the skeletal system medical vocabulary by diana curtis

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Medical Vocabularyby Diana Curtis


Main Entry: achon·dro·pla·sia Pronunciation: \ā-kän-drə-plā-zh(ē-)ə\Definition: a genetic disorder disturbing

normal growth of cartilage, resulting in a form of dwarfism characterized by a usually normal torso and shortened limbs a- : without chondr/o: cartilage -plasia: formation

audio for achondroplasia.htm


Main Entry: ac-ro-ar·thri·tis Pronunciation: \ak-ro-är-thrīt-əs\ Definition: inflammation of the joints of the

hands or feet due to infectious, metabolic, or constitutional causes acr/o: extremity arthr: joint -it is: inflammation

audio arthritis.htm


Main Entry: acro·mi·on Pronunciation: \ə-krō-mē-än, -ən\ Definition: the outer end of the spine of the

scapula that protects the glenoid cavity, forms the outer angle of the shoulder, and articulates with the clavicle acr : extremity, point -omion: shoulder

audio for acromion.htm


Main Entry: an·ky·lo·sis Variant(s): also an·chy·lo·sis Pronunciation: \aŋ-ki-lō-səs\ Plural: an·ky·lo·ses \-sēz\ Definition: stiffness or fixation of a joint by

disease or surgery ankyl: stiffening, crooked -osis: condition (usually abnormal)

audio for ankylosis.htm


Main Entry: ar·thro·plas·ty Pronunciation: \är-thrə-plas-tē\ Plural: ar·thro·plas·ties Definition: plastic surgery of a joint (as the

hip or knee); the operative formation or restoration of a joint arthr/o: joint -plasty: surgical repair

audio for arthroplasty.htm


Main Entry: cal·ca·ne·al Pronunciation: \kal-kā-nē-əl\ Definition: 1 : relating to the heel bone 2 :

relating to the calcaneus calcan/e: heel bone -al: pertaining to

audio for calcaneal.htm


Main Entry: coc·cy·geal Pronunciation: \käk-sij-(ē-)əl\ Definition: of, relating to, or affecting the

coccyx (tailbone) coccyg/e: coccyx, tailbone -al: pertaining to

To hear the sound for “coccygeal,”

visit Merriam-Webster


Main Entry: col·la·gen Pronunciation: \käl-ə-jən\ Definition: fibrous insoluble protein found in

the connective tissue, skin, ligaments, and cartilage coll/a: glue -gen: formation, produce

audio for collagen.htm


Main Entry: cos·tal Pronunciation: \käs-təl\ Definition: of, relating to, involving, or

situated near a rib <costal fractures caused by violent coughing> cost: rib -al: pertaining to

audio for costal.htm


Main Entry: cra·ni·ec·to·my Pronunciation: \krā-nē-ek-tə-mē\ Plural: cra·ni·ec·to·mies Definition: the surgical removal of a portion

of the skull crani/(o): skull -ectomy: surgical excision

audio for craniectomy.htm


Main Entry: fem·o·ral Pronunciation: \fem-(ə-)rəl\ Definition: pertaining to the femur; the thigh

bone, the longest bone in the body femor: femur -al: pertaining to

audio for femoral.htm


Main Entry: fib·u·lar Pronunciation: \fib-yə-lər\ Plural: fib·u·lae \-lē also -lī\ or fib·u·las Definition: pertaining to the fibula; the

smaller of the two lower leg bones fibul: fibula -ar: pertaining to

audio for fibular.htm


Main Entry: fix·a·tion Pronunciation: \fik-sā-shən\ Definition: process of holding or fastening in

a fixed position; making rigid, immobilizing fixat: fastened -ion: process

audio for fixation.htm


Main Entry: hu·mer·al Pronunciation: \hyüm-(ə-)rəl\ Definition: of, relating to, or situated in the

region of the humerus (upper arm bone) humer: humerus -al: pertaining to

audio for humeral.htm


Main Entry: il·i·um Pronunciation: \il-ē-əm\ Plural il·ia \-ē-ə\ Definition: the dorsal, upper, and largest one

