the sibenik times, july 4th

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  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, July 4th


    sibeniktimesTHE ISSUE 31 | SatUrday, jUly 4th 2009 | yEar II

    POWErEd Byibenskilist

    Water and naturein perfect harmonyKrka is one of the Croatian national parks, named after the river Krka that itencloses and is located just a few kilometers northeast of the city of Sibenik.

    It was proclaimed a national park in 1985 and is the seventh national park inCroatia. Watching the waterfalls in full flow is truly a breathtaking sight.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, July 4th


    2sibenik times saturdayjuly 4th 2009.

    Welcome to our beautiful cityand to the thirteenth editionof the second season of TheSibenik Times. More and morepeople are moving around andsetting up hone in anothercountry. The European Unionhas brought with it the pos-sibility to live and work in an-other member country withoutdifficulties. Every year the visarequirements for living outsideof Europe are eased. The termglobal village has never beenmore accurate. Communica-tions are improving on almosta daily basis, and transporta-tion is expanding and develop-

    ing just as fast. Technologicaldevelopments with email, we-bcams and reduced phone costsalso mean that you can speakto family and friends as oftenas you would when you were athome. One of my friends fromEngland asked me the otherday about living in a foreigncountry. Although its just athought he was curious aboutlife on the other side. Afterthinking for some time I triedto pinpoint the important fac-tors and came up with threekey phases. The first is concep-tion you plan your move fromstart to finish, the second is

    the transition phase this isthe first two years away fromhome, and the last is the inte-gration phase when you startto become part of the localcommunity. Each phase has itsown special demands and itsown problems. But that if hereally wants to try to live in aforeign country then do it, youonly live once after all so enjoyit as much as you can.


    SPEaK UP!We wou ove o e fom ou.Pese wie o sen n e-mi o

    us bou ou s in Sibenik. yo-u commens e vube o usn e mos ineesing eeswi be pubise eve week. In-eesing n unusu poos eso wecome. tnks.

    MarK [email protected]







    Croatia has been awarded 115 Blue Flags forbeaches and 20 Blue Flags for marinas this year.To get the exclusive eco-label Blue Flag, a beach ormarina has to meet ecological, educational, secu-rity and service standards. The Blue Flag Progra-mme is owned and run by the independent non-profit organisation Foundation for EnvironmentalEducation (FEE). The programme is an internatio-nal project started by the EU Council in 1981. Cro-atia has ten-per-cent fewer Blue Flags this year, butthat is because of recession, not ecological issues.Because of lack of money, there were fewer appli-cations for Blue Flags this year. Lijepa Nasa (OurBeautiful Land) association head Ante Kutle saidtoday (Weds) a Blue Flag was important to manytourists when they choose their summer-holidaydestination, the daily Vjesnik has reported. Kutlesaid: Last year, Croatia received 145 Blue Flagsfor beaches and marinas that ranked it seventh onthe world list. The Blue Flag was awarded thisyear to a total of 3,338 beaches and marinas invarious countries.

    People travelling across Croatia for their holi-days will now have the opportunity to purchasecheaper flights. National carrier Croatia Airlineshas reduced the cost of some of its internal routesthat locals and holidaymakers alike may be ableto take advantage of if they book quickly enough- the cheapest tickets are apparently the first to besold. Citing the Vecernji newspaper, the CroatianTimes has revealed that Zagreb flights to Split andDubrovnik can be found for 210 kunas, includingall taxes. People heading on a Croatia holiday fromthe capital to Pula or Zadar will be able to locatedeals for 190 kunas. Some ten per cent of flighttickets for these routes will be made available atthe aforementioned cheaper rate. An alternativemethod of making the most out of a Croatia ho-

    liday is to hire a car and stop off at the variouspoints of interest across the country. However,tourists were warned earlier this year that theyshould book car hire facilities early because theglobal recession has had an effect on the numberof available vehicles in nations across Europe.

    A Croatia travel destination that holi-daymakers may wish to consider this sum-mer is the Kornati Islands. The CroatianNational Tourist Board has highlightedthe region as somewhere those lookingfor accommodation in Croatia might wantto stay. It described the Kornati Islands asthe most indented island group in theMediterranean and detailed a number ofits attractions to tourists. People visitingcan head to the Kornati National Park orthe Telascica Natural Park, which offerstourists a deep bay in which they can relaxand really enjoy their holiday in Croatia.Elsewhere in the country, people headingto Croatia can enjoy the Zadar Summerof Theatre on the Adriatic coast from to-day until the start of August. According tothe tourist board, the festival gives gueststo Croatia a chance to add a special to-uch of culture to their summer holidayby watching various theatre productionsand dance displays.

    The Croatian anti-smoking associati-on Bez dima (No Smoke) has issuedan open letter in response to bar and re-staurant owners opposition to the newanti-smoking law. The Croatian Resta-urant Association has claimed bars andrestaurants have lost 70-to-80 per cent of

    their business because of the law, whichentered into force in May. The associati-on has recommended the Austrian modelof solving smoking problems that givesbar and restaurant proprietors the rightto decide whether their establishmentswill be smoking or non-smoking places ofbusiness. Bez dima is claiming the asso-

    ciation is trying to deceive the public be-cause Croatia has had the equivalent ofthe Austrian model for the last 10 yearsand no restaurant or bar owner has de-cided to ban smoking. Bez dima is char-ging that bar and restaurant proprietorssimply want nothing more than a per-

    mit for smoking, which is unethical. Bezdima is calling on Croats to think twicebefore signing the Croatian Restaurant Associations petition against the anti-smoking law and preparing to return tostinky, smoky and fusty bars. Bez dima isalso criticising the media for neglecting tomention the positive impact of the law.

    For Americans, tipping people whoprovide a good service is a natural occu-rrence - but the culture is different in Cro-atia. Travel expert Franklin Xuereb that people who choose to

    holiday in Croatia may not always need toleave a tip after they have enjoyed a mealor other refreshments. He said that if tipsare left in Croatian restaurants or cafes,they generally comprise a small amountof money. It is only in the tourist areas

    which servers may be expecting a tip,he explained. In remote areas unexplo-red by tourists, leaving a tip is generallyunheard of. In other monetary-relatednews earlier this year, the UKs Post Offi-

    ce reported that the Croatian kuna wasone of its best-selling foreign exchangemarkets during the first quarter of 2009.This suggests that more Britons could beembarking on a Croatia travel experiencein the coming months.

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    july 4th 2009. sibenik times 3

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    4sibenik times saturdayjuly 4th 2009.

