they who would be gods

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 They Who Would Be Gods


    The Futility Of Playing God

    by Ian R Thorpe

    Having already written about the Scientific Dictatorshipand that secretive

    shadow government some like to call the Illuminati while others refer to them as The

    New World Order while I like to think of as Our New !nhappy "ords taking that

    name from a line in #$ %$ &hesterton's poem The Secret (eople) it is essential now to

    elaborate on that$ The Scientific Dictatorship it is not some conspiracy theory but a

    derogatory reference to an attitude in academic circles that at some stage democracy

    may become and obstruction to scientific progress and therefore will have to be

    replaced with a totalitarian global government of bureaucrats academics and senior


    *nybody who has paid serious attention to the rise of the global elites will

    recognise one of the most striking themes that recurs again and again is a kind of

    theology based on power and control that appears to be the driving force behind their

    globalist agenda$ This religion let's be really cheeky and call it Scienceology does

    Detail from Michaelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. God Gives Adam The Finger
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    not revolve around the worship of a single deity or a pantheon of gods as in the

    ancient pagan belief systems$

    Though the global elite fancy themselves to be academics of mythology and

    secret spiritualisms in the end they do not seek to worship a god+ rather they desire

    to be worshipped and to this end even as they rail against what they call magical

    thinking they utter the word 'science' as if it is the Holy and !nspeakable Name Of

    True #od and endows those who are enlightened enough to say it with mystical

    superhuman powers and infallibility$

    This hubris is best e,posed in the works of Technocrats -uturists+ and

    Transhumanists a community of eugenics obsessed academics who involve

    themselves mostly in pseudo . scientific fields that pretend to be able by means of

    mathematical modelling and statistically identifying or predicting future trends to not

    only foretell as ancient prophets did but actually control the future$

    In realitywhat their pseudo / sciences are about is manipulating events and

    controlling perception in effect engineering the future$ They hold that technological

    advancement supersedes all other social concerns and that old beliefs in the integrity

    of nature the sanctity of life and the values that have served civili0ations since men

    first stood erect must be constantly discarded to make room for the new the modern

    the scientific or the managed which they assume must be superior to what e,isted


    Our New !nhappy "ords are blind to the fact that change is not necessarily

    advancement and that technical innovation and social progress are not the same thing$

    -or Sciencologists evolution is not limited to biology 1yet they see no problem in

    messing up biological evolution as with cloning and genetic engineering both of

    which this new elite and their servants are very enthusiastic about$ They talk of

    natural selection but the survival of the fittest is anathema to themin their egalitarian

    socialist scientific utopia the fittest must be handicapped so they have no natural

    advantage over the weakest because the ultimate goal is that all will be dependent on

    the meritocracy$ The controllers must manage all$ The dogma of managerialism is

    applied to cultural structures as well as cultural values$

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    have to fall back on belief to support their argument$ The coup de grace of course is

    to remind them there is no room for belief in science$

    Here's another even creepier e,ample of the control freak thinking of these

    people this time the transhumanist >$&$W$ 7ttinger8

    9Humanity itself is a disease of which we must now proceed to cure ourselves8

    surely it will be an advantage to be able to turn off or tune out one's emotions at will

    choosing fully to savor only those that are en=oyable$;

    Or the fascistic 0ealotry of futurist 6arbara ?a, Hubbard8

    9Out of the full spectrum of human personality one.fourth is electing to

    transcend one.fourth is ready to so choose given the e,ample of one other$

    One.fourth is resistant to election$ They are unattracted by life ever.evolving$

    One.fourth is destructive$ They are born angry with #od$ They are defective

    seeds$ There have always been defective seeds$ In the past they were permitted to die

    a natural death $ We the elders have been patiently waiting until the very last

    moment before the :uantum transformation to take action to cut out this corrupted

    and corrupting element in the body of humanity$ It is like watching a cancer grow$

