the president’s perch - amazon s3 -december 2017 volume xiv, issue 4 sally spenny editor the...

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October - December 2017 Volume XIV, Issue 4

Sally Spenny Editor


By Kathy Pfister, Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc., President

Yes, it’s been quite a sum-mer. You can try to reason with hurricane season all you like but it clearly doesn’t always want to cooperate. Mother Nature certainly challenged us these past few months and our hearts may have been broken but our spirit was not. Thank you to the many who have donated time and money to help our fellow Parrot Heads and our communities to recover. There’s a long road ahead for some but I have no doubt we’ll con-tinue to support the re-building and healing ef-forts. This time of year brings out a lot of elections, both at a local and national lev-el. Thank you to Colleen Fuchs, our PHiP Elections Officer. Thank you to all of the officers who contin-ue to run, or have stepped up to run, our local chap-ters and for those chapters that voted on the proposed PHiP Bylaws changes. Last, but certainly not least, a big thank you to

David Cohen who re-upped for another term as our PHiP Secretary. Soon, many of us will be heading down to Key West for Meeting of the Minds. She might be a bit battered and torn but the Conch Re-public lives on. I’m looking forward to our annual family reunion and know we’ll all do our best to raise the spir-its and fill the coffers of the folks in the Keys. I hope to see you at all of the events but especially at the General Meeting on Saturday morn-ing at the Casa Marina which will be followed by the Lone Palm Foundation Live Auction. The auction is a lot of fun and a great op-portunity to acquire unique collectibles while donating to a worthy cause - Parrot Heads Helping Parrot Heads. Take care, be thankful, love your neighbors and see you at the end of the road where we will show that “We’re still here” in true, grand Par-rot Head fashion! Kathy Pfister

Kathy Pfister is the current President of PHIP, Inc. and will continue with another two year term for 2018 - 2019.

David Cohen is the current Secretary of PHIP, Inc. and will continue with another two year term for 2018 - 2019.

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The Latest Hummin’ Headlines

PHiP President’s Perch Pg. 1

MOTM 2017 Sponsors Pg. 2

MOTM We’re Still Here Pgs. 3-5

PHIP Annual Renewal Pg. 6

PHIP Alzheimer’s Team Pg. 6

MOTM Blood Drive Pg. 7

PHIP Scholarship Raffle Pg. 7

PHIP Financials Pgs. 8-10

Zonta Walk PH Team Pg. 11

Lone Palm Foundation Pg. 12

Central Illinois PHC Pg. 13

Cedar Creek Lake PHC Pgs. 14-15

MOTM Breakout Session Pg. 15

MOTM General Meeting Pg. 15

Domino College Dean’s List Pg. 16

Parrot Head Club Birthdays Pg. 17

Regional Events Pg. 18

MOTM 2017 Ad Pg. 18

President Kathy Pfister

cheesehead_in_paradise@ Vice President Rick Fyffe Secretary David Cohen Dir of Finance Charlene Schultheis Dir. of Membership Sue Kermis Dir. of Conventions 2017 Andrew Talbert

2017 PHiP Board Of Directors

Published Quarterly; Mid January, Mid April, Mid July and Mid October. PHiP and the TWT does not solicit advertis-ing for this particular publication. Articles for consideration must be submitted on the 5th of each month of publica-tion. Information contained in this publication is intended for PHiP membership. PHiP reserves the right of refusal to print any article.

Consideration for article submission, contact: Sally Spenny at

Page 3

Florida but Key West is ready to hold Meeting of the Minds and progress is being made to restore the upper keys and south Florida every day. Thank you all for pressing through the challenges from Texas to Flori-da and beyond. I want to thank everyone who registered for Meeting of the Minds 2017. Every registration dollar is important to pay the bills and sustain the event in the future. Thank You for reg-istering! YOU made all of this happen this year and I want to thank each and every one of you for your support! Now all you have to do is pack your things, come down to the is-land, and have PHun! Before I move on I want to re-visit MOTM registration. Giv-en we are not sold-out this year we will be offering on-site reg-istration in Key West at the

Hello Everyone! It is hard to believe that the 26th Annual Meeting of the Minds 2017 “We’re Still Here” is just a few weeks away. Where does the year go? I want to start this mes-sage with several items of ap-preciation! For everyone who had anything to do with selling out the Casa Marina in a few short weeks of this year! You Rock! Thank You volunteers! Every-one who spends even a few hours of your vacation to help is an important part of making Meeting of the Minds happen. I can’t list all the names of the people behind the scenes that work all year long to make MOTM a success but there are some special people that spend a lot of personal time contributing to the event success. Thank You ALL for your support! It has been a challenge this year with Hurricane Irma damaging

