thirty years' war october 29, 2010 -...

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Thirty Years' War

Bohemian and Danish Phases

October 29, 2010

Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor saw war as last chance to reassert his power over the Princes of Germany

Thirty Years' War: why so mad?

Foreign Powers had eyes on German territory

Sweden and Denmark wanted commerically rich Baltic coast of Germany

Thirty Years' War

Bohemian and Danish Phases

October 29, 2010

French wanted German lands along the west bank of the Rhine

Spain wanted to help German Hapsburg cousin (the emperor) and resume war with Dutch!!

Of course the Dutch wanted to stay independent?

Thirty Years' War

Bohemian and Danish Phases

October 29, 2010

Immediate Causes: What were they?

Ferdinand of Styria became Emperoro Ferdinand II = devout follower of Counter-Reformation

Set out to destroy Protestant power in Hapsburg family lands of Austria, Hungary, and Bohemia.

He revoked concessions made to Protestants by earlier rulers.

When HRE Ferdinand II sent imperial agents to Prague to notify Bohemian Estates of these moves - trouble started

Defenestration of Prague

What did this symbolize?

Thirty Years' War

Bohemian and Danish Phases

October 29, 2010

Bohemian people elect a new HRE!!

so after deposing Ferdinand II, the Bohemians elect a Calvinist: Frederick, Elector of Palatinate.

He was known as the "Winter King" for his short rule .

Needless to say a short rule confirms WAR!

Bohemian Phase

Bohemians knew imperial invasion was imminent - so they appealed to Protestants all over Europe for help

Thirty Years' War

Bohemian and Danish Phases

October 29, 2010

James I of England sent money- but no troops

German Protestant princes sent NOTHING

Dutch sent money- but not troops

Ferdinand II had powerful backers

Spain = $$, Army

Pope = well the pope!

German Catholic princes contributed, especially Maximilian of Bavaria.

Thirty Years' War

Bohemian and Danish Phases

October 29, 2010

Maximilian of Bavaria

Made a deal with Ferdinand II, HRE.

They decided that if Max sent forces to help emperor and Bohemia was defeated, Max would receive Fred's seat on the Imperial election commission.

Thirty Years' War

Bohemian and Danish Phases

October 29, 2010

Nov. 1620 Catholic forces invaded Bohemia

Bohemians were crusted at Battle of White Mountain

Frederick fled to The Netherlands - Catholic forces occupied Bohemia

Protestantism was outlawed

Czech language was outlawed, replaced by German.

Spanish troops captured the Palatinate and electoral seat was given to Max!

1622-25 Catholic forces lead by General Tilly moved into north Germany - attacking Protestant lands... war continues

Bohemian Phase over- now onto the Danes!!

Danish Phase

Lutheran King Christian IV was PO'd over General Tilly's movements


King feared Catholic army would wipe out Protestantism in N. Germany then invade Denmark

England, The Netherlands, and France all worried about a new Catholic Empire that would upset balance of power

Foreign powers bribed Denmark to enter the war - Christian also had eye on Baltic coast

1625 Danish forces invaded Germany to take on the imperial army.

German war now became international war!

Thirty Years' War

Bohemian and Danish Phases

October 29, 2010

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