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Post on 11-Jul-2020






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A publication of

Sun City Lodge # 72


“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all

the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as

MAY 2020

Brother Harry Houdini became a Mason in St. Cecile Lodge

No. 568, New York, New York, in 1923. He received his En-

tered Apprentice Degrees on July 17 and his Fellow Craft

Degree on July 31. He was raised a Master Mason on Au-

gust 21, 1923. He became a life member on October 30,

1923. He was also a member of the Shrine Temple.


Your Lodge at a Glance

Worshipful Master Michael Rial 602-349-2250

Senior Warden Matthew Link 303-590-4192

Junior Warden Marcus Hensley (619) 208-8986

Secretary Gary Loeb (484) 354-9063


Chaplain Arizona Milke

Senior Deacon Matthew Lawrence

Junior Deacon Dennis McMillen

Senior Steward Robert Saenz

Junior Steward Filiberto Encinas-Tequida

Marshal James Denzien

Tyler Charles Hardy

Building Manager Pat Hayes PM, 623-972-2217

Banquet / Event Coordinator Pat Hayes

Candidate Mentoring Pat Hayes PM

Lodge Trustees - Chairman, Jan Lilley PM Members, Gary Fullington Earl Paasch PM, Tom Lyle, Robert Meizinger

Trust Fund Trustees—Chairman, Hal Knowlton, Members Dave Miller PM, Randall Sturdevant, Charles Hardy, Roger Tricco.

Trial Commissioners: Brian Turner, Harold Knowlton II, James Reece, Matthew Lawrence and Keith Korittky.

Audit Committee Matthew Link and Marcus Hensley

Lodge Ritual Director Pat Hayes PM

Lodge Website Committee David Miller PM, Craig Montgomery PM

Masonic Education Matthew Lawrence

Masonic Funeral Coordination David Miller PM 602-317-6136

Membership Retention Pat Hayes PM

Sickness and Distress Larry Gorelick 602-403-7775

Razvan Dumitru 602-292-8855

Trestle Board Editor / Publisher Richard Flinton PM. 623-889-5772

Webmaster Richard Flinton



As we all quarantine in our homes time passes and one soon misses the comradery that we share on a routine basis. When I joined Ma-

sonry, I had one suit. I quickly learned that we wear suits often in appreciation to the craft, so I got another. Some years later suits are like

wearing anything else. I am comfortable wearing one and am proud to be an officer in my lodge. I miss wearing my suit.

Masonry remains strong as we have not lost the values that we seek and practice. Brothers and Candidates routinely engage with us ask-

ing when we will be back in service. While this is a setback, I feel it will not interfere with our progress.

When one joins a Masonic lodge, he may know few people. Over time you gain many friends and learn about their lives and events. This

is one of the many things that keeps everyone engaged. I look forward to seeing everyone again when the Covid19 virus is behind us.

In the meantime, please enjoy an article about the Tyler.

The Tyler in the Lodge

Before tiles and shingles were used on roofs, they used thatch straw. This is straw woven together and held in place with rope. Because of

this London just about burnt to the ground, several times.

An ordinance was issued that roofs were to be covered with tiles, lead, shingles, or plastered straw. This was the first fire law ever imposed

by any government.

The occupation of Tiler became quite lucrative because of this new law. Tilers became the highest paid profession of that time. They de-

manded so high a wage, that the government had to step in and set their fees.

Tilers were entered into Masonry around 1738 and was responsible for the drawing of the Lodge, delivery of the summonses (for which

they were paid) and various assets. Until this time the Tilers guarded the door of the Lodge but were not members.

The emblem of the Tilers office is the sword, originally it was the trowel. It was sharp, pointed, and about three feet long. You can see how

a man of that profession could swing something like that with quite a bit of power.

The term "drawing of the lodge" was done by the Tiler and was exactly what it implies. In those days they did not have the furnishings that

we have today. The Lodge would meet in homes of brothers, pubs, churches or where-ever they could find a place. Before the meeting

would start the Tiler would take a piece of chalk and draw the different steps, stations, and places for the officers. The better artist the

Tiler was the more elaborate the drawings and the more prestige the Lodge received.

Sincerely and Fraternally, Michael Rial

Worshipful Master

From The East



I hope this article finds you and your family well. I have really missed our regular and frequent meetings and hopefully by the time this

article comes out, we are all back in the groove with this pandemic behind us. I suspect that it will likely take some time until our new nor-

mal is sorted out – but we should continue to reach out to one another and remember that you always have your masonic family to sup-

port you.