Casa Marina, see information on page 5 and at All of our 2017 reg-istered attendees have been con-firmed at this point and all you need is your photo id in Key West to register! See you there! Registration times are posted here: SPONSORS! Please note all the support we get from all of our sponsors. Sponsors give us swag to pass on to you, they give us money to help pay for expenses, and they are part of the wind in the sails of MOTM. Be sure you support our sponsors and if you see someone with a “Sponsor” credential around their neck please shake their hand or pat them on the back and say THANK YOU for supporting MOTM. Let’s talk MUSIC for a second. Many of the Trop Rock Artists on the line-up for MOTM 2017 have really been busy cranking out new songs and making sure fresh cds are ready for a listen when everyone gets to Key West. The music will be non-stop from Wednesday until Sun-day in Key West so I will re-mind you to rest up prior to get-ting into town! There are some new bands on the schedule and some familiar faces taking the stage at MOTM. We have many of the entire Coral Reefer Band and alumni at the event. I am working to get a set from Nash-ville. Before you


By Andrew Talbert, PHiP Director of Conventions

Cont. next page

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Cont. from p.3 our sold-out Mini Mart for some really cool shopping opportuni-ties and be sure to chat with people like Tom Corcoran the book author, photographer, and traveler of many years with Jim-my Buffett! Lucy Buffett will be at MOTM! Come by and get your copy of Lucy’s new book signed right in front of the Mini Mart! The MOTM Toy Drive. If you can participate in the Toy Drive it is a cool chance to give to some toys or gift cards to some local children in Key West. Don’t forget the shoes! Bring NEW shoes for a kid up to high school age either girl or boy. We are collecting for “Kids Come First.” to help the area recover from the storm. This is just one small way Parrot Heads are helping. Raffle Baskets!! Don’t forget to ship or bring your raffle Bas-kets!! Your support is appreciat-ed by our Key West charities! The Lone Palm Foundation is the charitable arm of Parrot Heads in Paradise. This 501c3 has already helped Parrot Heads via donations this year due to storm damage to their homes from Harvey and Irma. The

ask who I will tell you that I have an ask in for an artist or duo that are typically over our MOTM budget to supply…that means they are donating their talent for a very reduced cost or FREE to entertain you and make MOTM special for YOU exactly like Toby Keith last year. I am still waiting on the final answer on this set as I write this and I started the conversation in Key West last year. As soon as I get a confirmation of yes or whatever I will update the MOTM sched-ule online…and this may come right before the day of the show as it did last year. There are THREE bands on the Friday street festival on Duval. Don’t miss it….it WILL be a show. There are some special treats this year late at night on the beach at the Casa Marina. You should take time to see the Sauce Boss with Cajun chef and band leader Mel Melton. This duo is together in Key West for the first time and it will be spe-cial. Go search Mel’s music his-tory and see why this set will be awesome. Also on Friday night I am going to mention the three-hour jam on the beach. This is setting up to be some great enter-tainment with all kinds of spon-taneous music! You are going to see lots of guests on that stage and I can promise that you will go home talking about the music on Friday night. I haven’t even mentioned the double Jimmy Buffett album being played live on Saturday or all the things that are in between the lines on the schedule. One thing is certain. There will be something for eve-ryone on all of our stages in Key West. I hope you are as excited as I am to see all of this great music!

Don’t forget…there will be lots of opportunity to get all of your things signed and get photos with some of your favorite Cor-al Reefer Band members, Coral Reefer Band Alumni members, as well as all of our musical guests from five days of almost continuous music. Bring your sharpies and your cameras! Make sure you watch for the artist merchandise tables where you can get some really cool swag and music! Merchandise tables will be up at all of the MOTM stages. Meeting of the Minds 2017 is setup to go with the things you expect! The Blood Drive – We will have the Bloodmobiles right in front of the Casa Mari-na. Make sure you have made your appointment if you want to donate blood. There is a really cool t-shirt you will receive for being a part of the blood drive. The Zonta Walk is on Saturday as always. Please register for the Key West Zonta Walk if you want to have fun while helping others! On Thursday don’t for-get to register early and come into the Casa Marina courtyard for the Mini Mart party! There will be live music and lots of things happening. Come on in

