the sibenik times, august 8th

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  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, August 8th


    sibenik timesTHE ISSUE 36 | SatUrday, aUgUSt 8 th 2009 | yEar II

    POWErEd By ibenski list

    A s T g t a tt a t a t t at t at s s a

    t s t a t a g . a s s t at t aP t a s ts c a s as a a s t at c g tt g s t t a .

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, August 8th


    2 sibenik times saturday august 8 th 2009.

    Welcome to our beautiful city and to theeighteenth edition of the second seasonof The Sibenik Times. Ive always lovedquotes, sayings, proverbs, phrases andwords, well the history of words andwhere they come from. I think this pas-sion goes all the way back to my oldEnglish teacher at school. Startingwith my childhood I remember goingto have my hair cut in an old style bar-bers. One phrase caught my attentionbut it wasnt until years later that I real-ized what it meant. Something for theweekend, Sir? the barber would ask atthe end of each haircut never mind whatday of the week it was. The reason forthis strange question was that in thepast barbers shops used to sell condoms

    in fact they kept them in a small bowlon the counter and when I was young Ithought that the brightly colored foiledwrapped objects were sweets. So thequestion something for the weekendwas a subtle way of offering condomsto customers. Later on in my teenageyears I fell in love with the game of golf,Id play at least twice a week. It wasntuntil a trip to Scotland, the home of golf,that I saw where the word came from.Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden orfor short GOLF. Another word, and onethats been accepted into Croatian, isposh. Posh stands for Port Outwards,Starboard Home and comes from theold British Empire days when peopletraveled between the UK and India via

    the Mediterranean and Suez. The mostexpensive cabins were the ones thatfaced north and avoided at least someof the and sun. Its funny how words loseor change their meanings for country tocountry and from culture to culture. Adisaster never comes alone or the Eng-lish version It never rains but it poursor The one who wakes up early, catchestwo fortunes probably has a betterfeel to it than the English version Theearly bird catches the worm. Id preferto catch a fortune than a worm! OneCroatian phrase that always makes melaugh is God first created a beard forhimself. Just the picture of God creat-ing a beard for himself makes me laughlet alone the fact that where does this

    phrase fit in with the story of on thefirst day God created the earth. I guessthat according to this phrase firstly hecreated a beard before he started wor-rying about the heavens and earth andthe rest of Genesis 1:1.


    Mark thOMaSm . om s@sibeni -

    CroATiA And SloveniA exPeCT ToreSolve border diSPuTe ThiS yeAr

    briTiSh holidAymAkerS deTermined To holidAy AbroAd

    emAilS CAnnoT rePlACe PoSTCArdS

    miniSTer of TouriSm SATiSfied wiTh

    Summer SeASon So fAr

    CroATiA hoSTed 242,000 TouriSTS over The weekend

    Croatian Times Croatian Prime Minister Ja-dranka Kosor and Slovene Prime Minister BorutPahor have said their two countries may resolvetheir maritime border dispute by the end of theyear. Slovenia has blocked the opening of morechapters in Croatias EU accession negotiationsbecause of the dispute. The Croatian and Sloveneprime ministers met last week at Trakoscan castlein northern Croatia. They agreed on a framework agreement according to which they would find asolution by the autumn and adopt it before theend of 2009. Kosor said: We have found a way that we will follow. I am satisfied that we havefinally started to negotiate about the issue. Pahursaid : There is possibility we will find a way toresolve the problem this year so that Croatias EUaccession negotiations can continue.

    Those jetting off on holiday this summer may wish to think twice before emailingfriends and family. Research carried out by Abta The Travel Association revealed thatthe majority of Britons (54 per cent) prefer to receive a traditional picture postcard rat-her than an email or text message. Holidaymakers from London are the most frequent

    senders of postcards, writing and average of 3.83 per year. Of those surveyed, 26 percent said they keep any postcards they receive from loved ones. Commenting on thefindings, psychologist Donna Dawson said: Picture postcards will always beat emails,texts and messages, because they are something that you can hold in your hand andobserve close up. Postcards make a bigger impact because they utilise the senses of touch and vision, she added.

    Fears that British tourists will stay athome this summer rather than venture topopular tourist spots such as Spain andCroatia are unfounded, a prominent tra- vel provider suggests. Pricewaterhouse-Coopers recently suggested that the UK tourism industry would suffer a slumpin the autumn. However, this is not a vi-

    ew shared by Thomson and First Choiceholidays, which believes that Britons aremore determined to go away than ever. A spokeswoman for the group said: Webelieve that there will always be a mar-

    ket for short and mid-haul holidays, as well as longer haul offerings, not only for the great value for money you get,but also for the simple fact that yourenot susceptible to the unreliable GreatBritish weather. Whatever people aregiving up be it moving house, or a newcar they are not giving up their sum-

    mer holiday abroad to the sun. Amongthe most interesting locations to visit thissummer is Zagreb, which is blossominginto a vibrant and colourful capital city,according to the Los Angeles Times.

    Croatia hosted 242,000 tourists this weekend, around 7,000 more than duringthe last weekend in July 2008. According to the Ministry of Interior, there were986,000 foreign and 256,000 domestic tourists in a total of 454,000 vehicles overthe weekend. At the same time, 1,144,000 million tourists left Croatia over the weekend. The number of vehicles and passengers crossing into and out of Croatia was the highest for a weekend this year. There were 88,000 passengers and 15,000 vehicles more than on the previous weekend. As usual, the most traffic occurredon Saturday when 474,000 passengers and 167,000 vehicles entered Croatia. OnSunday, 411,000 passengers arrived in Croatia, on Friday 357,000.