    The region of the Krka Riverwas pronounced a national parkdue to its geological and hydro-logical uniqueness, mainly be-

    cause of the process of the tufadeposits which have built water-falls. The waterfalls have formedover thousands of years and arestill today tirelessly constructingthemselves. Numerous deposits,bacteria, algae, moss and othersediments, mostly invisible to thehuman eye, add to the buildingprocess of the waterfalls. Thework of these deposits has slowlychanged the flow of water andhas formed conditions for a num-ber of plants and wildlife to thri-ve. Exactly these new and variedflora and fauna have brought wi-th them a new look to the Krka

    River. Until today in the Krka na-tional park around 900 differenttypes of plant life have been re-corded, of which these are made

    up of a mixture of endemic andvery rare varieties. The endemicplants which grow in the nationalpark region are mostly represen-tative of Adriatic varieties whichcan be found in other areas in theCroatian countryside. On the wetlands around the bottom of theriver grows different species andon the stones cliffs completelydifferent varieties. Nature lo-vers will be especially interestedwith the plant life on the Rokiwaterfall. In this relatively smallarea you can find all possibleconditions for all possible kindsof plant life. The Krka National

    Park is a spacious, largely un-changed region of exceptionaland multifaceted natural value,and includes one or more pre-

    served or insignificantly alteredecosystems. It is intended prima-rily for scientific, cultural, educa-tional, recreational, and tourismactivities such as visiting andsightseeing. It was proclaimed anational park in 1985 and is theseventh national park in Croatia.The Krka National Park is loca-ted entirely within the territoryof ibnik- Knin County and en-compasses an area of 109 squarekilometers along the Krka River:two kilometers downriver fromKnin to Skradin and the lowerpart of the ikola River. Fromthe flooded part of the mouth, it

    is 72.5 kilometers in length, ma-king the Krka the 22nd longestriver in Croatia. The source of theKrka River is at the base of the Di-

    naric Mountains, 3.5 kilometersnortheast of the base of Knin and22 meters below Topoljski Slap,Veliki Buk and Kri Slap, whichare noisy cascades in the winterbut run dry during the summer.The length of the freshwater sec-tion of the river is 49 kilometersand that of the brackish sectionis 23.5 kilometers. Significant tri-butaries of the Krka River includeKri, Kosovica, Oranica, Buti-nica and ikola with Vrb. With itsseven travertine waterfalls and atotal drop of 242 meters, the Kr-ka River is a natural and karsticphenomenon. The Krka National

    Park belongs to the Southern Eu-ropean (Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean) region. Due to itsspecial position and the mosaic

    distribution of various types ofhabitats, it is characterized byexceptionally rich and variedflora and fauna. Eight hundredand sixty species and subspeci-es of plants have been identified within the territory of the KrkaNational Park, including severalendemic Illyrian-Adriatic speci-es. The wealth of plant species,where warm and dry habitats co-me into contact with moist andshady ones, are of particular inte-rest at Roki Slap, with its canyon vegetation, and at SkradinskiBuk, where you can see the plantspecies of the travertine barriers.


    Krka naional parkKrka naional park

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    july 4th 2009. sibenik times 5

    The island of Murter is lo-cated in the northwest partof the ibenik archipelago,separated from the main-land by narrow sea canalat Tisno which is spannedby a 12 meter draw-bridge.Asphalted road (6 km long)connects Murter with Adria-tic tourist road, and distan-ce from the city of ibenik is29 km. The limestone partof the island is covered bysparse vegetation. On thenorthwest, there are fertilequaternary layers (loess).The highest point is the pe-

    ak of Radu at 125 metersabove sea level. Located atthe entrance to the KornatiIslands (Murter inhabitantsown most of the land), Mur-ter is an attractive spot foryachtsmen, and all loversof quiet relaxation. The be-ginnings of tourism in Mur-ter date back to the 1930's,when Czech Villa was builtin Slanica cove. The econo-my is based on agriculture,olive growing, fruit growing,gardening, cattle raising,fishing and tourism. Murteroffers various accommoda-

    tion (hotels, condominiums,marinas), nice and quiet be-aches, numerous restaurantsand taverns, but any visitorto Murter will be especiallythrilled if they choose to visitthe islands of Kornati in oneof the organized tours. The-re are many sports courtsin town (tennis, basketball,five-a-side football), watersports are also an option.During the summer, thereare various sports events,preceded by the April rega-tta Murter - Kornati as anintroduction to the season.

    Our Lady of Tarac

    Island of Murter

    On the first Sunday in Julythe citizens of Murter and thesurrounding islands celebratethe festival Our Lady of Tarac.The day is marked with a boattrip out to the church of the sa-me name on a local island and iscertainly a colourful event. Thearea around the field Tarac isdoubtless the first colonised pla-ce in the Islands. A Neolithic axe was found at the neighbouringfield ejkovci, and both fieldsare surrounded with Liburniancairns. In the 6th century, jud-ging by everything, the fort Tu-reta was built on the hill aboveTarac, and its garrison ensuredsafe navigation in the KornatChannel. Tureta is the only fortfrom that period that was notdestroyed, obviously becauseit was built at a location wherethere was no settlement, and thepopulation did not reach for itsstones. The fort is in a neglectedstate today. At the foot of the hi-ll, and it seems at the same time,the church of St. Mary was built

    in the area between the small co-ve and the field. The answer asto which is older, the church orthe fort, or whether they wereperhaps built at the same time,has not been offered yet. Thiswas a large church (its dimen-sions are around 20 by 30 m) which probably served as safehaven for sailors who waited inthe protected coves of ipnat,Levrnaka or Telaica for favou-rable conditions to resume theirjourneys. Only the apse and partof the church foundations rema-in to this day. In the late Middle

    Ages a small church was builtin its nave, devoted to Gospa odPohoenja (The Visitation of theBlessed Virgin Mary) but whichthe population names Gospe oTarca. The divine service andthe blessing of the fields areheld on the first Sunday in July.Hundreds of boats then hastento Tarac. The votive processionof boats is one of the most bea-utiful and most interesting reli-gious events in Croatia.

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    6sibenik times saturdayjuly 4th 2009.

    Could you tell me somet-hing of the history of the "bu-nari"?