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Lone Palm Foundation is back at MOTM with the live auction on Saturday morning immediately fol-lowing the PHiP general meeting. Don’t miss your chance to take home some great Jimmy Buffett autographed items and other things…All proceeds of this event will go to help Parrot Heads who suffer from natural disasters. If you have questions about this organiza-tion go visit the web page at: If you have any questions about any MOTM event be sure to ask your Parrot Head friends, visit the Meeting of the Minds FAQ: or go to our Facebook page for all the details that are posted there. Our page is “PHiP,Inc.” on Facebook. The MOTM Forum is available for all questions as well at Watch for the sidewalk sandwich boards at Meeting of the Minds where information will be posted for registration, special events like the live auction on Saturday, or the artist meet and greets. As I usually write I could keep on going about MOTM and fill a book but I have already run out of space. Here is a quick reminder about a special event that has been in plan-ning for well over a year. I men-tioned this a moment ago but given this segment takes time to produce, rehearse, and plan you should real-ly come and see how hard the band has worked to make this segment so cool. This year you should mark your schedule to attend the fifth annual “Beachside Album Hour.” As always this segment is a com-plete Jimmy Buffett album played from beginning to end. This year the album is Jimmy Buffett’s “You Had to Be There.” The 2017 core

band will be Ramajay Inter-coastal with supporting Coral Reefer Band members perform-ing many of the songs. There are plans to have members of the Coral Reefer band as well as alumni that were present when the album was recorded. The Beachside Album Hour is back and you will hear four sides of some great Jimmy Buffett songs from this great live album. Ex-pect special guests….this is a HUGE collection of tracks! I will be sending an email before you leave for MOTM with some final details if anything new comes up for the schedule. Be sure to bookmark the MOTM schedule on your mobile device as this page is designed to be read from your phone and I will update the schedule if changes happen on any day. Pace yourselves Parrot Heads! Rest up for Meeting of the Minds 2017, the clock is ticking and we are throwing one hell of a party at the end of the road. THANK YOU for your support in registering and we will see YOU in Key West! Key West! Sun! Palm trees! Sand! Ocean! Music! Parrot Heads! What a party this is go-ing to be.

Andrew Talbert Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. PHiP Director of Conventions Meeting of the Minds "We're Still Here'

Cont. from page 4 MEETING OF THE MINDS 2017 ON SITE


First you MUST be a Parrot Head Club member to attend MOTM. You know we verify EVERY club member who attends every year. This is an IRS requirement.

When we are in Key West we DO NOT have the ability to verify your membership. Come to the registra-tion area and fill out the special “MOTM On-Site Registration / Virtual Club Membership form”. Please DO NOT join the Virtual Club before showing up to register on-site, as, again we will not be able to confirm your mem-bership. Fill out the form, the reg-istration cost is $90.00, the Virtual Club membership cost is $30.00, late fee is $30.00. So, the cost to attend MOTM via late registra-tion is $150.00 on-site. Pay with cash or credit card! You will walk away with a personalized cre-dential and wristband that allows you to attend all events at the Casa Marina and even ride the shuttle all over the island during the event. Remember there is no free event shirt or gift bag with on-site registration but you are then ready to join your PHriends and see the show!! On-site registration is during the normal registration hours of Thursday 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Friday 9:00 AM to noon, as well as 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, and Sat-urday from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Remember you will be regis-tering up front at the Casa Marina in the ballroom beside the lobby. No one will be able to enter the

Casa Marina without a credential and wristband during MOTM when registration starts on Thursday.

There are no exceptions to this pro-cess as this is just to help folks who need to use this method of registration. See you in Key West!

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Annual Renewal packets will be due beginning January 1st and will be considered delinquent, and penalties will apply if not received by the Director of Membership’s Office by January 31, 2018. If you do not intend to renew your charter, please ad-vise at your earliest convenience. Most importantly is your club’s Official PHIP Contact infor-mation Up to Date? You can check this out by going to: and look up your Chapter by state and name. Click on your Chapter’s name and all of your club’s information will be listed on your club’s individual page. Should there need to be changes to your Club’s Official contact, please email the Director of Membership office ASAP at! Those email addresses are the current “Official” emails we have on our records. We encourage all of you as Club Leaders/Contacts to be ready to submit your 2018 Annual Re-newal with the following condi-tions: * Every chapter must have a functional website as a condition of sanctioning, excepting those less than 180 days old. NOTE: Facebook does NOT count as a website. * ALL chapters must submit a signed renewal application, re-gardless of charter date. Newly-sanctioned chapters with no ac-tivity to report should so state.

* Every chapter is required to have at least one person sub-scribed to the Club Leaders List as a condition of sanctioning. * Please remember to sign your Renewal Application ... Unsigned applications will be returned for signature. * You will receive an acknowl-edgement upon receipt of your Annual Renewal ... Please retain this receipt in case of error. * Please remember to report your annual total of dol-lars raised and/or donated AND man-hours con-tributed to environmental and/or philanthropic endeavors. Should you have any questions, please contact your Regional Communicator or the Director of Membership’s office. Your Re-gional Communicator email ad-dress are located Once the announcement that An-nual Renewals have been emailed is made and you did not received your Annual Renewal via email, please contact the Department of Membership Office asap at Please check your Spam folders to make sure it did not go there! Finally, please do not wait till the last minute ... Anything can hap-pen and operating on "island time" is inappropriate in this situ-ation and there are penalties for being late!

