the woods (final project)

Post on 20-Mar-2016






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Everything we had to do for our final project


Will Bray, Ross Beckman, Clark Dallas, and Josh Bush present...

The Woods

1 Ext. Cabin and Surrounding Woods – Late afternoon 1

Open with cuts between ominous shots of the cabin and woods juxtaposed to a black screen.

Cut to a looming shot of a car, driving down the winding and isolated roads moving deeper and deeper into the rolling woods. Vibrant reds and yellow leaves blanket the landscape of steep hills and thick forest. 


The shot focuses in on two couples riding in the car. The couple sitting in the back seat, THOMAS and ALLI, are noticeably uncomfortable. They peer out their respective windows away from one another. Watching the sun spots and scenery as the car twists and turns down the old country road.

JULIA and ADAM, the couple sitting in the front of the car, can clearly sense the tension between their friends. Their unsure to the reason, but it’s very palpable.


(Leans over and quietly says)

“See if you can tell me what this is.”

Adam changes the music on the radio as the scene is engulfed in a vibrant trumpet lead jazz song. (preferably “Blue and Green” by Miles Davis).


Hmmmm... I love this song.


Do you know it?

They pause and listen for a second.


It’s Miles Davis.

Adam just smiles, as they go around another turn getting deeper and deeper into the woods.


This song sounds like fall.

She says as she gazes out the window basking in the shuttering shadows of passing trees in the sun.


Yeah, I used to listen to this with my dad when we were out at this cabin. There’s an old record player there, it probably still works. Hey.

He says nodding forward to a clearing around the bend.

The car enters the clearing as they come upon an old cabin and barn. Isolated from any noticeable population. They come to a stop and begin to unload their luggage.

Alli and Thomas meekly move around each other, rigid and uncomfortable. The couples leisurely walk to the cabin passing under a tall and looming porch that casts a shadow beneath. Adam pulls out the keys and unlocks the door as they enter the cabin. He sets them on a small end table near the couch upon entering the cabin.

2 Int. Cabin– Late afternoon 2

Alli quickly puts down her suitcase and walks into the kitchen.

Adam and Julia look at Thomas inquisitively.


I don’t know…. I don’t know. I’ll just, I’ll talk to you guys later, okay?


Let’s go unpack

He says under his breath, hinting at heading upstairs.

Thomas slowly and softly walks over towards the kitchen. His face reads upset and sunken. He peers in the door way, leaning on its frame, of the kitchen noticeably down trodden Alli.

3 Int. Entry Hall/Living Room – Late Afternoon 3

He finds Alli sitting, hunched, with elbows on the dinner table. She’s smoking a cigarette and is noticeably distraught and contemplative staring at the table, in an older semi-retro kitchen.

He stands there staring for a moment reflecting. He watches the rings of smoke shine through the light creeping up her dark hair, as she still sits in silence.

Thomas turns and walks through the hall back out the front door.

4 Ext. Front Porch – late afternoon 4

He stands on the porch in the sun and takes a deep breath. He reaches into his jacket pocket and removes a pack of cigarettes. He lights one and stares into the forest. There are birds swarming unusually thickly in the trees surrounding, with an almost deafening song and squak.

He notices a brightly colored and warn barn next to the house. He steps off the porch and begins to walk over, feeling the brisk fall breeze through his coat.

There is an axe protruding from a tree stump, located next to the barn.

5 Ext. Old Shed/ Barn – Late Afternoon 5

He slowly enters and looks around at old machinery and tools scattered across the shelves, old tables and floors. He attempts to turn the light on but it’s rusted bulb merely flickers. He looks at it and taps it while it continues to pulse and gently swing back and forth, in the eerie wood air.

He exits the barn and walks over to the car. He positions himself and sits on the back of the vehicle. He leans against the rear mirror and continues to smoke his cigarette.

6 Int. Upstairs Bedroom – Late Afternoon 6

Julia and Adam upstairs, luggage open and strewn, lay in rustled sheets. They are curled close to one another, Julia happily clinging to Adam, as they pass a joint between the two of them.

Adam, taking a drag, ever so slightly turns his head.


So, when I was little we used to come out here with my family, and hike and build fires and shit.

(He Exhales the smoke from his lungs.)

And I hated it, Every time I hated it. I was far away from everyone I knew, there’s no tv, there’s no telephone, there’s nothing because were in the middle of fucking no where. But there was this time; I was probably like seven or eight, real young. And it was sunrise one of those mornings. There was like this thick fog outside just blanketing everything, you couldn’t see shit. And I looked out the window, and through all the fog, I saw my dad. He was just standing there staring into the woods. It had to be like six am or something. I didn’t know what the fuck he was doing out there. But it seemed really fucking weird, ya’ know. Anyways, I had this bright red

sweater that I always wore, I took it everywhere, school, soccer practice, bed, everywhere. So I grabbed my sweater and went to go see what the fuck he was doing out there. Well, I get out there and I start walking over to him, the yard felt like forever, like when your five and the walk to the bed seems like a mile. So im walking over there, And he just disappears into the woods. I tried to follow him, I started calling his name, just trying to keep up but I could only catch glimpses of him. He didn’t answer me, he didn’t turn around, he just kept moving. And then I couldn’t see him at all. He was just swallowed in the fog. So I was standing there, in the fog and woods, alone. Just calling him. You know that feeling, when your stomach and shoulders tense up. And you get those warm pins that like climb up your neck to your skull? Like you can just feel something is wrong? Well I start getting those little pins, like it felt like something was watching me in the woods, I thought I could practically feel it breathing on me. So I just ran. I ran all the way back to the cabin, I was so fucking scared, Jesus Christ. That was by far the most terrified I’ve ever been in my life.

(There is a brief pause)


It’s not so bad out here with you though.


Oh yeah?

She says smiling clearly sensing his gesture of adoration.

