the wolverine scoop - weiser schoolsare john huston, cami rodriguez, nathan galligar, trayce...

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News................................................ 1, 2Sports...............................................2, 3Op/Ed...............................................3, 4Feature.............................................4, 5Last Wills.........................................6-8

The Wolverine ScoopVolume 21 Issue 8 May 12, 2016

Presidential updateby Samuel Ruth

During this last month, the presidential delegates have fought hard to keep their spot in the race for the 2016 presidency. As of May 2, Trump still led the GOP with 996 delegates. Behind him was Ted Cruz with 565 and Kasich 153. However, since Trump may not get the 1200 delegates needed to secure the Republican nomination, the GOP may choose another candidate for the general election. On the other hand, the race for the Democratic Party is becoming even tighter. In the lead is Hil-lary Clinton with 1645 delegates, while Bernie Sanders is fighting back with 1318 delegates. However, the democratic nomination will most likely go to Clinton for the general election.

After a loss in the Indiana primary last week, Cruz dropped out of the race, leaving Trump the presumptive Republican candidate. Sanders won in Indiana on the Democratic side.

(Source: )

Summer readingby Kassidy Hagans

Do you want something to challenge you this sum-mer? You should join the summer reading program running from June 8-August 12. Teens from 13 to 18 years old can pick up a packet of items anytime on or after June 8 at the Weiser Public Library. The packet will include a reading log and items to challenge the teen throughout the summer. At the end of the challenge, August 12, there will be pizza, games, and prizes at the Greenhouse in Weiser from 7pm to 10 pm. So challenge your reading skills this summer by participating in the Summer Reading Program.

Class elections heldby Anaya Hill

Class elections were held last week. The candi-dates were as follows:

Sophomore class president: Jackie Delgadillo, Brooke Anderson, Damia MosleySophomore class VP: Abbey Shirts, Kyle Ferren, Jessica MoserSophomore class secretary: Stella Beams

Junior class president: Brice Brown, Mikel Da-vies, Rein Laan, Lanee Gibson, Russell Chandler, Alexis Walsh, Trinity DimmitJunior class VP: Hannah Walker, Stephanie Coro-nado, Isaac Tarello, Grace McKieJunior class secretary: Emma Packer, Emma Davidson, Angelica Mondragon, Sydney Dille, Katelyn Wyss, Shannon Sherbondy

Senior class president: Kassidy Hagans, Greg Reyes, Austen Thomason, Jason KernerSenior class VP: Kaylee NyeSenior class secretary: Kailyn Doty, Diana Juarez

Winners are Soph: Stella Beams (Sec), Abbey Shirts (VP), and Jackie Delgadillo (Pres); Jrs: Emma Packer (Sec), Hannah Walker (VP), and Rein Laan (Pres); Srs: Kailyn Doty (Sect), Kaylee Nye (VP), and Greg Reyes (Pres).

Looking aheadby Theresa Moyle

*May 12 ~ Mandatory graduation practice (9:00 a.m.)*May 15 ~ Graduation (2:00 p.m.) (Seniors arrive by 1:00 p.m.)*May 17 ~ Senior party (6:30 p.m.-3:30 a.m.)*May 18 ~ Underclassmen 6th and 7th hour finals*May 19 ~ Underclassmen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 0 hour finals*May 20 ~ Underclassmen 4th and 5th hour finals*June 1 ~ First day of summer school*July 13 ~ Last day of summer school*Aug 29 ~ First day of school

FFA awardsby Katie Davis

Weiser FFA members have been busy this month. They recently had their annual chapter banquet to recognize FFA mem-bers, parents, teachers, and community members for their achievements and support. There were many awards handed out at the banquet.

Each FFA member is required to achieve a certain number of points based on their involvement in the FFA. The high point winners this year were freshman Shelbie Allen, sophomore Janette Kerner, junior Austen Thomason, and senior Jackson Wall. They also awarded the top three sellers for the annual fruit sales. First place was Alonna Freeland, second place was Marissa Goodwin, and third place was Abby Go-ertz. The chapter also recognized Shelbie Allen, who was awarded first place at the chapter level for creed speaking. Stella Beams performed the Creed because Shelbie could not make it to the banquet.

As a freshman the FFA degree a member can receive is the Greenhand Degree. Recipients of this degree were Karson Brush, Stella Beams, Cory Brechbiel, Shelbie Allen, Mia Stender, Trae Gluch, Mckenzie Fager, Bailey Stone, Jamie Moser, Andrea George, An-drea Moore, Addy Newsom, Alonna Freeland, Haylee Facer, Kelsey Hogg, Westi Walker, Cade Thompson, Sydney Cobb, and Noah Goertz. The highest award that can be awarded by the chapter is the Chapter Degree. The FFA members who received this degree are John Huston, Cami Rodriguez, Nathan Galligar, Trayce Hawkins, Lainey Hilt, Quinn Strong, Bryce George, Janette Kerner, Luke Hansen, Mikel Davies, and Alexis Walsh.

When a member completes the first year of FFA, he receives the Idaho Pin. Members receiving this pin were Shelbie Allen, Stella Beams, Cory Briechbiel, Holly Cant, Sydney Cobb, Haylee Facer, Mckenzi Fager, Alonna Freeland, Ondrea George, Trae Gluch, Noah Goertz, Kelsey Hogg, Janiel Miller, Andrea Moore, Jamie Moser, Jessii Moser, Addy Newsom, Mia Stender, Bailey Stone, Kade Thomson, Westi Walker, and Karson Brush. Two-year bar recipients were John Huston, Cami Rodriguez, Nathan Galligar, Trayce Hawkins, Lainey Hilt, Quinn Strong, Bryce George, Janette Kerner, Luke Hansen, Mikel Davies, Alexis Walsh, Sydney Maloney, and Phillip Soulen. Three-year bar recipients were Anna Despain, CJ

Davis, Katie Davis, Marissa Goodwin, Dixie George, Jason Kerner, Connor Hilt, Tad Moser, and Megan Warnock. The senior members who have dedicated many years and time to the FFA received the four-year bar. These members were Jackson Wall, Nick Gluch, Emily Gluch, Joseph Ellwood, Abby Goertz, Tessa Shaver, and Mackenzie Dalton.