2018 Annual Renewal

Are you prepared?

Once again it’s time to shout … CONGRATULATIONS PHIP NATIONAL TEAM PARROT HEAD CLUBS!! Though Walks are have not ended we still have $186,436.00 turned in by all of you ... The Participating PHIP National Alzheimer’s Teams!

Our Top Three Clubs cur-rently are as follows: PHC of Tidewater - $77,927 (A TOP $10,000+ Fundraising Club) Chicago PHC - $19,810 (A TOP $10,000+ Fundraising Club) Shoreline PHs - $11,100 (A TOP $10,000+ Fundraising Club) Rounding out our Top Ten Fundraising Clubs: Delaware Seashore PHC - $10,500 (A TOP $10,000+ Fundraising Club) Lakeshore PHC - $9,040 Space Coast PHC - $6,773 San Antonio PHC - $4,000 Galveston Bay PHC - $3,220 Colorado PHC - $3,100 Metro PHC - $2,705 THANK YOU PHIP NA-TIONAL ALZHEIMERS PARTICIPATING CLUBS!!


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WANT TO WIN A WINDJAMMER CRUISE? Enter the Raffle and Help College Students!

It's back for a second year! Windjammer is once again gracious enough to pro-vide us with a Windjammer Cruise for two to give away on the stage at MOTM on Saturday afternoon. We raised some great money last year to keep the scholarship going strong and we want to keep the award going for many years to come. Below are all the details on how to enter. How about a club donation for a chance to win this great prize. Your clubs donation will get you tickets for a chance to win this cruise. Your club will have the best prize for your local fundraiser should you win. Please pass this around to all your club members. All are eli-gible to win whether they are going to MOTM or not. Thanks Parrot Heads in Paradise have been awarding qualified parrot heads and their children a total of $10,000 in scholarships every year for the last 10 years. Fund-raising has been just keeping pace with our pay-outs each year and we want to add some addi-tional funds to ensure future years’ have adequate fund-ing. To make sure that we can

continue to award these gifts well into the future we have come up with a great way to help that cause. Windjammer cruises has donated a cruise for two to raffle off this year. We will draw for the cruise Saturday, No-vember 5th from the stage at Meeting of the Minds for the seven night cruise on this beauti-ful boat. Winners do not need to be present at MOTM to win the cruise! Tickets are five for $20 or five dollars for one. I will send you an email with a list of your numbers so you have them for your records. I will be track-ing the name and numbers of every ticket coming in and they will all be in Key West for the drawing. You can pay via Pay-Pal - to (Please click on the friends and family link). Also, when you get to MOTM you may purchase addi-tional tickets right up until 2:30 pm on Saturday. Thank you in advance for your support of the wonderful cause. David Cohen, Secretary Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. 2012-2107 Scholarship Chair 2013-2017 Scholarship Raffle Chair


The bloodmobiles will be sitting in front of the Casa on Seminole, Thursday, November 2nd from 9 am to 5 pm and on Friday, Novem-ber 3rd from 9 am to 1 pm.

Please send an email to MOTMBLOODDRIVE@AOL.COM with your name, your shirt size, the date, and the time you would like to donate.

This year presents an opportunity to help when help is really needed. There have been NO blood drives since before Irma!

Special shout out to the Parrot Head Club of Eastern Massachusetts. They have reserved a bloodmobile for a club donation for the second time. This club and Fins of the Val-ley are the only two clubs in 19 years of MOTM blood drives to volunteer for a club donation. Who’s next?

Blood donation is the “Ultimate Random Act of Kindness”, please help us with a pint this year. Thank you,

Jeff Hoffman, “We’re Still Here” Service Chairperson


P.S. We will once again be collect-ing unwrapped toys for the Monroe County Salvation Army.

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Financials Contributed By: Charlene Schultheis, PHiP Dir of Finance

Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. Financial Statement - General Fund - YTD as of Sept 30, 2017


Balance 12.31.16 $ 27,787

Membership/Handbooks-CD $ 30,148

Transfer from Scholarship $ 10,370

Total Income $ 68,304


Board Meeting/Meetings $ 3,632

Filing Fee (Arizona) $ 10

Office Equipment/Software $ 7,764

Printing/Postage $ 58

Returned Item/Serivce Fee $ 88

Scholarship $ 10,545

The Johnson Insurance Co (D & O Insurance) $ 1,174

Web Development $ 969

Web Hosting $ 1,200

Total Expenses $ 25,440

Ending Balance: $ 42,865


Balance 12.31.15 $ 26,101

Interest $ 20

Total Income $ 26,121


Total Expenses $ -

Ending Balance:

$ 26,121

Parrot Heads in Paradise Financial Statement Relationship Savings YTD as of Sept 30, 2017

Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. Financial Statement-Scholarship YTD as of Sept 30, 2017

Page 9

Parrot Heads in Paradise Financial Statement Relationship Savings (MOTM) YTD as of Sept 30, 2017


Balance 12.31.16 $ 18,937

Credit Card Partner $ 418

Interest $ 5

Scholarship Raffle $ 60

Total Income $ 19,421


Transfer into GEN Checking $ 10,370

Total Expense $ 10,370

Ending Balance: $ 9,051


Balance 12.31.16 $ 91,550

Transfer from Checking

Interest $ 110

Total Income $ 91,660


Total Expenses $ -

Ending Balance: $ 91,660

Parrot Heads

In Paradise, Inc.

