the spiral of silence- a critical analysis -reviseddocx

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The Spiral of Silence Theory: A Critical Analysis in the Communitarian Context

Olujimi Olusola Kayode

Lagos State University

School of Communication

Lagos, Nigeria.

Tel. 23408033534894


Sunday Adekunle Akinjogbin

Lagos State University

School of Communication

Lagos, Nigeria.

Tel. 23408053500849


The Spiral of Silence: A Critical Analysis.

The theory of spiral of silence is a somewhat more controversial theory of media and public

opinion which can be regarded as a form of agenda-setting but one that is focused on Macro-

level rather than micro-level consequences.

The most important of all the research works that preceded the emergence of the agenda-setting

theory is that of Bernard Cohen in 1963, which examined the relationship between the press and

foreign policy, and in which he made the observation that became the foundation of agenda-

setting research which is that the media are significantly more than disseminators of information

and opinion. The media may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think,

but they are most successful in telling people what to think about. (Cohen, 1963)

Cohen created a blueprint for agenda setting research when he suggested that the world might

look different to different people depending on the media they accessed since each media type

may have provided people with a different map of the world.

Building on this, McCombs and Shaw (1977) posit a strong relationship between the topics

emphasized in the media and the salience of these topics in minds of the audience. Their

contribution to the formulation of the agenda setting theory owes a great deal to their

development of the use of survey and content analysis combined to test the theory.

However, agenda setting research has been much extended since McCombs and Shaw with the

development of corresponding theories of agenda building focusing on the relationship between

the media and their sources (Lang & Lang, 1981; Gandy, 1982) and studies which explore

intervening variables in the agenda setting process such as time, availability of media, and


patterns of media use. It is this further extension of the agenda setting theories that Elizabeth

Noelle-Neumann’s theory (1974, 1984, 1991 as cited in Free Books Online, 2011) of spiral of

silence emerged.

In the words of its originator Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann: “observations made in one context the

mass media spread to another and encouraged people either to proclaim their views or to

swallow them and keep quiet until , in a spiraling process, the one view dominated the public

scene and the other disappeared from public awareness as its adherents became mute , this is the

process that can be called a spiral of silence’.

Like agenda setting, the spiral of silence seeks to account for shifts and changes in public

opinion by re-conceptualizing the media effects traditions. Noelle-Neumann states that,

“according to the social-psychological mechanism here called ‘the spiral of silence’, the media

have to be seen to be creating public opinion; they provide the environmental pressure to which

people respond with alacrity or with acquiescence, or with silence”.

The media are seen as major sources of reference for information about the distribution of

opinion. They are more and more alike, saying the same things about the same things. A

prevailing climate of opinion is created which encourages and structures a common perception

and tends to discourage different and perhaps deviant interpretations or opinions. In a situation

such as this, it is hypothesized that people tend only to express opinions that are seen to be

prevailing, for fear of ridicule or isolation. Thus there appears to be increasing support for the

dominant view, giving rise to a ‘spiral of silence’ as more and more minority or deviant voices

fall silent, and people yield to the majority view. Implicit in this is that people decide whether to

remain silent on the basis of the distribution of opinions as reported in the media; they are


sensitive to the levels of support for their own opinions – Noelle-Neumann calls this the “quasi-

statistical sense’. ( Newbold, 2005)

Noelle-Neumann begins by proposing that individual have a strong need to connect to a social

collective and that cohesiveness within that collective must be constantly ensured. She bases

some of this reasoning on the experiments done in social psychology which demonstrates that

individuals will not express opinions and behavior in ways that they know are wrong in order to

avoid social censure (disapproval) and criticism and to remain part of the crowd. She notes that

this force is one driven by fear of ostracism (exclusion) and fear of isolation, not by desire to be

part of the winning team or on the bandwagon. (Littlejohn, 2002)

She develops several ideas relevant to an individual’s assessment of public opinion. First she

proposed that individuals have a natural ability to judge the climate of public opinion. She calls

this the quasi-statistical sense and finds evidence for this ability in both the willingness of

individuals to make prediction about public opinions and the uncanny accuracy of many of those

predictions. However she acknowledges that assessments of opinions are not always accurate.

She blames much of this pluralistic ignorance on the mass media.