There is a good story that I’d like to share that you may be familiar with. As we adapt and adjust how we live our lives, I thought is was a

great reminder about what it means to be a Mason.

“A salesman breaks down in a remote country lane, a farmer in the adjacent field comes over and they discover that they are "Brothers".

The salesman is concerned as he has an important appointment in the local town: "Don't worry says the farmer you can use my car, I will

call a friend and get the car repaired while you go to the appointment" Off goes the salesman and a couple of hours later he returns but

unfortunately the car is awaiting a part which won’t arrive until the next morning. "It's not a problem," says the Farmer, "use my telephone

and re-schedule your first appointment tomorrow, stay with us tonight and I'll see that the car is done first thing!" The farmers' wife pre-

pares a wonderful meal and they share a glass of fine single malt during an excellent evening, the salesman sleeps soundly and when he

awakes there is his car, repaired and ready to go. After a full English breakfast the salesman thanks them both for the hospitality. As he and

the farmer walk to his car he turns and asks "my brother, thank you so much but I have to ask, did you help me because I am a Mason?"

"No" was the reply, "I helped you because I am a Mason."

-posted on

Getting to know…Brother Ricky Nolen.

Brother Ricky was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in our lodge in February of 2020 and lives in Peoria, AZ. Ricky was born in

Hobart, IN in 1998 and moved to Arizona with his family at the age of 2 – 3 years old. Ricky’s father is also a member of our lodge (Richard

Nolen) and Ricky is a 4th generation Mason!

For the last few years Ricky has been fighting wildfires, which has taken him to many parts if the western US, including AZ, CA, OR, NM and

CO. He is currently working as a pipefitter with Local 469. He enjoys staying in shape with working out and anything fitness, target

shooting, spending time with family and is a sports fan. In particular, Ricky enjoys hockey and the Chicago Blackhawks, along with other

professional sports teams (Packers, White Sox, Coyotes, Cardinals).

Please say hello to Brother Ricky Nolen the next time you see him in lodge!

I look forward to the next time we meet. May you and your family stay safe and healthy. If there is anything you need, please call or email

me. May peace and harmony prevail.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Matt Link

Sr. Warden

Sun City Lodge #72

303-590-4192 (mobile)

From The West


Greetings Brethren,

I hope all are well and doing great during this time. I have a couple of updates to share. First in working on the Senior Warden's project to reach out to 100% of our Brothers I have gotten the chance to meet some additional amazing Masons and for that I am very thankful. On that note one of our Brethren has mentioned that he does Estate legal work and that any brother in need of that sort of item should reach out to him. This is Brother Ronald Larson. Should you need to reach out please request his contact information from the Secretary.

On the Masonic Youth Grant I am pleased to report that the committee is working very hard to close out writing the instruc-tion and application and this will be ready to publish shortly as it is currently in a final draft phase. Again want to thank everyone for their support of this program.

Continuing in the famous Masons in all walks of life theme I present a list of 7 literary figures who were Members of various Lodges:

Mark Twain was a Freemason, and is best known for such excellent novels such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court. The latter novel has themes of time travel, and features an attempt to alter the past, and is seen as an early science fiction novel. Twain had an interest in science and technology, but also had an interest in parapsychology, which echoes the interests of the writer and Mason Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Mark Twain was a member of the Polar Star Lodge No. 79, A.F.&A.M. in St. Louis, and became a Master Mason within a few months of joining. At one point suspended for not paying his dues, Twain was reinstated a short while later.

Alexander Pope was a poet and satirist of the early eighteenth century, famous for many works such as The Rape of the Lock, a poem that has certain esoteric overtones, and Essay on Man, which has Masonic themes. Pope was a London based Freemason and knew many other Masons at the time such as Jonathan Swift, and became introduced to members of the aristocracy that moved in these circles such as the Duke of Chandos.

Jonathan Swift was a writer, satirist and political pamphleteer, whose best known work Gulliver’s Travels is still widely read and has been adapted for film and TV many times. The work was a satirical attack on the corruption of Walpole’s Whig Oligarchy during the first half of the eighteenth century. The book is a satirical looking glass – and also attacks the Imperialism and Colonialism that was being undertaken at the time. He also knew Pope and frequented the Devils Tavern.