Members were recognized for their accomplishment achieving the State FFA Degree. Members who worked hours to achieve this degree are Katie Davis, CJ Davis, Dixie George, Taylor Mackey, Austen Thomason, Megan Warnock, Joseph Ellwood, Marissa Goodwin, Conner Hilt, and Jason Kerner. Every year the Chapter recognizes individuals who have gone above and beyond in their projects. This year the Star Greenhand award went to Jessii Moser. The Star Farm-er was Tad Moser, and the Star In Ag Placement was Emily Gluch. The last award the Chapter gave was the Honorary Chapter Membership award. This award was given to Quentin Moser for his extreme dedication to the FFA and constant support of the chapter. To con-clude the banquet, the old officers swore in the new 2016-2017 officers. The new Weiser FFA officers are president Austen Thomason, vice president Marissa Goodwin, secretary Llanee Gibson, reporter Phillip Soulen, treasurer Sydney Maloney, sentinel Tad Moser, historians Katie Davis and Megan Warnock, student advisor CJ Davis, and Parliamentarian Janette Kerner.

World newsby Nina Kommer

16 years old dead bodies found in mountains

Alex Lowe, a mountain climber, and David Bridges, a cameraman, were spending their day in a Tibetan mountain when an avalanche brutally killed them in 1999. The bodies, however, had never been found, until now. They were dis-covered encased in blue ice in the middle of Tibet by two climbers. Lowe and Bridges will finally get their funerals and a place to rest in peace.


Congratulations, seniors!!


News Briefs:

TheWolverine Scoop staff would like to thank the Gear Up Program and the Weiser Education Foundation for their support in publishing the Scoop this year! We absolutely could not survive without you!


The next big thingby Samuel Ruth

The NFL, the premiere league for American football, has seen many great stars rise through the years of its his-tory. Some of these players include Reggie White (DE), Walter Payton (RB), and Joe Montana (QB). Some of the greats include more recent players such as: DeMarco Murray (RB), Richard Sherman (CB), Tom Brady, and a host of more great athletes. However, this talent in these fine players is not just subject to them alone. Every year the NFL holds a draft in which each team has the chance to pick the best players coming up from the college stage. The draft began Apr 26 with the first round and went until Apr 30.

One of the best picks to come out of day one was Paxton Lynch (QP) out of Memphis, who was drafted 26th in the first round by the Denver Broncos. On day two of the draft, there was Myles Jack (OLB) from UCLA, who was picked up by the Jacksonville Jaguars in order to fill a needed spot. On the third day, one of the best picks was Malcolm Mitchell (WR) from Georgia, drafted by the Patriots. From Boise State University, Kamalei Correa (DE) was picked by the Ravens, Darian Thompson (S) was drafted by the Giants, and Rees Odhiambo (OG) was picked up by the Seahawks. Hopefully, everyone who was picked in the NFL draft will have a successful career, and it will be great to see who will be the next great star of the sport which we call football.

Scholarships availableby Roy Arana You can pick up the following scholarships in Miss Peterson’s office. Also, many of them have websites from which you may print the applications or apply online. Sussle Company--Give Scholarship Every Month. For seniors--you must be a U.S. citizen and be able to contribute knowledge about your interests. Apply at Magazine Scholarship, No Due Date. For seniors, 2.5 GPA or higher, must write a 600-1000 word essay about a personal encounter that you or someone you know has had with drug or alcohol abuse. Apply at National College Match Program, Due Date: Varies with different colleges . This program is for high-achieving low-income seniors. Various colleges are included. For more information see of the Future Contest, Due Date: Continual. For students interested in becoming a writer. Find contest rules at Nauman Memorial Scholarship, Due Date: May 20, 2016.This is for graduating seniors who have been involved in District III rodeo. Applications are in Miss. Peterson’s room.Global Life Equipment Scholarship, Due Date: June 15, 2016. Student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher, involves submitting a short story. Apply at Scholarships, Due Date: June 15, 2016. To apply, go to Sun Scholarship, Due Date: June 17, 2016. For seniors—you must be an athlete playing a sport at your school and must write a 500-1,000 word essay. Apply at Scholarship, Due Date: July 22, 2016. Must have a 3.0 GPA and write a 500-1000 word essay. Apply at Scholarship Opportunities:*Spokeo Top 50 Scholarships:*99 nursing and CNA scholarships: http://www.findcna-*Write one essay a month for a chance to win $1,000. Go to*Answer short essay questions about finances and what you spend your money on. You could win $5000!!

Three deadlines to apply are:Fall Term: Submit by December 31, 2015Spring Term: Submit by March 31, 2016Summer Term: Submit by June 30, 2016Apply online at

goodstuff/scholarship/*Opportunity to win a $2,500 scholarship each quarter! Apply online at:*BistroMD Health and Wellness Scholarship

Prize is $1,000 and the deadline is Apr 30 and Dec 1 (biannual scholarship with deadlines in the fall and spring). The scholarship is geared towards high school seniors and college students who are pursuing a college degree. To enter, students must submit an original 500-word essay on the chosen topicApply here:

Tennis seasonby Emmi Hackbart

As May creeps upon us, the ten-nis season will end. Weiser High School’s tennis varsity starters are Abby Goertz, Maggi Laan, Taylor Colella, Eli To’omalatai, Bridger Bumgarner, Mitchell Westover, Kota-ro Furukawa, Logan Tolman, Phillip Soulen, Mathew Westover, and Carson Brush. They have had a great year so far. Their recent matches in Fruitland and Homedale allowed parts of our team to shine. Brooke Anderson had a great match with the scores 6-1, 2-6, and 0-6 at the first one against Fruitland. Bekah Johnson also shone here with the two wins of 6-0, 6-3. At the second Homedale game, our doubles and mixed doubles teams won across the board. Angie Soulen, the tennis coach, commented that it was nice having so many peo-ple tryout this year and that she looked forward to the years to come.

The district tournament will be held May 12-14 with state at Vallivue May 20-21.

Golf heads to districtsby Alecia Lundberg

The varsity golf teams are led by Alecia Lundberg, Emma David-son, Sarah Lundberg, Kourtney Grothaus, Carson Beams, Rein Laan, Nathan Burris, and Jackson Wall. The girls are undefeated this season and are first in the SRV. The boys follow closely behind in second in the SRV. The varsity teams competed in an SRV tournament in Homedale last week. The girls’ 1st place finish earned them their 15th consecutive SRV title. The boys’ finished 2nd in the match and in the SRV.

