~thern u~ '2. news die - the croppie

" - NEWS 158 DIe "'2 . \ \ , \ ',\. \\ ... '\\\ \ \ .. " " " , \ \ . \ . ". '\ ' \,\. " . , ," " \ '\ \\\ , COVER llESIOB: - DILL CALLAGllAB ......... '" . . " ..... LOGOS BY:- BILL CALLAGIUB CONTRBT , Us ual 1:e ... · l;ures plUG •• . p.2-3 UFOG OD TV .• . p .5 Glrcull1r L081 c .. . P .6 .. HobeTL Frau ce ,e c llps i ug the un k n o wn ( part 3), .p. l1-1 2 .. ,Scotland - c uoll 'o of till! UFO world? .. p.1 2- 1.ot ... Gases J.rom G II'Ui. Llre ,C leve]nl1d,l ... lIcaa.hlre, JII .. r .... yaide ... cGt .lUdlands "Dd JUd "'al es ••• j "cJ ,,<I I "6 stro .,g!) plmlograp hs ta ken on the V1rr .. l ... p. 14-16 Case 111 0 1; 01"1 0 15 •• . 1nc lu<..LJ"B the :fog fro .. nowhere'- " Dew abductIon? ;]'l Il R AT II B..o...8.L.RUA.Q CI!EAQI ,E .mulI STOCICPORT C HESHIRE SK3 OUP

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Page 1: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie


158 DIe "'2.



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CONTRBT , Us ual 1:e ... ·l;ures plUG •• . p.2- 3 UFOG OD TV .• . p .5 Glrcull1r L081 c .. . P .6 .. HobeTL Frauce ,ec llpsi ug the unkno wn (part 3), .p. l1-12 .. ,Scotland -c uoll 'o of till! UFO world? .. p . 12- 1.ot ... Gases J.rom G II'Ui.Llre , C leve]nl1d,l ... lIcaa.hlre, JII .. r .... yaide ... cGt .lUdlands "Dd JUd "'ales ••• j " c J ,,<I I "6 stro.,g!) plmlograph s t a ken on the V1rr .. l ... p. 14-16 Case 111 0 1;01"1 0 15 •• . 1nc lu<..LJ"B the :fog fro .. nowhere'- " Dew abductIon?


Page 2: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Northern UfO News

N!:I, I/eodere who .. u .. pect .I h"ve ren"sed on .-y pro-.1Ge to Incre"se an is"ufl to 20 p"ges to coapensate for the 4 that _re "bducted th.ls 6u_r t .. ke hflort.l hove not forgotten. It 16 11 touah Joh squeou:ing NUN production into ,,11 ay oth .. r tllsks. eSp"ci"lly wt.flSI Chr1 .. t ... 1I printing tond po6t"Se d .... dlJnes hove to be ...,t ... But "11 Goon 116 I C"n illto 1993 you' 11 g .. t yO\ll" pages back!

J" _ R_ Comments It hlls been .. bUGy tJ_ for so_ wide our subJect. What iapact h .. va these h .. d?

Sky TV ore noted for ehowl.ng the 60rt of progr_s .... lch other ch .. nnels all occ .... ion .. lly "lr - .Indless dro.aa&.c .. rtoon ch .. racter6 involved In Incredible sI1""tloo11 flv1dently aleed at a childish "udJenco .. nd a neW6 network _tched by 11 few IOOre people th .. n Wi.bledon FC (In fact. to be hir. 100,000 or Go). I kno ... the score liS 1 .. ppeered on lhflre In the su_r to dlscU68 spont .. neous huaan coabust1on (supposedly for J .lnut8S hut it ended up .uch longer), What _nt on bdolnd th8 scenes _ 10 fllsc!n .. Uns, and perh"p8 best leH lIt thut. In Noveaber they chose to screen .. hat J thouSht ~6 a UFO prograame which _s Go.ewh .. t one-dlDen610nal and tack ing b .. l"nce.

Their featere • A quastlon ofaxtr"terrestr!al Intl!l1 Ig<lnce' _10. In .. y vi e .... the sort of doc~lItory tha .... kers of 'UfO cover up I.lve · would poSSibly hav .. put tosether h"d thsy visited ths UK. If you IIIIW th .. t US .tlestone you will know whether to int .. rpret such" di .. gnosl8 a8 .. Sood thins Of" .. di saster. I know where ay oooney Hes.

Of cour .. e ..... the titls of thu show owggests. this _s not redly a progrl._ about Ufo.. but on.. ..bout .. lien spaceships .. nd glob .. l <;ooaplra <; les. In f .. ct it e_rtled .. s JO .tnut .. s in a c .. ndy atorQ for the v.l8W8rs who enjoy ..... s l¥e cover-ups. crashing UFo.. .. nd peopla being kldn"pped by the zlll1oos. The Id .. a th,,' Ufo.. could be "oythtng e l se or .. IOOrs rsserved preGentaUon o f the h c ts IuIrely sot .. look in. S .. ¥e for the obv!ou .. ly token sesture of lIOn Rldpllth' a brIef aod s_eplna dls."ls .. 1.

Of course. these .. re Just .y opln!ons. I ... sure thoss .. ho t ook p .. rt Mlr"ly fu:prl!saed their honest v·iews ... s Tt. Good did with hl a ullllal sincere aplo.b .. nd skill. But, to _. It _s UFOlogy out of a ti_ .... rp . "nd to the detrl .... nt of the production or success of its _lIa .. se. If .. nyo" .. s"w it and

' di sagrees. please let _ know and I'll gladly publish wh .. t you say. A .... coo .. equen.::e of thl" SO ...... lIt fervent doe ..... nt .. ry. ho .... ver, ITV's

n .. twork .. d 'The tl ... ""d the place' decided to devote their 3S .tnutes 00 24 Nove.ber to the UfO subJect. I wes luc k1 eno~ to be Involved fro. .. n .. arly st .. ge on this (and 60 "a bl .. sed).fortuoately they do See. to h .. ~e I.lstened to what I s"3l!iested .. s the production tea. put toseth .... a ¥ .. ry ..... 11 rounded feature th .. t all..-d severd sides of the debllt. to h .. v .. their s .. y.

TI. Good _s unfortun"tely UlIl1ble to .. ppa .. r .. t th .. l .. s\ .Inut e dUB to .. prlor ens .. ge ..... t but o...r f ..... ler. ellpressln8" the E:TH posltJon, d id an .. d.trabJe job with restraint. plus so ... aid fro. Busty T .. ylor ..... "rlns his UfOloglats h .. t for the day. My t"s k _s to refled the .iddl .. Srouod .. nd show ror th .. first t1 ... on TV the B.lrchwoad ""11 video which you h .. ve relld about 1n recent NUNs.The shopping centre _nted ua to do this In the hope It brought forth a ne .. soluUoll,·Srldly. to d .. te, it has not.Flnally.the outrisht sceptical position wes effectlv811 hondled by Wendy Gross ... n fro. Skept1c ... g .. zlne, although I think her bactsround knowl .. dge of th8 s ubject se ...... d at U_s slightly ll.tted,as J suspe<:t she'd be first to .. d.tt.

However, the undoubted strength of a progr_ like 'The ti_ .. nd the place' i s th .. t it 1111_ scope for vltneGses to tall their stories. This ..... the p .. r t of th .. sho ... th .. t really worked. I tho"8ht.

Page 3: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Horlhern UFO Ne_

In (act,Central TV,who were re.ponsi bl e for th i . progra.ae,put out an appe .. l af ter their Ghow air"d on 19 Hoye.ber .. nd the ir phone 11noo; _re I_dhtely o; .... "'Ped with c .. 11. fro. wHneo;o;es .... 0 had neyer 80ne publi c. Fro. this they _re able t o s elect half a dozen C .. 6es th .. t had ne yer been presented before a nd a good variety o f I ntriguing s t ghtings """r" prised out o f the woodwork . The.e inc luded a fasc ln .. Hng RAF encoWlter, a .-isst ng ti_ c .. Ge and 80_ good old fao;hlom.d UFO e ncoWl t .. rs whic h reinforce your beUef In the slrange re .. IHy o f thi s s ubj ec t . Most o f these are being f ollowed up by Inye.tigal"rs at t he eo.enl and we should be able to r eport In NI.m on what i .. di.co ... ored.

To ... Ihi. i. Ihe essence of Ihe UfO ."slery - not shrieks of cover up, dis infor_lton, govern-nt agent .. and goodne .... k ........ what , but ordinary people wilh no expec tat10ns o f encountertn.g _ thing odd s uddenly plunged Into con fr ontation wilh the extrllOrdin .. ry . Thi s kind o f ahow, unltke e doc ........ tary. has no reel UklJl\oc)d of IIcht .. vtng nnytt.lng .. " I> .. bonthol. de .. pih. Hs good IIudience s h .. r e o f ] aJllton. However, whet it hopefully c .. n bring .. boul Is .. r .... lisation Ih .. t Ihero 1 5 a yao;l """ o f C .. 6". Ih .. t never r .... c h the oaro; of o;clence Or UFOlogy and. "s s uch,lhll1 c learly con.ututes re .. l questions whi ch .... c .. nno l honeo; tly illnore.

1 think It i.portant that we not forget Ihat UFOlogy e :dsts not hecause o;ame UFO!ogi s l . believe in .. l I en craft " nd ... s slve conspiraCies or otheu. Iha t UFo.. erll ' _rely' Wlreso l Yed n .. tural phen...,n .. . 1t exists s i -p l y bec .. use countless respons i ble people ...... re ... rk .. bl" thing .. which t hey e .. nnot I-.:Ii .. tely l denttry. Our t .. sk is not to conver t the. to our belt ef .. .. bout this cOIIpl ex .ubJec;l but l a .. tte"",1 l o ident Jfy wh .. t they h .. _ pe .. celved.Often we c .. n do thel,whi ch t o; ftne. Thet i s wh .. t .. e r Iou .. UFOlogy I s .. 11 .. bout. But e very now .. nd Ihen ~ case defies r esolutton .. nd .. ea:lnd .. us Ih .. t there re .. 11y .. r e unknown pheno.en .. lurking behind the scene ...

