pers f day.

ep. Seems we class e gy ce was everyes evy B pe-ple sll are very appy are ey Impra as maera gs ae eyd brg lasg meagfl ceme May w remember e19s w aes a we were geeray apper e eve g we wereeclgcally less advaced Te le f TVs ay Day reqred eplaa.

Im speakig bradly b s days y walked cy srees a gw lle rsk f beg mgged. e yr kd e sre w wrryg a er face wld ed p k cars. I may regs pepledd ber lckg er drs If y mved a ew me egbrsred w pasres gree y. Scl eraces ad weapsdecrs lc drgs: wa were ey Tgs were perfec b eywer sre beer ersally d dc y VCR ay day resme a scalcae

e wld ave eave r Rs g becase eclgy ad

g d w Or as apess was mysery was lked fa. I persally beeve e de ed 1 96 we e Spreme Crrepdaed Gd Befre e as g as we red m e bessed s.s a rle r acesrs were apper becase er lmae am was

wea eal r sccesswc ar baable b ever garaeed las Tey were apper becase er gal was eave a prs a dsas-er dsease ad dea self ca ak away Tey ped er pes espal e maeral

eck ere were pepe e 10s w scemed becme mill-ares . B eve e few w ma are dead w Te real qes swee are ey day

As a ld ppe d I speak y fr myself sayg smemes s a pepe don beeve Gd b won ? If smee ad sw me abk lke s we I was egee I ld ave ccked ad sad "Abc f b#*%# Gd mea mrlyg e bg "M We were e

ss geera. We rejeced ayg ld as f age smew made adea less re. We ad ls f sgas d ey ave ded " ca legsla mraly "If fees gd d "Tere are absles "D yrw g "Tere s becve rr s relave. We dd waaye preacg ab "s ad eg s w r r lves especallye s par B are ese lgcal reass fr deyg Gds esece

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Sure he Te Cmmdmes icude ls f d's. S d he isruc-is h cme wh ur micrwve u d w brek ir urbd Ad hw m bdies hve bee dmged b chl, cigrees,drugs d VD? Sumi' wrg wih lle cmm sese? Th's wh heBibe clls fr Gd's gis sexe iveed i. lesures re evi,bu heir buse is f i feels gd, d i suk s dvice A lesure evevide gmes becmes ddicve d uheh if verde

Ufruel, sme ele sed er lives rig rve wrg isrigh d vice vers. shud kw ws e f he We jusfied his bsig righ d wrg were' fudme, bu dgms ugh b ur

ricur scieif we heed ive i her scie, migh echus l differe se f mrls remember me d he her eighee-er ld geiuses edessl ig bu such mers i hish clss Clb Clege

Bu hese ides brek dw befre rd lsis Vlues hve cullbee rher similr frm culure culure Curge d hes re uver-sl lied, fr eme selfishess is iversl dislied. es, mrls reugh bu h des mke hem urue, mre h echig muli-

lici ble lesses is vlidi.T s here re bsues is crdci gic, fr i is bsue seme iself f here is righ d wrg, c we be sure were righ bu h? There is bjecive ruhbu is h bjeciveruh? Truh is reivebu is h l relivel rue?

Eve ers wh deies he eisece f gd d evil becmes grif u brek rmse hem ele do hve ihere sese f righd wrg 996 i Scld gum wlked i schl d killedsiee kidergrers. Des e w ell heir res h ws'wrg? Or rgue h Mher Teress service he r ws b cmri-s delrble?

Sg here is righ d wrg m sud shisiced hils-h css, bu jus des' cu i he rel wrld Sdrds eis Lve is

beer h he. Ad if here re beers, here shud be bess The highesbes, he erfec idel, wuld be rereseed b Gd himself

erl ever culure, ele hve wrshed smehig greer hhemseves. This uiversli ifers h life mes mre h mleculesEve heiss vlide i i wwh d m f hem he Gd s fer-vel if he des' eve es? The usull desse he Gd f heBible, while idiere her religis' gds

is bjeced h sice we d' see Gd, he is here Bu Gd s r f his crei We erhligs live jus smll cer f i ver

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cmprvel shr me he Bble ss h fr Gd husnd ersre lke d. If we enered he Empre Se Budng nd nspeced nerm shud we cnclude h ecuse we ddn' see he rchec he

buldng never hd ne nd mus hve rsen b chnce? everhng re s vsble nd unehs ne ln fphscl scences. h cn esure lve? Yu mgh be hnkng f purplebu u'd hve hrd me prvng . es ube experens cn' defnebe r mrl. As srphscs Arhur Sne Eddngn sd Yucn n mre nlze hese mpnderbes b scenfc mehds hn ucn exrc he sure r f snne Inngles lke curge nd kndnes fen see mer most n lf he Bble ss Gd udges u b urhes And f we cn ccep he suecve mn peple rm h hehav seen Gd experencng hs preence n her lvesI relgus dgm cknwledge Gd's re? If s excludng Gds pssbl seems n less dgmc. h cmprehends he unversewell enugh se wh cern here s n Gd? h cn prvehe lm?

T probem of ierhps he ms cmmn jecn Gds exsence: If he s perfec ndlvng wh s here s much evl? hre re essenl w knds: ( mrlevl urder cruel nd ever njusce; 2 pn nd suerng bh phs-c nd menl If Gd creed wld full f hese sn' he evl hmself?hs prblem hs severl nswers wn' use Gd wrks n serusw s ne f hem.

Sme pn s recgnzbl useful As we rech wrd e pnws us n uch.And grwh necesses se unplesnness ur chdren fndhwrk unfrble h des' men we shuld d fr hem Inhe sme w Gd m perm us endure se dffcues s we cnle nd ure Mn peple hve esed h he drew wsd chr-cer r srengh fr me f sueng

lure fr expe s pnful B we bece beer peple f we lefr Mskes ech us wh des wrk I s pre dffcul becmewse whu knwng n sruggle defe.Se suerng s selfnflced: h spendhr wh fnds hsef rkehe drunk wh ges d 's he dulerer fcng dvrce

B desn lws wrk h w des ? len f pn cmes fr nppen resn Gd peple m suer rged whe scundrels cch

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beks. H wrk usuy prues resbu sme fks see bs enin ruin whie neerwe wins the ttey

The Bibe sys f en: " sw ht he h me n it svey g Wsn wrng n tht pint? Sees the ws gt pentytht ain t g. This bservtin hepe rie Dwin frm Christinity nint evutin Ches hwever misse n his hegy

The min nswe he prbem f i ies in freem epe wnt fee-m t hse everyhingtheir spues reers friens beiefs piieers huses rs thes f

rete mn wih free wi Nw sme pepe isgree rguing ht

we e ust put f heeity et t the envinmen n stimus-espnse bsis But if free w esnt exist why we enurge thers thnge thei mns? Sure smetimes emtins rue us n we g u fntrbut we s refet weigh hse

ree ree wint evi If hit yu with rk ts nt the rkthts mius but he eisin use i tht wy Hwever pwe thse is nt evi n itsef

A mther tes her h t en up is rm Lte she fins is ess

This wsnt the mthers intent Qui the ppsite. But beuse the hih free wi this utme ws psibe. Lkewise i n ereeth Hiter Stin mmit thei enies These ts were efineginst

Why then i rete free i if evs hve resue? ehpsbeuse withu it ur spirits re e We herish eem; hstriythere is nthing pepe hve been me wiing t ie fr. We n h

t be bts esnt wnt us th wy eitherhe esires ht we beyhim f ur free wi But true free nn eist uness hsng e isn ptin

M wikeness sie wht but pin n suerng? Obvius nne hses tht The Bibe esn sy he wr is perfet oda wspefet hn o cra i Am Eve ive in Een prse ith-ut skness suffering r eth. Thngs pse when Am n Evesinne The Bibe sys h wrne hem th they wu "surey ie

f they hse isbeiene. eth thn entere the wr bth physiyn spirituy n retin itsef beme useThis set in mtin ne f nture mst funment ws he SenLw f Thermynmis whih Is Asimv summrize s fws:

The universe is consanty getting more disordery Viewed ha waywe can see he Second Law al l aout us. We ave o work hard tostraighten out a room but lef to self t becomes a mess again very

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qckly and very easy. Even f e never enter t ecomes dsty andmsy Ho dfct o mantan hoses and machnery and or on od-es n perfc orkng order ho easy to let hem deterorate. n fact all

e have o do s nohng and eveythng deteroraes collapses reaksdon ears ot al y tsef and th s hat the eond a s a aot

yhg decles eded. glss blg wer cs ; wrled bll sps spg. The s s big ; eve he Erhs re r s esrbly swg Ol d rl gs spples wll evellybe exhsed Or clhes cs d s wer . Bdes hgh hey eprrly grw der geec blepr ls wer d de ccdg he Secd Lw he ere verse s wdg dw. (Ths s cdellyher x scece h mges gs evl whch vewseveryhg s bdg ) As he Bble ps "I he begg y ldhe ds he erh d he heves re he wrk yr hds.They wl persh b y rem hey wll ll wer lke gre.

Why d gd pepe experiece p serg deh r persec?Frs le's ce hs Wh s rly gd? N e leds perec le. We llhve here edecy s d rebel; sce Ad d Eve 's bee

ried rm geer geer.rever he cmavey gd peple sll ser becse we lve rmck wrld h rebelled gs Gd d bece crsed Ad s 'he rebell sll gg ? Were lg he Bble d s cdmes weve ld Gd bzz s we c d "r wy We hve rwsGd s sdg sde.

The Bble sys h rs e s d s lke. Ledg gdd prdcve lves resls y rewrdsb des gree we

w' ecer evl peple bdl p r deh becse ll cre sder he crse S eve wh ree wll we re ly prl cmpleesers r e I Frre Gm Frres smmed prey well whe held hs ed Jey " d kw we ech hve desy r were lljs g rd ccdellke breeze b I hk ybe sbhmybe bh hppeg he me me

The wrld s a serg s ? I hlds mch bey d plesreWe l ve reders wh Ee ws lke. I r sls we wsh resre h e Fr d we seek erec hppess? eple rrely yer sehg wh crrespdg rely We wld eel hger here ws d r ls wh sex S r desre r p blss seems vlde Ede r we were relly ls rsed rm he mck dperec hd ever exsed where wld we cqre sch lgg? Asee Kree d Rld . Tcell p

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2 64

We beae as if we reebe den and cant ecapte t ike kingsand qeens dressed in rags wo are wandeing te wold n seac o teirtones If we ad neer reigned w old we seek a trone? If we ad

alwas been beggas w wold we be discontent? People bon beggarsin a socet of beggars accept teseles as te are. e fact tat we go-ros and irational disobe te st and greatest coandent of orodern propets (te pop pscologsts)tat we do not accept orseesas we aestrongl points to te conclsion tat we st at east nconsciosl desre and ts soeow eeber a better state

Te road oeAccording to the New Tesamen and ospel of Jesus Christ, the door s ot

shut forever Gospel means good news There is a way back o Edeneach individual has a opportunty for eernal ife and happiness. t reures

a decsion to come o GodFor those unfamiiar wi te Biblical backgound, we will encapsulate it

As we have stated, God created the world in a perfect state, and man with

free wil Man chose to disobey and ebel, separaing himself from God, andoriginaing evil, suering and death

But od kept reaching ou The Old Testament expains at he chose theJews as his people, to set an example for the world Trough Moses, he gave

hem the Ten Commandments and oter rules to ive by He reuired ha

they sarifice he bes of their livestock and grains as atonement for sins He

gave them srael to live in, and greatly blessed them However, he alsowarned the Jews that if they dsobeyed him and forsook his laws, they would

be conuered and scatered throughout the Earh That is exactly whahappened

But God old the Jews he would never completely orsake them While

they survived, and srael was reestablised in 98 he peoples they com

peted wih n the ancient Middle Easthe Philistines, Babyonians, Assyrians, Hities, Phoenicians, etcal disappeared as cutures Cleary, he

sraelites possessed somethng superior

Meanwhile, no one was perfecly obedient to God, keeping the com

mandmens and being truly good. Peple were too infected with evil; they

contined to sin and suffe. Mankind needed a savior

n Beau and he Bea a prince was placed under an evil spel (in the

Disney version, as punishment for an arrogan and cruel act) He became a

hdeous beas, and the curse could only be broken by a maden who ovedhm despie is ugliness When this finally happened, he was saved, and

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restored o his former kndom. Tha soy i s not unlike the Bibica accountof sin and salvaion

eole could not overcome sin themselvesonly God could do that.

Therefore in his chosen land srael God cothed himself in fesh andbecme a manhis on son Jesus Christ srael's rohets had oretod his

comin for centries nder selfimosed humanty he kne huner ain

and oher suerins of mankin Bt he as erfec in love and ihoutsinand thus could defea the ultiate consequences of sin sickess anddeath Everyhere he oured out cmassion healin he ill and criedeve raisin the dead confirmin hs divinity. Previously God had commanded the Jes to make sacrifices to atone for sin. No he ould make

the reatest sacrificehis on son as restitution for manknd sins. JesusChrst as tortured and crucifiednaied to a cross. While dyin he bore

the unishment for mans evil

With that the curse as broken an deah overcome Christ demonstratedthis y his Resurrection hree day after he crucifixion he rose aainaearn to hundreds of eole Tht is the Ne Testament's centra mes

sae. t did not mean suerin and death simly endedor the orld as

si sinful. t mean reconcliation th God as no freely avaiale that

by rnin o him and accetin Chrit's atonin sacrifice our sns oud beforven and e coud ive ith Go in heaven aain knoin Eden Thatis he osels "ood nes The aes of sin ae death says he Bile"bu the ift of God is eternal lie hrouh Jesus Chrs our Lord

round this oint the atheis irects "But there's no evidence tha

Jesus Christ ever even exsted! Actally he is one of history's besdocu

mened fiures recorded not only in the Ne Tesament's various eyeit

ness accouns but noted by Roman ad Jeish historians. f e dsmiss hisreality because of "insuicient docmenation e mus on ha basis

hr out thousands of oher hisorcal fiures acceted on far less evidence Disikin ha someone says s a oor reason o denyin their exis

tence. Ho can a man hose birth as been the basis for fiurin the calendr date throuhout the orld never have even lived?

"A the atheist says "Jesus a jus a lie the aostles made u Bu

the ostles and other early Christians ere ersecued imrisoned tor

ture cruciied beheaded and fed to ions. Who ould endure hat or a lie?Some crtics hile admitn Jess exised insis ha ables eventualy

develoed about him accountin for he reorted mracles But the osesare ritten materoffactly While mhic tales seek to orify some ancienre the osels reveal Jesus humn side the aosles' fauts and mnordeas of everyday lifefeatures nomally mssin from arandizin le

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end. Athough the Roman detroyed erualem n D 70le han ortyyear aer the crucxonthe gope wrter knew the cty ntmateydemontratng hat they were conempoare o the event decrbed.

e gope valdy wa uncontroeral n he church whch accepedtem a actual rom the begnnng. It true tha toe tend to chage

when ranmtted verbaly That why he gopel were commted to wt-ng Alterng thoe account would have been condered a lagrant n eBble lat chaper olemnly admoe:

I warn everyone who hears the wors of the rohecy of this boo: Ifanyone adds anyhing to hem God will add to him the ages describedin this boo And if anyone taes wos away from his boo of rohecyGod will tae away from him his sha in the tree of ife and in he holycity which are escibed in this boo.

In ancent Irael relgou crbe were extremely careul when copyngcrpture I even one mtake wa und the entre manucrp wouldbe thrown out Th doe not mea mnor tracrpton erro neveoccurred bu made them very rare. Te dcovery o the Dead ea croll

n 947 conrmed th. Pror o hen e olde known copy o the Old e-

tament dated to around D 000. The Dead ea crol ncluded portono every book excep Ether Tancrbed om about 200 B.C to D 0they proved he athne o ater cope varaton were mnma aer ahouand year.