    Now as we approach the :uantum shift from creature.human to co.creative human

    the human who is an inheritor of powers the destructive one.fourth must be

    eliminated from the social body;

    Does she mean people like us me for writing this you for reading< She surely

    does$ Note the assumption of superiority 19we the elders; really< Who elected


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    Hu,ley's 6rave New World e,ist in a kind of emotional vacuum and conse:uently are

    vacuous airheads$

    The problem however is that the elites have forgotten to ask an eminently

    important :uestion8 Is the kind of control they hope to gain really possible< In

    Orwell's 2345 though the rebellious spirit of Winston Smith is in the end broken so

    that Winston learns to love 96ig 6rother; and Hu,ley's 6ernard ?ar, is banished

    from the 6rave New World to a primitive outpost in which dissidents and freethinkers

    are e,iled the message is that there will always be another Winston another 6ernard

    kicking against the pricks somewhere deep within the human psyche a flame will

    still burn$ Therefore it starts to look as if the new elite have not forgotten but

    deliberately omitted to ask the :uestion because they know the answer is not the one

    they want$

    Stepping delicately around the moral minefield involved in playing #od we do

    better to e,amine the science of the matter which is the only thing the elites care

    about anyway$ ?ost of it is not science of course psychology sociology marketing

    propaganda economics futureology 1how can one study that which has not happened


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    one must know every aspect of its present state$ *nd to understand the ob=ect's

    present state one must have absolute knowledge of it down to the very particles that

    make it what it is$ The efforts of the physicists at &7>N to identify the Higgs 6oson a

    :uest similar to looking for a needle in a haystack when first you do not know if there

    is a needle in the haystack second you do not know what a needle looks like and

    third you do not know what a haystack is show how far reality is from theory on


    To determine the future state of a particle like an atom one must know at the

    very least its position direction and momentum$ What Heisenberg discovered

    however was that any attempt to observe these :ualities actually changed the nature

    of the particle$ That is to say there is no available method for mankind to observe a

    particle's state without affecting it and redirecting it in an unknowable way$ ?ost

    importantly :uantum mechanics shows us that infinite possibilities defy the finite

    determinations control freaks demand$ 7ven the act of looking at a thing can abruptly

    change its state$ Therefore how can the elites believe it will ever be possible to

    control the environment in a godlike fashion if the essential tools the =ob do not and

    will never e,istussell floundering$

    The Incompleteness (roof principle became #odel's crowning achievement

    though it proved the e,act opposite of what he had originally planned to find$

    Ironically #odel's mathematical model established beyond reasonable doubt that

    infinity cannot be :uantified by mathematics and that there is no scientific formula

    that encompasses all things$ The proof does this using what we now call a self

    inclusive parado,$ * simplified e,ample of this idea is represented in this word


    If I lied then is everything I say actually a lie< If everything the speaker says is a

    lie then saying they lied was a lie thus not everything they say is a lie$ The circle goes

    on forever and defies logical e,planation$ #odel placed this pu00le in the form of an

    e:uation and ended the elitist delusion that all things could one day be

    mathematically analy0ed$ Now there are those who respond to this fact by :uipping

    that 9some things are unknowable until we know them;$ These folks do not

    understand what a mathematical proof is ironically 1again I love irony don't youussell a prominent

    supporter of the New World Order with visions of scientific dictatorship sought

    desperately to dismantle #odel's Incompleteness (roof even to the point of writing a

    massive three volume mathematical theorem the (rincipia ?athematica that fell

    utterly flat$ Fust in case you are not aware of what kind of man >ussell was here a

    :uote to educate you8

    9*fter all most civili0ed and semi.civili0ed countries known to history and had a

    large class of slaves or serfs completely subordinate to their owners$ There is nothing

    in human nature that makes the persistence of such a system impossible$ *nd the

    whole development of scientific techni:ue has made it easier than it used to be to

    maintain a despotic rule of a minority$ When the government controls the distribution

    of food its power is absolute so long as they can count on the police and the armed