    Just ten metres from the St.Jacob Catherdral, renaissanceCity Hall and the cathedral StLovre, behind high stone wallsa plateau is hidden which holdsfour wells, that were in functionup until the middle of the lastcentury. Water is life and thepeople of Sibenik have knownthis for many years. Due tofrequent attacks and sieges aswell as long periods of droughtthe ancestors of Sibenik deci-ded to construct a public watersystem. On the 10th of January1446 an agreement between theborough of Sibenik and the ci-vil engineer, Jakov Coterr wassigned. The contract involvedconstructing a large centre of water tanks and the idea forthe four wells was born. Thewhole project was supervisedby Jurje Dalmatinac, a famouscivil engineer, architect and con-structor. One interesting anec-dote is that although Sibenik

    with a fresh water supply thatthe Turkish never managed toconquer. Probably this was dueto the extremely strong walls,towers and forts that protec-

    ted the city at that time. Andwhile the gentry enjoyed cleandrinking water from the four wells the general public wereforced to use public fountainsfor their water. In spite of thefact that the wells are locatedunder sea level they containedup to 28,800 barrels of drinkingwater. In the second half of the19th century, after the construc-tion of public water mains, the

    city wells were no longer nee-ded. And during the SecondWorld War they were used asbunkers from air raids. A UKTrade & Investment-sponsoredtrade mission to Croatia has re-sulted in the country becominga major export market for JAN-VS Design Group, a team of de-signers specialising in museums,galleries and visitor centres. Inthe coastal town of Sibenik, JA-NVS has been appointed as thedesigner to Bunari: Secrets ofSibenik, a project within theUnesco World Heritage Site thatis redeveloping four mediaeval,vaulted underground wells, ea-

    ch of which held 28,800 barrelsof water.What can tourists expect tosee in the "bunari"?

    An interactive museum in the

    very heart of Sibenik, the wellsare the secrets of the city. Youcan see a presentation of oldSibenik architecture, especiallythe wells and their use, Sibeniklegends, important historicalevents and personalities, tradi-tional costumes from Sibenik,old diving equipment and toolsof forgotten trades. There arevery interesting stories of mari-time trade through history, shi-

    pbuilding, pirates of the Medi-terranean and of course hiddentreasures. Your journey throughthe museum continues with astory of the natural treasuresof Sibenik, the national parksof Krka and Kornati. As well aspresenting a calendar of eventsin the city. In this attractive areaof the four wells guests can vi-sually and acoustically have anunforgettable experience. Witha combination of lights and so-unds and even smells the sightsand sounds of ancient Sibenikwill reveal themselves. The spa-ce has over 400 meters squaredand is divided into two halls.

    What gave you the idea toconvert the "bunari" into atourist attraction?

    Is six months long enough torepair an object that has seen

    years and years of neglect andmisuse, to rebuild it and rege-nerate it to its former glory andto make an interesting culturalattraction from it? In the Westprobably the answer is yes, butyou have to keep in mind thatCroatia is a country full of bea-ucracy which makes the wholesituation much more complica-ted. The current owners are Ivi-ca Pili and Ivan Livi and they

    have continued the years longproject of managing the fourwells. In 2004 an exhibition spa-ce was opened which won thecoveted Blue Flower awardfor the best tourist attraction.And on the ground floor of theobject stretching over 250 me-tres squared is a wine bar anda caf bar Bunari. Along witha rich offer of fine wines, hotand cold cuisines many eventsare held there, from weddings,business meetings, concerts ofblues, jazz, funk and swing. How popular is the "bunari"with tourists?

    ibenik is hiding many se-

    crets and surprises. You candiscover it with a special trai-ned guide who will take you toall the landmarks in the town,but also to hidden alleyways,

    rich with authentic sights andsounds of a Mediterranean life.The story about ibenik is toldthrough 7 themes: story aboutthe Wells, history about i-benik, famous faces of ibenik,shipwrecks, hidden treasuresof ibenik, natural treasures,tastes of ibenik a caf and asouvenir shop. As a part of eachtheme one can find panels andinteractive games, such as a 3D

    puzzle of one of ibenik castles,safe boxes with hidden treasu-res, or a pinball machine on shi-pwrecks. Have fun! This award-winning exhibit is built aroundfour 15th-century bunara waterstorage tanks about 46m (150ft.) from magnificent St. Jacob'sCathedral. Inside, two floors ofsequentially arranged exhibitstrace the city's history in wor-ds, photos, and even film. Allare numbered so visitors canfollow the displays in a specificorder using a timeline that tra-ces the city's evolution from itsorigins to the present day. Theself-guided tour of explaining

    Sibenik's culture, development,and famous native sons ends ata coffeehouse on the bottomlevel, where you can ruminateabout what you've just seen.

    Bunari secrets of SibenikInterview Mr. Ivan Livi

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    july 4th 2009. sibenik times 7

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    8sibenik times saturdayjuly 4th 2009.

    How to prevent summer holiday health woesWie oi is ime foexion n ecupeion, icn so be igge fo ine-ss n e pobems ue osuen cnges in cime nie, s we s incese evesof sess n eion fom

    veing.Wis exing on one of ebeces in e Sibenik Couno expoing e oc counsi-e ee e cein ings ou nee o ook ou fo nke pecuions fo.

    Problem Mosquito bitesGreat red swollen blotches all over your newly exposed body is not what youwant as you hit the beach. Most bites take about a week to clear up so thatwill mean you are covered in red spots for the duration of your holiday.

    PreventionBy taking vitamin B12 up to two weeks before you leave for your holiday youcan change the taste of your blood which makes it repellent to mosquitoes.

    A tincture of Lemon Balm rubbed onto the skin has also been found in trialsto help prevent mosquito bites. Vitamin B 12 and Lemon Balm tinctures are

    available at most health food stores and chemists

    Problem- Prickly heat/ecemaIncreased heat and sweating gives rise to heat rashes andskin conditions such as eczema. Being covered in a viciousred rash is bound to an end to your bikini beach bodyaspirations.

    PreventionA natural soothing cooling gel made from Cardiosper-mum (a plant extract taken from the balloon vine) is

    ideal for calming irritating heat trigger skin conditions. Ina recent UK trial is was found to be as effective for some

    people than steroids in the treatment of eczema. Asidefrom the trial, Cardiospermum has been examined for

    its anti-inflammatory and dermatological effect in morethan 12 published research trials on its medicinal effects

    on inflammatory skin conditions which means it can alsohelp with heat rash and sunburn due to its strong anti-

    inflammatory effects.

    Problem- DiarrhoeaYou are more likely to get a stomach bug on holiday thanany other time and there is nothing that will curtail yourholiday fun more than a vicious bout of deli belly.

    PreventionLactobacillus Acidophilus is actually a type of friendly

    bacteria that you can take up to two weeks before youleave for your holiday to help strengthen your intestine inpreparation for foreign food. According to several studies,

    it appears that regular use of acidophilus can help prevent"travellers diarrhoea". One double-blind, placebo-contro-lled study followed 820 people travelling to southern Tur-key, and found that use of a probiotic called Lactobacillus

    GG significantly protected against intestinal infection.