We ave New Teament ragment dang rom the econd centry DBy contrat the odet urvvng copy o Caear allc Wars wa madeone thouand year ae rt beng wrten ye no one doubt t auhentc-ty. I were gong to reect the Bble becaue the document arent old

enoug, we better dcard oter ancet lteraure a well.Furhermore archaeoogy ha conently corroboraed both he Old and

New Teament. Numerou kng clure and place they decrbe once

dcounted a mytcal by Bbe ctc have been valdated n excavatonater excavaton Dr. Nelon Gueck redet o Hebrew no Coegeand condered by many the leadng Paenan arcaeolog o te twent-eth centuy ad hat may be tate categorcally tha no arcaeologcaldcovery ha ever controveted a Bbcal reerence core o archaeoog-cal ndng have been made whch conrm n clea outne o n exactdetal torcal atement n the Bbe

ome ay Cht may ave exed but he u deceved everyone ngmagcan trck that looked lke macle Ancent people beng upet-tou arhead walowed t. Bu ho could luon heal peope blnd orcrppled nce bt? Nor were the ancent Jew guble Mot o ther lead

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es eaded esus skeptcaly. Futemoe deceves usually seek powean wealt Jesus Cst ived a copletely unsels nonmatealstc fee wiliny suffeed totue and eaadly you aveae cn mans

abitons.ome say Cs deuded himse unatc wo ou e was divne

e tee ae esidens of menta sttutions wo say tey ae od. But inmeen suc people you uickly sense e atonalty. Cis on teoe and was a pofound moal sucto s wise teacins ave been aced o mllions n is own day any elous scoas tied o ebut mn ebateall faed. ese ae not amaks of deaned selfdecepton

ome people won't accept Csianity because tey dont buy miaces.

iales vioate natual law ve neve seen one ey aent appenntoay and wy soud accept te bles autoity on tem? Tat sometin snt a nom doesnt mean it cn't appen. You wouldn't tea up a wnnn lottey ticket because te odd aains wee ten mllion to one. eBe doesn say macles ae eveday occuencesod used tem pmiy to undescoe ceain events suc as te Jewis exodus fom ypt

an Cists comn

Few of us ave seen an electo o te panet Puo none of us saw

e Wasinton coss te Potoac We accept te wod of autoest suc tns exist o appened Te Bible is an auoty oo and aelabe one Te ceaton o e unvese itselfwete we advocate teB Ban o ceatonviolated nata law od can nevene n te wold

e made and beak te ules wen e pleases. No one as dspoven te

miacless tee evidence o Cstianty D. imon eenlea Dane Pofesso

of aw a Havad Univesty n te id 800s wote Treaise on he o videne, widely eaded as te eatest autoity on evdence n leal

ltatue. Cief Justce Fule of U upeme Cout caed eenlea est autoity cited in ou ous I I and te London Joual

staed Upon te exstn law of evidence (by eenleaf moe lt assne fom te New Wold tan fo al te awyes wo ado te couts

o uope 1 2eenleaf was also Jewis and itialy an anostic wo consdeed te

Resuection a oax. itated by stuents wo uoted ciptue D eenleaf accepted a caene o use stadad es of evidence to detemne f

te Resuection was an stocal een He penned an exaustve sudy n

Exminaion ohe Tesimony o h Four Evangeliss by he Rules o Evi-

dee dminisered in Cours o Jsie, n wic e concuded t waseeoe impossbe at tey e aostles could ave pesisted n aim

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ing he truth they have narrated had not Jeu actually rien om the dedand had they not known thi fact a certainly a they knew any other fact

He later wrote

Of th Din chrcr of h Bbl thin no n h hontlyith hi o id n h c ti a obl dob

Lew Wallace dilomat and Civi War general wa alo an unbeliever had no convicion about God and Chri he later recaled. But after inve-tigating the Bible to ee if it wa true he became a Chritan and enned Ben

Hur A Tale o the Chrst the bai for one of Hollywood greatet movien te xtie we big bad rebel rided ourelve on ighting he y-

tem Later realied wed been worng or it all aong The drug dother in that enlave eole the ytem We done been had bayJeu Chrit and the early Critian well maybe they didn't wear leatherjacket but they certainly were the orgia rebel fghting the ytem evento heir deat

f yo're an unbeliever invite you to do what Greenleaf Wallace ndmllion of other including myel have done reevaluae your otioGod want you on hi team How about laying for the good guy? You jt

mght like iMaybe you feel too morally jaded to embrace God but if o you weren't

alway that wayerha you can at lea remember childhood momentwhen you weren't . Why not retu to your father houe? Even if you neverknew a lovng father on arth there' a heavenly father who doe love youand i wating

What doe becoming a Chritian mean? Firt it doen t mean becomnga narrowminded bigo who ae judgement on other A few Criinmay act that way but there' often a large ga between a faith and ome whoractice it eu condemned religio hyocry and warned Do otjudge or you too wll be judged. Occaionaly there have alo been fin-

cialy candalized reacher and riet who exualy abued choir boyBut uc behavior doe not exemlify Chritiantyt volate it Huanbeing are fallible and may diaoin you but that i not God

Some claim Chritianity i meanrited. On the contrary it eaching'

eence ove forgivene ruthfulne and humility Chrit commanedu to loe even our enemie and Do o other what you would have themdo to you. Meanwie evolution otuate urvival of the ieta re-crition for elfihne

Atheit have alo accued Chritian of being ecait hunning ifereality for ie in the ky But are not atheit by deying God eekng toecae accountabity to moral tandar?

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Chrstany s uniqu among th founrs of wor rlgons ony Jsusform mracls an claim to b Go Som thrfor slik Christianity caus uhong on rigion ovr othrs sms unmocratc

volats our Amrican sns of qualy an fairnss But whil vryon isassurly qual in thir rght to ho viws hos viws ar no ncssaly

qua n uth

's bn sai hat al rlgons ral Go mry ring in vwointjus as blinfol ol touching an lhan wou giv varous imrssions bcaus som flt its trunk som its tusks an som is tail But

whi ohr rligions may ossss significant ruth hy a oftn rconclal with Christianity For xal Hnusm mainains that w a

mul lvs bng rncana afr ath Th Bl cars th w araon to iv ut onc an th fac Go Ths blifs ar mutuallyxclusiv

Chrisaniy says that Go ma s th Nw Ag says tha w re Go

But i man is th hghst ing ossil th wor's n rou amngw'r Go s lik Hamt assrting h's th laywright or th icur that

t's th anr n fact th orgnal sn an fall of man mbo ths lusion n Gnsis 35 Satan mt Ev to at rom h tr of th know

g of goo an vil romising ta "your ys wil b on an you

w be ke God Ths li rmans h hart of Nw Ag hlosohy Cultsri our worl toay an frankly t was voluion that on h oor omany of thm Afr h Bl's onacct wisom was "rovn falsol bng srtual craturs an skng rgous tuth lswhr

was among thmMany qua Chrsaniy wh smly gong o church haring orng

srmons an rssng u on Eastr s on can b nominaly Chstan ango through ths motions whou rincing Go's rchnss On rasonrligon sms lflss an ull in Arica voluon vn convinc many

churchs roing blifs Som anstram nomnatons scar

ssntia ocrinsth Bb's acuracy th story of craion Chrst'sivinty th miracs an th Rsuction Faih grw incrasngly man

nglss untl som churchs bcam litl mor han socia clubsChstianity is not aout reo it's about bing "o agan xr

ncing rsonal rgnraon y sablshng a rlaionsh with Go t'saout youyor sou

Now som ol otst that h hav no soul an consist only of mo

cus But hr is a soults you h on wh an intity who's hnkngLook at a yng rson Whn h ass away th molcus ar stll hrbut sn't th cors missing somtng rofoun? On of hyscs' most

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bai law ay eergy a eve be deroyed At dea e wee doee lfe go ta eergized te body f it aot be deroyed it mu go


Blaie aal te emet Fe atematiia formulated wat ikow aal' wage f you die a a Citia ad it tu out youwere wrogtere i o od o aftelifewel you did't loe aytig bybelievig fa you wee probably appier wile alive But if you wee

igt ad ere i a od you ieri eave ad everlatig lifeO e oe ad if you die a ateit ad you wee rigtere i o

od or aterifewel you ave't ot aytig ad ave't wo aytig

eiter Bu wat if you'e wog You wil ave forfeited eave adetered ell aal' poi Ciiaity oer everyig to gai ad o-

ig o loe ateim otig to gai ad everytig to oeDid ay el Ye te Bible lay at out a leary a eave How

ould od utly permit ell to exit Atually utie eem to demad it

Sould Moer Terea ad Adolf Hitle wid up i te ame plae f evey-oe eter eave automatialy wa dieree doe te kid o life we

lead make Like oter oequee of i el i ometig a we o

od reate Overeat you get a bellyae drive o a li you die Deyod e beome your detiy Wy Beaue at' wat ell iepara-tio fo od' love ad ig

Cadiologit Maurie Rawlig a write a iteretig book To e

and Back (Toma Nelo ubier 993 A i well kow people wo

ave eardeat experieedyig ad te beig reuitaedoetel of eeig eave or a great ligt o feelig deep er peae i owiterview wit reuitated ubjet owever Dr Rawlig foud tatmay ao eouteed te error of ell durig eardea Wy ave teeexpeee bee o litle publiied Beaue te eople are retat odiu em Dr Rawlig foud

How doe oe eter eave ood deed wo't buy u i toug tey

ould be evidet i a boragai ife t' ot wat we mut do but waeu Crit a already doe o te o Salvaio i od' gif freely

available to ayoe deirg it However more ta aua aet i eeded

Oe mut ierely epet of evi e a doe ad ak e Lord' forgivee od ay i te Bble You will eek me ad fid me we you eek

me wi all your eart We oe doe tat ad ope i ear to od

od will te give te eeker a ew life agig im from te iide outSome people eitae to beome Citia beae tey fear ereoyed

imagea ey'll ave to beome moaery mok or jugle miioarie But weter you're a ouewie or CEO pyi or ab driver

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atlee or ast, God can ee you ere you are Uness you're a practc-

n crnal, you don't ave to surender your fed God uses people n

every wak

any aso nk O, Crsaty s for a oodytwosoes' notke a Tere are no oodytwosoes f eaven was for snless people,

ould be epty Crstanty doen't ean you're above sn eans

ang you're a snner

ut doesn't fat reure vn certan tns up? t excludes drunken-

ness no acool; proscuty not se One can stll ake oney, but not as

ones ultate oal Does Searam's brn appness? Onent stands end

loneness? Weat secue fulent?

od ves far ore tan e ake Soe worry Cstan lfe would be

bon Personaly 've ad ten es ore fun snce con to fat v-

n ony for ateral tnsnot's duller tan tat Te afer te,

pepe ave opped e corporate dder or eaced success n oter felds,

or out te ouse tey' d always eaed of only to fnd teseves st

erable and epty nsde srae' s Kn Soloon was e rcest an of

s era yet e declared: eannles Meannless! Now al as been

eard ere s te concluson of te ater Fear od and keep s co-andents, for ts s te woe duty of an Only God brns lastn


any fnd tat after akn Go e center of er ves e tns tey

always wanted and never ot coe o te anyway Jesus sad But seek

frst s kndo and s rteousness, and all ese ns w be ven to

you as wel And so a person, unle to fnd a spouse et one after co-

n to Crst because ter new snerty and can ade te far ore

attactve And tus a person av faled n busness succeeded aer

con to Cst, because ter new sefdscpne enanced ter work and

te caracter pressed epoyer Contrary to eo Durocers advce

nce uys often do fns frst, as te noables lsted n Capter Twenty

attes Bblcal prncples are a road ap for success Geore Wasnton

Caver was often eard o say Te ord as uded e He as sown e

te way, ust as e wll sow everye wo turns to H 9

ot at con to fat eans pefect beavor ose wo try lvn asCstans freuently dsappont teselves Old abts prove ard to con-

ue But God forves falue As=

C S ews ponted out, Very often wat

Go frst eps us toward s not te rtue tsef but just ts power of always

try aan Boaan Crss ave fauts as crtcs asen o pont

out e rea ssue s ow uc wore would te flaws be hou Crst?

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Becoig a beiever does't ean tgs will be easy et's face itlfe

is toug Te world is still uder te crse tragedy alics Cristia and

oCistia alike Fai does't guaatee wealt or eal brigs ap

piess but ta does't ea costatl feeing appy Peope exut wen

teir lotery ticke is or te oe ta wins a capionsip But uc

eotios dot lastrue appiess is a state not a feelig As a Cristia

you stil experiece ups ad downs you mood ay cage siilry

spouses don't always feel i love) but tat wo't diinis te pze

youve won

Just as a noves ero ad eroie wingly face ay calleges so tey

ay ive appiy ever after our eternity aters ost Weeping ayedure for a igt says te Bibe b joy coet i te orig For

ose i Crist te cuse know sie Ada and Eve will vais Te

Bibe's final two capers proise

ow h wlng o Go is wih n, an h w wh hm H w wip a rom hi s Th wl no mor ah

o mounng o ring or pan o h l or o hngs has pass awa

. o long wl h an urs . Th wl no mor nighTh wil no n h ligh of a amp r h lgh o h sun or h LorGo wi gi hm gh An h wll ign fo r an r.

You can ake a decision fo God ou don't need te Supree Courts

approvalGod ceated te universe itout tei perission ( kno it

woud sock soe Cour ebers to learn tis) does't ater wat a

wiiss would iktey ca ratioalize arguents for evoution but

we tey die teyl l face God like eeryone wo went before tet is good to doubt ad ask uestiosa is seekg tut Bu a poit

coes we a coice soud be ade S oe say ey want 00 percent ce

tainty befoe coiting o God Tt is not ecessary a jury noaly

reaces a verdict witout 00 percet certaity We you leave on a trip

you're not really 00 percent certai yo'll arrive but you go noneteless

Willa enigs Brya oted tat wie evoluio would take eos to

cange people Crist ca transfor te i te twiklig of a eye Pe

aps God as a special purpose for your life ivie you to becoe by our

ow coice a eber of God's fail and eceive a ew life Yo aigo

et's get back tat Hppy Days felig of te fifties oll te olies

Coe o play for te good guys agai Chran are te coutercuture

todaywere te underdogs it's te stabliset tat's ateist Being a

Csia is stictly ip way cool

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 280/330


f you thi you might be ready or that chage ecourage you to aythe followig payer ot a a recittio but expreig it from the hearpeag to God a you would to a pero

Lord dot ow if you exit or otut do wat to ow the tuthf you are eal pleae hear my ryer acowledge that have ot led a perfect life have ied agait you ad oher. a that you forgive me by the lood Jeu Chrit hed o the cro wat to try life you wayCome Lord ad live my heart.

ill me with your love.rat me you compaiohp ad leaderhiive me a clea ew lifeelp me to wal i your way to erve you ad to do what i rightccept me ito your igdom fo all eteityha you Lord for hearig my prayer

Comg to God i the mot impotat thig you ca do f you ve payed

that prayer iceely you ought to lebrated there are thg to do ext ith it automaticit eed to be fed. Get a copy of the world uber oe beteller ice the vetio

of the pritig pe The Bible i where to tart learig God will or yourlife he New Tetamet gopel ae a good place to begi You dot haveto read a ible writte i old hardudertad laguage uch a te KgJae Veio Moder tralatio are available the New teratioalVeio i curretly i wide ue

2 Pray egularly A God for idom for awer to your eed adto ow hi will for yo Be patet ome people fid God chage themoveright for other the proce i radual

3 You are ow a of God fily ejoy the fellowhip of othe othe ame jourey Fid a healthy welbalaced chuch Whle o curch ipeect you at oe that hat abdoed Chrtiaity core doctriethe authoity of cripture dviity o Chrit ad eality of hi Reurectio

ee to apply Bblcal picipe i your life Jeu aid that i receiv

ig God forgivee we mut alo fogive other Thi doet mea truefogivig come eaily o itatly or that we toleate evil agait u butwillge to forgive eetial to Chritia character

hat mot mportat Whe pele are o their deathbed their biggetreget i ever "Gee wih had t i more time at the oice t uually omethig lie wih hadt refued to pea to my o for the lat