Godfrey Higgins was born in 1772, he resided at Skellow Grange near Doncaster, living the life of a comfortable country squire. He was educated at Cambridge and studied law, becoming a Yorkshire magistrate, a Freemason and a reformer, playing a leading role in uncover-ing the abuse of the patients at the York Lunatic Asylum. Higgins wrote the acclaimed Anacalypsis, a book that still manages to be contro-versial today, dividing historians in the way the work has influenced modern day Theosophy and occultism. The work discusses Higgins’ provocative ideas on a long-lost ancient source for all religions, beliefs, philosophies and the origins of the York Grand Lodge – a must read for all Freemasons interested in philosophy.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a Freemason who was also attracted to the occult, investigating mediums and taking a keen interest in the incident of the Cottingley Fairies. Conan Doyle’s most famous work – The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – had strong Masonic themes in some of the stories, and along with Rudyard Kipling and Jerome K Jerome, he wrote a letter of good will when the Authors’ Lodge was founded in London.

Henry Rider Haggard was a Freemason who wrote about the themes of the Craft in his most popular adventure novels, especially She, King Solomon’s Mines, and The Holy Flower, books that deal with the search for lost knowledge and life, death and rebirth. His books contain the essence of the colonising spirit of late Victorian and Edwardian England; his works conveying tales of discovery within the Empire. He was a close friend of Rudyard Kipling, and Rider Haggard also sent the Authors’ Lodge a letter of good will when the lodge opened in 1910.

Rudyard Kipling certainly discussed Masonic themes in some of his poems and novels, such as The Man Who Would be King, a novel that captured the themes of the search for lost knowledge and the search for lost civilisations. Kipling also wrote a letter of goodwill to the Au-thors’ Lodge in 1910. Kipling had been initiated into the Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, based in Lahore, India, in 1886, and went on to become an honorary member of the Authors’ Lodge.

In closing I hope all stay healthy and I can't wait to meet again in person as the simple act of shaking hands with my brothers has taken on greater importance than ever. I look forward to seeing each of you at the Lodge as soon as possible.


Marcus Hensley

Junior Warden SC 72

From The south

We have no calendar this month because we do not know when we can meet again. All of you be safe.

Lodge news


Sun City Masonic Investment Trust –Investing In the Future

When the Sun City Masonic Center was first established, a number of masonic related people contributed their

time and resources to developing the building and property. Part of their efforts were to establish an investment

trust to provide financial support for a place where Masonic related groups and activities could be conducted. To-

day, the Sun City Masonic Investment Trust is administered by 5 Trustees elected for individual rotating 5 year

terms of office by members of Sun City Masonic Lodge. The Chairman of the Investment Trust Board is Randall

Sturdevant. Members of the Investment Trust must be members of Sun City Masonic Lodge.

The legacy established 30-40 years ago has developed into a Masonic Center which is used by many groups and

many of us enjoy today. With the expenses of today, the Sun City Masonic Center is not self-sustaining and de-

pends on donations from the group using the Masonic Center and the proceeds from the Trust investments. The

proceeds from the invested Trust principal are disbursed periodically and no longer provide a sufficient amount to

cover the ever increasing costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the building and grounds.

The Investment Trust Board oversees the investments and provides, pursuant to the Trust Agreement, a quarterly

amount that is distributed to assist with the operation of the Sun City Masonic Center. The principal of the Invest-

ment Trust was established through donations and contributions by members of the Masonic groups using the Sun

City Masonic Center. The Investment Trust continues to need donations and contributions to maintain and grow a

Trust principal that will provide for the future operating expenses of the Masonic Center.

Individuals, or the groups, desiring to assist in enhancing the legacy or those who founded the Sun City Masonic

Center, are always welcome to make contributions and donations to the Investment Trust principal. Donations and

contributions directed to growing the Investment Trust need to be specifically identified for the Investment Trust and

directed for adding to the invested principal. Routine donations and contributions made to Sun City Lodge No 72

assist the Lodge with current expenses but are not used to grow the principal of the Investment Trust. Individuals

and groups interested in exploring the opportunity to make a direct contribution to growing the Investment Trust

principal should contact Randall Sturdevant at 623.217.9426 or



Sun City Lodge No 72 is coordinating an order for short sleeve collared polo shirts embossed with

the Square and Compasses. The shirts have the following features:

+ Cornerstone is the shirt manufacturer;

+ Shirt is short sleeve with a collar;

+ Left breast pocket with Name above the pocket;

+ Square and Compasses with SUN CITY LODGE No 72 on the Right breast; and

+ Shirts are in Black, Blue, or White.