    Problem Swollen ankles/DVTTrying to shove great swollen ankles into your delicate summer holiday san-dals is never going to look a very pretty sight. Although swollen ankles fromflying usually go down within a day or so, they are still an undesirable resultof air travel and can ruin the first few days of your holiday. In addition swollenankles in some cases can be heighten the risk of DVT (Deep vein thrombosis),which in very rare cases can be fatal.

    PreventionTaking the DVT prevention supplement Zinopin not only reduces your risk

    of flight related DVT during the flight, it prevents your ankles and legs fromswelling during and after the flight. You can take Zinopin just one day before

    flying and then1 hour before flying to help reduce swollen ankles.

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    july 4th 2009. sibenik times 9

    Friday, 3rd JulyTheatre foyer at 11 a.m.PRESS CONFERENCE

    City theatre at 7 p.m.WORKSHOP FILM PRODUCTION

    Convent of St Lovre garden at 8 p.m.KC VodiceAmateur drama group VodiceKing's cherries fairy taleDirected and dramatized by: Pave ala

    Summer stage at 9 p.m.CIRCUS STUDIO ARLEKINO, Ukraine, Ilyievsk

    CIRCUS BALAGANCHIKDirector:Nadeda Volyk

    King Tomislav Street 9 11 a.m. and 7.30 8.30 p.m.ASSOCIATION PLEMENITAI, IvanecWooden roundabout and the organ

    Convent of St Lovre garden at 8 p.m.KC VodiceAmateur drama group VodiceKing's cherries fairy taleDirected and dramatized by: Pave ala

    Saturday, 4th July

    Theatre foyer at 11 a.m.PRESS CONFERENCE

    Summer stage at 9 p.m.

    CLOSING CEREMONYProgramme of celebrating the anniversaryof CVRAK (CRICKET) Children's choir

    RUKA SLUI DA SE DRUIParticipants:CRICKET CHILDREN'S CHOIR, ibenikGuided by: Sonja Bator



    Here, on the flagstones of the ol-

    dest city built by the Croats, the cultu-ral history of Croatia and Europe wasbuilt over centuries. The paintings ofJuraj ulinovi, the multidisciplinarygeniuses of Antun and Faust Vrani,the architectural mastery of Juraj ofDalmatia, the author of the St. Ja-mes cathedrals stone poetry just tomention the most distinguished giveSibenik a safe anchorage in the cul-tural sea of Croatia and Europe. Sibe-nik has always had leanings towardsmusic, song and the performing arts.All the Sibenik streets, stairs, squares,passages, the waterfront, parks, theCathedral and the theatre belong tothe numerous stages which becomelively and busy during summer time

    at the unique world performance, theInternational Children's Festival. The-

    re is almost no need to sit somewhere

    in the audience, because the audienceand the stage is everywhere at Sibenikin those days! Ensembles and actors,singers and dancers, directors and re-porters crowd at the time in this centreon the Adriatic coast. The city gave itsbest times and sites to the river andthe sea, but it also gave its best timesand spaces to everybody who camealong the river and from the sea. Thecity gave all of them joy and youth,both summers and the shine in theeyes of a child. And the city gave thefestival. The festival is forty years old.It is called the International Children'sFestival Sibenik - Croatia. To make thefestival possible, the old city theatrereceived actors and puppeteers and

    musicians into itself four decades ago,filled its auditorium with children and

    bowed its knee to Its Majesty the Play.

    And when it was not enough, the festi-val left the theatre building 130 yearsold and spread through the streets andsquares, making a theatre out of the ci-ty, making them equal, living betweendreams and reality.

    Since then, you can meet a pup-pet and an actor in city crowds in anymoment of the day, mingling withthe citizens of Sibenik and their gue-sts, walking towards dreams, turninginto dreams, making dreams real andgiving them out as gifts. You will meetAlice, just arrived from the Wonder-land, the mischievous Pinocchio willpeer around the corner, Kekec willsing his merry song, Popeye the Sailorwill blow his pipe and eat spinach, Pe-

    ter Pan will take you to his mysteriousNever land ...


    A city filled withsights and sounds

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    10sibenik times saturdayjuly 4th 2009.






    The Sibenik Knin County is full ofinteresting sights and sounds. Its historyand tradition are rich, complicated andfascinating. Its nature and wildlife, in-cluding two national parks, are uniqueand breathtaking. Its cuisine and wineare world class. The connection to the sea

    is unbreakable.And finally its people are friendly, ge-

    nerous and warm. Every week well bringyou a few short fact files of different areasof life in the county so that you can bettercomprehend the culture that surroundsyou.

    Croatian cuisine is heteroge-neous and is therefore knownas the cuisine of regions, sinceevery region has its own distinctculinary traditions.

    Its modern roots date backto ancient periods and the dif-ferences in the selection of fo-odstuffs and forms of cookingare most notable between thoseon the mainland and those incoastal regions. Mainland cu-isine is more characterized bythe earlier Slavic and the morerecent contacts with the morefamous gastronomic orders oftoday - Hungarian, Vienneseand Turkish - while the coastalregion bears the influences ofthe Greek, Roman and Illyrian,as well as of the later Medi-terranean cuisine - Italian andFrench.

    The A1 highway, is a highway in Cro-atia. It currently measures 416 km fromZagreb (Luko interchange) via Split toestanovac. It is scheduled to reach Plo-e in 2008 and later Dubrovnik. The A1is generally considered to be one of theCroatia's main trunk roads, as it connectsthe country's continental part and the ca-pital Zagreb with the Croatian coast and

    the second-largest city, Split.It is the first highway to cross the mo-

    untainous Dinaric Alps (Lika) of the co-untry. A1 is a toll highway. The sectionfrom Luko interchange to the Bosiljevointerchange is operated by AutocestaRijeka-Zagreb d.d. and the section fromBosiljevo to estanovac exit is operatedby HAC.

    Handmade silk ties areamong the best-known Croatiansouvenirs. At the beginning, thecravat (tie) was a kerchief wornby Croatian soldiers in the 17thcentury. In the 18th century, inthe form of a broad white scarf,it became part of the traditionalmale national costume. Afterthat, ties became fashionable, amodern fashion accessory.

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    july 4th 2009. sibenik times 11






    01Juggler Willy Wonder entertained the largecrowds at the 49th International ChildrensFestival in Sibenik

    02NCP Marina in Sibenik drew great interest overthe weekend and finding a spare mooring wasextremely difficult

    03The 18th birthday party of the Aurora discobrought the public out in force

    04A folklore evening was held in the Sibeniktheatre as part of the International ChildrensFestival. The childrens group Karpos fromSkopje, Macedonia entertained the audience

    05The Vodice riveria experienced some strangeweather conditions over the weekend. The fourseasons in one day didnt seem to bother thesetourists who continued to eat their ice-creams

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    12sibenik times saturdayjuly 4th 2009.

