the theory of a firm consists

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  • 7/28/2019 The Theory of a Firm Consists


    1. Knowledge of the Firm, Combinative Capabilities, and the Replication of TechnologyBruce Kogut and Udo Zander Organization Science , Vol. 3, No. 3, Focused Issue:

    Management of Technology (Aug., 1992), pp. 383-397

    2. Gupta,Anil K. (04/2000). "Knowledge flows within multinational corporations. Strategicmanagement journal(0143-2095), 21 (4), p. 473.

    We have studied various theories of the firm, and also have understood the factors that help a

    firm attain sustainable competitive advantage. According to the resource based view of the firm,

    VRIN resources helps firms attain sustainable competitive advantage and hence achieve higher

    level of performance (Barney, 1991). Later the Dynamic capability of the firm added to the RBV

    by explaining that a firm can attain competitive advantage not just by having VRIN resources but

    by its ability to integrate, built and reconfigure these resources to address rapidly changing

    environment. Now this article Knowledge of the firm, Combinative Capabilities, AndReplication of Technology states that a firm can attain competitive advantage by its ability to

    generate new knowledge by the process of integrating or transferring information within the firm

    that will help the firm to innovate, thus attaining a competitive advantage and hence leading to

    higher performance.

    According to this article knowledge is not limited to individual, and if this was the case then in

    order for the firm to change it just had to hire new workers. But as firms cannot change its skill

    by hiring new workers, so the knowledge is embedded in the organizations principle andculture. By understanding how firms can create knowledge they can innovate themselves into

    new areas and will be able to perform better than the other organization. This article helps us

    understand why firms exist and also the effect of knowledge on the boundaries of the firm.


    Existence of thefirm

    Effects of knowledge

    on the boundaries of

    the firm

    Effects of knowledge

    on Firms


  • 7/28/2019 The Theory of a Firm Consists


    The theory of the firm consists of a number of economic theories that describe why firms exist?

    The question, why firms exist? hasbeen answered by transaction cost theory (Coase, 1937;

    Williamson, 1975, 1985). The traditional explanation for the existence of the firm has been that

    they help to keep in check the transaction costs arising from an exchange. According to

    Williamson firms exist because they use price mechanism more efficiently than markets to

    discover relevant information and to negotiate contracts. In contrast this article argues that firms

    exist because of their ability to transfer and exploit knowledge more effectively and efficiently in

    the intra-corporate context than through external market mechanisms.

    This article gives a different view to the Transac tion cost theorys explanation of the firm

    boundaries. According to TCA firms decide to internalize those activities that have higher

    transaction costs if performed by the market. But according to Knowledge based theory firms

    invest in those activities that correspond to a combination of current capabilities and expectations

    regarding future opportunities.

    Literature Review

    The knowledge of the firm helps us understand how firms create new knowledge. The secret

    ingredient for a successful firm is to be able to create new knowledge by rebundling its current

    capabilities. But as it is not easy to acquire new ways of creating knowledge, firms can solve this

    problem by creating social relationships within the firm that helps create new knowledge by the

    transfer of information and know - hows. According to this paper opportunism is not the way to

    explain why information is transferred within a firm, but firms exits because they are social

    communities structured by organizing principles and are competent in transferring knowledge

    within the firm.

    Knowledge can be classified into two types:

    Information: information refers to knowledge which can be transmitted without loss of integrityonce the syntactical rules required for deciphering it are known. Knowledge as information

    implies knowing what something means. Information refers to a declarative type of knowledge

    (e.g., monthly, financial results, data acquired by grocery store).

  • 7/28/2019 The Theory of a Firm Consists


    Know-how: Know-how refers to the accumulated practical skill or expertise that allows one to

    do something smoothly and efficiently. It must be learned and acquired. Knowledge as know-

    how implies knowing how to do something. Know-how is a kind of procedural type of

    knowledge (e.g., product designs, distribution knowhow, etc.)

