the spring edition 2014

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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Pretty pictures make life so much more pleasant.



The Spring Edition 2014.

Hello Spring!

Natasha Cadman

ello gorgeous! Welcome to The Spring Edition!!So, the newsletter was really supposed to be with you in January. But, we moved house and I decided to take the pressure off and just enjoy painting walls & general house renovation. So, let me now take the time now to wish you a Happy New Year - I hope that it is so far becoming your best yet!!H

How to take better picturesHow do take better pictures? The age old question. Magic would be the best answer, it just happens would be a nice one as well. But the truth is that magic isn’t (well not always) a reliable source. But preparation and forward thinking create a beautiful result. These two actions can apply to any genre of photography, whether it be for fun, travel, your business or your favourite 2 bow-tie wearing cats. My main genre of photography is people mainly at weddings and engagement sessions. On both occasions I have to have a mental plan of what I need and what I want to achieve. I need to know how the light will affect my image, what end result I am aiming for and which lens will allow me to fulfill that result. All of which takes basic knowledge and understanding of your tools and preparation.

In the side example, I had thought about this particular pose before hand. What looks like a simple embrace has been somewhat orchestrated.I know that I wanted the end re-sult to be a natural embrace, with the angle being taken from above.

To do this, I had to get my clients doing the action after I positioned myself in the correct place to get the shot. All at the same time avoiding the harsh light and keep it looking natural. But, because I know what I wanted I was able to execute my vision.

Like mentioned above, the essential part to me, of taking or set-ting up a great image is knowing your end result. It doesn’t always have to be big fancy open white spaces, with a little bit of crafts-manship you can create any look you want. Let me show you.

The above shot was taken in a old sweet shop in Skipton. I had one main window, the walls were lined with sweet jars and dark wood. However, I know that my end result was to have the feel of the sweet shop, but keeping the wool as the main focus. This was going to be a contender for the signature product shot. Firstly I had to decide what light I was going to use. I am a lover of natural light, so that will always be my go to. But in the shop they had some overhead spotlights which I need to work with. As my main light source was the window, I had to shoot low enough to let the light in and not block it with my body, but not so low that I was looking up to the product, This is where yoga and squats really help! With the right bend of the body to let the light in and keep the angle I needed, and shooting wide open so that the background was lovely and blurry, I got the shot that I wanted.

Limited space to shoot in? I hear you! For the below shot, I was working in a very crowded area, the brief was to recreate a Moroccan/spice theme, I was working in a board room and the end of a table that was packed with stuff. However, planning ahead paid off. I knew that I wanted the natural light, so I used the end of the table nearest the 2 natu-ral light sources that I had. The door and the window. I knew that I need-ed to create the illusion of old age spice, so I used Hessian sacks to create a frame and backdrop for my subjects, which were the wool. By again getting low, and cropping in camera using my 85mm & 50mm, again shooting wide, creating a shallow depth of field (nice and blurry) another signature product shot was created. Nothing fancy, planning ahead for the intended shot and working with what we had.

Do not feel intimidated that you might not have the best lens, or you are not in a studio, or you dont have a light box. Plan for your desired end

result. Look at what resources you do have and then go ahead and give yourself the license to create something you love.

You have to have goals. Plain and simple. It’s what keep’s you moving and running towards milestones and markers. Last year, one of my goals was to be featured in a magazine. I wanted to see my work in print, in something tangible that I could hold in my hands. I’m from the notion that if you don’t try - you don’t get! So I tried. I sent my wedding to You and Your Wedding magazine, then held my breath.

My First Publication

Within a few days I had an email from them, saying that they would love for the wedding to be featured. I could explain the movements of the hap-py dance that followed, but it would be far to technical. I was over the moon and ecstatic. The feature finally came out this January and I am very pound to say that I have the front cover framed on my office wall. I’m so grateful for the collaboration that happens between me and my cli-ents. They create amazing days that they allow me to capture. I am grate-ful on a daily basis that I truly get to work at what I love. xx

How do you find the time for yourself when you are running a business?

As a business owner or just any owner of managing time, commitments, deadlines and responsibilities. Between the consultations, the shoots, the editing, the house work, the blogging, the workout, the meet-ups - how do you carve out anytime for the you. It seems like all the above are ne-cessities but when it comes to the you time, it’s something that is put on the back burner, for a less busy day. And I’m not talking about finding time for a full day’s spa session (although I am not against the idea), I’m talking the time it would take to finish a cup of tea.