There is another brief pause before Adam lowers his head and continues his story to Julia.


The weirdest part though, and the reason I remember it so clearly, is I ran back to the cabin and i come flying in through the front door. And my dad is already inside, sitting at the table, just smoking a cig and reading a book. See, he said he was never out in the woods that day, he said he hadn’t even left the cabin that morning. So I don’t know. My Mom used to tell me it was just a dream.


When I was young, when I would have nightmares, my mom would always come in and she’d sit on my bed. And she would always say “dreams, you know, are what you wake up from.” It always made me feel better

There is a long pause.


I lost that red sweater though, I never found it. I would swear I lost it in the woods that morning.


Your so full of shit.


No, its true.

He says beginning to smile flirtatiously at Julia.

Adam rolls over and kisses her.

They meet eyes and are silently staring at each other for a moment. Julia brushes Adam’s hair to the side, attempting to lovingly see more of his face.


Hey… thanks for bringing me out here this weekend.


Of course beautiful. I figured we’d have fun out here.


Do you know whats going on with Thomas and Alli? They’ve been acting really uncomfortable since last night.


“No, I have no idea. They’ve definitely been acting weird though. I’m sure Thomas will say something, but it’s probably fine. But we should still try and have a good time alright.”

He says tickling her trying to ensure an enjoyable weekend, and trying to lighten the mood.

They begin to laugh hysterically as Adam begins tickling Julia continuously, as they roll and wrestle in the bed together. The laughter is loud echoing through the halls.

7 Int. Entrance Hall/ Living Room – Early afternoon 7

Thomas enters the front door returning from his cigarette still very contemplative. He slowly walks through the living room of the old cabin. The stairs and floors creak ominously and sporadically as the sounds of Adam and Julia are heard through the old wooden floors. From Thomas’s perspective the sounds of muffled laughter are almost indistinguishable from screams of horror. Thomas unpacks a beer from his luggage and cracks its top. Sipping it he looks at the family photos around the cabin. Mostly of Adam and his parents from times growing up. Most notably a

photo of him outside the cabin as a boy wearing the red sweater he previously mentioned. Still slowly creeping through the house he comes upon the record player. He flips through the records, inspecting the collection and sipping on his beer. He pulls out a record. He lays the vinyl on the turntable and powers it on. When the needle drops it’s clear that the record player has been dormant as the dust crackles and hisses at the beginning of the record. He sits on the nearby couch. He sets his beer on the floor between his feet, and leans forward putting his head in his hands. He begins to run his hands up and down his heard, brushing through his hair as he thinks about events that transpired with Alli.

(Flashback the night prior).

8 Int. nice restaurant – Evening 8

Thomas and Alli are laughing and flirting and look very much infatuated and in love.

(End of Flashback).

9 Int. Living room – late afternoon 9

Cut back to Thomas positioned on the couch. He releases a large sigh.

10 Int. Kitchen – Early Afternoon 10

Alli still sits at the table. She slides her chair back and walks over to the sink. She removes a glass from the cabinet and begins to fill it with water. As she fills it she looks contemplatively at the setting sun, through a window-pane.

Thomas slowly enters the kitchen and stands quietly, looking at Alli but always turning away breaking the longer moments of eye contact. There is a long moment of silence.


It’s terrible knowing what’s going to happen.

The record ends leaving just the soft crackle of the vinyl needle still spinning around the turntable”


What do you mean?

He says inquisitively, not certain as to Alli’s projected context.


All the leaves are going to die and fall from the trees. The winds will get colder and the ground will frost. The first snows will fall and then winter will be here.

And I hate the winter.

She says attempting to keep her composure, choking back the forming tears, stemming from the turmoil of her and Thomas’ relationship.

There is a long pause, between the two of them as they both analyze the situation and the turn that their relationship has taken.

Still avoiding eye contact and uncomfortably meek.


Do you remember that time your car broke down on 56th? It was like 12 degrees and the snow just kept falling. And it took me an hour to get there, because the roads were so bad. When I got there you were just curled up in your coat.

Alli still refuses to acknowledge Thomas. Although it is clear, that she heard him.


You were so happy to see me that night.

I think I’m going to, ah… sleep on the couch tonight.

I’ll let you take the upstairs.

He looks at her for a minute, as she is still turned away. He begins to walk into the adjacent room.


I’m sorry Thomas. I wish things were different, but…

Alli now finally looks towards Thomas who also looks back at her. Their eyes meet as they stare in silence.

Thomas continues walking into the other room as the two separate.

11 Int. Kitchen/Living Room – Night 11

The four are now all positioned around the kitchen table. There are dirty plates that have clearly recently been used. There are empty beer bottles and open whiskey on the table. The four have clearly been enjoying their evening of leisure and conversation. The front door is in view from the kitchen table.

12 Int. Kitchen/ Front Living Room – Night 12

The couples begin to separate for bed. Adam and Julia go upstairs, leaving Thomas and Alli downstairs alone. They are located on separate ends of the room, Thomas towards the back and Alli closer to the stairs. They meet eyes with one another as they look across the room. The candles lit to help light the cabin flicker, projecting shadows and heavy silhouettes across the walls. Alli slowly moves up the stairs leaving Thomas downstairs alone.

Thomas, standing there alone, feels his solitude as he feels the cabin and forest seem desolate and cold to his worn and upset mind.

He walks to the kitchen and cleans a bit of the mess created earlier. Setting the plates in the sink as well as some of the glasses and bottles. Frustrated he sets his weight back and leans on his hands pressed upon the counter. Thinking for a second he, rubs his face, as if trying to wipe away his sorrow, and returns to the other room. He slowly blows out the candles and retires to the couch with a pillow and quilt. The scene ends with a long shot slowly zooming out the window located behind the couch, as it appears that the woods loom closer and closer.