    Croatian Tourism Minister Damir Bajs has saidCroatia can be satisfied with its current situation inregard to tourism. According to Bajs, Croatia hasfared better this summer season than many otherMediterranean countries. Bajs said this week thenumber of tourists had declined by seven per centand the number of tourist overnights had declinedby three per cent in the first six months of 2009compared to the same period in 2008. Bajs addedthe past weekend, when the country hosted 85,000more tourists than on the same weekend last year,had been very significant. Croatian tourism shouldbenefit a lot from the traditional Italian vacationperiod called feragosto in August, Bajs said. Bajsadded, however, that he was aware there would befewer foreign tourists in Croatia this year and hisgoal was to make the decline in their numbers assmall as possible.

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    august 8 th 2009. sibenik times 3

    PoPe hinTS AT CroATiA TriP

    norTh dAlmATiA iSlAndS reCommended

    A Croatia travel destination that holidaymakers may wish toconsider this summer is the Kornati Islands. The Croatian Na-tional Tourist Board has highlighted the region as somewherethose looking for accommodation in Croatia might want to stay. Itdescribed the Kornati Islands as the most indented island groupin the Mediterranean and detailed a number of its attractionsto tourists. People visiting can head to the Kornati National Park or the Telascica Natural Park, which offers tourists a deep bay in which they can relax and really enjoy their holiday in Croatia.Elsewhere in the country, people heading to Croatia can enjoy theZadar Summer of Theatre on the Adriatic coast from today untilthe start of August. According to the tourist board, the festivalgives guests to Croatia a chance to add a special touch of cultureto their summer holiday by watching various theatre productionsand dance displays.

    DID YOU KNOW? The Day of the City of Knin iscelebrated on the 13th of June onthe holiday St. Ante Knin was first mentioned bythe Byzantine Emperor Kon-stantin Porfirogenet in 950 inhis work Administration of theEmpire Croatians settled in Knin at theend of the 6th century and wasestablished as one of the twelvenoble counties. During the rule of the CroatianKing Zvonimir Knin became a me-tropolis of the ancient Croatians e. After the occupation by the Yu-goslavian army in 1991 Knin wasliberated by the military actionStorm in August 1995. In 2005, Britain had movedup from 12th place to 8th placein the list of countries with themost tourists visiting Croatia.The numbers of visitors has beenrising steadily every year. Britonsare top of the table of highest-spending tourists. In the summer of1936 King Ed-ward VIII came to Croatia on theyacht Nahlin, with Wallis Simp-son, whom he later abdicated tomarry. The 90.2m yacht has nowbeen es o e . The summer sea temperaturee c es 26 c.

    Pope Benedict XVI could soon be set to take a trip to Croatia, it hasemerged. At a meeting with Croatian foreign minister Gordan Jan-drokovic at the Vatican, the Pope stated: Croatia has always been inmy heart and I hope to visit your country in the near future. Indeed,Mr Jandrokovic has invited the head of the Catholic church to visitCroatia, as he thanked him for the work that the Vatican has donefor the country, in particular supporting its accession to the EuropeanUnion, the Croatian Times reports. During the meeting Jandrokovicgave the Pope a special lace work crafted by nuns at the BenedictMonastery on Hvar Island. The foreign minister also took the timeto meet with Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone - who himself went on a trip to Croatia in 2009. Should the Pope wishto visit the place where his gift was produced, he will find - amongother things - the oldest communal theatre in Europe.

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    august 8 th 2009. sibenik times 5

    K nati Nati nal Pa kIn the central part of Croatian Adriatic Sea, about 15 Nm to the west from Sibenik town, 7 Nm tothe southwest from Murter, or15 Nm to the south from Zadartown, there is amazing group of islands named Kornati archipe-lago. Beauty and singularity of the archipelago moved authori-ties in 1980 to proclaim a biggerpart of that area national park.Since then certain modificationsof its borders were made, so thatnowadays Kornati National Park occupies the area of about 220km2 (54.000 acres). There are89 islands, islets and reefs withinthe area of Kornati National Park (238 km of the coastline), whatmakes it the most indented groupof islands in the Mediterranean.The land part of Kornati NationalPark covers less than 1/4 of its to-tal area, but the values of its lands-capes, the "crowns" (cliffs) on theislands facing the open sea, andinteresting relief structures, makethis part of Kornati National Park unique. There are no permanentsettlements in Kornati. Simple ho-uses in well-protected coves such

    as Vruje, Kravjaica, Lavsa andothers are used by land ownersas temporary shelters. There arearound 20 restaurants and taverns within the Kornati National Park.They offer quality domestic cuisi-ne that mostly includes seafoodspecialties (fish and crabs) anddomestic lamb from the Kornatiarea. Some restaurants also offerinternational food for those whoare not very fond of the Kornati cu-isine. Most of the land owners arefrom the island of Murter Besides,the Kornati submarine area, who-se biocenosis are considered to bethe richest in the Adriatic Sea, andalso the magnificent geomorpho-

    logy of the sea bed attracts diversfrom all over Europe to come andenjoy in unforgettable submarineadventures. Diving visits to theKornati National Park are allowedonly in organized and approveddiving groups. Therefore, if youintend to dive in the Park (which we highly recommend), pleasecontact one of the diving centersauthorized to perform this activity within the Kornati National Park.Within the Park there are sevenzones set aside for diving visits.It is hard to recommend whichone you should use. Kornati tru-ly is a wonder of nature and well worth a day out of your holiday schedule to experience, whetheryou prefer an active day of watersports, hiking and diving or just toenjoy the views and try the localcuisine its truly a day that youllnever forget.

