~thern u~ 145 news octoberthecroppie.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/nun145.pdf · lit ufos fro....

Post on 02-Oct-2020






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90 ~

IIT EHT: U .. ,w.l .fm.l'n-.... 1'1" ... .. 1'.2 ...... r .... .., !.>et,, !!: too crlti c"l? .. p. C lrC")'''.lon 11" ...... I',~ ... u.,yo"d lhQ UFO Con.p l roc y .•. 1'.11 .. Tro.,J,l<. wlt.h tb .. " .. Ll\or. . . l'. 1 0 ... OY ... · .... " .. c" ....... 1 .-0 .. " on ' ''''''' , . "d .II"Yhda , USA . . • pI 1 •.• x.. .. 1"",, ... 10" ..... 1-'.11 - 1 4 ... B.- I .. f "" ..... " fro .. Cl.o .... lolro. L""", .... h l .. .. , 1 ... lc .. "'t"n.hll·u,~ort.h"'''t. .. Sc:",l l" .. d ,S LL.( i ..... l"c l"d l "K too .. tn'''I:I"' GeI" .. d I ll", uJI!Lt ... 1', l~ c.:..1I" llh: lO ."y... ... , .... .. "'ght l,,1:S ["r "n ... boJu"'t .... "" "" .. l'· ... ll"" lNdroo", con tac t " .......

~·I m;:ATUB&1I'1I: 1,'0,,0 C UIiA OI.S IU'ATII STOCICyQlIT C IlESHIRE SIfGl. ... .ro 51(3 OUt'

Mor~her" UFO Me ..... , -:r _ R. Co ........ n t s. .. ApolofIles "8l1in For the delttys; "lthoullh there 1s hope on the horizon th"t n"xt issue .,1111 be back to 5chedul ... I can only thank <111 of you who h<l~e lient _51SlItfes of etlcoure8ement erul oFFered other help in the Pll5t yellr. Thi s ""' ... lOo_th lnf! I will not ForlIet IInd your edvlce IoIOS In,, trumenl ll l in lily decision to c<lrry on. Doubtl ess the Full story of wIlet took pIece 101111 eterlIe one d .. y . but I _ lelIlfJiy oblJ!fed not to diliCUSS e vents. However, liS e IIen"re1 rule, lIn d certeJnly _lInJng nobody in pllr ti cul llr.r ...... ber Ihi5 ;- journlll1sts C,," 5 .. r10U61y d"_8e your lIealth .

In " recen t lette .. BUFORfI .. I n~e .. t1gat1on coo .. dinato .. fo .. Nortll Wales "nd he .. sel( a lonl)hrll .. Uness to ""my clot;.. encounters sll1d the follo"ing;~Why don · t certotn lnvest1go10rs (she "".ed so ... - but 1 won't! -f:dl conC l!nt"olt;, lhelr energies ond 1ntellige nces On c osos such oS 900". Skel-er .. dal e, Llmc6 (1"s t lssu~). They cOllv"nlentl y f org",t lhell. Non ... ,,} 011 ver Is right to .. ay th"l ou .. UFO 0"g"n16"tlon6 ...... e foundud l a Inve6tJg<lte thuse S or 6 "1 of UNKNOWNS. Leavo the psychological, g,,0 10g1col, bolonlc lOl stu ff to those conventionel e xpe r t s .. ha ore quollfled In th ...... rlelds ond conc:cntrote On wh .. l we ere supposed to be exp .. rlll cm, f or l llera .. ra nO othur". I ogree one h06 to try to ell,o1nllte what 0 sIghting or growld trbces lIi8ht be,but hovlng re"sonsbly eatobl 1611ed the cota!!ory, try to p08 .. 11 onto scientif I C astobl1sh..ents or individuo16. (Those 'd .. bunking style UFOlog l sts) are nice enougll Ind 1>o1dua1s lJI\en you meet th .. _, but I honestly do not thi nk their _y of leckltng tha subject Is wt}b t t hll UFO IIIOve_n t I s ,,11 "bout . ~

I would be very i nterested i n hearing yo ... r vlewtl on wIl"t I belJeve Ma"g".-e t has identified 8s perhaps the key t saue, "nd one _ .. r .. thlnH ng t oo little about. For the record here is .y tI.lO penneth.

We DO h"ve a responGlbil1ty t o direc t UFO e ... illenCII - when It Is .-oleven t - toward ... inst reo .. sc 1enclI. Thot 1s why r h • .ve bueu sO i nterested i n t he c .. op circles (which, with reservatIons, I 6tl11 beli .. ve a r e explaIned by extend!,,!! the boundo .. 1e .. of kn o wn otmospheric phy.li csJ. H 18 why I concede th"t we should belet edly aclmowled!!e the con t ributions to UFOloSY in ter .... of pheno .... n .. lIuch .. s boIl lightnlng: .lnd optica l "ffects spelt out by eo-c .. lled debunkers Hk" Phi Up Klass .lnd Steuo.-t C"lIpbs l]'

~ere they .... y h"va been "t rsult, end whe re thure III dangur regord1ng the ,"",eden Vortex theory for c .. op Ci rcles ..nil lIFOs,is in trying t u u6e the discove .. y t o expl .. in eVII .. ythlng a_y.

H _y be lh" t fro. 'Crop Ci rcles; A Mys t e .. y Solved' Pa ul Fuller and I will lit"nd occused of tll " t.However, I litress the tllle Wos NOT uur propu .... l <woo celled t he book ' Thll ALIen D .. luslon') end ..... see It .. p .. oblell6.Fo .. the reco rd,l think th .. vo r tex that l'Ioaden h06 Identi fl ed I s 8 key t o ...... y unexplained UFO c .. ses In verio"" clI.t"gorles (espec1 .. lly trace .. , car stops "nd physioloSlcfl l efhet6) but it 1s p061t l vely NOr a unlver"o l p .. nocea . It reduce" the 51: of uno xplalned "ese6, I bullave, but It p .. obabl y w1l 1 NOT ellJO.1note the .. oltoguthor. bc""uGC the UFO phano.enon Is 0 calch­al l t e ..... for 0 range of diff .. rent unidenl1f:1ed event .. "nd experiences.

P"ul ond lore HOr allesing that the /'I80do n Vortex I S TIlE "n6Wer -ju"e on interesting <probbbly slg:nlficant) port of Jt:o llhough In t"r .... of 'solvlns' t he basic c r op ci rcl e .yst .. ry things might I>e diffe .. en t. lie would URGE people not to .. rgus tha l .... hove all of t he an"wcr ... My pbp"" lit the Sheffield confer .. nco did no l discuss 't he d""th of UFOlogy' bllCliuse th" Heoden Vortex h .... k1lled it oH.hther I .... " suggesting tho n" ... UFOlogy Is too lied to Ono theo .. y (t he ETlU for it to be o ther t hen .. .m.Ill"tone.

Northern UFO News 3 -

H"ving " .. id th"t , I48rg"ret'" point c"nnot be ignored. There re ... in borfl1ng coses - o f which thll object seen lit Skel.ersdll le Is ccrt"inly one. IF reports like th i s "re bon,,-flde ("",d "" we 011 know the l1kl1hood thot they "re ,,11 ho""es 10; "1.o,,t nll) then .... need "",re th"n .ere "tooo"pheric phtmomeno to solve the riddlell.

H MY t>e tl'u,l cerl oin otJlO"pberlc ph"ILU"""l1, -I .... t, U"!!" "tot"" of eonsciou"ness, ore' "ble to offer up clues. However, none of UII elm rule out th"t so.,ething dlfrore"t (or strlllnger) l1e" behind 0 rew percent of the clI"e" ond - however strongly WO lIIOy di''''gree ... lth th"t perception "" IIn indlvldue.l - .... heve 0. r esponsibility to e""..tne "nd deb"te ALL opt i on",

Reeder" o( .. y "'lrk o ften criUci"e _ (or flit ti ng ebo .. t "nd looking lIt UFOs fro. so ~ny conflicting engle&.O .. t I do thi6 on p .. rpolle.For It 1" the only flllr ""y to study 11 perplexing IInd bewJldering orray o f divergent s ubjects such lIS our".Ellcn explor"tion o r rer " ne" plecee to the puz~Je and ~y vhlttle .. wooy .. t th"t folllOUS S:t of unknow,.II,.Whether thlls. trips round t he elephllnt will ever gilt uS 10 01 "nd full understond!ng - who kno",,?

I thInk it ....,rth IlenUoning 11 lecture I g .. ve to HUl"ON in Ddl"G, TexoG,lllst ye .. r . A very p",recptl~e ...... ber of the .... dlence "sked _ whftt "' .. s the one 61"gle question I 1II06t ",,"ted "n "ns...., r t o "'Hhln the UFO field. My reply wns - "nd .. tIll re~ln6 - 11\110; Are there "ny lnteJJJsefJr:e6 other lh"n our 0"" lnvol ~Qd jn ANY UFO c ..... ?

"'03 .... y " .. ch think "'''' cen "n6..-er th .. t question in our 0'"'" lIind, but In truth none of us .. re re"Uy "bla to do 60 ... Including t he "bductces! --------------------------------------------------NEWS ROUND UP,

:: R"'''de r Glynn WHlt,,_ suggests th .. t so ... of Ih" td"ng .. l"r UFO cose" ..tght be c"UGed -by the S ... AO 35 Dr"ken - 11 Dllnish Atr Force rtgMer lh"t looks ... tt bl"ck "gll1n&t thll " ky "nd Irillngul"r in ror. III .... st .. "g:es.He IIllege" ih .. t they fly "cr088 l'Ie North Se" during N ... TO sxercl"l!s ""d .. re BuUiciently n'r!! ""d unusuol t o possibly le .. d to confusion. Any thoughts?