13 Int. Upstairs Bedroom – Night 13

Adam and Julia lay in bed upstairs. It’s several hours later and both have been soundly sleeping for several hours.

The cabin creaks and pops as it sounds like someone slowly and lightly edging nearer and nearer the bed. Hushed voices and muffled sounds of wind slowly build into a formidable sound until abruptly dropping to silence.

There is a loud door slamming followed by unknown and ominous poundings and sporadic loud sounds from downstairs.

Adam and Julia are startled awake by these eerie and unexplained noises.


Do you hear that?


Yeah. Do you think It’s Thomas or something?


Probably. What do you think he’s doing?


I don’t know, he’s probably just drunk.

Adam rouses himself from the bed, sitting on the edge and gathering his consciousness for a moment. He stands up and puts some clothes on.


Where are you going?

(Adam, turning to her and continuing to get dressed and slipping a cig in his mouth.)


I’m going to go downstairs, smoke a cig, and make sure he’s doing alright. It’s probably just whatever’s going on with Alli. Go back to sleep, Hun.

There is another loud noise that resonates from the downstairs, making both Adam and Julia silently concerned as to whatever is taking place downstairs.

Adam opens the door, quietly closing it in order to not disturb Julia further. He stands at the top of the stairs, in the dark as he lights his cigarette. He slowly and cautiously descends the stairs.

14 Staircase/ Entry/Living Room – Night 14

As he comes down the steps he sees that the front door is, once again, wide open. He notices that Thomas is not on the couch but his pillow and quilt look disheveled.

Adam steps out on the front porch suspecting that Thomas is maybe just smoking a cigarette out front. The front of the house is dark and desolate, only lit by the bulb mounted to the front of

the house. This provides eerie minimal lighting that disappears into the tree line and woods.

13 Ext. Front Porch – Night 13



Adam says, hoping that Thomas will return his call. But he hears nothing.

Adam, confused and becoming increasingly more nervous and frightened, re-enters the cabin closing and locking the door behind him.

He slowly creeps down the hall, floors creaking and whispering beneath his feet.

Another loud thunderous noise shakes from an old door with an worn handle and chipping wood. Slowly opening it he looks down a long black abyss that appears to be a basement. He can only see the first step or so before it disappears into total darkness. He searches for a light, finding a dangling chain. Pulling on it the dirty speckled bulb merely flickers on and off, leaving the basement veiled still in darkness and dread.

Adam (continued)


He shouts down into the abyss, but still with no answer. Becoming increasingly concerned and nervous he turns the light off and closes the basement door.

He continues cautiously moving through the increasingly ominous and eerie cabin. He makes his way through the kitchen when he comes upon the sliding doors located in the back of the cabin.

He peers out into the dark and shadowy forest that surrounds them. He sees a figure that appears to be Thomas, standing at the tree line, much like his father in his “dream”. His heart dropping and hands shaking, due to the similarity and familiarity of the unsettling sight, he slides open the door.

Adam (continued)


He says creeping forward and flicking his cigarette to the side. The figure remains turned away, unflinchingly staring into the woods, like a statue.

As Adam gets increasingly close, he continues to call his name.

Adam (continued)


The figure begins to walk into the woods. Quickly disappearing from Adam’s sight.

Adam reaches the tree line, but stops as he uncomfortable waits and trembles there.



15 Int. Upstairs bedroom – Night 15

Julia wakes to find that Adam has still not returned from downstairs. It’s still night, but knowing that ample time has passed she begins to worry, especially given the sounds resonating from downstairs earlier. She quickly pulls a flannel and some pants on and exits the room. She moves to the door of the room Alli is sleeping in, seeing that the light is still creeping out from under the door.

(She knocks lightly)




Julia (continued)


Alli opens the door, clearly not roused, being kept up by her emotional woes.


Hey, what’s… what’s going on?

Alli opens the door inviting Julia inside.

16 Int. Alli’s bedroom – Night 16


Did you hear those noises a while ago?


What noises?


The noises downstairs. There was like a banging, or walking or something. You didn’t hear them?

(The two sit down on the bed.)


I haven’t heard anything from downstairs. Do you think it was Thomas?


Well, we thought so. Adam went down to go talk to him but he’s not come back yet.


I’m sure he’s fine, he’s probably just talking to Thomas.


What’s going on… between you and Thomas?

Julia looks to the floor, and becomes quickly uncomfortable.


Just… a lot. I don’t really…

It quickly becomes understood that Julia is not ready or willing to talk about it.


I need a cigarette.

She let’s out a slight smile, more of self pity than joy.


Would you mind going downstairs with me. I just want to make sure the boys are down there, but I don’t want to go by myself.

She laughs a little realizing the humor in a grown woman being afraid of going downstairs alone.


Yeah. I’ll go with you.

The two get up from the bed and begin to move downstairs.

17 Int. Living Room – Night 17

When the reach the bottom of the stairs they see that Thomas is indeed asleep on the couch. However, there is no sign of Adam.

Alli wakes Thomas.


Thomas. Thomas, have you seen Adam?

Thomas attempts to become coherent and shake off the daze from his sleep.




Have you seen Thomas? He came down here a few hours ago to check on you. We thought we heard noises? He came to talk to you?


No. No, I haven’t seen him since we were all in the kitchen. Is ah, is everything okay?

Alli quickly begins walking around the cabin, calling for Thomas. But there is no answer.

Thomas turns to Julia.


What’s going on?


Adam came down to come talk to you a few hours ago and if he’s not with you, then we don’t know where he is.

Thomas stands up and pull his pants and shoes on.

Alli quickly moves to Julia in order to help her search and also to try and help calm her escalating nerves.

They search the cabin continuing to call his name. But there is no sign of Adam.

There is a large thunderous noise that once again resonates from the basement. The three look at each other with uncertain and increasingly frightened eyes.

