top three tactics for great web design

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Top Three Tactics For Great Web Design

The era has arrived where old tricks in web design don’t score a

lot with people anymore. The scenario has changed in website

design and development has kept everyone clamoring for better

interface. The old way of designing cannot be relied on –

business owners need to upgrade how they present their faces to

the online public.

In light of this revolution in design, web design in UAE techniques must also correspond with the times so that better

business is ensured the whole year through. Without a sensible approach business,

Here are vital elements suggested by a team that specializes in web designing in Dubai, elements that you need to focus on for a more professional-looking website:


Website content has always played a huge role in attracting traffic. In order to be a traffic magnet, the content should

contain tags and keywords that are relevant. It’s not enough to just place keywords where you want them to appear.

Inserting them in the website content is recommended but their use also should make sense. Maintain considerable space

when inserting these keywords as it can appear like the content is overstuffed. SEO keeps track of the proper use of

these keywords in the content so as not to appear spammy.

When designing a website, the relevant information should be provided in the main window. Also, do not place a lot of

paragraphs and content in the main window. Learn how to de-clutter to achieve a simple but informational page that

people will love.

Website structure

Make sure that the website is user-friendly and that means, people can easily find the places where they want to go when

visiting your site. Navigation must be effortless. This can demand clear presentation of navigation buttons and links. A

development company should make sure that the site does not become a puzzle for its visitor. Otherwise, you won’t find

them again the next time. Chances are, they would be avoiding your website in the future. Navigation even more

important if you have built an ecommerce website in Dubai as this can create instant business with people who are

looking for products like yours if they can navigate easily through each link. Website design can either keep your

audience attention or avert it. 80% of attention goes to the area above the fold while 69% of attention goes to the left

side of the screen.

Device-Optimized View

These days, people access the internet over various devices. It can be from a personal computer, a smart phone or a

tablet. It is important to have the website designed to fit the screens of devices. However, it is not a one-off task. For

those who have experienced hiring a web designing company in Dubai, they know how these professionals use a

combination of techniques to allow a website to serve the needs of internet users using desktop or mobile devices to

access a site.

These tactics are doable and can be implemented. If you are looking for right web designing company in Dubai, contact


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