the worthington advance. (worthington, minn.) 1889-02-14 [p...

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<^K! ^irr^f^ *£3:?

art fcittjjtatt ^ttoantje. ** KTR.IMID WISELY AT


WommnNi. Mnm. FBBBUAHT 14,1U9.

- OFFICIAL PAPER. Tka Worthington ADTAWCB la tha Official P»-

:«W«I Hoblea County, Village of Worthington,

V. S. Iftiid Office. £ Parties desiring W keep posted In any ptfblle

_ matter relating to Nobles county most tore the ® A»?AIH».

r fenns Two Deltas per year. If paid in ad-?ato>. #1.90 a year. All orders will receive prompt attention. Communications Intended or publiotion mnst be aceeompauled by tfeereal

- nam* and address of the writer as a guaranty of good faith—not necessarfty for publication.

ADVERTISING BATES. One Inch three weets, *TOO, three months, #4.0 Three Ineles 3 weeks, son, '• 8.0 Flfelnchts, " " 6.0O. •* 10.0

V Special rates given or larger advertisements. v Heading notices, first week 10 cunts a line; • vbsequent Insertion* 5 cents a line each week.. ;- Traarien t advertisements paid in advance.

feaity advertisements to be paid quarterly. 1 Legal advertisements to be paid lot before afldavlt is given.




\ ;W.


p;fi# W rT>V,-. '

. 6.00 p. m. 1.25 a. m.

. 4.51 a. m. 7:30 am

3:.So p m 7:25 pm

10:54 p. m 2:11 a. m.

9:30 a. m.


9*AW West. Leave St. Paul at • " Worthington, at

Arrive a* Sioux City, at • NO. 3 PASSINGS*.

'.»ve St. Paul at Arrive at Worthlugton at Ar. -it Sioux City at

Woing Jtatt. MO. 2. PASSBOOKS.

Laare Sioux City at " Wortlilngton, at

Arrive at Mt. Paul, at -NO. 4 PASSING Bit.

Leave Sioux City at Arrive at VYorthlngton at 11:34 am Ar. at St. Paul at 7:03 pm

ACCOMMODATION. Joins East— Leaves Worthington at t :45 p. m. Oo eg West—Leaves Worthington at 2:20 p.m


Leaves Mitchell 5:20 a. m. Arrives at Worthington 11:22 a. m.

Qoint west. leaves Worthington (dally) 4:00 p. m. A rrive at Mitchell lo :20 p. m.

ACCOMMODATION. Sioux Falls Accom. leaves ll !00 p. m.

E. E. WARREN, Agent.


CENTRAL Going North—Accommodation irrivesat 11:00

a. m. doing South—Accommodation leaves at 2:40

*' In* E. E. WARRRN, Agent.



The ladies of tire Episcopal church will give an entertainment at the Q. £< B., hall on Thursday the 21st lust. There wM be music and recitations. Sapper with ice cream 35 cents. Oys­ters and fruit extra. Refreshments will be served from 8 to 11 o'clock P. M. The literary and musical enter-men fe wiH begin at 9 o^clock.

Will Kiley, who was sent to Still­water, some years ago for fatally slioot-iug his father, was released a few days ago by a pardon from Gov. Merriam, We believe the reason for the pardon was that the man was insane when the deed was committed. Riley stopped at the Lake View House, and said that he was going to Ohio to start a restau­rant.

Mr. J. T. Fisher, of Rock Rapids, Iowa, has taken change of the Worth­ington Hotel. Mr. Fisher has had ex­perience in the business, and brings with him a high reputation as a land­lord. We are happy to welcome him to Worthington, and voice the feelings of the entire community when we wish him complete success in his business, and that he may feel at home among our people.

There has been another change at the depot this week. Mr. Grant Morrison of Mankato, succeeds Mr. Warren as agent. We welcome Mr. Morrison into our community. We also very much regret to see Mr. Warren leave. He has been Oiling that place for over six years and during that time has com­manded the respect of all who had to deal with him. As evidence of this some of the leading citizens circulated a petition which was signed by all the business men to have Mr. Warren re­instated, the same was given to Mr Spencer, superintendent, last Saturday This is now pending consideration by the proper authorities, and we hope it may result favorablyfor Mr. Warren. Although we think no less of Mr. Mor­rison, and hope his stay with us may be a pleasant one.