    On the last day of the Creation God desired to crown His work andthus created Kornati Islands out of tears, stars and breathGeorge Bernard Shaw (26th July 1856 2nd November 1950)

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, August 8th


    6 sibenik times saturday august 8 th 2009.

    Nati nal Pa k K nati M s. BiThe Kornati National Park is agem of nature a true wonder of the natural world in Croatia. This week I caught up with a lady whohas, as she says, Kornati in herheart and soul. Mrs. Biserka Tur-cinov, head of tourism and marke-ting, is doing a job that she loves insurroundings that she adores, theperfect combination. As the heightof the tourist season is here I spoketo Mrs. Turcinov to find her feelin-gs as to how the season is goingand exactly what the national park means to her. How pleased are you with thecurrent tourist season?

    I have to say that in spite of thefact that tourism in general hasbeen hit by the current financialcrisis we are more than satisfied with our results so far. Our stati-stics show that in April and May the number of visitors to the park was up on last year, however Ju-ne was a little down on last year which meant that for those firstthree months of the tourist season we broke even with the numberof visitors. The early figures that Ihave for July look positive and willpossibly show a slight increase onlast year. Like I said all in all we are

    satisfied with the results so far andif we continue in the same form we should reach the figures fromlast year or maybe even a slightincrease. As most of our touristsare nautical tourists that means alot depends on the weather, if wehave good weather through thenext two months and then maybean Indian summer then we coulddefinitely see good overall resultsfor the year. What does Kornati mean to you personally?

    The simple answer would beit means everything to me. Ivegrown up with the National Park and I feel that Kornati is mine in

    many ways. You could say thatNational Park Kornati is my heartand soul. How long have you been in- volved with the Kornati NationalPark and what are some of yourfondest memories?

    I have been working in the Na-ional Park Kornati, in one positionor another, for twelve years. ButIve actually been involved with thepark since 1980 when Kornati wasdeclared a national park. As I havealready said the park and Kornatiare my life and mean everythingto me. Most of the fondest memo-ries I have from working in thepark involve people, either peoplethat have worked with me throughmy career or tourists to the park who have touched me with theirkind comments about the natureand the park in general. I think itsthese memories that will stay with

    me forever. What is your position in theNational Park?

    My official function is head of tourism and marketing for thenational park, but we are like abig family here so I end up doingmany different things. How would you recommendKornati to tourists?

    I could probably talk for threehours about the beauties of thenational park. In fact turning thequestion around I wouldnt recom-mend the park but instead I would

    recommend how to visit the park.To visit the park in a way that youexperience the soul of the park, tofeel at one with the sea, stone andnature, as that is the real Korna-ti. The park isnt just sun, sea andswimming there is a lot more tothe park. In fact Kornati wasntdeclared a national park just be-cause of the natural beauties butalso because of the human work that has gone on inside Kornatifor centuries. From the dry stone walls that stretch from one side of an island to the other plus many more objects that have to be seen. How would you describe theNational Park in a few words?

    Not an easy question to answer!I think the best description I couldthink of would be the pearl onthe necklace of Croatia. What reactions have you hadfrom visitors this year?

    The vast majority of guests aremore than satisfied when they seethe park for the first time. In factI love seeing peoples faces whenthey see Kornati for the first time,its true that a picture tells a tho-usand words. Of course there area very small percentage of visitorsthat are unhappy for a few rea-sons. The most common compla-int is that a guest to the park cantfind a place to moor his/her boat

    in the place where they wanted to.In many ways this is understanda-ble but we have to take into acco-unt that there are a limited num-ber of moorings inside the nationalpark and to just add more wouldcause the park to lose its peacefuland calm atmosphere. In generalI have to say that sailors are than-kful visitors and they are always willing to find a compromise sothe overall reactions are positive. What are the plans for the fu-ture?

    There are always new ideas andprojects in plan and this year is nodifferent. However we are a pu-blic body and we are linked to thestate budget which means that weare limited with our funding. Thenational park is 8 nautical milesfrom the coastline which meansthat we are a relatively expensivepark to run and supervise. We are

    forced, due to the surroundings,to have boats that take care of thepark as well as act as a receptionfor visitors. This all means that we have extra costs that a natio-nal park inside the country doesnthave. However, like I mentioned, we have many various plans forthe future, from redeveloping ourmain building which would theninclude a visitors centre to plan-ting trees in the national park. We would also like to construct newobjects on the islands such as toiletblocks and a new visitors centre.

    How do you control entrancefees into Kornati? As a national park 8 nautical mi-

    les from the coastline we are a lit-tle different from others in Croatia.We dont have an entrance fee forindividual guests; instead we havea fee for yachts that enter the park.This works on a system connectedto the length of the visitors boat,for example up to 11 metres, thenfrom 11 metres to 18 metres and fi-nally over 18 metres. And then wehave two different types of tickets,those are tickets that are boughtinside the national park and ticketsthat are purchased outside of thepark before entry. We sell tickets at

    various places outside of the park such as in marinas, tourist officesand travel agencies. For exampleone ticket for a yacht up to 11 me-tres costs 150 Kunas if you buy itoutside the park but if you buy thesame ticket inside the park it costs250 Kunas. As you can see thereis quiet a difference, what we aretrying to do is to get visitors to buy their tickets before entering intothe park. Of course when we aretalking about high category ya-chts the prices are higher as is thedifference. One ticket purchasedoutside the park cost 450 Kuna butthe same ticket bought inside thenational park costs 750 Kuna. The

    national park doesnt have its ownboats for excursions instead we si-gn contracts with travel agenciesand boat owners. How do you organise marke-ting for the national park?