It I s the .. e c .... eS whi c h .. hould d .. ive us onwer d 10 conducl sensible resesrch, tInged with th .. t e xc it e ... At th .. t co..... fro. knowIng Ih .. t the solution could lie .. nywhere be tween .. 0 ... energy for c a Guch .... the pI .. ..... vortex or perh .. ps that dra ... o f contact with .. nother jntellt genc e. We .. 11 h .. ve our IdOl ....... boul wh ... t the truth .... y be, but none of c ... n know for lIure In .. ny &ingle case,not eyen the wltness. We .. hould pr llBerve th .. t hu.-ility .. nd do our best to eneura Ih .. t .... en thrust before the c .. .., .... s ( .. s _ny of u .. .. re r .. o. tl_ t o 11..a) _ ... re ""re cautious Ih .. n _ a1ght be in priv .. !e.

I h .. ye no doubt 50_ woul d .... y Undeed have s .. i d t o ..a) th .. t this i s wh"l 0 govern ... nt .. gen t would do. But Guch nonsen .. e .. s i de _ .usl not forget our res ponsibility to the brooder l .... ues.For _ know th .. t the UFO pheno.enon i .. re .. I . W. know th .. t it I s not 011 down 10 assorted .-ispercepti ons. 1 r _ .. re t o convtnc" ""y n,lionol, kn owl edg .. bl e person of t h .. t het we &i.ply h .. ve t o troke c .. re of wh .. t we .."y .. nd how we o; .. y it on Ihe big st .. ge. It 18 a hct of life th .. t obJec tl ve people will never p .. y "tl"ntton If ,,11 you do 1. kick .. nd scre .... On t he o lher h .. nd,if you c hip aWlly c .. refully with _11 rellsoned .. rg .... nt ""d c .. edible evidence Ihe tM nki ns: .... n and _n c en on l y respond In one of two WIly ... Either bury theIr he .. d8 in the s .. nd or .. t .. rt to <J,uesl1on their own pres woptlons.

B~RG"IH BOOK OFFERS Brand new ex-.... rehou .. e Gt ock .. ydleble o f ~ ~ ([2 S5) :ilall St o rie .. (£2 ' S) Ph .. nt oar; 2l. .lruI. UlUt pperge ( £ 5 SIO) ~ ~ (£5 SIO) ~ !.!E2 CmlUl1coey (£3 S6) LookIn( filL ~ aUens (£5 SIO) .. nd .. E W THIS MJH1lI tIUN. tbn .. ters (t] s6) A..arlcan o .. der .. c .... h doll er biU •. UK cheq .... s to:­' Jenny R .. ndl .... ' et 37 He .. thbenk id Che .. dle Heath Stockport Cheshlr" SK3 OUP

Page 4: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Northe rn UFO Newn . -NEWS R O UND UP :

.. En16_ DesIgn In Burnley "I''' .... 11 worth keeping"" lIyll on. Thlly offer sa.a of the best _teri"l in the UFO world .. t excellent pri c es. Recent 1992 ttll.u. f a .. lnshn.: .. i nclude D .. vtd J .. cab6 ' Sec; .. ut Life' .. bduc tian t .. e .. t16 .. < .. t £1 4.99) .. nd J .. cques Vallee'" book1enSth dlaJ .. l e& ·fo .. bldden Sc ience' <a t £16.95) both unavailable In the UK but .. t no .a .. e then you'd be pey1nS for the. If they .... 1' ... They alllO hovlI ·f .. o. out of the blue·,.y book updell ns the Rendlesh ... for...,t/Ben t .... t ers c .. _ .no t out In the UJ{ <a ...... yet likely t o hel .. t .. price of Just £8.95. which le excellen t v .. lue.

Now, Entg ....... " the aKcl uli lvlI .. et .. U for fATE .... g .. zin .. I n th .. UK. You c .. n get .. subsc .. ipt100 la th", wo .. ld' . only ..,.,thly Jou .. n .. l .. bout the par .. nor ... l (or jU6 t £20.whlch unde .. c ut . even his speci .. l de .. l or LI . 90 pe .. single Is6ue. The lo test 16sue <Nove-be .. - nuo.be .. 512 - Iot.l c h .. haws thi s wo .. ld fo..,u .. Jaurn .. l·s 45 ye .. r pedig .. ee) 1& .. .. aI .... ys ter .. ifl c. Je .... y CI .. rk l ooks In det .. Jl .. t s new hook t n the USA on the Ro .. well cr .... h (whi ch n .. tu .. lI1ly Enig ........ e sel11ng .. 1 .. e .. dy! ).John Kee l wrltell e .. ch ..,nth.there·s o .. epu.· t on flying <lntJtt eli seen I n Rusd .. end .. f .. llCtm.ting s t o .. y .. bout pa .... ll el pol1ce .. nd p .. ychic investigstion .. tnta thll t .... Slc ...... de .. of p ...... p .. yc ho l agt .. t D Scot t Rogo. Piu .. Iota ..".e. Trfl .. t yours el f ( or Chr l .. t ......

Orde .. s .. nd c .. talague .... v .. ll .. hle f"oll EniS'" D .... lSn .. t 15 Ryd .. , S t .. eet Bu .. n l ey L .. nc .. shlrll BBt() IIts Tel: 02112-2483'1.

.. """'nwh l le f a .. s ec;und h .. nd b .. rgo!n .. you c .. n do .. i a t wors .. th .. n th .. 0 ..... Midnight Booh' c"t .. lasulI <Sh£ to The H .. vell 2i Windsa .. foIol .. d Sidfo .. d Siru.outh \levan EX I O 9SJ). P .. c ked wIth ...... -= hooks on Ufo.. .. nd the ...... ..,.0 ... '11. i t .. " good b .. owse.Bu1 .. ct rss t. R .. "l b8rs"l n& So qu1 c kly.

If your t .... te .. "re IOOr e lIu5ic ,, 1 <or odd), theo you oo.lght be 10t,,"estlld I n 'Olve 1n deep' by Steve And .. e ws.An old 11_ sl"l _rt of th .. c heery .ag"~lne 'Mogic Saucer' whic h 50.., ... y .. ec"ll fro. its hippy.dlppy d"Y5 Qf thll 70 ' s. his .usi c II1Sh1 well b .. dellcrlbed I n the .. e ter .... t oo. He tails ..,

· th .. t hi" "lb.,. ·inc lude .... live t .... c k fe .. turing .y .. paces hip· .. nd .. cco .. ding to t he blu .. b p .. .....,ting it i .. f .. .,.. " ·w1z .... d or "lchea1st? s up .. r psychi c? exlr .. terr .... t .. l"l beioS? ' It .... v"U .. ble on c" lIsett .. ot £5 ( rOIl Sp"c e&hip Sounds .. t 22 Purker Pl .. c e Ely C .. rdiff South W .. Le .. Cf54HS .. . Qull ...

.. There' s been .. n .. bduction In Ltvlngston.Scotl"nd. aut not or .. h ....... belng.Al1en& (well Sa_an<l .. ny_y) nicked th" plaque set up to C..-IOO .... t .. thl! f ..... u" 1979 lendJ ng c eS8 .. t DochllOllt L .. w. If you .... c .. U .. 11 It r edly did _ & plug .trthur C Chrke. SO _ ... y fefll it 1s no g .. e .. 1 los ... Even 100 .... Ihe onl y such pl .. que "t " UFO l .. odlng s U e In t he world it wIll be 1I1 .... ed by s o ..... Ron H .. ll1d .. y of ScaUi"h E .. rth Mysteries 111 ..awltlng 11 co.apelgn to erect .. .. obust "nd IOOre .. rtiatic c .. e .. U a n < .. a t lltu .. ) .. t tha .. lte. 11I1 s sounds a f .. r batter Ide .... 11 .. ound 60 If you ... ", t t o offa .. you .. support in any woy c ont .. c t hi ... 1: - 35 ~'aunlsln Rd Bridse o f Alliin Sti .. lIng Sco t land FX9 4AU.

. . finally. reader Steve G<!r .. " .. d <25 Well t on G .. ove Rd WooIstao South". ptan U",ots S02 9EE) ha .. hunched .. o .. W8p .. pe .. c utting s ervi c e. lie h .. s " Ubr .. ry of OVaI' 5000 .... Ucla" 00 UFo.. .. nd c rap ci r c les IInd h11i s ervice will s eek out rodev .. nl _te .. lel for anyone eng .. ged 10 ............ c h . A nic e i dee .

Page 5: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

N .... lI" " ·,, m:!) It" "" "

CIRCULAR LOGIC -". ( " "--) ',.--, Cer aology 18 io utter Cr181s ri Rht now.If you don't beli e ve _ .. U you

need do 18 f ollow the ezlr .. o rdlnnry S8So of wh"t l e occurring in ~ ~ Watche r' (£9 for 6 ieeuee, 3 Selbor oe Cl Todstock Clooe Ro_y W .... ts 5051 7TY). Thill Ill, in .y viev. the only ",s",,1ne worth re .. dinS and is preGently .ore free than ever fro. oUat c h.ant to .... y o rSll.Di s otion or viewpoi n t, o ther then Sood old co-.o """'8e. Paul fuller tell s 011 that soee on behind 1he lICenee In a Held wher .. by a I o ns ""'y the peopie r .. searchins the pbeno-non ere 11 heck of a lot .-Jre felKinetins th .... ..net they ..... InvesUs .. Ung.

