things you find in a medical bag. stethoscope the doctor can use a stethoscope to listen to the...

Post on 29-Dec-2015






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Things You Find in a Medical Bag


The doctor can use a stethoscope to listen to the man’s breathing.


The doctor is looking

inside the girl’s ear with an

otoscope. He is looking

for an ear infection.

This dog might have an ear infection. Poor doggie!

blood pressure


There is more pressure inside a balloon as it gets bigger.

There is more pressure in a

bicycle tire as it gets bigger.

Blood pressure is how “pumped up” the blood is inside your arteries.

A blood pressure cuff is used to see if your blood pressure is high, low, or normal.

It is very unhealthy if your blood pressure is too high or too low.


Someone is using a syringe to give the boy a shot—called an injection.

reflex hammer

There are nerves inside your body—including inside your knee ↓.

Knee nerves are yellow in this picture.

To test whether your nerves are working right, a doctor might tap on

your knee with a reflex hammer.

digital thermometer

You can usea thermometer to tell whether

you have a fever—you have a fever when your

body is too hot on the inside.

It is usually a nurse, or a parent, who takes your temperature with a



We put band-aids on small cuts and scrapes.

assorted bandages

We use bigger bandages for

bigger cuts and scrapes.

This person should have been more careful with

those scissors! They are sharp!


Bacteria are one kind of tiny germ.

Bacteria can be good or bad. If bad bacteria get into a cut, the cut

is infected. That is bad!

Never let a cut get infected!

We put ointment on skin for various reasons. One reason is to make sure

a cut does not become infected.

cold medicine

We can take cold medicine when we

get a cold.

Cold medicine does not stop the cold, but

it makes us feel better.

Please be careful! Never use real medicine without

Mama or Papa! If you take the wrong thing, it

could hurt you!

The End

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