They approach the door leading into the basement. Thomas slowly opens the door, which creaks and cracks loudly as it shakes and rattles open revealing the dark and cold basement. Thomas wearily searches for a light finding the chain, which he pulls. Once again giving little more that sporadic flickering of light. Looking back at Alli and Julia he begins to descend into the basement disappearing into the darkness.

Alli and Julia nervously wait at the top of the stairs.

Thomas screams and there are sounds of things getting knocked over in the basement. Thomas quickly emerges back up the stairs out of the darkness, his face pale and horrified.


We need to go.


What’s down there?

Thomas just continues moving up the stairs pushing past them. Alli heads down into the basement against Thomas’ request. Thomas walks over to the couch paces, panicking a moment and quickly sits, putting his head between his legs and trying to catch his breath.


Thomas. What’s going on?

Thomas looks up at Julia with pained, frantic, and hollow eyes. Thomas is clearly horrified and in shock from what he saw in the basement.

A death-rattling scream, from Alli, is heard from the basement. Julia quickly rushes down to investigate the source of Thomas’ behavior and Alli’s scream.

18 Int. Basement – Night 18

The flickering hanging bulb in the basement helps embellish the gravity of the scene. Julia enters the flickering basement finding Alli, huddled on the ground, screaming and sobbing as Adam’s body hangs lifeless against the wall.


He’s okay. He’s okay. Oh, God. He’s okay.

Julia also begins to scream and sob as she attempts to make some sort of connection with the hysterical Alli.


We have to go upstairs.

She sobs as Allis screams and calls for Adam as if she could breath life back into his cold body. The two grasping onto one another for support, they hysterically move back up the stairs.

19 Int. Entrance/ Living Room – Night 19

As Alli and Julia emerge from the basement they close the door. Thomas is feverishly searching the small cabin.


Do you know where the keys are?

He continues searching around the cabin, frantic and panic stricken. Julia continues to be hysterical but tries to keep some semblance of composure for Alli, who seems to be almost unresponsively grief stricken.


What the fuck is going on? What the fuck happened?


Fuck! I don’t know, I don’t know.

He begins to cry, at the loss of his friend and the lack of understanding as to the potential why of his friends demise.


This isn’t real. This isn’t real.

He mutters to himself under his breath.


What are we gonna do?


We need to go, we need help. But I’ve looked everywhere, kitchen, car, bedrooms, the keys aren’t here. They were right fucking there, and now there gone.


Do you think he has them?

Thomas looks at Julia, with a face of pure helplessness, but knowing she may be right.

Julia is still trying to calm, Alli who has cried herself into exhaustion and is now in a state of disassociated shock. Thomas leans into Julia speaking very hushed so that Alli cannot hear him.


Can you take her upstairs? Maybe try and get her in the bath or something? We need to try and keep her with us.


What are you going to do?


I’m going to try and get the keys. But I can’t let him stay down there.

Thomas and Julia look at each other in a way that they hadn’t been. At the heights of their nerves and terrors they see each other honestly and bare. Both aware of their own and others mortalities, making both of them find something in themselves and each other.

Julia leads Alli up the stairs trying to keep her aware and trying to from descending deeper into hysteria.

19 Int. Living Room – Night 19

Thomas stays downstairs, once again alone. He opens the door and turns on the light to the dark basement once again. He stands and paces in front of it for a moment trying to gather the courage to go back down into the basement.

20 Int. Basement – Night 20

He slowly moves back down the stairs coming upon Adam’s body. His face horrified and his body trembling. He checks Adam’s pocket’s looking for the keys, but finds nothing. He stands and moves a bit away covering his mouth as he vomits. He regains his composure for a moment. He picks up Adams body and begins moving him up the stairs. Thomas screams as he moves his friend up the

stairs and into the red wooden barn located outside. He covers his body with a sheet and closes the barn door.

21 Int. Upstairs Bathroom – Night 21

Julia sits in a candle lit bathroom with Alli as the water continues to flow into the tub. They sit in silence as the sound of the pouring water washes the room.


It’s going to be morning soon.

She says staring out the window as the darkness still engulfs the woods.


Couple hours.

Alli undresses and sits in the still filling tub. Holding her knees, and her head resting tilted as well.


You know he loved you.

There is a long silence between the two as the tub is soon filled and the water is shut off.

Alli (continued)

It’s okay to be upset. it’s okay to be angry and it’s okay to not understand why. But you should always try to remember that he loved you.

Alli begins to cry. Julia walks over to the bath and puts her arms around Alli trying to calm her.


Umm…(She clears her throat) Can I just be alone? For a minute, please.



Julia stands in the steam filled room and walks over to the door.


I’m so sorry Julia.

She turns the knob and leaves the room.

22 Int. Entrance/ Living Room – Night 22

Thomas is sitting downstairs next to the record player, which spins a record softly. He’s on the edge of his seat, elbows on his knees and hands on his face. He’s in a state of intense thought about their situation. Alli slowly enters the room from behind him.


There are no keys.




Adam, didn’t have them. They’re not in the house.

(He shakes his head.)

We can’t go anywhere, there’s nowhere we can walk to. There’s no phone. David and Sarah are coming tomorrow afternoon from her Mom’s right.


Yeah, I think so.


Well, when they get here well leave. And well go get help. How’s Julia doing?


I don’t know, she’s hysterical.

Alli lights a cigarette and rubs her face with the same hand.


I don’t understand. Why, ya know? He wasn’t upset, he wasn’t depressed, he was just Adam. I just, I don’t…


No, me neither. Maybe well never understand. Maybe this right here is just like dying. I always heard that the thing about dying is you never see it coming. Like death isn’t just a single happening, from living to dead. But it’s something that’s going on around us but we don’t see it until the end.


Adam’s in the shed.

Alli looks at him knowing that it must have been a tremendous emotional tax on Thomas to carry his friends body.