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 281/330


ten yeas Follow the golden ule. Tat peope as if hey wee weaing aig sign tha says Make me feel impoat Teat them as you would if ouknew they wee going to die tomoow

(5) Avoid the occulastology, pychic hotlines, Ouija oads, ewAge. Sch things may seem fascinating ut any insight they povide isno on ly inconsistent, hey can, in ime, ess with you head The Bile fo-ids occut pactices Compaing the to Star Wars dak side of heFocedeceptively attacive, utimaely entappingis no totally fae-ious Dump em

(6 f you have chosen o go wih od, you may have many questionsThee ae excelent esouces that can help you undestand the Bile and live

a Chistian ife Deais ae in Appendi woOn te othe hand, pehaps all this means nothing to you You still nd

evoution moe pesuasive than God That is you fee choice Good luckBut ememe The pincess kisse the fog, and he ted ino a hand

some pince We call tha a faiy tl Evouion says fogs u intopinces, and we cal it science

We say that a pool of nonving, untikng chemicals wi, given enoughtime, poduce laughte and love moality and a sense of justice sex andhuman consciousness tulips, kittens, and ticklish aies chocolae masand agfuls of gu eas Mona Lsa, the Overture and the lastscene i Breakfast at Tany s All these wil esult ecause enoughgotesque mutaions u out ight, psved y wid easts cawing eachohe to death in svval s jnge

Is that science? O is it, like he fad of Pitdown Man, the fogeies ofHaeckes emyos, the misepesenations ofInherit the Wn and he coe-

cions of the Supeme Cout, meey pat of a long eot o deny God? Evenafte all ou disoedience, he has not losed his doo to us Two thosandyeas ago, following a sta to a mange thee wise men soght Chis. Wisemen stil do

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 282/330



Creationists Citd in this Book

hs lst ncludes only coempo ceaon scentsts and ceatonst wt-es ho ths book has uoted Ceaon scensts of the past such as Newton nd Maxwell ae enumeated n Chape Twenty

Austn Steven ACon Haold GCooe BllGenty Robet VGsh Duane THa KenHupheys D Russellohnson Phllp Kan C HLbnow MavnMos Heny MNelson thelNevns Stuat Nemann D Leland

Oa Mchael Pake Gay Saft onathanWhcob ohn CWldeS th A Woodoappe ohn

2 75

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 283/330


Resources for t New Crsta

Note n recommending resources that ae prima evangelcal, inten nooffense to m Catholic frends Recogning that toda's socia crses ut-

weigh the tadtona disputes between atholics and Protesants wecmethe brothehood expressed b the "Jot atemen on Justification, issuedb theologians from the two bodies nd hope this book's discussio ofcreaton science wll help both as wel as members of Orhodox faiths


housands of edifing books are avaiable to assis ou walk wih Go naddition to browsing our local Chrisian bookstore, ou can contact

Christian Book Distrbutors (CBDPO Box 000Peabod MA 0 9600098) 95000wwwchistianbookcom

Ask CBD to pu ou on their mailig ist. he are the nations largest

distributor of Chstan books and fuentl mail out colorful cataoguendexed b topic.


Man new Chrisans eno The Clb featured weekdas on calesFamil Channel n a varietshow fmat it includes inspring Chistantestimones and Bbca teaching, as el as news and enterainmen.


Christian radio stations blanket the and air man outstandng sd-cated broadcasts. ecommend The Bible Answe Man feaured natoalleve weekda Hank Hanegaaff hosts this informave live calin sowthat answes divese uesons about the Bible and Chrstian fah Ceck



8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 284/330


out ou on he amy, whch deas wth marrage and chldrearng mat-ters J Vernon McGees Throuh e Bibe whch exans the ble ndeth and D James ennedys Truh ha Tranform whch treats manysses facng today's Chrstans f yu're havng dcuy fndng a Chrs-

ta rado staton n your area a comete natonal lsng statebystatewt mas may be obtaned by sendg $.00 o Traveler's Comanon POo Clnton MD 2035.


Get n touch wh

he avgatorsPO ox 6000olorado Sngs CO 8034() 5822wwgoselcomnenavsemal navs@ goselcomet


Thee s no natona ceang house that recommends secfc churchesbut for gudelnes to he you fnd a good bebased church y contacng

he Chrstan Research nsttutePO ox 000ancho Santa Margarta CA 2688000

) 8586 00wwweuorg

e nsttute s also a eadng rsource fo nformaton about cults.Another oganzaton tat may be able to assst n fndng a church n yourarea

Te atonal Assocaon of EvanelcalsPO ox 28Wheaton L 608(30) 6650500wwwnaenetemal:

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 285/330



nterVaity hritan elowhip ha apter on oe than 500 capeTheir nationa headquarter i at

P Box 7856400 Schroeder RoadMadion, W 53707785608) 74Vwwwgopeconetiveai: info@ivcfog



ontact any of the folowing

ntitute fo reation ReeachP Box 667E aon A 06 ) 448000wwwicr.og

Anwer in GeneiP Box 6330lorence Y 40859) 77wwwanweingenei.og

reation Reeach SocietyP Box 863St. oeph M 6450886386) 766wwwcreationreeachog

Scoe of boo on ceation and voution can be obtained fro thee

oganiation A the ntitute fo eation Reeach o Anwe in Genei fo one of their coorfu cataogue want to epecialy plug an Tayloboo I he Md of Me whic uquely uarize the hitory of thecreationevoution debate. Anwe in Genei offer ubciption toCrea Ex Nho a beautil and very eadable agazine dealing withthee topic

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 286/330

A P P E N I X T O 2 9


Fo resources on marriage and raisin children recommend without reservaon:

Focus on the FamilyPO o 35500Coorao Springs CO 809353507 19) 53 15 1 8 1wwfamlyorg


Ou spiritua outlook aects evey prt of our lves ncluding how we viewissues that are stictly speaking cvil o nonreligious The mainstreammedia usually present news wth a ecua slant and Chrstian views aesometies msrepesented as bay a n Inher he Wnd Matue Christianswho seek an alternative behindheealines look at current events mighttry the biweekly The New Amercan For subscription infomation contact

The ew American

O o 8040Appleton W 54913(20) 7493784

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 287/330

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 288/330

mac s a pulcation of the nstitute for reation Research E Cajon, Cai.

Chpe o. Poems Cved in Sone

PerePau Grass Eouio ojig Orgaim Eidece jor a New Theo ojiig Orgaim (ew or Acadeic Press, 9, 4

Car O Dunar, Hrca Geogy (ew or ohn Wey and ons, 1 949 523 Gan De Beer, The World o an Eoltonst, Sciece 143 20 March 1964 131 4 Michael Denton Eouio: A heo i Crii (Bethesda Md Ader ad Adler

986, 1895 Dad M Raup Concts Between arwin and Paeontology," ied Mueum oj

Naur Hio Buei 50 (anuary 99: 226 Chares Darwin he Origi oj Spece (82 reprnt, ew ork Random House,

993 408 d 4068 Richard Owen, Darwin on the Orgi o pecies," Ediburgh Reiew 1 (April

860: 48532, quoted n Dad L. Hull Darwi ad hi Criic (CamrdgeMass Harard Uniersity Press 193, 14950

9 Dawin, Origi 4410 Darwin, Origi 433 1 Chares Darwn Le ad eer, e rancis Darwn ol. 3 (1888; reprint, ew

ork Johnson Reprnt, 969 2 Edmund R Leach, Men, Bishops and Apes" Naure 93 (3 eptemer 1981: 203. aup, 2223, 2425.4 tephen Jay Gould, Eoutons Erati Pace" Naur Hio 86 (May 9: 14

15. Coln Patterson letter to Luther D. derland 0 Apr 99, quoted n uther Dunderand, Darwi Eigma Foi ad Oher Probem (an Diego MasterBoos, 1988, 89

16 George Gayord mpson emo ad Mode i Eouio (ew or CoumiaUnersty Press, 1944 10

1 Daid B Kitts, Paeontology and Eoutonay heory," Eouio 28 (etemer94: 46

8 teen M. tanley, Macroeoui ae ad Proce (an Francsco W H.Freeman 99, 39

9 Herier lsson, Syheiche Arbidg (Lund, weden Verlag CWK Gleerup,

953 English summary 121 0 id 1 8 8 .2 Gareth V eson, Ogin and Diersiaton o Teleostean Fishes" Aa ojhe

New York Academy ojSciece 6 (196: 2222 s Man a utle Accident?" Newwek 3 oemer 1980 9523. tephen Jay Gould A ho Way to Ends," Naura Hio 95 (January 1986:


2 8 1

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 289/330

2 8 2 T R N D N N Y R D

24 Rihar Dawin, The lid Watchmake New Yor: W W Norton, 1 986, 22925 J R. Noran A Histo ofishes 2n e e P H Greenwoo (New Yor: Hil an

an, 963, 29626 Gera T To Evoton of the Ln an he Orin of Bony Fihe: A Caal

Relationhip?" America Zoologist 20 (980: 75727 Robe . Carroll Probe of the Orin of Repie," iological Reviews of the

ambridge Philosophical Society 44 (Jy 1969: 39328 Owen Darwin on the Orin of Speie, qoe in Hl Darwi ad his riics

2 1 29 Denon, 8030 To Kep Mammallike Reptiles ad the Origi ofMamals (New Yor Aae-

Pre 19 82 3 1 931 Dola Dewar The Cae Aant Orai Evoltion" in Witesses Agaist Eo

ut e John Fe Mea (Denver Cian Viory Pbhin 1968, 5532 W E Swinton, The Orin of Bir" n iology ad omparative Physiology of

irds e. A. J Marhal (New Yor Aaei Pre, 960 1 33 Babara Stahl Vertebrate Histo Prolems i Evolutio (New Yor Graw-

Hil 1 974 35034 Peter Farb The Isects (New Yor: T n 1962 14 5 35 Cheter A Arno, A Itroductio t aleobotay (New Yor: MGrawHi

1 947, 736 Patria G Genel an Henry N Anrew, The voton of arly Lan Plan,"

America Scietist 75 (Sepeber/Ooer 1987 480.

37 E J. H. Coer, Evotion," in otemora otaical Thought e. Anna MMaLeo an S Cobley (Chao Qaranle Boo 196 1 97

38 Bre J MFaen, ossil Horses Systeatics Paleobiology ad Evolutio oftheamily Equidae (Cabie: Cabre niverity Pre 1 992 255, 25758

39 Afre Sherwoo Roer ertebrate Paleotology 3r e (Chiao Univery ofChiao Pe 966, 2606 1

40 Nion, 55 5241 Garet Harin, Nature ad Ma ate (ew Yor Rinehat, 959, 26042 Boye Renberer ea on Evoton Goin Throh a Revotion Aon Sien-

it," Housto hroicle, 5 Noveber 980 e 4 p 15 ote in Dane T Gihreatio Scietists Aswer Their ritic (El Caon, Calf: nttte for CreaionReearh 1 993, 80

43 Stah 350 Dane T Gh Satin Dovere Sppor Creaton," Impact 71 (Septeber

1987: 445 Frani Hihin, The Neck ofthe Gire (New Yor Tinor an Fiel, 1 982 3446 Jean L arx The Ole Fol Br A Rval for Arhaeopteryx?" Sciece 199 (20

Janary 1978: 284.47 T Bearley, Foil Bir Shae voltonary Hypohee" Nature 322 (2

A 1986: 677; Aln [sic] Anero, Eary Bir Teaen Arhaeopeyx' Perh," Sciece 253 (5 Jly 1991 35.

48 Sephen Jay Go an Nile Eree, Pnae Eqibria The Tepo anoe of Evoon Reoniere" Palebiology 3 (Sprin 977: 47

49. Renberer, qote in Gih, reatio Scietists Aswer Their ritics 8050 To Kep, A Freh Loo a the Fo Reor, New Scietist 108 (5 Deeber

1985: 6651. Go, Evolion Era Pae,14

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 290/330

52 ossi inds," Goim 33 My 98) 2753 Dune . Gsh, vouio h Foi Si Sa No! l Cjon Cf. nsiue fo

Creion Reserh, 1 995) 7554 Rober L Crrol, Vb Paoog ad vouio ew o W H ree

mn, 19 88) 4355 Henry M Morrs nd Gy Pre, Wha Caio Scic? Cjon, Clif

Mser Boos, 987) 133

hape hee. Mavelo Maio

. Jon Peson, Do enss nd uors Disrimne Unfirly Agins Cre-oniss?" Joua ofh Naioa Cfo Scic ducaio 1984 192uoed in Heny M Morris nd Jon Morrs, Soci ad Caio Geen ores,

Mse Boos, 99), 772. Rihrd Dwins, Ceon nd u eleon," Nw Scii eember

98) 373 rof Cr, h Wb ofL ew Anor Boos, 199) 2284 mes ynbnd nd M D Ludm, h ccopdia ofGic Diod ad

ih Dfc ew or s on le, 991) efe.5 Gy Prer, Ceon, Muion, d iion," Impac 89 ovember 98) 2. rnis Hing, h Nck ofh Gi ew or: Tinor nd ields 1 982) 77.7. s Chn, Rpoibii ad h cii i Mod W Soci ondon

ounl of Crisns nd ews, 1 97) 25.8. eodosius Dobznsy, Gic ad h Oigi ofSpci ew or: Columbi

niversy Press 195 1 ) 739 ihng, 59.

1 Lee ener, No Chac: Shaig h Mod ho ofvouio Brooyn, ud Press, 997) 13 1 8

11 ie Pimn, Adam ad vouio London Rd 1984) 82 ildermih, h Naua Sci Kow Nohig ofvouio Cos Mes,

f: Publsers, 198 ) 471 3 hel Behe, Dawi ack ox Th iochmica Chag o vouio ew

or Te ree Pess, 99) 4 4414 ener, 4142.1 5 P Mrin, A ongeneiis Loos voluion," Amica Scii 4 1 Jnu-

1953) .1 George Gyod mson, mpo ad Mod i vouio ew o Clumbi

nvesy Pess, 944) 5551 7 PerrePu Grss, vouio of Livi Ogaim vidc fo a Nw ho of

Livig Ogaim ew o Ade Pess 1977) 31 8 ene, 13

hape Fou. Logic Som Dari Gae

1 Jon H srom Brd lig How D Begin?Amica Scii 7 Jnury-ebruy 979) 55

2 Brb J hl, Vb Hio: obm i vouio ew or MGrwHll 1974) 349.

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 291/330

2 84 R N D N N RD

3 Sephen Jy Gould, The Return of peful Monsers" aal Hs (June/uy 19) 24.

4 Chres Dwn Th Ogn f cs (1 2; repin New ork: Rndo House1 993) 22.

5 Pphle no42, quoed in rns Hihing Th ck f h G (New ork:ikor nd eds 1 92) 9

Mhel Pin Adam a nd Evln (London: Rider 94) 2 1 . Mhel Behe Dawn s Black B Th Bchmcal hallng Evln (ew

ork: The ree Press 199) 2l.. Ibid 194.9 Ibid 39.

0 Ibd 511. Ibid 33.

1 e A Shpiro In he Deils . h" anl Rvw, 1 Septeber 99 4 3 . Arthur Koesler Th Ghs n h Machn (London: Huthinson 19) 12914 H okel prooon leer for cnc Amcan (199), quoed in John Wh-

ob, Th Ealy Eah (Grnd Rpds, ih: Bker Books 9), 12.15. Mihel Denon Evln A Th ss (Behesd Md.: Adler nd ler

9) 3301 Don Deoung nd Rihrd Bliss Thinkng bou he Brin" Imac 200 (ebry

1990) 11 . oke, quoed in hiob, 1 2.1 Philp ohnson Dfang Dawns y Onng Mnds (Downers Grove .:

InerVrsiy Press 1 99) 2.1 9. Drftng the Bobrdier Beetle" Tm 25 ebuy 95 020 ule Porier nd Kenneh B Cuing Design eures of the Monh Buterly

Lfe Cyle" Imac 23 (Mrh 1993): 23.2l. Ls J. Shwver iobie Eyes: n Ipressve e of aly voluion," cnc

105 ebury 194) 2.22 Rrdo LeviSeti Tlbs 2nd e (Chigo: University of Chgo ress,

1 993), 54 523 heodosius Dobhnsky Gncs and h Ogn fcs (New ork: Colub

Universty Press 95 ) 424. Ausin H Crk Th w Evln gnss (Bliore: ils nd ikins1930) 19.