Financial Statement

MOTM YTD as of Sept 30, 2017

Page 10


Balance 12.31.16 $ 17,753

Convention Guide $ 4,425

Mini Mart $ 6,500

Registration $ 175,761

Sponsorship $ 10,000

Total Income $ 214,439

Expenses: (transaction fees) $ 285

Award/Giift $ 117

Bank Charge (iPayment) $ 5,546

Casa Marina $ 38,720

Conch Republic Seafood Co (Deposit) $ 2,000

Entertainment $ 15,518

Florida Keys Group Transportation $ 6,720

Four Star Rental $ 1,842

Keys Activities $ 240

MOTM 2016 Grand Prize Winner $ 1,321

MOTM Meetings $ 4,372

MOTM Supplies/Artwork/Misc. $ 1,031

Namify $ 3,782

Old Town Storage $ 2,152

Postage/Printing $ 15

Software $ 99

Tax software (1099) $ 154

TBA Communications $ 616

TechTronics Productions Inc (Deposit) $ 14,150

Transportation $ 3,426

Website $ 48

Total Expense $ 102,154

Ending Balance: $ 112,285

Page 11

Calling All Parrot Heads!!! Put On Your Walking Shoes Help Us Stomp Out Breast Cancer!!!

We're calling all Parrot Heads to come out and walk with us as "Team Parrot Head" 2017 to help raise money for a local Key West organization. The Zonta Club of Key West will be having their an-nual "ABC 5K Run/Walk" on Sat-urday, November 4, 2017. The event raises money to cover mam-mograms, thin-prep pap tests, and other diagnostic and preventive measures for women in the Lower Keys. The Zonta Club of Key West online registration link to participate in the 2017 ABC 5K Walk/Run is: Race/FL/KeyWest/ZontaABC5K

When asked if you are a parrot head, select "yes" and the drop down box will have a place for you to type the name of your par-rot head club. Remember to put the complete name of your parrot head club on the registration form. NEW THIS YEAR!! Want to donate on behalf of a Parrot Head or Club? You can do that now on the registration page. 1.On the race registration home page, click the Donate button. 2.Once on the Donate screen, select to donate either in your name, anon-ymously or Other. 3. If you select other, you can then list the name of the Parrot Head or the name of

the Club in the space provided. If you have questions please con-tact Susan Richardson at and put in subject line Team Parrot Head. **Prizes are awarded to the TOP 3 parrot head clubs raising the most money and a prize to the individual parrot head raising the most money**

If you are registered prior to MOTM for the Zonta walk/race stop by the Team "Parrot Head" Zonta Registration Table on Thursday November 2, 2017 (outside the Mini-Mart) and pick up your walk/race packet. You can also register here too, if not already registered. We will have our "Pink Wheel" again this year on Thursday at the Team "Parrot Head" table. You can "Spin" for $1.00 to win one of the prizes on the wheel, and get a ticket to be placed in the drawing for our "Grand Prize." All proceeds benefit Team "Parrot Head" 2017.

If you are unable to walk/run(or planning to walk/run) and would like to get involved by assisting with the "on the scene" activities at the walk or on Thursday at the Casa Marina please contact Su-san Richardson, Team "Parrot Head" Chair at: jsrclearwa- and put in the sub-ject line "Team Parrot Head."

Early Registration Drawing In-formation: All parrot heads that register for Team "Parrot Head" by Saturday October 28, 2017 will have their name entered into the drawing being held on Thursday ... November 2, 2017 at the Zonta Club of Key West's Team "Parrot Head" Reg-istration Table located at the Casa Marina Courtyard "You DO NOT have to be present to win". Winners will be contacted. **2017 Prizes (1) $500.00 Visa Card (1) $250.00 Visa Card**

Watch for updates on upcoming announcements by visiting our Facebook page link TeamParrotHeadMotm2012

