the telecardiology of 12-lead ecg

Post on 05-Feb-2016






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The Telecardiology of 12-Lead ECG. Ray Hsieh Ph.D. 謝瑞建 Department of Information Management Yuan Ze University, Taiwan. The result of biology is from good engineering. -F. Starmer. Virtual Heart. Spiral Wave Simulation. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Yuan-Ze University Department of Information Management

The Telecardiology of 12-Lead ECG

Ray Hsieh Ph.D. 謝瑞建Department of Information Management Yuan Ze University, Taiwan

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

The result of biology is from good engineering.

-F. Starmer

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Virtual Heart

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Spiral Wave Simulation

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management


Most hospitals use paper 12-lead ECG.

How to extract waveform data from clinically-used ECG instruments ?

How to integrate different ECG file formats ? (HP SCP-ECG & Philips XML-ECG)

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

12-lead ECG Measurement

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Paper ECG

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management


To enable the integration of heterogeneous and encrypted clinically-used 12-lead ECG file formats, such as HP SCP-ECG, Philips XML-ECG.

To develop a novel 12-lead ECG information management system for clinical applications.

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

System Construction

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management


SCP-ECG decode XML-ECG noise removal WEB-based and mobile-based ECG system and

DICOM-ECG Conversion Integration with HIS and PACS

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

SCP-ECG Decoding

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Noise Removal by Stationary Wavelet Transform

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Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

ECG processing

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Noise Removal of ECG

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Web-based ECG Information System

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Web-based ECG Information System

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

12-lead ECG on iPod

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Mobile-based 12-Lead ECG Queries and Diagnoses

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Medical Informatics Standards

Digital Image and Communication in Medicine (DICOM)

Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS).

Hospital Information System (HIS).

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management




Basic Worklist Service Provider

(Modality Worklist Server)

Storage Service Provider

(Image Server)PACS Viewer

ECG Console


PACS SystemClient ECG Module

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

PACS ECG Scheduling Query

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

PACS Viewer with Embedded Image and Waveform Interpreters

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Mobilized DICOM-ECG & Image Viewer

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Mobilized DICOM-ECG & Image Viewer

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Clinical Applications

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Yuan-Ze University - Department of Information Management

Discussions Clinical Applications

Mobile-based 12-lead ECG system can enhance the time efficiency in emergency medical treatments.

DICOM-ECG can enhance the interoperability of 12-lead ECG records.

Web-based 12-lead ECG can improve the readability and portability of clinical 12-lead ECG reports.

The developed Web and mobile 12-lead ECG system has been adopted by Taoyuan Armed Forces General Hospital-Taiwan since March, 2008.

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