FOUND:—A Pocketbook was found on Saturday afternoon by Mr. Clark Smith, on the sidewalk in front of Torrance's store, the owner can have the same by applying to Mr. Smith, proving property, and paying for this advertisement. It.


Sets of Bob-sleighs for sale chap at NAMAKAOON LUMBER CO.

We regret to learn that Dr. C'rigler's little son is quite sick with pneumonia.

J*. M. Parker, of the tirm of Pride-man & Lewis, of St. Paul, is in the city

Thomas Kiser is building a house on his farm in section 18.

(IHV. Harrington will spend a part of tii;s week with his people at Round Lake.

Mr. II. E. Torrance returned home from a business trip to Chicago on Thursday of last week.

Ladies Aid Society of the M. E church will meet to-morrow with Mrs F. Lewis at 2 p

Mrs. Espey is still making her home at the Worthington House, and will remain for a week or two in town.

Call and examine our Oak and Cherry Lumber at NAMAKAGON Co.

James McParland and Miss Nellie Anderson spent last Sunday in Sioux Falls, visiting Mrs. Alexander Holley.

Three persons united with the Worthington M. E church on last Sunday.

We are glad to be able to state that Tennie Aagaard has recovered from his illness, and is all right again.

Sheriff Anderson was in Adrian the first of this week, notifying jurors to appear for duty at next term of court.

<2 larterly Meeting at M. E. church on Sunday. Love Feast commences at 9:S0 followed dy a sermon from Rev. G. It. Ilair and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and Baptism.

Sheriff Anderson has received an in­vitation to witness the execution of Lee and Moe, who are to pay the law's extremist penalty at Alexandria, Min­nesota on tomorrow.

Mrs. Harrington left on Monday for Slayton, where she gave one of her readings; from there to Amiret, on Wednesday and will be in Tray Fri­day evening for the same purpose.

Mr. Fitzgibbons, of the National Tobacco Works was in the city on Tues­day working up trade in his usual agreeable aud vigorous manner.

J. II. Jagoe, representing the Land Agency of Kuhl, Waldeck & Co., of Sioux City, was at the Lake View, conferring on land matters with the host on Tuesday of this week.

lliram C. Wheeler, of Odebolt, Sac Couuty, Iowa, on theC. & N.W. Ry., seventy-five miles Southeast of Sioux City, has thirty-five imported Fercher on aud Shire stallions. None better Write for prices and terms. 26-2t.*

H. S. Swift, general agent of the firm of A. H. Andrews & Co., of Chicago, was in town Saturday and stayed over till Monday, looking after the interest oft he firm.

Mr. E. Walker, of Chicago, the agent of the Wizzard Oil company, has been in Worthington making arrangements to give an entertainment on Feb. 26, 27. and 28.

Frank Swanson, of the P. H. Kelley Mercantile company of St. Paul, is now the happy father of a son. Joy to the honsehold.

The Rev. Mr. McCune has kindly consented to deliver a lecture on "The folly of Atheism" in the Y. P. C. A. rooms on Monday evening Feb. 17 at 7:80 o'clock. The lecture is entirely free and all are most cordially invited, to be present. F. H. DAY, Vice Pres.

Mrs. Paisley has come down one story, removing her stock of Ladies G"ods into that part of the Brick Store

, recent ly occupied by Mr.Ledene. Her goods make n fine display, and her cus­tomers will be gratified at thiff change. Call and see her goods.

Messrs Andrews & Co., have the largest manufacturing establishment and sell more school furniture and ap­paratus than any other firm doing busi-

- ness in the north west. HORSES AND MULES FOR SALE.

Ten-Worses and three mules for sale. J. D. numsTON.

MARRIED. At the village office in Worthington.

on Monday, the 11th inst., Mr. Nicholas Ksier, of lona, Murray County. Minn., to Miss Etta E. Sanger, of Wilinont Nobles county. ByChas. W. Hildreih, J. P.

"PiyK SOCIAL." , On Friday Evening, Feb. 15th,

"PINK SOCIAL," a novelty in its way, will be held in the parlors of the Con­gregational Church, Supper will be served from 6 o'clock to 10. At eight o'clock, precisely, a "Song Folio" En­tertainment, lasting one-half hour, will b9 sandwiched between the divi­sions of the gustatory program. Gen­eral Supper 25 cents. Oysters 25 cents.