Thomas (Continued)

I ah, I carried him up and put a blanket on him. I just thought, ya know, he shouldn’t be left down in the basement.

Thomas rubs his face and wipes his eyes a bit. The two sit, once again in silence, lost in contemplation and grief.


It’s okay you know.


What do you mean?


That you said no.

Alli looks away.


I’m sorry Thomas, I’m sorry it’s not the way you wanted it to be. I’m just not ready.

Alli begins to become increasingly upset as her eyes well.

Thomas puts her hands in his and gets quite close.


It’s okay. Alli, It’s okay.


I just don’t know what to do now. I don’t know where we go from here?


I had this dream last night. About us. And… What if I were running into your arms, right now? Would you put your hands on me, would you kiss my lips? Would you smile and show me your teeth. And when we get there, who’s in who’s arms.?

Thomas stands and slowly moves into the kitchen adjacent knowing he made his point and thinking he should leave Alli to her thoughts.

Alli sits on the couch and thinks about the conversations she just had with Thomas as well as the occurrences of the night.

23 Int. High Class Restaurant – Night 23


Cutting back to the same night and restaurant as the previous flashback. There is no audible dialogue but the restaurant is quite nice and both Thomas and Alli are dressed up. They look at each other with very affectionate eyes and are almost constantly smiling and flirting. They are drinking wine and enjoying themselves as they eat. Thomas lifts a small box from under the table clasping it in his finger tips. He begins to open it unveiling a ring.

(End Flashback).

22 (continued) Int. Entrance/ Living Room – Night 22

We return to Alli sitting on the couch, rubbing the finger that the ring would have been sitting. She stands still holding her finger in her hands and walks into the kitchen after Thomas.


I think I’m going to check on Julia, she probably shouldn’t be alone very long.


Okay, you mind if I come with you?


Yeah, you’ll have to wait in the hall for a minute, she’s in the bath.

The two head upstairs towards the bathroom.

24 Int. Top of Stairs Outside the Bathroom Door – Night 24

They approach the door together as Alli knocks.



There is no response.

Alli (continued)


She knocks again. The door rattles back a little and stops. Alli and Thomas look at each other. The hall is silent for a moment.

25 Int. Upstairs hallway – Night 25

The door suddenly begins to violently shake as if some large source were pounding on the other side.

Alli screams as Thomas reaches for the handle leaning his shoulder into the door attempting to open it, but to no avail. The door continues to pound violently until abruptly ending, like a sudden end to a large storm.

Thomas and Alli, frightened, approach the now calm door.

Thomas puts his hand on the knob noticing that it is no longer taught and can easily be turned which he does slowly, dreading the horrors that potentially lie behind it.

The door slowly opens revealing a blood smeared and soaked bathroom. Alli lays lifeless in the bathtub, filled in a bath of blood. Thomas and Alli are both horrified as they can barely bring themselves to look into the grotesque room. They exit the room and the door slams behind them. While standing on the top of the stairs a record begins to play downstairs filling the house with music.

26 Int. Entrance/ Living Room – Night 26

Alli and Thomas cautiously move down the stairs looking around every corner and nook. They make their way into the side room and observe the record eerily spining on the turntable.

They stop for a second and listen for sounds in the house. It sounds like there are footsteps walking upstairs.

Thomas looks at Alli and grabs her hand pulling both of them into a closet. He pulls the chain illuminating the dim bulb dangling from the ceiling.

27 Int. Closet – Night 27


Were getting out of here. I’m going to go to the shed and grab the axe. And when I come back were just going to start walking okay? We can’t stay here. Alli, hey…

He says putting his hand on her face brushing her hair out of her face, he looks into her eyes.

Thomas (continued)

Were going to be fine.

Looking into each other’s eyes, they fall into one another and kiss. This kiss moving both of them past their problems and each of them realizing that they love one another.


I love you Thomas.

She says starting to cry and holding him.

He kisses her head holding her.


I love you too.

He breaks their embrace and looms towards the door, which he opens slowly.

28 Int. Living Room – Night 28

The record still playing filling the cabin with music. He cautiously moves towards the kitchen opening a drawer and removing a knife. He concentrates and pays attention to his every movement and his environment. He looks out the window to the red shed. He makes his way back around to the front room. He Creeps closer and closer to the front door every step building tension. The record ends leaving nothing but the popping and crackling of the vinyl needle.

29 Int. Closet – Night 29

Alli stays hidden in the ill lit closet when she hears a large scuffle begin. There is a large crashing, as Alli panics fearing for Thomas and the impending doom that lies in the cabin. The cabin falls silent as the scuffle ends with a large thud. After a minor silence, a ring, from Thomas’ pocket, which he proposed

to Alli with, rolls on the wooden cabin floor directly in front of Alli, before losing its momentum and falling still.

Alli covers her mouth and gasps trembling as she gets on her knees and picks up the ring, holding it like a precious material.

30 Int. Entrance/ Living Room- Early Morning/ Sunrise 30

She stands and emerges from the closet to see Thomas’ body sprawled on the floor, with blood strewn across his face and the wall. Alli picks up the knife he had been brandishing. There are immediately creaking noises, like footsteps, upstairs. The house begins to creak and pop as Alli quickly becomes surrounded by the growing sounds of impending doom. Alli feeling the presence of the approaching and surrounding evil begins to run through the cabin throwing open the back door.

31 Int. Woods Behind the Cabin – Early Morning/ Sunrise 31

She continues running into the woods. It’s sunrise now as the beautiful fall sunrise sheds light on the lush autumn leaves and woods that also feel like the tightening hands of death. The birds swarming and whistling as they were before blanketing part of the sky, and clearing from the area. She sees something fluttering high in the trees. She enters a clearing where she begins to hear crackling and walking within the woods surrounding her. As she looks more closely at the object she notices it is a small tattered red sweater. She stops and turns trying to locate the sound of the approaching movement. The rustling and sounds get closer and closer to Alli as she stays helpless in the woods.