Iss ue 12 Uu.l / Aug) hall an .. scd l .... t d .. tailed c .. talogue o f AustraUan c r op ci rcl .. ca .... e.lots o f inside l nfo on Iuxu< ..... c .. 1J6h1 tn the a c t .... d ( l eet you think the ~lId .... th.or, i . being proeoted unc ritic .. ll, by TCW ) .. pr .. tty negative 1I.lIell~t of the _teorologt8t. letest Idees.

Issue 13 (Sep/OcU contein8 s o_ iepart .. nt _ter ial froe the Net eoroloSic.d OffI ce concerning Pat D .. Ig .. d o ' 8 c urrent book ( a leHer r .. printed io full whi c h should be IItudted), h ...... report on th ......... z1ng lat ... t thousht. of .. top c.reoI OR1.t who le ull1ng nlckn~e Uke 'Bill BaU .. y' .. nd 'Spider ... n' to "UOIgedly identify "", .. t _ ..tght ter •• tr .. Hors In our atde t· ... od an in- depth debat .. s p .... ning sOlver .. 1 p"Se. di.cussing Andy CoUins 'orgone OIner gy' theor, and He potential to unrevOlI the .Yllt .. ry.

There Is l ots ear .. In .... ch i s.ue,incl udlng .. r epor t on how onOl of Or Meaden' a top a uppert..,.. (Professor Ohtlluld In J"p<m) h .. s now been snored by hoe.er .. .. od (unlIke el aewh.re) pl .. nty o f refe r e nce to newly uncover ed data on e yewitness ob6er~ .. tione ond hletorlG~l C~6e~

H you beH e ve cer eolD5)' I. dead, TCW will eaka you th i nk .. saln. At presant thie subject I. fMlra uc! tinS than e v .. r .. deUght f or socI o losia t .. I shoul dn·t wonder. I seue 14 <Deceeber) pro.!see eo88 even DDre inc r edIble sturf whic h blowa lhe IJd oH .. not he r bi g can o f o.or_ In the heart of thi s enOreauS fi eld o( dre ..... rs. It r .... lly is h .. rd t o see how some people ore going to _rRe fro. the gathering lit or. clouds apparently .aunttng on se ........ l (ronts with too .... ch credibUity intac t.

Overall. a s tholle who s ow the illf>ro .. ed ver .. ion of the 'E"Itrlno.' (Chennel 4) docl1M!ntnry on 25 October will know,.y opinion Js lhot thOl s ubject has 8 0ne through .. ve r, ieportant c .. th .. r . is whic h is .. zposlng b .. re .. 11 th .. t 1 ~ wrong with o ur r ese .. rch. Perhaps tha right thing to do i .. forget cereology f o r .. few s ueeer. , l e t the hoexerll end th .. dr e ..... r . ga t f<ld up .. s the eed10 (th .. nkfully) .. lrOledy h ...... ond co ... bnck loter to quiet,un"66ueJng end UDCooteelnoted research Into the r .. loti ..... y fev and el l1f>le reel c ircles whic h do enst.ol_y. have e xi e ted and will ContiOUII t o ..... if ... t I n f uture.

Me .. nwhile. IlT ~a.d ..... ( who. I believe odll e .. entually be shown to hove been eor .. right than anyone .. bout c!rd"II, tbough not enti r el, right) h ... • witc hed .. good deal of .. ttention lI_y fro. the .ubj -c: t In the Jouengl IlI. MeteorolplD' (£24 for to,54 fro ... Rd Bradford on Avon Wil ts BU5 ILD) I believ .. It Is Is no bed thing to clll1 a eor11 0rlo. .. s 1. Met s tIll h .. s 60 ... fa8cinating (ond useful ) content . For instence the Oc tober and November 18sues inc lude .... ver .. l roport s o f recent b .. ll lightning ... look .. t the GALA theory and lIe .. er .. l other relevanl pleces plue the eore straight _tllOrologic .. l papers (eg one tockling the '"fth of lh .. reins of MlInc hester>

However. if you .. r e sad thn! th .. e ra of the c r o p c ircle SOl .... to be auch on th .. wane.,ou cen r .... t .. ssured th .. t publications have not dried up coapl et .. ly .. B yet.Thr .... new very different o(fOlrioga have Just eeerged.

Page 6: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Mortbern UFO Me_ 6 -

The prolific Oonald Cyr h .. s brought out hh sequel 'Crop Circle Secrets 2' .. ubtitled ',,"-ric .. ' s firat circle'.Thia 96 paSe _11 illuGtr .. ted book coaprl .. e. hiG Ide .. s IlIId lot .. of p .. p .. rs IlIId l .. ttera fro. othan. In r .... ponGe to book I liIurro lUlding hi .. rn .. cln .. t1ng theories. Theae Unk VLF n.diation with vorUc .... ond the circl ..... The title co_s (rOll t he discovery of an eyeldtna .... OCCOlUlt fro. n .. tive .t.ericllIl literature doting back 150 yeorG.MQre lIke .. 8cluntlfic debate (but on very read .. ble lines ) I think its well wortb .. look ot (7 fro. Leonard s.dtb (UI agent) 16 Solstice l i ... ..... .. bury Sol1 .. bury VUhMre SP .. 7NQ.

ProUHc al .... well defl.Crlbe .. Arldy CoIU08.Mot CCXl ttlftt wltb churniJ18 out r .. sc.ln .. tJJ18 book. ha h.... 0 .... produced .. well Illu .. trated 16 P"8e booklet • The Woodluuo 8ee ' whic h rev:1 .... tbe crop circle c .... _ io Essex during s~r 1992 inclodlns plenty of photos and d1asra-. EKcellent .... d vary w;eful stuH .. t the very reasonoble price of U (hi .. very good book ' Tha Clrc le.oker8 beinS ov .. ll .. ble .. t (".95 fro- the 8a.B aource) clo AlIC Books 1'0 Box 169 Latah- an- Sea £668l11 SS9 IMF

Finally (and you c anno t s a t .ore different!) Cont .. c t UK,considered .. ... Jor lntern .. tion .. l gro up,l .. unc h an Aworenes .. a peci .. l lesue under the titla 'World [1tc lu&ive: I .. thi a .... ) alien? ' I ..... t .. da1t I thought twice .... t o whe ther this ...... Intended ......... 'Altornntive 3' .. tyl a .. Ind- up, but it I .. not obvlou61y 60. Tho group (pru ...... bly ...... body?) issua ' .. Gt .. t e.ent (rOll Contact Intern .. tional' In whic h thoy report h .... one of thair tea. .61abli Ghed tolapathlc cont ac t with on ailen on 25 June 1992 and that in .. Ions ...,..1e6 of _"GaSeG, n.... Involving .... ver .. 1 other. (rOIl tha group. la .... they h .. ve lear nt tha t th ...... 001"8'" .. re the ane. -': Ing tha c r o p c ircleG! The last r_tnlns 950 .... rgy cre .. turea arrived (rOIl the plonet MOIton on 20 March 19&0 after a Journey o ( one adllton light ye .. r •. Many Il va ind.fbIy In the .. 1<1e. over Ensland bee ........ 1l 'h ... the best GDUrce of natur .. l energy' but o thera .. re scat t .. red globall y.Parc .. ls of energy have t o be aen t 'via the winds' t o .0_ of the. who are not (loatins over .. uch good liuppU a .. . A de .. cription 1. o(fared a .. to how they cre .. te circles and ..tly thQy .. ra doi ng It. A 'aelf portr .. lt' I s even included,adding t hat th .. MetanG look lilt .... denti .. t .. drill. Cont .. c t do, und .. rstandabl y, noh, that 'you .. re not .... pect .. d to beli .. v .... 11 of th l .. In one go' (quit .. t) but urse r .... d .. r . to

. a."d ln q ...... tion .. to tha ollen .. , .. dding '_ und .. rstond thot a reply I .. .. lwoy. given. ' If y'H' wont to r .... d the full .. t ory of this eIlr .. ordlnary c laJ. writo to : II Ousel .. y Close New Marlilon o..ford 013 015

ECLIPSING nE IJIftMCMoII (3) by Robed FrlUfCfI

Wo continu .. our 10Gll .. t tha cont .. c tee and .. bduct ... with the ~Ickal srod ..... Within tha. th .. re Is the rank o f h1Sh ad .. pt. Tho6e .. re h..-n .. who through ye .. r.. of trolnlng and self-conditioning have faatllarlaed th .. _alves .. ith and l earnt to utilise the power .. of th .. 1r aubconGcioua aind. Having errived at thla .tatu .. , tha hiSh .. d"pt l a .. ble t o cr .... t e hi .. own 'astral pl .. ne' of reality. Tb .. _re h .. put .. into it by woy of cre"Uv .. vl6ual16otlon, the lonS .. r la.ling IlIId !lOre' re .. l' It wtll beco_. It i .. even poaalble t o interac t with thi s nelf cr .... ted re .. lity by way of astr,,} travel

The .. dept Can 01 60 create three-di ...... i onal 1_se.. in his aioo,l it .. rally on onotber plane o f eust eace. lI .. con cra .. te an obj ect and thrOUSh ritual ond the .entpulatlon o f will dr .... tbi a for. Into the three­di-.-osional reo1ity o( t he IIOrld In the ....ner of .. c ontro lled for. of apport.tlon..

Page 7: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Northern UFO News 1 -

Such _thods lOre alao Invo hed ln the creation o f s hort - Uved, single pllrpoee h~ld for_ . They are not lhing c r e aturea and their functionnl ru<tent is n. 'fetc hers' and 'cnrrler.' . 00 lhese not reooJnd yo u of ao.ething whic h featuree in the etrenger UFO lit. rature - the Men In Blac k? Thes • ..,eterJo<m belngs .... n against pertlcul .... 11nee of r esear c h,or e"88eet th.t all enquiries are helted, or involve ludt crou", al_l nonsenBlcsl c onfrontetlons.