    In various different methods,firstly we have our own websiteand that has proved extremely po-pular since we launched it. Then we advertise over local radio sta-tions and of course we work very closely with the Croatian TouristBoard, both on a local level inMurter and on a national level wi-th exhibitions all over the world. Infact when we attend a tourist fairor exhibition we tend to co-opera-te with the other national parksin Croatia and present ourselvestogether. This has worked very successfully so far. As you can seeKornati in many ways advertisesitself.

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    august 8 th 2009. sibenik times 7

    se ka T cin

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    august 8 th 2009. sibenik times 9

    E me ite aneanmeetin C atia 2009S mme sch l f banan e i nal e el pmentThe project is being held in Croatia for

    the first time after 7 successful editionsin Italy.

    The Summer school lasts for 10 days,from 6th to 16th August.

    Out of the 35 offered scholarships aminimum of 4 scholarships has been of-fered to students with disabilities, 3 tothe Croatian students and 5 to studentsfrom the town of Cariati in Italy, wherethe Summer schools have been traditio-nally held for 7 years.

    In the course of the 10 days of theSummer school 3 types of activities con-stantly alternate:

    1. lectures of renowned professors,2. guided tours (from cultural heritage

    to educational centres and institutions, toentrepreneurial areas)

    3. witnessing of people who have con-tributed to the development of the Sibe-nik region in various ways.

    The final workshop of the Summerschool will gather the participants to setup a website where all knowledge and

    experiences acquired during the Summerschool will be transferred.

    The website is going to be divided into3 categories: cultural heritage, educationand entrepreneurship, all in the contextof how they were/are/could be used inthe context of urban and regional deve-lopment.

    This approach promotes the new eraof the individual, post-modern tourist who plans his/her vacation autonomo-usly, surfing the Internet. Giving a cross-section of the region in more aspects willfor sure attract and awaken additionaltourist interest in more than just a shorttourist visit.

    The Summer school is held under thepatronage of the President of the Europe-an Parliament and Croatian Ministry of Health and Social care. It is supported by the local communities, towns and touristoffices of ibenik, Vodice, Tisno and Piro- vac and partners: Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank,Zagrebmontaa Grupa, Croatia Osigura-nje, Halpet business communication, Vi-noplod Vinarija d.d. ibenik, Ledo d.d.and others.

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    10 sibenik times saturday august 8 th 2009.

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    august 8 th 2009. sibenik times 11

    Las t wee k i n p ic t u res


    3 4


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  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, August 8th


    12 sibenik times saturday august 8 th 2009.

    ibeniks a g t t a Klapske veeri Every Thursday through July Vocal choir concerts03.07-28.07. svakog petka - ibensko lito Every Friday Sibenik summer01.08.-18.08 Festival ibenskih trgova Festival of Sibenik squares21.08.-22.08. Dalmatinska ansona Dalmatian Chanson

    roGoZniCA01.08. Ribarska no Fishermans night

    mArinA frAPAe a International live Music, dj & dance shows

    Cocktail & pool club 21:00 00:01Disco night club admiral 24:00 04:00

    ZlArin01.07.-01.09. Festival svjetla na Zlarinu Festival of Light in Zlarin01.08.-14.08. Lutkarski festival Vesna Parun Puppet festival Vesna Parun05.08. Zabavna grupa Orange ibenik Entertainment group Orange09.08. Koncert Raspjevani violoncello Concert Raspjevani violoncello12.08. Zabavna grupa Feniks Entertainment group Feniks

    PrimoTen09.08. povratak Gospe od Porta, Sv. Misa i procesija u pratnji brodica

    Return of the Lady of Porta procession

    vodiCe02.08.-04.08. Vodike noi Night of Vodice13.08. Veer dalmatinskih klapa An evening of Dalmatian vocal choirs16.08. Tradicionalni vodiki obiaji Traditional customs of Vodice

    GrebATiCA01.08. Klapske veeri Vocal choir evenings08.08. Veer folklora (smotra folklora s gostima iz cijele Hrvatske)

    An evening of folklore with groups from all over Croatia15.08. Klapske veeri- Vocal choir evenings

    PirovAC08.08. Folklorna veer i domai obiaji Folklore evenings and local customs12.08. Susret klapa Vocal choirs14.08. Ribarska veer Fishermans night23.08. Veer domae kuine An evening of local cuisines

    TiSno08.08. Meunarodna trka tovara International donkey race14.08. Koncert pukih napjeva u crkvi Sv. Duha Concert in St Soul church

    TribunJ01.08. Tradicionalne magaree trke Traditional donkey race07.08 Koncert ani Stipaniev Concert ani Stipaniev

    beTinA01.08. - 01.09. svaka trea veer - Veer betinske kuhinje Every third evening

    An evening of Betina cuisine08.08.-09.08. Tradicionalna betinska regata Optimist-Laser Betina regatta Optimist class

    16.08. Regata za duu i tilo Regatta for the body and soulknin05.08. Dan Domovinske zahvalnosti Day of Independenceaj za Festival ruralne culture End of August festival of rural culture

    SkrAdin01.08. Tradicionalni susret klapa Traditional vocal choirs

    ZATon, rASlinA16.08. Sv. Roko Feta St Roko Festival

    krAPAnJ02.08. Krapanjska feta Festival of Krapanj09.08. Smotra folklora, pisme i pjesnitva An evening of folklore, songs and poems

    Prvi ePurine16.08. Feta, Sv. Roko Festival St Roko

    Prvi lukA 02.08. Feta Festival

    SrimA03.08. Srimarska feta Festival of Srima

    EVENTSAugust 2009.