She argues that media presentations influence individual assessments of public opinions because

the media are ubiquitous and continuous (i.e. they are everywhere in terms of both time and

space and cannot be avoided by the individual), and positions presented by media are consonant

(i.e. various media sources present essentially the same image of a given topic).

She identifies six parts of a working journalist’ everyday living as factors that produce media



1. The concurring assumptions and experiences held by all journalists at all levels and in all

fields about the public’s criteria for acceptance of their work in terms of both style and


2. Journalist’ common tendency to confirm their own opinions, to demonstrate that theirs is

the proper interpretation, and to confirm that predictions have indeed been correct.

3. Their dependence on common sources, such as the relatively few wire and news video


4. Their “reciprocal influence in building up frames of reference;” newspaper people watch

what’s on the television news, television news programs monitor on one another, and

broadcast news people search the newspapers for consensus and information.

5. Their striving for acceptance from colleagues and superiors.

6. Journalists’ relative uniformity of views as a result of demographic, professional and

attitudinal attributes shared by them.

This view of media effects suggests that two different social processes, one macro-level and one

micro-level, are operating simultaneously to produce effects.

At the macro-level, audience members, because of their desire to be accepted may choose to

remain silent when confronted with what they perceive to be prevailing counter opinion.

At the micro-level, journalists, because of the dynamics of their newsgathering function and their

need to be accepted, present a restricted selection of news, further forcing into silence those in

the audience who wish to avoid isolation. These media images also influence an individual’s

sense of prevailing public opinion and sometimes lead to an inaccurate reading of the public



Combining these two factors, fear of isolation and the assessment of public opinion, results in the

key idea of spiral of silence theory, which assumes that because individuals fear isolation, when

they believe prevailing opinion is opposed to their opinion or is moving in a direction away from

their opinion, those individuals will not be willing to speak out. (Free Books Online, 2011)

Noelle-Neumann also argues for the dominating effect of mass media upon the public. Elihu

Katz et al (2002) has made the following statement regarding the relationship between spiral of

silence theory and the media: “Central to Noelle-Neumann's thesis is the notion that the media

have come to substitute for reference groups. It is strongly implicit in the Noelle-Neumann

papers that people decide whether or not to be silent on the basis of the distribution of opinion

reported (often incorrectly) by the media.”

The spiral of silence states that, in the formation of climates of opinion in the public sphere, there

is the interplay of four elements: mass media, interpersonal communication and social relations,

individual expressions of opinion, and the perceptions which individuals have of the surrounding

climates of opinion in their own social environment.

The main assumptions of the theory are as follows:

1. Society threatens deviant individuals with isolation.

2. Individuals experience fear of isolation continuously.

3. This fear isolation causes individuals ton try to assess the climate of opinion at all times

4. The results of this estimate affect their behavior in public, especially their willingness or

not to express opinions openly


In brief, the theory proposes that in order to avoid isolation on important public issues support,

many people are guided by what they think to be the dominant or declining opinions in their

environment. People tend to conceal their views if they feel they are in a minority and are more

willing to express them if they think they are dominant. The result is that those views which are

perceived to be dominant gain even more ground and alternatives retreat still further. This is the

spiraling effect referred to. (McQuail, 2010)

Extensions of spiral of silence theory

Extensions of spiral of silence theory have been developed in two major areas.

First, some scholars have developed theoretical predictions regarding the group that people

consider when assessing prevailing opinion. Specifically it has been suggested that individuals

do not look so much to overall societal opinions as to the opinions as to the opinions of relevant

reference groups. Researchers have found out that perceived reference group opinions had a

larger effect on opinion expression than perceived societal opinions. In contrast to this some

scholars have found out that individuals were more comfortable expressing dissenting opinions

within a valued reference group.

Second area of development from the theory has involved further explication of the

characteristics of those who are silenced –and those who still speak out- in the face of contrary

public and reference group opinion.

Neumann had originally posited that the spiral of silence effect would not be as strong for highly

educated and affluent portions of the population and that a hard core of individuals would always

be willing to speak. However, researchers have identified many other additional variables which


affect the willingness to speak out in the face of contrary public sentiment. These include

strength and certainty of opinion, political interest and extremity, the obtrusiveness of the issue

and an individual’s level of self-efficacy.

Summary of spiral of silence according to Elihu Katz et al (1983 and 2002)

1. Individuals have opinions.

2. Fearing isolation, individuals will not express their opinions if they perceive themselves

unsupported by others.