Price is $35.00 per shirt with payment made to SUN CITY LODGE No 72.

If you are interested in ordering a shirt, please contact Dave Miller at 602.317.6136 or . When ordering, include:

your shirt size, and color you would like.

Name you want placed above the shirt pocket (if any).

Stated Meeting Dinner Menu


The cost for dinner is $8.00

Reservations would be appreciated at least 5 days in advance.

RSVP to: Marcus Hensley or call

the lodge at 623-9722217


Articles and other Trestleboard submissions are due no later than the 15th of the month. If your submission is not received and other arrangements have not been made, it will not be printed. All Trestleboard submissions must be sent via e-mail in Microsoft Word format, to Richard Flinton at: If you have questions, please call Steve at 623-889-5772

We need current telephone numbers, addresses, and email addresses for all brothers and Trestleboard subscrib-

ers. You will be receiving the Electronic Trestleboard if we have your email address. If you require a printed copy,

Please notify the Lodge Secretary, Richard Flinton at 623-972-2217.

From the Secretary’s Desk

Sun City Lodge has 216 members. Growth-wise, we are doing very well, with two candidates waiting for

the second degree and one waiting for the third degree. We have one elected Brother, whose membership is

pending receiving a Demit from his former Lodge. Additionally, we have two petitions for membership (one

by affiliation/plural and one for degrees). Our average age is 70.5 years.

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Grand Lodge will ONLY allow teleconference Stated Meet-

ings. Information about calling in to the May 14 teleconference Stated Meeting will be sent to the members by e-mail.

Any business, requiring the in-person vote of the membership (like balloting on petitions), will wait until Grand Lodge

allows normal meetings to resume. If anything of importance needs to be shared with our membership, I will be sure to

communicate it with you.

Stay healthy, Brethren!

Fraternally in Peace and Harmony,

Gary A. Loeb, PM

623-972-2217 (mobile – 484-354-9063)


George G. Glass, Edward R. Harris

“Remember him before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is bro-ken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it”. ~ Ecclesiastes 12:6-7

Masonic tradition calls on us to aid and assist all distressed brothers, withersoever dispersed. While we are getting better at assisting our brothers, we have been neglecting our ladies and their needs. If any of you know of a sick or distressed brother or a Masonic widow in need, please call the lodge office at 623.972.2217.

The Trestleboard is available through your e-mail…

Issues of the Trestleboard can be sent directly to your e-mail. The advantage of this is that

you will receive it earlier than if mailed. To receive the Trestleboard in your e-mail, please

send your request and e-mail address to or call the

lodge office at 623.972.2217.

Sickness and Distress

If you know of a brother in need, Please contact Larry Gorelick, at or Razvan Dumitru at


Happy Birthday to All!