What if I were running into your arms, right now? Would you put your hands on me, would you kiss my lips? Would you smile and show me your teeth. And when we get there, who’s in who’s arms?

Alli spins as the screen cuts to black. As the audience hears nothing but Alli’s blood-curdling scream.

Scene Shot Description Elements 1 1 LS: View

from down the road as we see a car driving through windy country roads

Car, country roads

1 2 MS: View from the dashboard of the car of all the passengers

Alli, Thomas, Adam, Julia

1 3 CU: View of Thomas, looking out his window


1 4 CU: View of Alli, looking out her window (almost a mirror shot)


1 5 MS: from the driver’s window, we see the profile of Adam and Julia

Adam, Julia

1 6 CU: shot of the radio being turned on

Radio, Adam’s hand

1 7 CU: shot of Julia


1 8 CU: shot of Adam

Adam 1 9 CU: shot of

Julia Julia

1 10 LS: car going through the woods


1 11 CU: shot of Julia


1 12 CU: shot of Adam


1 13 LS, HA: Car pulling into the driveway


1 14 LS, LA: a sinister view of the cabin, the camera pans up slowly


1 15 LS, HA: the kids unpacking the car

Julia, Adam, Thomas, Alli, Car

1 16 LS, LA: the kids approaching the cabin

The backs of all the characters, the cabin

1 17 CU: the key going into the lock, turning

Key, keyhole, door

2 1 MS: everybody milling around, Alli drops her suitcase and leaves the room

All characters, suitcases

2 2 MS: Adam and Julia looking at Thomas

Adam, Julia, Thomas

2 3 MS: Thomas following after Alli


3 1 MS: Adam Adam, Julia

and Julia 3 2 HA: Thomas

walking towards the kitchen


3 3 ECU: Thomas’ face


3 4 MS: looking at the back of Thomas as he leans on the doorframe

Thomas, Doorframe, Alli

3 5 LS: shot of the front of Thomas leaning on the door in BG, Alli sitting at the table smoking in FG

Thomas, Alli, cigarette

3 6 CU: Alli, not making eye contact, smoking a cigarette

Alli, cigarette

3 7 CU: Thomas, watching Alli


3 8 CU: starts with shot of Alli’s face as she exhales, follows the smoke as it drifts up towards the ceiling

Alli, smoke

3 9 MS: Thomas turning around and walking out of the room


4 1 MS: Thomas walking onto the front porch,

Thomas, cigarette

lighting a cigarette

4 2 LS: barn Barn 4 3 MS/TS:

camera follows Thomas as we walks toward the barn


4 4 CU: axe in tree stump

Axe, tree stump

5 1 LS: in darkness, then the door is opened, throwing light into the barn, we see Thomas’ silhouette

Thomas, barn

5 2 MS/TS: a circular shot, looking all around the barn

Tools, machinery

5 3 MS: Thomas trying to turn on the light

Thomas, light bulb hanging from ceiling

5 4 CU: Thomas’ hand trying to switch on light, the light flickers, he taps it a couple of times

Hand, light bulb

5 5 LA/MS: Thomas giving up on the light, turning to leave the barn, the flickering swinging

Thomas, Light

light gives everything strange feeling

5 6 MS: Thomas, outside of the barn, heads back towards the porch to smoke


6 1 FS - High: Overhead view of couple in bed

Luggage strewn about the floor (clothes)

6 2 CU: View from behind the headboard, tops of actors heads can be seen as joint is passed.

Headboard with wide slats Hastily rolled joint, lit

6 3 MS: View parallel to bed, Adam’s side, waist up

Window in BG

6 4 CU: View from behind the headboard, same as 2, joint passed again

Headboard with wide slats Hastily rolled joint, lit

6 5 LS - slow zoom: View through bedroom window looking down at the forest

Edge of forest clearing, dark woods.

6 6 MS: View of side of bed, Julia’s side,

Dresser in BG

waist up.

6 7 CU: View from behind the headboard, same as 2

Headboard with wide slats

6 8 CU - Low: View across Adam to Julia

6 9 MS - High: Overhead of bed, waist up.

6 10 MS: View parallel to bed, Adam’s side, waist up

Window in BG

6 11 CU - Low: View across Adam to Julia

6 12 MS - High: Overhead of bed, waist up.

6 13 CU: View from behind the headboard, tops of actors heads can be seen as joint is passed.

Headboard with wide slats Hastily rolled joint, lit

6 14 CU - Low: View across Julia to Adam

6 15 FS - High: Overhead view of couple in bed

Luggage strewn about the floor (clothes)

6 16 FS: Bedroom door seen from hallway, slowly backing away

Low-ceilinged hallway, old light fixture on either side of door.

7 1 FS: Straight-on view of front door as Thomas enters

Coat rack, three coats hanging

7 2 FS - High: High view from living room, Track Thomasʼ movement from front door to far side of living room as he grabs a beer

Dilapidated couch, brick fireplace, Record Player in far corner. Cheap beer.

7 3 MS - Low to High: View over Thomasʼ shoulder as he surveys photos, then raise and tilt down to show record player / record collection.

Family photos lined at the top of the wall, Record Player underneath, collection lined up beside

7 4 MS: Profile of Thomas choosing an album

Record player and collection

7 5 CU: View of record player as

Record player, needle slides

Thomas places the vinyl, needle slides into frame

in from right side

7 6 MS: Profile of Thomas, sipping beer, then placing head in hands


7 7 LS - High: Overhead view of Thomas, head in hands

Beer, Record Player, Album Collection laid out at Thomasʼ feet

8 1 MS: Thomas and Alli at dinner, viewed over Thomasʼ shoulder

formal restaurant backdrop, white table cloth, dinner for two, wine glasses

9 1 FS - High: Overhead view of Thomas, now sprawled on the couch, beer in hand

dilapidated couch, beer, album collection on floor.