Why shouid there no t be a '_sic kal' content to the UFO/ a11en pheno.enon? There le e &ase o( c irc u.stanc ial evidence whic h point a t o it .. origin being .ssentially eegic kal rath.r than axtraterrestrlsl . For ins tanc., eeny eepectB peral1.1 ..,thologi " •• uch as that ln C.ltic antiquity. Th. t.ll, blcmd ah.osl .ensuel (or. of alien en'count.red In &any older c . ... lOre Uke angeHc be1OSS. But why should th.y be axlret ... r e.tri.l .? We only h.ve their WDrd for it . In other WDrds,8UCh of the c cmfronlftUon ls based on visuol and eeotJonel qu.lIUes rathe r than tangible e~idence that be1nas ere whet they .. ey they ere.

Fay i. an old WDrd (or foiry and a fay i .. not so_ kind of wia py­winged creature,but t.ll, co_nding .... d beautiful creatures ..no could be either ben.vol .... t or c ruel. On c lOG" scruUny .any of the alleged alien .. con'or. quit . clos"ly t o the alluring char. and .1..,..1 .en.gickal qu.Uties of these s upernatural .8enciee o f o ld. Even whe n hueens were t .... en to the feys other...,..ld It tended t o persUel lhe r eport s 81vflll by witnesees who .... e traneparted to . lien ...,..Id •.

In lh. nod issue _ will ,,"plore the propert h!s o f thi s strange other"",rld.

---------------------------------------------------------FOR YO UR PERUS AL

~Jor ertJcl ... alsewhere

OVHI Mov (??? ror 12: - 12 THton Gro.... J[itk Hnll_ Ilkeston DE? 4GR) Her. trJanKl fts over the &ost It1dJends end OsvJd Ick . In HaUln!h s ..

Ana.oly 11 ( £4 ror 2 or (ree in ASSIJ' sub: 20 Paul Str .... t Fro_ BAll IDX) NJce. to s_ this ~ baCk on retflJlllr trll ck . Hara .Tohn Spencer dJscusses coincJdences ",Hh so_ Jnterfts Un/l CIIses (Jnc1udJ"6 atIa Jnvolvin/l _) (end her .. • .. enolher, I had .. sJ-.ller .. rlJcla on coincJ denc •• in Mo_ly J )

Fort e ,," n ... s 66 (:£2, _Jar newae.l\ent&: Sub via: - 20 Paul St Fro_ BAil I DX) The na., for_t ....... s Jt Jook epen bJuer, but Jts as good as al_ys. AsJde fro. .11 ,be usual -.1rd ...... t . ther_ a fascJnatJrw look at the .Jr"lf" of 8dst ol sUPp06edJy seen In Al.sks! Plus .Tohn 1 .... 1 Js .. t H "/laJn.

Earthquest Winter (:£2. SO for J, ,.\BC Books I'Q Box 189 lfl1gh on Sea SS9 JHf' ) Yes, Hs hJ. OIIaJn! And, Colllnll seal. r"flul .. r _1l .. ;cJn .. h .. s 54 cr~ peges of fascJnalJnfj stuff. The 7 /IIeonJ .. swords ara finally bro"lfht t Oll. th.r ... A strlJIJgtJ photot/r .. phJc CaBa of earthlJt/hts end crop cJrcleB In £s"a" odth a -.11 Jlludrated look .. t o ther phot o IJIJ..-liell IJIJd a good pJec. on Tull, cJrcla .. tond tha aborJI!Jmd backtp"ound.

Folklore Frontiers 17 <.£5, for 4: 5 Egton Or SeBlon Cerfl .. Cl.v.land TS25 2AT> A rich lIal.ctJ _ of neMlO Jt_ tJnd snJppets on .. .... rJetT of ..... b,vJ folklora stod.s.

Page 8: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Northern UfO Mews , -lUll Oct (130 for 6: - 2457 III P"te,..aon AYe Chicago IL 60659 USA) Chd6 Rutkolffiki dJ6cu6ses circle6 1n ""nUo"', ClUllJdlJ ••• KeJlh BlJ6terfield ,..evielffi AustralilUl 4bducliom, lUId INHer Jkbb recalls IJ 1956 V16U 10 ATIC.

MUFON Iournal (130 for 12: - 103 Oldtowne id ~n TX 78 155- 4099 USA ) Sep' - Budd Hopkins glve6 hl6 IJr6 1 JII- depth r .. port on tINt no .. io/lJe0u6 'odtOe66ed' IJbduetJOD In Net.! York lUId DeooJ. StllCy describes hJ6 1992 drcl..-tour 01 i:lwland . .• 01::1: - Liod4 lIoul Ion 110_ upd4ie6 lUIl_l .UtJJ4tJonS tIIId the GtJIF Breeze 'rOlld shot' photo flolJJJy lP'''' _ inci6ive c~I. IftJny researchers lIere tllOUflht It the key elJ 410116.

Orlblter Sep (Exchllllge for dala: - PO Box 652 Road!ng MA 01867 USA) A nuaber 01 10teretl tJfl/I aedJa J I~, e6 on lIos_1J reproduced, plus tha flr6t repr10tJn6 of the ca.plete AIr lIlaa report on ana o f t he 1992 UX ca,...a.

A E CS20 CAM cash 2 St Clair Aye Vest SuHa 607 Toronto Canada "'V ILS) The October 166 ... of IhJ5 l-tXJrlltnt c l06e encOlUJter debatJ0S cha.ber (fu1J tJtJe BulJet10 o f Ano_l<lu6 ExperJence). Dennls Stecy pre6entli till JntrisuJ.06 theory <If IJbductJon6 relatln6 to rllpre6ti4HJ "bortJon _rles, plus the uau .. l excelJent liet of JlIfX1rtlUlt .. bstr .. c t6 fro.- the recent p6ychol<l61clJl press.

Stranse 10 (LlJ.50 for 4 to 'Mark Chorvim.ky' BOll 2246 Rockv1l1e Kl 20847) Tba lat eti t editlon of thIs .ellty _Saltlne (dlo t o For telJll Tl.-eti ) 1. a 'H.-.olds' speclal Includlol1 pleces by JohtI Cae..1,Jerry ClarJc tIIId NiS.l IIbtsan. Jerry even asks ..tIere the 'Sr.ys' ....,.., before recent US Ca 686. QuUel

UFOIIA DIsest SoJp (??? clo PO BOll 2435 Cairns QU) 4870 Australia) All the late5t 61ShtiolfS fro..- the UFO Re"'!lJrch Australi .. o .. lM:Jrk. Every thins fro..- 10 .. definitJon up to CE .. Ca5e ... Fascin4Hfl(J .. r chJ.val _teriIJ1. ----------------------------------------------


First,ll1fX1rtlJllt ne ..... fro.- J.r ..... Clork.11Iosa who re .. d the r.vi_ of '11Ia //Fa EncylopedilJ Vol ...... 2' (l .... t iSI>"") or of volu.we 1 (liee 1 .. 5u .. 146) .. ill reclJll that I helJrt1Jy endorsed IlIi.. tutcapUonal IIIId tutcitJn/f project but _a dJ5appoJ.oted by the prJ.ce of .a5 per l<'(Il..-.Payllllf over £150 for all three books put whllt lIMIuntli to the be.t UFO publJcations in YelJ.rs out o f r<tnfIe of ~y UFOlofI1filt6. I ... dalJ.shted 10 tell you thol puhlisher li OwIilfrllphJCIi (at PenobfK.o t BuJldiIlfl De t roit 111 48226 USA) hlJv. now bro~ht o llt cll t - price f>lJperb .. ck edltJOIJS aiaed .. t tbe /JFO -...ke t f _ the far .ora realiOllllble su. or $ 3 4 elJ.cb. You ClUl e ven f>lJY $99 IJIId get 1111 three (incJudinS Iha fiolJl fHlr t of the trllOfIY, due io 1993 - Vol...e 3: ­'Hil1h Strangeness',whlch odll be coverlfl(! tha dec .. d ... of the 1960'. and 1970'1i).If you .tJll think £60,piu6 postage, 5_ llke a l<lt to fHlY f or 4Jl threa vol...es (which fHl IJround 1 lIIIi.llion wards) , J e t _ .. bsolut.,ly re4Stillre you. Th.,. ... books ore lIl .. sily warth H . This i . the ultJ_ta ln UFO encylopedi.. iIhd for. a set thlJt no ~iO/J6 //Fa rasearcher should be .. Hhout. Tr .... t yoursell. I doubt thllt you 11111 r~et doios so.

10cJdeot .. lly, Albert Sudden tall s _ tlNtt publJshers Jud blocked tu. book tltJ a o f 'Hish StnJIIgeoeS6' bec .. u6a thay,;aid thi6 iaplJed drU(! U6lJSa!

Page 9: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Nor t hern UFO Ne_ 9 -

Also on thIs the.. of Identlcal na.es croppJn6 up thls year ,r 6ather th"t Para_unt pictures ~ .. e 0 na" UFO _ .. le ca.lll6 In Spring 1993 .,Hh the !lUe 'Flre In t be uy' (the s..- FaJrly odd one as .y 1989 Bl/F'OI/.A refKJrl on t he Peter Day _vie F11.!) Apparently thls 15 Just lWother co incldence.