Masonic Anniversaries

Jack E. Adams 5 /11/1963

James A. Heger 5 /6 /2000

Kenneth R. Hartman 5 /24/2001

Harvey Finks 5 /27/1954

Glenn W. Cummings 5 /3 /1997

Cody B. Burks 5 /18/2005

Robert S. Bennett 5 /3 /1958

Ryan N. Jacobsen 5 /30/2019

Paul A. Baron 5 /27/2006

Walter P. McMartin 5 /29/2001

Kirk T. Lockett Jr 5 /26/2004

Glynn E. Ley 5 /24/2007

Ronald F. Larson 5 /19/1979

Kenneth N. Larsen 5 /9 /1983

Craig D. Cheetham 5 /17/1990

Douglas F. Kydd 5 /6 /1992

James L. Becker 5 /11/1988

Frank Stickel 5 /28/1998

Joseph Tancredi 5 /7 /1974

Mark R. Grindle 5 /20/1982

George P. Vinson 5 /25/2017

Jason P. Gorski 5 /5 /2016

John W. Holliday 5 /16/1977

William R. Sturdevant 5 /26/2016

John C. Holz Sr 5 /17/1947

Jack A. Bernhart 5 /22/

James W. Duval 5 /15/

Carl L. Fredricksen 5 /12/

James E. Hug 5 /30/

Harold C. Jensen 5 /29/

Robert J. Kinch 5 /6 /

Marcos P. Lakandula 5 /1 /

Gerald T. Larson 5 /31/

Harold J. Lilley 5 /7 /

Paul V. Meierhenry 5 /2 /

Rickie Polke 5 /17/

Rex S. Provenzale 5 /29/

Ricky L. Rencher 5 /12/

William L. Strickland 5 /10/

Eugene L. Winkels 5 /2 /

Masonic Anniversaries

Henry R. Stoll 5 /6 /2000

Robert L. Johnson Jr 5 /2 /2012

Joseph B. Setticase 5 /4 /2010

James J. Rolle 5 /28/1958

Douglas S. Robertson 5 /9 /2006

Charles L. Reeves 5 /20/1988

Andrew E. Pratt 5 /18/2013

Richard W. Oakley 5 /17/2003

Gene V. Giordano 5 /16/2013

Edward A. Srsen 5 /29/1965

Past Master’s fellowship

The Past Master’s Fellowship (PMF) of Sun City Lodge will be meeting on the

second Tuesday of the Month at 8:30 AM at the Sun City Masonic Center.

The meeting will be reviewing the Worshipful Master’s plans for Sun City Lodge

and where the Past Masters can be of assistance and support. Lite refresh-

ments will be served during the meeting.

Oasis Chapter No 15, Royal Arch Masons, cancelled the April meeting and plans for degree conferrals in accordance

with the Edicts of the Grand Master of Masons in Arizona and the Grand High Priest of Royal Arch Masons in Arizona.

At the time of the preparation of this item, those 2 edicts remain in effect and may extend for all or parts of May. If

there is a May meeting of Oasis Chapter, it will be on Friday, 15 May, at the Sun City Masonic Center. Pot Luck be-

gins at 6:30 PM. Education follows at 7:00 PM with the monthly meeting following at 7:30 PM.

Contact Pat Hayes (602.570.5684, to confirm if there will/will not be a meeting on Friday, 15


Oasis Chapter RAM meets on the third Friday each month.

Pot Luck. 6:30PM Education. 7:00PM Meeting. 7:30 PM

Oasis Chapter N0 15 Royal Arch Masons

Meets at Sun City Lodge No72

Stewart Council meets on the forth Monday of each month

Pot luck dinner at 6:30PM Education 7:00 PM Meeting at 7:30 PM

St Andrew meets on the second Saturday of each month, Officers,

sword and ritual training at 7:30AM coffee & donuts 8:00AM

Conclave at 9:00AM

In accordance with the Edicts of the Grand Master of Masons in Arizona and the Grand Commander of Knights Templar in Arizona, St An-

drew Commandery No 17, Knights Templar, cancelled the April meeting and plans for celebrating Easter with a short ceremony.

St Andrew Commandery is next scheduled to meet on Saturday, 09 May at the Sun City Masonic Center. Conclave begins at 9:00 AM with

full ceremony. Coffee and light refreshments are available beginning at 8:00 AM along with instruction. This meeting may not occur if the

2 Edicts referenced above continue in effect for May 2020.

Sir Knights of St Andrew Commandery No 17 are reminded that a special communication was released in April by the Commandery Record-

er regarding the election of 2020-2021 Commandery Officers.

Contact Pat Hayes, at 602.570.5684,, if you want to confirm the scheduled Saturday, 09 May, meeting or if you did not

receive the special communication released in April regarding the election of 2020-2021 Commandery Officers.

St Andrew Commandery meets monthly on the 2nd Saturday except for the month of August. During August, the Arizona Grand York Rite

Sessions are held. For further information, contact Pat Hayes, Commandery Recorder, at 602.570.5684,

In accordance with the Edicts issued by the Grand Master of Masons in Arizona and the Grand Master of Cryptic

Masons in Arizona, the April 2020 meeting of Stewart Council and the Super Excellent Degree conferral along with

the ISH SODI conferral activity were cancelled.

At the time of the preparation of this item, it is not known if the edicts will remain in force for all or parts of May. If

there is a May meeting of Stewart Council, it will be on Monday, 25 May, at the Sun City Masonic Center. Pot Luck

Dinner at 6:30 PM, Education at 7:00 PM, and the meeting at 7:30 PM.

Contact Pat Hayes at 602.570.5684 or for further Stewart Council information and to confirm

the May meeting arrangements.

Stewart Council No 16 Cryptic Masons

Meets at Sun City Lodge N0 72

Saint Andrew commandery no 17

meet at sun city lodge no72

Sun city west High Twelve club

At the time that this item is prepared, there are no plans for a meeting of

the Sun City West High 12 Club in May due to the Edict issued by the Grand Master of Masons in

Arizona and the closure of the Golden Corral Restaurant in conformance with the edicts issued by

the State of Arizona Governor.