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    august 8 th 2009. sibenik times 13

    R a d i

    o R i t a

    m - t h e o n ly o n e w o r t h

    l i s t e

    n i n

    g t o

    Po r t ho le to t he pas t

    The c e f the l cityBelow the fortress, on a stony risein the area between today's double city walls in Dolac and the cathedral, thefirst urban habitat emerged. It is the IX century Sibenik, mentioned in docu-ments of Croatian kings. The city areadefined by the city wall perimeter in XIV century started to grow in populationdensity during the time of communalfree development (1358-1409). In the XVI century construction, led by JurajDalmatinac and the renaissance builderNikola Firentinac, started to develop.Wood exploitation in the constructionindustry had been limited by statutory resolutions and more and more stone was being used. Beside the grand cathe-dral rose other churches, palaces, streetsand town squares. In the XVI century Si-benik received a defined urbanism plan.From 1540 to 1650 the building of thethree fortresses - St Nikola, St Ivan andubievac strengthened Sibenik fortifi-cation system. The Baroque (XVII and XVIII) did not significantly influencethe city structure, though it did leavetraces in sacral and other buildings. Un-der the Austrian government in XIX cta part of the city walls got torn down.However the wholeness of the old ur-ban agglomeration has been preserved.

    It consists of three parts: Grad, Dolacand Gorica. The historical town centrecan be accessed from all sides. The mainentrance is the one from Poljan and itrepresents the central area of the totalSibenik agglomeration. The main city door stood on Poljana's southwest sideup to 1864. On the left side of the en-trance there are the remains of the city walls with the sculpture of St Mihovil,the city's patron There is also a neore-naissance theatre building opened forpublic form 1870. In this largest part of the city centre there are several areas of various sizes that reflect a peculiar uni-ty of ambient values and living areas (Trg Ivana Pavla II, Dobric, Square of theCroatian Republic etc.). The palaces of local noblemen0 stand out in Sibenik'surban architecture. The central TownSquare, the square of the Croatian Re-public , former Plahtea communis, hasbeen the heart of medieval Sibenik'spublic and social life. Its planning andconstruction was finished in XVI ct. So-me of the finest examples of Sibenik'sarchitecture can be seen around thesquare; the cathedral, the City Hall, theLittle Loggia, Bishop's and City Prince'spalaces as well as the stone palaces of influential citizens.

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    14 sibenik times saturday august 8 th 2009.

    heAlThDAILY PHARMACYCentrala (untilAugust 8.);PHARMACY BALDEKIN,Stjepana Radia 56a, tel. 332-068;PHARMACY CENTRALA, StjepanaRadia bb, tel. 213-539;PHARMACYVARO, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212-539;PHARMACY PLENA, Karla Vi-pauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmat-inske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022;DONACIJSKA PHARMACY, BraePolia bb, tel. 333-437,VITA- SPECI-JALIZIRANA PRODAVAONICALIJEKOVIMA AND MEDICINSKIMPROIZVODIMA, Biskupa Fosca 11, tel.215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel.310-525;PHARMACY BARANOVI-PETKOVI, Stjepana Radia 1, tel.212-061;PHARMACY RADIN, KraljaZvonimira 121, tel. 338-716;PharMa-CY OBANOV, Square Ivana Pavla II,tel-fax: 331-255;hErBaL Phar-MACY GOSPINA TRAVA, StjepanaRadia 27, tel. 219-245;hErBaLPHARMACY NATURA, StjepanaRadia 12, tel. 336-116.

    SERVISNE INFORMACIJE / SERVICE INFORMATIONSIBENIK JEZERA KNIN MURTER PIROVAC PRIMOSTEN ROGOZNICAday and friday), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45,10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00,13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37, 16.00, 16.15,16.45, 17.45, 19.05 (not on saturday)19.35, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00, 23.00and 23.30;Sibeni rije at 6.30,8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37,16.45, 22.00, 23.00 and 23.30;Sibe-nikMakarskaPloeDubrovnik at 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00,13.00, 14.20 and 15.10;SibenikZa-grebat 00.40, 1.30 (motorway), 7.00,7.45 (on tuesday and friday), 8.00,9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50,15.30, 16.00 (motorway), 17.30, 18.00(motorway), 23.00;Sibeni -k lo-vacat 7.00, 8.00, 10.05, 13.45, 15.30,19.10, 21.40, 23.00;SibenikVaradin at 13.45;Sibeni Osije at 21.40;Si-benikPoegaat 7.45 (tuesday andfriday);SibenikSlavonski Brod at 19.10 (thursday and sunday) and21.40 (everyday);SibenikVinkovci at 19.10 (thursday and sunday);Sibe-ni Imo s i at 3.45;SibenikPula at 6.30, 9.45 and 22.00;Sibeni Rovinjat 22.00;Sibenik-Gospi at9.15; SibenikPag at 9.15.