TlIE P1.A1NS OF SAM AGUstlN CONTROVERSY "25 US Ba paS8 publ1cati on fro. • CQ/l l er for UFO ShJdies' 2451 W PelerlW<l Avll Chi c "So IL 60659

1992 USA

Thl. publlcdJon Js the latest round In t he contl"uing deb,Jte about the ROfl_11 UFO CTadl Ir_ 1947. ca.prJd"ll th .. po51!l0fl ptJpers Fro. .. arlous sida .. of "" arlf.-nt about Soatl 01 the _re COll t ..... IJOUS aspect .. of the el/ldeJlce (Rotabl, the tesUacmy RI Gerald Andar. oR relf"rdlng the reputed allen bodles lound at SaD A(pu>tln). The dispute bat_ UFOlolflst .. Includes Xel/in Randle.Don Schal tt.Don Berllner 4l1d othar. and thili Jol"t CIIFOSIFund For UFO lIe5eerCb aanulOCrlpt e-rges Fro. .. 1_ d<ty prl .... te liy¥'sl_ held In Chlea6" 1" February to aJ10fJ the "arloUli pllrUes to present th .. lr c .. fi .. and .. upport .. tl .... evidenc ... tfl.thln thefie cl"l_ and countarcJ"J_ you ~t " good Insllfhl Inlo OoIby thls C"fiB is .. 1111 .. a hotly debtJt .. d In UFO clrcle ...

S'OeOI..IC LANDSCAPES 184 pp • inc colour photos. ~SM AND THE MYSTERY LIN£S 238 pp.Jnc line

Got hic I_S8 dr ..... lnS .. . Qua.nt ....

t:I4.95 £. 7.99

Th .. se .. re th .. two lat,,6t oFF.,l"p Fr_ the doyen o( .... rth .ysterle6. p"uJ De .. erewr. Al thol.llIh In .. oaa re .. peets they Ir ... d the ....... ground on sJ.aJ1 .. r theaes tbBy ha .. a dlfferinlf eaph .. 6efi tJnd 10011 quite dls .. lailar.

Not 6urprJ6lngly. the _re IIXper1s1 .. e 1l0ftbllcJc Js flxcellently Jllu6tratad,/Jrara6 the quantu. booll Js _re text - orJent,,'ed;,,1thoU/fh wJth quite" lew 11"", sketche6 and _ps. They do coapleaant one lUIother and tOffether represent an outline 01 De .. ereUlt ' 6 bl o .. ~o.unlf thesJs about hJdden enerlfles and the Int_rel"tion6hJp beheen aind MId the e .. rlh.

'Syllbollc L3¥ld"c"p85' has .. sub- UU" 01 'Me dr ...... U_ aerth·.It 6terls by chartloK the s t"te of conscIoutilleli ... f ound I .n the 'drea.U_· of the Au6trallan "borlglnal trJbes and pre6e/1t in other "RCJent cultures 4l1d r4n886 into a 6~estJon of ho., this .. ltered 61.la of conscJousness eUlfhl relate to an "MVeness and u5e of llU1dscape (",'eves and the 6ites found od thin 1oI86se,.-. Crop c lrcles and IIFOB are only aenlioned J" passi"lf, notl"l! bav abduction6 ailfht refer to aodern d"y eJfpres610ns of a ... Jailar th..-.

Less .. Jo ... "lly IIppealJnK. but 51111 -.11 de61tpled and wtth the U6ual deep res8tJrch <rJld reference _terJ ... 1 Ih .. t plJuJ o. .. ereUlt Is "ohld for, • ShilaanJ ... • explorlls thIs .. Je., of cone;cJou6I1ee;s In rela tJonlihJp to lJ _re lfl oblJl e;pread of leys tUld sJaller 'antJrlfY IJnee;' and featevee; such lJ6 rock pelntJngs. In tand_ the bookfi Jntroduce a (lJf>CJ"atinlf psychoanalysJ6 of anclent eJ .. lJl6JJtlOl> tUld thelr potential ptJrlJlJoraal sl(JflJ(l ctUJce 1Jh1 ch doe6 prorJde _ clues tb .. , could be IIppilflll to clOGe encu .... ter UFO r esearch.

UFO ENCOUNTERS 128 pp Msny photos Publications International, USA 1992

No prJce quoted for thI6 lerSe lor_t sener.] UFO book not out J" Ihe UK.lt bas " lferJsh unappe .. IJns co .. er and you ha~e to 10011 hlJrd t o flnd Jt attrJbuted Inside 10 Jero.e Cl"rk lUId lMrcello TruzzJ. As coFF_ t"ble books lfO 6uch a pedIgr_ ............ sa.e credJbllHy but the production qUllllty 16 (nUlJrly nothIng t o ""out lJbout lUId tbe credltJnlf of dlsco .... rl ... on the Ben l_ters c .. e;e '0 Cabie Net16 NetworJr a bit puzzling. Not a bad book but. In clHOplJdson with Jerry Cl"rk'6 eIIcyl opedJa. nolhlnll 10 write ho_ about.

Page 10: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Northe ... n UFO News - 10 -


A look at UFOa in the public ey"

It s".,... th .. t the ~ hav" ... ecov" ... ed th .. i ... fo ..... I. .. t .. ly ..... ve h .. d .... ve ..... l 'J s .... a ... Its t ... ue· type sto ... 1es.eg the seconds old b .. by th .. t scr .... .ed 'Not Agoin!' in f ... ont of its st ..... tled .athe ....... d the docto ... p ... esiding ove ... ita bi ... th. In UFO te ... _ .... hove le" ... n1 th .. t • new evidence' fOWld in a py ... na1d (whe ... " e1 .... ) ha" ... eve .. led th .. t NOM _" the fi ... st "VIII" al1 ...... bducto ....... d the ..... k """. of course ... flying .... uce ... .

Meanwhile. In thei ....... ten .. i v .. 1y ..... s .. " ... ch .. d and ... "st ..... in .. d ( .... tlll"" ... • Are ET studs honJdns our bi ... ds?· .... discove ... the t ... uth .. bout .. new c ...... unde ... study by the Independent UFO Netwo ... k (thi .. ha .. not been in ·Brisanti .... s yet - aind yo.., .. s .-ost ... e .. d ..... s h"ve co-.nted. nothing has. B ... isanti .. s ee_ to h .. ve suffe ... ed .. ti.o l .. p .. e and heen kidn .. pped by lIyste ... lous fo ... ces)

St_ ... t Sll.ith told the Spo ... t (16 Aug) th .. t ..... ,. be .... t.. f ... oll .. p .. ce .. ppe ..... ed .. s the (Nottingh .... ) hou .. ewife l"y n .. ked in bed ... • ... the ... est i6 he ... ebY censo ... ed by NUN ... Aside f ... oll these (undouhtedly IICCU ..... t .. > quot .. s. th .. Spo ... t ha ...... file on oth ...... c lose encount ..... s of the pe ... " kind' Clho ... udest they could find f ... oll the hooks of Hopkins.!IIcobs et 01) nod IIlso cite so.a strnnge p ..... son they call • best selling UFO autho ... Jenny Randle·. Sinc .. I IIU6t h""e spoken with tho Sport durtng ftI1 ASC 1t Q116 odd to see I ,,~ quite f .. l ... 1y quoted .. s saying thnt psychologist .. ha .... ( .. iled to disp ... ove these c .. ses nnd • .. lthough ........... t ... ylng to find out wh .. t else they could be ..... c .. nnot ... ule out the possibility thnt they ..... e t ... ue.· Denrie .... if they ..... e not cn ... eful thoy will sh ... t getting a ... eput .. tion fo ... sood ... epo ... tins next!

Me .... while.the ~ Q[ ~ ~ (22 Nov) _a one of seve ..... l aour ces to ca ...... y the case of a New To ... k docto ...... eputedly invest1S"ted by the health depa ... twmt ove ... fe ..... s th .. t he aiSht be • _nt811y unb81ftnce d ftlId unfit to p ... nctice _dicine·. The ch8QSes _re ... ej .. cted but his cl .. i_ ..... e that h .. h"d been IIbducted by .. liens h"sed 8t the South Pole who. the p .. pe ... note. h .. ve Unks wi th the N .. zi· s and plot to ... enew genocide.

U ... 1 Geller now has ..... egula ... colU.110 In the ~ ~ and on 16 Oct .... ot ... Lost in Sp8ce' . As fo ... thright as evs ... U ... 1 1nfo ... _ us th"t llliens • have been .... Sing _ ... 00 this planet fo ... centuries· ... lie IIUoges th .. t UFOs cnn 'lure peeplll into unbel1ev .. ble si tuations. It· s vi ... tu .. lly illpossible to ... esist th .. Invitation.' He then adds five h .. lpful clues to enllble ... eade ... s to decide I r they h .. ve been kidn8pped - eg hove you eye... been un .. bl.. to ... e-.eoobe ... whe ... e you ......... 1 A few ailUon folk afte ... lest o ... do ..... IIIJst h .. ve nn .. _ ... ed yes to th .. t on .. omd now e .. ge ... ly ,,_it reg ... ession hypnos1B.

Fin .. lly. lit the height of th .. deb .. te ( .. e .. p"ge 11) 5cotl!lI\d !m. SYlldav 11 Nov> .. sked which a ... itl&h politician people thought II1ght be an 81ien.SI ... Davtd Steel suggested Lo ... d Tebbit was 8 ·b ... other of Hr Spock·.Ken l.1vlngston ... eported thllt he _e. hi_elf f ... oll the pl .. net ..... phibious .. wetUng hi .. n .... h e .. tlng b ... othe ... s to h"tch (tlIL •• ) ..... trono_ ... /ce ... eologist Archie Ray ........ rted that oliens would be f .. r beyond us in intelligencs and IIIIturity ""d 80 no politician would qualify and noted SF writer r G B .. ll" ... d .... 11y pointed out thllt he likened the hOURe of co-.n .. to 8 sp .. ceahlp c .. rrying hainS" who find o ... din ..... y hU.ll8l1s lot8111 Inco .. p ... ehensible. ..dding th .. t the feeling _s eutUllL Fo ... the ... eco ... d. I .... s .. Iso .. sked. nnd .. y co_ot .. were 1111 foUo\IU! - 'The .. st co..,n lyplI! o f .. liens thot "re seen ..... e grey and blnnd - whic h pollticinn dOfls th .. t deSCribe to you?'

