top 15 smartest and most intelligent animals

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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By: Floria Chacón M.

15. Sheep

• They make large groups and run away together from predators. Can remember and identify animal and human faces.

14. Pigeon

• They have a great memory that can recognise themselves in the mirror.

• Can remember hundreds of different images/photos.

13. Rat

• They have a strong social relationship, maybe stress even die after their partner died.

• Like dogs ca be trained to sniff out.

12. Octopus

• Octopus are the smartest among all invertebrates because they can change color in less than a second.

• They can use tool with their tentacles.

11. Squirrel

• They can remember their home by identifying trees, bushes, flowers, etc.

• Every fall, they bury a thousands of nuts in many places and they can remember where to find all nuts during winter.

10. Pig

• They’re one of the cleanest and odorless animals, they have emotion, sensitivity, hurt feelings and easily bored.

• Very sociable to humans.

9. Cat

• They can recognize radio, television. they can even check traffic before crossing the street.

• Cats can hear and recognise their owner’s footstep or stranger’s footstep.

8. Dog

• The man’s best friend.• Can identify and

remember animal or human faces.

• Dogs can be sensitive, jealous and they won’t forget someone hurting them in their entire life.

7. Parrot

• Parrot can mimic human words, understand the meanings, can remember many words and make sentences.

• They can answer simple questions and can use tools with their beak.

6. Crow

• They’re the smartest among all birds.

• Sometimes they put nuts on the street and wait until car or pedestrian crack the nuts, then eat the nuts.

5. Elephant

• Elephant can recognise themselves in the mirror.

• They use their trunk to take a bath, drink, get food, play, even use tool.

4. Monkey

• Monkey can imitate humans behaviour without training and if well-trained.

• Like human, they have egoism, vain, pride and strong relationship.

3. Whale

• They can find their relatives separated miles away in the sea for unknown reason but they have their own language to communicate.

• Whales can “sing” with their sound and can make many different “songs” in a good tone.

2. Dolphin

• Dolphin is the smartest aquatic animals, they can recognise themselves in the mirror.

• They use whistling sound to communicate with best communication system among animals.

1. Great Apes

• The 98% genes of the great apes are same as human, the smartest species is chimpanzee.

• Like human, they can kiss, snuggle, tickle, laugh, can count very trainable and have language.


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