the w ar in abcs

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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The W ar in ABCs. A merica. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


AmericaAmerica is the country that we live in. The history of

America can go a long way. The founder of the country is George Washington. As of the making of this slide there has been 44 presidents. America had to go threw lots of difficult times and wars before it became independent. The question is “What are the difficult times America had to go through”?

By SinanBy Jillian

bBenedict Arnold was a

traitor to the American Colonies. He planned to give the British

information about West Point. West Point was a key fort in New York.

When word spread about his plan, he escaped and joined the British

army. To this day the name “Benedict Arnold” means a traitor to our country. He was America’s

most wanted traitor.

By: Jaden , Jared, and Ethan

stands for the Continental Army . The army created by the Second Continental Congress in 1775 with George Washington as commander in chief . The Continental Army Established on June 14, 1775 .


Bobby , Bridget , Tristan

We The PeopleThe Declaration of

Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson between June 11th and June 28th in 1776. It explained why the colonies had to declare independence. Today, the declaration of independence is in a bullet proof case. When the museum it is in closes, it is moved to an underground vault!

Preethi and Maddie

D is for Declaration Of Independence

than Allen

Ethan Allen was a militia leader from Vermont. He worked with New Englander named Benedict Arnold to try to take Fort Ticonderoga. Ethan led a group called the Green Mountain Boys to try to take Fort Ticonderoga to cut off the main supply post for the British. On May 10, 1775 the Green Mountain Boys crept past soldiers on duty at the fort. Allen woke the commander and yelled “ Come out of there, you old rat.” Without any bloodshed Ethan and his men captured the British cannons and cut off the British support from Canada.

EBy: Joe and Mikhel

Freemans FarmBattle of

Freeman's Farm took place in New York in 1777. The Americans hid on a cliff overlooking 40 miles North of Freeman's Farm. Benedict Arnold won the second battle of Freemans Farm because the British found themselves surrounded by patriot forces.

By: Gabe and Isabella

Henry KnoxGeorge Washington had a

plan to drive the British from Boston Massachusetts. To, help with his plan, he needed a commander to lead his troop to Fort Ticonderoga. He chose Henry Knox, who was a former bookseller. Knox and his men dragged and carried many cannons from the New York Fort through snowy hills and fields more than 250 miles to Boston. On the date of March 5th, 1776, the British awoke with unexpected visitors with fully loaded cannons. Washington later stated to his brother, that the British scurried from the land as fast as their legs could run in an unprofessional manner, and the colonists took Boston.

By: Kayla and Caden


of being independent, freedom of the control; influence, supports, or help from others

The colonists were trying to get independence from Brittan. They gained there independence after the treaty of Paris was signed in 1783

By: Megan and Parie

J ohn Paul Jones

John Paul Jones was an amazing American sea captain. During battle, he powered hard on England’s coast. His battleship was called the Bonhomme Richard against Britain’s battleship which was called Serapis. During the battle, The British pounded on the Bonhomme Richard and left it damaged horribly. Later during the battle the British captain asked John if he was ready to surrender. John replied,” I have not yet begun to fight, and the major battle continued. Finally, the Serapis surrendered and the Bonhomme Richard successfully won the battle.


By: Kayla and Caden

K ing George lll

King George lll was born 1738. His real name was George William Fredrick. He was the king from 1760 to 1820. He was a very greedy king too the colonists. He put taxes on everyday items the colonists needed. He wanted to keep fighting, but the war was costly and unpopular in Great Britain. Soon George died in 1820.

By: Jenna and Shannon

LLoyalists were people who

were loyal to Britain. About 1 out of 3 colonists were loyalists. Reasons being, Britain was their number one trading partner. Not to mention the fact that they were the most powerful army in the world. Some changed sides in the war, like the infamous Benedict Arnold. At the end of the war, many loyalists moved either back to Britain or Canada. Those who stayed were faced with open dislike. Man, were those guys wrong! By: Jaden, Jared, and Ethan

Martha Washington was one of the most important women in the revolutionary war. She was born June 2 1730. She also was a great help to george. She helped George with his paper work, she cooked soup for the solders, but also sewed socks. I say she was a great help.