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The Lone Palm Foundation would like to thank everyone across the world (yes world, the Australian PHC sent a do-nation) for their outpouring of support during the recent cata-strophic hurricanes. It is be-cause of your donations we are able to assist our PHELLOW Parrot Heads in time of natural disaster. For those who may not be aware, we are the charitable arm of Parrot Heads in Para-dise (PHIP), Inc... a 501(c)3 non-profit organization de-signed to further the commit-ment of Parrot Heads world-wide. As the aftermath of these hurri-canes unfolds, we are pro-cessing applications and issu-ing checks direct to Parrot Head members via the Parrot Head Emergency PHUND. We are also fielding calls and emails from members whom were not affected, but want to contribute to the cause. Their donations run the gamut of musicians holding

Trop Rock music events and donationing proceeds, offering up items for the MOTM live auction, creating t-shirts, pro-moting, selling and donating the profits to us and much much more. You are Angels in Tropical Shirts. You are Humanitarians. You are Parrot Heads helping Parrot Heads. If you know of a member in need of assistance please con-tact We also have several exciting things happening during Meet-ing of the Minds this year in Key West. Through the gener-osity of a corporate sponsor - Parady Financial, we will be selling "Parrot Head Strong... We Will Rebuild" t-shirts at the CASA MARINA starting Wednesday at 10:00AM. We would love to see everyone wear their shirt at the Lone Palm Foundation Meeting of

the Minds Street Festival on Fri-day. Together we will make a dif-ference. The LIVE AUCTION featuring many one of a kind autographed items by the man himself (and many others) is to be held Satur-day, November 4, 2017 following the PHIP, Inc. General Meeting (approx 11AM). There will be an autographed surfboard signed by JB and Coral Reefers, along with framed Albums, flip flops, guitar and much much more. Again, thank you for your support and see you in Key West! Jim Brogren President - Lone Palm Foundation

Shirt designed by Kristen McFadden to raise money for Lone Palm Foundation

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Central Illinois PHC was founded in 1994 by Pete Trainor, and was based in Bloomington IL until 2015. At that time the base of op-erations was officially moved to Peoria to reflect the current mem-bership demographics.

Our club has wavered in member-ship throughout the years but has had significant growth in the past two years. We are currently just over 50 members..

Our biggest annual event is the Leather and Leis River Run and Party, held in July. This event benefits Illinois CancerCare Foun-dation. The format is similar to a poker run, but not limited to mo-torcycles and without the gam-bling/poker card aspect. We have guests on bikes, cars, boats, jet skis and even 2 party buses stop-

ping at beach bars along the Illinois River.

We end the day with a party at the East Peoria Boat Club with food, live music, auctions and the usual Parrot Head Phun.

This event began on a small scale in 2012, and has broken its previous fundraising totals each of the six years. This year we broke the five-figure mark and will donate a record $10,000.00 to Illinois Cancer-Care Foundation!

Obviously Illinois CancerCare Foundation is close to our hearts,they are the beneficiary of our largest fundraiser. Near-ly everyone has a family mem-ber, friend or loved one who has been impacted by this dis-ease, and CIPHC wants to do its part to ‘kick Cancer’s butt’. We also like charities that ben-efit veterans.

We have a club ‘Game Night’ party in February where mem-bers donate canned goods and cash to benefit a local veteran food pantry. Additionally, members serve breakfast to vet-erans at a local VFW on Veter-an’s Day. And of course, we have had walking teams in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s since 2013.

Parrot Heads worldwide are known for being friendly and congenial – but I don’t think you can get much more friendly than pholks from the heartland!

Central Illinois members not on-ly work well together at fund-raisers, we also want to spend time together even at non PH functions.

The format of our largest fund-raiser, Leather and Leis River Run and Party, is also somewhat unique.

The typical Saturday night party with a band format is always fun, but there is a different vibe to an all-day moving party for charity

To find out more about the Cen-tral Illinois PHC (or join them!), check out their website:

PHIP Featured Club for July, 2017

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It started with a few great friends back in 2000 at a private launch party for Margaritaville Tequila that included a private concert by Club Trini. Being long time Jim-my Buffett fans, we were lined up at the front of the stage and en-joyed a fantastic couple of hours with Jimmy! By the end of the drive home, we were ready to launch a Parrot Head Club in an area where all the surrounding towns combined have less than 15,000 in population. We were confident that we would have oth-er members of the community join us as Parrot Heads, and in a few short months we had over a hun-dred members and we were able to say “Here we are”. As the Club continued to grow, we were able to put on amazing events and find ways to help our local community. Some of the groups we were able to help with cash donations and volunteers in-cluded the local volunteer fire de-partments, area schools, the YMCA, the local Humane Socie-ty, the local library, East Texas Crisis Center, local food banks