of the three bones composing either lateral half of the pelvis that in humans is broad and expanded above and narrower below where it joins with the ischium and pubis to form part of the acetabulum ili/0: ilium

audio for ilium.htm


Main Entry: ky·pho·sis Pronunciation: \kī-fō-səs\ Plural: ky·pho·ses \-sēz\ Definition: exaggerated outward curvature

of the thoracic region of the spinal column resulting in a rounded upper back (humpback) kyph: a hump -osis: condition (usually abnormal)

audio for kyphosis.htm


Main entry: lor·do·sis Pronunciation: \lor-dō-səs\ Definition: exaggerated forward curvature of

the lumbar and cervical regions of the spinal column (swayback) lord: bending, curve, swayback -osis: condition (usually abnormal)

audio for lordosis.htm


Main Entry: lum·bar Pronunciation: \ləm-bər, -bär\ Definition: pertaining to the loins (lower

back); lumbodynia – pain in the loins (lower back) lumb: loin, lower back -ar: pertaining to lumb/o: loin, lower back -dynia: pain

audio for lumbar.htm


Main Entry: man·dib·u·lar Pronunciation: \-yə-lər\ Definition: of, relating to, or located near a

mandible (lower jawbone) mandibul: lower jawbone -ar: pertaining to

audio for mandibular.htm


Main Entry: max·il·la Pronunciation: \mak-sil-ə\Plural: max·il·lae \-sil-ē, -ī\ or maxillasDefinition: pertaining to the upper jawbone

maxill: jawbone -a: pertaining to

audio for maxilla.htm


Main Entry: my·e·li·tis Pronunciation: \mī-ə-līt-əs\ Plural: my·e·lit·i·des \-lit-ə-dēz\ Definition: inflammation of the spinal cord

or of the bone marrow myel: bone marrow -it is: inflammation

audio for myelitis.htm


Main Entry: my·e·lo·ma Pronunciation: \mī-ə-lō-mə\ Plural: my·e·lo·mas also my·e·lo·ma·ta \-mət-

ə\ Definition: tumor of the bone marrow

myel: bone marrow -oma:tumor

audio for myeloma.htm


Main Entry: my·e·lo·poi·e·sis Pronunciation: \mī-ə-lō-poi-ē-səs\ Plural: my·e·lo·poi·e·ses \-ē-sēz\ Definition: formation of bone marrow

myel/o: bone marrow -poiesis: formation

audio for myelopoiesis.htm


Pronunciation: o-lek ran-alDefinition: pertaining to the elbow

olecran: elbow -al: pertaining to


Main Entry: car·ci·no·ma Pronunciation: \kärs-ən-ō-mə\ Plural: car·ci·no·mas also car·ci·no·ma·ta \-

mət-ə\ Definition: cancerous tumor of a bone; new

growth of epithelial tissue oste/o: bone carcin: cancer -oma:tumor

audio for carcinoma.htm


Main Entry: os·teo·ma·la·cia Pronunciation: \äs-tē-ō-mə-lā-sh(ē-)ə\ Definition: a disease of adults that is

characterized by softening of the bones and is analogous to rickets in the young oste/o: bone -malacia: softening

audio for osteomalacia.htm


Main Entry: os·teo·pe·nia Pronunciation: \äs-tē-ō-pē-nē-ə\ Definition: reduction in bone volume to

below normal levels oste/o: bone -penia: deficiency

audio for osteopenia.htm


Main Entry: os·teo·po·ro·sis Pronunciation: \äs-tē-ō-pə-rō-səs\ Plural: os·teo·po·ro·ses \-sēz\ Definition: a condition that affects especially

older women and is characterized by decrease in bone mass with decreased density and enlargement of bone spaces, producing porosity and brittleness oste/o: bone por: a passage -osis: condition (usually abnormal) audio for osteoporosis.htm