.. Ne_ h .. s re .. ched ...... bout LFO 90; IIn " nnu,,1 g .. therlng st Hourne Fftr .. in Crowborough, Sussex tOcce.ber a '" 9). It prOoUses 'fl1.., slIdes, close e ncounter", .. bductionfi ""d I1nll - ~rlllvlly ' ( .. hould bo ftn upUfting s"perience then!). Lec tur.,rs include I'Iorg .. ret Fry, Nor.",n Oliver, Don Goring, Ron "'e5t and other. ,,,,d it ... 111 be ET1l1oc:cup"nt or1ent"ted.O .. y visitors (1nc ~uding

veget"rlen .. eds) £39. Roo .. included .cS3. Red .. c U ons for OAP; "nd unelllployed.P"y ... nt necesflllry in "dvlmce.Cont .. ct;- Al"n l111ton Hit;hl .. nd Ch", Gr .. vesend Rd Shorne lenl oA I 2 3n1 T: 041-,(82-3278 (11. only>.

:: further "rield pupers "re BOught for TREAT III - tha conference IIf the 'Trellt_"t IInd reGearch of a~perle"csd "no .... lous tr",,-'. Thi. 1s lIo&1clll1y AlMlric"n style "bductee resesrch involv1ng the psychology and p"ychhtric profession: he"vy on th"t .. spec t bul open to no .... c l1 nlc1""o. This even: will be at University of Kttn60S in KlInGlOS tHy betvcen 5 ""d 10 f!!arch 1991 (YES - SI)( DAYS OF ~.T ~ !!) Anyono interoeted in pre,;;ent!ng 0 p"per or "t tGnding contllCI : - Rill1ll L"ibow 13 SulllJll.1 l Terrllce oobbs ' Ferry NY 10522

:: New cll t "logues to hond orR the Illtest fro. Arctur .... (1'0 lIox B31363 Stone Mountll!n GA ~OQ6:'1-00Zl) - with ,,11 t ile l "teot A."" ·l "",, t1u .... , .. A"d o ne .. service 8 8raddon Ave

A" rdv"rk UrOlSt on

Oooks (or how to get t n the y"llow Peges rirst ) ,,1; ­Ikonchestar 101 WE - with &<>_ sa<::ond hnnd b"rs"lns

Northern UfO News

CIRCULATION WARS ,,""" " SI ~ ~ .. ?~ '!fi"""".. \'~ \ '1~~1 C:=:' .. ,< ... ~.

As you .. us t h .. ye noti<: .. d the <:rop drcle pheno .. ellon hes grown like e r,,",p .. nt "lDOeb.. to t ho point where it now h<l.e 8n undercurront of publicity, bickering .. nd bo<:k-stebhing of which UfOlogy would be proud.

The Inevltehle resul t is 0 flood of books (s"Yeral IIIOre known to be coiling ln the ne"t rew W\leks) end the birth of a new _8"2ine genre. No le"5 th"n three tu'''''e suddenly sprung to Ufe. So what' .. on offer fro .. the.?

'The Cereologlst' (as lts na_ implles) l s the IIIOst imp r essi ve looking, but 1i0 ........ y find it at t1_11 11 bit pretenUoua. H."" ... to tre .. t the fIeld as IIn esoteric .. r t. Edltor iD .John Hl<:hell . &o you know up front the s tyl e I'Uld (lavour,IInd It Is well wr itten .. nd extreMiy neat i n preaent .. tion over its 20 typeset 1\4 p .. ses. The content 1s .. ah:ture; r .. nglng froa 1ntereatins Forte .. n <:o_nt .. ry by Bob Rl<:kBrd. t o the tongue in <:heek (1. he heing lIerlous?) type of plece On the' W plllce n,UM connection' which R .. lph Noyes does .... 11 Bnd onto so .... quite weird stuff .. bout pendulums .. nd herHt 1<: ... There .. re .. <:ouple of pie<:es by George Wingf1eld also. Plus itll "here of "rr Orli .. nd per .. om.l .. Ullck IIgllin .. t tll .. 'I.'(!~ther theory' o r its supporters ( .. nyon" who re .. d Hi cll .. 11 ' s outlandish For t enn TIlDe .. revi ew of 'Controversy of the Circles' will find IIKIre of the ........ with bells Qn).

An int eresting Journey on the outer "dg .. s "C 'cereolo!!y' Its not ch .. "p (£2.5"0 per issue,or £7.50 for 3: fro_ 11 POwl S Garden" London W11 I.JG

M.lddle of the ro .. d f .. re i a of fer ed by the neatly titled ' The Clrcuisr ' - wh i ch h .. 1i 110 visible pretentions .. t .. 11. A 30 page photocopied A4 offerlog which io' . .. Uegedly frea .. t present ln l1a.1ted n..-ben; (altho ugh [ .. uspe<:t .. ..... bs<: r iplion .... y follow) thill on. takes no re .. 1 line at all.Ediled by .. freehnce local journalist ... 0 h .. " forllled 'the drde network' tt 1 .... pot pourr1 of pres" cuttlngs r eproduced whole (eg the Wln!!f.leld "15 Me .. den deb .. te, where eech got .. pege In the Independent to expreli e th .. !r <: .. se) .... d ganeral ite .... of t heory, co_nt end reporting. The first l a .. ua doean' t hnv .. e lot new to ""Y. but I ....... quite I .. pressed with the ""y it .. "neged to .. void the personlllily cl<lslles that are getting In the .... y of 1h\l fac ls and fo<:us on the ' bewtlderment' of t he clrclus. This will l1ke1y be tile <I08t objecti ve sour<:8 of all three, with no app~ren t " "e of 8ny kind to gr"ind. lI'hether thot will be .. n "dy .. nt.'ge Or di .... dv"nt ... ge for it., <:on1en1 only tlae "U1 t ell.

Limited nu",bers avoUllhle "tlh la'"l:le SAE fro .. noh kingsloy 58 Kings Rd \lest End Woklns Surrey GUZ 4 9LW

Fln .. lly. comes a .... 1:I .. 21n<l on tile other br .. n<:h of th .. 1re e ..... J.th .. ny pretenSion .. lIi ..... d de"r l y ti t the s.dentifl<: Bid .. of tho lIubJec t .. nd in support of the He .. den theory. As its editor Is P .. u l Fuller th i s ill allly to b. e"pected. ' The Crop Watcher ' Is "g"ln A4 , 60_ 32 P"S8. long .. lid pro.lses a bl-a.onthly schedule. sa will certa.1nly be .. roUlld DOr. oftell 1h811 the other two.H la printed .. i.Usrly to UFO Br1ganll .. IInd ita .. ly l 8 of pr .. sent .. Uon is akll1 to Br lgl'UlU" .. g .. 11I In so"", ""YII>. Thts "", .. nil you ... t11 probahly love Or h .. te It. However, it will fellture ..... "ty chunk .. of ne .... ,detIl1Jed reports on <:1rcle inyell>UgaUo"s (Qoug Coopar wrJtus in deptll hore on .. 0 .... new Devon c ircle .. and yours trul y revle"" 1990 c .... es out .. ide of Wa .. se~). There wll1 be regul8r updstec 01\ the _teoro101:11c,,1 r e se"r<:h Into vorU<:e .. frea Dove Reynolds . ln<:isi ve co ....... nts on .. supposed coyer-up of a hornil lOutll"lJoo 8t S 1990 cir<:le sUe in W ... tbury lire o ffered by CUve Potter .. nd there 1 .. " good de,,1 o f crHJc,,) .. tuff about etller cir<:le re .. etlr<:herll (we ... y .. 11 benefit by Ihdtinl:l t his I n future 1n r .. yeur o f even IIIOr .. h .... d e vld .. ncel.

'The Crop Wtltcher' coat .. £1. 25. or £.7 for s1"', frota: - 3 Selborne Court Tllylstock Close Ro .... ey 1I ... pahl re 5051 7TY


An inte"est1n!! ite .. come to ale froll .. ,-,o .... n In CtlL H ornlo who hod relld "'Y book: 'The UFO CU,,"pi"BCy', He r story 16 05 folloW>;.

In 1986 she .. et " <;er t" ln Dr 0 (full nu",,, glv 'lI\) f or 11 busin .. "" vent ure concluded two yet.,." lllt ..... llfter becoll.ing fir,. friends c offee breok d16<;,,,;oo1ons turned to the 'hot ' subject of lWOe.Or 0 """ "lleged 'f .. sclnated ' with the 1"lIy'6 ire lo ..... rds tha US governlOsn l 'cover up ' of UFO dal ... She knew lh /lt Or 0 hod 11 bockground in c1,,, .. dfJed IIllitory research wilh NASA and woe (l uan! in ... ny 'ene.y· h ngulIses ("8 RUIi!'!lIn) . lle cl.1_d t o h .. "" " .... y high 1." .. 1 ... c"~Hy cl" .. ranc .. f o .. hi" CrA ..., ... k .

She olIeges th" t he ho .. confirmed to he r _ny "specte o f the Gecret project into UFO .. l udy end I or ""plu.-e of UFO" etc. She only took h1_ oer10uol y when on .. <lily he _8 appro .. ched .. t tha o rric .. .. ith a ail1l .. .-y lelesr .... ..nd ..... 0 .. oked to prep .. re f or i,,_dl .. te dep .. r t ure t o the Chernobyl IIrell In lh" ...... k" of the nucle .. r accident there; IIlthouSh thl0 did not occur.

Unfodun"tely, .. fter p .. omil!\lng t o leD .. very g .. e .. t de .. l she .. l1esedly le .... nt f'· .... Dr 0 ( .. 0 S llll .... s no t bound by .. ny sove .. nmenl) th" wo.,,,n hlls now cl "UIlI.ed up. All I Clln tell you 10 thllt oeyo D.- 0 independently edvi1>cd her t ho t tha r .. " oo<", for the cover- up ARE very .. uch thoso o utline d in .. y book (1e,1 preou,"e, thet the pOlOero thot b" " re e fr " l d o f .. dmltins thei .. lock of conlrol ,,00 I1l11t .. d kn o lOledge "nd th .. t an inte.-..ctlv8 lons -ter .. ' educ"lion proS ... " ....... ' 10 und .... w"y l e lldin8 eventuIIlly la .... evel .. tion).

lie lihllll oee. Hellnwhll .. I hllve p"o~ed the wo .... n ' G "ddress onto bon" fide oOurCes In the USA end .... ybe they will sel .are Infor_Uon 011 Dr O.