The district tournament was held yesterday in Homedale, but no results were available at press time. The state tournament will be held in Emmett May 16-17. Coach Lundberg said of the season, “It’s been a good season. The kids are working hard. We’re preparing to peak when it matters most - at the district and state tournament.”

Baseball season nears endby Theresa Moyle

This year’s varsity baseball team has most recently been led by Logan Rowley, Jacks Whitehurst, Kristian Claudio, Matt Pritchard, Brody Von Brethorst, Dalton Turrentine, Jayden Mink, Dylan Erlebach, and Theresa Moyle. An outstanding player, Matt Pritchard, hit a homerun against Payette with Kristian Claudio on 2nd base, which allowed them a win, 4-1, Apr 29. The game ended 4-3 with the Wolverines taking home another W. At press time, the boys’ varsity baseball team’s overall record was 12-8, with a conference record of 5-6.

Districts were held at Homedale May 7, 10, & 11. State will be held at TVCC May 19-21.

Softball hosts districtsby Theresa Moyle

The Lady Wolverines have been led this spring by Brit-tany Hickey, Katie Davis, CJ Davis, Serene Hooper, Emily Gluch, Adrienne Aburto, Mikayla Hubele, Trinity Dimmitt, and Mckenna Zanelli. At press time, their overall season record was 10-10, with a conference record of 4-6. Their most recent game was against Payette, winning 13-1. Don’t forget to congratulate your Lady Wolverines on their job well done!

Districts were held at Weiser May 10 & 12. State play-in is still to be determined where it will be held, but state is in Pocatello.

Track seasonby Itzel Perez

The 2016 track season is nearing an end with dozens of students participating. The boys’ team placed second at the recent SRV meet, with the girls’ team placing fifth. They ran in the New Plymouth Invite May 5.

Results from the Weiser Invite Apr 28 were: Kayd Kunz 2, Jase Roberts 5 (200 m); Rhett Kunz 2, Jase Roberts 3 (400 m); Hope Fuller 4, Caitlyn Clark 7, Hannah Walker 8 (200 m); Jonathon Shaber 8, Isaac Lopez 9 (1600 m); Jonathon Shaber 6, Billy Brooke 9 (3200 m); Jeb Johnson 4 (300 m hurdles); Iban Almanza, Mikel Davies, Berke Walker, Jacobi Beesley 6 (4x100 m relay); Iban Almanza, Kayd Kunz, Jase Roberts, Nick Gluch 1 (4x400 m relay); Blaine Chandler 6 (shot put); Hope Fuller 3, Angelica Vazquez 6 (400 m); Alonna Freeland 8 (3200 m); Katelyn Wyss 6 (100 m hurdles; Hannah Walker 2 (300 m hurdles); Alicia Egner, Zoe Rasmussen, Jasmine Hall, Alexys Rasmussen 5, Anna Despain, Lacey Wilson, Sheyanne Hilmer, Caitlyn Clark 8 (4x100 m relay); Angelica Vazquez, Abbey Shirts, Hannah Walker, Hope Fuller 2 (4x200 relay); Angelica Vazquez, Hannah Walker, Hope Fuller, Jasmine Hall 3 (4x400 re-lay); Blaine Chandler 3, Russell Chandler 5 (discus); Billy Brooke 6, Jeb Johnson 6 (pole vault); Jacobi Beesley 3 (long jump); Jeb Johnson 5, Mikel Davies 8 (triple jump); Alicia Egner, Zoe Rasmussen, Jasmine Hall, Alexys Rasmussen 2 (100-100-200-400m); Sheyanne Hilmer 6, Cami Rodriguez 8, Kylie Ambrose 9 (shot put); Sheyanne Hilmer 2, Angie Hernandez 5 (discus); Lainey Hilt 9, Katelyn Wyss 9 (high jump); and Angelica Vazquez 5, Lacey Wilson 6 (pole vault).

The district tournament started yesterday and continues today in Emmett. The state meet will be held next week in Middleton.

Coach Shirts said of the season, “Our goal for the season was to steadily improve week by week, and we have done that. We hope to hit out peak performances at district and state. Our athletes have been fun to coach and have put forth great effort.”


Featured athletes (baseball, softball)by Alecia Lundberg & Hannah Alder

Name: Kristian ClaudioSchool sports played: wrestling, soccer, football, baseballFuture plans: to attend Missouri Valley College to wrestleFavorite summer activity: fishingFavorite shaved ice flavor: lime and cherryDo you prefer to be tanned or stay natural: I’m Mexican….

Name: Matt PritchardSchool sports played: football, baseballFuture plans: to dieFavorite summer activity: curs-ing the infernal heatFavorite shaved ice flavor: plainDo you prefer to be tanned or stay natural: It doesn’t matter – I burn.

Name: Logan RowleySchool sports played: basketball, football, baseball, cheerFuture plans: to attend the U of IFavorite summer activity: I like to play outside.Favorite shaved ice flavor: wa-termelonDo you prefer to be tanned or stay natural: I like to be naturally tan.

Name: Jacks WhitehurstSchool sports played: football, baseballFuture plans: to attend George Fox UniversityFavorite summer activity: fish-ingFavorite shaved ice flavor: raspberryDo you prefer to be tanned or stay natural: natural

Name: Mackenzie DaltonSchool sports played: softballFuture plans: to go to TVCCFavorite summer activity: swimmingFavorite shaved ice flavor: strawberryDo you prefer to be tanned or stay natural: tan

Name: Emily GluchSchool sports played: volley-ball, basketball, softballFuture plans: to attend Eastern Oregon UniversityFavorite summer activity: farming and working outFavorite shaved ice flavor: cherryDo you prefer to be tanned or stay natural: nat-urally sunkissed

Name: Lisa HeitschSchool sports played: soccer, basketball, softballFuture plans: to go to school for three more years in GermanyFavorite summer activity: swim-ming, shopping, and hanging out with friendsFavorite shaved ice flavor: strawberryDo you prefer to be tanned or stay natural: I don’t really tan.


Editor’s columnby Kaylee Nye

As the year comes to a close, the editor title has switched hands. Roy Arana and Jonathon Shaber, our lovely seniors, have passed on the torch of leadership to Itzel Perez and me. We are excited to take on the responsibility of senior editors, and we wish all of the seniors good luck on their journey after high school. We wish everyone else a good summer and see you next year!