3. A “quasi-statistical sense” is employed by individuals to scan the environment for signs

of support.

4. Mass media constitute the major source of reference for information about the

distribution of opinion and thus the climate of support/nonsupport.

5. So do other reference groups…

6. The media tend to speak in one voice, almost monopolistically.

7. The media tend to distort the distribution of opinion in society, biased as they are by the

…views of journalists.

8. Perceiving themselves unsupported, groups of individuals-who may, at times, even

constitute a majority-will lose confidence and withdraw from public debate, thus

speeding the demise of their position through the self-fulfilling spiral of silence. They

may not change their own minds, but they stop recruitment of others and abandon the


9. Society is manipulated and impoverished thereby.


In the spiral of silence, as evident from the discussion so far, the motivating variable is fear

of isolation or ridicule although for agenda setting it is need for orientation that motivates,

with people striving to locate and orientate themselves within society. As McCombs and

Weaver (1985) state, ‘people may simply be curious about what is going on around them in

society; fear of isolation is not always the motivating drive behind information seeking or


Several observations should be evident upon consideration of the spiral of silence theory:

1. The theory takes for granted that the media are seen as reporters of public opinion.

2. The social psychological themes in the theory are culturally and historically specific, in

this case, to Nazi Germany and implicitly Western European.

3. The individualistic views of the audience, do not deal with the influence of group

memberships most often found in communalistic cultures.

4. Social settings of media consumption are not effectively examined or addressed, for

instance, the role of the family or the ethnic group in political and opinion socialization is


5. The theory is not sensitive to the complexity of media content, especially in the context

of how people make meanings of such content either in support or even in deviance or in


6. Following from the last point, the media may actually lead to discontent rather than

consensus because social and political agendas cannot be left to the dimension of

information or opinion only, but also has to do with sentiments and emotions.


7. The theory fail to explain situations of rapid political change, such as being seen in the

middle east and the Arab world today, where in spite of state controlled media which may

have been setting the agendas for the people and influencing dominant or prevailing

public opinion, these revolutions still occur.

Critique of the Spiral of Silence Theory

Spiral of silence theory is not based on the paradigm of unlimited media effects. At least three

mediating factors limit the theoretical assumptions.

First, an unpopular view probably always will have a number of “hardcore” supporters willing to

express the view despite social sanction. These are called the loud minority as against the silent

majority. This may occur because the minority view’s supporters relish deviance or at least

depend on it to demarcate their proposed reforms; or because the advocates of the minority view

hold secure and influential social positions; or because they have decided to bide their time until

the majority’s exponents become so accustomed to dominance that they are unable to defend

their view effectively (Noelle-Neumann, 1984).

Second, the spiral of silence is attenuated by an individual’s position in society. Men, younger

people, and individuals from upper social classes are more likely to engage in the clash of ideas.

A minority view thus could trigger the spiral of silence in its favor by achieving popularity

among the young or well-educated (Noelle-Neumann, 1984).

Third, willingness to speak may be affected more by assessment of the prevailing opinion in

social groups most important to an individual than by perception of the opinion climate in

society at large. (Oshagan, 1996)


For example, Jeffres, Guowei, & Atkin (2009) argue for the role of an individual’s

embeddedness in community groups (and the diversity of opinion within those groups) as factors

more important than national opinion overall in determining willingness to speak. In an earlier

study, Jeffres et al (2009) found that willingness to express an opinion about the O.J. Simpson

trial correlated not with the variables Noelle-Neumann identified but rather with the racial

characteristics of subject and interviewer, and with the media outlet each subject was told would

carry his or her opinion.

Spiral of silence theory benefits most obviously from its Occam’s razor approach to social

theory: the explanation is parsimonious and intellectually accessible, yet it remains amenable to

more nuanced investigation into which individual characteristics suggest more or less

willingness to speak in the face of contrary public opinion.

Because the phenomenon described occurs over a lengthy period of time, for practical reasons

the theory must be evaluated piecemeal. Links that have received strong empirical support are

the propositions that individuals assess the public mood (often quite perceptively) and that the

news media influence this evaluation of where majority and minority opinions lie (Eveland,

McLeod, & Signorielli, 1995; Glynn & McLeod, 1997; Price & Allen, 1990; Rhee, 1996 as cited

in Free Books Online, 2011).