The Fidelity Loan and Trust com* pany of Sioux City, Iowa, has on hand at all times, as "surplus" for invest-inent- Loans made to farmers at rea­sonable rates upon their land security. Those who want to buy more land, or live stock, or to refund existing in­debtedness, can obtaiu a supply of; funds on short notice, by calling upon Walter Aagaard, at Worthington, who is the company's agent at that point. 26 3m.


Prevents Lung Fever and( cures Distemper, Heaves,

Fevers, «c.,&c. 1 pound in each paokage.

Sold by *11 dealers.

DiyHpy/sJJABY Facilitates Teething!^^ Met M CUb • • • •


Regulates the Bowels!

OLD SETTLERS MEETING. There will be a meeting of Old Set­

tler's Association at the Worthington Hotel on Saturday, Feb. 16th, 1889, at 7:30 P. M. Supper at the hotel.


Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe Cold, attended with a distressing Cough and running into Consumption in its first stage. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump­tion and found immediate relief, and after using abont a half dozen bottles found himself well and has had no re­turn of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a record of cures as Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­sumption guaranteed to do just what it is claimed for it-.—Trial bottle free at C. W. Smith's Drug Store. 4

DIBD.—In Worthington, Minn. Feb. 11. Grace, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.

A. Torrance. This little girl during the six weeks of her

earthly life became very precious to the family. We deeply sympathize with the grief stricken parents and children in their loss. Funeral ser­vices were held at the house. Rev. F. L. Fisk officiating, and the baautiful little girl was laid to rest in the village cemetery.

# # *

DIED.—At Worthington, Minn.. Feb, 9th. 188». of consumption, Mrs. Mary C. Loveless

in the 66th year of her age. Mas. Mary C. Loveless was bom in February,

1823, in Ocean County, N. J. She was married to Mr. C. D. Loveless July fith, 1847, |.i New York by Rev. Henry Davis, pastor of the Cjiino" Street Baptist church, of that city. Mr. and Mrs. Loveless lived In. Syracuse, N. Y.. several rears and in thelrearly married life they both united with a Baptist church. The family came to Worthington. Minn., in 1872, and in 1874 united with the Congregational church here. Mr. Loveless built and managed "The Lake View House" a prosperous hotel of the place. Some months ago he sold this and was enjoyiug the comfort of quiet housekeeping with the wife he loved. Mrs. L. has been sick for many years. After bravely battling with disease, she came to a peaceful end of life Saturday, February 9tb, 1889. She was a woman of strong Christian faith and often lamented that from ill health she could not take the active pari in Christian work that she desired. She was truly prepared for the hour of death. Two boys aud t«o girls lie buried in the beautiful family cemetery at Syra-curo, N. Y., beside whom the mother will be laid. The husband and two sons, William and Joseph, with their families remain to mourn this great loss and to rejoico that their Christian mother has entered the rest that remains for the people of God. Funeral services were heVl at flie house Monday, the Uth, at l :30 p. M.. con­ducted by Revs. F. L. Fisk and H. J. Harrington. Mr. Loveless immediately took the train that was to carry him aud his "beloved dead" to the place of burial. Thus ends the life of one, who has been identified with Worthington from its earliest history.

* * *

IN MEMORIAM. At the last meeting of the Worth

ington Lodge, No. 65. A. O. U. W. held Friday evening, Feb. 8th, resolu­tions of respect to the memory of our departed brother and P. G. M. W., Samuel 31. Espey, were unanimously adopted as follows:

Whereas it has pleased the Supreme Master Workman of the Universe to call to himself our b rol her. Samuel M. Espey.

Reso'ved. That we, his brethren of Worthing­ton Lodge, No. 65, A. <). U. VV,. while deeplv de­ploring our loss, and sincerelv sympathizing with his family and friends in their sorrow, still desire to express our satisfaction that he left with them aud us the legacy of an unspotted name, the memory of many a generous and friendly deed, and the universal respect of all with whom he came in contact.;

Resolved that these resolutions be spread upon the records of the lodge, and a copy of the same be delivered to the family, and and also that these resolutions be published in the Worthing, ton AT»VANCE. the Worthington Globe and the A. O. IJ. W, Guide.

C. F SHEPABD, ) 1). L. KBNYON, } Committee. L. M. KENTON, J

* * *

CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our heartfelt

thanks to all kind friends for their kindness and sympathy extended to us at the time of the death of ourlittleone.


Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is fa­mous, for its prompt and eifectual cures of coughs and colds. The most severe cold may he loosened and re­lieved by a few doses of this valuable remedy. For sale by C. W. Smith.

^ olL For tho euro of

BULL'S Asthma, A A l l A l l Incipiani

Whooping I -1| |l H Cm~ Cough, W— tumption and for the relief of

Consumptive persons nioiMcm,

Far Sale by all draggijta. SYRUP

eif/irr lAfiee'S cuveb e/QAfterres for Oa-WVat tarrhi Prict IQCtt. At all drugglatM.



WHEREAS, Default has been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage executed

uuU delivered bv Henry M. Farnuiu aud Almira E. Farnuiu. his wit-, Mortgagors, to Carrie J£< Jones, mortgagee, dated the 23d day ot July A D. 1888, and recorded in the ottite of the Register of Deeds of the county of Nobles, in the Slate of Minnesota, on the 2Uth day ot July, A. D. 1888, at four o'clock p. in. iu Book "O" of Mortgages, on page 118, on which there is claimed to be due auu is due at the date of this notice, the amount of Three Hundred and fifty-One (*361) Dollars.

And no action or proceeding lias been institu­ted »t law or in equity to recover the debt secui -e«l by said mortgage or any part thereoi.

And Whereas, said niiiiigage was duly assign­ed by sjiid Carrie K. Joues 10 Minnesota Loan aud Investment company by assignment, dated the 25th day of July, A. D., 1888, aud recorded in the office of said Register ot Deeds, on the aist day of Juiy, A. D., at 11 o'clock, A. M., in Book " R " of Mortgages, on page 77.

Now, t herefore, notice is hereoy given, that by virtue of a power of sale contained in said mort-gage, and of the statut e in such case made and provided, said mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the mortgaged premises therein described, at public auction, for cash, by the Sheriff of said County, at the front door of the Court House in the village of Worthington, iu the county of No­bles aud State of Minnesota, on

Saturday, the 30tb day of March, A. D. 1889, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to satisfy the amount which shall then be due on said mortgage, with the interest thereon, and costs and expenses of sale, and Twenty-live Dollars attorney's fees, as stipidated in said inorteMge in case of foreclosure.

The premises described in said mortgage, aud so to be sold, are the lot, piece or parcel ol land situated iu the county of Nobles and stale of Minnesota, aud known aud described as fol­lows to-wit:


The notes and book accounts of the undersigned have been placed in the hands of Sheriff Gilbert Anderson, who is authorized to collect and receipt. They are left with Mr. A., not as a menace, but as one of the best and most successful collectors in the North west.

We again thank our friends for their prompt responses to our calls. With the great majority of our recent patrons the notices sent out have been like the fabled touch of Midas, which turned everything into gold. We shall take this experience witii us as one of the most remarkable in a thirty years newspaper career.

To all these friends, as well as "The People" at large, who for so many years stood by the ADVANCE through thick and thin, we extend a cordial "blessing" and a fraternal "good by."




Oliver Ditson, thp'late noted mnslc publisher, left $15,000 toward a home for poor singers. It would be a relief to the public if every community could have an adequate asylum of that sort.


The almost universal nseof this rem­edy for malaria by the Medical Faculty, in preference to other is the best gua­rantee which the public can have of its purity and beneficial effects upon the human system. The Malarial Bit­ters are made of Speer's pure wina as as a base, with Peruvian Bark, Cham­omile Flowers, Wild Cherry Bark, Snake Root, and such other herbs and roots as will give vigor and tone to the system. For sale by Druggists.

It will pay you to call on me, and ex amine my goods, and get my prices be­fore buying elsewhere. Ready-made Clothing will be altered to fit free of charge. All goof 8 guaranteed as rep­resented or money refunded. Don't forget the place.

JOHN LKDENE, 252t * Frout of the City Park.

NOT A BAD "TRUST" Mr. Joseph Sampson, President of

the Fidelity Loan and Trust company, of Sioux City, spent a day in our town last week, arranging with Mr. Walter Aagard for the representation of the Fidelity company in our county. Air. Sampson is remembered by many of our people as being one of ti e "boomers" of Southern Minnesota since 1880, when he became interested in lackson, Murray and Pipestone county lands, of which he is still quite a large owner. He has great faith in this region and the Loan Com­pany of which he Is President has am­ple capital and ranks foremost in grant­ing loans promptly upon farm security at roost reasonable rates, to the better class of farmers.