Movie reviewby Alecia Lundberg

Batman vs Superman has caused and is still causing a lot of debates and opinion-ated views of the faceoff of two of the greatest super heroes. Many teens have their own beliefs about who the victor should be, and teenagers are raving about how good the movie is. Critics have similar views. Andrew Barker said, “This very long, very brooding, often exhilarating and sometimes scattered epic succeeds as often it does therefore has to be seen as an achievement.” Sean O’Connell similarly stated, “An improvement over Man of Steel, and a much better Batman movie than it is a Superman film. The highlights far outweigh the issues, and DC now has a base on which it can build its empire.” A congrats goes out to the producers of Batman vs Superman for making such a successful film.

Music reviewby Alecia Lundberg

Beyoncé scored her sixth number one album, Lemonade. Lemonade was introduced Apr 23; a 12-song visual album was released by Parkwood/Columbia Records. Lemonade scored the biggest week of any album in 2016, both in terms of overall units and in sales. The set earned 653,000 equivalent album units in the week ending Apr 28, according to Nielsen Music. One review said, “Beyoncé is on a roll. Her latest, another ‘visual album’ with corresponding videos in the mold of her 2013 self-titled set, renders infidelity and reconciliation with a cinematic vividness.” Congrats Beyoncé!

Book reviewby Madison MacDonald

For this month, I decided to review Across the Uni-verse by Beth Revis. This sci-fi themed novel is set quite a ways into the future, when human technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. However, Earth is dying. Rapidly. Scientists predicted that there are 20 years left, if they’re lucky. The colonization of a distant planet will begin with the arrival of Godspeed, a passenger spaceship sending military specialists, environmental scientists, and their families. Amy is the daughter of two of these important colonials. She has to make a life-changing decision. Does she stay on Earth, or go with her parents?

Would you rather…by Itzel Perez

Several students were asked what elective class they would rather take: French or Italian. Their responses follow:

Ary Perez (9), ItalianSydney Reyes (9), FrenchAriadne Perez (9), ItalianGerardo Toyoda (9), FrenchFavian Ramirez (9), ItalianJacky Alvarado (10), ItalianMarisol Flores (10), French Daniel Prado (10), FrenchAlberto Millan (10), ItalianAlecia Lundberg (11), FrenchJessica Ramirez (11), FrenchGreg Reyes (11), ItalianIvan Almanza (11), ItalianSamantha Garcia (12), FrenchCorina Larsen (12), FrenchAustin Ambrose (12), ItalianJacobi Beesley (12), French

What’s your favorite summer vaca-tion/ dream vacation?by Mikayla Hubele

With summer just around the corner, a few WHS students were asked to name their favorite sum-mer vacation and/or what their dream summer vacation is. Their responses follow:

● Emma Burns (9): “My favorite vacation was when I went to Florida to visit family.”

● Mckenna Zanelli (9): “My trip to the Riviera Maya because it’s the first trip I really remem-bered and it was really pretty.”

● Rhett Kunz (9): “When I went to Mexico be-cause we got to go zip lining.”

● Paul Crawford (9): “My favorite vacation was when I went to Florida because I got to go body surfing and eat a lot of fresh crab and lobster.”

● Serene Hooper (10): “My trip to Vermont be-cause I got to go boating on a lake with a lake monster in it.”

● Brittany Hickey (10): “My trip to Boston because I got to watch big fireworks off the bridge.”

● Brenden Hubele (10): “The Alaskan cruise I got to go on last summer because of the good food.”

● Kaden Hickey (10): “I would like to visit all of the castles of the world because I’m very cultural and love old architecture.”

● Marissa Goodwin (11): “Going to Silverwood because of the roller coasters.”

● Adrienne Aburto (11): “Going to Knotts Ber-ry Farm in California and the San Diego zoo because I got to spend time with my family.”

● Orin Winegar (11): “My favorite vacation is going to ride dirt bikes with my friends.”

● Jason Kerner (11): “I would like to visit Hawaii because I want to visit my family.”

● Emily Gluch (12): “I want to go to Germany.”● Mackenzie Dalton (12): “I want to go to Aus-

tralia because I think it would be a cool place to experience.”

● Trey Little (12): “When I went to Florida be-cause I like the beach.”

● Tyler McElroy (12): “I would like to visit Israel some day because I think it would be cool.”


2015-16 Wolverine Scoop staff

Officers: Roy Arana & Jonathon Shaber = Editors

Kaylee Nye & Itzel Perez = Junior editors

Reporters:Kailyn Doty Lizette Almanza Madison MacDonaldHannah Alder Katie Davis Lillian Burns Greg Reyes Bradley Parker Alecia Lundberg Melissa Curry Nina Kommer Sam Ruth Theresa Moyle Emmi Hackbart Mikayla HubeleAnaya Hill Kassidy Hagans Jason Kerner

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If I were king of the world…by Jason Kerner

Several WHS students were recently asked what they would do if they were the kind of the world. Their responses follow:

•Jarin Ebbers (12): send a mission to Mars and say everything is an endangered species

•Kelsie Hemphill (12): adopt all orphans•Roy Arana (12): buy Nutri grain bars•Grace Zimmerman (12): make community ser-

vice mandatory for everyone•Marissa Goodwin (11): buy Disneyland, have a

crown of solid diamonds, and enslave everyone•Hadyn Colella (11): require everyone to have a

minimum of one cat and not dirt bikes (Sorry, Orin)