Noelle-Neumann’s observations about the power of the news media also provide an empirically

grounded and mentally accessible foundation for a critique of homogeneity among journalists

and the corporate ownership of news organizations, though scholars disagree on whether that

relative uniformity runs in a liberal or conservative direction. Roberts and Klibanoff’s (2006) as

cited in Free Books Online, 2011, history of civil rights coverage supports Noelle-Neumann’s


view of journalistic liberalism, while Salmon and Moh (1992) as cited in Free Books Online,

2011, suggest a critique in the direction of corporate-media conservatism.

However, the theory’s crucial link, that members of society actually respond to their

majority/minority assessments by adjusting their willingness to express opinions, has received

only lukewarm support. Salmon and Neuwirth (1990) as cited in Free Books Online, 2011, found

such evidence in their study. But Price and Allen (1990) determined that the literature as a whole

did not support this view, and Salmon and Kline (1984) as cited in Free Books Online, 2011,

argue that it is rare for an individual to hold an opinion for which public support is entirely

absent, undermining the spiral’s significance.

Any particular spiraling effect also is subject to alternative explanations.

Jeffres et al. (2009) criticize spiral of silence theory for ignoring the role of norms for

interpersonal communication, suggesting that politeness, rather than fear, drives many decisions

to remain silent.

Salmon and Moh (1992) as cited in Free Books Online, 2011, note that personal involvement

with an issue, knowledge about the question, the nature of the issue, and the mode by which one

is asked to express a view have been found to be more important influences than

majority/minority perception, and they summarize the literature on contexts outside Noelle-

Neumann’s Germany as finding “a ‘modest’ degree of reluctance, rather than a consuming fear,

about publicly expressing a minority opinion on most issues”. Glynn, Hayes, and Shanahan

(1997) conclude that future research should focus on real-world demonstrations of unwillingness

to speak, rather than analogs in hypothetical survey questions.


Spiral of silence theory also is vulnerable to the criticism that it ignores the growing numbers of

people who avoid consuming news products and for whom political and public debates are of

little significance. For example, Jeffres et al. (2009) raise this question in the context of “tuned

out” young people who, despite the fervor surrounding Barack Obama in the 2008 election, see

neither the news media nor national public opinion as matters of any concern to them.

Katz (2002) also criticized Noelle-Neumann's lack of discussion regarding an individual's

participation in reference groups. There remains a delicate balance between reference groups and

mass communication. While a person may feel the effects of the spiral of silence in the face of

mass media messages that are different than one's personal beliefs, being a member of a

reference group with shared values may counter the silencing effect. Katz further pointed out that

both Gerbner and Noelle-Neumann agreed that the "media are active agents of false

consciousness, constraining people to misperceive their environment and their own place in it".

The western orientation of the spiral of silence theory is most perceptible in the fact that its

assumptions may have over-emphasized the power of the media in shaping and influencing

public opinion and the public sphere. This power of the media remains contentious depending on

the shifting paradigms of media research.

Besides, the fear of isolation or ridicule which underpins the spiral silence in itself is based on

individualism a sociological perspective that seems to be more relevant in the western culture.

The African culture is much more communal in nature and the growing literature of development

communication and research efforts based on the communitarian paradigm seem to directly

contradict the importance given to the individual especially at the expense of the community.


African societies are communal in nature and individualism does not hold sway, at least, not as it

does in the West. Interpersonal communication and the social context of groups in mass

communication cannot be undervalued even as the media seemed to have become pervasive.

Communitarianism emphasizes the social ties that connect people in contrast to the concept of

libertarian individualism and it also indicates that the power of the media to inform or persuade

or encourage majority opinion is much reduced by the inability to influence large, captive

audiences and by the ready availability of alternative sources of ideas and knowledge such as

those that are interpersonal and communitarian and which are perceived to be more credible. In

the same vein, individuals can and do oppose and are deviant against figures of authority

especially where they do not belong to the sphere of influence that such individual subscribe to.

(Moemeka, 1998 and 2000)

In conclusion, it is pertinent to note that the media effects paradigm in which the spiral of silence

theory is situated and in which audience and power of media to exert influence have been studied

has proven to be a difficult research terrain where several issues have been contentious especially

as they relate to effects and power of the media, despite the vast resources and energies which

have been expended in research and in providing clear answers. (Watson, 2003)



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