    LOCAL LINE - work daySibeni -d ni-O l j-knin at 6.15(upi); 9.30(upi); 15.15 (upi);Sibenik-Drni-Kosovo-Kninat 8.30;10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00;Sibeni -Tisno-Jezeraat 10.00 (Jezera bus);Sibenik-Betina-Murter at 10.30

    (Murter trade);Sibenik-Grabovci-Stankovci-Budak-Banjevciat 10.30(Stari Velim);Sibenik-Grabovci-Velim-Stankovci-Dobra Voda-Ban-jevci-Benkovacat 14.00, 20.00 (StariVelim);Sibenik-Vodice-Kapela-Jez-era-Murterat 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sov-lje at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15,12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00;Sibe-nik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murterat 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodiceat 8.00, 9.20,13.30, 19.30;Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Pirovac-Kai at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00;Sibenik-Vodice-Pirovac-Kai-Banjevciat 15.20;Sibeni -S in-Piramatovci-Krkovi-avi-Liani

    at 14.00, 20.15;Sibenik-Vodice-istaVelika-Provi-Vuki at 11.15, 14.00,20.15;Sibenik-Grabovci-Crljenik-Stankovci-Budak-Radainovci-Banjevci at 15.20 (Stari Velim);Sibenik-Vodice-ista Velika-Laevci-Krkovi-Bilostanovi-avi-Liani-Vuki-Provi at15.30;Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Dubravice-Rupe-Lakovica-evrskeat 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Anto-nio tours);Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Lakovica-Rupeat 11.15, 12.45, 14.00,15.30, 20.00;Sibeni -S in-Sonkovi-Piramatovciat 12.45,15.20;Sibenik-Skradin-Sonkovi-Piramatovci-Laevci-Lianiat11.00, 20.15;Sibenik-Lozovac-

    Skradin-Graovo-Plastovo-Ievo-Lakovica-Rupe-Sonkovi at 9.00;Sibenik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lep-enica-Vrsnoat 10.15, 15.10, 20.30;Sibenik-Boraja-Lepanica-Vrsno at 12.00, 14.00;Sibenik-Jadrtovac-

    Grebatica-Drage-Bratski Dolacat11.45;Sibenik-Jadrtovac-abori-Grebatica-Brnjaa-Drage-Bratskidol c at 14.00, 20.00;Sibeni -B o-

    ic at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30,11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05,17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10;Sibeni -Grebatica-Brnjaa-Drage-Bratskidol c at 14.00, 20.00;Sibeni -Grebatica-Brnjaa-Drage-BratskiDolac-SapiniDoci at 15.10;Sibeni -Primoten-Rogoznica at 9.45;Sibenik-Primoten-Rogoznica-Raanjat 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00;Sibeni -P imo en BIS at 12.30,14.00, 20.00;Sibenik-Dubrava-Biranj-Danilo-Perkovi-Sitnoat9.00, 12.40 (to Birnja), 21.15;Sibeni -Dubrava-Danilo-Perkovi-Sitnoat11.30, 14.00, 15.20, 20.00;Sibeni -Kraljice-Mirlovi-Nakii-Radoni at15.10;Sibenik-Konjevrate-Mirlovi-Unei at 11.30;Sibenik-Vrpolje-Kraljice-Mirlovi-Unei-Sedrami at 14.00, 20.15;Sibenik-ivkovi-Pokrovnik-Pakovo Selo-Miljevci at 11.00 (upi);Sibenik-Naki-ivkovi-Pokrovnik-Miljevciat14.00 (upi), 20.15 (upi);Sibeni -Bilice-Stubalj-Vruljeat 7.00, 10.30,12.00, 12.45, 14.00, 15.30, 17.40, 20.00;Sibenik-Zaton-Raslinaat 7.30,10.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.00, 15.20, 18.30,19.15, 20.00, 21.10;Sibeni -Sol is-Zablae at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00 11.40,13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 16.00, 17.40, 19.10,

    20.15.LOCAL LINE - saturdaySibeni -d ni-O l j-knin at 6.15(upi), 11.30;Sibenik-Drni-Kosovo-knin at 8.30, 14.00, 20.00;Sibeni -Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jezera-Murt-e at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovljeat 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 20.0021.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodiceat 8.00,9.20;Sibenik-Zaton-Raslinaat 7.00,10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10;Sibe-nik-Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsnoat 12.00, 15.10, 20.30;Sibeni -Juna Dubrava-Danilo-Perkovi-Si no at 9.00, 11.30, 15.20, 21.15;Sibenik-Konjevrate-Naki-Mirlovi

    at 15.20;Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Bratikovci-Lakovica-Skradin-Sonkovi at 9.00;Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Sonkovi-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Ievo-Lakovica-Rupe at 13.00;Sibenik-Lozovac-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Ievo-Lakovica-Rupeat 15.30;Sibenik-Skradin-Sonkovi-Graac-Vaani-Piramatovciat 15.20;Sibe-nik Lozovac-Skradin-Dubravice-Rupe-Lakovica-evrskeat 10.30,14.30, 19.30 (Antonio tours);Sibeni -Vodice-ista Velika-Laevci-Krkovi-Bilostanovi-Liani-Vuki(end of village)-Provi at 12.00 (andPiramatovci), 15.30 (to Bilostanova);

    Sibenik-Bilice-Stubalj-Vruljeat7.00, 10.30, 12.45, 15.30, 20.00;Sibe-nik-Grabovci-Stankovci-Budakat10.30 (Stari Velim);Sibeni -Sol is-Zablae at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00, 13.10,14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.