and several more! We also helped build houses for Habitat for Humanity. In addition, we started a yearly tradition of adopting families that would not have a Christmas without us. Each year we get volunteers from our Club to adopt one or more families and shop for the children, bring Christmas din-ner to the families and find oth-er ways to help. Over the last 17 years we have been able to help over 500 families have a “Christmas in the Caribbean” that they would not have been able to celebrate without some help. Over the past 15 years, our Club has sponsored the Olym-pic Village at our area Special Olympics event. We provide food, drinks, games and prizes for the athletes and provide an area for the athletes to relax between events. Our members stage individual and group pho-tographs on our pirate ship and give each athlete a souvenir picture. By providing smiles, hugs and fun for these Special Olympians we have found a way to help these folks that may be physically impaired but have huge dreams and desires. As they run their races and par-ticipate in their events, our goal is to make their “Someday I Will” today. We live in an area where a large number of students and their families are below the poverty line and only a small percentage of the high school graduates have an opportunity to go on to college. Our Club provides seven - $1,500 schol-

arships every year; one to a de-serving student at each of the seven area high schools in our community and we always en-courage the students to find ways to give back to their school and community. We award our scholarships not based on grades or test scores but on the stu-dent’s community service and how they can choose to help oth-er people even when they don’t have much themselves. Each year we help give the opportuni-ty to seven dreamers with a “School Boy Heart” to fulfill their dream and go to college. A few years ago, a longtime member of our Club passed away – he was a man that lived to give back to his community. He was a Veteran, an advocate for those with a physical handi-cap and a community leader. In his honor, our Club undertook our biggest project ever. Be-cause we are a lake community we decided to build a handicap accessible fishing pier with ac-cessible parking dedicated to our Military Service Members and our Veterans. This project in-volved every member of the Club in one way or another and we are proud to have completed and dedicated this project in April of 2013 at a cost of over $80,000. Our combined Club efforts raised over $50,000 in cash and an additional $30,000 in material and labor was donat-ed from various suppliers and contractors. This project in-volved hundreds of man hours from our members and now the pier is open and being used 24

PHIP Featured Club for September 2017

Cont. next page

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er Run. The Poker Run gets bigger and bigger each year and is open to the public – this year we had over 1,000 participants and raised over $70,000 in one day for our charitable work. On Sunday after the event we meet to compare notes and recap the event there are always “Stories we Could Tell”! In the years we since we started the Club, we have been able to have a positive effect on the lake community we live in on a daily basis. We are known as the “brightly clad folks” in our community that love to have a good time and love to help any-way we can. Our club was the proud recipient of the 2013 Golden Coconut Award! We started the club with a few peo-ple and “Here we are” seven-teen years later with over 600

hours a day by the entire com-munity, especially those with a disability, Military Members and Veterans. We have been able to provide our “One Par-ticular Harbour” to hundreds of people in our community that want to fish, relax, watch a sunset or just enjoy the lake.

Our club has been able to pro-vide all sorts of events for our members to “Party with a Pur-pose” we have at least one or two events each month and some of the bigger events are our Luau, Chili and BBQ Cook-off, and our Annual Pok-

members making us the 3rd larg-est club in the PHIP community and a profound sense of accom-plishment and the knowledge that we can make a difference. We have taken “Here we Are” to a whole new level and look for-ward to accomplishing even more! For more information on Cedar Creek Lake Parrot Head visit their website or contact Robert Render President / Founder at

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For MOTM attendees ... don’t for-get about our MOTM Break-Out Sessions on Thursday, November 2nd.

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: New Clubs/New Leaders/PHIP Members “Questions That Bother Us So” A PHIP breakout session is gener-ally a workshop and discussion on topics that can assist in running your club with ease. This Session is always chocked full of useful information. Your hosts will be Kathy Pfister – PHIP President and Sue Kermis, Direc-tor of Membership.

Among the topics available are: Incorporation, Communication, Promotion, PHiP Responsibilities, Recruiting and Retention. Primar-ily, these Parrot Heads are here to answer any questions you may have, so come armed with your queries. Please join us for this informative session where you will learn the tools to effectively run your club and see first-hand what other clubs might be asking or sharing at this meeting. This Break Out Session will be held in the Tarpon Room #245 located in the Main Casa Building and are open to all registered MOTM attendees.

Get there early … Seating is limited.

GENERAL MEETING Saturday, November 4th, 10 am will have the MOTM PHIP General Meeting, at the Casa Marina Front Ballroom. The Newsletter Awards and Golden Coconut Award will be announced. If you have an entry for either contest, please make sure your club has a representative pre-sent at the meeting. Come cheer your club and Re-gion on!!

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FINS WAY UP to all of you that “Partied with a Purpose” this past quarter! To be included in this list you need to post on the PHiP Club Leader’s Yahoo groups lists when you have a charitable or community ser-vice activity. Or you can send an email direct to me at Some clubs write a short “quarterly report” or recap of their activities and post or send that to share their accomplishments. If you post on a facebook page, please copy the information and put it in an email to send out - not everyone is on facebook and newsfeeds do not reach everyone!