We are planning on a series of Summer Luncheons once the local restaurants are permitted to reo-

pen. Notice of the date/time and location for the several luncheons will be released to members.

Any Master Mason is welcome to join the Sun City West High 12 Club in breakfast and meeting on

the 2nd Friday of the month during the months of October through May. Meetings begin at 8:00

AM and are in a separate room at the Golden Corral Restaurant, 17674 W Litchfield Road (Corner

of Grand Avenue- US Route 60). The restaurant opens at 7:30 AM and breakfast is available at that

time. When paying the Golden Corral Restaurant, be sure to identify that you are eligible for those

attending the Sun City West High 12 Club meeting. Spouses are welcome to join in the breakfast

meal and attend the meeting. For additional Club meeting information, contact Jeff Samuelson at




May 2020

Easter Blessing – May His blessing bring the world back to a normal way of life

With the knowledge that we can survive any pandemic thrown our way – Amen

April – meeting was cancelled as result of the pandemic that has hit our world. So the best that we can do is to stay

inside, wash our hands as much as possible, use hand sanitizer, and be safe.

May ?? – will be the date of our next meeting for elections of our officers for the ensuing term being kept un-

der the guidelines of the SRM edict in keeping attendance to a minimum due to the pandemic.

The result of this meeting and to who our new officers will be will appear in the issue of the trestle

board after we have finally been able to have this very important meeting and also every member of our court

with an email will receive the news the day after plus those members without email will receive a letter by

snail mail.

Keep our shut-ins in your prayers as they continue to heal.

As you hear of a member needing assistance in obtaining food, medicine, or just general aid, please let us know so

that we can get them the service that they need.

Jobie Daughters Bethel #22 meetings and events have been suspended but we have received the edict from the

Supreme Council that the daughters can have a virtual meeting. This will be the first for Bethel #22 as well

as the council but we are adapting to our new way of life for the time being.

Amaranth meetings and events have been suspended until further notice as well as our Grand Court

Session which has been moved to June 11-13, 2020 to the Phoenix Sheridan Crescent Hotel at I17 and

Dunlap Avenue.

Star meetings and events have been suspended until further notice.

Hugs - your secretary, Pat Zimmerman

What you see – What you hear – When you leave – Leave it here

On Sunday, May 3rd, the Chapter is scheduled to receive its new Charter as Valley of the Sun Chapter. This is a spe-

cial occasion and the public ceremony will begin at 4:00 PM at the Sun City Masonic Center.

On Saturday, March 14th, the State DeMolay assembled to honor the Arizona Grand Master of Masons. Below is a

picture taken at the conclusion of a busy day of degree activity and great fellowship.

With the cancellation of physical meetings due to the COVID 19 medical restrictions, Chapter members have been

active with using the electronic media to stay in touch and have activities. Zoom, Google Hangouts, and internet con-

nectivity have been used to keep everyone involved with the Chapter and State DeMolay activities. This use of virtu-

al activity is part of everyday life for many of the members.

Chapter members are selling Yearbook Ads to help with their expenses to attend the July 2020 State DeMolay Con-

vention. Contact one of the Chapter members or Dad Dave Zaucha for more information.

DeMolay is a Masonic youth organization for young men. To be eligible to join DeMolay, three simple requirements

need to be met by the applicant:

+ You are a young man between the ages of 12 and 21;

+ You are of good moral character; and,

+ And you believe in a supreme being (all religions welcome).

The members engage in a variety of service and fun activities. Service events include working with adult Masonic

groups and working in local community charity events. DeMolay members enjoy social activities with members of

locally Masonic sponsored Rainbow Girl Assemblies and Job’s Daughter Bethels, as well as recreational events in-

volving sports and electronic game challenges. The Chapter events and meetings are planned and run by the youth

Chapter officers with guidance from the Dad Advisor.

Valley of the Sun DeMolay Chapter regularly meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at 4:00 PM at the Sun

City Masonic Center.

Currently, local Master Masons serving on the Valley of the Sun Chapter Advisory Council include: Bryon Howe;

Steve Liguori; Matt Link; and David Zaucha. For further information about becoming a member of DeMolay or how

to become a member of the Advisory Council, contact David Zaucha at 623.236.6307 or


May 2020

Bethel 22 has emerged into the technology age with having virtual meetings. The first meeting was held on April

14 with a wonderful success as we had all the daughters online as well as all of the council members. For some of

us this was a first but we are willing to grasp this together and move forward until we are once again able to travel

to the lodge for a Bethel meeting and give hugs and awards to those that have met this challenge.