    LOCAL LINE - sundaySibeni -d ni-O l j-knin at 8.30;Sibenik-Drni-Kosovo-Kninat 14.00(upi);Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Sovljeat 6.30, 20.00, 21.00;Sibenik-Srima-Vodice-Tribunj-Jez-era-Murterat 9.00, 14.00, 18.00;Si-benik-Zaton-Raslinaat 7.00, 10.30,12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10;Sibeni -Jadrtovac-Boraja-Lepenica-Vrsno at 15.10;Sibenik-Juna Dubrava-Danilo-Perkovi-Sitnoat 15.20,21.15;Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Sonkovi at 9.00;Sibenik-Lozovac-Skradin-Dubravice-Graovo-Plastovo-Bratikovci (to Graacplayground) at 15.30;Sibeni -Bilice-Stubalj-Vruljeat 7.00, 10.30, 14.00;Sibenik-Solaris-Zablaeat 9.00,10.00, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.










    bAnkSJADRANSKA BANK: tel. 242-242;CROATIA BANK: Square Pavlaubia br. 1, tel. 212-033;HRVATSKAPOTANSKA BANK: A. Starevia bb,tel. 337-345;OTP BANK: Ante upuka22, tel. 062/201-555;PRIVREDNABANK ZAGREB: Vladimira Nazora1, tel. 322-150;RAIFFEISEN BANKaUStrIa : Square Draena Petroviabb, tel. 348-800;HVB - SPLITSKABANK: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663;ZAGREBAKA BANK: Biskupa Milete2a, tel. 022/201-370;ERSTE BANK

    d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540;hyPO-grOUP aLPE adrIa : Stjep-ana Radia 77a, tel. 311-940;VOLKS-BANK: Square Draena Petrovia bb,tel. 668-100;KRIEVAKA BANK:Biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

    buSeSDeparture buses from SibenikSibenikTrogirSplit at 00.00,00.30, 2.30, 3.00, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15,6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9,20, 10.00,10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (not sunday),

    13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40,16.00, 16.30, 17.00, 17.30, 18.00 18.15,18.55, 19.00, 19.30, 20.30, 20.45, 21.15(not on saturday), 22.00 and 23.30;SibenikPirovacBiogradZadar at 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (only on tues-

    TrAinSDeparture from Sibenik: 4.26 : forPerkovi, Knin and Split; 7.42 : forPerkovi, Knin, Split, Zagreb; 10.56: forPerkovi, Split and Zagreb;12.25 : forPerkovi and Split; 15.10 :forPerkovi and Zagreb; 15.37 : forPerkovi, Knin and Split; 17.43 : forPerkovi ; 20.l0 : forPerkovi, Knin

    and Split; Zagreb, Osijek, Vinkovci;22.50 : forPerkovi and Zagreb(di-rect).Arrival at Sibenik: 6.27 : fromknin,Split, Perkovi and Zagreb(directwagon); at 7.33 : fromPerkovi ; 8.54: fromKnin, Split and Perkovi ;12.07 : fromZagreb and Perkovi ;13.34 : fromPerkovi ; 16.37 : fromZagreb and Perkovi ; 17.33 : fromKnin, Split and Perkovi ; at 18.48: fromPerkovi ; 21.20 : fromknin,Split, Perkovia and Zagreb(fasttrain).

    boATSSIBENIK ZLARIN(ferry): tuesdayand thursday at 12.30, return at 19.10.SIBENIK IRJE(ferry): tuesday,wednesday and thursday at 12.30,return at 17.45. Monday, friday andsaturday at 10.30, return friday at 15,monday and saturday at 15.30 , returnat 13 and 17.45 . Sunday and holidaysat 11.00, return at 17.45.SIBENIK KAPRIJE(hydrofoil Mis-lav): monday, tuesday, wednesday,thursday and saturday at 18.45, fridayat 16.00 and 19.30, return at 6.50,friday and at 18.05 . Sunday and holi-days at 9 and 18.45, return at 6.50 and

    11.20 .SIBENIK ZLARIN PRVIEPURINE - VODICE: monday, tues-day, wednesday, thursday, friday andsaturday at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30and 19.30 .

    Health Centre, tel. 660-552;gen-eralHospital, tel. 663-732;Bus sta-ion , tel. 661-005;PHARMACY, tel.660-080; Red Cross, tel. 662-019;Caritas, tel. 661-700;HVIDRA, tel.661-612;Librarytel. 660-010

    PHARMACYtel. 434-129;den is tel. 436-026;NP Kornatitel. 435-740;Borough of Murtertel. 435-599; Jadranska BANKtel. 443-137;Port Authoritytel. 435-190

    PHARMACYtel. 467-099, openfrom 8-14,30, saturday from 8 to 12;Doctor surgerytel. 467-080;Bo -ough of Pirovactel. 467-077;Pos tel. 467-000;Jadranska BANKtel.466-622;Firebrigadetel. 467-090.

    BoroughofPrimotentel. 571-900;Police tel. 570-092;PHARMACY tel. 570-305,Jadranska BANKtel.570-351;Privredna BANKtel. 571-160;Pos tel. 571-039;Firebrigade tel. 570-097;Libary570-259

    Borough of Rogoznicatel. 559-040;Firebrigadetel. 559-294;doc-tors Surgerytel. 559-032;den is tel. 558-392;PHARMACYtel. 558-330,Jadranska BANKtel. 559-540;

    PHARMACY open mon, wedand fri from 7,30 to 13,30, and tueand thu from 13.30 to 19.30. tel.771-099, 771-049

    Borough of Tisnotel. 439-262,439-264, 439-268;PHARMACY

    tel. 438-512,Jadranska BANKtel.438-486;FINAtel. 438-499;Pos tel. 439-250;Port Authority tel.439-313;ACI marina, tel. 439 295 .

    Borough of Tribunjtel. 446-357,fax. 446-830;Tourist board ofTribunjtel./fax. 446-143;Jadran-ska BANKtel. 446-992;CroatianPost Office Tribunjtel. 446-855,fax. 446-830.