•Kayd Kunz (11): sell it to aliens and make a Millennium Falcon

•Bridger Bumgarner (11): make Hannah Alder my queen

•Mikel Davies (10): save all the puppies in pounds

•Markus Echeveste (10): football all year with no breaks

•Faith Gibson (10): make my own personal empire

•Janette Kerner (10): buy a new pick up•Wyatt Johnson (9): have no math tests•Trenton Hanson (9): make everyone my slave•Bailey Adams (9): keep all of the animals in

the world•Lacey Wilson (9): make everyone happy

College Cornerby Miss Peterson

What are my next steps if I am head-ing to college?Students headed off to college have many steps, hoops, and hurdles to jump up, through, and over. They also can differ based on what college that they are attending. New Student OrientationBigger universities have formal orientations that help to introduce incoming students to their school. Often times they are overnight, and students get to experi-ence typical life at the universities. Students also meet with their advisor, learn graduation requirements, and register for their fall classes at this time. Many also meet roommates, find out where they will be living (if they chose to be live on campus), and learn about different organizational opportunities. Accepting Financial AidBefore that, however, students need to make sure they have accepted the financial aid they wish to accept properly, and that is regardless of the type of school they are going to. That is usually done on the school’s web portal (VandalWeb, myBoiseState, BengalWeb, etc.). Students need to remember that when it comes to loans, borrow only what is required to meet the cost of attendance, minus scholarships. Incoming freshmen only receive $5,500 in federal student loans. HousingOnce aid has been accepted and a decision has been made, students need to figure out their housing sit-uation. If they choose to or are required to live on campus, they need to apply for housing as soon as possible. Housing on many college campuses gets filled quickly. If a student is not living on campus, it would be wise to try to nail down living arrangements sooner rather than later. DepositsLastly, students need to pay their deposit if it is re-quired. Some colleges require it before a student is allowed to register for classes. Pay close attention to refund rules regarding that deposit. Housing may also require some type of deposit regardless of location.

Students seeking apprenticeships have a central resourceApprenticeships are an often-forgotten path for

students after high school graduation. They can be especially important for those students who do not necessarily want to sit in a classroom for four more years but want hands-on work and also want the chance at a career that pays a living wage or above. Usually apprenticeships are paid. Once an apprentice becomes certified, they make more money.The United State Department of Labor has put together a central resource where interested people can search for registered apprenticeships by geographical area. By going to and scrolling to the bottom, one can find apprenticeships anywhere in the United States and find where to apply for them. Registered appren-ticeships are the best type of apprenticeship to attain.

Why do we need to update the FAFSA?Once students initially get their FAFSA (Free Applica-tion for Federal Student Aid) submitted, there is often a big sigh of relief, and the belief that the hurdles have been jumped. Unfortunately, that is not true. Many students complete their FAFSA using their parents’ previous year’s tax returns since the current year is usually not completed. Because of that, they need to update their FAFSA after their parents have submit-ted their current taxes and usually before June. Many colleges and universities cannot or will not give an accurate picture of what kind of aid a student will re-ceive without the corrections being submitted through the FAFSA. While this may be a cumbersome task, it is an important part of the financial aid process that is necessary. In order to complete this, students need to login to their FAFSA, click the “Make Corrections” link, then go through the FAFSA, changing tax filing status to “Already Completed”.

College of month:Idaho StateUniversityby Lillian Burns

Idaho State University is repre-sented by the black and orange Bengal Tiger. ISU is strong in athletics and aca-demics and is located in urban Pocatello, Idaho. ISU has a male to female ratio of 47 to 53. ISU also has a minimally difficult admissions process, with 98% of students applying being admitted. ISU enrolls about 11,243 students annually. In-state students pay a total of $5,106 in tuition, and out-of-state students pay $18,504. The av-erage ACT score of an ISU student is 22. Idaho State University offers the most comprehensive programs of any higher education institution in Idaho. With more than 275 academic programs, ISU encompasses degrees in business, account-ing, finance, dance, theatre, psychology, chem-istry, physics, engineering, and more than 30 professional technical programs. Opportunities to participate with nationally and internationally recognized professors is a hallmark of an ISU education. Researchers in ISU’s Idaho Acceler-ator Center collaborate on energy research with scientists with the Idaho National Laboratory. ISU is a founding member of the Center for Advanced Energy Studies, a public-private partnership to advance energy-related educational opportunities and research.


Career of the monthby Itzel Perez

Wouldn’t it be nice to get paid to test furniture for a living? Furniture tes-ters exist because machines can’t give people feedback. These furniture testers help manufac-turers gain insight on what materials are the best to use, how comfortable sofas and other furni-ture should be, and how ‘squishy’ they should be. Furniture testers earn up to $31,000 per year.

Nonsense wordby Kailyn Doty

This month’s nonsense word is “kakorraphiopho-bia”. Several WHS students were asked to guess what it means. Their responses follow:

•Juan Garcia (9) - fear of karate•Sydnee Reyes(9) - fear of cacti•Taylor Doty (10) - fear of khaki pants •Grace McKie (10) - someone who doesn’t like

cake•Connor Hilt (11) - someone that doesn’t like

kissing•TatiAnna Ross (11) - fear of cockroaches•Jacobi Beesley (12) - fear of karate •Gabi Negrete (12) - fear of kissing

Good guesses! The word actually means “fear of failure”. Better luck next year!


Space factby Melissa Curry

The Earth’s rotation is gradually slowing. This deceleration is happening almost imperceptibly, at approximately 17 milliseconds per hundred years, although the rate at which it occurs is not perfectly uniform. This has the effect of lengthen-ing our days, but it happens so slowly that it could be as much as 140 million years before the length of a day will have increased to 25 hours.



May strange holidaysby Bradley Parker

International Nurses Day: May 12 Blame Someone Else Day: May 13 American Indian Day: May 14 National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day: May 15 Accountant’s Day or Accounting Day: May 16 World Telecommunications Day: May 17I Love Reese’s Day: May 18 World Autoimmune Arthritis Day: May 19Endangered Species Day: May 20 American Red Cross Founder’s Day: May 21Neighbor Day: May 22 National Taffy Day: May 23 Morse Code Day: May 24 Cookie Monster’s Birthday: May 25 Nerd Pride Day: May 25 Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day: May 26 Heat Awareness Day: May 27 National Hamburger Day: May 28 Put a Pillow On Your Fridge Day: May 29 Memorial Day: May 30 World No-Tobacco Day: May 31


This day in history…by Anaya Hill

May 12th:1926: Airship Norge is the first to fly over the North Pole1949: 1st foreign woman ambassador received in the USA1982: The USA Football League was formed