F;R-YOU ~--;~~~~~~~----------~ ~ ~} )~~---

Major ar t icles el sewhere

One ne .., lIHJs"zlno Co reporl this ls .. ue is 'The "11d PIeces ',edlted by Ke":in fok Clure. Those of you <ofi o re",.,.,ber the excell ent ' Co",,,,,,,, Ground' obich rt:msed over lII .. ny "spects of tlie p"ronor6Hd until three or four yellrs "go "nd for II UlIIe ..,lIS II very s erious p"rt of the ASSAl' output 10'111 know what to ex pect . Thi" is ,dfecUvely ' Co."...n Ground' r""idled, IJith the ""_ .wilor, te .... of contrihuters end 105 forll>llt. The first issue 11"5 Hilary E"ans 011 tI,e ote>dern "'ytho]oSY o f lIbductions,Mlchael Oo .. s on Sp l ritualistic _s""6"s ~nd plenty of snips I!Ind short co_nl"ries on CUrrMt topic .. such liS the Satan chi l d abus. $tories.Once It set$ into il$ .a.entUlII I think t his i s Bo1nS to be lJ very ..... Ico_ resurrection. Plly.ent (to Kel/ln He Clur ll) is £1. 75 ~or trtll] Issue or £6 for .. ye .. r (ie Four), (uS equi" .. lent is S5 I!Ind SZO - Out 8ILLS only,not US cheques).Fro~ -

2Q Tre.beer Rd St Austell CornWflll PL25 5NY

1lF0 Tille t> Se p (6 :Issue .. , with BVFORA Bub; £16 - 103 Ho"" Av .. London El7 71-1G) Features ~ f~scinlJtinl! interview ..,Jlh Hor.mrd BlulIl;Afler l c an author of 'Out There' (see books thil> iS6Ue). Plu6 it vcr! j ",pc,..t"nt CE ~ hypnO$J .. "CCOWlt.

MACONIA O!::t {4 issues, £( fr oIU 5 r ..... es Ter .. ~ce London SW14 6l1D) A 'lne iSlme this one. Con/lJJns an unu .. ual1y luc1 d acco llnt by Peter ROBerson of the s:ate of JJ>Odern l/FOIO!IY via redelo'S of curr ent books, a superb JW$tJficlJtion of the FlJiIure of tile psy cho- soc1 lJl e ve l uaUoII of e/xluctiOlls by'£ddie BulllJrd, a counter r eaction by Dennis St111lns .. and a perceptive OF fUlld~tel1y fIllwe</) critJque of the Maaden vortex by John Rl_r.

Northern UFO Ne .... 6 -

UFO DEBATE o<:;t (6 !o;aues, £8. 50 fro. 40 Stubbing Woy, Shlpley, 11. YkG 11018 2E2) No", Sane to A5 foraol lik e NUN (but still ",Jlh I1>IJddll1ling l"rge lett .. rs every olher '-'Ord - why???) . Qui te " r"nSe of stuff "nd " f"sdn"Uns re"d th"so u"ys, asped"Jly ",Hh DtJlliu B"rcl"y's 0..., peculi"r brllnd of UFOloSY.

HUf"ON ]ourm.l (12 h6Uea, $30 US: 103 Oldtowne Rd, Segu1n, TelC"s 76155-"099) Despite the cle"r ET nlll/our of th" sroup tJnu their endorseJlellt of G<JJf Breeze edUor Pennif. Stllcy ensures this is 411 IlIIporhnt "nu btJi"nced lMfI"zine _Jl '-'Orth r""ding. T1le Ju1y,Au15 "nu Sept issues include (".onsst .. uch "l s e) e" sily th" lIIOst detoiled reports on recllnt BII1Sllln sightinSs.

Orbiter ] u1 (No price quoted. bl-lIIQnth1y, ~ 3 Hl>.rrison St, Re"ding , HA 01867) This htJrd- h i ttins and objective US public"tion r""i,,...,. th" controllersJ .. " of the AmerictJn scene in " IIery British ""'y {" cOlllp1iacntJ "nd un"Fr"id 1o ""y thinss _ 'd prob"bly be sued for If HUN """'"" to endorse tha.. £xcellent.

JUST CAUSE Sap (S20. (or ~ . fro .. PO BOX 218, Co ventry eT 06238 USA) CrHJques of Hl-J2 "nd det"iJed bllcksround to 'Out Ther,,'. The cover-up quile sl!1ls1bly IIn"lysed by Barry Greenwood .. nd Larry Fawt;eii ""'ose clllssic book 'C1e"r Intent ' hlls been r " pubJi5hllu i n the US ... . Worth your IIttention.



our ruERE HOWlJrd 8lua Slo.oo .\ Schuster CIZ.95 300 pp 1990

Mother "-_riclln iaport (this tillM! published In the UK first!}. Blue Is 11 highly respected fra"l"nce journalist lotio is In no ""'Y" UFOloglsLHallJng _de 11 TV pr08rll_ 14th hi. (or the B8C ..nen we wcre ellch protaOUng our raspectJ v" ne'" books I got the distinct i"'pre5sion his kno"'leug e of the field i s r llther suparflc1"j {md hi,. interast in it nOlle too over.me1o>1ng.

' Out There ' :le <Jctu<Ji l y a buu.l; abuut the US SOllern_nt funding of the sellrch fnr extrll- t errestri,,] life IInd WOs crop up oftsn. but only liS .. key ioc1dant .. l . Do not expsct .. ny siSni ficllnt rav elatlons, even thoUfIh the text keeps 1e .. dlos you to .. ~~Ot.;poli! th .... Als" bear In alnd It is per ochl .. ..l ,,--,"lcan stuff Mlere IIFOJoSY IS IU-J2.Ros-.11 tJnd co"er-ups.Not that Blu. nece6sarily believes Ih/I< lot {JIs hllrd 1o kilO'" fro. the book IOhlll he does bell.II.).But thllsll "ra the PllwnS in .. chess S""'" which this text p1 .. ys.

"-lthoUlfh I Slither yet .. nother TV serlel< _y be ill tile offing (bl>s"u on o.-hllt I find diFficult to i_gin s - liS this is hllrd1y .; dllSitlllg true story li k e GulF Sreez:e or ColllJltunion) For _ Sll110 s lIld littJlI we don · t 1I1reody kno",. One respected US UF010g:ist hIJ!J <:hosUsed BIWll for errors "nd wIlllsl it Is " l _ys interestins to hOlle 11 ~rspectllle Fro. 11 non-UFO sourCe (who c1 .. 1 .... he ..... s IIpprOtJched by 'sollern_nt .o l es' "nd senlOe,. dl51nfor .... Uoo .. I work) I found the book 11 bH tepid IInd only f:itFully of intereGI .

THE AVELEY ABDUCTION !]FOI N ClJ~e Report '0 pp 111uGtrll~ed AS bookle t 1990

Ho ... here 15 relll UFOlogy you CIlO 8et your teeth inlo. The IUN recently t ook oil er the In-depth UFOIN files, Iodl1ch ..... re very dehJiad studis,; of lJr:itll<h clos e encounters ..... de between 1977 IInd 1981. They CII_ from 11 to ..... of fre ll111nce ""'rk.r ... _ny t hlUl (""d so.., ,..till now) 8UFORA "ccr"dlteu inllestis"tors, ,"",0 h"d siaply sot loselher (like the IUII todeyJ to work OUTSID£ the structure of a For,...l sroup to better Inllestis .. Uon stBndardti.

Northern UFO Ne ..... , -

Hos e of th~ c ases !.'ere published in F5N <It the /il/le under Cluu'l as Bowen's editorship ("'ith " f"r_l F5N- UFOIN "sree"",nO . The CIIS" fi les ... ere housed in Nottinsh"/D by so,"", UFOIN I1JIDtlbers IInd IIlIJde occessible to " i l in /J

'rese"rch centre' "'hi eh e ven IMd livIng &ccomodotJon for ions-Ierm rese&reh ""'rk. But they be.:al!li! iess /1 vHll abJe "fter UFO!N lIlarged ",it" BUFONA (~ /IIOve Ihese fe'" disagreed "'ith ; allhoush It ""''' voted for by the other W01N """"bers).So we tried 10 retrieve theJll.De"pite th" pieos of most of the s tll1 ac ti ve UF01N members the Not/ing"o" group (J o lly refused, but profllised to ret~jn Ihelll available with open access. We tried again three ye&rs ago "nd .... ..nl to NolUngh"IIl, but were only /111o ..... d 10 called the NUFON files to re-house. <It Hanchesler UnIversHy. Thay woul d NOT g i ve up the UF01N records.

The I UN edItori,,) slale""",t in this bookiet di s turbed ,"e ("s founder flfJd secratllry of WOIN) because 11 l11lplles that"""" ll1]owed I "e fIle" 10 (as the booklet puts it) 'gother dust' unll1 the IUN rescued Ih"'" frolD obscurity. They no'" hopa to finance their "vollllbllily by sallin8 cop;es.

No.., 1 do not in "ny ',"' y object to the IUN having thesa f{les,,, .. sura IhtJ! UFOloSY ..,ill ben"flt fro .. better Ilce"ss and good ctJra and do nol even distJpprove In principle to Ihe IVN "", k ing ltIO{]ay by reproducing bDeklats ""ch ",. Ihls (tJsswaing Ihay tJsked p"rflli ssJen fro," Ihe originol invesl1lS"tors "nd F5R to do so ~ in "hich c"sa It would h a ve been nice to see" • postscript' to updo/e ""cl, Cbse). Neverthaless, i I ..... s i"portanl Ih"I readers not be ,"is1e",/ Ih" I Ihesa UI uS still proud of Ihe WOrN initJ"l1va sil1lply lorgot Ihis herit"ge ...., creatad and did nol c"rc aboul the files .

