top 10 smb questions of the week - 10/21

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Top 10 Questions From Small Business Owners This Week:


The network exclusively for small and local businesses

Each week, thousands of small and local businesses network together, generate referrals and engage in trusted discussions on Alignable.

Here are the top 10 discussions this week.

1. Can anyone recommend a t-shirt graphic designer?

See the entire conversation here.

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I see a lot of great recommendations here. However, if you find yourself still searching you can quickly see quite a lot of my designs in my POD collections here:

Or more specifically one of my client's POD merch stores here: Thank you for posting and much luck in all your endeavors.

2. Did you design and build your website yourself?

See the entire conversation here.

I'm a web designer so yes I built my own. If you are not a professional web designer I highly recommend having a good professional do it. Time is money and building a website is a lot of work. You could be working on your business instead of building your site. Plus a good professional knows how to do it right. There's a lot involved and not everyone who knows HTML really knows what they are doing.

The only exception is if your needs are small enough to go with something like SquareSpace or another online website builder. Sometimes I have potential clients come to me that just need a one or two pages site, perhaps a blog and they just don't have the budget. Even doing something like that yourself can be a lot of work, but sometimes you can get away with it at least for a time.

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3. Would you give a business referrals if they asked?

See the entire conversation here.

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If I did business with them and had a pleasant experience, yes, I would. I don't recommend anyone I have never worked with.

4. What's better – LLC or a sole proprietorship?

See the entire conversation here.

Most Engaging Answer I agree with every said here so far but what Mathew stated needs to be paid particular attention too. I have see so many people setup an entity for liability protection purposes and then not follow the rules needed to keep that liability protection. At the end of the day they could end up no better off then being a sole proprietor.

So my first piece of advise to be honest with yourself and ask if you are really going to follow the rules to maintain the liability protection. If not then you might be better off taking the money you were going to spend on the entity formation and purchase a really nice insurance policy instead.John is also correct, LLCs offer some flexibility to choose how you will be taxed and for those with profitable businesses it can make a difference. Just me aware that there can be a few more filing requirements with the LLC….

5. Has anyone used a referral business for lead gen?

See the entire conversation here.

We have used paid "Lead" Companies before such as Angie's List and found it not helpful. I really am looking for a site where it is more about the relationship building and getting to know what people really need more so than want. I always ask companies: What type of client do you need? for your business? We have yet to explore SEO or online advertising for leads. We refer a lot of business to companies that we know, like and trust because bottom line, my name is attached to the referral.

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6. How often do you use the ’three-foot-rule'?

See the entire conversation here.

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Yes, I have. The 3 foot rule has been around for many years. However, at times, it is misused. The person on the receiving end may feel liked they are been pounced upon or vomit upon with lots of information that the receiver is not interested in at the present time. So, here is what I suggest as rules for the 3 foot rule:

1) Pay a "sincere" compliment.

2) Use FORM (Family, Occupation, Recreation and Motivation) to connect.

3) Then ask, "Do you have 15 mins? I have something that I want to show you. You may or may not be interested. In my business, we call this the Dave Suvula approach - #1 in sales and networking.

7. Does your business benefit from the phone book?

See the entire conversation here.

I tell my clients not to waste their money on ads in the various print phone books. They are also overpriced. I think people use GoogleMaps, and can find the location of a business, the hours and can call directly from their smartphone. The idea of a "directory" for phones has been replaced with digital directories. They help with ranking but there are many to have to claim and update.

Be consistent with your "NAP" business name, address and phone. Pay particular attention to any directory that also allows reviews such as Yelp. Start with InfoGroup, Google, Bing, Yahoo. Use services such as Yext UniversalBusinessListing. for a done for you solution that requires a payment , hire somebody to do it for you or do it yourself.

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8. What would you tell students in college that want to start their own business?

See the entire conversation here.

No matter what kind of business you want to start, make sure you do your research. Check out your competition. See what you can do differently from the beginning to set yourself apart. Find your niche. When you determine what that is, never settle. Strive every day to be better than you were the day before.

And if you focus your efforts on solving a problem your target clients have, then you have the beginnings of a viable business. Also, be prepared for hard work. Running your own business is never easy, but it is rewarding. Good luck!

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9. When do you give up on a prospective client? 

See the entire conversation here.

Never. You learn how to handle with kid gloves. Give them space while staying in front of them. Space you drip campaigns out as not to be a bother but still enough to be a presence. Send them holiday tips, local events and fun stuff don't always pound them with strictly business. Show them your human.

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10. What's a marketing maxim that has stuck with you?

See the entire conversation here.

My best marketing advice is to win loyalty: Approach customers as if they are your friend. Treat them with respect, listen and never argue. There's no such thing as one approach fits all. Everyone is different with needs that are going to be inconsistent. Try your best to deliver their needs. If you can't help, refer them to someone else, even if it's a competitor. You will win their admiration and loyalty. 

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See you next week!

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