Monthly fun facts - Juneby Bradley Parker

1. The birthstones for June are the pearl, alexandrite, and moonstone.2. The birth flower for June is the rose.3. The zodiac signs for June are Gemini (May 21 - June 20) and Cancer (June 21 - July 22).4. On June 1, 1792, the state of Kentucky, also known as the Bluegrass state, became the 15th of the United States.5. On June 1, 1796, Tennessee, also known as The Volunteer State, became the 16th of the United States.6. On June 5, 1947, George C. Marshall, the Secretary of State, described the Marshall Plan.7. On June 14, 1777, the flag of the United States was adopted by the Continental Congress.8. June 14, 1900 - Hawaii was organized as a territory9. On June 15, 1215, the Magna Carta was granted by King John.10. On June 15, 1775, George Washington was appointed the commander in chief of the Conti-nental Army.11. On June 15, 1836, Arkansas, also known as the Natural State, became the 25th of the United States.12. Finland’s Flag Day is celebrated on the Sat-urday closest to June 24.13. On June 6th, Sweden celebrates its national holiday, Flag Day.14. On June 12, The Philippines’ Independence Day is celebrated.15. On June 18, 1812, the United States declared war on Great Britain.16. National Candy Month17. National Dairy Month18. National Iced Tea Month19. June 5 - World Environment Day20. June 20 - Father’s Day


Monthly quoteby Melissa Curry

“There’s a trick to the ‘grace-ful exit.’ It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage, or a relationship is over — and let it go. It means leaving what’s over without denying its validity or its past importance to our lives. It involves a sense of future, a belief that every exit line is an entry, that we are moving up, rather than out.” ~Ellen Goodman


Monthly creatureby Melissa Curry

The Bipes biporus, also known as the Mexican Mole Lizard, Five-Toed Worm Lizard, and the Ajolote, looks like a cross between a lizard, a snake, and a worm. Surprisingly, this creature has its own genus and is only distantly related to the species listed above. Adults have a pink or orange coloration and range from 17-25 cm in length and usually have a width that ranges from 6 to 7 mm. At home under the earth the Ajolote uses symmetrical contraction of its muscles to move through the earth, a way of movement also used by the common earthworm. Like some lizards the Mexican Mole lizard can discard its tail to distract or escape predators; unlike those said lizards, this creature is unable to regenerate its tail. One of the most interesting and perhaps strange characteristics of this creature is the fact that it only has two front legs with long claws. During its evolution the bipes biporus devolved its hind legs and only really uses its front legs for extra locomotion. The Mexican Mole Lizard can only be found in Mexico, and the maximum lifespan of this creature is two years. Despite this, they are not endangered and are believed to have a healthy population.



I, Alex Alba, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Mexican laugh to Seve Bokides.I, Alex Alba, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my soccer skills to Cristian Sanchez.I, Alex Alba, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my being Mexican to Ricky Sandoval.I, Alex Alba, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my break dancing skills to Ricky Sandoval. I, Alex Alba, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my jokes and laugh to David Perez.I, Alex Alba, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my wrestling skills to Kevin Bravo.I, Alex Alba, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my swag to Payton Reyes.I, Alex Alba, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my pursuit of happiness and smile to Zoey Reyes.

I, Austin Ambrose, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to pass road signs without stopping to take them to Llanee Gibson.I, Austin Ambrose, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my height to Raven Jorgen-son. I, Roy Arana, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my semi-healthy diet to Itzel Perez.

I, Roy Arana, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my swagger to Greg Reyes.I, Roy Arana, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my heart to Braden Bumgarner.I, Roy Arana, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to scare Lauren Bouvia to Braden Bumgarner. I, Roy Arana, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my eyelashes to Jessica Ramirez.I, Roy Arana, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my million-dollar smile to Jason Kerner.I, Roy Arana, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my sarcasm to Ben Wootton.I, Roy Arana, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my enthusiasm to Mrs. Alves.

I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my enjoyment of long-distance running to Michael Brooke.I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my habit of doing excessive re-search to Michael Brooke and Devin Pohl.

I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my robotics knowledge to all 2nd and 3rd year robotics students and team 9551A to Michael Brooke.I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my pole-vault skills, or lack there-of, to Michael Brooke, Jeb Johnson, Berkeley Walker, Lacey Wilson, Abbey Shirts, and An-gelica Vazquez.I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to unintentionally make IEN classes extremely angry with persuasive speeches to the juniors who were in my Comm. 101 class.I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my cross-examination and objec-tion skills to future defense lawyers in the mock trial.I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my sense of humor to Lacey Wil-son and Angelica Vazquez.I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my rather old fashioned taste in music to all of the students who like modern

music, in the hopes that they might see the error of their ways.I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath what skills I have as a defender to anyone on the soccer team who’d like them.I, Billy Brooke, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my “big brain” to Sierra Shaver (though in my opinion it is less the size of the brain than the size of the intellect which most matters).

I, Lillian Burns, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my job at Weiser Classic Candies to Emma Burns.I, Lillian Burns, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my senior backspot position to Kailyn Doty.I, Lillian Burns, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to roll out of bed and get to school by 8:29 to Kryshna Sylvia.I, Lillian Burns, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to lead the squad with-out yelling at everyone to Kryshna Sylvia. I, Lillian Burns, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath the majority of my closet to Emma Burns.I, Lillian Burns, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my soprano position in chambers to Huntley Kenley.I, Lillian Burns, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my exceptional flower doodles and ceramic abilities to Emma Burns.I, Lillian Burns, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my GPA to Emma Burns.

I, Alexa Burris, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to rock a sweater vest to Beck Jones.I, Alexa Burris, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my one true love Chad the Bari Sax to Sam Ruth.I, Alexa Burris, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ridiculous collection of puns and bad jokes to Krystalynn Fpperson.I, Alexa Burris, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my saying, “Have a super sparkly day” to Samantha Johnson. I, Alexa Burris, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my love of any and all things Brit-ish to Anaya Hill.I, Alexa Burris, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my tendency to show up at least 15 minutes early for anything to Devin Pohl.I, Alexa Burris, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my obsession with mystery novels and crime shows to Ashlyn Files.I, Alexa Burris, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my giant caterpillar eyebrows to Katie Koeppen.

I, Cameron Cook, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my automotive skills to Shawn Shultz. I, Cameron Cook, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my adequate golf skills to Cade Thompson. I, Cameron Cook, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my jerry- rushing abilities to Noah Maxa. I, Cameron Cook, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my swag to Drey Beagles.

I, Kristian Claudio, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my dancing skills to Bridger Bumgarner. I, Kristian Claudio, being of sound mind and

body, do bequeath my wrestling skills to Burke Walker. I, Kristian Claudio, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my athletic skills to Braden Bumgarner. I, Kristian Claudio, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my eating skills to Anabelle Frederick.I, Kristian Claudio, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to win a senior state title to Garrett Hinkley.I, Kristian Claudio, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my cooking skills to Abigail Claudio.I, Kristian Claudio, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my scrambling skills in wres-tling to Burke Walker. I, Kristian Claudio, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to sprawl to David Perez.