25. W R hopson nrodution o Th On fcs by Chrles Dwin (reprinNew ork: Duton veryns Libry 1 9) quted in Henry M. Morris d JohnD. Morris cnc and an (Gree orest Ark.: Mser Books 1 99) 29

2. Denon, 1492. Gvin de Beer Hmlg An Unslvd blm (London: Oford Universiy ress

19) 1.2. Denon, 249 250 2

29. Hihing 530. Lee Spener By hanc! hag h Md Th fEvln (Book-

lyn N: Judi Press 199) 23 . Coin Person Evouion nd Creinis," speeh Aerin Museu of Nt-

ur Hisory (5 Noveber 191), ied in Luher D Sunderlnd nd Gay Parkervouion? Proinent Sienis Reonsiders" Imac 0 (June 192): 3

32 rniso Ay The Mehniss f vouion," cnc Amcan 239 (Sep-eber 19): .

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 292/330


33 Denn, 28534 Nra Mers, Exnin Raes Pas and Presen Bocence 39 Januar 1989


hper Five Origin o he Specious

l . ares Darwn The Orgn of Sece (1872; reprin New Yrk Rand Huse1993, 278.

2 Jnaan einer The Beak ofthe Fch A Sto of Evouton n Our Tme NewYrk Ared A. Knp 1994 1 25.

3 ares Darwin The Orgn of Sece b Mean of Natura Seecton o ThePreeraton of Favoured ace n th Strugge for Le (1859 reprin ew YrkAvene Bks, 1979, 18 Ne a er ues Orgn are aken r e

Rand Huse repn e 1 872 edin ied n ne 1 abve4 The Word Mot Famou Court Tra: Tenneee Evouton Cae Dan enn.

Bran ege 199, 254.5 Ibid 276 ies Edredge Prgres in Evui Ne Scentt 1 1 (5 June 986 557 H. S. Lipsn Origins Speies in Leers Ne Scentt 9 (14 Ma 981

4528. Hard G. n Orgn b Degn Hagerswn Md Review and Herad Pubis-

ng Assiain 1983, 344

9 Mre Grene e ai Darwins Encounter veber 1959 541 Tas Hn Mrgan Evouton an Adataton New Yrk Maian 1 93 43 1 in Paersn adisis inerview b Peer ran, Bs Bradasing r-

pran eevisin prgra 4 Mar 982 ued in Henr M. Mrris and Jn DMrrs, Scence and Creaton Green res Ark Maser Bks 1 996, 35

2 ares Darwn Le and Letter ed ranis Darwn v. 3 ( 888 ; reprn ewrk Jnsn Reprin 969, 25

3. PierrePau Grass Eouton ofLn Organm: Evdence for a Ne Theo ofLng Organm ew Yrk Aadei Press 1977, 3

14 ranis Hiing The Neck ofthe Ge ew Yrk iknr and Fieds, 982 55

15. Nran Mabe, Darn etred Bsn Gab 1 971 36.16 Hiing, 57; n 4717 Darwin Orgn 4 1 8 Riard Gdsd Evuin As iewed b One Geneiis Amercan Scen

tt 4 anua 1952 9419. n, 394.

hper Six Drwin vs Deign

l Henr M Mrris and Gar E. Parker, hat I Creaton Scence? E ajn aiMaser Bks 987, 33

2. ier On the Nature ofthe God rans Hrae MGregr Harndswr Eng-and Penguin Bks 1972, 15859

3. in Paersn eer uer D S uderand 1 Apr 1 979 ued in Luer D.Sunderand Darn S Engma Fo and Other Probem San Deg MaserBks 988 89

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 293/330

2 8 6 RN D N N RD

4 Stephen Jay Goul et a, The Shape of Evotion Copaison of Real n Rn-o Cles," Paebgy 3 Winter 19 343

ieeau Grass, Evu f vg rgass Evdece fr a New he f

vg rgassNe or Acaeic ess, 9 8

6. uig Bertn, Cance or ," i Beyd educs New Perseces he e Sceces e Artur Koester J R Syhies Boston Beacon ress,19 66

Cles Drin, he rg f Seces ( 1 82 epint, Ne o Rno Hose,1 993 980.

8 a Riley, he Prbes f Evu Ne o Oo Uniesity ess,198 8

9 icae Denon, Evu A hery Crss Behesa, Ale Ae,986 12.

Gay E rer Natures Clenge to Evoionay Teory Iac 64 Octoe98 4

1 1 Robert acArth, oplation Ecolog o Soe Warbes of Norteasten Conifeos Forests," Ecgy 39 Ocober 198 61

12 Waer insenie, Isecs f he Wr Ne ok cGraHil 192 22813 Fit W Went, Te Ecology o Deset ans," Scec Aerca 192 Apri

19 414. arer, Natures Chalenge" 11 . Gegory Alan esey, Te Episeological Sts of Narl Seection," ava he-

gque e Phshque 38 Febrary 1982 4.16. au S oorhea an arin . Kapla, e, Maheaca Chaeges he NeDarwa Ierrea fEvu onograp no. ilaelphi Wistr nsti-tute ress, 96, 4

Harrison ttes, introuction to he rg f Seces by Cares Dainrepin, onon . Dent an Sons, 91, i.

8. Chales Dain, Mre eers f Chars Darw e rncis Dain, vo on-on John rry, 1903 40

9 Chrles Darin, he Aubghy f hares Darw 8-88 e Nora Balo onon Colins, 98, 236

20 Zygun itynsi, Science Aron he Wor," Scece Dges 0 anuary 19616

21. Ahur Koestler, Jaus A Sug U Ne o Rano Hose, 98 8.22 Norn acbeth, A Thir osition i n the exboo Contoversy" Aerca B-

gy eacher Noebe 96 499623. Sren trp, Darws he efu f a Myh Ne or Croo el,

98 42224 Shaon Begey, Science Fins Go," ewsweek 20 Jy 998 46, 0.2 ul Daies, Te Christian erspectie of a Scienis," New Sces 98 (2 une

1983 638.26. Begey, 02. Ibid 1.28. a lanc, On Religion n Science" appeni A in he Crea he gh f

Mde Scece by Aron Barh, ans Oschry Jerusae Jeusale ost ress,1968, 44 148, 49

29 Davi Rapael Ken, "Is Tee a Substitte for Go?" eader Dges, rc 90,.

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 294/330

haper Seven Vegas Odds on ife

1 . a . aylor, the Md fMe Dw d the New Wd de MeapolsF Pubshg, 1 99 ), 8789.

. ales Darw Le d Lette ed. Fracs Daw vol. 1 ( 888 ep ewok Johso Rep 1969), 18.

3. oh Faley he Steu Geet Ctey m Decte t Balmore os Hoks vesy Press 977), 73

ew vdece o voluo o ary Amosphee ad e Bulet fthe Ame-c Metecl Scet 63 oveber 198) 1 389.

5. bd, 396 arry Clemmey ad ck Badham, yge e Pecamra Amosphere A

vaao of he Geoogcal vdece, Gey 10 March 198) 1.7. al aga Ulravole eleco Pressure o e ares Orgasms Ju f

heetcl By 39 Apr 197) ]95, 97.8. Mcael Deo Evut A he C Behesda, Md Adler ad Ader,

986), 606 9 hp H . Abelso hemcal ves o e Prmve arh Pceed f the

Nt Acdemy fScece 55 Jue 1966) 136510. aley . Mler ad esle. Orge he fLe the Eth gewood

fs . Preceal 197), 17.1 1 Deo 31 . Mchael Behe, Dw Bck Bx Te Bchemc Chee t Evut ew

ok he Fee Press 996), 1 6970 A Wldermh he Ntu Scece

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we he Ctc Cajo, Caf sue or Creao Research, 1993)3737.

. D. Gree ad R. Goldberge Mecu ht t the Lv Pce ewok Academc Press 1 967), 067

3. Deo 39 al aga fe Ecyced Btc 5h ed vol 9875. Rchard Dawks he Bd Wtche ew ork W oro 1986), 178.6 Deo 3897. oh Hoga, e Begg, Scetc Amec 6 Febrary 1 991 ) 1 1 9.8. Deo 3, 399. Wldermh, 8690.

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34 G K Chst qud i P E dgs Chstton A S ofScncby Stay L J Ntonl Rvw J 1987 47

35 L Esly Th mmns Joy N Yk Radm us 1 957) 1 9936 Rb W Clak Th of Est Chn Pnclln nd Byond N Yk St.

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5 Pi Tilhad d Chad Th Phnonon ofMn N Yk: ap ad R1955) , 219

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2. oly Zuckea Beyod he Io Tower The Froiers oPublic ad Priae Serice (ew ok Tapger 970 93

3. ephe Jay Gould hor Way o Big ds" Naural Hiso 95 (Jauay 8628

4 Chales xad The Order oa: A iomahemaical Aaomy o he Primaes(ew Hae ale esiy Press 9 84 332

5 Charles xad Fossils Teeh a d Se New Perspecies o Huma Eoluio(eale iersiy of Washgo Press 987 227.

6 Gish The Fo�sis Sill Say No! 2567 Pa hipa These Ears Wee Made for Walkg" New Scieis 43 (30 uly

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986 7726 ephe Moar Races Types ad Ehic roups: The Problem oHuma Variaio

(Egewood Cis .J PreiceHal 975 57.27 Roger Lewi Boes oCoeio: Coersies i he Searchor Huma Origis

(ew ork io ad chuser 987 27 28 Greg Kiry address a eeg of Biolgy Teachers' ssocao oh usalia

976 uoed i The Reised Quoe Bok (cacia Rdge Queesad usaliaCreao cece Foudao 990 6

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2 Willam Dawso, he Eah nd an w ork arpr ad Brors,1887 31 7 322 330 339

27 Hry M Mois, en cienceen d E Cajo Cai Masr Books,1988 84

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9 eess 1620 Shao Begley, See Fds od," sk 20 Jy 998 0.2 James eas, h Mysious Univs New ok: Mamlla, 930), 44, 922 Hey M. Mois, Mn of ScincMn of God l Cao, Cal Maste Books,

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haer elve Earh Dahing o Don Loo a Day Over ive Billio

Joh Whomb, h Ealy Eah ad Rapds, M Bake Books, 986), 32 loa B. Lbk, Aayses of soal Data Sgges S s Skg," Physics

oday 32 Septembe 1979): 73 Joaha Safa, The Moo Te Lg ha Rles e Ng," Caion E Nihilo 20

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sonomy vol 2, ed. A Bee Ne ok: Pegamo Pess, 196), 168 .6 A Ta, Meteoes Sedmeay Roks" Scinc 7 (1 aay 932): 177 elv A Cook, Wee s he ahs Radoge elm" Nau 79 (26 Ja

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ough h Amosph Cao, Calf. Iste o Ceao Reseah, 1990).0 homas . Bes, Pyss: A Caege to eoog Tme, mpac 6 Jly

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2 4 O R N N U N R

ht ht Assmos Aty

Eliabeth K Ralph ad Hey che Tweyve Yeas o Radiocabo Datig Amern Sentt 62 (Septembectobe 1 94) 555

2 Robet Suckeath Radiocabo Soe Notes fo eis Dy Ann ftheNe Yrk Aemy fSene 288 (19) 1863 Haold G Co Orgn y Degn (Hagestow d Review ad eald Pulsh

ig Associato 983) 3 1 5 4 Lay Vadima The Sky Has Falle Impt 128 (Febay 1984) 25 Est Atevs Geologca Tests of he Vave ad Radiocabo Choologies ur-

n fGegy 65 (ach 95) 129306 Aa C Riggs ajo Cabo14 eficecy i ode Sai Shels fo Southe

Nevada Spgs Sene 224 (6 Api 984) 58 Wakeed ot J ummied Seals f Southe Vicoia Lad Antrt ur-

n fthe Unte Stte 6 (Septebeobe 1 9 1) 2 1 1 8 Wiad Libby Radiocabo atgAmern Sentt 44 (Jauay 956) 09 J. Godo gde III The Use ad Ase of Radiocbo Datig Ann f the

Ne Yrk Aemy fSene 288 (9) 1310 Robet E ee Radiocabo Ages i o Anthrpg u f Can

19 o 3 (981) 9 2621 1 Stukeath 1 8812 Joh D ois The Yung Erth (Gee Foes Ak aste Books 1 994) 9 1 1 3 A E WldeSith The Ntur Sene Kn Nthng fEutn (Costa esa

Caif TWT. Publshes 981) 331 4 Men v. Arkn Stte Br fEutn, estoy o Gay B alypeCout Repoe S Smih 44950 ( Ltl Rock US stict Cout 1981) quoed Robet Gety Cretn S ny Myte (Koxvie Te Eah Scece Asociates 1992) 112-13

15 Fedeic B Jueema Secula Catasphis Inutr Reerh n Deepment (ue 1982) 2

6 Wiliam D Staseld The Sene futn (New Yok acmila 19) 84 Steve A Austi ed Gn Cnyn: nument t ter (Satee Cai. Is

ute o Ceatio Reseach 1994) 2025

1 8 Joh G Fukhouse ad Joh J Naught Radiogeic Helium ad Ago i lamac clusios fom Hawaii u f Gephy Reerh 3 (uly 1968)4601-

9 G B alymple 40 A/36 A Aalyse f Histoial Lava FowsErth n n-et Sene etter 6 (1969) 455

20 Ia cDougall H A Polach ad J Sipp Ecess Radiogeic Ago i ougSubaeial Basals om Aucklad Vocaic Field New Zeaad Gehm e C-mhm At 33 (Decembe 969) 485 499.

21. Hey . os Rdiometic aig ad he Bible A Histoical Revew k tGene (August 199) d

22 A Bok ad G L Isaac Paeoagec Statigaphy ad Choology ofHomidbeaig Sedimets East o Lae Rudol Keya Nture 24 (8 Feuay194) 34

23 av L. Lubeow Bne f Cntetn (Gad Rapids ch Bake Books1 992) 25366

24 A. ayatsu KA Isocho Age of he oth ouai Basa Nova Scotia n-n u fErth Sene 6 (Apl 199) 94

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N T E S 5

2 Evndn nd J . R Rihds Potssiumgon Ags in Est Austli"Jual fth Glgal S fAutla 9 pt (Juy 92) 3

2 id L ug KA Ags o Biotits om us in Eon Roks o th Gniv Wshki nd int Bsins th Wyoming nd Colodo" Cntbutn Glgy (nivsity o Wyoming) 1 (Wint 9) 3

2 SvSdg nd Ingid lssn C1 Dting nd Egyptin Chonology"adabn Vaatn and Ablut Chnlgy d ngid lsson (Nw Yokon Wiy nd Sons 190) 3 .

28 nty 8229 Iid. 31.30 G Kmnn It's Aout im: . Billion Ys" Gtm 23 (Stm

98): 19.3 1 y E. Pk Fom Evolution to Ction A Pson stimony" Impat 9

(Juy 19) 3

hper Foureen Rock of Age

1 og P is Th fBnamn llman vo 2 (Nw Yok Chs Sn8) 18.