Progression of Osteoporosis


Main Entry: pa·tel·la Pronunciation: \pə-tel-ə\ Plural: pa·tel·lae \-tel-ē, -ī\ or pa·tel·las Definition: a thick, flat, triangular, movable

bone that forms the anterior point of the knee and protects the front of the joint—called also kneecap, kneepan patell: kneecap -ar: pertaining to

audio for patella.htm


Main Entry: ped·al Pronunciation: \ped-əl also pēd-\ Definition: of or relating to the foot

ped: foot -al: pertaining to

audio for pedal.htm


Main Entry: pha·lan·ge·al Pronunciation: \fā-lən-jē-əl, fal-ən-; fə-lan-jē-,

fā-\Definition: of or relating to a phalanx or the

phalanges; pertaining to the bones of the fingers and the toes phalang/e: phalanges (finger/toe bones) -al: pertaining to

audio for phalangeal.htm

audio for phalangeal 2.htm

Phosphorus (P)

Main Entry: phos·pho·rus Pronunciation: \fäs-f(ə-)rəs\ Definition: mineral that is essential in bone

formation, muscle contraction, and many other functions—symbol P phos: light phor: carrying -us: pertaining to

audio for phosphorus.htm


Main Entry: ra·dio·graph Pronunciation: \-graf\ Definition: an X-ray or gamma-ray

photograph; film or record on which an x-ray image is produced; also called radiogram radi/o: x-ray -graph: record; instrument for recording

audio for radiogram.htm

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

Main Entry: rheumatoid arthritis Definition: a usually chronic disease that is

considered an autoimmune disease and is characterized especially by pain, stiffness, inflammation, swelling , and sometimes destruction of joints —abbreviation RA; results in crippling deformities; also called atrophic arthritis rheumat: discharge -oid: resemble arthr: joint -it is: inflammation

audio for rheumatoid.htm

audio for arthritis.htm


Main Entry: scap·u·lar Pronunciation: \skap-yə-lər\ Definition: of, relating to, or affecting the

shoulder or scapula scapul: shoulder blade -ar: pertaining to

audio for scapular.htm


Main Entry: sco·li·o·sis Pronunciation: \skō-lē-ō-səs\ Plural: sco·li·o·ses \-sēz\ Definition: a lateral curvature of the spine

scoli: curvature -osis: condition (usually abnormal)

audio for scoliosis.htm



Main Entry: 1spi·nal Pronunciation: \spīn-əl\ Definition: 1: of, relating to, or situated

near the spinal column; 2 a: of, relating to, or affecting the spinal cord; b: having the spinal cord functionally isolated (as by surgical section) from the brain c: used for spinal anesthesia; 3: made for or fitted to the spinal column (a spinal brace) spin: spine -al: pertaining to

audio for spinal.htm


Main Entry: spon·dy·li·tis Pronunciation: \spän-də-līt-əs\ Definition: inflammation of one or more

vertebrae spondyl: vertebra -it is: inflammation

audio for spondylitis.htm


Main Entry: ster·nal Pronunciation: \stərn-əl\ Definition: of or relating to the sternum

(breastbone) stern: sternum, breastbone -al: pertaining to

audio for sternal.htm


Main Entry: ster·not·o·my Pronunciation: \stər-nät-ə-mē\ Plural: ster·not·o·mies Definition: surgical incision through the

sternum (breastbone) stern/0: sternum, breastbone -tomy: incision

audio for sternotomy.htm


Main Entry: tib·i·al Pronunciation: \tib-ē-əl\ Definition: of, relating to,

or located near a tibia; the shin bone; larger of the two bones of the lower leg tibi: tibia -al: pertaining to audio for tibial.htm


Main Entry: ul·na Pronunciation: \əl-nə\ Plural: ul·nae \-nē\ or ul·nas Definition: the bone on the

little-finger side of the human forearm that forms with the humerus, the elbow joint, and serves as a pivot in rotation of the hand; pertaining to the ulna side of the wrist uln/o: ulna, elbow carp: wrist -al: pertaining to audio for ulna.htm audio for carpal.htm


Main Entry: ver·te·bro·ster·nal rib

Pronunciation: \vər-tə-brō-stər-nəl-\

Definition: pertaining to a vertebra and the sternum vertebr/o:

vertebra stern:

sternum -al:

pertaining to

audio for vertebra.htm

audio for sternal.htm

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