Page 11: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Hnrth .. rn UFO ""'- - 11 -

scOD.AJf!l AI ~ CEHTlIE Qf. nE !lE2 GAI·AXY

ThiG lIut .... ScoUllnd hila lIuddenly found itself lit th .. foculiof world UFO IIttllntion. It is worth looking lit hov thi& 1111 c'a_ aboul.

On 26 Septe.ber 'Tha Scut&_n' cllrr1ed an articl •• Wh .. r .. on ellrth did the Mnrl1ans go?' by Alb.rt Morris.1t .. Ileged (preauaobl)' b .. sed on Phil1p Mnnll .. ' s ...ch quoted pre August conference pubUcit)' """tlrclaltJ thllt 'UfO .... tch .. rs· wer .. reportiog thllt UFOG • _ ..... le .. ,,1ng.o ... hll"e l .. ft, th .. e ..... lh' & ulYir .... o. pe ... h .. p" never to ... eturn. We ... e they e"e'" with u .. In the H ..... t place?' He added ( .. Hllaugh fro. """'t 6OW"ce 111 uncl ...... ) th .. t • 11 growing nu.be ... of lFO _tche"'II' .. re convinced th"t .. u UFO. ...... _rol), 'I1rcraft I1gbtll and pbeno.ma such ae _1111 h .. lluc:lnatlon ... Which la n ...... to _.

Tht .. _)' have be .... a at s r . adlng of 11 quote of atne In 'Chllt' -sazln •• liS MorriG then cH.s (J!W".a I gavll there for the lowar nuooblU" or .. ighUI13" lidded to our fUa& In recent )' ...... s.~"er. thllt reduction 1 .. partly becllusa we tend to reject ob"ious If 06 the&e dllyll and 110 .are of the c ..... & we record IIr. of 11 hlgh .. r qual:lt)' and .are 11ktll)' to be uneaplllin..,d.

The ... esl of Morris's artlcl .. waS cynical. Insulting and often frankly ridiculous (eg • the .ast fr1ghleniutS a .. peet of 1.lUch aUlIged pheno...n .. 1& thtl UfOlog1sts thll_..,]Vtlll - peopltl with ".., ... y lorgll IIgos, tw", .. l vision , who hellr strllnge buzzing nolsell.llee curious l1ght& b..,forll their e),es and wtlO desperatlll)' need aliens as a substitute f or thetr lost religi on.') But rear no l - the llFOG -...e llbout to co.e bllck to hllunt these h .. "t)' words.

Four week .. 1 .. 1er Ana)'a published .)' booi< 'UF06 and how to .. ee the.' . Thl& fealures a revi .. w of world UFO hot sput& and lwo of th .. f ive British centres were by c htance in ScoUand. EYidenll), thi s strucll a chord and (to . )' surpri6fl ) I found .)'sal( ...... dst a torrent of _dill int .. rest north of lhe bord .. r . ThI& Included flv .. radio IntervleWlO. a ptec .. f or th. Scotti .. h TV news and quite widespread ne_paper cover"6e - eg 'Alien IIr .. a' (Edinburgh Evenlng News),'Scotland top of th .. hotspot& for Ufo..' (G lasgow Herald) end 'Sco tland good for spotting aliens in the sky' (Aberdeen Press) (1111 26 Det)

I WIIS grateful for s uc h uneap .. c led attention, whic h rufered la .. everal key $cottish ca .. e.. lhat .. ra .antJoned io the hook. Out tl ..... 1 h .. ve "ti .. dllted public ta .... r .. o ... s and a wUlingnes" to report dShtinS'" WII .. that unr.lated to "", .. t h"ppened ne"t - whic h _s 11 _Jor ..... v. o f UFO activit)'?

A couple of d .. ys IIfter the _dill blitz Melcol. MacDooeld,falkJrk di s tric t environ.wtal he .. lth officer, reported thllt a very s h .... en 100:: .. 1 bulline..s ...... had related 11 " ighting to the counc:U who hlld c lllled In his te .... The report ca_ rroe the Bonnybridge area end .. councillor conrtr ..... that there were other s tghUng'" The _tler ..... s b .. ing tllllflO "eriou .. l),. Graduall)' lhe local Falkirk .. die (between. and 12 Hov .. ~r) rllve .. led the ed .... t o r the Bonn)'brld,ge nllp a8 .aure sighting .. poured in. Th .... tory BODO s p ... elld t o the rest of th .. countr)"s pre ..... to th. e"tent thllt b)' 8 Ho" the Glasgow Mail waS ... eporting how • terrified t own .. rolk ar .. scouring the .. ky .. t night',lIddlng that 22 casell had alr ... dy been coll .. ted b)' the council.

Cotmcillor Dllly Buchanen insisted that · too .any peopl .. have sighted UFo.. for it lo he disoU"8ed UghU)' ... The I ... ,t thing 1 want t o do is creale h)'uter:la.lf there ts another e"plenation for all thelie sighting .. lhen I will be Sl .. d to hllar tt.' H .. conf:lr_d reports that tlUI council were c llll1ng in a locIII UFOlogist (""'lcol. Robinson pres"'-bl)') to asa1st lh ....

Whilst I hope .... will hav," a full reporl on these events fr o. the I1k ... of MIIlcol .. Run Knlliday snd Fllrguli Sto rrler In future l&U6 .. it 1& worth g iving en introduction tu ~ of the a lrsng .. things whic h are being recorded.

Page 12: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Northern UFO Hews - 12 -

It see_ that reports go bad Into the Spring but IIroWld 22.00 on 3 Hove.ber there waS a well wttn~sed event. Moot people deB~r1be a brilliant 1180t and a low hu. e.!tted by an object wb1~h ~an hover and at ~loBe view be ."'eJl " .. " "lu"ter of U8ht,../I .....-.n ""d h .. r d .. ~hter lOt Klncardin .. describe a triongular shape otudded with lighto like a ChrlotDIIs tree.

As Mal~ol. Robinson at 511 got stu~k into these sightings Ran Hallid .. y at tho S~otUsh Earth Mysteries ~entre pl~lr.ed up on rep<Jrts of 11 green light seen in Edinburgh on the evening of 27 October.Further north BUFORA ~oordinator and poli~e officer Fergus Storrisr, .... s urging residents in the Much .. lls and Stonahaven are .. to ~a.e for~d .. Her Beverlll saw red Md white lighted ~ylinder shapes. More green lights wers seen in Edlnbur80 (eg ons by a police offi~er on 12 Hove.berl and aa-e of the- BOund sUBpl~lously Uke ,.teors,but they .... " Ill&<> .. Idn to the inf .. mous 'gr ...... fireballo' of UFO lore. However, there were 60 lMlIy that by the end of Noveaber Ron H .. lliday llDJIoun~ed the setting up of a 'hot line' where witnes .... s ~ould

~all fro. all o .. er Scotland at local rates. This .... s extensively prOlllOted and ~aoeo flooded in.lt even got a brief .ention In the London preeB.

Perhaps the ..,st intriguing ~IIse is the .....-l1est, dated in l>Iar~h 1992 fro. the .aorH between Hallglen IInd BonnybridfSe." .......u .... s .... Udng On bad roads . With her .other IInd brother at 19.00 Ollfl night when they Haw a big blue light seemngly land beside the road. On getting closer the glare ftlled their path and they heard a whirring and rattling noise like a door opening. The ..,ther fled, just as a 'big tru~k thing, like a hUSe Tonka toy,~..- out of the trees'. There _a a flash of lisht .. s If so .... one _s taking their pi~tures.l .ust ad.it that on first glan~e with this ~II&e ona has to wonder 1 f they did not stuable upon so .... sort of mlltllry e",er~l .. e.

We'll bring further nevs when .... ~an. ""anti ... you ~ould do worse than get hold of SPI's ez~e11ent bt- -anthly ~gazine, 'En1g.as·,whi~h is .0 pages pn~ked with reports on strange pheno-aDa in Scotland and will sursly ~over theoe eVQnts.Cost ls £10 for 5: - .1 The 8r11~ Tulllbody FklO 2IT Scotland.


So ... ~urrent investigationa

9122 August 1991 Holywell,Clwyd,WIIleo C2- 5

Mlas 11 (a 19 year old student) _s in her boyfriends k1t~hen at 21. 15 when ahe SftW a 'large white ~ir~ular obje~t with n..,...,a atreaking fro .. the rellr' shoot overhead. She ran outside but it h .. d l5one. It .... s silent and Seen for juat 2-3 _~ond8." fireball ... teor perhapa. although UFo.. oHen Been here.

15 Septeaber 1991 Pontypool,Gwent,WIIles Kerry Blo .... r B3-7

sa.e 7 witnQsses, ln~ludi"15 the 8UFORA AI herself, .... re in two ~ars on the" .0.2 between "bergavenny and Pontypool.lt WIIS 19. 50. They obsar .. ed a bright white st .. r whi~h wna stationary for ao ... secondo and then se..-ed to di. to about on...-tenth its prior brilliM~e and .., .. e off slowly before v .. nishing 'os if a light WIIS Bwit~hed off'.other witnea&ea say it a~~elerllted like 11 Jet and sped out of vie ... It _a Been OVer a Chea1~ .. 1 plant and reported to the poli~e aB being so ... thing odd. But the driver of one ~ar said he thought it .... s just an alr~rllft of so .... kind and ao he p!lid little ha"" to it.