2 Stvn A. Austin d Gnd Canyn numnt t Dat (Snt Cli Institu o Ction Rsh 1 99) 2

3 Fnis Hiting Th k f th G (Nw Yok Tikno d lds 98)22

Iid. tud Him Dawn and th Danan Rvlutn (Gloust ss

Pt Smth 19) 38. onld R Wst Pooogy nd iomitinsm" Cmpa (y 198):

21 quotd in Th Rvd Qut Bk (Ai Ridg Qunsnd Austli Cion Sin oundtion 1990) 10.

ils Elddg m am h Rtnkng fDawnan Elutn and th Th fPuntuatd Equlba (Nw Yo Simon nd Shust 1 98) 2

8. om Kmp A sh Look t th ossi Rod" w Sntt 108 ( Dm98) .

9. H Rstl Gology" Enylpaa Btanna (19), vol. 10 8 quotd inh Rvd Qut Bk 2.

0 J E 'Rouk Pgmtism vsus tilism in Sttigphy" Aman Ju-nal fSn 2 (nuy 19)

1 1 . Svn A. Austin n isonptio out h Googi Coumn" Impat 3(Novm 198): 2

12 Hny . os nd Gy E. Pk hat I Catn Sn? (E Co Clist Books 198) 13.

13 ountin Building in th ditn" Sn w 98 (1 to 190):

3 John C Whitom nd Hny . os Th Gn ld Th Bblal Rd

ad It Snt Implatn (Piisug NJ Psytin nd Romd Pulhing 19) 181.

Austin n isonptions" 21. Austin Gnd Canyn 1 Stikng il in th Lotoy" Sn w 12 (2 h 198) 18.

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2 6 O R N D O N N K R D

8 lzbeh Penns, We, Wte ewhee" Sin Ns 3 (2 ebuy3): 2

Bs Col Studes Refue Cuent Thoes of omton" Rsar a nd D-pnt (ebuy 8) 2

2 Ann K Behensmeye Tphonomy d the oss Reod," Arian Sintis 72(NoembeDeembe 8): 6

2 Non D Newel, Symposum on fy Yes of Pleontoogy: Adequy o theoss Reod" Jua Pantg 33 (My ): 2

22 Hy S Ldd ology Peontology nd Sttgphy" Sin 2 ( Jnuy): 72

23 Hugh Mlle, T Od Rd Sandstn ( 8 7; epn New Yok: Ao Pess 78),22-22

2 Hold G Con, Origin b Dsign (Hestown, Md Reew nd Held Pubsh

ng ssoon 83) 8 2 Deek V Age, T Natur t Stratgapi Rrd 3d ed (New Yok JohnWey nd Sons, 3), 6768

26 J Hlen Betz, The Lke Mssou ods nd the Chnneed Sblnd," JuaGg 77 (Septembe 6):

27 Sgdu honsson, Surts t N sand in t Nrt Atanti (New okVkng, 67)

28 John D Mos, T Yung Eart (Gee oes Ak Mste Books ), 72 Steen A Austn, Mount St Heens d Ctstophsm" Ipa 7 (Juy 86):


3 R Re The Cnyon Conundum, grapia Magazin (My 83):22

3 e Spme, The Deelopment of eoog Studes n the Gnd Cnyon"Tnia 7 (June 8) 3

32 Ausn, Gnd Cann 233 Ibd3 dg B Heylmun Shoud We Teh nfomtnsm?" Jua Gga

Eduatin (Jnuy 7 ): 33 Stephen Jy Goud, Ctstophes nd Sedy Stte th," Natu ist 8 (eb

uy 7) 736 Wen D Almon, PostGdusm" eew ofT Nw Catastrpis by DeekV Age, Sin 262 ( Otobe 3) 22

37 Age 8

Chpr in. h lood mmbd

o omplete lst, see Tm LHe nd John D Mos T Ark n At(Nshle: Thoms Nelson, 76) 23336

2 Heny Rowe Shoolft, ist t ndian Tribs t Unitd Stats (Phldelph: B Lppnott, 87), 7 3 The Bbe eounts the ood n Genes 68 LHye nd Mos, 237 Dune Gsh, Dinsaurs b Dsign (een oest Ak Mse books 2) 76 bd7 Geness Aodng to the Mo People," pat 2 (Apl ): 28 LHye nd Mos, 237

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N 2 7

9 ee Speter Not B Chan! Shattrng th Mod Tho of Evolution Brooly NY Judc Press 1 997), 204.

10 Wll J obbs d Hrold W e Botan New Yor D V Nosrd939), 559

o C Whcob d Hery orsTh Gni Flood Th Biblial Rord

and It Sint Impliation Phpburg N: Presbyter d eored Pbshg, 1 9 ) 78

1 2 eess 7: 13 sls 04:8 New Aerc Stdr Bble.4 Hrod Co Origin b Dign gersow d.: evew d Herd Pubs

g Assocto 1983), 7515 ge Nlso Th Pliton: Golog and L in th Quata I Ag Bosto

edel 1983) 1 1 223. o 21

17 y Vd e Sy Hs Fle Impat 128 Febry 1984) 28 che J Novce et ! Fossls o he Flg Cs Sint Amrian 27 1

Deceber 994) 0 219 ery orrs d Joh D orrs Sin and Cration ree Fores Ar

ster Boos 99) 23720 o Woodorppe Noah A rk A Faibili Stud See Cl Isttute or

reto eserch 199) 1317.21 Wll Albrgt ece Dscovees Bbe Lds" Analtial Conor

an to th Bibl by ober Yog ew Yor Fu d Wgls 955 ) 3022. ll Cooper Ar th Flood Chchesr Egld New We Press 1 995), 4 .23 bd 224 bd. 83-925 Keeth Ss AngloSaxon Roal Gnalogi Lodo xord versy Press

954), 3202 ooper 97-1027 oth Bes Earl Grk Philoh Lodo Pegu Boos 1 987) 95-9728 oh oss Th Original Rligion ofCina Lodo lph Aderso d Ferrer

909), 29529 es Legge Th Notion ofth Chin Coning God and Spirit Hog Kog

og Kog egster ce 1 852), 230 bd.31 oss 2932 chrd A. Kerr Pthder Sres ocy Boz Sin 277 1 July 997)


Chapter Sixeen. Dnosurs, Drgs nd Ice

eter Dcso Th Flight ofDgo New Yor: Hrper d ow 979), 127

2 hod Bluberg Th Trut about Dron New Yor For Wds Press 1 980), 8.3 h Enhantd World Dagon Aledr V eLe Boos 984) 23.4 Bses Pgs Blg to Scess Lo Angl Hald Examinr 7 J

ry 970, qoed ery orrs That Thir Word Ma B Ud Againthm S Dego Istte or Creto eserch 1 997) 252.

5 Ke H Adrew Sellg d Cr eld Th Anwr Book El Cjo Clster Boos 1 99 1 ) 33

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 305/330

2 8 TN N U N

6. ckso, 79.7. he Enchante Wrl Dragn 338. I, 799 I, 57

0. ea Nerma, osaurs a agos," Creatin Ex Nihil echnical Jurnal 8, o (1994): 100

. Bumerg, 52.12. Geoey of omouh he Hit fhe King fBritain ras easa Evas,

ev Charles u (New York u 958) , 6013 uae T. Gsh, Dinaur y Deign (re Fores, Ark: Mase Books, 1 99, 40

82.4. Bll Cooper Aer the l (Chchese, gla: New We ress, 1995), 33345. , 33

6. b, 53-547. , 568. Bra eger, Wrl Befre Our Own New York: G uams os, 978),

4239 . A Amsrog he Piaa r the Devil ng the Inian 887) uoe eger

42.20 eger, 474821 he Enchante Wrl Dragn 7922 oh clar, he Statitical Accun f Sctlan vol 6 (Eburgh Wllam

Creech, 793) 46723 Vey ke a Whale, he llutate nn New 9 Februay 1 856,   16624 A rage Wge oser scovere le o he Huachuca eser," m

tne Epitaph 26 Aprl 890,   3 25 Jo 41202726 he ravel fMarc Pl (New York uo, 1 908) 3 1 5, 26427 Mchael J ar, An Ie Age Caue he Genei l (El Cajo, Calf.: sue

for Ceao esearch, 1990), 4628 , 4829 N J hackleo a P ee aeempeaue Hsory of he Ceooc a

he ao of Aarcc Glacao yge a Caro Isoope Aalyses es 277, 279, 28, Initial Reprt fte Deep Sea Drilling Prect 29 (Wahgo C : U. . Goveme rg ffce, 1 975), 743-55

30 Larry Varma, u of Whose Wom ame he ce Impact 254 (Augus 194) 33 1 . Barows Colo, Weaher Works a Fghs for Ma," Natinal Gegraphic 84

(eceme 1943) 66832 Exous 3: 8 eueroomy 8 :7833 a, 78-8034. eve erow, The Los quao, e ecemer 992, 65

hper Seveee y Hoywod

1. Jerome awrece a Roe E. Lee Inherit the Win (1955; repr, New Yok:Baam, 1960), page preceg Ac e

2 L. prague e Camp, he Great Mnke rial (Gare Cy NY: ouleay, 968),432

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 306/330


3 John Scopes and Jaes esey nt of th Stom Ne Yo Hot Rinehaand Wnston, 17) 0.

4 Ibid 18788 Ibd, 34

. Ibd, 07 Edad ason, Summ fo th Gos Th Sops Tal an Ama ' ontnu

ng Da Sn an Rlgon e Yo Basc Boos 1 7) 8 Th Wol' Most Famous out Tal Tnnss Evoluton as Dayon Tenn

Byan Coege 10) heeinate efeed to as Tanscipt), 22 Tanscipt, 322

10 Willa Jennngs Byan, Byan on Eoltion Ra Dgst Augs 12213-14

11 Tanscipt 177

12 Tanscpt, 11713 Tanscipt, 1334314 Tanscipt, 20-1 ason 184.1 Tanscpt 207; Scopes and esley 10.17 Tanscipt, 3018 ason 82-831 Byan No Regets Baing of Epets, Nw ok Tms 18 ly 2 p 220 Tanscp, 221 Tanscpt 28422 Tanscpt, 28823 Tanscpt, 28.24 Tanscpt, 22. Tanscpt, 2872. Tanscp 28827 Tanscp 2328 Ken Teey Daow A Bogphy e Yo Thoas Coell, 1 7) 3.2 Caence Dao, Th Sto ofMy L e Yo Chaes Scibnes Sons, 32)


30 Tanscp 3083 De Cap, 2-332 bd, 12733 Scopes and esley 20734 ason, 2003. The Ne ctues, m 17 cobe 0 3 Caol Iannone The Tuh About Inhet the Wnd Fst Thngs 70 ebay

17)37 Mied Bag Th Nw ok 30 Api 1 7

38 ason, 242

hper Egheen Hve You Murdered Anybody ince Bekfst? 

1 ohn C Bha A Discaded Consenss, ee of utasts om Evoluton:Snt Atttus ofRaa nfo 8- by John S Halle J, Sn17 (4 ebay 72): 0

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 307/330

3 0 0 O R N A O N U N A R

2 Cal awin, Le and Lettes Fanci awin ol (1888; pin, Nwok: Johnon Rpin, 969), 3 1 6

3 hoa Hxly Ly Semons Addesse nd Reiews (Nw ok: Applon 180)

204 E Hackl The Wondes ofLe (N ok: Hap 1 904), 56-55 Hny ail bo h Eouion o Huan Rac Natl Hito (Janu

aybuay 926), pin in Nat isto 89 (Apl 980): 296. Ibi Ewn Conklin The Diection ofHa Eoltion (Nw ok Scibn 1923)

34 6 538 og Wiiam Hun A Ciic Biology esented in Poblems (Nw ok: Am

ican 1914) 1969 Spn Jay oul Ee Since Dawin R eections in Natal Histo (Nw ok:

Noon 9) 2 1 0 Cal Wilan h i o LyncbugCeation E Nihilo 9 (SpmbNov

b 99): 231 1 Hackl 21 1 19-2012 Ibi, 11819 3 The Wold Most amos Cot Tial Tennessee Eoltion Case (ayon, nn:

Byan Colg 1 990) 33.4 Himlab, Dawin and the awinian Reoltion (ouc Ma

Sih, 1 96), 41 61

5 Alan Cha, The Legacy ofMalths (N ok: Al A Knop, 1 9), 35 16 Ca awin, The Descent ofMan an election in Relation to Sex (Nw ok

Appon 1896), 561 Ibi, 133341 8 Jy Bgman Eugnic an h lopn o Nai Rac oiy Pesecties

on cience and Chistian aith 44 (un 992): 1099 Ahu Ki Eoltion and Ethics (Nw ok: nam 94) 23020 bi 2821 og J Sin Bioogical Scinc an h Roo o Naim Ameican Scientist

6 (JanuayFbuay 988): 5322 Ao Hil Mein Kam an Rap ani (Boon: Hogon Miin 1943),285

23 A E WiSmih The Natl Scienes Know Nothing ofEoltion (Coa aCai ubli 198), 162

24 Sin, 5225 Conway Zik, Eoltion Maian Boogy and the Social Scene (hiaia:

Uniiy o hialphia 1 959) 86 26 Ah Kih Dawin Realed (onon: Wa 1 955) 233-342 Elian aoaky Landmaks in the Le ofStalin (Mocow: Foign Langag

biing Ho, 940) 8-928 Sin, 5229 Jam Rac Ceated fom Animals e Moal Imlications ofDawinism (Nw

ok: xo Uniiy 990), 430 Anw Cagi Atobioghy ofAndew Caegie on C Van yk 920;

pin Boon Nohan Unii 1 986), 3231 R Ooy Dawinian Imacts A ntodction to the Dawinian Reoltion

(Aanic Highlan, N J Huanii 980) 2 6

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 308/330

N 3 0

32 In Tor I he Mids ofMe Dawi ad he New World Order inepolis:F Pblising 1991, 72, 8

33 dwrd Lrso, Smmer for he Gos he Soes rial ad Ameria' oiig Debae Over Siee ad Religio New York: Bsi Books 997, 183

34 rwi, Dese ofMa 5435 Ibid 5453 ehen God, he Mismease of Ma New York W W Noron, 198,


hape Nineeen The oomes Domed

1 he World' Mos amos or ria eessee Evolio ase o en:Br College, 1990, 17980

2 Ibid, 73 O Wlso, Towrd Hmnis ioog, he Hmais epemberOober

1982: 404 Jerem Rfkin Alge New York: Vkg 1 98, 2445 Jli Hle, Isses i Evolio vol 3 ed ol T Chgo: iversi of

higo Press, 190, 45 iel Wker, To Hve voved or Hve No? T is he Qeson" Qadra

25 Oober 1981 457 ldos Hle, Eds ad Meas A Iqi io he Nare ofIdeals ad io he

ehods Emloedfor heir Realiai New York: Hrper nd Brohers, 197, 1 2, 3 1 8 il r, We Are e Ls ge of Pg Period, hiago ribe April

1980, qoed i Henr orris o orris, Soie ad reaio reenores Ark ser Books 199, 80

9 wrd rison r, oenis Voe from he g," Eei Oober198 24

10 mes Crose d e rsheim, h ase Agais he SA Cgo versi Cigo Press, 988, 34

dwrd rson, Smmer for he Gos he Soes rial ad Ameria ' oi

ig Debae Over Siee ad Religio New York: Bsi Books, 1997 , 230-3 1 2 in He, The volionr Visi n Isses i Evolio vol 3 , 2521 News d Noes Moviegide 199 11 4 eerso o Peer Crr he Paers of homas Jeerso vol 8 e ln P Bod

rieo N : Prineo versi ress, 1 95, 4071 5 illim rr,M Le Wiho Go gee Oreg: Hrves Hose, 992, 03

hape Tweny Good ompany

1 enr orrs d r Prker ha Is reaio Siee Con, Cli:ser Books, 1987, 00

2 ne Ingrm rw s ed, h New Ameria 2 24 November 198 4 lm ser, Tenessee's Tebk Trl, he New Ameria 2 24 ovem

ber 198: 54 eers Creionsm Lesso Cses r Philadelhia Iqirer 22 Ags 99,

qoe reaio Ex Nihilo 9 negs 1997: 9

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 309/330


5. Phllip E. Johso Dfatin Dawinis by Opnin Minds owes Gove ll.:teVasiy Pess 1 99) 4950.

6. Sue Bie Zealots Rage om et oo Dnvr Pst 1 8 August 1 996 p F1

oso Dfatin Darwinis 5 1 8 . A Aimato o Feedom o quiy ad Expessio aioal Academy o Sc

ee Resoutio 2 A 196) quoted Robet Gety ratin S iny Myst Koxville e. Eath Scece Assocates 1 992)

9 Gey 21220. bid. 1041 . Hey . ois ad oh . os Scity and ratin Gee Foest A.

ase Boos 1996) 1812 Hey ois ad Jo . ois Sinc and ratin Gee Foes A.:

aste Boos 1 996) 2 35 3 bd 2254. chael Behe Darwin ack x: h ichica han t Evutin ew

Yo he Fee Pess 1996) 2315 Roge ewi Evidece o Scetc Ceatosm? Scinc 228 1 ay 985):

8316 Gety 190941 llits ae lete i Physics day 35 cobe 982): 15 103.18. A sgae o Bology ratin E ihi 20 ecembe 199Febuay 998)


19. Richad . Aexade Evoluo Ceato ad Bioogy eachg Evutinvrsus ratinis h Pubic Educatin ntrvrsy ed J P ZeebegPhoeix yx Pess 983) 9 1

20 ois ad ois Scity and ratin 16321 Facis Hcig h ck f th Gira ew Yo ico ad Felds 1982)

25622 Gae E Chsaso Isaac wtn and th Scintific vutin ew o

xod ivesty Pess 1 996) 323 Hey os Mn f ScincMn f Gd El Cajo Cali aste Boos

1988) 25-26.

