the world’s largest rainforest:amazon is a vast region that reach out to the border of nine...

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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The World’s largest rainforest:Amazon is a vast region that reach out to the border of nine rapidly developing countries such as Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, an overseas territory of France. In Amazon, there are one out of ten known species on Earth, it has a 1.4 billion area feet of dense forests which is half of the planet’s remaining tropical forests and it is 2.67 million square miles which is about 40 per cent of South America.

In 2002, WWF joined with the Brazilian Government and other partners to launch the Amazon Region Protected Areas (ARPA) program which is the largest tropical forest conservation program in the world. ARPA is an ambitious multi-year effort to ensure comprehensive protection of the Brazilian Amazon. To accomplish this goal, WWF and partners are working to create a system of well-managed strict preservation areas and sustainable use reserves. The network of protected areas is based on rigorous scientific planning and careful public consultation.

The first phase of ARPA began in 2003 and ran to the end of 2009. By 2008 ARPA surpassed its Phase 1 protected area creation targets – including the establishment of over 62 million acres of new protected areas – an area about the size of Wyoming. This includes creating the 9.4 million acre Tumucumaque Mountains National Park, one of the world's largest tropical forest national parks.

The second phase of ARPA began in 2010 and will continue till 2013, This will create and improve management of 150 million acres of new protected areas. Additional goals for the second phase are the consolidation of protected areas created during the first phase and the implementation of complementary financing mechanisms, including a Trust Fund that will cover in perpetuity the recurring expenses of the protected areas.

In conclusion, WWF and their partners are making network of protected areas based on rigorous scientific planning and careful public consultation which will leads to reduce CO2 emissions from deforestation since 2003 and will continue till 2013.

Environmentalists have long voiced concern over the vanishing Amazon rainforest, but they haven't been particularly effective at slowing forest loss.

●In fact, despite the hundreds of millions of dollars in donor funds that have flowed into the region since 2000 and the establishment of more than 100 million hectares of protected areas since 2002, average annual deforestation rates have increased since the 1990s, peaking at 73,785 square kilometres (28,488 square miles) of forest loss between 2002 and 2004. ●With land prices fast appreciating, cattle ranching and industrial soy farms expanding, and billions of dollars' worth of new infrastructure projects in the works, development pressure on the Amazon is expected to accelerate. ●Given these trends, it is apparent that conservation efforts alone will not determine the fate of the Amazon or other rainforests. Some argue that market measures, which value forests for the ecosystem services they provide as well as reward developers for environmental performance, will be the key to saving the Amazon from large-scale destruction. ●In the end it may be the very markets currently driving deforestation that save forests.

Scientists slam Telegraph blogger's claims that climate change will be good for the Amazon

(12-7-2012) Recent blog posts on The Telegraph and the Register claiming that tropical rainforests like the Amazon are set to benefit from climate change are 'uninformed' and 'ridiculous' according to some of the world's most eminent tropical forest scientists. The posts, published Sunday and Monday by Tim Worstall, a Senior Fellow at London's Adam Smith Institute, asserted that a new Nature study indicates that 'climate change will mean new and larger tropical forests.' But some of the world's leading tropical forest experts took aim at Worstall's logic, noting the limitations of the study as well as the other factors that are endangering rainforests.

Still time to save most species in the Brazilian Amazon

(12-7-2012) Once habitat is lost or degraded, a species doesn't just wink out of existence: it takes time, often several generations, before a species vanishes for good. A new study in Science investigates this process, called "extinction debt", in the Brazilian Amazon and finds that 80-90 per cent of the predicted extinctions of birds, amphibians, and mammals have not yet occurred. But, unless urgent action is taken, the debt will be collected, and these species will vanish for good in the next few decades.

The Amazon Conservation Team has developed a well-earned reputation for innovation, efficiency, and effectiveness. Our ethnographic mapping – in which the indigenous people themselves make the map, seizing control of their own cultural and environmental destiny – has now partnered with over 30 tribes to cover 70 million acres of ancestral rainforest. Our Shamans’ and Apprentices efforts have developed new and effective methodologies to transmit ancient shamanic wisdom to the next generation of indigenous youth. And our Shamans’ Gatherings have brought indigenous leaders from throughout the Amazon to chart a course forward for their culture and their medicine.

One of the results of these pioneering efforts is that ACT cofounders Liliana Madrigal and Mark Plotkin received the coveted “Social Entrepreneur” designation from the prestigious Scull Foundation a few years back – recognition which has opened new doors, fostered new partnerships, and inspired new approaches to bio-cultural conservation.

Power Point Slides done by: Bao ErResearch done by: Celine

Under “Brief introduction to the Amazon basin(Brazil)” & “Management Strategies”


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