10 1 MS/TS: Alli getting up from the table, going to the sink

Alli, table, sink

10 2 CU: Alliʼs hand getting a glass

Hand, glass

10 3 CU: glass getting filled from sink

Glass, sink

10 4 CU: Through Window, Alli

the window, shot of Alliʼs face

10 5 MS: Alli in FG at sink, Thomas comes into focus in BG, walks towards sink

Alli, Thomas

10 6 CU: of Alli Alli

10 7 CU: of Thomas


10 8 CU: Alli Alli

10 9 MS: Alli and Thomas

Alli and Thomas

10 10 CU: Thomas Thomas

10 11 CU: Alli Alli

10 12 CU: Thomas Thomas

10 13 MS: Thomas getting up and walking away, Alli says “Iʼm sorry, Thomas…”

Thomas, Alli

10 14 CU: Alli finally looking at Thomas


10 15 MS: Thomas and Alli staring at each, other, Thomas leaving

Alli, Thomas

11 1 MS, Tracking Shot: Camera placed near

Alli, Thomas, Adam, Julia, table, dirty dishes

the edge of the table, circles around the group

12 1 LS: Adam and Julia going upstairs, then pans over to show Thomas and Alli at opposite ends of the room, then watches Alli go up the stairs, then resting on Thomas alone downstairs. The camera then zooms in to a MS and follows Thomas as he cleans up the kitchen, goes back to the couch, and goes to sleep. The shot ends with the camera focusing on the woods out of the window while slowly zooming in

Adam, Julia, Alli, Thomas, dishes, couch, pillow, window, woods

13 1 MS, HA: Adam, Julia,

Adam and Julia sleeping in bed, then lowers to revolve around the empty, dark room, jerks back to the couple as a loud crash is heard


13 2 CU: Julia Julia

13 3 CU: Adam Adam

13 4 MS: Adam and Julia in bed

Adam, Julia

13 5 MS: from Juliaʼs side of the bed, we see Adam get up, dress, and leave the room

Julia, Adam, bed, clothes

14 1 MS: out in the hallway, we see Adam close the door. TS: facing Adam, the camera backs away as he walks forward, walk down the stairs, pans to look at the disheveled blankets and

Adam, stairs, couch, blankets

couch, then turns back to Adam. It once again moves backwards as Adam moves forwards, settling in a MS while he is on the porch. When Adam turns around and goes back into the cabin, the camera begins to follow him

14 2 CU: old, worn door, slowly zooms into the doorknob, a hand slowly comes into view and turns it

Door, Adamʼs hand

14 3 MS: the steps to the basement, only the first few are visible


14 4 MS: Adam searching for a light switch, finding the chain, pulling it

Adam, Chain

14 5 LS: from the top of the stairs, we see down into the basement as the light flickers on and off


14 6 MS: from the side of Adam as he shouts for Thomas


14 7 TS, MS: following Adam as he walks through the kitchen


14 8 LS of what appears to be Thomas

Thomas apparition

14 9 MS: Adam opening the door, flicking his cigarette aside, then once again tracking backwards as he moves forward

Adam, door, cigarette

14 10 LS: Thomas apparition moving into the forest

Thomas apparition

14 11 MS: Adam at the tree line

Adam, tree line

15 1 MS: Julia waking up, realizing Adam isnʼt

Julia, bed, flannel

there, putting on flannel and leaving the room

15 2 TS of Julia walking through the hallways


15 3 CU: light coming through the crack in the door


15 4 MS: Julia knocking on the door

Julia, door

15 5 MS: door opened by Alli, Julia going in

Door, Alli, Julia

16 1 CU: Julia Julia

16 2 CU: Alli Alli

16 3 MS: Julia and Alli sitting on the bed, having the conversation

Julia, Alli, bed

16 4 CU: Alli, as she looks at the floor


16 5 MS: Julia as she says she needs a cigarette and asks Alli to come with her.

Julia, Alli

16 6 CU: Close-up of Alli as she says


yes. 17 1 MS: that

follows the pair out the room. Camera does not cut, stays in a medium shot of Alli as she wakes Thomas.

Alli, Julia, Thomas, couch

17 2 CU: Thomas.


17 3 CU: Alli Alli

17 4 CU: Thomas Thomas

17 5 MS: Alli as she walks around the cabin.


17 6 CU: Thomas Thomas

17 7 MS: Alli Alli

17 8 MS: of Thomas, putting his clothes on.

Thomas, clothes

17 9 LS: following the group as they search for Adam.

Alli, Thomas, Julia

17 10 MS: the group. Follows the group until it stops moving on the basement door. It remains

Alli, Thomas, Julia, basement door

stationary, but moves out.

17 11 MS: the door as Thomas comes up the stairs.

Thomas, the door

17 12 MS: Julia Julia

17 13 LS: Thomas, as he paces


17 14 CU: Thomas Thomas

17 15 CU: Julia. The camera doesnʼt cut, but it turns into a medium shot that follows Julia down the stairs of the basement.

Julia, basement

18 1 LS: Adamʼs body

Adamʼs body

18 2 MS: the group as they walk upstairs.

Thomas, Julia, Alli

18 3 MS: Thomas as he asks for the keys. Follows him as he searches for the keys


19 1 CU: Thomas as he cries. Stays on him but changes into a medium shot

Thomas, Alli

as he turns to talk to Alli.

19 2 CU: Alli Alli

19 3 CU: Thomas as he looks helpless.


19 4 MS: the girls on the couch

Alli, Julia, couch

19 5 CU: Thomas and Alli as they discuss taking Julia upstairs.

Thomas, Alli

19 6 MS: the two girls as they walk up the stairs.

Julia, Alli

19 7 MS: of Thomas as he sits, alone.