The company will be ably represented at this poin t by Mr. Aagaana, whose announcement of igency Is made in this issue.

The following from the pen of Mr. L. P. Bard well, editor of THE MARION (^OWA) PILOT, will, we believe be of interest to many of our readers. He says: "It is with pleasure that I certify to the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have used it iu my family for 3reaisand have always found it most excellent, and especially for colds, croup and sore throat. It Is" safe and effective."Forsale by C. W.Smith.

Never promise more than can be done, Laxador has been successfully run on

this principle. For sale py all drug­gists. Price only 25 cents.

Mothers will grow weary and sigh over the baby's troubles when Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup would relieve the child and thereby give the mother rest.

ATTENTION, MALARIOUS PERSONS. We beg to call the attention of Medi­

cal Practioners and invalids to Aunt Rachaers Bitters, as a mildly stimulat­ing diuretic, sudorific and tonic aid to the debilitated from whatever cause.

Th«ir base is Speer's pure wine, with­out semblance of mrdication, except by Peruvian Bark, Snake Root and some other herbs and roots. The most deli­cate ladies use them with decided ad­vantage. They are remarkably plea­sant to taste. Sold by druggists. 'What did Noah Jive on when the flood

had subsided and his provisions in the ark were exhausted?' asked a West End Sunday school teacher of her class last Sunday. "I know," squeaked a little girl after all the others had given it up. "Well what?" inquired the teacher. "Dry land," said the kid wisley, and the answer passed.

Mr. H. B. Wynne, of Whiteville, Tenn.,ls oue .of the many druggists who recommend Chamber Iain's Cogh Remedy, because they know it is re­liable. Mr. Wynne says: "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and take pleasure in recommending it to the general public, as being a medi­cine of great worth and merit. The manufacturers of this remedy certainly have been great benefactors to suffer­ing humanity." It ttoes not dry up a cough or cold; but loosens and relieves it, freeing the system of all bad effect of the cold. For sale at 50 cents per bottle, by C. W. Smith.


COMPANY, A.;slguee of Mortagee. GKO. W. WILSON, Attorney of Assiguee of

Mortgagee. Dated febiuary 7th, 1S89.

1st Pub. Feb 14, *8!) La-st Tub. March 21, '89


COUNTY OF NOBLES, f S». In Probate Court. Special Term.

In the matter of the estate of Hiram Millington, deceased:

Letters of a<Uninistratlon'on the estate of said deceased being this day granted unto James H. Millington. of said county:

It i* ordered, that all claims and demands of all persons against >ald estate be presetned to this court for examinasion and heaving at the Probate Office, in Worihingtou. Nobles County. Minnesota, on the

Each Monday of each month during the time allowed by this court f«;i pre­sentation of cluiin>'•.

It is further ordered, that six months from the date hereof be allowed to creditors to present their claims against said tlieexpirati< » of which time all claims noi presented to said Court, or not proven to its satisfaction, shall be forever barred, unless lor cause shown fur­ther time be allowed.

Ordered further, that said James H. Milling-ton as aforesaid, shall eau e notice of the Unit' und place of the hearing and examination of said claims and demnmlR by punishing a notice thereof for four weeks successively, iu the Wortlilngton Advance, a weekly newspa|>er printed and published at Worthington, in said county.

Dated at Worthington, Minn., the 2Stli day of January, A. D. 188!».

By the Court, (SEAL.) C. W. W, J>o»\

Judge of Probate J. A. TOWN, Attorney for Estate. 25-4W



County of Nobles. J In the District Court,

J. Townsend, Plaintiff,.

William Kline and Ina Kline, Ills wife, M. V. Beede, and F. J. Porter. Defendants.

Notice is hereby given that, under and by virtue of a judgment and decree entered in the above entitled action on the 2£th day of Janu­ary, 18$>, a certified transcript of which has been delivered to me. 1, the undersigned. Sheriff of said Nob'es County, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, on Saturday, the 16th day of March, 1889, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the Court House in the vi'lave of Worthingion, in said county, in one parcel, the premises and real estate described iu said judgment and decree, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being In the comity of Nobles, and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit:

Lot No. six (6) in Block No. twelve (12) as des­cribed on the Village Plat, of the village of Ellsworth, Nobles county, Minnesota.