    Doctors Surgerytel. 022/443-169;den is tel. 022/443-624;Phar-

    MACY022/ 443-168;Vet surgery 022/443-355Bus station, 022/443-627;Port Authority, tel. 022/443-055;Pos , tel. 022/442-145.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, August 8th



    august 8 th 2009. sibenik times 15

    Osniva i izdava | Publisher:

    ibenski list d.o.o.Adresa | Address:

    Boidara Petranovia 3, ibenikTelefoni | Telephones:

    022/311-300; 022/311-399Fax:

    022/330-100; 022/311-302

    Direktor | Director:Sran Buani


    Glavni urednik | Editor in chief:Zdravko Pili


    Urednik | Editor:Mark Thomas


    Fotoreporteri | Photography: (

    Vilson Poli Nikolina Vukovi Stipaniev


    Grafika priprema | Graphics:(

    Orsat Lasi Luka ankovi | Nino Milin

    Marketing: Elida Slavica

    ( 091/30 20 106

    U suradnji s | In association with:

    Turistika zajednica Grada ibenikaTourist board SibenikDirector:Goran BulatTel: 022/212-075 |

    Tourist board JezeraDirector:Nenad Milin

    Tel: 022/439-120 |

    Tourist board KninDirector:Ante imi

    Tel: 022/664-819 |

    Tourist board MurterDirector:eljana iki

    Tel: 022/434-995 |

    Tourist board PirovacDirector:Marija parica

    Tel: 022/466-770 |

    Tourist board PrimostenDirector: Jere Bakoti

    Tel: 022/571-111 |

    Tourist board RogoznicaDirector:Ante Karabati

    Tel: 022/559-253Tourist board Skradin

    Director:Karmen Biani panjolTel: 022/771-329 |

    Tourist board TisnoDirector:Milena Obratov

    Tel: 022/438-604 |

    Tourist board TribunjPresident:Ivan Zadro

    Tel: 022/446-143

    Tourist board VodiceDirector:Anita Franin PearicaTel: 022/443-888 |

    All text and photos are exclusive content of Sibenik Times and without authorization

    cant be reproduced! Transcripts and photosare not returned. Sibenik Times is free of charge and is published once a week.

    iro raun broj | Bank account:2411006-1100004846

    Tisak | Print: Tiskara Slobodna Dalmacija, Split


    v c

    T j

    T s / J z a

    S a

    r g z ca

    P st

    P ac

    m t


    International dialling code for Croatia00385Dialling code for Sibenik 022International enquires 901Post office 214 991Telegram 96Police 92Harbour Master Sibenik 217 217Harbour Master Vodice 443 055Harbour Master Primosten 570 266Harbour Master Rogoznica 559 045Harbour Master Murter 435 190Harbour Master Tisno 439 313Emergency services 112Ambulance 94Fire brigade 93Assistance on the sea 9155Roadside assistance 987Sibenik Hospital 246 246Sibenik bus station 060 368 368Sibenik train station 333 696Jadrolinija local ferry service 213 468Taxi 212 121Split airport 021 203 507Zadar airport 023 205 800Information 981Tourist Guide society St. Michael

    091 209 6411 091 731 7116 091 560 6116Sibenik Knin County tourist Board

    219 072Sibenik tourist information centre

    022 214 448022 214 411

    Predbroj Za Hrvatsku 00385Predbroj Za ibensku Regiju 022Meunarodna Centrala 901Pota 214 991Telegram 96Policija 92Luka Kapetanija ibenik 217 217Luka Kapetanija Vodice 443 055Luka Kapetanija Primoten 570 266Luka Kapetanija Rogoznica 559 045Luka Kapetanija Murter 435 190Luka Kapetanija Tisno 439 313Hitna Sluba 112Prva Pomo 94Vatrogasci 93Pomo Na Moru 9155Pomo Na Cesti 987Bolnica ibenik 246 246Autobusni Kolodvor ibenik060 368 368eljezniki Kolodvor ibenik 333 696Jadrolinija Lokalni Brodski Prijevoz

    213 468Taxi 212 121Zrana Luka Split 021 203 507Zrana Luka Zadar 023 205 800Ope Informacije 981Udruga Turistikih Vodia Sv. Mihovil

    091 209 6411 091 731 7116 091 560 6116TZ ibensko-Kninske upanije 219 072Turistiko - informativni centar ibenik

    022 214 448022 214 411

    imPorTAnTTelePhone numberS

    vAni TelefonSkibroJevi





  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, August 8th


    16 sibenik times saturday august 8 th 2009.

    Mostly SunnyHigh 29c/Low 17cChance of rain 0%

    Plenty of sunshineHigh 29c/Low 18cChance of rain 0%

    Sunshine and warmHigh 30c/Low 19cChance of rain 0%

    Partly cloudyHigh 29c/Low 19cChance of rain 10%

    Partly cloudyHigh 32c/Low 19c

    Chance of rain 0%

    Sunny with scattered cloudsHigh 32c/Low 20cChance of rain 0%

    Clouds and sunshineHigh 30c/Low 19cChance of rain 0%

    No w & T he n

    S A T U R D A Y

    S U N D A Y

    M O N D A Y

    T U E S D A Y


    E D N E S D A Y

    T H U R S D A Y

    F R I D A Y

    Seven dayweather forecast

    A view along the portside of Sibenik taken in 1929. As you can see from the photo the harbor wall

    has been built up and widened since those times.

    The same scene taken today. Although the architecture has changed over the years the hotel in thebackground and the church spire can are still recognizable from 80 years ago.

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