As for ttJis booklel, il is bll"icolly 11 str(j JiJh t red"ction of the 100 paiJa plus case file by tlndy Collifli' fO nd fJilrry King,as adilad today hy Phillp H{",/la and Andy Wall1ls1cy. (t relells in iJrellt del ail Iha full story of the f ll /llous Aveley CIi -I ln Qctober 1974 """.n a fallli1y of fiva suffered I1tissins U .... and "",jor trlJlJ.II1tJ during If Ctir ride, in " hllt beco",e Bri/Illn's flrst abduction case to ba fully ralriavad by regression hypnosis.

All you need from trtwscripts to witnass sketches is IncJude<l in Ihe dense text. For Ibose ",1Ihout the Ihree 1!J78 issues of FSR ..tJich reproduced Ihe orIginal UF01N fila this wl.1l certainly be of beth inlaresl ond vo1ue.

Daspita ""'ot is s told bbow:, 1 do not ..,ish 10 criticisa the pubiic"Uun of this ""'rk, r.thich deserves" ..,I<ler biring - I't" .do olher UFO!N co"es - und 1 a", gllJd 11 is tha IUN (not _ny others) lo'Ilo ara doinS Ihis fine work.

Prica £2.25 UK, £2.50 Europa, $ 5 (dolllJr bills onlyJ fro", 'M<ly W"Jm»ley ' : 232 LOllg Ltwe r.7lal'ttJey 1/011"'1< Wesl Yorkl<I!ire /lX3515

UFo.. OVER HAMPSHIRE RoberL I'rJce EnsIS" Books £5 . 95 144 pp 111us 1990

This book is BVl'J.lub1e fro lD Ensign (add post olf"J if Y"" cannot find it in shopli oulside the S ou//I; - 2 Radcl'tr S t reet Shirlay 50utho'"pton SOl 5U.

For th .. Qulput of " s.,,,11 'loc/J l intarest' publisher il is very resp=clol>le indeed. A terriflc cover, plenty of b " h' phatogrophs and a ....,11 typaset scripl . My l1Illjor publishe r ,"",uid be proud of J./ . The contenl is n"thing to ,,/lout "bout;largaly " col1actloJJ of 11Sht io tha sky type clJses (1't1lhough thare are so","" iIJOrfl interesting aneli too). P,ey "re .... 11 .,,-itten up and "",st cilJGsicG fro ," !I~.,pshJr .. lInd Ih" Isle of Wisht Bat I't faw plJseli, 10 ""'ka Ihls a really quite nice collection of (IIl8inly unin~estiif"ted)

6toria";alth,,ugh SOAle I FOs Ilre spolted :md p01nlad out . Crep circlas,of course,get It chapter 8nd "re Ireolad re8sotlab1y f/1ir1y,it must be soid.

The llulhor ls " UFO ent/wliio .. t r..tJth I't ai1d ETH bi,,". but Ihl .. does not i ntr"da th lJ t ",,,ch fond the fa.., errors are nol dro1l>lJtJc . PI'tu1 Fuller lffiteS II

fOr*"""'rd. For /Jnyon .. interested In this IJre,,' S UFOlogy 1 I' S "",rlh tha money.

Northern UFO Ne~ , -


Now Poul f"uller hos l .. unc.he d 'The Crop Wlltcher' liS 0 veh i cle (0.- c ose I nveGt1s"tton. I will not cll rry the e"cellent r eport" received fro. NUFotf .. rriU"tes i nto 10<:;,,1 drc l e •. A ho-l hll" been r ound I n 'Crop Wlllcher'.

WhO s t I cannot pro.!se not to aenllon circlos In NUN "gnl n (the y ure " r"cl of UFO li fe ) 1 think It right to concenlrllle on UFO& .IIl,] ~l1ow 1'"..,1 ' .. ",,,gl>zlne .. nd {ts worthy c o"'petlL ors to fine t..,ne II> .. lr .. ll entlon.

Howaver,! c .. uld not le"ve the iss ue w\tl>o..,t coaaenLlng on 11 ¥ery re .. l d lle_ posed by the fI¥ents of 1990. The increoslng cOOlplodty ond e¥oluUon J nto alMzlng plct ograll& bac set tile cat !)ltOIlg the piSeon ... CAN tl>e He .. d"n vortex accooooda te the. (liS I>e slIys, given ti_, lt Clln)? ARE they "berrllllt h"""es (bellr!ng In .ind they lire le ... Ll>an 10 oul of 1500 circle e¥en t s -IInd 0011 in 1990)? Or- lire we lit the poInt wh e re 1 I hll s t o be IIc knowledsed Lh .. t Ihere I s so .. ethins el .... IIfoot IN ADD!TIO N TO .. l lllOspheric rorcn?

I tentativel y lIIOot IIn 1de .. I'll devolop furth e.- 1111 ti .. e So .... by Ih"L .... ybe (l pul it no II tronser Un.n th"t for now) ..... li re et 11 po i nt where belief hll . beco_ .. el r - reprod"cti¥e.Jl is now c re .. ttns c irc les In IIddilion 10 whatever nllture' for ces (vorU ces AIiO hOllxe6) h"ve a .1_ys been prese"t.

Tht .. ste" f ro. 1I0llUthtng I fir e t 6111 d In UFOs: A Hritb.h VJe><poJnt <bllck 1n 1979) - pro?" .. 1ns Ih .. t UFo.. h"d 11 two-pronsed lIolution: n(lturl.1 UAr lIod 11 IIQrl of psychic or PK effect Ihnt WII S generlltinS cloGe encoun ters in their i_se <edd1ns .. " c h bel -1eved- 111 nU"n Intelllsence properll ell J. My 1990 book Mlnd Hons!ert; Is the IIOSt detaUed of .y r ecent theoret .lclIl discuss.ione IInd extends thts .. nd helps ""p lll ln whllt 1 0 .. llbout to IIlIy .

What H (es Kind Mons t e r s ""SHests from the evidence) co" .. clou .. " e"" I" the hidden ¥lIrillble In qUllnt ... _chan ic .. eq,," t 10ns ? "","t if - Lhroush thls - 6ub- lItOral C relllity Clln be .... ulded to respond to .. trong buUe f .. of the very people '-"""!l r ch i s .. ussest ing to be most ope" to close encollu t ers?

1 proposed th"t nlltur .. lly gener"ted energy fleld" (notllbly gll"eous ea.1ssionll .. t ""'ndow ere .. s He .. : could be te.por"ril y distor t ed lit 11 quuntUflO level .. 0 Ih .. t cont .. inlng e lect rJ ClIl rteldB .. re _nipul"t ed into the shllpe of 11 -no llter that i .. b .. l1e¥ed by Ir.dition to be II l; l;octated wUh lhe p l llce.Or one c r e .. led by ""'s. public bel l e ( <"s UFO 1I11ens h .. ve now beco .. e 11 les1tla.1 " .. d forll becllu"e enough people lit least holf eccep t the.),

The balief fixea " t e flpl"te In tl>e .. 1nd. Most of "-' 0 e nn do nottllr>S "",re t hen I11<1S1ne or hlllluclnele lhls, but those gifted lit PK IInd ESP (the ¥ery \<Ort th"t o"r r e sellrch 1" showing lo be "bduct eell .. nd the bed -nnder wil nes .. es> g o furth .. r .. nd briefly shllpe these nllt"r .. lly produced Helds .. nd "",,,Id theI r s"seo" " products J oto " teaporllry f or. th"t 1s vi s i ble (pho t ogrllphc.b )e) IInd 'relll',until lhe w .. ¥e func ll o" collllpses (liS phylllclsts pul iU, t he fi elds return to nor .... ) IInd t he mist dis6Jpales.

As Crop Clrcle,,:A Hys! ery SOlved doe .. show clo"ds IInd "'-' s t a ar8 no t unCo""""n 1n conneclion with .m .. l wo beUave to b" " Me .. den vortux. Mllybe whet _s once JUST 11 rllndoa .... l eorolog:lclll effec t , .. ' S sU .. ulllt ed enoush p"bli c {"tara .. l .. nd bellef "nd &"thQred . u(fi c!""l p eopi e o( the' ... n"ter relllit y ' typ., to the "rell ll o f ... jor crop c ircle _nlfe. t"I ion In tl>e plIs l two SUlll/D9r ... Belief and dell1r .. 10 dl .. prova the _"th"r theory hll s " c U¥lIted the 1 .. lent powers of thes e c rucllll few, who use Ihe e vol¥lng te.pl ale to e xercise n q",antum level effec t " nd prov1de nllW .... rk a to def y e xpl a"ntJon.

In other words, what We hnve G,,, ... in 1989 ""d 19 90 is p"rtly .. belief generllt ed PK effect tr1ggered unconsci ously by .. sHt ed rew and based on .. II .. tur .. 1 pheno..enon th" t .... " III_ys there,but evolving " nd dlst ortl ng Jt t o e ntl"nc .. :I.vpoc.t ....... MAY I'lllve occurred 40 Y~"80 wJth UFOs ... !I. 11 t hought!

Uorther~ UFO U~~ 9 -


A look .. t UFOII in the public ey ..