Martha Washington

By Sinan and Jillian

N ATHANAEL GREENENathanael Greene was an American General in the Revolutionary War 1775-1786. In 1775 he joined the Continental Army. He also forced English General Cornwallis to retreat from the colonies heading toward defeat at Yorktown. Greene was the Americans finest strategist.

By: Amiel and Shelby

O Is For Otho Williams

Otho Holland Williams was born on March 1st, 1749, in Prince Gorge’s County, MD. He was a continental army officer. He participated in many wars in NY,NJ, and southern theaters. In late 1776 he was captured by the British. In July 15, 1794, he died. He was in Woodstock, VA at the time.

Maddie and Preethi

means brotherly love . Philadelphia was planned to be a place of peace where people would treat people fairly. The founder of Philadelphia, William Penn believed that Delaware should be included in this plan. He believed that everyone should live like neighbors.

Made by: Bridget, Bobby, Tristan


The Quartering Act was a law from the Intolerable. When this act came it forced colonist to provide housing, food and drink for the British solders. If they did not give the Redcoats shelter they would be killed. This also said that even though Colonist were British they could not have a army while peacetime without there permission. This was a very harsh time for the Colonists to live through.

Quartering Act

Sinan, Ethan ,and Joe

R evolutionary War

The Revolutionary War was a very important war in history. It was between the British Redcoats and the Patriots. The war started April 19, 1775. The Patriots disagreed with the King of England. The war lasted eight years. It ended in September 3, 1783. Without the Revolutionary War we would never become an independent country.

By: Shannon and Jenna

Stamp act1765

The stamp act forced the colonists to pay tax for every day items. One of these items was newspaper. The profits of this tax went directly to England. The colonists had no say. Patrick Henry, a member of the house of Burgesses, thought that only the Virginia assembly could tax Virginians. Britain accused him of treason. Patrick responded "If this is treason, make the most of it.” Later Henry gave the famous speech “Give me liberty or give me death.”

By: Megan and Parie

he Boston Tea Party-1773

On December 16,1773 a group of colonists disguised as Mohawks crept toward the Boston Harbor. They then went on to a ship carrying 342 chests of tea. During the night the colonists dumped the 342 chests of water into the Boston Harbor. When King George 111 found out about the Tea Party he demanded that the colonists of Boston be punished for their actions. He then signed the Intolerable Acts which closed the port of Boston and made the colonists pay for the tea.

TBy: Joe and Mikhel


Unfair Laws were being past on the colonists In the 1700s. One of these laws were the Molasses act. The Molasses act had been passed to limit the amount of the Molasses the colonists was bought from the west indies. The West indies was not under British control. However the colonists ignored the law. In 1764 this law was repealed. That same year of 1764 the sugar act was past. This act taxed sugar.

Unfair Laws

By: Megan and Parie

V alley Forge

Valley Forge was a winter camp near Philadelphia. Supplies were dangerously low. Most of the troops survived on fire cakes. At least 2,500 people died of disease. Many soldiers left and went home.

By: Amiel and Shelby

George Washington was a major help to the victory of the revolutionary war. He was the leader of the Continental army. He married Martha Washington. He also started his carrier as a surveyor . He was the first president. All these things make him an Extraordinary man

Washington, George

By Sinan and Jillian

X is for Xavier


Xavier cathedral is

a burial site for soldiers

that died during the

Revolutionary War. The

Xavier cathedral is

located in Vincennes

Indiana. Many who are

buried there died from

the battle of Vincennes

on February 23, 1779.

Megan and Preethi

The battle of Yorktown was on October 19 , 1781. The battle of Yorktown was actually one of the last battles in the revolutionary war. The colonist actually chased general Cornwallis out of North Carolina. General Cornwallis decided to flee to Yorktown. Washington saw the opportunity, to attack the fleet that was going to pick up General Cornwallis. George Washington quickly gathered up his troops and defeated the British troops, forcing them to return to New York. In addition, Cornwallis and his troops surrendered and the colonists won the Revolutionary War.


By: Christos and Gavin

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