    EVENtS July 2009.



    Cocki & Poo Cub 21:00 00:01disco nig cub ami 24:00 04:00ENTRY FREE


    IBENIKsvakog etvrtka Klapske veeri Every Thursday through July Vocal choir concerts03.07-28.07. svakog petka - ibensko lito Every Friday Sibenik summer06.- 08.07. Adria festival Adria Festival16.-18.07. Off blues & jazz festival16.-28.07. Orguljaka kola Organ school22.07. Brod knjiara Library boat

    MURTER04.07. Gospe o' Tarca, procesija na moru Our Lady of Tarac, sea procession15.07. Na mali festival/djeji festival Our little festival/Childrens festivaltijekom srpnja Glazbeni festival Murter 2009, festival klasine glazbe

    Through July classical musical festival, Murter 2009

    zLARIN01.07.-01.09. Festival svjetla na Zlarinu Festival of Light in Zlarin12.07. Koncer klavir-violina-viola i glas Concert piano, violin, viola and voice20.07. Rock grupa "Deep in rock" ibenik Rock group Deep in Rock23.07. Brod knjiara 2009 Library boat 200927.07. Rock grupa "Belfast food" Rock group Belfast Food concert27.07. Regata Latinsko idro Regatta27.07. Ispraaj koraljara Coral festival

    ROGOzNICA02.07. Dan opine Day of the borough of Rogoznica

    PRIMOTENsvakog ponedjeljka Promenada klape every Monday through July vocal choir concertsvake srijede Koncert klape - Every Wednesday through July Klapa concertsvakog etvrtka Muzika za ples Every Thursday through July dance musicsvakog petka Veer folklore Every Friday through July Folklore eveningssvake nedjelje Koncert Puhakog orkestra Primoten Every Sunday through

    July Folklore orchestra

    VODICE29.07-30.07. Seaside Jazz Festival

    GREBATICA04.07. Klapske veeri Vocal choir evenings11.07. Klapske veeri - Vocal choir evenings18.07. Klapske veeri - Vocal choir evenings25.07. Grebaka feta Festival of Grabatica

    PIROVAC04.07. Rock koncert Rock concert12.07. Folklorna veer i domai obiaji Folklore evenings14.07. Pjesnika veer i klapa Poets evenings and vocal choirs16.07. Gospa od Karmela - crkvena sveanost Our Lady of Karmel official procession23.07. Zabavna veer Entertainment evenings26.07. Klapska veer i veer vonje brodicama Vocal choir evenings and boat trips31.07. Tamburaka veer Guitar evening

    TRIBUNJ11.07. Koncert Maksim Mrvica Concert by Maksim Mrvica

    24.07. Tribunjska ribarska no Fishermans night in Tribunj30.07. Revija pobjednika Festivala dalmatinskih klapa Omi 2009.Winner of the vocal choir cup in Omi 2009

    BETINA01.07. 01.09. svaka trea veer - Veer betinske kuhinje Every third evening

    An evening of Betina cuisine11.07. Smotra malih folkloraa Folklore performance17.07-19.07. Smotra folklora Betina Folklore performance26.07. Modra no Blue night

    KNINtijekom srpnja Festival urbane culture Through July festival of urban culture

    04.07.2009. Deep in rock concert centre 21,00 h06.07.2009. Brass band of Pirovac concert restaurant malo misto09.07.2009. Vocal choir St. Juraj concert Rudina Square12.07.2009. Folklore evening Rudina Square14.07.2009. Pirovac Blues festival Rudina Square 22,00 h16.07.2009. An evening of music and poems - Rudina Square 21,00 h19.07.2009. Vocal Choir Mirakul Concert Rudina Square 21,00 h19.07.2009. Ethno workshop 18 h

    Ognizo: turistika zajednica opine pirovacOgnise: tourist board of Pirovac


  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, July 4th



    july 4th 2009. sibenik times 13

    Seven different societies from the Si-benik Knin County, Split County andthe Zadar County performed in the fe-stival. They were: Kud Ante Zaninovi,Katel Kambelovac, Kuu Bezdan Pirovac,Kud Spuvar- Krapanj Brodarica, Kud Ko-ledie Jezera, Kud Travulin Tisno, GrupaGraana iz Murtera, Kud Fortica-Novi-

    grad Zadar. The festival kicked off witha procession though the main streets ofPirovac to the older section of the townand was accompanied by large crowds,both local citizens and tourists visitingthe town. It was a perfect opportunity totake some holiday snaps. The days pro-gram was organised on the Rudina Squ-are but due to bad weather conditions itwas moved inside the main hall. This ina way gave the whole event a much moredomestic atmosphere. The whole ideaof the festival was to show the completeprocess of meeting, proposing and finallygetting married to a girl in times gone bywith traditional costumes and customs.Mr. Nenad Milin was the creator of the whole festival and his ideas were certa-

    inly well produced, and the event waspresented by Nikola Urukalo. The expertjury of Tvrtko Zebec , Damir Kremeniand Jadran Kale had a tough time ondeciding which of all the wonderful per-formers was the most original. But in the

    end after serious debate they decided onthe local society Bezdan, who exhibitedthemselves in full glory and with manydetails. All of the performers were awar-ded the Zloselski futan for their effortsand the fun continued on the terrace ofthe restaurant Malo Misto with local cu-isines, drinks and of course vocal choir

    music from the group Canzona.The main aim of the festival OJ DI-VOJKO, DII SE IZ DVORA was to cre-ate a high quality tourist attraction andone for which the whole town would berecognised. It is the plan in the future tomake this a traditional event and to bringeven more presenters to perform and toexhibit their local wedding customs. Inthe long run there are also plans to makethe festival an international one. This isan opportunity for all of us, and especi-ally the younger older generation, not toforget our roots, our history, our customsand our traditions. They are a symbol ofwhere we are from and give us the chan-ce to be ourselves. I hope that we are atthe beginning of a great success. We we-

    re under the spotlight from the jury, thepublic and the tourists that visited, whichat the end of the day was our goal. Andthe plan for next year is to be bigger andbetter, stated Marija parica, director ofthe Pirovac Tourist Board.



    Oj divojko,dii se iz dvora

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, July 4th


    14sibenik times saturdayjuly 4th 2009.

