today’s agenda - ieee r10

Post on 03-Jan-2022






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Retention & Membership Growth

Fulfilling Expectations

Activity Suggestions for Local Sections

Open Discussion

Today’s Agenda

1 3/25/2014

This is workshop

We want your contributions

Give others chance to speak

Please note that….

2 3/25/2014

Retention & Membership Growth by Jamie Moesch & Om Perkash

3 3/25/2014

Comparative Retention Rates

Through the month of January, 23,386 of 94,041 student members had not renewed their membership

– Student member retention is running behind last year by 1.3%

– Graduate student retention is running behind by 9.6%

Location Higher-Grade

Graduate Students

Undergrad Students


Global 67.1% 40.7% 14.2% 57.0%

Regions 7-10 60.0% 39.3% 10.8% 46.7%

Region 10 59.1% 30.4% 6.7% 39.9%

Regions 1-6 72.8% 43.7% 26.5% 68.0%

Through January ‘14 …

Membership Calendar

5 3/25/2014

Memb. Year

Memb. Year

Aug Aug

Region 10 Student Membership Performance - through end of January 2014

REGION 10 Opportunity # Renewal % Renewal

Australian Capital Terr 97 49 50.5%

Hong Kong Section 364 183 50.3%

Shin-Etsu Section 30 15 50.0%

Singapore Section 515 250 48.5%

Sendai Section 93 42 45.2%

Victorian Section 352 151 42.9%

Macau Section 61 26 42.6%

South Australia Section 96 40 41.7%

Nagoya Section 146 56 38.4%

Xian Section 194 74 38.1%

Top 10 Student Retention

Bottom 10 Student Retention REGION 10 Opportunity # Renewal % Renewal

Madras Section 8125 204 2.5%

Pune Section 739 28 3.8%

Kerala Section 3969 181 4.6%

Karachi Section 331 20 6.0%

Hyderabad Section 3483 212 6.1%

Lahore Section 284 20 7.0%

Gujarat Section 747 54 7.2%

Bombay Section 3896 290 7.4%

Islamabad Section 438 33 7.5%

Delhi Section 2727 238 8.7%

Top 10 Student Recruitment

Bottom 10 Stu Recruitment

REGION 10 2014 2013 % Year over Year

Bangalore Section 1288 1463 -12.0%

Bombay Section 1230 1113 10.5%

Madras Section 1150 1125 2.2%

Delhi Section 1001 1342 -25.4%

Hyderabad Section 534 966 -44.7%

Kerala Section 585 1255 -53.4%

Beijing Section 223 267 -16.5%

Uttar Pradesh Section 289 177 63.3%

Sri Lanka Section 239 290 -17.6%

Malaysia Section 70 40 75.0%

REGION 10 2014 2013 % Year over Year

New Zealand Central 2 2 0.0%

Hiroshima Section 2 11 -81.8%

Sapporo Section 3 3 0.0%

Kwangju Section 4 4 0.0%

New Zealand South Section 4 7 -42.9%

Harbin Section 4 15 -73.3%

Shikoku Section 5 13 -61.5%

Taegu Section 6 4 50.0%

Kharagpur Section 7 1 600.0%

Sendai Section 7 6 16.7%

Vietnam Section 7 8 -12.5%

Fulfilling Expectations

7 3/25/2014

Focus on the Individual

8 3/25/2014

When we focus on “Membership”

the member and their needs get lost

in the crowd.

If we focus on the “Member” we strive to

satisfy them, on their terms

Truly satisfied members renew; truly satisfied members refer others to IEEE

“I feel welcome”

“My needs are met”

“I make a difference”

“I am the IEEE”

“I am a part of something


Representing IEEE Membership Properly

9 3/25/2014

Accurate representation of the benefits and opportunities of IEEE and Society membership

– Expectations matter

Membership development web portal:

– Powerpoint presentations

– Membership fliers, product sheets

– MD webcast registration, archives

– MD kit order form

Overall Student Member Satisfaction

Student Scoring 2012 Difference ‘08 vs. ‘12

Very Satisfied 23% +1%

Somewhat Satisfied 44% (3)%

Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied

16% (1)%

Somewhat Dissatisfied 11% NC

Very Dissatisfied 7% +3%

65% top box satisfaction is considered ‘world class’

Large base to work with, in the ‘somewhat’ ranking

Importance Top 3 Box* Satisfaction

Continuing Education Opportunities 82% 53%

Opportunities for Professional Networking 81% 51%

Awards and Scholarships 81% 46%

Online Career Resources 77% 50%

Interaction with other members 75% 48%

Local meetings with other professionals 72% 46%

* “Top 3 Box” = 8,9,10 / 10

Question for Chairs: What can you do this month to improve satisfaction in these areas?

Students: Importance / Satisfaction Gaps - Where your efforts can have an impact?

Students Including Graduate Students Segment Distribution

p 12






Segment 2 Students who have both the time and desire to be more active with volunteer and leadership roles, but have not been asked and do not know how to get involved.

Segment 1 Student members who are highly engaged and take on leadership roles.

Segment 3 Undergraduate students with

part-time employment who value IEEE’s career

resources, but do not feel it is essential to be involved

with the organization.

Segment 5 Members who are

dissatisfied with IEEE. They are unclear on the benefits offered and feel the role of

the organization is unimportant.

Segment 4 Student members who are satisfied with their current

connection to IEEE. They feel the activities are expensive,

but have interest in continuing education and networking.

What can Sections do?

13 3/25/2014

Audience-Driven Membership Program

14 3/25/2014

Undergrad Students

Approaching Graduation

Graduate Students

Approaching Graduation

Social Events




Networking Events (Young

Professional, WIE)


Development Activities

(Young Professional,


Technical Talks

Networking Events

(Young Prof, WIE)


Development Activities

(Young Prof, WIE)

15 3/25/2014

You must proactively contact your student branch chairs and student branch counsellors

If you don’t reach out to them, many students will never experience the potential of IEEE

Call on them! Don’t wait for them to call you

Engagement Ideas:

Use SAMIEEE to get contact information

Conduct an annual orientation/pizza party

Fill your Student Representative roles

Sections/Chapters must create opportunities for students outside their university ecosystem

The section is responsible for helping the students to connect with higher grade members in their area

Prove to students: IEEE is not just a ‘club’ at their school

Engagement Ideas:

Create events for them to meet with other student branches in their area

Offer speakers on technical or business topics

Offer them a point of contact for support

Hold local networking events

17 3/25/2014

Many students have difficulty travelling

If your events are in cities, and they are in rural areas, they will not connect

Conduct events close to their location

Engagement Ideas:

Conduct events at/close to universities

Offer to connect them to events via webinars

18 3/25/2014

Are their activites in your section you always wanted to improve but no one ever had the time?

Could a team of students have an impact?

Give them volunteer projects

Engagement Ideas:

Important: They like to volunteer as a group

Share a list of areas where you could use help

Let them offer their expertise

Many student branch chairs and student branch counsellors do not know what to do first

Properly trained chairs and counsellors have the ability to impact hundreds of members

Training, Training, Training , and Support

Engagement Ideas:

Conduct quarterly training (online or face to face)

Volutunteer training resources at:

Remind them they can contact for ideas or answers to questions

20 3/25/2014

21 3/25/2014

22 3/25/2014

Thank you

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