I, Blaine Chandler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my skills with the ladies to Braden Bumgarner. I, Blaine Chandler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my league of legends skills to anyone who wants them. I, Blaine Chandler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my face-melting bass skills to Juan Becerra.I, Blaine Chandler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my trombone skills to Colton Chandler. I, Blaine Chandler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my really bad British accent to Hannah Walker. I, Blaine Chandler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to draw really weird doodles to Olivia Johnson. I, Blaine Chandler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to sleep in any class including band to Devin Pohl. I, Blaine Chandler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath absolutely nothing to Russell Chandler.

I, Cristian Delgadillo, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my wrestling skills to Garrett Hinkley.I, Cristian Delgadillo, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my love to Jessica Cervantes. I, Cristian Delgadillo, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to cut weight to Jeb Johnson. I, Cristian Delgadillo, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my sling just in case he dis-locates his elbow again to Berke Walker. I, Cristian Delgadillo, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my wrestling skills because he needs it to Kevin Bravo.I, Cristian Delgadillo, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability not to get head and armed in a wrestling match to David Perez.I, Cristian Delgadillo, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my tennis ball sized biceps to Nate Galligar.

I, Joseph Ellwood, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my smarts to Nathan Galli-gar.I, Mark Galligar, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my swellness to Ben Wootton.I, Mark Galligar, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my football skills to Dakota Lewis.

Class of 2016 Last Wills & Testaments


I, Mark Galligar, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my muscles to Hope Fuller. I, Mark Galligar, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my handsome skills to Hope Fuller. I, Mark Galligar, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my cool hair to Conner Hilt.I, Mark Galligar, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my dating skills to Kylie Ambrose.I, Mark Galligar, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my gym skills to Kevin Bravo.I, Mark Galligar, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my niceness to Mrs. Gonzales.

I, Emily Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my welding techniques to Tad Moser.I, Emily Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my driving skills o Connor Hilt.I, Emily Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my hitting dingers to Katie Davis. I, Emily Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my pizza eating skills to CJ Davis. I, Emily Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my sagebrush planting ability to Sydney Maloney.I, Emily Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my KC the Explorer to Jessii Mos-er.I, Emily Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my WHS Mascot to Emma David-son.I, Emily Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my WHS social media to Emma Davidson.

I, Nick Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing beard to Tad Moser.I, Nick Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing soul to Kaden Fager. I, Nick Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing hair line to Conner Hilt. I, Nick Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing GPA to Philip Soulen. I, Nick Gluch, being of sound mind and body do bequeath my amazing rankness to Mikel Davies. I, Nick Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing laugh to Jacen Smith. I, Nick Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing running skills to Kayd Kunz. I, Nick Gluch, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing elbows to Berke Walker.

I, Abby Goertz, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to make puns to Taylor Colella.I, Abby Goertz, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to make everything awkward to Sammi Lattin.I, Abby Goertz, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my responsibility to Noah Goertz.I, Abby Goertz, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my family to Jasmine Rios.I, Abby Goertz, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my two best friends to Taylor and Jasmine.I, Abby Goertz, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my tennis skills to Itzel Perez.I, Abby Goertz, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to talk to people freely to Jessica Ramirez and Itzel Perez.I, Abby Goertz, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my cute clothes that I don’t wear to Jasmine Rios.

I, Chelsea Hale, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my perfect math skills from Mrs. LaChapelle to Devyn Spencer.I, Chelsea Hale being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my always positive attitude to Jaquelin Delgadillo.I, Chelsea Hale, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Arizona sweet tea drinking skills to Jacky Alvarado.I, Chelsea Hale, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my mandarin chicken from Golden Horse to Tatianna Ross.

I, Angie Hernandez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to sleep in to Va-nessa Garcia.I, Angie Hernandez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my best laughs and memo-ries to Cristian Sanchez. I, Angie Hernandez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my small attention span to Josh Magana. I, Angie Hernandez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my beast stories and gossip to Jessica Ramirez and Steph Lazaro. I, Angie Hernandez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my parking spot to Faith Gibson. I, Angie Hernandez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my motivation aka senioritis to the Junior Class. I, Angie Hernandez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my lunch table to any punch who can relive the laughs and jokes. I, Angie Hernandez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing jammed locker to whoever can fit the spot.

I, Kenneth Huerta, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my jersey to Nathaniel Mink.

I, Bekah Johnson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my yiking skills and disdain for Hot Cheetos to Karson Brush and Kelvin Price. I, Bekah Johnson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my little scoot walk to Han-nah Walker. I, Bekah Johnson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my collection of souls bequeathed to me by Riley Spencer to Logan Tolman. I, Bekah Johnson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to give nicknames to everyone to Bridger Bumgarner and Kayd Kunz. I, Bekah Johnson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my love of Carl the backseat tiger to Wyatt Johnson. I, Bekah Johnson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to be “one of the guys” to Sydney Dille and Olivia Johnson.I, Bekah Johnson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my forever pale white skin (and white dance moves) to Matthew Westover (Pato). I, Bekah Johnson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my chicken head bobbing skills to Mitchell Westover.

I, Tyler Kenley, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my mad basing skills to Trinity Dimmit.I, Tyler Kenley, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my GPA to Devyn Spencer (she needs it).I, Tyler Kenley, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my full down to Kryshna Sylvia.I, Tyler Kenley, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing Eco column abilities

to Kaylee Nye.

I, Sammi Lattin, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my tennis captain title to Kryshna Sylvia.I, Sammi Lattin, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my great personality to Carson Brush.I, Sammi Lattin, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my neigh-borhood responsibilities to Kelvin Price.I, Sammi Lattin, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my boy skills to Abby Go-ertz.I, Sammi Lattin, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my head juror position to Abby Goertz.I, Sammi Lattin, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my tennis abilities to Ary Perez, Jessica Ramirez, Itzel Perez, Jacqi Del-gadillo.I, Sammi Lattin, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my hair to Kailyn Doty.I, Sammi Lattin, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my Colorado pride to Braden and Bridger Bumgarner.