24 Joh Hudso ie Isaac wtn Invnt Scintist and achr iod eda 95) i

25. C. C. atso Myths and Mircs A w Apprach t Gnsis AcacaRidge Queeslad Astalia Ceaio Sciece Foudatio 1988) 1 2 quoed iA amot wntyOn Grat Scintists Wh ivd th ib Acacia RidgeQueeslad Ausala: Ceatio Scece Foudao 995) 4

26 ois Mn fScincMn fGd 262. bd 328. o Hudso ie Jhanns Kpr Giant faith and Scinc iod ch.

ot edia 9) 29 os Mn fScincMn f Gd 3 30. bid 15.3 Blase Pascal huhts Lttrs and Opuscus as igt ew Yo

Hud ad Hougto 1 85) 33532 . saac Asimov Asiv iaphica Encycpdia fScinc and chny Ga

de City N Y: oubeday 1 92) 23433. Chales Couso Gilispe Dictina f Scintc iaphy vo 8 ew Yo

Chales Scibes Sos 93) 380

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 310/330

N S 3 03

34. Moris M ofM of God, 29-303 Tyo Edwards omp Nw Doa of ogs A ylopda of Qoa-

os rev. ad elarged y C N Catvas Joatha Edwards ad Ralph Emersorow (New Yor Stadard oo Compay 1 97) 49

36. erald Holto Iodo o ops ad os Pysal (ReadigMass ddsoWesley 92) 66

37. ejami Frali Wgs of Bam Fal, o. 10 ed lert Herymyth (New Yor Mamlla 1 907) 84

38 ames Madiso Nos ofDas Fdal oo of (thes hoOhio iversity Press 966) 2091 0

39 hrstoper Coumus Boo of Pops, qoted ugus Klg Coumus ayma Chrstearer' o harted Isles Psya yma, toer 97 1 4

40 a T Taylor I Mds ofM Dw d Nw Wold d (MieapoisFE Pushg 991 ) 380.

4 1 . Mois M ofM ofGod, 7 42 o Hudso Tier Los Pas Fd ofMod Md (Mifor Mh

ot Media 990) 9043 id 744. ylopada Baa, 1t ed. vl 22 034. ord Kelvi address of 23 ay 889 uoted i Stephe ot NorhropA lod

of Wsss (. 899 reprt Sa tio Matle Miistries 1 988) 460

46 amo 8447 amaal ad Pysal Paps Ld l (Camridge Camridge iversityress 1 9 1 ) quoed i Thomas ares Physis Challege to eologiime Impa 16 (uly 1974) 12

48 Moris M ofM ofGod, 6749 id 680 Teaig of rgai volutio; Prtes Meeig ms (odo) 13 Fe

193 p 10 1 Moris M ofM of God, 792 ard . Fsher Josp Ls (Ne Yor Stei ad Day 1977) 403 hoda Tax Josp Ls: Fa oMod g (New Yor osMerrill

944) 12 1 4 othrop 327 orris M ofM ofGod 476. im aggott he Myth of ihae araday" Nw s 13 (21 Septemer

991 ) : 447 L. Peare Wliams Mal Faday New Yor asi oos 96) 103.8. Moris M ofM of God, 37389. aa Fotae Maury Cori A L of Maw Foa Ma UN ad N

odo Sampso ow Masto Seale ad Rvigto 1888) 78.60 orris M ofM of God, 2.6 1 Crowher M of (New ork Norto 1936) 139.62 ee dair Gog Wasgo a (New Yor Chelsea House 989) 4.63. iam Federer Ama s God a o Eylopda of Qoaos (Cop

ell Tex Fame Pushig 1 994) 9 64 orris M ofM of God, 636. amot 20

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 311/330

3 04 O N D O I N U N Y D

66 Weher von Bun ee red by Dr Jhn od to Clfo Se Bord o ucton 4 Septeber 12 cted n Lont 250

6 Ibd68. Ches Ludwg The Wrigh Brohers he ae Us Wigs Mford Mch Mot

Med 185 126 John Mculy S Dvd Bewste onde of he Brtsh Assocton n hor

Biogphies for he Peope vol. 2 Lonon: elgous Tc Socey 885 3 15 1 6

0. Morrs Me ofSieeMe ofod 4.1. Ibd 2 obert Andrews Mllkn Eouio i iee ad Reigio ew ven: le

Unversty ress 1 2 88

hp n-n Y nd h M Upsis

1 . overbs 4:32 Ish : 83. G chrd Bozrth The Menng of volton Ameria Aheis Septebe

18: 30 quoted n Dne Gsh Ceaio Sieiss Aswer Their Criis Cjon Cf. Instte fo Creton esearch 1 3 3 1

4 g Dyden, The Scenst n Contepory fe Siee 120 24 Deceber154: 1053.

5 Isc Asov In the Ge of nerg nd Therodyncs ou Cn rekven Smihsoia Isiue Joua Jne 10 0 quoted n eny Mrrsvouon Therodyncs nd ntropy mpa 3: 4

6. ss 102:25-26.. Mthew 5458. eter Kreeft nd onld K. cel Hadook of Chrisia Apoogeis Doners

Grove I InterVarsty ress 4 1 3 .. ons 623

10. elson Gleck Riers i he Deser Hiso of he Nege ew ork: overess 160 3

. Irwn Lnton A er Examies e Bie A Defese of he Chrisia aih 43; eprnt Grnd pds Mch: Be Book ouse 1 36

12 Ibd.3. Son Greenlef A Examiaio of he Tesimo of he our Eageiss he

Rues of Eidee Admiisered i Cours ofJusie wih a Aou of he Tra ofJesus 2nd ed London: A. Mwe 1 8 26.

4. Son Geenlef lette to Aecn Bble Socey, 6 oveber 1 852 qoe nStephen Abbott Northrop A Coud of Wiesses c 8 epnt Sn Antono Mntle Mnstres 188 8.

5. Lew Wlce ow I Ce to Wrte en u' Youh Compaio 2 eby

183 quoted n orthrop 480.6. Jereh 2: 13. . cclesstes 1 1 :8 38 Mhew 633 Dvd Colns eorge Washigo Crer Ma s Sae Beomes od Sieis

Mfod, Mch. Mot Med 1 8 .20. C. S. Lews Mere Chrisiai 1 52 epnt New ork Touchstone 6 4.21. sls 30:5.

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 312/330


1 eg o 2343 outes Dept of a Sees Aean Museu of atalso

2 eg o 325023 oues Dept of a Sees, Aean Museu of atalsto

3 eg o 325097 oues Dept of a Sees, Aean Museu of atalsto

4 eg o 3252A otes Dept of a Sees, Aean Mse of a

al Hsto eg o 2954 hoto H oe otes Dept of a Sees Ame

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sto eg o 2A 10142 hoto Snge tes Dep of a Sees Amean

Muse of aal Hsto9 oes Maste Boos lstaon al an Bonta Sn


10 eg o 326675 oues Dept of a Sees, Aean Muse of atuasto

1 eg o 27 10 otes Dep of a Sees Aean Museu of atualsto

12 eg o 326795 otes Dep of a Sees Aean Mseu of atuasto

13 eg o 3262 oo ogan utes Dept of a Sees AmeanMuseu of atal Hsto

14 We Wol hotos

15 We Wol hotos16 pess ewspapesl033Ae hos17 Istute fo eaon Reseah1 B pesson of Johnn Hat an etos Snate, In19 eg o 22523 hoo eon Bet oues Dep of a See, Ame

an Muse of aual Hsto20 Meopoan Toonto Refeene a21 eg o 31 367 hoo H S Re outes Dept of a Sees Ae

an Mse of ata Hso22 eg o 2A 1747 outes Dept o a Sees, Aean Museum of at

ual Hsto23 eg o 09353 oes Dep of a Sees Amean Mseu of atal

sto24 eg o 3624 hoto A Ason outes Dept of a Sees

Amean Mse of atual Hsto25 eg o 3364 15 oto J oe utes Dept of a Sees, Aean

Mseum of atal Hso

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3 0 6 O R N O I N A UN Y R

26. APWe Wol Photos2. Neg No 322021 Photo y Boltn. Couesy ept of ary Serces Aecan

Museu o Natura Hstory28. Neg No 328862 Photo y Logan. Couesy ept of rary Serces Aercan

Museu of Natua Hstory29. Neg No. 3 3484. Photo y ulus Kschne. Coutesy ept of Lrary Serces

Aeca Museu o Natual Hstory30 Neg. No. 2 933 Photo y L Berwert. Couesy ept. of Lay Serces Aer

can Museu of Natual Hstoy3 Arche Photos32 Neg No 364. Photo y Kay C Lenso. Couresy ept. o rary Serces

Aecan Museu o Natual Hstory33. Neg No. 10460 Photo y Kay C Lenskjol. Courtesy ept. o rary Serces

Aercan Museu o Natua Hstoy34. Poppeto/Arche Photos3. Neg. No. 10661 Photo y H S. Rce. outesy ept of Lray Serces, Ae

can Museu of Natura Hstory36. Ace Photos3. APWe Wor Photos38. NASA39 Autho40. xpress Newspapers/B9/Ache Photos

4. arth Scence Assocates42 arth Scence Assocates43. Neg No 32361 Courtesy ept. o rary Serces Aecan Museu of Natura

Hstory Prnceton Museu of Natual Hstory4. Stuttgat Museu fur Natukune curtesy Chs Mcowan Roya Ontao

Museu46. Steen A. Austn. © Insttute for Creaton Research4. Neg. No. 281234. Courtesy ept. of rary Serces Aercan Museu of Natra


48. Neg. No. 48. Photo y Kschne ouesy ept o ary Serces Aecan Museu o Natual Hstory

49. Neg. No. 1339. Photo y J. Ots Whelock. Courtesy ept of Lary SercesAecan Museu o Natura Hstory

0. Neg. No. 44439. Photo y Hoey. Coutesy ept of Lrary Serces AecanMuseu of Natural Hstory

. Neg. No 2A44 . Coutesy ept. of ay Serces, Aecan Muse of Natua Hstory

2. Steen A Austn © Insttute fo Ceaton Reseach

3 Steen A Austn. © Insttute for Creaton esearch4 Steen A. Austn. © Insttute for Creaton Research Instute o Ceaton Reseach.6 Arche Photos APWe Wo Photos8 Arche Photos9 Neg No 3699. Photo y Charles H. Coes. Coutesy ept. of Lrary Seces

Aercan Museu o Natural Hstoy

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P T U R E D I T S 3 0

e. o 32555. oo b ono Coures Dept of ibrr Servces, Americn usem of tur stor

1 e. o 32438 Courtes Dept. of br Sevices Ameicn useum of trlHisor

2 Brn Coee3 Brn Coee4 Brn Coee5 Brn Colee Brn Colee7 Brn Coee8 Arcive hotos Bn Colee7 Arcive hotos71 nted Aiss Cop.Arcive hotos

72 e o 243 Cotes Dep. of brr Services, Americn seum of tuHisor

73 e o 31228 hoto b Irvn utcer. Cotes Dep of ibr Services,Americ useum of url Histor

74 AWide World hoos75 Archive otos7 Wllim J. ur Evnelistic Assocon77 e o 32725 Cotes Dep of br Servces, Americn seum of ur

Histo78 ASA

7 e o. 2535. Courtes Dept of br Services, Americ seum o uristo

8. Achive hotos8. e o. 2821. hoo b C. Cols Courtes Dept of ibr Services, Amer

c usem of tl isto82. e o 2147 hoo b Julius scer Coes Dept of br Services,

Ameicn useum o tu Hsto83. e o 3 1 13 hoo b ne ierwet Courtes Dept of br Services,

Americn usem o tu Hsto

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a gaeful o he folloig publihe fo pemio o epoduce

excep fo hei book: Ne Wie Pe fo Bill Coope Afte the

Floo Adle ad Adle fo Michael eo Eoluton A Theo n Css

Hogho Mii fo aci Hichg The Nek of the Ge; ad The

Fee Pe fo ichael J Behe Dn s Blk Box

Thak o Johy Ha fo leig e ue he B. C. caoo a ell aipiig he Chicago Cub oke ohe of my favoie e like hi

Repoe o aage: Have ay of o paye eve ade i o he Hall of

Fae? Maage: Well, oe of ou playe lmost ade i o he Hall of

Faebu he he go ea Coopeo, he iched o he og bu)

hak Ee Wilia, Robe Goee ad Joaha Safai

fo evieig he macip fo ecical eo ad povidig ay valu

able iigh.