88C Rod10 I DJ Steve Wright ( .. no ted UFo- phU e) ,!jscusse d the .. "bJect In hI s Q!AI. col " ... (13 Ocl) ...tIlln he .. sked; -why do .... br .. nd UFO spott l!r .. ' nu tters'? Arl! they re .. lly borklng _d? • He then d i scussed UFOCI 1n .. ...tIo Il y ET f" s hion, reporti ng" · s .. ucer sh"ped objec t gl e .. .tng in th .. h .. H U ght· """n when h . .... 11 I I .. nd .. <.1<.1<,<.1 '''1'''' L" Lh"L ....... rlc .. -recently cover l! d- ul' .. spocecn.rt londlns In tile _id-we"t f o r fe .. r of p.",1c . H

But quito Lilo 18000t discussed "(Iller IIIIs been the Belgi n" wllve. On 6 Oc t the ~ Slr ee\ JoyrnAI hod 0 IIICJor ",rUele, It dlscuuod ho,", the "",dlo h .. d .... de fun o f il'le tl'louG"nds of sighti ng .. o ver the su_r _de by 'W,,1100ns' nh" unfortunote ly - fo r us in £nl5t1s h - n ... ed locol tnhobll"nts) but thol thl! Belg1 "n group SOBEPS h"d ht e~ 1l r"r ... re .. erloullly, "0; h"d th .. "rlOad forces who orga~l sed " UFO _tch AND put two phones 01 the disposol o f the UFOlog1 .. ts (okoy yo u lot order n",t Tornd .. o fighter no" fro. your 1 0c01 RAF b"se nnd let .. get Investi g"ting t he .... things properly!)

This excell "nl .. r lic le d!scns"t.l ho w so..,. 2600 .. Hnas .. es h .. ve sl!en Ih .. lighted ldongul .. r UFO since NOY9IIber hst. The object 111 r elMrk ~bly 1I1 .tl ~r to recent British c .. s es f,,~tllr,d for sOlle yeor .. ! n NUN Cie tha a il e nt vulc"n typ .. ).So_e of the s e W<!I evenlull l ly IIGc rlbcd to lIi r refuelling exercises a nd o~ hcr .. t o Stell1th .. I r cr .. ft ("nd indeed m.:Iny o f the Belgl .. n c"se" see. t o ." t c h). But b .. rrl1 nlS Sr Jl!"h toles re"" tn IOS they do in S .. lglu.; the -osl Impres"lve b-e l ng on 30 ""'rch 1990 when Gh"" t ground control h "d & rlOd"r l ock on the object, t .... F- 16' .. closed .. nd the thing _nt ':tip' .. nd los t Ihe. like" bul le t (e. 46 G e.cce l e r .. tion '""'s ..... o;ure d! ).Thll t _s no S t e ftllh bo_ber , unle "s the USAF he.ve so ... pr etty hordy pil ots.

During the UFO .... tch (to be rape .. ted i n Nnve .. ber) n .. tlonb.l pubUcity brought WO reports by Iho trucklo .. d on tho ph pna s trllight inlo SOIlEPS who Inrr>edhtely c"U ed the Belgi .. n Air Forc e .. nd r e pi .. yed the tspe do...., the line t o glva til e ... ny prooU 51n8 sighting. With l his 'C .. rry On ' "avigGUon method _ pl .. nell were .. ent :tIg- zGssl ng ocr OIl" Ihe skiea looki ng for the UFO!

The Brlt l .. h pre .. s on the ",",ole did not tre .. t th" ""tier In IInything like 6(1 .... ch detot!. The concenll .. 1I here .... s th" t, whils t So_ pho t os o f odd l igh t s "re be ing co.puter .. n"lysed by the Air For ce, oll o ff ici,,1 Jll unts In oUI U .. ry .. i r c r"n co .. s i ng UFo.. hive so r .. r prove d e lu .. lvlI.

However, the Yorksh i r e f.Imi (12 Oc t ) noted 11 ne" t d .. ngul .. r sighting on the Lux,, " bourg border "nd _de odd co..-nts " bou t ~e. colony of men f r o_ s p .. ce. _ ""' .. "whIle , .. professor 8 r e 11g fro ta Brus" e ls Frlle universily "0" now tnking s e riously lha 'secret US pl .. ne' "rguoaent that I o>Qoled 10 Belgian UFOlogh;ts f or 1I0_e o f the c llle8 when they "sked ... f or .. "y though t s " .. rlie .. this yur. Nex t d lly Ill!!. ~ Telegrllph d ug ou l the I on", s il ent I .. n IIldp .. th in" piece by th .. t no t ed UFO exper t Adrlon Ber ry,expl,,!n!ng (sedously?) tho l the 2600 8i ghtlngs wer., th .. phnet ae.rs! RldplIl h .. dds; ~ I don ' t ",ml t o s .. y onythlng rude eboul the Ignor"nce o f Belgl .. ns . " ~

Fl"..lly,,, hypothetic"l 8tor1 ,evidently ai_d .. t no body 1n po r t iculer but reflec tive of the truth "bout our wonderful British press, c .. .... f r o. writer ..... it" Bron60n In the ITV dr ....... ' London ' lI BurnIng' on 21 Oct. Discussing lock or mcdl" interes t In .. s erious riro.- relt1 lt!d ne .... story OnO ch .. rocter ,"u"ad re.ther .... dly; · 50110 .... eric"" 11 .. " one over tilt> eight, dreOI06 he ' s been kidnapped by .... rtJens,.....-1tos .. bC6t-sollor, boco"",s .. c ult figure

front p"gll,· No" in re81 lIfe we 011 know tho t could never h"Pl'cn, could it?

Northern IWU News - 10 -


So.,.. current inve&tis .. lion!'

JUlit " note on th" Fri&be .. bill loon (" .. " 1",,1 1 s sue). U"v1n8 h~d the pleasure of """o;lJng the mHn ... ith 10 .. Don."r "t lh" BirOllnShll" BUFOIIA conf"renc .. 1 would lik .. lo cldrify lh .. t, 1I1lhOl.lgh Colleen Innes provided the repurl to me III NUN, the investi8"tio" of lhi" Cll"" "'"" llppllrently the "'c .... k of fUFOIG, th" Fylde group. CongrutulaUol\I; u" " fille ~I>,;" r .. port a nylw ....


(I) Th .. firlit A .. "rican UFO cra"h?

This fascinuting ~ollect1o" of n"ports COmeS to ID" from I> ,.,,~der of On .. of my book" r,-o .. Mont .. "" ....t,o h"" dn intrlgulng ""r1 .. s of tal .. " to te U.

]n l"te Seple .. ber/""rly o<:tober 1925 )o1r C witnessed "the prohllble crllsh of u ,'utl",r "12"bl,, UfO" ne .. r PoIson. Just "ft"r duck h" heard" "pul .. "t'i ng, r06ring ooise" and looking up .. potted " ~fl .. lIling circular object of 200 feeL diameter" thut de"cended to " .. ,·th "'0"'" five .. iles .. .... y "I ,· .. pid speed. IL 1I]]"ew bits uf burning '""'II,,,,"lu .. ' off ood heclt .. led once ,.id­flight, moving sUShtly "ldew"y" befo,.., conUnuing the descent. 11,e thlnl:\ .. <IS spinning .. \ the r .. \e of t'"'O turns per second "od cr6shed behind" mount .. l0 tu lhe west of lhe r .. nch. It" hopaet "aC .... rked by " br1Sht n ll s!> of light. R6nc/o hands chucked the Jivestock .. nd found Ih., .. in n"or ,.tampede "tate, pllnicldng llIadly.25 years l .. ler he and his f"ther ..,ere loggIng behind lhe "",unt61n ....t,en they found .. lorge burnl "re ... WO" lhln " lIu>teor r"l1?

In early 1958 Mr C 6nd his boss .... re returning frolO " .. eeLlng In Billings, p"ssinS through IoUet he"ding south at sun,;et. They sa ... 6 red -or .. "se contr .. il lhllt ..... s 'lens shflped ' IInu borely notIced it unt11 they re .. l1&ed it ""S gro"ing larger. It WlIS In Une with G,' anite Pa,·k and Yello"",tone Park .. nd he wonder" if the occur"nts "ere geolosy .. lutJent,,! Over Be"rlooth PIII1"uu "0"'" 25 .ul" .. ""'"y it .... de .. shurp rlghl ~nsle tu,-n .. nd fle.., ~way e .. sl po,,"tng Mount Maurle" .. 1 200,000 feet. It did not bonk Uke an aircr"ft .. nd .. ccelerated "ma"inSly f"st (re"ching 2000 MPH esl1 .... ted) .

Mr C "'" .. a .... orld War 11 .>ircraft carrier pilol wJth experience In .. lrborne ob»erv .. tlon. I ",,,sl s"y the ""mes in this clISe .,.,ke " ro"",nUc ch6nge from Cleckh .. "lon, Scunthorpe a nd Wig"n (aIlhoul:!h .. " ybe Ih"s" liouod rOlllantic to Anerica"s! 1

(2) A very funny cloud

Another reoder, Mr R , ,, reUred imJuGlri,,] t>y .. le.,s engin"er fro", .. remote .. reil of Nev .. dll (300 people live 1n the 260 ~le IIrea uround him!), tells of .. n experience a bit more up to d"t" - on 23 July 1990.

It Wilt> 18.30 hr .. ....t,en h" "'U; out fronl lookln8 """,t ~nd re"dlng in the .. h!lde to ""aid the blister1n8 de .. ert hellt. Ther" .....,re strong winds "bout.

Overhead "as ....tml they took to b" !I cl"ud - cig':u- lihuped IInd hug". It s .. t there nestled belween mountlllns ..... hen it relllllln .. d st"t{onll. ry for lit hour .. he 'knew' It '""''' no cloud liS the ..,1"d "'-'" not effectln8 It 61 a ll. As the sun set It turned orange ",ilh fluffy edges like' "isty coUon'. TI":~n he re"llsed; ' (hi .. is no cloud it& one of those things Jenny wrot .... boul'.

Northern UFO News - 11-

He went ln for dinner and returned et about 20.30 a s darkness fell. The s ky w,,,' ~le"r .. nd the' cloud' was gone. Mountll!ns and .. lr ~ondl t ions all fit a lent1~ular ~loud forming and probably being kept in e'luUlbdu .. by dynaOlic " t ...,spheric factors. They ore fairly cOlllAlOn IrI . the .. re" and It seems Mr R hlld "",ved out ...... st '1uite re~ently so these may not be f .... ll1ar to hi.,.