Page 13: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Horthern UfO Hews - 13 -

9210 29 March 1992 South Reddl~h,Che"hlre I4JFORA 03- 5

Ms 5 ...... on the phone at ho ... al 19.4-5 ' .... lIln she observed over o ppos1le roortop& a yellow/solden eye In the .. ky. It drUttJ<:l very Gl owly behind a hou ..... She tded to e"plaln it to he r boyfriend on the phone but he JUGt l"ughed.Her .otb .... c ...a up .. t her c .. ll and when It re- e.-ers .... fro. behind rOOVeG h .. d an astt.... attack fro. shock. Then It vGn.l shed buhlnd another roof and .. " they ~Ited with the c w.ur .. never reappe .. red.An hour later and .. bout 2 aiIeB .. wny (a t Sh .. w Ile .. th, Stockport) .. hullb ..... d ..... d ""fe "aW 0 v .. ry Iit.nor thing (a drifting while orb). They called IInnc he"t .. r Airport who .. lI.id it _G pro bably a laGer be ..... Then they called Jodrell Uonk ..... d ~ORA beca_ involved. Roy Sandbach called the airport and a .. ked 1 f any alrshipG _re flying. He wnG told no. However, by fortune .-JFCMtA -..bar Victor Sle1sh .... w the object fro. Salford .. t 20. 10 and _6 adaeant II WAS an alrGhlp. He c .. lled the Oa11y St .. r (owne r o f the bl1ap that hod creat .... the FebrU<lry .... ve of r e ports) a nd they .... Id the ir cn.it .... " bec k in Florid ... Eventually .... did e61ebU s h the t this _e a bliep pro.oUng a tyre ... nufacturers and It had landed at Manche .. ter Atrport,de" plte their pro t .. "tation,,!

92 11 6 April 1992 Bollington,Cha .. hire MUFORA I Peter Hough C3- 6

Hr Wand adult .on were In .. c .. r in a localion with an expan .. lve open vi e w U61ng a radio t o ll .. ten to airc rafl landing al Manc hester Airport. At 00.53 a .... ite HSht _ ........ n thr<>U6h the BW1roof and the y .... t che<! for .. everal s econds a" it .oved rapidly aCrOBG s ky an a downwnrd dlason .. l , being l o d In t o c loud. Both .... y they felt a heavy vibr .. tion In the .. ir .. nd ,mxt d .. y Hr W had a pounding he .. dache.

9212 16 June 1992 Wig ..... , Lanc a s hire MUFORA I Peter Hough 03- 6

Hr M 16 a poli ce officer. At 03.10 an 0 hot niSht h .. ~s awoken by hi s .. ire who .......... t c hlng a I .. rse orange ball dropping .. lowly do wn through the Sky. Hr .. M sol out of bed and _nt to the wtndo ... Mr M ...... it f .. o. bed. Both aay it ...... like a giant football. .... M .... ys hit. i nHlal thousht .... & of a dlstre"G flare. But then It .. toppe d de .. d I n the sky and rushed a .... y into the .. outh e .. s t, reducing t o the size o f a pinhe .. d.Ouratlon .... " about ~O second .. .. nd 60 diffi c ult to equat e ""th anything Uke a _t"o r . Any Ide .... ?

9217 13 July 1992 Co"elny, Wc"t Midland .. R .. yeolld eates C2- 5

A 17 ye .. r o ld who .. d.aa1t .. he i s • very Interested In UfOs' .... y" he .... .. a white eSS ri se fro. the Sro Wld .. t 15. 15 00 .. cloudy d .. y. It then . hot s ty .... rds .. t high s peed. During the 2 .t.nutes obtierw .. Uon he c l .. l ... to have had a constant 'beallns' sens .. tlon behind hi" t e-pl •• and a buzzinS no i se In his ...... ...

LIGIIT SIIOW OVER TIlE CLEVEl.AND KXIRS 9218 8 August 1992 Skutter .. keite, Y .. r .. Cleveland f«Jlo"ORA C3- 6

Long dur .. tion UFO sishti"gs .. least .. l .... ys turn o ut t o be .. type of IFO. Yat In thl" c .... e we hove a t .. uly s pec t .. c ular "equence of event" whi ch l"sted tor hours. It waS wttnessed tro. a reea t e loc .. tlon on the border .. with No rth Yorkshire and involves th .. ee peoplll; two teenaSer.. and the ir 26 year old .. r c hitect friend who wa .. vjsttins fro. Essell. It .... s 0 pre ll y clo udy nigh t .

Page 14: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Northern UFO Nev6

R..-rlr. .. bly, B <the friend ) h .. d Just descrtbOld an encounter he h"d wUh his .. ther se ... er .. l years earlier. In a c"r they h"d seen .. cigar .. haped o bject th"t hlld flipped on edge and beco_ diGk-like. Coincident with this the c"r engine IInd IJghts drdned of energy (but did not stop) . The UFO then shot off and the Cllr r .. turned to nor ... I.Aftflr rel"t!ng this story (around aldoight) they went out IInto thfl balcony liS 8 s .. ld he h .. d seen a ' .. trfl"lr. of light' (the otherll did not'.At OO.JO they spotted .. blue/~ite flash folloWOld by "n onnge light th .. t grew brighter all it cU.bed up-rd. E ... entu"lly it' burned I t .... l rout' and vanished. They saw both the ... things n ..... ro.... tt_. ov.r the 3 hour5 they _re o ut th ....... Th .. _t spec tacul .... thing th .. y NW <twice) _s .. 'h .. lo whic h ... de dlh_ttes of the hUI.: •.. p"tchy IIU>d • bit Ukfl .. spotUght.lt ..... e<t alons t he rangfl of hills quickly.' They also NW 0 ..... 1 lik .. light" r o tating "round one .... oth .. r (~lch sound" .. x .. ctly like the co-,utflr controlled l"ser light shows thet h .. vfl generated 80 _ny recent c ..... s). During th .. encount .. r a h..-in8 nol .... like dl .. tant "ircr"ft .... s he .. rd .... d A (the wo.nn) said she felt her exposed s kin 80 prickly. Her fri e nd _rely report .. d an odd sensation lik .. bfling probfld. When they rsturned indoors after_rd& th .. y felt oddly 'high' for about h .. lf .. n hour.MUFORA enquiries show that there _a an inversion l .. yer tnppfng IIJ.st which could have produced .. n optic .. l a1rllSe .. Hect On very distant lights to the south. Another option i& thet .tIttery exercises were efoot in the hUls end so_ of thflir acthity ( fl .. res, sell r chlights end helicopters) wer ..... gnified by th .. conditions. Only id .. "s.Any other o ffers?

n!E WIRRAL BEACH BALL C .. s .. 78-290 S.....er 1978

Re port by Mark Glo ....... of West Xirby, Wirral

IM'ORA '" 8Uf"ORA JEl) a IHST I f'

Thi .. Is IIn e.w:lr_ly _ll conducted in ... esUs"Uon with .. curious s .. queL The witness (1) .... s only 11 .. t the tt_ of tha incident .. nd .... s wn1kina his doS on the pro. by tha bench around 14.00 on a sunny dlly.He WIIS

approached by .. _n ..no point .. d to a sHver b .. ll ho"'erins o ... er the see. Jlandins a pair of binocuhrs to J the BIUl ur/5ed hi. to look c losely IItId he did so. It hovered (or .. bout 5 .tnute ...... d the n cU.b .. d ... ery hst, b .. (ors dropping dOloOn_rd and .. ¥ing right .. t gr .... t e~. It then s t .. yed thers another 10 alnutes before r .. turning to its o riginel position end then c l1.bed up-rds eadn, turnine; sreenish/red bflfor.. ...ani s hin«. J and the s trang .. r walked to a s..,11 outcrop of Bllndston.. <known as Red ROCks ) which ls access ibl .... t low tida but they could not Hnd the object esetn.

At first glanc .. this does not 80und .. 11 that exciUng. The objec t realnds one o( ..... y things - .. high flying kite or .. t .. th .. red balloon for instance.But ther .. "re other .. spects to the Casa ..nich alght increase its s trangeness.} alleges, for ".aapls,that three blllc k and o ld fashioned }aSU"r c .. rs were p .. rked on the sell front. A BIUl,aged 30-35,6 ft t .. ll,with peI .. &kin .. nd wh .. t _ .. described es '_ke up' round the "y"a. end who ...... _"ring .. blac k Bult,got out .. nd spoke to the boy. The dog becQ_ .. gltated for th .. fir s t tJ_ .. t thin point and } a .. y .. ha _ s frishtened . Th .. -n hed IIdvised } t o go ho_. He daclined to do 110.

""rk Glo ... er notes that} sae_ to h ..... e .. sense or dr ..... (he _ntinned neither these strong"rs nor .. second, perhap .. _ra interesl1ns, s ighting .. t Brst ) IIU>d opened hle l etter to Jenny R .... dles with words like 'you are .,. lest hOp8'.lia .. I so IIppeers t o be (....tliar with p .. r..nor_l lit ..... ture.

Page 15: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Northern UfO NewIi - 15 -

After the experience 1 c lai M6 he has hed vivid nlght.aree of nuclear e.plost one over tbe Nersey estuary and feeling his flesh roast . Then in June 1988 whiht ca.ping (elooe) for a _et by Lde Conl .eton tn Cuabrla hs 60ye he fell a strange sensation 'like ay brains being pic ked' end s ow a silver bell over the lake whic b buzzed about then shot skyward. He al1eSes that he awoke that ulaht witb aching IOGnsallons all over his hody.