. Richad Coeliu of Bya College checked he chape o heScope ial

Cal Hylad, To Eyo, Sua chee, Elizabeh McKiey ad Paul

gbeo alo evieed he book ad povided ipoa feedback Paul,

of oue, did he ouadig cove a

Babaa Robidoux povided vey compee copyediig a ell a


ak Shei of he iue fo Ceaio Reeach ad ave Jolly ofAe i Geei ee helpful i aeig may ueio

a Taylo, auho of he upeb olme In the ns of Men vey ga

cioly aeed ueio had.

hak Veoiue Valdeao fo helpig e alae paage fo

Hei Beuil iig o Pekig a i 'Anthoologe

oud like o ackoledge he folloig ibaie, all of hich co

ib�d o he eeach of he book: e Muga Meoial, Sciece ad Egi

eeig, Theology, ad Aooy ibaie, all a Boo iveiy heGoldfab Libay ad Geezag Siece Libay Badei iveiy he

Oeill Libay, Boo Colege e Tich Libay, Tuf iveiy he

Hayde Libay, MT he Ludcke Libay, Leley College he Bake

Libay, Beley College he Goddad Libay, GodoCoell Theologi

cal Seiay he liba of he Epicpal iviiy School ad Weo Jeui

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 317/330


School of heology the Boston Pubc bay the baes of he Mnute-an Lbay etwok and the ew England Hstoc Genealogcal Socet

hs book occasonay poked fun at Havad Unvesty (a tadtonappaenly begun by Benjan Fankl) but al ests asde acknowledey debt to ths peenent acadec ntuton Havad gacously alowde access to ts unue collectons ncludng: dene Lbay the ozzeScence Lbay te Kuel Geologcl Scences Lbay the lbay of teMuseu of Copaatve Zooloy an the Bake Lbay o the HavdBusness School

Specal thanks to the an lbay t he Unvesty of Azon fo su-

pyng e wth a copy of the 1 890 yn epe stoy o te TomtEpitaph also thank Rchad heele o Mantle Mnstes fo oanng mehs beautfu epnt of Stephen Abbott othop's loud of Witne

ust acknowledge the wtngs of C. S. Lews Pete Keeft and RonadK acel as hepng old y undestndng of teology.

thout Heny Mos's poneeing wok n ceaton scence ths bookwould neve have been possbe

Alvat B adalan and Aow Gaphcs ovded vey copetent book nd

cove desgn.I especay thank y wfe eHsn fo beng so patent whle I s

aed to wtng ths book and o te assstance she ovded n nn-eable ways


8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 318/330


ge umbes bold ype ee lls.

bt L 35blsn Phiip 66abss 260adapain nvirnmntal 5-50 1 70

72 73Ae the Flood Cp) 173gr Dr 158 160

ns Cad lbts Brc 238lbgh William 173ldvands Uysss 183land Ricard D 20lfvn anns 1 25 239llmn Wan D 160can Bi Scity 23ican Civi Libtis Unin CL

98 99200 20 237

ain acids 6468 aphiianslac f fssi ancsts f 1 3and tansiin t ptis

ndws nry N 5nican Cch 25ntvs s 1anibitics and sisan acta 25

2728apmn 79-09

See also man fssils

aps cmpad t n 107raat 168 170archay sppt f Bibl by 266A rchaeoptex 7 8 tl 67msrng 86d Chsr 5d Jams altn 238-39simv Isaac 2 23 25 1 262

ssmh J., 1 2asnmy 123-29 1 3 1-32 238-3922 2

atis 26 2 26 29 25 1 258 260268 270

atsphr 126f aly , 666and lim 333

rs Rrt 73

sin Stvn 6 5 55 59astapitcins 97-101 103 10 05

Baba Chars 250Bacn Fancis 22baca

drgsisn as illstatin vltin 25 27-28

spntansy gnad" 63 25Badha Nic 65Bagtt Ji 28balancd an" laws f crtin and

vltin 237 238 20Barw Fan Bartn Bea 2Bathybis haeckelii 63

bats 9Beagle � , , 52Beay and the Beast, 2665bs fssi 1 8 6Bh ica 8 27 33-35 72 239Bhrnsmyr nna K 1 57bnding srata 56 66Ben Hr: A Tale ofthe Christ Waac)

268Beow 85-86Bran Jy 223

Brtalany Ldwi 55Bib 59 1 29 6778 189 9 1-92 230

23 -32 2-51 257 258 2617accacy f 266

Bi Bang 7 23-25 1 5 239ichisry 3335 390ignsis 6375bintic law 1 - 22 1Bilgical Scincs Cricm Sdy

BSCS) 233

bipdais 10bidsccin f insc pplain y 27Dawin's ncs" 57 70vltin f flig in 3-32as pf mnstrs" b m

rpilian s 1 5Laysan nchs 170pacfl cxistnc f warls 58

3 11

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 319/330


trasitional ancesos fo ack of ,178

Back Davidso 88, 88, 97bood cotig

Blumbeg Rhoda 1 8Bock Wae J. 1 bombardier eee - Bones of Contention (Lenow) 10 Booazia Aam A 1 Boule Macelin 8, 87 8990Bouoe Louis 1 8Bowde acom 02Boye Robe 22Boath G Richad 2 8

bai coplexiy of beas feedig 7beeding expements 90Bet J Hale 189Bei e 87Bewste David 20Bitain eay hisoy of 77Boadbey Richad E 1 77Boo Rober 1 7Bya Wiiam Jeigs 82, 97 198,

200, 20, 207 , 222

22 229 22 272coss-examiatio of y Daow 20712death o 2 1 famiiariy of with Dawin's woks

202o pealties in Scopes case 2 1 2o science 201-2

Bbank Luthe 9Bham ohn C 2 9

cabbage uttefly Caaveas sk 1 02Cabia Peiod 7Caeo A G w 1 27Capa Ftjof 2cao daig 9, , 8 19cabo dioxide 2 9, 0Caegie Andew 222Ca Pete 2Caigto Richad 8Caol Robet L 9

Cahas E 8Cave Geoge Washigto 29 27Caseedolo nds 102catastophis 180Cae A J E 89caveme 92cave paiing of bontosaus 1 82cells copexiy of , 707Chai Es 2 7

Cheseto G K 7, 8China anciet conectios to Od

Tesae of 189, 77hiese aguage 77

hock Gige Tog 1 77hosky Noam 107hou Kou Ti 888hs 22, 20 27hstiaiy 2, 22 , 27

eideces fo 28chch ad sate sepaatio of 22-

201iceo 12cicuaton hman bood 2Civic Bioog (ute 221

Clak Austi 8 79cassication 70 7 "ceane fsh and simp 8Cemmey Hay coa 1coelacath 1, Co aod G 7 8coo vision olbus Chrisophe 2comets 1 2


coplexity ieducible 7, 72-7Coeybeae Wiiam Cofcius 177Cokli Edwin G 220Constittion 2 2cotiets eosio of 7ook aod 82Coope Bi 177 188Cope Edwad Dinke 0 Coppedge ames 8

Coe E J 1 cosmoogy 229cow stoach of canial capacity 90, 10ceatio evidence in natue fo 7

2 12, 22 29Ciceo o 12Lod Keli o 2Isaac Newton on 12Max Pack on 2Wehe on Baun o 129 20

Ceaio Reseach Society 2 1ceaio science 2

i sciece joas 29teachig of in schools 278 291

ick Facis 7, 7coid fossi CoMagnon Ma 10Cis Ganiss 0cyochome C 0

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 320/330


Dle Lloyd 237Dlymle G Bent 14445Dlon Joh 244Ddn Rymond 25 1Drow Crence 1 9720 2035

201 1 21 3 6 229 6cnemt citton of 207cossexminon of Bryn by 207oess chnge of le o giy" nd

207 2 1trment of by Dyon ciens 201

Drt Rymond 97Drn Chres 9 1 12 24 3233

4550 54 557 3 1 1 1 5 1 8 1 52 2023 2 9 22127 229240 245 22

d Beage exedition 45 152on Chrsinity 15 253 22on own doubts bot theory 0erly fe of 45on foss record 1 0d Chrles Lyel 52on rces 29 223on women 22

Din Emm 0Din Leonrd 1

Dinin Cenenn Ceebron 23324 Drnsm. See evoluion n

seecon Dwin ChresDain on Tria (Johnso) 8Darin Bak Box (Behe) 8 3335Dwins fnches" 4550 70Da Kapita 225Des Pl 1 23d nci Leonrdo 244Dns Richrd 1 3 24 3 70

Dson Chrles 808 Dson John Wm 7De e cols 2debes beween evoony scentss

nd cretion scentsts 241de eer Gvn 9 33 39 14de m . rge 1 98decy rtes sby of dioctive 1435Decron of tudens of he Nul nd

Physcl ciences 245Delc Jen 244

Deon Mchel 8 14 3940 57 5707 102

Descres Ren 37Desen ofMan, The Drwn) 1 98 203

223 245deserts 172 192desgn n ntre 3437 532 24

12527 29

Dew Dougls 5Dcnson Pee 1 8 1dnosus 19 158 18190 92

n Bble 89dc-bed" 84exncion of 18990 192grveyds of 158 6tcs o 58 tnsionl ncesos for c of 1 4

Discoe ofGenesis The (Kng ndNeson) 1777

DNA 40 7 72Dobzhnsy heodosius 2 38 47Dor Wefed Jr. 141Downs syndrome 1 4

Doye Ahr Conn 8 drgons 18190 Dbois Egene 8285 97duckbed" dnosurs 1 84Dnbr Crl O. 9 8Drn W 232

E ge of 13137condtons of io o ood 140


org of 12729te of roon of 12 134uniqueness of 12527

Eddington Ahr tnley 29 2 1Eddy John A. 1 3 1Eden 224Edison homs 249eduction n U. 23235 23738

23941Ehrch P 35Ensein Abe 24

Eseey Loren 75Edredge Nes 8 47 1 53embyonic recituon 1 4 221Eoanhropus dasoni 8 Eohipps 1 erosion 37 52 54Esbshment Clse 234eugencs 22124Euoen geneoges tced o Jheth

7475Eveden . 147

ev 214evouon

chs of conrdcion of by comexity 3237

7273deendence on fith of 29 0 2 75

49 258embryonic reclon nd 4

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 321/330

3 14  I KY

ossi evidence fo, lck o 919humn 7909muiol heoy o, 2430orgin o ife nd 375

rpid, 1 1 5 1 sceniss' disvowl of 7 9socl pc of 2935xonomc proems of 370eching o, 1 97, 2293 1 233, 23738

2394hesic 258ee also nu selecon

Eoltion A Theo in Crisis (Denon) 839

voluon roes Movemen, 24extncon res, 40eye evolion o 3234

Fe, Heri, 249Frdy, Miche 248Fr Pee, 1 5fehers, evoon of 1 5 , 3 1 32 5Ferguson, , 1 33Feyeend Pl 1 1 7nches

o Gpgos snds 4547 of Lysn, 1 70

Fis Amendmen 234Firs Lw o hemodynmcs, 1 23sh

nd cene shrmp, 58ossi cesos fo, ck of 3oss gveyrds of 157foss picues o, opcl 57

Fisher Rchd B, 247Fich, 147Fix Wiam, 8Fmseed John 243Fleischmnn, Aer, 1 1 8Fleming John Amose, 2447igh, evouion of 3132Flood, Bcl 3 140 15 , 558

1773, 7778, 19192condons on h pro o 140,


ood egends nd, 1770ood on Ms speculed 17778Flower H. , foo, resemlnce o o hnd, 557Forrest Gmp 23Fosdic Hrry merson, 22fosss, 9 19 5358

mphin 1 3Archaeptex 1 7 8

9d 15 1718Cm, 1 3 37coecnh 13

crnod, dng o geoogc coumn y, 5354denion of, 9dinosu, 4 158, , sh, 3, , 57 foopn, 158in Goi deser, 1 72grveyrds nd 15758, hose, 17ichthosar ndex, 5354nsec, 15 nvetere, 1 3le, mmm, 145 9mmmlie repe, 4nume of msem specimens o, 9ouooder, 55percenge ofnd veees epre

sened y, 9pln 151, 19, 40

poyse 1 55rpd u ndced y 558

epe, 4so, 1 5 7, ssis nd, 819nsonl fom lc of 919 54 1 oe, 37, , 55ee also hmn osss

Fnn Benmin 24344fee w 223Freud, gmund 1 14Fromm rch, 224Fros Vce, 237r es, reedng expemens on, 49Fuhi 168uer, Melvie 27

Glpgos snds 4547Gleo, 243, 25geneoges, ncien, nd Bile 7375

genes 72homoogos" 39m of hge nd 49-50muon o 2430

Geess e o nons, 17374genec code 7273genecs 2430 39 4950, 7273 170,

17273Gense Prc G 1 5

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 322/330

I N D E X 3 15

Genry Roert v 489 238 239Georey o Monmouth 74 84geoogic coumn 1 33 1 5 1 60

dating o y osss 15354deveoment of y geologiss l sedmenary ock che comonent of

43 5 srata commonly missng in 54saa somemes in wrong order n

15455geoogy 0 5 -66

and Eahs early atmoshere 65See also geologc coumn

Ganopihecs 86gl ss in human emryo 1 2- 3

giaes 8 5455Gsh Duane 1 9 69 98 168glacers 190-92Glueck Neson 266G1urdjdze G 225Go deset 172Goderger R F 70Godschmidt Richard 50 1 1 51 6Goomek Mathew 177Gose 26466Goud ehen Jay 18 32 55 8 100

4 6 1 60 22 1 227 24 1 25 Grand Canyon 46 54 155 56 159

Grass PerePau 9 29 48 55Green D E 70Greenleaf mon 267-68Gegoy Wlliam K 82Grene Maoie 47Grmald Davd 8Gunther Gerald 214

gysy moths 50

Hadosars 1 84Haecke Es 63 64 7 8384 9

1 - 1 4 1 20 220-23Haeckel' Frads and Foreries (Assmuth

and Hu) 2har oss o y suosed aelke ances

ors 54halos radoactve 148-49 Ham Ken 1 82

hand resemance o o oot 5657haness 258-59 263-64 27 -72Hadn Gaett 7 241Havard Unversy fossl disays a

157-58Haskns Cayl P 73Hayasu A 147Hays Athur Gareld 20 208

hea human 25Hea Mountain hus 154heaven 265 270helum accumuaton o n Eaths amos

here 133-34hel 270Helman Mlo 82hemogon

aha comason etween crocodilesand chickens of 40

muan vaiants o 25stucture of 68

Heny Joseh 250Hersche ohn Frederick 243Herschel Wiam 243

Hespepithes haoldookii, 82 Heylmun Edgar B 160Himmear Gerude 222Hitching Francs 25 26 49 1 2Htler Ado 9 22225hominds 79-109

See also human ossilsHomo erecs 85 05Homo habili, 1 05homology 37-40 56-57Hooton Eaes Aert 88 02 1 04

hoeul monsters" 1 1 5 6Horgan John 72horse

evoution o 1 67stomach of 55

Hoyle Fred 68 74 1 25 27 32Hsu Kenneth 7Huaalai vocano 46Huggins Wilam 250Hu Ees J 2

human fossls 79-109 146-47amount of evidence or 106ausraothecne 970 03 04

05 Java Man 82-85Neanderha 89-0 Neraska Man 82 ouoface 102Pekng Man 8589 Ptdown Man 80-82 reconstrucons of 79 83 88 89-90

98 00 0 1 Humhreys A A 135Humhreys Russel 134 239Hunter George W 22Hutchinson Wiliam K 9899Huton James 52Huxley Aldous 231Huxley Julian 48 230-3 1 233

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 323/330

3 1 6 T I K Y

Huley, Thomas, 63 , 69 , 9, 220, 230247

Huygens Chstan, 37hya 16 7

ice age, 90-92hhosur, Israed London News, 2, 2, 17immne sysem 3435immutabity" of secies, 45, 59inde fossis, 53-54infectons, and sonaneous geneaon"

63Inher he Wnd 97-21 227 229 233,

237 240 2 257insects

bombade beetle, 36-37 fossi ecod of, 15 , , gow of checked by bids, 1 27transional ancesos fo ack of, 15ycca moth, 5

nsiue fo Ceaon Reseach, 25 nemeiate foms (iving) ack of 370

ee ao tanstona fossilseland ealy hitoy of 175

edcibe comeiy, 34-37, 72-73sael 9 1-92, 23132, 26, 266Ivanhoe Fancs 90

Java Man, 2-5 05jaw, eiianmammaian anson of, 54Jay John 234Jeans, James 29Jeeso homas 235, 2Jena Univesity of 1 2Jesus, 22, 2650, 267Johanso Donald 99100 04-5Johnson Fancs 1Johnson Phlli 36 , 23Jones J. S 105Jole, James 249Jeneman Fedeic B, 45

Kalas, Pa 125Kanaoi fossi 01Kang C. H , 76 1 77

Kaoo fomaon, 157Kazmann, . ., Keibe 1 Keith, Ahu 1, 5 102, 223Kelly Gene 200Kelvn, od 34 2546Kem Tom, 1, 153Kenyon Dean 23Keosan John 70

Kele Johannes, 242 254Ke, Rchad A 2kdneys 35Kiby, eg, 103

Kche Ahanas 1 3Kis Davd B, 12Klein Davd Rahae 62Koz John 1 07Koeste, Ah, 35, 6Kame Sanley 214eef, Pete 263Ke bel, 132

ada Chales J, 2add, Haold S. 57

aetol fooins, 9ake Mssola, 5, 159and bdges ae Food, 9 1ane J. Wls, 239angage, 07, 36Lankeste, Edwin Lawence, Jeome 9, 209, 21 0 2 3Laysan fnches, 70Leach Edmnd R, 0Leakey, Louis, 9Leakey, May, 9Leakey Rchad, 9 99 04 1467Le Bon usave, 226Lee, Robe E. (edio), 42Lee, Robe E. (laywgh) 1 9 209 21 0