    As knowledge is not easily transmitted and replicated. This difficulty in transfer and imitation of

    information can be analyzed in two dimensions: codifiability and complexity. Codifiability refers

    to the ability of the firm to structure knowledge into a set of identifiable rules and relationships

    that can be easily communicated. Complexity can be defined as the number of operations

    required to solve a task. For the knowledge to be transferred effectively and efficiently it has to

    be codified into simple terms and should be easily deciphered by the recipient.

    Knowledge exists at the personal level, group level and organization level. According to Katz

    and Kahn personal knowledge can be transmitted within close knot group by shared coding

    schemes and a common language. Though common language and organizations culture

    facilitates knowledge transfer within groups especially when the transfer is horizontal for

    example when a same plant identical to the first is built, but it creates problem if technologies

    have to be transferred vertically that is when a product is moved from development to


    We know that transfer of knowledge is the key ingredient for innovation and a firms rate of

    growth is determined by the speed of replication of knowledge. Now, for the firm to facilitate

    transfer of knowledge it has to encourage codification of knowledge and that in turn increases

    the risk of imitation, which is the paradox of replication.

    Combinitive capability: According to Scherer combinative capability refers to the intersection of

    the capability of the firm to exploit its knowledge and the unexplored potential of the technology.

    It is a local search that generates a condition commonly called path dependence, the tendency

    for what a firm is currently doing to persist in the future, since proximate technologies do not

    require a change in an organizations recipes of organizing research.

    Application of the knowledge theory: According to Gokut and Zander technology is not

    transferred within the firm because of opportunism but it is the cost associated with the transfer

    of the firm that decides transfer of technology in the firm. Traditional theory claims that

  • 7/28/2019 The Theory of a Firm Consists


    transaction costs associated with the suppliers lead to decisions to source internally. But

    Knowledge of the firm theory argues that an important variable that determines this decision is

    the firms capability that is whether the firm or the supplier is more cost efficient in production.

    Thus the decision of make and buy is dependent on how good a firm is at doing something, how

    good is it at learning specific capabilities.

    The above could be summarized using the following diagram.

    Thus a firm can innovate by acquiring new knowledge through knowledge transfer, which in turn

    will help the firm attain competitive advantage and will lead to higher performance of the firm.

    The concept of knowledge of the firm is evident in many industries. Most of the firms, these

    days focus on learning from within the organization and try to innovate in the existing field

    rather than diverging into the industry. This theory also explains the boundaries of the firm really

    well. As we see in most of the industries today, manufacture products that they are expert in

    house and purchase the ones which they are not efficient from the market. For example, Chrysler



    Internal Learning (Transfer

    of knowledge with in the


    External Learning (Transfer of

    knowledge between the






  • 7/28/2019 The Theory of a Firm Consists


    is an expert in making engines and it can do this work more efficiently with the available

    knowledge than done by the market.

    Though this article shows some insight on the new ingredient to innovation but fails to explain

    how knowledge can be acquired. Moreover if the acquired knowledge is not integrated well with

    the current knowledge to achieve something that is relevant to the firm, its of no use. Therefore,

    Knowledge is like a double edge sword; it has its own benefits but it adds to cost if not utilized


    Knowledge flows within Multinational Corporation

    So we know that knowledge flows is one of the most important transaction within the

    organization. Many previous researches have emphasized the importance of this transfer but

    none of them have empirically investigated the factors that influence such communication. Gupa

    and Varadrajans paper knowledge flows within Multinational Corporation empirically

    investigates the determinants of intra-MNC knowledge transfer.

    Gupta & Govindarajan distinguish two aspects of knowledge flows: the magnitude of

    transactions (the extent to which subsidiaries engage in knowledge transfer) and the

    directionality of the transactions (whether subsidiaries are the provider or receiver of

    knowledge). Combining these two dimensions they examine the knowledge flows in each of the

    four domains:

    1) Knowledge outflows to peer subsidiaries.2) Knowledge outflows to the parent corporation3) Knowledge inflows from peer subsidiaries4) Knowledge inflows from the parent corporation.