    HEALTHdaIly PharMaCy Centrala (untilJuly 3.); PharMaCy BaldEKIN,Stjepana Radia 56a, tel. 332-068;PharMaCy CENtrala, StjepanaRadia bb, tel. 213-539; PharMaCyVarO, Kralja Zvonimira 32, tel. 212-539; PharMaCy PlENa, Karla Vi-pauca 21, tel. 214 -118, Osme dalmat-inske udarne brigade 3, tel. 331-022;dONaCIjSKa PharMaCy, BraePolia bb, tel. 333-437, VIta- SPECI-jalIZIraNa PrOdaVaONICalIjEKOVIMa aNd MEdICINSKIMPrOIZVOdIMa, Biskupa Fosca 11, tel.215-850 and Biskupa Milete 5a, tel.310-525; PharMaCy BaraNOVI-PEtKOVI, Stjepana Radia 1, tel.212-061; PharMaCy radIN, KraljaZvonimira 121, tel. 338-716; PharMa-Cy OBaNOV, Square Ivana Pavla II,tel-fax: 331-255; hErBal Phar-MaCy GOSPINa traVa, StjepanaRadia 27, tel. 219-245; hErBalPharMaCy NatUra, StjepanaRadia 12, tel. 336-116.


    day and friday), 8.00, 8.45, 9.15, 9.45,

    10.05, 11.00, 11.45, 12.00, 12.15, 13.00,13.10, 13.45, 14.10, 14.37, 16.00, 16.15,16.45, 17.45, 19.05 (not on saturday)19.35, 20.40, 21.15, 21.40, 22.00, 23.00and 23.30; Sibenikriek at 6.30,8.45, 9.15, 9.45, 11.00, 13.00, 14.37,16.45, 22.00, 23.00 and 23.30; Sibe-nikMkskPoedubovnikat 00.00, 2.30, 4.35, 8.00, 11.00, 12.00,13.00, 14.20 and 15.10; SibenikZ-geb at 00.40, 1.30 (motorway), 7.00,7.45 (on tuesday and friday), 8.00,9.15, 9.40, 10.05, 12.00, 13.45, 14.50,15.30, 16.00 (motorway), 17.30, 18.00(motorway), 23.00; Sibenik-Ko-vc at 7.00, 8.00, 10.05, 13.45, 15.30,19.10, 21.40, 23.00; SibenikVinat 13.45; SibenikOsiekat 21.40; Si-benikPoeg at 7.45 (tuesday andfriday); SibenikSvonski Boat 19.10 (thursday and sunday) and21.40 (everyday); SibenikVinkovciat 19.10 (thursday and sunday); Sibe-nikImoski at 3.45; SibenikPuat 6.30, 9.45 and 22.00; Sibenikrovin at 22.00; Sibenik-Gospi at9.15; SibenikPag at 9.15.

    LOCAL LINE - work daySibenik-dni-Ok-Knin at 6.15(upi); 9.30(upi); 15.15 (upi);Sibenik-dni-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30;10.30; 11.30; 14.00; 20.00; Sibenik-tisno-jeze at 10.00 (Jezera bus);Sibenik-Bein-Mue at 10.30

    (Murter trade); Sibenik-Gbovci-Snkovci-Buk-Bnevci at 10.30(Stari Velim); Sibenik-Gbovci-Veim-Snkovci-dob Vo-Bn-evci-Benkovc at 14.00, 20.00 (StariVelim); Sibenik-Voice-Kpe-jez-e-Mue at 5.45, 11.30, 14.00, 20.00;Sibenik-Sim-Voice-tibun-Sov-e at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15,12.45, 14.00, 14.30, 19.10, 20.00; Sibe-nik-Sim-Voice-tibun-jeze-Mue at 9.00; 15.20 18.00; 21.00;Sibenik-Sim-Voice at 8.00, 9.20,13.30, 19.30; Sibenik-Sim-Voice-Piovc-Ki at 11.40, 14.00, 20.00;Sibenik-Voice-Piovc-Ki-Bnevci at 15.20; Sibenik-Skin-Pimovci-Kkovi-vi-lini

    at 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-Voice-isVeik-Povi-Vuki at 11.15, 14.00,20.15; Sibenik-Gbovci-Cenik-Snkovci-Buk-rinovci-Bnevci at 15.20 (Stari Velim);Sibenik-Voice-is Veik-levci-Kkovi-Biosnovi-vi-lini-Vuki-Povi at15.30; Sibenik-lozovc-Skin-d u b v i c e - r u p e - l k o v i c -evske at 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 (Anto-nio tours); Sibenik-lozovc-Skin-lkovic-rupe at 11.15, 12.45, 14.00,15.30, 20.00; Sibenik-Skin-Sonkovi-Pimovci at 12.45,15.20; Sibenik-Skin-Sonkovi-Pimovci-levci-lini at11.00, 20.15; Sibenik-lozovc-

    Skin-Govo-Psovo-Ievo-lkovic-rupe-Sonkoviat 9.00;Sibenik-jovc-Bo-lep-enic-Vsno at 10.15, 15.10, 20.30;Sibenik-Bo-lepnic-Vsnoat 12.00, 14.00; Sibenik-jovc-

    Gebic-dge-Bski doc at11.45; Sibenik-jovc-boi-Gebic-Bn-dge-Bskidoc at 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Bo-ic at 6.10, 7.00, 7.45, 9.30, 10.30,11.30, 12.30, 13.05, 14.00, 15.05, 16.05,17.30, 19.10, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-Gebic-Bn-dge-Bskidoc at 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Gebic-Bn-dge-Bskidoc-Spini Doci at 15.10; Sibenik-Pimoen-rogoznic at 9.45;Sibenik-Pimoen-rogoznic-rn at 11.00, 11.45, 14.00, 20.00;Sibenik-Pimoen BIS at 12.30,14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-dubv-Bin-dnio-Pekovi-Sino at9.00, 12.40 (to Birnja), 21.15; Sibenik-dubv-dnio-Pekovi-Sino at11.30, 14.00, 15.20, 20.00; Sibenik-Kice-Miovi-Nkii-roniat15.10; Sibenik-Koneve-Miovi-Unei at 11.30; Sibenik-Vpoe-Kice-Miovi-Unei-Semiat 14.00, 20.15; Sibenik-ivkovi-Pokovnik-Pkovo Seo-Mievciat 11.00 (upi); Sibenik-Nki-ivkovi-Pokovnik-Mievci at14.00 (upi), 20.15 (upi); Sibenik-Biice-Sub-Vue at 7.00, 10.30,12.00, 12.45, 14.00, 15.30, 17.40, 20.00;Sibenik-Zon-rsin at 7.30,10.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.00, 15.20, 18.30,19.15, 20.00, 21.10; Sibenik-Sois-Zbe at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00 11.40,13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 16.00, 17.40, 19.10,