I, Tyler McElroy, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my crazy reputation and legacy to Abby McElroy. I, Tyler McElroy, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my old homework assign-ments to Alex Conrad. I, Tyler McElroy, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my prom king title to Seve Bokides. I, Tyler McElroy, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my awesomeness and style to Rein Laan. I, Tyler McElroy, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Jedi mind-tricks to Lau-ren Bouvia. I, Tyler McElroy, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my million-dollar gold throne to Bryce Brown. I, Tyler McElroy, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my zombie hunter skills to CJ Davis. I, Tyler McElroy, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my prayers and wishes for a bright future to future classes.

I, DJ Moyle, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to do great hair to Sydnee Reyes.

I, DJ Moyle, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to sing like a god to Natalie Williamson.I, DJ Moyle, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my cheerleading skills to Sierra Paulson. I, DJ Moyle, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my flexibility to Kailyn Doty.I, DJ Moyle, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my hair extensions to Adrienne Aburto. I, DJ Moyle, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to charm the ladies to Drew Luna. I, DJ Moyle, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to take on point selfies to Sam Albritton.I, DJ Moyle, being of sound mind and body,


do bequeath my quick and salty comebacks to Skylar Chavez. I, Kennny Nakamura, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Rein Laan to Kade Thompson.I, Kennny Nakamura, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my love for the Philadelphia Eagles to Mrs. Gonzales.I, Kennny Nakamura, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my parking spot at the gym to Kevin Bravo.I, Kennny Nakamura, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Jacky Delgadillo to Rein Laan.I, Kennny Nakamura, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my eyebrows to Jacen Smith.I, Kennny Nakamura, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my happiness to James Dworkin. I, Kennny Nakamura, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my abnormalities to Sydnee Reyes. I, Kennny Nakamura, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Pollos Locos to Rolando.

I, Oscar Padilla, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my soccer skills to Mia Stender. I, Oscar Padilla, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Asianess to Laynee Gibson. I, Oscar Padilla, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my pro agility to Jacen Smith.I, Oscar Padilla, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my basketball post skills to Alberto Sanchez I, Oscar Padilla, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my friend Stella to Mia Stender.

I, Bradley Parker, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Sudoku skills to Daniel Parker. I, Bradley Parker, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Calculus math notes to Daniel Parker.I, Bradley Parker, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my English skills to Emily Parker.

I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my awesome good looks and style to Daniel Prado. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my soccer number 9 to Daniel Prado. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my goofiness to Issac Tarelo.I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my curly hair to Markus Echeveste. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my basketball moves to Bridger Bumgarner. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my school spirit and shoes to Jacen Smith. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my dunks and hops to Alberto San-chez. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my paintball course caretakership to Mathew and Mitchel Westover. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Captain America shield to Karson Brush. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my weird noise making to Hannah

Walker. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my toned muscles to Juan Garcia. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my 400 running to Hope Fuller. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ruggedly handsome looks to Braden Bumgarner. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my video game skills to Hannah Alder. I, Jose Perez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Mamma Jokes to Bridger Bumgar-ner.

I, Mia Sanchez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to get my way to Eric Sanchez. I, Mia Sanchez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my undying love for Tad Moser’s mullet to Conner Hilt. I, Mia Sanchez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my huge hair bun to Ariana Chap-man. I, Mia Sanchez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my soul to Kaden Fager. I, Mia Sanchez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my fanny pack to Mikel Davies. I, Mia Sanchez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my gangster music taste to Jacen Smith. I, Mia Sanchez, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my DJ abilities to Juan Favela.

I, Johnathan Shaber, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my strange language solos in choir to Anthony Shaber. I, Johnathan Shaber, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my love of humanity to Shawn Schultz. I, Johnathan Shaber, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my number one spot on cross country to Philip Soulen. I, Johnathan Shaber, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my listening to other people to Michael Brooke. I, Johnathan Shaber, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath that Anthony Shaber and Christina Wheeleer will be friends.

I, Tessa Shaver, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my amazing attitude to Sierra Shaver.I, Tessa Shaver, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my people skills to Melanie Girvin.I, Tessa Shaver, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my FFA shirt for next year to Aus-ten Thomason.

I, Nayeli Sosa, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my sassiness & attitude.I, Nayeli Sosa, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my student loans to Miss Peterson.I, Nayeli Sosa, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my sense of humor to Skylar Chavez.I, Nayeli Sosa, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my thick heavy hair to Lizette Almanza.

I, Camille Weldon, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my curly hair to Mrs. Alves.I, Camille Weldon, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my offending everyone skills to Lauren Bouvia.I, Camille Weldon, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my skipping Seminary skills to Kelvin Price.I, Camille Weldon, being of sounds mind and body, do bequeath my awful tennis skills to

Hannah Alder.

I, Brendan Westover, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my awesome ability to play tennis with appendicitis to Matthew and Mitch-ell Westover I, Brendan Westover, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my awesome middle line-backer skills to Isaac Vogt.I, Brendan Westover, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my awesome muscles to Bridger Bumgarner.I, Brendan Westover, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my awesome Jiu- Jitsu to Pawl Crawford.I, Brendan Westover, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my short height to Mitchell Westover and Matthew Westover I, Brendan Westover, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my awesome red goatee to Bridger Bumgarner.I, Brendan Westover, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my love of football to Ben Wootton.I, Brendan Westover, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my little man syndrome to Matthew Westover.

I, LeAnne Wheeler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my Payette jokes to Austen Thomason. I, LeAnne Wheeler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my ability to be sarcastic about everything to Kassidy Hagans. I, LeAnne Wheeler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my witty remarks to Brooke Anderson. I, LeAnne Wheeler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my awkwardness to Sydney Dillie. I, LeAnne Wheeler, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my procrastinating abilities to Christiana Wheeler.

I, Haillie Wilkinson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my cheerleading skills to Lizette Almanza.I, Haillie Wilkinson, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my band skills to Lizette Almanza.

I, Rylie Zucker, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my bad morning hair @ morning cheer to Daqulin Delgadillo.I, Rylie Zucker, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my uncomfortable prom dress experiences to Sydney Reyes.I, Rylie Zucker, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my hidden snacks in my mom’s office to Emma Davidson.I, Rylie Zucker, being of sound mind and body, do bequeath my parking in the teachers’ spot to Jackson Jensen.

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