there are 17 species, or kinds, of penguin. four species, the adelie, the emperor, the chinstrap and...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Penguins There are 17 species, or kinds, of penguin.

Four species, the Adelie, the Emperor, the Chinstrap and the Gentoo, breed in Antarctica. Several other species are found in the Antarctica: about 24 million penguins visit the continent. The penguin colonies on Antarctica are huge; for example, there are millions of pairs of Chinstrap penguins, the most several creatures in the area.

SealsThe true seals are members of the Phocidae family.

True seals live in the oceans of both hemispheres. They lack external ears and have smooth bodies. Their bodies are more smooth than fur seals and sea lions. True seals are also called crawling seals to tell between them from the fur seals and sea lions of family Otariidae. Small Ringed Seals weigh up around 90 kg, and the massive Elephant Seals weigh up to 3600 kg. Phocids can dive to large depths and can spend a long time underwater between breaths.

WhalesThere many different kinds of whales found in

Antarctica ocean such as: the Blue whale, Minki whale, killer whale, humpback whale, sperm whale, toothed whale and many more. These whales are the most known though research in the Antarctica waters. If you are very lucky we maybe can see the toothed whale.

Sea birdsBirds are found worldwide in many habitats. They can fly over some of the highest mountains on earth as well as both of the earths poles, dive through water to depths of more than 250 m (850 ft), and occupy habitats with the most extreme climates on the planet, including arctic tundra and the Sahara Desert. Certain kinds of seabirds are commonly seen over the open ocean thousands of kilometres from the global land, but all birds must come ashore to raise their young.

Krill More than anything else, krill are the device that powers the Antarctica ecosystem. They are a small clear crustacean like a shrimp, about 4 to 5cm (2") in length when fully grown, they can live for up to 6 years which is quite amazing allowing for the wide of animals that feed on them in huge quantity. Krill belong to the animals that make up the zooplankton. The "zoo" means that they are animals, the "plankton" means that they float in the upper reaches of the water column and are at the mercy of the ocean currents, being able to change their position in the water column, but not able to swim against the current or migrate in the normal sense.


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