Lasers .. re proving quite to nuls .. nce • ..:Ith .. "SS sightinss " cross Brita!n being c"uGed by these """,,,ingly po"",rful l1shts after use in pop shows et~. An Err>!e Still investigation for NUFORC doted 29 July 1990 1& typiclIl. In the Prior MarGton ore.. of Northonts a cOtnmO" wi tnc .. s deficription re!l.d, "fl .... he" or ...tIlte lJght,lookins like se .. rchlishts .. ovinS at very rllst speed .. . "bove or InsIde the cloud layer". These liShts ARE po,"",rful laser" projected s kyward. and as the Met Offlce pointed out to NUFORC, they shone on cloud up to JOOO feet high <don·t forget lI .. ,ers h"ve been fired all the w"y to the "'00" so 3000 feet Is " doddle>. The l ll ck of bellms often reported i" 1I

factor of cl"rHy of "tOlOsphere 11S only dU6t or m.iGt will CI.u"" the "hllft to .. ppe .. r or d16 .. ppe,w. NUFORC f.1nlllly tn.cked these -_ ~~ III down to" TI"" Tllrner ~an~ert.lIlileG away In \Joburn~;O Q '

Bedfordshire. This Is lInather fe .. ture of 1""er6, they ~ <;'.>

.. re visible for 20-30 o>.Ile6 .. round - where it co"ld ~=_ ,..,11 be the loc .. ls do not know about the e.vent th"tl~~;-j.~;;=~~;~~~::;:j goes on .. t thelr source. Luckily I hud "een this ne .. l""er ,",,~hin" In oper"t10n in the US ... l .. st ye"r 60 ,"",cn I "t .. rted to ge.t " flood of ~"ll" about slshtinss 1n the Manchester .. re .. on 15 October it clicked . Ten miles """'y in Stockpod I h .. d no trouble. se.e1ng the displllY. You get IIn i .... se of circli ng lights thllt perlodiclIlly swoop lnto the ~entre 0" i f touching hllnds 1n sOme folk d .. nce. then resu"", their circle p"inting the clouds eerie ..mite. Ne xt mornlns ]odr"ll Bank were s""'"ped wlth ~,,-Us . DK)st of wh1~h they forw''' ' ded to ...... s t hey ...... re bu .. y ho"ting the l .. unch of new .. stronomiclI l post .. ge "t" .. p" ""d the l "st thing they w .. "ted """ the .. edie. d i .. trllcted by UFOs! I """s lIble to e><plllln wh .. t h .. d h6ppened to Jodrell. to byp""" c~l1". but .. bout 11 dozen ..:Itnesses got to .. e from "'- .. f .. r .... st "'-s W1gan , Macclessfleld to the south ",-"d Bury in the north, before 1 enli".ed the lIid of the BIlC <who tr"'-cked the source to the re-16unch of KlII Jonlllre" nightclub 1n MlInchester centre).With Phi 1 S6 ye rs tlelp I dJd a live deOlystlf .. ct100 report llller th"t d"y .. "d s uccessfully defused the growing pen:lc l hlll the north ",e.sl w,," under .. llen inv .. sion . .. Be prep .. red! 11

CASE 7238 LUFOIC Nov 1972 Mountsarrel, Leicrolerc;hJre. Gardon Pe.rkin" Afi- 6

~s M < .... ho tI"" a uffe ,"ed " very tr .. " .... Uc I1fel ",,,s returninS home .. t 19 .00 .. Her dropping off" child from .. childrens p" rty .. t her house. The object

"like two S6ucers Joined lit the ri m, with soft

fi ~ -ly 111uOlin .. ted ..:Indows IIround the top h"lf"

, ~_ '""'-s .. Iso sprouting a "long. bright orBnge-\ ~- red flllme" fro .. 1ts side. It hovered 10 .... over

__ _ - - --. -+-- open ground nellr th" house .... fter .. few IOOmcntS. Mrs M ru"hed inside .md locked the door . She "'''s too shllken to go b .. ck out IInd look .. g .. 1n. but lllinules l"'er her .. ix ye"r old son knocked at the door. He described h"ving "een the sa"", object to h16 IlIOther. The object _s g r-e y II nd the (l",.., reputedly .. "de" ]'ushing sound. The ne,wby AS W"" thought oddly '1u1"t during the sighting. With l"p6e of ti",,,- c" .... left open.

Nor~hern UFO Ne~s - 12 -

~ SPINDLE IN THE SKY CASE 6842 HUFORA 6 Sep~ 1988 Bn.mIlall, Cheshire Roy S',,".lbuch B6-5

Io!r />t (who is a TV scenic arlist) went ~o the loo <I t 02.15 and s<lw " br·ll\hl light through the l .. "ding window. It increllsed in "i:;:e and hovered over rooftop" oppo"ite. The "h .. pe .... s very unusual, liS shown IInd was "tudden in IIbout 30 bright lights on the rim (mostly white, with so",,, Ted). Colour ,""," grey .... t .. l11c a nd H ,",liS totlllly silent deGpite the proxil&.ity. It .... IlS VERY close if Hr M's testimorty h' credIble. He s .. ys the object WIIS longer th lln sever .. l houses ,md s"y" "t'-"O IlrlliS held out 2Z" Ilpart '-"Oul d cover the '"-lidth·' !! After 0 .•

abo·ut 4 .unutes it IDOved horizootHlly IIod then .. cceler .. ted IIway vertically to the north e<lst. Although />t,onchester Airporl is in th" vicinity it is h"rd to see 110w thl" c"n be "xpl"lned liS any known type of II ir lr .. ffic.

NIerIT SOUNDS: lVO IMI'RESSI1fEl.Y SIMILAR CASES Invest:l.g"tJoll by Peter Hough

On. MondllY 7 M<ly 1990 Jodrell Blink chllnneled 11 cll11 to "e. It ca,"e from 11 Mr- J, "ged 2 4 "nd " joiner. He lived in ""idnes, Cheshire, so the CllS .. w" s persued. At 03.50 (he later told Peter 04.50) on 5 MI>y he ""5 woken by ~,

rocket Jet - like noise (" .. sor t of vibroUng, rushing'·) which see",cd to " ... eel' !llong hi!; !"cod .. nd PII!;t l11s uindow. It took so~ J rn.lnl1tes to p""" u"d c8used the window downst"ir" IInd the bedroom to sl",ke violently. After 5 m.nutes it returned from the opposite direction, sweeping p"s t IInd "g,,1n shHking the house. Minutes l"ter i t returned for 11 third t:!n,e.He now had enough cour"ge 10 sit on the edge of the bed " nd through the curt .. !ns so .... .. huge white bill 1 of light Just Hbovo the ro"d.lt see~ed to hover for several seconds. As he gol up to open the Cl.>rtolns i t shot s ):ywurd ,,,,d v ,onished. TIle noise ceHsed. The most bllffling fe"lure of the ClIs e (for which we lDOoled so"", type of rOlld s....,eping "","chine liS " posdble 6n" ", .. r) is th"l NOBODY hellrd the object other th"n Hr J. Neither the p"lice nOr local press hod reports . Mr J even called the loclll tlld fh .. to see if ony of their night driver" hlld hellrd it. But no. This one h"s got us stWllped, lI nd '"'" thought i t ""s ju"t ' one of those things', but then Jt bcca",e 'two of tl1""e things'

The second report came into BUFORA, but waS IIg,,10 looked .. t by Peter. Mr ·B from Wid:lewood, \{yll>Ondl1o .... Norfolk was ~oken "t 00.1 8 on 27 June 1990 by his 3 ye"r old Son crying. It .... "s 11 hUJllid night, hot and dry "ill' nO wind. After settling the chUrl Mr B returned to bed "nd Mrs B asked if all WDS ...... 11. Then they hellrd 11 R very distinctive .. ound thllt I would liken to .. lllrge object moving " t high speed through the air - 11 s"rt of IoII,oos hin8 effect. I '"'H6 .. lso " "lire or " very bright light bri.dly lUwunaling the rOOm through the curtllins (much brighter then car lights". Hr Ilnd Mrs B found :It h"rd to s leep IInd discussed the ca"S" for IIg"6, both vll8ue1y r"""lling sinJ.lar "oundG w1 thout lights, but not k no'"-ling how or .... hen. Mr-s B told anothe r local who .. dro.J.tted he"ring s1ro.J.lllr noises in the pu"t, but not On th .. nigh t in '1ue"tion. Ag,,!n, the locol press .. nd police ha,1 no repor t!. for thlll ni g ht ••. but th.. police did enig .... tic"lly cmnment th"t their plltrols " hlld "itnes" .. d sladl"r phenome",. on P"St occasions."

MUFORJI specul"t e d "bout 'gliding' IIircrllft from " ro.J.lit"ry b"se (Spekr:> airport 1n Widnes' .. casel. But in tr u th there is no ob~iolls ons .... er.lt I3lly or _y not be relev"nt thllt both HrellS sprouted crop circles ne .. rby around or Goon "Her these ' soundings ' . 'ri'idneG Is just" mile across the Mersey fro", the Runcorn/FrOdsh ...... area; now identified "s " key circle/c"r stop UFOc"l.

Norlhern UFO N.,,,,, - lJ -

CASE 9009 MUFORA 30 lllay 1990 nervaig, Isle of Mull, Scotl .. od C3- 6

A te .. cher on holid .. y on this re.ote western ls1 .. nd .. liS looking north from h i s cott .. ge .. t 22.H .... hen t"", pllle blue spheres with long t"Us,side by si de, Ca"", rushing through the .. ir, heading south. Total duration 4- 5 seconds. He cl .. ilOs the birds stopf>ed slnging as they pa ssed by and the "rea was briefly lit up by the .. Ile was left feeUng . very WleIlSy ' . Most obvious expl " olltion is t hllt these ""re spect"culllr .... t"orlle6; IIllhough so .... • Ii IHllry rocket l l1 uoch e .. oo01 be ruled oul perh .. ps, given the locatioo. The police lit Tober...,ry (the .... 1n town 00 the Isle) had no reports "od sUBB"sted the northern lights (1 .. .. uror,d dlsch"rg<!l "s the e><pl <l olltion.