For me, I have learnt that I need the you time. Last year the wedding sea-son and other areas of my business were busy, something that I am nev-er going to complain about. But, when I saw washing that was piling up around me and general house work gone to pot, the reoccurring ‘no’ to friends at their invitations, the sea of editing deadlines, the endless hours I was locked in my office – it became a little overwhelming. Not melt-down territory, but I need a plan territory. And before anyone has to say it, I traveled a lot last year,so many of the deadlines I placed on myself. But, hear me out…

I realised that I couldn’t and didn’t want to run a business where I had to have my breakfast and lunch at my desk. Where the idea of sitting down to enjoy a mug of tea, whilst dare I say it – flipping through a magazine - or catching up with a few pages of your latest read - were out of the question ideas. I want to run a business where I can indulge in and be the master of my own time. That doesn’t translate to laziness. Far from it. For me it’s all about organisation and preparation. This year I feel confident that I will be able to carve out time, even if it’s just 10 minutes to finish a mug of tea whilst flipping through a magazine, reading my favorite blogs, or eating breakfast any where I want but my desk. I am armed with folders, calendars and to do list’s. Step by step processes and manageable time frames that comply with my clients ex-pectations. I am learning not to yes to every single job that is offered. That sometimes spending time with the people who I love in my life is a bigger investment to my business that taking every job. I am a true believer that our businesses is a reflection of ourselves. And I am a re-flection of the people who invest in my life. Taking time out for you isn’t selfish. It isn’t lazy. It’s perfect sense. I dare you and I to indulge and enjoy.

”Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”

The year of the athlete. And sunshine.

It’s no secret that I’m longing for the warmth of spring to start. I’m ready to leave the coat to one-side forget the scarf and maybe bare my legs or arms. Just to feel the heat. The weather currently makes me honestly want to book a holi-day. Not even for the relaxation side of things. Purely for the warmth. I’m looking forward to the lazy evenings of summer. The late nights spent sitting in the garden soaking up the last lingering bits of the sun-shine. I had decided at the beginning of the year the 2014 would be the year of the athlete for me. And to be perfectly honest I think I have gained rather than toned. I have fallen into the trap of the ‘i’ll start to-morrow’ line. Whilst you’re buried in layers of clothes its easier to for-get that at some point I will want to wear spaghetti straps and backless dresses, which means having to start the slim down process. For me any-way. So I am saying it here. I am not gong to wait until tomorrow. I am going to start today, so that when the sun comes I will be ready for it!!

The Wedding FairI walked into the room, was shown where I was going to stand and imme-diately wanted to take my things back to the car, drive home and stay the same. I looked across the room at the other photography stand and felt like I got it all wrong. Why didn’t I get the big stands and banners? Why did I only bring a couple of albums? Was the mac too much? Did I have too many frames? Was my white and gold colour theme wrong? Seriously, I felt so out of my comfort zone. But none the less, I had risen early enough to get there, so thought I needed to at least try. And plus I was about to meet a ton of happy newly engaged brides to be!.

Jim came with me to help me set up, and whilst I organised frames, he was ordering mugs of tea and bacon sandwiches. He’s a keeper. Once the day started I finally relaxed and began enjoying it.

One thing that I did love, was the comment on my pictures. Not the exposure or the composition, but the happiness that showed on the faces of my couples. And for that I was grateful, for the fact I get to work with happy people all day long.

A second publication.Last year I was so honored to meet and work with so many amazing people. Couples totally in love, happy and creating fabulous weddings. One of these amazing couples was Dave and Becky. They held their wedding at Low Farm of Weddings and Wellies , and had a fantastic ‘Ham and Egg’ (based on their surnames) theme to the day.

Guest’s wore creatively decorated wellies in case of the rain - which it did. Not that the weather would be able to dampen any of the fun. And I am happy to say that their wedding is currently gracing the pages of the latest edition of Your Yorkshire Wedding!! Go grab your copy now!!

Things I’m crushing on.......

Behind the scenes

I’m a firm believer of staying ready, so you aint gotta get ready. My job is to take images that are beautiful, pretty and full of emotion. All whilst making people feel relaxed, great and like they have been doing this their entire life. But how do I get people relaxed if I don’t know how that feels myself? Answer - I cant. I have to know how it feels.

Every now and again i get uncomfortable and put myself in front of the lens. The other week I trecked up the Cow and Calf with some girlfriends and did exactly that. We dressed up a bit and tried to look relaxed. Thanks to my fabulous friends, Charlotte from Soul Images and Kirsten from Mis-sKJPhotography I had so much fun!!

Did I feel silly? At times, yes. Did I forget what to do with my hands? Yes. But did I feel how it felt to feel awkward? Absolutely. And that was the aim. Every-thing that felt strange I want to bring to my shoots, so that my clients don’t have to feel it. Do you want to make your clients relaxed? Put yourself in their shoes..

Suppliers Corner: Ivy Florist

I am a huge believer that the person/people behind the brand are just as important as the goods themselves. I have had the opportunity to work with many florists, but the main one that stands out for me is Ivy Flo-rist. Sophia and Claire are a brillinat duo who inject fun and fabulous-ness into their creative florals, and I have had the pleasure to work with them on various occasions.

What would YOU like to see.


I want this newsletter to gradually become something more than it is now. What would make you keep coming back to read it? Would you be kind enough to email me your thoughts?

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