    LOCAL LINE - saturdaySibenik-dni-Ok-Knin at 6.15(upi), 11.30; Sibenik-dni-Kosovo-Knin at 8.30, 14.00, 20.00; Sibenik-Sim-Voice-tibun-jeze-Mu-e at 5.45, 9.00, 11.30, 14.00, 18.00;Sibenik-Sim-Voice-tibun-Sove at 6.30, 7.15, 8.40, 10.15, 20.0021.00; Sibenik-Sim-Voiceat 8.00,9.20; Sibenik-Zon-rsin at 7.00,10.30, 12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibe-nik-jovc-Bo-lepenic-Vsno at 12.00, 15.10, 20.30; Sibenik-jun dubv-dnio-Pekovi-Sino at 9.00, 11.30, 15.20, 21.15;Sibenik-Koneve-Nki-Miovi

    at 15.20; Sibenik-lozovc-Skin-d ub vice- G ovo- Psovo-Bikovci-lkovic-Skin-Sonkovi at 9.00; Sibenik-lozovc-Skin-Sonkovi-dubvice-Govo-Psovo-Ievo-lkovic-rupe at 13.00; Sibenik-lozovc-d ub vice- G ovo- Psovo-Ievo-lkovic-rupe at 15.30;Sibenik-Skin-Sonkovi-Gc-Vni-Pimovci at 15.20; Sibe-nik lozovc-Skin-dubvice-rupe-lkovic-evske at 10.30,14.30, 19.30 (Antonio tours); Sibenik-Voice-is Veik-levci-Kkovi-Biosnovi-lini-Vuki(en of vige)-Poviat 12.00 (andPiramatovci), 15.30 (to Bilostanova);

    Sibenik-Biice-Sub-Vue at7.00, 10.30, 12.45, 15.30, 20.00; Sibe-nik-Gbovci-Snkovci-Buk at10.30 (Stari Velim); Sibenik-Sois-Zbe at 7.00, 9.00, 10.00, 13.10,14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.

    LOCAL LINE - sunday

    Sibenik-dni-Ok-Knin at 8.30;Sibenik-dni-Kosovo-Knin at 14.00(upi); Sibenik-Sim-Voice-tibun-Sove at 6.30, 20.00, 21.00;Sibenik-Sim-Voice-tibun-jez-e-Mue at 9.00, 14.00, 18.00; Si-benik-Zon-rsinat 7.00, 10.30,12.30, 15.20, 18.30, 21.10; Sibenik-jovc-Bo-lepenic-Vsno at 15.10; Sibenik-jun dubv-dnio-Pekovi-Sino at 15.20,21.15; Sibenik-lozovc-Skin-d ub vice- G ovo- Psovo-Sonkoviat 9.00; Sibenik-lozovc-S k i n - d u b v i c e - G o v o -Psovo-Bikovci (to Graacplayground) at 15.30; Sibenik-Biice-Sub-Vue at 7.00, 10.30, 14.00;Sibenik-Sois-Zbe at 9.00,10.00, 13.10, 14.15, 15.10, 17.40, 20.15.










    BANKSjadraNSKa BaNK: tel. 242-242;CrOatIa BaNK: Square Pavlaubia br. 1, tel. 212-033; hrVatSKaPOtaNSKa BaNK: A. Starevia bb,tel. 337-345; OtP BaNK: Ante upuka22, tel. 062/201-555; PrIVrEdNaBaNK ZaGrEB: Vladimira Nazora1, tel. 322-150; raIFFEISEN BaNKaUStrIa: Square Draena Petroviabb, tel. 348-800; hVB - SPlItSKaBaNK: Poljana 2, tel. 022/214-663;ZaGrEBaKa BaNK: Biskupa Milete2a, tel. 022/201-370; ErStE BaNK

    d.d.: Poljana 5, tel. 062/374-540;hyPO-GrOUP alPE adrIa: Stjep-ana Radia 77a, tel. 311-940; VOlKS-BaNK: Square Draena Petrovia bb,tel. 668-100; KrIEVaKa BaNK:Biskupa J. Milete 6, tel. 215-396.

    BUSESDeparture buses from SibenikSibeniktogiSpi at 00.00,00.30, 2.30, 3.00, 3.45, 4.35, 5.15,6.45, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9,20, 10.00,10.30, 11.00, 12.00, 12.30 (not sunday),

    13.00, 14.00, 14.20, 15.10, 15.30, 15.40,16.00, 16.30, 17.00, 17.30, 18.00 18.15,18.55, 19.00, 19.30, 20.30, 20.45, 21.15(not on saturday), 22.00 and 23.30;SibenikPiovcBiogZat 5.45, 6.30, 7.00, 7.45 (only on tues-

    TRAINSDeparture from Sibenik: 4.26 : forPekovi, Knin n Spi; 7.42 : forPekovi, Knin, Spi, Zgeb; 10.56: for Pekovi, Spi n Zgeb;12.25 : for Pekovi n Spi; 15.10 :for Pekovi n Zgeb; 15.37 : forPekovi, Knin n Spi; 17.43 : forPekovi; 20.l0 : for Pekovi, Knin

    n Spi; Zgeb, Osiek, Vinkovci;22.50 : for Pekovi n Zgeb (di-rect).Arrival at Sibenik: 6.27 : from Knin,Spi, Pekovi n Zgeb (directwagon); at 7.33 : from Pekovi; 8.54: from Knin, Spi n Pekovi;12.07 : from Zgeb n Pekovi;13.34 : from Pekovi; 16.37 : fromZgeb n Pekovi; 17.33 : fromKnin, Spi n Pekovi; at 18.48: from Pekovi; 21.20 : from Knin,Spi, Pekovi n Zgeb (fasttrain).

    BOATSSIBENIK ZlarIN (ferry): tuesdayand thursday at 12.30, return at 19.10.SIBENIK IrjE (ferry): tuesday,wednesday and thursday at 12.30,return at 17.45. Monday, friday andsaturday at 10.30, return friday at 15,monday and saturday at 15.30 , returnat 13 and 17.45 . Sunday and holidaysat 11.00, return at 17.45.SIBENIK KaPrIjE (hydrofoil Mis-lav): monday, tuesday, wednesday,thursday and saturday at 18.45, fridayat 16.00 and 19.30, return at 6.50,friday and at 18.05 . Sunday and holi-days at 9 and 18.45, return at 6.50 and

    11.20 .SIBENIK ZlarIN PrVI EPUrINE - VOdICE: monday, tues-day, wednesday, thursday, friday andsaturday at 6.00, 9.30, 13.30, 15.30and 19.30 .

    he Cene, tel. 660-552; Gen-e hospi, tel. 663-732; Bus s-ion, tel. 661-005; PharMaCy, tel.660-080; re Coss, tel. 662-019;Cis, tel. 661-700; hVIdra, tel.661-612; libtel. 660-010

    PharMaCy tel. 434-129; denistel. 436-026; NP Koni tel. 435-740; Booug of Mue tel. 435-599; jnsk BaNK tel. 443-137; Po auoi tel. 435-190

    PharMaCy tel. 467-099, openfrom 8-14,30, saturday from 8 to 12;doco suge tel. 467-080; Bo-oug of Piovc tel. 467-077; Postel. 467-000; jnsk BaNK tel.466-622; Fiebigetel. 467-090.