    According to Gupta and Varadrajan, knowledge flow is a function of the five factors:

    1) Value of the source units knowledge stock: Value of the source units stock ispositively associated with the output of knowledge from the subsidiary. The three

    variables that determine the value of the source units knowledge are:

    a. Mode of entry: The experiment supported that as the pool of non-duplicativeknowledge would be higher in an acquired firm rather than in a greenfield

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    subsidiaries so acquired subsidiaries will engage in greater knowledge outflows to

    peer subsidiaries but there was no support for their prediction regarding the

    impact of mode of entry on knowledge outflows to parent corporations.

    b. Subsidiary Size: The experiment supported that larger subsidiaries will possessgreater amount of non-duplicative knowledge, the greater will be the knowledge

    outflows from the subsidiary to peer subsidiary and to the parent corporation.

    c. Relative economic level: As all societies want to achieve higher economic level,and if the host country has is economically developed than the home country than

    the knowledge outflows will be higher from the subsidiary to the parent


    2) Motivational disposition of the source unit: The motivational disposition of asubsidiary to share its knowledge with other units will be positively associated with

    outflows of knowledge from that subsidiary. The incentive of the subsidiaries manager

    determines the motivational disposition of the source unit to transfer knowedge.

    Therefore, the greater the extent to which a subsidiary presidents bonus is network-

    focused rather than subsidiary-focused, the greater will be the knowledge outflows from

    that subsidiary to peer subsidiaries but there was no support for their prediction regarding

    the impact of incentive on knowledge outflows to parent corporations.

    3) Existence and richness of transmission channels: the existence and richness oftransmission channels linking a subsidiary to other units within the MNC will be

    positively associated with outflows of knowledge from that subsidiary. Knowledge

    outflows to peer subsidiaries are higher in the case of

    a. Subsidiaries that are tightly integrated with the rest of the corporation throughformal mechanisms, the greater will be the knowledge inflows into that subsidiary

    from peer subsidiaries and from the parent corporation, and

    b. Greater the presidents involved in lateral socialization mechanism, the greater willbe the knowledge outflows from that subsidiary to peer subsidiaries.

    4) Motivational disposition of the target unit: the motivational disposition of a subsidiaryto Seek/accept knowledge from other units will be positively associated with inflows of

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    knowledge into that subsidiary. Three variables determine the motivational disposition of

    the target unit:

    a) Incentive focus: The experiment supported that greater the incentive of thepresident(the lead) subsidiary focused rather than network focused the greater

    will be the knowledge inflow into the subsidiaries from the parent corporation

    but failed to support that subsidiary focused information will also increase the

    information from the peer subsidiaries.

    b) Relative economic level: Knowledge inflows from the parent corporation arehigher in the case of subsidiaries that are located in countries with a lower

    level of economic advancement relative to the country of the parent


    c) Decentralization: Knowledge inflows from the parent corporation are higherin the case of subsidiaries that are given less decision making autonomy by

    corporate headquarters.

    5) Absorptive capacity of target unit: the capacity of a subsidiary to absorb incomingknowledge from other units will be positively associated with inflows of knowledge into

    that subsidiary.

    a. Mode of entry: The experiment supported that knowledge inflows from the parentcorporation are higher in the case of subsidiaries that were set up as greenfield

    operations rather than acquired.

    b. The greater the proportion of local nationals within the subsidiarys topmanagement team, the less will be the knowledge inflows into that subsidiary

    from the parent corporation.

    To conclude, the knowledge based theory of the firm helps us understand why firms exists, as

    they do better than markets is the sharing and transfer of the knowledge of individuals and

    groups within an org. Till now our understanding of the resource based theory helped us identifythe resources required to attain a competitive advantage but through knowledge based theory

    helps us appreciate that New learning, such as innovations, are products of a firms combinative

    capabilities to generate new applications from existing knowledge.

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