Dated, this January 30, 188». GILBERT ANDKRSON,

Sheriff of Nobles County, AHunesota GKO. W. WILSON. Plaintiff's Atty.,

First Pub. Jan. 31. Last Pub. March 7.

POWDER Absolutely Pure>

ThU powder never varies. Atoarvel of pari­ty, streugthand wholesoinenes*. Moreeedaom-leal than t he ordinary klndi. and eannot 1M sold ineompetUton wUbthe muttltade of low test short weight, alam or pbo«»bat« powder*. SOW oiiiy TOE*** ROTAL RAKING POWDIB Co., 109 Wall-*. N. Y. , 44-lJ


County of Nobles S In the matter of the estate of George W. Bar-

t)6r d6C6A86d • On reading and Qling the petition of Samuel

S. Barber, executor of said estate, representing, among other things, that the said deceased died seized of certain real estate iu Nobles County, Minnesota, and iliat it is necessary tliat the same should be sold to pay legacies under the will and praying for licence to sell the wine at private sale and it appearing to the court from said petition, that It Is necessary for the pur­pose of paying legacies to sell said real estate.

It is ordered and directed, that all persons in­terested in said estate, appear before tbe Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 11 th day of March A. D.

1889, at one o'clock p. M., at the Court House In Worthington. in said county, then and there to show cause (if any there shall be), why license should not be granted for tbe sale of said real estate, according to the prayer of said petition.

And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for four successive weeks prior to said day of hearing* the last of which publications shall be at least fourteen days before said day of hearing, In the Worth­ington ADVANCB a weekly newspaper, printed and published at Worthington in said county.

Dated at Worthington this 21st day oi January A. D., 1889.

By the Court (SEAL.) C. .W. W. DOW,

23.4W Judge of Probate. of Nobles County,


the estate of Jane M STATE OF MINNESOTA,

COUNTY OF NOBLES In the matter of

Tliurber. deceased: On reading and filing tho petition of Ben^a-

ng min F. Thurbcr of No&es County, reprcsen among other things, that Jane M, Thurber. late of Nobles Couuty, State of Minnesota, on Hie •Mb day of May, 1888, died intestate, aud being an inhabitant of this County at the time of her death, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this Couuty. and that the Petitioner is the hus. band of said deceased, aud praying that ad­ministration of said estate to Benjamin F. Thur her granted: .

It is ordered,~tliat said petition be heard be fore the Judge of thi* Court, on Tuesday, the 19th day of February; A

D. 1889, at one o'clock P. M.. at the Probate Office, Worthington, In wild county.

Ordered further, that notice thereof he given to the heirs of said deceased and all persor>4ta-terested, by publishing a copy of this order for ihree successive weeks prior to said day: of hearing. In the Worthington AIWANCK. a weekly newspaper printed and publl-hed at Worthing­ton. In said County.

~ tbini D. 1889.

$10 Dollars cash down, and $5 each month until paid, with interest at ten per cent., are the terms on which the

1DHBS0TA LOAH and IHVESTMEHT COMPAST Will sell some of the lots in CLARY ADDITION.


Many of the Lots contain 18,330 square feet, and are nearly two and one-half times as large as lots in the original village.

YOUNG MEN, Save your money and secure a lot for home. When you get ready to build, we will



To huy materials with. It is probable that prices of lots will be advanced next season, and it is well to buy now

and take your pick. J. I*. MOULTON, Agent.


FURNITURE, In Southwestern Minnesota, and at

'LOWEST PRICES! Can be found at


It will pay you to call and examine his stock before purchas* ing anything in his line that you may need.


s We carry a full line in both heel and spring heel. For neat­ness and durability they have no equal. Try a pair and be sat­isfied, every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction.

We have these shoes in both kid and goat. While they are a tasty shoe, they cannot be sur­passed for service. These as well as all of Henderson's shoes are guaranted to give satisfaction.



Capital Paid up, $100,000. o

GKORGE D. DAYTOS—President. J. P. MOULTOX—Vice President. GEORGE O. MOORE—Secretary. GEOUGE W. WILSOX—Counsel.

DIRECTORS—Geo. D. Dayton, J. p. Moulton. MousGrirager, D. Shell,C. H bmith. Geo. O. Moore and Uhas. \V. Smith.