CASE 9010 MUFORA 20 JWle 1990 Clifton, Bolton, Lanc .. shire BI - 4

Hr F" hlld ..... tehed .. rn .. uotil 01. 00 then looked <It the sky through binocul .. rs aod lia'"' two lights, twinkling- colourli (red ,md green) . This ..... s 10" OH the horizon, baraly "",vlng, He left tt,,,. but hi6 soo ... "tched 'for .. ses' . We had no re,,} doubt he ... "s observing "stronolilc"l objects.

CASE 9011 MUFORA 13 July 1990 Kettlebrook,TamlolOrth,St"ffs C3- 5

Hr W .. "s o n n i ght s hIrt <Uld lIt 01.15 took 11 bre .. k la ..... tch 11 .... telltte fly o<rer. Then he S H'" two white lights surrounded by a blue "ur". so close these """q~ed i nto one " not her. lie g" uged speed " SlIinst lIircrart .. aen goiog to "nd fro .. Eas t Mldl .. nd atrport "'Id says it was higher but "t le .. sl SIX ti ..... s as fast.shoot1ng a cross the sky fro .. north west to south e"st ln "bout 5 seconds. Thi s s i ghting is ioterestingly sim.11 " r to the Isle of M,111 c"se nbo"e. Mr W r e ported i t to T" .. "",nh police .. fe ... hours later.

CASE 9012 MUf' OIlA 29 July 1990 Coppenhall, Cheshire B4- 6

Wt: W, n ,,,,,If,,r .... sth ; t"nl, .. woke "t 01. 55 to st&fld by tht! wfflciow .. s it ''''<It: liI

jot, oppressi ve night. Suddenly" "horshoe- sh"ped object with sp .. rklsrs all "round it·· .. ppearecl "bov" houses . /llrs W opened the window .. od put her h .. "d out for a better view. There w"" no sound lIt .,11. It w"" at tree top height "od the spsrklers were gold. About ... ioute into th .. sighting it ejected some of th.,,,,, Uke quills to the groWld, fading out lIs dying e .. ber". \./hen thiS occurred " sUght

'stzz ing' noise '""'s e"r "ncl the object slowed ... little. The sOWld then vllo1 s hed .. od it p" .. s "d directly overh., .. d .. nd ""as lost to "ight. /llrs W "Iso cll11 .. s to hov" "een .. cigllr Ghape f"ll into" c"n"l lIt foUddlewich in a bout 1977. 01har th .. n note the po"s1bla con"ectioo with tha lighted balloon ,;.olul1on reported l"st 1s .. ue, this case 1& yet "not her th"t i .. boffllng.

CASE 9013 MUFORA 13 August 1990 Knutsford,Chashire Colleen Innes B3- 5

T....., people drl"lnl\ to Bl"ckpool on the M6 "t 04.10 «",otber e"rty " .. cIIse thl" sUfllller - rlOtli!!) 6"", ... huge gloWing whit!! clgllr (With windoWti) ,growing bisger .. nd DIOving ofr south w .. "t "b"ve t ha reOr of the c .. r.Cl"ud ....... re lit up by It. Glv"" the f"ct th"t tha ... 11ns66as "es .. not to h"ve r""lised they ..... re ' p"ssing right by the tllke-off p"th fro .. ""'"chester Airport (chock a block wlth holidoy trllfft.: lIt the time) tha answar see .. " fairly clear.

Northern UFO He ..... - 14 -

CASE 9014 MUFORA 25 Ausua l 1990 WlnBfonl, CheGhlre Jenny RllndleG 82-4

Another cllae y l .. JodreU 8ank froe a Hr- L lie a .... an (>yal .. lth .... U bl"ck bi>ae and bright "flyer top lit 12. OQ on " aunny day , sO clllled /lire L wh(> .... tehed It drifting awey with the wind tOWl'lrd ""'"dowbanl< (north "",d). After 5 ll.inutes l'Ir" II L "ent l'Ir" L for ~ CIID>Or" , but on looking back "t Ihe IIky they lost the object. She called the loclIl p"per IInd Ihe on ly thlng Ihey were Interflllled In ..... 11 whether there were ony cornfi elds no"rby. She setd yea, but no eircIee.She pointed oul th,,! 11 ... 0 who co .... to fit her eorpel ('he hod" .... lg"n IIccent') s"id that being Gurro...-u,led by cornflftlds she ehoul d wlltch out a .. 11 c i rcle had turned up near hi •. J expl"i ned to Hr "nd Hrs L Ih .. t the 801utl,on seelled likely to be .. r .. irground b .. lloon of the h .. lf al1~ered type Ih"t h .. s c "used 60 IIBny IIlghtings 1" r ecent ye~r ll. They were Hot l .. pressed. I apoke t o Ihe report er.tle "dIlllU .. d there .... AS e fele th,,1 day "nd It .... AS prflclaely in Une (glyen wind direction) fro .. .mere Ihe UFO h .. d .. ppe .. red! He asked if I Itn"w onythlng .. boul crop drcles, but he didn't Hke ... II" t 1 lold hi.!II .. noted his story would c"rry Il\e theory thet Ihe apllces l\lp see n by l'Ir" .. nd Xrll L w"s l ook i ng for " l ending apot "nd llborted pInns to touch down In .... lnllford when it re"ll l1ed Ihe corn fields h"d been h"rv,nteu. Amen!

CASE 9015 MUFORA J Septe.ber 1990 Cheeter, Cheshire Ray aandbech B3-5

Kt" M (11 shop worked wee _ t ch l ng TV lit 20.30 when "n object "ppellred In Ihe lIoulh _st oyer 81l1con.lte le"pl up .. nd drew hia wifea IIttent10n to It. The obJed .... IIS .. briKM whHe 11l5ht .... 1th" r"d lISht "ngled. Shout lng ·It's .. UFO' Ihey w"lched It I\over for flye "nutes IInd then .ove e .. ,;,t. Hr M

ch .. sed 1 t in h i s c"r down Se"l .. "d Ro .. d ut lost il lit IIn S be"d. HUFORA Clln aee nO reason why wh"t 111 doscr :lbed wos not" lJght lIircrllft.

CASE HI STORI-~S - ------- / ",,~,-T I =- ;;/=-----"'u..o.~ ----------------- ------------ ------------- -------

ABDUCTEE HAS NE .... ENCOUtrrER tlUFORC IIreport by Ern i o Still

Elsle O"kenaen hllll probably tllken oyer fro. PC AI"" Godfrey 8S 8rn"tn' lI bellt kno,"", .. bduclee, h"Ying "pp .... red on _ny nllllon,,1 TV progr,,_a Uncludlng the g""" ahow 'T .. ll the Truth' ) . lIer 1978 Church Sto"", ' lIbduction' (or rathllr 11_ l"pse 61ghtlng with h"zy hypnotic · ... lIIOries' of ah .. dowy figures "nd 1118111108es> is outlined In detllil In ey book' Abdudlon' and re ... lnll one of the .... st fllscin"tlng on record. Now.. possibly Yery l11u .. 1netl116 lIequel I .. "dded. She hoa soen "not her Ur-O ... Or h .. s IIhe?

The sighting occurred on 27 Septc.-ber 1990 ot 22.15 hrs . Els ie '""s driving 1\0 .... fro ..... eeden t o Church Stowe (Northon!lI) when she s .. w " Wbrlght _11 .. o f orllngey-yellow I lght- whIch .....,6 crossed by strips of 'cloud'.She thought 11 w .. 6 Ih .. full 10000, bu t _6 puzzled by its constant chllnge of ah .. pe. n , l . w". effectively ' boo.,er""g· lJke with Y"rl"Uons ("8 bel .. w) over " five IUnute period. It w"s, ",. ,.I\e put it, -quite" 6pect"cle. "

I I ~I (]r---I

Northern UFO News - 15 -

The local p"per reported ber story in det .. il ('£lsle spots .. ystery I n the .,1l:\ht sky ' , pavent r y ~~ 4 October 1990), but £Isle fairly points ou t th"t she IIccepts 95~ of UFOs lire exphlned, and this one .IIIY ",ell be. She retraced tbe route a few days later IInd found th .. h .. lf moon in a slightly differen t place in the "ky ( .. " it would be of cour" .. >'

It lIas been proposed to her tllllt she s,,'" the mooo tllrough layers of cLoud Bnd dust d16tort1"8 .. od r e fr .. cUng the i .... g e. Fron tile c"se fUe "od cllec king the moon" position and pll""e at til e ti lllB I am personally conllinced th ll t thI s IS .mnt £161e witnes .. ed. Sbe need oot feel h"d, as In 'Sci<wce and til e UFOs ' Peter W .. rrJngton aod I recount "ever .. l c .. ses of ne"r identic"l rusp"rc"ption (one by a scientist and another by wo..en .mo ..,atched it for OV!!r an ho ur and ",ere NEV£R convinced by thi .. explan" t ion >.

r tllink tills l" t es t eIperlence sho0..>6 tha t there ARE s t range things in th(l s ky t o fool us ,,11 AND th"t £lsle Is ba"iC"Uy .. good observor .. nd .. n hon"st o n e . Sh e describe" the e vent well and is h"ppy t o .. ccept "n "ns""", r .

