the wrangler, edition 3 (march 2010)

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Special Edition: Roundup of the 2010 Summit on Human Dignity


We asked students this vital question, testing their

knowledge of the Summit‟s focus.

Donovan Freeman „10

By Keith Bender ‟11

Miguel Hernandez ‟10 Mark Perry ‟12

What Is Globalization?

It‟s um... We just talked

about this…. Isn‟t it

when we share every-

thing and act like one

huge community? Wait,

that‟s communism.

Never mind.

It‟s an ongoing process by

which regional economies,

societies, and cultures have

become integrated through

a globe-spanning network

of communication and

trade. No… that can‟t be it.

I don‟t know.

Derrick O‟ Neill ‟11

Former economic hit man, amateur

hairstylist, shaman expert, and

proud grandfather John Perkins

expressed thankfulness for the op-

portunity afforded to him by his

flight to Kyrgyzstan being delayed

overnight in Phoenix. Perkins, who

was reportedly bound for

the Kyrgyz Republic to confer with

indigenous shape-shifters, took the

opportunity to visit local high

school Brophy College Preparatory

and share nice things about his

grandson, Grant, with the student

body, who had nothing else to do

that day.

“I was holding my grandson, Grant,

and thinking about how terrible

things have become in this world of

ours,” said Perkins, while students

wished he would talk about his

experience as an economic hit man

or something.

“I really wish this world could be a

better place, especially for my

grandson, Grant,” continued Per-

kins, who later added that he

lacked the time to record his

thoughts in a New York Times best-

selling memoir, because he was

departing for Madagascar later

that day.

Perkins, who was “in Peru last

weekend,” “in Sierra Leone this

past Thursday,” and “near the Co-

lombian border of Venezuela the

other day” told reporters he was

pleased that he was able to share

his experiences with such a beauti-

ful audience and that he hoped that

he made sense.

Perkins Glad Flight Was Delayed in Phoenix So He

Could Speak to Brophy Students By Henry Wilky ‟11

Mr. Johnson’s Neck Hurt From Agreement

$ Documentary “Behind „Behind the Swoosh‟” to

expose unjust wages for cameramen of short


$ Student claps nearly thirty seconds after ap-

plause dies; humor lost

$ Nike CEO Mark Parker‟s writes long, heartfelt

response to student‟s concerns over Nike‟s fac-

tory conditions

$ “Words with Friends” usage increases 2745%

during Summit; “Hang man,” “Sudoku,” and

“Rock, Paper, Scissors” as well

$ Students wearing sweatshop-made shoes har-

assed mercilessly

News in Briefs

(sweatshop-free, of course)

Style Extra: Sweatshops Out

“Fair-trade-produced jackets are

way hip,” blogged Jim Keady, foun-

der of TeamSweat, a fashion group

dedicated to staying abreast of


Keady cited upstart athletic-wear

company Educating for Justice as

an example of a company (or non-

profit) that makes “great-looking,

comfortable, and sweatshop-free

clothes that are all the rage.” Keady expects the line to be popular

among “college prep” students.

Shortly after this year's

Summit on Human Dignity

concluded, Mr. Johnson

complained of "pains and

aches" in his neck. Johnson

went into a gov-

e r n m e n t - r u n

clinic to both

diagnose his

symptoms and

prove to all that


medical care is

superior to the current sys-

tem. The doctor found (via

Wikipedia) that Johnson

was suffering from a

strained C1, or "atlas," verte-

bra as well as pulled C2, or

"axis," vertebra.

The pain has been attributed

to Johnson’s continuous

nodding in agree-

ment with the speak-

ers throughout the

entire Summit, mi-

nus the six times he

sneezed and the four

times he drank from

his water. It was

determined that Johnson

had been subconsciously per-

forming the action, and he

has begun physical therapy.

This sounds really famil-

iar. I think the Summit

mentioned it, or some-


I don‟t get why everyone

is talking about this!

You‟re like the fourth

guy to mention it today.

Judas. Go look it up

online if you really want

to know.

Ezekiel Nielsen „13

Preferably something

that doesn‟t affect my

home planet, Pandora.

Please go away.

The James Aronson Award W


for Social Justice Journalism


March 2010


of the 2010 Summit on Human Dignity

“Summit Summation”, Anonymous


Keith Bender ‟11

Henry Wilky ‟11

Photography Editor

Michael Notestine ‟11


Mr. John Damaso ‟97

Mr. Steve Smith ‟96

Marketing Advisors

Phil Knight

Jim Keady

Interested in contributing? Email:


The Wrangler © 2010

By Tucker Ring ‟11

Some people might lose faith when

they don‟t understand something

the first time around, but this

year‟s Summit Centerpiece left so

much up to interpretation that eve-

ryone could enjoy it for different

reasons. I mean, affix a few rock

wedges on that thing and you have

a homemade rock climbing wall

that would pay for itself. Stack the

two brick walls on top of each other

and this could resemble a non-

functional chimney for Santa to

practice on. How about creating

different brick shapes and a mak-

ing a platform for human tetris?

Never before has a display been so

versatile and had so much potential

to make money.

Everyday during the Summit, I

dreamed of owning a massive com-

pany specializing in fake brick wall

construction, and I couldn‟t help

but be filled with hope by our cen-

terpiece. Then, one day, I over-

heard Mr. Dante Dreamwrecker

remark to his friend that they were

smokestacks from Industrial Revo-

lution era Britain. My dreams

were shattered: the display had a

purpose, and it kind of did look like

that if one squinted his/her eyes.

In the end, I loved the Summit

Centerpiece not because of what it

physically represented, but because

of what it meant to me. This cen-

terpiece proved to me that Brophy

would really make a lot of money

out of a rock-climbing wall, and

although something isn‟t actually

made out of bricks it can still be

useful. No matter how you look at

it, those are ideas all of the global

Brophy community can agree on.

Opinion: A Personal War with the Summit Centerpiece

By Anil Prasad „10

The Summit on Human Dignity has been a

memorable one for sure. It was full of lively

speakers, interesting content, thought-

provoking debates, and the occasional duel of

ideals. In the likely event that a few of you

missed out on one some content as you slept,

we at The Wrangler came up with some high-

lights to enliven your memories of this year‟s


Nike is evil. So is

Puma. And Adidas.

And... Converse. And

New Balance. And

whatever footwear

you‟re currently


The 1980s was not a

good decade for social


Some other kids


An upgraded Mr.

Fisko (Doctorate Edi-


Memoirs of Mr. Per-

kins‟ s grandson

“Green” ideas make a

second appearance in

the Summits

Eustace Conway did

not show; Mark Pot-

ter, Ph.D, did

Labor unions get “bad


Robin Williams im-

personator fills in for

Jesuit priest

Other nations have a

very different view of


Liberal faculty and

students rejoice; con-

servatives mope

Corporations have

another four inva-

sions planned that we

don‟t even know


Someone forgets to

turn lights back on

after introductory


“Room at the table”

theme fails to catch

on in gym exit points

By The Wrangler Staff

While You Were Sleeping…

The Wrangler Art Gallery: World’s Finest

Printed on sweatshop-free, locally grown, edible paper

“Summit Summation” — Anonymous

Artist’s rendering of the 2010 Sum-

mit on Human Dignity Centerpiece.

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