We are still wishing everyone to be safe, practice the hygiene as required and we are all looking forward to getting

back together as soon as we can.

I have no pictures to share with you at this moment as have not been able to socialize but as soon as we can do

that we encourage anyone who is a Mason, has a Masonic connection, to please come to our Bethel meetings and

support our daughters as we get back together.

Stay tuned for future events & goings on within our Bethel.


May 2020

Dora Nickell, President

Dear Nile Ladies,

Easter Blessing – all of us can hope and pray that this year’s Easter Blessing will grant us the

path back to our normal way of life.

When we are granted the time to resume our meeting – the following will be done:

First item on the agenda would be to install the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary,

Treasurer, and Chaplain.

Second item was that the club voted on changing the number required for a quorum to “Five (5) members

shall constitute a quorum providing that one (1) member is one of the top four (4) officers (President, Vice

President, Secretary, or Treasurer).”

Hopefully before we meet your Secretary will have the time to prepare and hand out new rosters to everyone.

Before this can be completed, she will have to make a few phone calls to make sure that the information given by

some members is still correct. As it stands, the secretary has not heard from all the members listed in the current

club roster.

Message from Dora Nickell, President:

Hope you are well. Latest input is that we will NOT have a Nile meeting in May unless something changes. Officers

will remain as current with the installation on October 5, 2020.

Mark your calendar that the club official visit will be Wednesday November 11, 2020 at the

El Dorado.

At the time that this item is prepared, the May meeting of the West Valley Lodge of Perfection scheduled for Thurs-

day, 07 May, at 12 Noon is cancelled in compliance with the Edict issued by the Grand Master of Masons in Arizona.

West Valley Scottish Rite Masons are reminded that the Valley of Phoenix normally has a monthly meeting on the

3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Scottish Rite building at 7726 N 59th Avenue in Glendale. The Thursday,

21 May, may be cancelled if the Grand Master’s Edict remains in force. Please contact the Valley of Phoenix Office

at 623.248.5079 to confirm if there will be a meeting of the Valley of Phoenix on Thursday, 16 May.

For additional information regarding the West Valley Lodge of Perfection, contact Hal Knowlton at 714.343.4322,




Order of the Eastern Star

May 2020

Marsha Young, GTE, reporter

The members of Peoria #59 are all tucked safely at home (we hope) away from this nasty virus, except for our Wor-

thy Matron Crystal Thompson, who is a nurse, and other members still considered essential workers. We keep them in

our thoughts and prayers. It is certainly a difficult time for everyone especially our older members. Our Secretary, Sis-

ter Kathy Pierson, has been sending email updates periodically to keep everyone connected. We appreciate her efforts

to check in on everyone.

These are unprecedented times and we need to remain vigilant and safe at home, if possible. If you cannot get out

and need something, please let one of the officers know, and they’ll try to arrange help. It is important to do your part

by staying home and using social distancing practices. We must help ourselves first in consideration of others. The

better we are about it now, the sooner we will be allowed out. Our governor says it best: stay safe, stay healthy, stay


Plans for the Chapter are totally unknown at this time. We had a farewell dinner for the Worthy Matron and Worthy

Patron, but like all plans, it is on hold for now. Elections are supposed to take place the first meeting in May, but who

knows if we will be able to gather by then!! The communications from the Most Worthy Grand Matron are clear; put

your members safety first, obey your non-gathering directions and we’ll get through this together. Nothing is written

in stone!

I saw the piece below on Facebook and thought it was appropriate as we need to look to the positives in life now. I

borrowed it and left the hashtag and ownership marking in it.

Ad space is now available on the Trestleboard. You may purchase a business card

size for $120 for one year, or a larger ad for $200 for one year. (10 issues) Please

support our Brothers and Friends of the Lodge who advertise in our Trestleboard.

Contact: Richard Flinton 623-889-5772

Mailing Address


F. & A.M.

P.O. Box 1353

Sun City, Arizona 85372

Telephone: 623.972.2217


Office hours: Mon / Wed / Fri – 9AM -1 PM

We’re on the Web!


Physical Address


F.& A.M.

18810 North 107th Avenue

Sun City, Arizona, 85373

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