Money to loan for long or short time on approved collateral.

Office in BanK of Worthington Building.


Does a General Banking Business; Buys and Sells Exchange; Receives Deposits subject to Call.

Has tbe Agency of some of tbe


J is z. •

Real Estate Agt. 100,000 Acres of Choicc Farming Lands

In Fobles and adjoining counties at from SO to 91B.OO per Improved farms from £8 to 125 per acre. Terms to suit purcbascr*

Office in Bank of Worthington.



15-3 ly





Dated at Woi tblngton, thsicd dayof Jannary

[Seaii 23-3W.

By tbe Court. 0. W.W.DOW, . ^

^udge of rrobate ae&v?. ' „ ... ,*

There will lie a Public Sale at my Farm on Sec­tion 35, Town of Wovtliiugton, Nobles Co,, on

WEDNESDAY, FEBUARY 27,1889, commencing at 0 a. M., (and continued to the 28 if weather isbad) when I will sell the follow ing property: JPThirty-nine head cattle: l Thoroughbred short horn bull; 14 milk cows; 10 ht-lfevs from one to three >eais old; 14 steers from one, two years old nn'd over: 5 head hogs; 4 head horses; 2 sets double harness; l Champion Unlit Binder; 1 John P. Manning Mnww; l Bonanza Hay rake; 1 hay gatherer d»-nd lock hay fm k and sorrier: 1 Standard corn planter; 2 Kimlton sulkey cultivators; l suik< y plow; i» walking plows; I heavv wagon; l light wagon: 1 «'ight foot seeder; t set heavy harness; t set heavy harrows; 1 hand i-orn siiel'er; 1 large size barrel churn; 1 lever butter worker. And numerous other articles.

TERMS OF SA LEI All sums less than *10 to bfcash. All sums of $10 and upward payable in notes due Nov. 1st, lfSfi. dewing eisrht per cert irtere*t, with approved security or if paid in ca:li a discount of 5 per cenioff.

2T,.*t MBS. KISS ELI* O I I .rEUT AKPKRSON Auctioneer.

FOR SALE. Alot of household fiirnitnres,stoves

tables, chairs, bedsteads, bureaus, etc. Enquire at this office-

FOR RENT. The House, Barn and Lot I now oc­

cupy will be for rent after this date. Any one wishing to rent all or part of the premises apply to D. W. CHUTE.

?ewing done at ray residence, 22 4w. Mrs. C. BULLIS.

S- Kindluni is sellinjr steamship tickets by any line from and to all parts of Enrope, for cash or oh time. Give him a call, 2-Ht

OKLAHOMA. The opening of the Indian Territory for the

settlement is at present attracting much atten­tion throughout the country. Oklahoma. a» the new Territory is to be called. Is one of the finest sctions of the west. To those desli ing full ln-foimation respecting this country, wc would call attention to the advertisement of A. Bass &Co., McPhersou, Kansas, seen elsewhere in this paper. .

HURD & DeWOLF, Next door to Torrance's Store.


Fish and Game in Season. Hides, Pelts, Tallow. Etc., Bought.

Try 4My

Give us a call and

the New Market.

nirlahnma A BOOK giving full desciip-UKIallUIIIa, tlf>n and Information con-iug three MAPS. Send stamp for eii culxrs

A. BASS & Co,, McPherson, Kansas.

Whea Baby «M sick, we gar. her Caatoria, When ahe «aa a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When ahe became Miaa, ahe clung to Castoria, Whan aha had Childiaa, aha gave ihna Caatoria

I>- W. CDUTE. Has opened a new Meat Market at Kb- house,

on Main street cor Sixth avenue. Poultry aud meats of all kinds kept on hand. Orders prompt'y delivered to customar>. Prices low, and beef warranted to bo of

quality, best

Bare bargains to those wishing to lay in a Winter's Supply.

W CASII paid for hides. Utf

Call and examine our stock of oak cherry and walnut.


J. L. Owens A Co., of Minneapolis, Minn., manufactures the best Fnim n Mill in use, it cleans all foul seed from grain. Call at Forbes' office, get a mill, clean your seed before sowing, if yon haven't the money you can aet a tpill and pay for it in hay. 29-4t -



FORSALE Pair New Bob-sleds. Cash or tine


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