On 11 A"8u. t 1992 "","k Glover took sHe photograph. on tbe beech ull1ng his 1000 polaroid land c_ra .... 1ng 10 esposure SX 10 colour (11_ (wbi c h has behaved nor.ally before and since ... Indood .. later s hot OIl the s~

rll_ froe his workplece 1a unaHected). Yet 5 of the 8 shots tuen on th .. beach show a whit .. bell of llgbt i n tbe eIIy . .... r t 60W nothing as ha _ 11 t4kins the pic ture. and .. ft er the object devlIloped in front of hie eyes h. looked for it In the sty but It was no t there - yet s till kept .. ppearing on hiG s hot s. One thought is the possibility of soae kind of SUD refl oc tion but the '-Se appe .. rs on shote pointing in 6everal diHerent directi on s. Ideas?

11E FOC PROM NOWEIlE Repor t for BUFotIA by l udith I .... f .. r " len PhilUps

A f...tly of five in a Car who suddenly undergo a c lose encounter i s a f...tlhr CE " scenllTio <note for e "a.aple the very ll1ail .. r Aveley c .. se).He.-e there wos .... end .... s B, twin caughters <aged 1) and a younger daughter (aged 5) .lt wos 10. 30 8ST on a August 1992 ODd they _re driving a r egular route to visit .,hops In Milton laYles, paslii ng Hock l1rre (Bedfordshire). The girl o were sIngIng BeeUes SMP in lhe boct. Suddenly Hr B SaW a slrange thi ck Id s t appear out of nownere.Within a second all wa6 61lent end they were out the o lhe r side In e flesh. A t orrential downpour struck. Mr6 B reports that ..... 9 h .. d s .. id he would buy ..... c .... ,n they go t to Milton leyne. when 'In the blinking o f .. n eye _ wue 8 ailes further M In the woods ... _ Just se.-d to be there ... l weS thinldn& .. bout a quiet fee ling and that thW'e wes DO o tbe r tr .. ffic <very odd on a SetUf'dey) . .. < ... 8) didn't ae .. to be contro ll1ll8 tbe CIlT. ' < ..... B) .... B c Ollfir...:i thet he felt thl .. t oo.

The y stopped at Fllihe.-_ad, Milton leyne8. to fill up with fuel. It _s 10.50 end ther e dld no t 601 .. t o be e ti_ lapse but there we8 .. sp .. ce lapse. Both could re<:ell nothing of t he pG6t 20 .. nules . ... R 1Il 60 found hi .. coordination wee hodl , a .... y Ioben he tried t o U8e the petrol poap. Mr8 B 01..., ai86ed tha door hondle .... en s he tried to close it . Shll rec .. ll e .. pins end needles s ensation in her head and that people' eee_d strenge so_how'. Thl .. cont inued for halt en hour .. re ..... s 8 s .. id the sensation we. SO odd that she even tho"8ht that they had had a c r ....... were now dead end were .... d .. r lll8 .. round as gh06te with .. verycs>e elae unawe .... e of their presence. On arrival ho_ Mrs B even seid t o her .other ·we are real._ are here aren't _ ?' At another point .. he 68id 'I think it s happened ... _'vlI been In a flying saucer. ' The , asked the c hildren If they racllI ed goIng Over a buap in the rood at Woburn end they 8aid yeti- But the, addttd that nobody had e pot .... fo.-15 alnutes or so .... ich wea very odd, e .. pec:hlly Si "en the Jovial aood the girl .. were ln I_dl .. tely prior t o the :Inddent. Tbat night Hr B found a ..... 11 pat ch on hi e abdo--. ..tIen having 0 both. On the Sund .. y .orning Mr B pointed out a .t.-ange red .. rk on the boct of hlG wife ' s head. It _6 ebout on inch acros. with .. t r iangular bos e. Neither visited a doctor and Jt faded of t e.- 0 week. There woe also .. tiredoe.a th .. t o ve ,-c aae the f oally end o lIe080 o f dl .. t or t e d ti_ ea If they were Jet l"sged and out or aynch <eg not wantI ng to eet et the nor ... l H_a). Thi. persisted Over tha weekend.

Page 16: ~THERN U~ '2. NEWS DIe - The Croppie

Norlhern UfO Me .... - 16 -

Mrs B hos an ~lensive track record of at range events. inc luding OOBEa and pre .onltlons.ln 1972 (then oged 20) she a,," 0 ""He lillht boWlc!ng olong the gr-ound.In J976 all" h .. d 11 atr""lIe ·dre ... • in whic h she '."""ke' and he .. rd .. dlatant Bound ... inll ...... y and felt ce...t .. in she h"d baan inside a UFO. S t"ying .. t " cott .. g e in Wh"lley Bridge (Derbyshire) In 1963 she • • pel"i enced .. tr""ll. nol .... and ........ tloo .. in the nll1ht and her .other whn ..... .. 1110 there cllli ... d .h. hlld ·dr .... t· of t..., __ 11 beinll_ .. ppe .. rinll and trying to drag her out of bed.MI"s B appears to went regression hypnosis but la very fudl10r with CE 4 liter .. ture. To dole the Inves llg .. tors hllv .. not rec~ded this . Th. ca .... ceJ" talnly has potenl1l1l ... What do yo u think?

FIN A L w 0 R 0 S

Up and c oaJlJ8 eO'el>h; lli an WlIilW,d confer_Cfl a' tM.bl e, Men" on Sgtucdpr .s. l.Jm L Swdpr J.Q lIuJ... - ' 77Ie rirat InternatJOl1"l conf erence tl .. J/ I!JtlpotIes .. 810"..1 decepUon' .. Uh lectures on thJIJIffI Hke AlPS ,tt. <J ~dll

dJsetJlie, ~ret aJrcra(l In tha Nevada desert and UFOJol1Jtit IIJ1111 •• COQper on 'tha Jnner structurfl of tbe na", tIOrld order' (?) 77Ifl a "."t runs (rofl JO ... to 10 ". e .. ch day Md ti cketa co .. t £20.50 per day or £31 for the ttlO (odth .. 0 ... reduced conc es6J ons). DookJnfl" Care of bolt offJce O/H - 900-1234.

/lore st .. nd .. rd .... ent 11 ere BtJFORJI Jeet url!s (6. 30 ". "t the London Budn ...... School, R"tlentli Perk outer CircJe) (£3 non ~Ii, £/. 50 ..,.toers): ­JllilD. '*'rJ .. Korn tell s of her o wn contoctee onlt .en In bJGc:k e1tperJencf:s Ji W Geof f Viney (or 'LftZarus') fflLL thJs 1:1._ pr .. sent hJ ..- ne ", tlleade..-~ lJ4/: J enny Randl,,1i rdJJ upd"te Ofl'" Jde"s N>d rfls_rch J.nto "bductJoos

There :I." ol so " r"a/on"l e .. en t 00 H lJm lOt th .. FcJ l!t!d!l IfmlUII8 HoIHiC, l'ellipBtoo St. Ngctb'Mtoo (..tart 1. 30). p"uj Fuller onl l g1 .. ., the Jateli l on crop cJrcl ell IUId Gary H"r Jo .. (Je 'Gary th .. "l1 e1/' fro. I.fFOf;;JI BrJt1sh VJeotpo1ntJ onll rel"ht hi ..- Olon ~tr"ordJnary ..tory. ------------ - ----- - r;;-- -------- --------~ ~I ~~ ll~Il ~ ~ ~ l7 (ib) ~UI~ ~ ll~Il~~ ~

"u, t tin to El lor six IlIun "t (11 Brlglnl; 1 i, Ilso rising) £U \ g indud. thl t l ignin. (I U I lIutrd thry WILL cltch up on lin i ng ili~5 Ind you won 't Iou oull .Any 5UI Illown herr I, .h.1 you nrod ply to covn 10 Ih. tnO of 199J.thrquu ply.bl, ' NYFC W plnu. h 1 1hlnt. )'.W lQ. ill uisli~ IYbm lbm )'.W lID. ~ U 1ht. QLQ. u.lI. lli I!L .tW. ItD.1il U lIowux

NUfOll Rrgigul 9r0l01

'PI (S<:o U.nd) " Tht Brr •• , Tulllbody, CllckliRnl nlhiTr F~ lO 2fT IILUfOl6 It""till " hrt lInt . IIor.cub • • l l ncnhirr lA , 6RlI fUfOl6 (LlIlcl1l1it. , ~, a,Yonlhir. ~d, 8lackpool. La",uhi.r n 20TW III.IfORA' (North' ki ll , SH , drn Aft , lcwton, tarKllh ir . VA J tU 'UN (Morth • £nll , Woodhall Or,Hrllfr Llnf ,B. l l r y.V. Yk, Wfl1 JSW SS," IS. Yo rk, ) 17 010 Quarry Ave, Vain, Sheffllld S 31 MW P .. (Drrbyshire ) " HUon 6rou • Kirk Hall .. , IIknlon OE 7 ' 6R E"UfORA (Hoth) • RoolI tlOlt, 8ulnJl, NolI;n~ .. Ha 6 78L PARASEARCH IW.nidllndl ) " S.~~ rjngh.' ~ d.Stourbrjdge , , W. n id OV e 5Hl LUFOIC (E.nioJand,) " Unicorn Clvan .Unlcorn St, Thut'. l l on LE , SAl HUFOR C (Norlhnh) " Occupllion Rd, COTby. Hgrlhanh NH l72Ef

• NOII l rchhr lilts htld in {fatnl ~llKhtllrr acculiblf clo 1lUf000A ':~I2·'cms You (In filii tht lilt. bV Irl' _ vrt U"i 011 .t tilt "'troliu (tnlrll llbrl r, Sht ion ,n I'" ""'IChroi .. Cily ulln. IOII.I fidt r"flrch"" I rr .r!,_ bu l cl lll in IdYllICt 10 lilt lban ",. brr Itt Hulliill .