2 1 3Lemoine Pa 1 7Leoold Nahan 229 Lene Ec J., 125Levine Joe S 64LeviSet, Rccado 37

Lewin Roge, 103 104 239Lews, C. S. 27Lbby, Wlad, 1, life, oigin of 6375Lnnaeus, Caos 37-3 , 23Lson H. S. 7, 37Lse Joseh 63 27Lynski, Zygmn 60live 35Lvy 12Loeb Abaham, 12

Loeb, Rchad, 229 ongevty, human 72Lovell, Bead 6Lvt Sen, 61 , 7Lowensten, Jeold, 0 97 106Lbenow, Mavn, 103, 106Lcy," 979 99-100 104-5Ludwg Chales 250Lyel Chales, 5 53, 1 60,

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 324/330

acAiste, Aeader, 247acAhu, Roet, 58aceh, Noma, macroevoo, 50magec fed 27, 3435 40 72

aloe, Ddley ield, 20 203 208althus, R 8mammale retes, 4mammas

jaw of, 54oceaic, 45sass of foss recod, 9tasoa acesors fo lac of, 4

ao seg, 225ach, edeic, 97,

as, secao of food o, 778ash, Ohel C., , 04, ati, C. P., 28ar, Roet, 0ar, Karl, 22425aso, Aaro, 237aher, Coo, 244ahe, Ktey, 208aerho, 5 4ahews, L. Harso, 0ager, Richad L. 4 7ary, athew, 24849awel, James Cler, 24ayr, Es, 47, 49cHey, Hery M., 0 ead, Ge 34Min Kamp 222 224ece, H L, 200, 23edel, Grego 24, 25 256errl, G. P, 3 3ecalf, Mayard, 4 203

meteories 3233ao trie, 9chae, Hey M., 40chel, Aim, 0mcroevoluto 50ler, Hugh, 57ler, J. A . 447er, taey, 47 6ia Roe A., 25 ms ores, 239, 25

macles, 27missg lis" roosed, 7909ssssi River, 35molear ology, 3940moarch terfy, 37mogoods," 4moeys ad yewres," 9moooism, 2252


mooad Bible 29ad dereces fom Earh, 27ad eect of distace o tdes, 2oigi of, 2728

ecesso of, 32moay, 2590orga, homas H, 48oey, Joh, 5 2Moow, Harod ., 8Mors Hey, 353 54 24Morse, amue B 247 255Morvd, Kig, 84moths

gysy, 50eeed, 48

ycca, 58Mo Evees, Mo t. Hees, 4, 59 6Muray, Wam J., 233 235, 26muatos, 2430, 35, 50 5 , 72

eefcia," 2425 2728chagg seces hrogh, dictes of,

2930 50 70aes of 24ecessive, 29

yers, Noma,40

y the Peas 54

Natioa Academy of cieces, 238National Gophic 9899Naoa Geogahc ocey, 98Naoa cece odato, 233atra gas, 3 SSatra seecio, 78, 2 337 4550

54 3 970Na Gemay, 22224

Neal, Joh 20Neaderthals, 8990 5, 05 92Neasa a, 82 2eua hyohesis," 28 24Nely," 88 5Nelso, Ethel, 7, 77Nelso, Gareh J, 2Nes, 74eoarwsm 27 48Nevis, tuat E., 27New Age, 29

Newma, Hoaio Hacet, 4 4Neeek 2Newo, saac, 2 3, 2 2 4 2 25 25

252Niema, D. ead, 84Nietsche, redich, 222 228 229Nisso, Herer, 2, Noah, 774 77

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 325/330

3 1 8 T O R O N K Y R

Noh' k 1 67-73 77 Nah s k Fasibiit Study Wood

moppe) 173Nomn R. 13Nt By Chanc! Shatting th Md

Th fEutin (petne) 6Novcek Mchel J. 7nucleotde 7

Od Mchel J. 90 9Ogden J Godon 41OH Mdlyn Muy 33ol 136 55Od Red ndtone 57Olon ngd . 147

Oo cloud 3Oot Jn 3Opn A. 66 ogn

evoluton o 6-7 3 1-34 35-36png o 57vetg 4- 5

Ogel L E 66ogn o le 6377Oigin fSpcis Th, 8 0 3839 45

47 60 1 1 1 7 1 5 0 9 33 45

ORouke J E. 53Oo Heny Fed 8 0 228ovethut 54Owen Rchd 4 18Oxnd Chle 00 oxygen 6 7

n ely Eth 65-66one ye 65 6

png o ntol etue 57peonthopogy 79109 146peootny �5-16pentoogy9-1 53 1 55 56-58 17

hun 799 4647S as ol

Pey Wllm 3-54Pneth A 33Pke Gy 19 53 58 49Pknon Jme 44Ptrdge C 97Pcl B e 4 70Pteu Lou 3 63 45 2Pteon Coln 1 1 40 48 55 1 8-1 9Ptteon John 3Pe Wenchung 88Pekng Mn 85-89 105peppeed moth 48Peely Gegoy An 59

Phllp Dnny 37-38Piasa 8687 1 89Pctet Fno Jule 0Ptdown Mn 88 Pithcanthpus, 885 Ptmn Mche 6 33 74Plnck Mx 6plnet

dvety o 78ogn o 17-8outde o ol ytem 5

plntcoextence o 58o o n ozen egon 140 7 1t o n ol ecod 1 9

tnton nceto o lck o 1- 6yucc pnt 58

Plto 167Plny the Elde 83Polknghoe John 6poll on techng ceton 37Polo Mco 83 89polonum hlo 4849 polytte o 55populton gowth 135-36potumgon dtng 143 14647pye n pulc choo 3-33prmod oup 6370Pincips fgy Lyel 15Po G. 33polte o chnce orgn o e

6770poten 63-64 667 Pout Wlm 44Ptandn pteodcty 4 8689

Ptoemy 43punctuted equum 16Putn 35Pyc Wlm pygmy chmpnee 0

Qutzacatus, 1 86quotton ue o n cetonevouton

dete 3

ce ogn o 1 7-73cm 1 4 19-4doctve hlo 4849 docon dtng 1393 146 148 149dometc dtng 3950

mpoe dte otned through 14 114647

nd tlty o decy te 435do teecope 73

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 326/330

I E X 3 9

Ragooi (Italia eologis), 12Rap Eabeth K, 1Raitoto, 16Rappeyea George 2 Rastal, R. H 53

Ralo, JohT 21 23 267 2 1 1

27Rap, David, Raws, Marice, 27Ray, oh, 23Raylih, Lord 255 1Read, Joh, 8, 6ecapitlaio, embyoic, 11

22Reck, Has, 98ecostrcios of hma fossis 79 83 88

899 , 98 11 1 Res, 1 82Reie, J., 1 2eliio

a chrch ad stae isse, 2323521

eltio as , 6 75ies o scieiss o 6 62 15

251e aso Chrisiaiy

Re Pa 5

Reseer, Boyce 17 18repilsflyi, 1 8689 ja of 5tasitioa acesors or, lack o rasitio o bids, 5 3 132 1 5d rasitio o mammas 1 5

Rereco, 265 26768Rice R J, 159Richrds, Joh R 7Richrdso Michae 3

ickes 89 9 92Rickls, Robe E 1 1 6Ride Mark, 56Ri, Jeemy, 23igh ad wro, cocepts of, 26Robiso, Doc," 2 22Rockelle Fodaio 86Rockelle Joh D., J 226Rockeler, Joh D. Sr., 22526Rocord Fies he, 7Roma Cahoic Chch 23 25

Ross oh, 75 77Roya Siey, 25bidmstotim dati, 3 6Rieyer, L, 1 2

Saa, C 65 7 125 1 8 1 21sal accmlatio i ocea o, 137Safa Joata, 1 32

Saris Adew, 23SAT scoes 232SveSderbergh T, 7Schepes, G H 2Schidewol, O H 1 5

Schoocat H R., 67Schorer, Chisopher, 83Schwabetha Sabie 3cience 239cientc Aerican 239 25 scieiss, faith amog, 6 62 5 2 1 5 1Scopes, Joh T, 972 23 26

27 2 1 12 2 2 2 1 237evolio taht by, 1982eve aied, 199

Scopes ria 6 97 1 972 8 226

229testimoy o epes at, 235ee aso Bya, Wiliam Jeis;

Drow, Carecesea cows, 15Secod Law o Thermodyamcs, 26263Sedgwick Adam, 5 1sedime accmlatio i ocea 37 152sedimeay rock

eoogic co chiefy composed of,3 l

meeoites abse i, 133adiometic dati techiqes ieecive

wih, 1 3Seide Phiip E 1 2Seleka, M. Leoe, 8selfesteem, 231sepaaio f chch ad sate," 23235

2Shapiro, James 35sheep 59

Shot, A. Rede,

Sh Frak H 2 8sicke cell aemia, 68Sillima Bejami, Simpso Geoge Gaylod 2 8Simpso James, 29inanthropus pekinensis 8589 Sisam Keet 1 75skll 17" 99 167Smih Gafo Ellio, 8 82 85 86 97Smith Sewat A., 85

Smih, Wolfga, 1 8social Darwiism 222 22scia impac of Dawiism, 21935soa sysem

ae of 3132diversiy of 12728oi of, 12728

Soomo 27

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 327/330


Solhety, Aeade, 3Spamer arle , 159peie

hae o, 10, 930, 4550, 1 1 5-1 6

70Dawi' view o, 45-50deo o, 43 467evolto o, 9-30 45-50 5- 6 1 70etitio o, 40immtaiy o 45 59

Speer, Herert, 1 1 7 3, 6 46Speter, ee, 6, 7 930potaeo eeao, 63 45Sah, aaa J, 5 7 3 Sali, Joeph, 5 7

Sai, Geore, 73Saley, Seve, Saed, Wlam, 146ar, omatio o, 8ai i oi reod, 1 81 9Steie ad, 186Stei, Geore 4Steo, Nola, 5Ste, a Jr, 00Steveo David, 8Stewat Tom 08 25S Fra Dam, Sa, Wliam , 89Srier, Chropher B 105trule o etee, 5759, 4, 5Steath, Roert 40 4

oi o, 8ad plaet orii, 7hriae o, 31

Set Craer 46Speme Cor, US, 3-35 59Srey, 59vival o he et, 50 57-59 4,

5-6, 3 See also aa eleio

Sma, Radal L 1 00Swa, Lle, 88wee pea, 1 70Swio, W , 5

tae o ato (Geei), 73-75

Taeli, Roald K, 63Tahmia, T N, 1 7tail chide aeedy o with 4Taa ma, 85Tar W A, 1 33Ta oil, 97, atoloie, 59aoomy, 37-40

ae o termioloy 43

Tayo Ro, 18Tehad de Chardi, Pierre, 88 86 4thet evolto, 58hermodyam

Firt Law, 3Seod Law, 6-63hoatherium 6Thompo R 38Thomo, Keth, 1 3Thomo Wliam See Kelvi, Lordhoht, a et o evolto 36Tieey, Kevi, e, 189ime 36odd, Gead T, 3

ombtone Epitaph 1 88olleome, 1 14Tope, dwad, 83oado weepi throh a yad

qoe, 74owe, Chae, 6ay, Speer 97 00 aerRNA, 66aitioa o, aee o, 9-19 4

1 6

aato devie ear, 7-73trilote, 37 44 155Tua, dar A, 1 69te, Re H, 98Tydal, Joh, 47

derwood, Arth, ormitaam, 560ited Sate Speme Cort, 335 59ivee, de , 4-9veiy o Chiao Diviity Shoo

6am, amlatio i oea o, 137amlead dai, 143-46 48her, Jame, 1 36, 09, 41

Vallo, H v 86 87va Ood, Pieer G J , 40Vadima, Larry, 33-34varato, i are 45-50 1 70Velovy, mmae, 58

vetiial oa, 4- 5Vihow Rdoph, 84, 85 89 90viio

ohemiry o, 33oor, 33evolio o, 3-34 oe, 37

voaoe, dri ad ater Food 7 191-9

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 328/330

Voltir 1 2o Br, Whr, 29 20 o Koigsd, G. H 8

Wg, Krl M 86

Wddto Cod 9Wd slls 8Wr Mich, 2 1Wc L 268wrbr, 8wtchkr" rgmt, -tr copy thory 0 1 2Wtso Jms 6Wtso Ly, 1 06Wdich, Frz 86 88

Wr Joth 6Wsr Js 1 12Wt F w 8Wst, ld , 1hs 1-1Wh Wlm 1 Whitco Joh 0 Wht m, 98 1 0 1 0Widrshm ort Widr rris Hwtho, 82


WildrSmith A E 2 66 2 Wlms Did 1 Wlms, L Prc 28Wlso E 20Widhorst, ogir A 128

Wswski Mr 2om, is of rly Diists o,

2262Woodmorpp Joh Woodrd Arhr Smith, 808 1 Woodrd Joh Wright Or 20Wright Sl, 1 1 Wright, Wlr 20

oph, 15

roslsky Eml, 22o, H 6ycc moth, 8ycc pt 8

Zh Adri 80 9 1 06Zinjanthropus 98Zckm Soly 80 00 8

3 2 1

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 329/330



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-Maggie Pascal, hos "Turng the Tide WCBM Batimore

8/4/2019 Tornado in a Junkyard 330/330







Mutations • tJe alleged builin block ta chang fish into en, ae now ki9V to cause /psses  of netic information,ot gins. hey ae

simpl copyi errrs in te enetic cde Evn te rare "ben�ficialmU!tions cited by evolutinists,sch ,as  the cauing:antibioic istancein baeria,ar� knwn toconstitutelosse ·of information This is  coveredbyDr Lee Spetner in is book Not ByChan ce


el,thought siple b in,are fr to coml�x to a ,beq , crea�by chn Cells equire thsands �of

derent proteins, thegeneic code,deies to translate the ce;a cellmembrane to ingest nutrient an

· '

Ebryo picture,alleged to ow 

como dct f anim

 ls and

me , ere fakes


:$�Vetigial orgas,euerated at :180 byDainists ntuago,are now known to ha functionslaim tat lood and· seaaer contain thesame amunt of salt s mpletely in errr.

£ai thsombaiere b6rn  witinipiet tils'is discredited'he· "tail a tuors

releae  wastes,  th ability to :rpru, etc ais alleed fis '3 SHAK 'cell could no have assebled and

E   VI  . EN     ,  E    Q  · peected these features i one' .�e.- ,,, � - . = ' �: . -- -' "�� .POtiT,10N . � . , " " -, �,=,:� -

Cejn bioloical systems,ch as ' :,  . ;'  ' . ".  " 

blood cloing nd the immune sste, • Mcrovoluton -mnor changs are  Q-tatis, the itin a yeof rgais, such as

consist of numerous interdependen ne dogs breeds or crnpas,Jhe removal of any ne of which  vari ties,  ar ci bainistscus� �he sstem to cese as vde or  unfed clane

  functong. If bood'clottng and the But variation is  not he same asimmunesyst m ·ad eol step bX rovou (trsfaionstep,amals woul� ave b  n of one aimal into another).desrOye  bYleedn an Iecto" % . . y " ,; "' q >before thesystems were peecte Suval of  te ttest does oTi is covee byDricl BeH i ?plain "arrial of the§st-it Dai's B lackBox ca explain reseation otraits,

Dis theoy requires  innumerable but not thei creaion transonal os: creatures aay

Similarities teenn a{deteen the variousstages of the aimals ( limbs,  etc are cited

b efSh  to" aroof ocoo ancstry '

Embatoret  toa  ,a. Ye But this is an ass umption /

such reatures do not exist i the Inlligentdesign also prQces

li ving  w or l;a9 evidence Jrom  th  , similari tie (For  s andMerc edes 

 fosil orld is sre at bt  ' e  whe�lsetc.)

GREAT WBSI FO ,MOR"E; , INFOMAT,I:  "nswersinnesis6rg creionesearhorg

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