    Booug of Pimoen tel. 571-900;Poice tel. 570-092; PharMaCytel. 570-305, jnsk BaNK tel.570-351; Piven BaNK tel. 571-160; Pos tel. 571-039; Fiebigetel. 570-097; lib 570-259

    Booug of rogoznic tel. 559-040; Fiebige tel. 559-294; doc-os Suge tel. 559-032; denistel. 558-392; PharMaCy tel. 558-330, jnsk BaNKtel. 559-540;

    PharMaCy open mon, wedand fri from 7,30 to 13,30, and tueand thu from 13.30 to 19.30. tel.771-099, 771-049

    Booug of tisno tel. 439-262,439-264, 439-268; PharMaCy

    tel. 438-512, jnsk BaNK tel.438-486; FINa tel. 438-499; Postel. 439-250; Po auoi tel.439-313; aCI min, tel. 439 295 .

    Booug of tibun tel. 446-357,fax. 446-830; touis bo oftibun tel./fax. 446-143; jn-sk BaNK tel. 446-992; CoinPos Office tibun tel. 446-855,fax. 446-830.

    docos Suge tel. 022/443-169;denis tel. 022/443-624; Phar-

    MaCy 022/ 443-168; Ve suge022/443-355Bus sion, 022/443-627; Po auoi, tel. 022/443-055; Pos, tel. 022/442-145.

  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, July 4th



    july 4th 2009. sibenik times 15

    Osniva i izdava | Publisher:

    ibenski list d.o.o.Adresa | Address:

    Boidara Petranovia 3, ibenikTelefoni | Telephones:

    022/311-300; 022/311-399Fax:

    022/330-100; 022/311-302

    Direktor | Director:Sran Buani

    ([email protected])

    Glavni urednik | Editor in chief:Zdravko Pili

    ([email protected])

    Urednik | Editor:Mark Thomas

    ([email protected])

    Fotoreporteri | Photography:([email protected])

    Vilson PoliNikolina Vukovi Stipaniev


    Grafika priprema | Graphics:([email protected])

    Orsat LasiLuka ankovi | Nino Milin

    Marketing:Ana Jadrei

    voditeljica marketinga([email protected])

    Mobitel: 091/30 20 120 Elida Slavica

    ([email protected])Mobitel: 091/30 20 106

    Ni kolina vorak

    U suradnji s | In association with:

    Turistika zajednica Grada ibenikaTourist board SibenikDirector: Goran Bulat

    Tel: 022/212-075 |

    Tourist board JezeraDirector: Nenad Milin

    Tel: 022/439-120 |

    Tourist board KninDirector: Ante imi

    Tel: 022/664-819 |

    Tourist board MurterDirector: eljana iki

    Tel: 022/434-995 |

    Tourist board PirovacDirector: Vinja Gulam

    Tel: 022/466-770 |

    Tourist board PrimostenDirector:Jere Bakoti

    Tel: 022/571-111 |

    Tourist board RogoznicaDirector: Ante KarabatiTel: 022/559-253

    Tourist board SkradinDirector: Karmen Biani panjolTel: 022/771-329 |

    Tourist board TisnoDirector: Milena Obratov

    Tel: 022/438-604 |

    Tourist board TribunjPresident:Ivan Zadro

    Tel: 022/446-143

    Tourist board VodiceDirector: Anita Franin PearicaTel: 022/443-888 |

    All text and photos are exclusive content ofSibenik Times and without authorization

    cant be reproduced! Transcripts and photosare not returned. Sibenik Times is free of

    charge and is published once a week.

    iro raun broj | Bank account:2411006-1100004846

    Tisak | Print:Tiskara Slobodna Dalmacija, Split




    Jeera / Tisno









    International dialling code for Croatia 00385Dialling code for Sibenik 022International enquires 901Post office 214 991Telegram 96Police 92Harbour Master Sibenik 217 217Harbour Master Vodice 443 055Harbour Master Primosten 570 266Harbour Master Rogoznica 559 045Harbour Master Murter 435 190Harbour Master Tisno 439 313Emergency services 112Ambulance 94Fire brigade 93Assistance on the sea 9155Roadside assistance 987Sibenik Hospital 246 246Sibenik bus station 060 368 368Sibenik train station 333 696Jadrolinija local ferry service 213 468Taxi 212 121Split airport 021 203 507Zadar airport 023 205 800Information 981Tourist Guide society St. Michael

    091 209 6411 091 731 7116 091 560 6116Sibenik Knin County tourist Board 219 072

    Predbroj Za Hrvatsku 00385Predbroj Za ibensku Regiju 022Meunarodna Centrala 901Pota 214 991Telegram 96Policija 92Luka Kapetanija ibenik 217 217Luka Kapetanija Vodice 443 055Luka Kapetanija Primoten 570 266Luka Kapetanija Rogoznica 559 045Luka Kapetanija Murter 435 190Luka Kapetanija Tisno 439 313Hitna Sluba 112Prva Pomo 94Vatrogasci 93Pomo Na Moru 9155Pomo Na Cesti 987Bolnica ibenik 246 246Autobusni Kolodvor ibenik 060 368 368eljezniki Kolodvor ibenik 333 696Jadrolinija Lokalni Brodski Prijevoz 213 468Taxi 212 121Zrana Luka Split 021 203 507Zrana Luka Zadar 023 205 800Ope Informacije 981Udruga Turistikih Vodia Sv. Mihovil

    091 209 6411 091 731 7116 091 560 6116TZ ibensko-Kninske upanije 219 072



  • 8/14/2019 The Sibenik Times, July 4th


    16sibenik times saturdayjuly 4th 2009.

    Sun wi unesomshig 30c / low 19cCnce of in 20%

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    Cous n inHigh 27c / Low 18c

    Chance of rain 50%

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    SunsineHigh 28c / Low 17c

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    tunesomsHigh 28c / Low 18c

    Chance of rain 50%

    Sunsine wi somsHigh 27c / Low 14c

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    Seven wee foecs

    a view fom e Sibenik cnne bck ows e ci wi e S. jcob ce omining eskine.

    a simi scene ken is e e se fon buiings m ve cnge bu e ce sisns pou.