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    forces$ *nd their loyalty can be secured by giving them some of the privileges of the

    governing class$ I do not see how any internal movement of revolt can ever bring

    freedom to the oppressed in a modern scientific dictatorship . 6ertrand >ussell The

    Impact Of Science On Society;

    >ussell e,pended years of intellectual effort in a futile :uest to disprove #odel's

    Incompleteness (roof because it threatened his globalist theology of human godhood$

    In the end #odel's Incompleteness (roof destroyed the ground under >ussell's feet so

    effectively that to his credit he eventually presented a parado, of his own to

    demonstrate the limits of scientific reasoning$ The 6arber (arado,is easy to

    demolish in real world terms 1as I have at the linked article) but in scientific terms it

    is another logical infinite loop$

    If the universe can never be :uantified in numbers then the elitists of the

    Scientific Dictatorship can never usurp the mystical deities of religions and replace

    them as all knowing deities$ This was proved before World War Two and yet though

    aware their goal is unattainable the intellectual elite continue in their insanity to press

    forward even though their obsession with scientific progress at all costs can be seen

    to pose an ever greater threat to the future of human civilisation$

    The theatre of war has shifted however rather than try to control the fabric of the

    universe to bend time and space to their will 1easy in mathematical model infinitely

    harder in reality) then their latest wild adventures in pretending to know the

    Bertrand Russell Al!ert "instein #mis!ehaving as if he $ne% it's all a &o$e

    and (urt Godel
  • 7/28/2019 They Who Would Be Gods


    unknowable is the e:ually futile push to control the human mind$ If they can control

    perception then they can manipulate the masses into believing that they are gods

    even if they never will be$

    The problem with attempts to understand and control the human mind come to

    grief once we understand that the mind is infinitely different to that physical organ

    the brain$ ?ost neuroscience is based on capturing the tiny side emissions from

    electrical pulses travelling along nerve pathways digitising them and converting the

    data into pretty pictures and interpreting those sub=ectively 1The Neuromancers)$

    *lready the nascent science of studying the brain has been ripped apart in many peer

    reviewed =ouranals not least by a research pro=ect that won an IgNobel award for

    tongue in cheek scientific research$ 9&raig 6ennett *bigail 6aird ?ichael ?iller

    and #eorge Wolford G!S* demonstrated that brain researchers by using

    complicated instruments and simple statistics can find meaningful brain activity

    anywhere even in dead fishes$ There is a serious side to this all atoms give off

    radiation constantly 1that banana is more dangerous than a nuclear power station) and

    we now have instruments so sensitive they can record such tiny levels of energy$ *nd

    the brain researchers are so eager to get the results they e,pect they are seeing what

    they want to see in the results rather than the very commonplace information that is


    (ropaganda and psychology can achieve only so much and many among the

    public see through this kind of thing :uite easily$ ?any more are indifferent that their

    leaders are blundering into a minefield blissfully ingorant of =ust how wrong

    everything we know truly is$ !ndermine the foundations of human e,istence the

    family community religion traditional mores and values too much and offer nothing

    of substance to replace them and people become nihilistic and self destructive$ No

    doubt some Scienceologist will demand that I produce 'evidence' to =ustify this

    statement they are very fond of demanding 'evidence' and of telling us that anything

    which challenges their point of view is not acceptable evidence$

    If anybody re:uires evidence of the kind of social breakdown being brought

    about by the new elite's social engineering pro=ects that person is clearly not in touch
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    with reality$


    Never Let Me Go - Wikinuts

    6arack Obamas announcement of a J2KK million brain.mapping pro=ect*sThe New *mericanrightly highlights whenever D*>(* is involved we can e,pect thatthere will be creepymilitary applications $ $ $ like mind control$(lants Doing ?athematics< I Think NotSlaves To The ?achineLuantum Soul8 Is 7ach Of !s * (art Of The !niverse&an @our 6ody Sense -uture 7vents Without*ny 7,ternal &lue

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