Thomas, couch

19 8 MS: the basement door as Thomas paces in front of it. The shot doesnʼt change, even though Thomas may exit the screen as he paces.

Thomas, basement door

20 1 MS: Thomas as he enters the basement and walks down the stairs. Stays

Thomas, Adamʼs body

on him for the whole basement scene.

21 1 CU: View from the tubʼs faucet, Juliaʼs hand reaches across the frame to adjust the water as Alli climbs in and sits, looking directly into the camera.

Julia, Alli, chipped tile walls, soap bottles

21 2 MS - High, Panning: Camera Bathroom sink, large mirror, over Juliaʼs shoulder, Alli asks to tub with running water, be left alone. Julia exits right.

Julia, Alli, tub, sink

22 1 CU - Low: Thomas sits in the living room, framed left, and Julia turns the corner behind him and enters.

Thomas, Julia

Camera remains stationary as they converse and Julia lights a smoke in the background. Continue until “Adamʼs in the shed”.

22 2 MS: Over Juliaʼs shoulder as she turns to Thomas. Thomas explains taking the body to the shed.

Julia, Thomas

22 3 CU: Thomas, rubbing his eyes


22 4 MS: Thomas and Alli

Thomas, Alli

22 5 CU: Alli looking away


22 6 MS: Thomas and Alli

Thomas, Alli

22 7 CU: Thomas Thomas

22 8 MS: following Thomas into the kitchen


22 9 MS: Alli on the couch

Alli, couch

23 1 MS: Thomas and Alli in a

Thomas, Alli, table, dinner

nice restaurant


23 2 CU: Thomasʼ hand as he brings out a small box and opens it, revealing a ring

Thomas, ring box

22 10 CU: Alli rubbing her finger


22 11 MS: Alli, standing up, walking into the kitchen


24 1 MS: Alli talking to Thomas in the kitchen

Alli, Thomas

24 2 MS/TS: the camera stays in front of Alli and Thomas as they walk up the stairs, then turns around and faces their backs as they knock.

Alli,Thomas, bathroom door

25 1 CU: Alli, knocking


25 2 ECU: the doorknob as it begins to rattle violently


25 3 MS: Alli freaking out, Thomas grabbing the

Alli, Thomas, door

door 25 4 ECU: the

door as it stops shaking


25 5 MS: from behind, Thomas and Alli approaching the door

Thomas, Alli

25 6 CU: Thomas opening the door slowly


25 7 MS: the door slowly opening, then the camera slowly enters the bathroom, gradually speeding up as it surveys the gore covering the room, spinning around to face Alli and Thomas again as the look on in horror, then the door gets slammed in the cameraʼs face

Thomas, Alli, Juliaʼs dead body, bloody bathroom

26 1 MS/TS: Thomas and Alli at the

Thomas, Alli

top of the stairs, then stays facing them as they walk down the stairs, lets them pass in front of it so it is now following them as they walk through the cabin to find the record player

26 2 CU: record player, spinning eerily

Record player

26 3 MS: Thomas and Alli listening to the record player, then looking up as they hear what sounds like footsteps upstairs, the camera tilts upward to look at the ceiling

Thomas, Alli, ceiling

26 4 MS: Thomas grabbing Alli and pulling both of them into the closet

Thomas, Alli

27 1 HA: Thomas and Alli, in

Thomas, Alli

the cramped confines of the closet

28 1 MS/TS: Thomas coming out of the closet, then the camera follows him as he goes to the kitchen and grabs a knife, follows him as he cautiously walks through the cabin, until he passes by the record player, which the camera stays on as the record ends

Thomas, knife, record player

29 1 HA: Alli, still in the closet


29 2 CU: Alliʼs face as she begins to hear the scuffle, the wood from the closet throwing her face in shadows


29 3 CU/POV: From Alliʼs


perspective, we see the ring rolling to a stop in front of her

29 4 ECU: the ring

The ring

29 5 CU: Alli, as she bends down to get the ring

Alli, ring

30 1 MS/TS: Alli cautiously coming out of the closet, the camera stays facing her as she walks towards where she heard the thud, then stops when we see her expression, pans around to see a dead and bloody Thomas, with blood all over the walls, then back to Alli, as she gingerly picks up the knife.

Alli, Thomasʼ body, knife

30 2 ECU: Alliʼs face


30 3 MS/TS: Alli, running through the


cabin and out the door

31 1 LS/HA: the treeline as dawn is breaking, then pans down to Alli running across the yard

Alli, treeline

31 2 MS/TS: camera facing Alli as she runs, trips, scrambles through the woods

Alli, woods














Preliminary Research 

  The idea behind our script came from, unsurprisingly, horror movies. We 

discussed it with each other and realized that we share a mutual love for the works 

of Sam Raimi, George A. Romero, Guillermo Del Toro (even though he is not a horror 

director, strictly speaking), and Peter Jackson. We wanted to make a movie that had 

the gory scares of The Evil Dead, but that also had well‐written and developed 

characters. Another aesthetic we were going for was borrowed from Gus Van Sant’s 

Elephant. In that film, there is not a lot of dialogue, but there are long tracking shots 

that follow characters throughout their day. We wanted to take a familiar horror 

movie trope, that of a group of college students going into a deserted cabin in the 

woods, and make it into something different.  


1. “Avalon”- Al Jolson (1920) 2. “The Ballad of Boot Hill”- Johnny Cash (1959) 3. “Blue in Green”- Miles Davis (1959) 4. “Charleston”- Paul Whiteman (1925) 5. “Who’s That Knocking on My Door?”- Annette Hanshaw (1923)















The exterior of the cabin 











The woods surrounding the cabin.  
















The kitchen (though during actual shooting we would make it look more sparse.) 










The creepy basement.  


The bathroom/tub where Julia meets her untimely demise.  



Mood Boards‐ 

















Concept Art


















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