HOME OR AWAY? : Be droom visitors In Western A\.Istr"li"

Mru I' live" In Stlfely (not SUlaIIIBr) B .. y ftnd describes ..,lIat tool< ploc e In 1!l8!i (",ha" ,.he "'"S a8 " 48). rn t he early hours of .. winter morni"8 she "wok e " p". Il "' .. " <ll>out D6.00 ... nd cold so she s nul:\sled up t o her husband to g e t b .. c k t o sl eep. loIh"t foU" ..... d ..,,,,, "10 nO way slmU .. r to o r dinftry dreft trlng IIOr 1.OI, o l I h a ve reod of out of body eIperiences . It """" re .. 1. ~

She found h e rself In the bathroom s t"ring a t the mirror which beca ..... do r k grey. Sh e KN£W " 'guide' ",as "bout to oppellr ( .. he .. dds th .. t .. he is nor .... ny " s piritu .. l person but ""nstders t " lk of such s utde .. to be wl"h fulfll l m .. ", t r antasie .. ). A figurll no.., "ppe"red in the mirror and oul of tile corner .. h t! " en&ed .. nothe r ,"*,0 said;' 1'11 just So ""d check on the other one'.l'hl s .. h e <1 ss11ml>d to be her sleepi n g hUllb" nd . She found lIerllelf 'in .. high o f _",c H"ment', " "king ""'ny .. plritu .. l quedions but g e tting no obvious ans w., r s. The n tile beings mouth be"a .......... ller and s .... ll er until grotesque. Th Is pe r s u .. ded her that the energy to forge the cont" ct """" being los t. I n dllGpera Uon IIhe a s k ed ' Mo I prDsressinlI properly? and the being " .. id ' Yes - Ju" t keep on the ..,ay you ara.Just dOl,'t set t1ilxed up in "ny hanky p"' lIk y ' ( ! ) Then .. he a"k lld 'When ..,111 1 s ee you asain? ' .. nd tile being l"'Pa tlently repli e d ; ' Oh - I'll "all 1n "bout 20 y e .. r". ' Allegedly the .. ttH u d .. ", .. s not ' love ,,,,<I care, "Ui " " p" .:t " d of 1'>u i o.l" .. , [,ul . ,, ' Y "",,",,<<1.

TIle second guld .. returned lind reported th"t her husband was ' OK'. The n they w81 k"d I n to t h ll p .... slll:\e"' .. y , totally ignoring Krs P "nd talkln!\" very lOUdly to e .. ch other .. boul how bo»t to .. ccocpUsh the neI t t""k on their ,,!\"e nd.. (which slle "",mot ,-ecull, but think s ..,,, ,, due before tlley returne d 'ha"", ' ) . Sh" "'es worried .. s her hUliband h .. tes being woken by not"e so ... " r fled th .... lo be qUlet . TIley looked "t her as if "he _re .. n id i ot,g" ve .. viv i d G<; " ..,l. went bll c k to theIr d1scuslllon .. nd wal ked off do wn t he h .. tl. Krs P nO.., re"Used they were not t"lklng phYSic a lly a nd she wok e up 1n bed a .... zed.

Kr" I' only connected this "'ith UfO" with recent re .. ding of 'Al>duct1on ' . Yet she waS always ba f (led b y the a ppear .. nc e .. nd g .. rb of the 'guides' "nd their tot .. l dtst"terest 1n he r , sellming to find her .. n"is .. nce ~nd an a »signed Job tha t h .. d to he got out of the "''' y . Not e I "ctly what you !!xpect fro .. Q spirH"a} " ntily, .... she pointed out! They "",re t all, hu .... n ..,ith hl g h forehe .. ds and brown- blond hair . The one Seen most cle .. rly hnd .. s k in t ight blue 'ak ! Guit ' wIt h no b"dgeG (,,0IllOth1ng .. hI! h"d no ide a o thers h .. d ... it n e .... ed) . The attltude '""'s rather l i ke a "",n who COmes to r e .. d the .. et er , t rllpped by " S .. bby resIdent and forced b y poUt"ne .. " Lo " a ng .. bout.

North"r .. UFO N"..". - 16 -

Inte,·"sttngly, Kr" I' ( .. ho i" k .. en on "strol ogy) prod....:"d " c h ar t for the IIp~nll\t ti_ o r ih .. expcrlenc .. - wlich .... y .... 11 boo IIn iMrtgulnl:j, ft r" t! 1 hope Keilh BIlo"terf teld will l ook jnlo thts ( , .. ,ci ntltl ng c .. s ...


Slid n .. "", 10 rcpurl is Ih .. trll/fic d .. ulh of ,"ulhor atJd UFOl0tIi s t D.Scotl f/otIo,,.pparenlly .urdnr"d "tIe 42 in" sens"lei>6 a"d vioJe"t .. IIlIc k on I.ls ClJllfo rol" h~ durind .lususl.HIs {Jr, .. '-'Or" ",i/1 be his cpll"p" buI be wlJJ cerlll1,,1y be lIIiss"d hI' I"oG., ,",,'0 k"., .. hi .. P.,rccptl"e CfJ;nki"ll ""d rllso"rc/,.

On 1Z No"clllbS:c FUFOfG , ..... i",,, /illll 'Th .. Nn,-lfJer" Dob"I .. ' (11.00 10 19.00 "ntrance Fkf:,"h,·). D1scus"lon ..,111 be ",id" and open to .. 11 co""rJ."ll UF06, abducUoll5, ,""""Ie,.s, crop <;l,-<;les. l"d"<)d Just "bo"t """ryllli"ll! Venu<! 11> Ih .. il"l/I: n l!:i!11 p,.ub !!!! J.Lrwrpogl Ilw!d, Dl,~ckf!Q91. If yuu fancy . 1

spot of 'coast Ins' cull IfJ .. srollp for d .. lllils 01. 0253- 3 1704 or 56821. Finally "dVllll ce n.", ... of 11 ... 'Six lfJ rllt"rfla tiondl UFO C""lfre"s'

(joll,t}y r un by BUFOR.l. MlFON "lid the iUN). OGtes 10 I> .. t ""Ida "'re ~ ! l1J. Jy~ l.fJi.l. Venue /h<1 kfilklU L,./bcllcy Iilltl!!a la 5;,&(({eld (scene of {hIS 5" ..... C .. s uccessful I ..... <lily evenl hD1<l by Ch", IUN).J'rlces .. re <1f.llilfht{ully Che"p (C6 per day. Clfi far .. 11 thre,,; plus C9.75 for a jfola <llnner). efJ .. ap h"t .. l lJ ccal/lOdatiofl ",il) also be lwallabJe . .l C2 t/ cka' 10 .. Uf"O rock cOllcert on Ihe S.U&Jrd",y "ISht' by Scotti sh bund C£ III I s .. I s" part o f Ih .. p .. ckb.ge. Spe ...... CI> Jined up Go r .. r Itlc1ud .. Or Eddj", Bull .. rd • .moGe "b<iUCtiOll ce .. etlcch is "_"If&1 the (. .. &1 In llle "",rld.pluol 60_ slac .. bduclees fro. Ill., USA UllcludlnS One of Ill .. r .. "",us J' .... ClJlfoul .. ... lIII..,s" .. ,; und pOl; .. 11l./y 'Xat/,Ie Ouvtes' af • Intrud"r .. ' fu_). f"ra. Europa .:I "tdd n"'If" uf speak",.:; ",ill b" prasw,II"8 p"pcr6.SI .. y t= .. <1 fur Ql(we del" , ls. 11,1" ..,1 J I be Till:,' tl ve,,' of 1!J91 - "lid for aolv .. "ce bookIng bml lnfo contact IfJa IUN ("ee "dd,' ''I>'' helofJ)

17 Ho.... IHodtpool , Lone.":hlr,, - NorthOlrll Debel" dlly (se" eboy.,) 8/9 D .. c Crowbo,·ough.Su65,,1I - _eke",1 <;o"ferencIl (<le" pos" J for dul .. II,,) BUI'OHA lecLun, (London llu"I""" .. School, ""II"nt" r "rk Out"r CI " cie, G. JO 1'''' )

II{<<; Jnl tn Spencer an hi" i ny""tlsutlon or Ihe lIut l y 11111 ·sl,,,· ""p' CE IV 51"" Ly"" i'lek""ll (,," 'Thu Unexplalned'l.p ... ,..",o ...... l exper l un I.UC co,llo



1 ... . Scotl.nd) rE.3cotl.ndl [CU.OIL~)

Wlh L~n,sl {F~ld. Cont) (L.n<: ~slli rt) ( Cll~.llirt l


(Yorkshi r,) rSh,cpshl,i) (Oe.by~h'nl

(Sh/1s) (1l.lIiJI.nJ. J

(f. lIi<lh ".'" I (N~, thinlS)

5 Tull<lx!d, Rd. Allci, Chckunnus!lirt 1~3 Ling\o" Vj.~.Eiii Cild~r ,Usl L~ thiin

U Bir! Lint, ~o".; .. b~. l"'(Uhir. 63 OHQn,hi" Or. CJ.yto,,-I.-Moors. Loll\< s

HJ Ot>Qnshjr. R~. Bl~dpo"l. LilllC.sh i" 20 O"o(On Pli(t.Pubtrton, ~iqln, linu 6 SLI!iI!tn Avt. Lo.lon. Lilnci~ i r.

JJ Gr.en L.n •• l\Odln~t» •• lIk It,. 11. Yo rk. I IllXldhill Or,Hultyll.".S. tl.y.lI,nl

111 E.,le Strhl. Cr~.". Cnnhir. 11 Old QUHry A'I. V.ln. SheU hid

I" Roplo" Rd. Burlon on hinl, 31i1 t l!; a S.ndrinot<u Rd, S tO<l,bri~ • • 11 . /lid 12 "',,",orn C/ .. n ,Un1<arn SI. ThI<rnstGn 46 (k(up .l io~ Rd. Co,by. N<.o,thonh

FXIQ .ll EHSJ 6RE l~ ~ &R N B8 ~ 5RH fY I OTW VN 5 &RP 11" 3 IEN tS1i OIH ~F17 1SU cv I 2SG S 31 SRY DEll 1~€

Dr S Sill LE , SAl NNll l[F

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