Arizona PHC

Atlanta PHC

Beaches A1A PHC

Blossomland Pirates PHC

Blue Hen PHC

Calgary PHC

Canyon Lake PHC

Cedar Creek Lake PHC

Central Illinois PHC

Central Oklahoma PHA

Central Texas PHC

Charlotte Harbor PHC

Chicago PHC

Coast of Carolina PHC

Coastal Jersey PHC

Colorado PHC

Desert Sharks PHC

Dubuque Phlockers

Eastern Illinois PHC

Eastern New York PHC

Galveston Bay PHC

Hanover Area PH Society

Hattiesburgers in Paradise

High Desert PHC

Hillbilly PHC

Houston PHC

Inland Empire PHC

Key West PHC

Lakes Area PHs

Latitude 34.4 PHC

London PHC

Lone Star PHC

LowCountry PHC

Lower Alabama PHs

Metro PHC

Midwest Indiana PHC

Nautical Whalers

Northern Landsharks PHC

NorthWest Arkansas PHC

Ocala PHC

Ocean State PHC

Orange County PHC

Ozark Mountain PHs

Pau Hana PHC

PHC of Eastern Massachu-setts

PHC of Tidewater


Phlock of South Jersey

PHs of North Carolina

PHs of Pensacola

PHs of Port Aransas

PHs of Puget Sound

PHs of the Phininsula

Pirates in the Harbour

Pirates of the Plains

Pirates on the Water

Pleasure Island PHs

San Antonio PHC

San Diego PHC

Sandlapper PHC

Seguin PHC

Southside Virginia Land-sharks

St. Louis PHC

St. MinneSomePlace PHC

Strange Birds of Little Rock

Tallahassee PHC

The Villages PHs

Towns Around Biloxi PHC

Tulsa PHC

Upper Texas Coast PHC

West Georgia PHC

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Congratulations To All Of Our Parrot Head Clubs Celebrating Birthdays This Quarter!


Los Angeles PHC 10/26/1996

Orange County PHC 10/1/1994

North Bay PHs 10/4/2013

Lake Havasu PHC 10/31/2010

Barefoot Children of FLL 10/1/1998

Ocala PHC 10/12/1996

Chicago PHC 10/17/1993

Clinton County PHC 10/20/2007

PHs in Michiana 10/28/2004

PHs of the Lower Ohio Valley 10/2/2003

Buckeye PHC 10/14/1993

Simply Complicated PHC 10/11/2004

Rappahannock Area PHC 10/10/2000

Pirates in the Harbour 10/13/2009

Waterloo Region PHC 10/4/2007

PHINZ to the North PHC 10/10/2015


Left Coast PHC 11/9/1994

PHs of Pensacola 11/19/2003

Southwest Florida PHC 11/10/1994

PHs of the Riverbend 11/24/2010

PHC of Maine 11/10/1993

Detroit PHC 11/28/1992

St. MinneSomePlace PHC 11/8/1994

PHC of Billings 11/15/2006

PHs in Amish Paradise 11/22/1997

Republic of Texas PHC 11/21/2008

Seguin PHC 11/19/2009

PHs of the Blue Ridge 11/20/2002

Chippewa Valley PHC 11/9/2003


Treasure Coast PHC 12/2/2002

Phlockers on the Suwanee 12/11/2007

Sun Valley PHC 12/22/2011

Quad City PHC 12/3/2003

Pelican Coast PHC 12/4/2002

Corn Republic PHC 12/17/08

Five O'Clock Phlock 12/7/2007

Galveston Bay PHC 12/14/1995

PHs of Port Aransas 12/9/2008

Mountaineer PHC 12/15/2006

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WHO: PHC in Michiana & Blossomland Pirates WHAT: Barefoot Children in the Sand WHEN: Jan 19 – 21, 2018 WHERE: St Joseph, MI BENEFIT: Gateway Services and Corvilla MORE INFO: http://parrotheadsinmichi.

WHO: St Louis PHC WHAT: Holidaze Party WHEN: Dec 1- 3, 2017 WHERE: Orlando Gardens, St Louis, MO BENEFITS: St Patricks Center MORE INFO:

Who: Pirates on the Water, PHs of the Upper Keys What: 11th Annual 'Original' Pit Stop Party Where: Caribbean Club in Key Largo, FL (MM104) When: Oct. 30 and Oct. 31 Benefits REEF and FKOC (Florida Keys Outreach Coalition) for Hurricane Irma relief More Info:

WHO: Tampa Bay Parrot Head Club WHAT: Music on the Bay WHEN: Feb 28 - Mar 4, 2018 WHERE: Whiskey Joe’s Beach BarTampa Bay, FL BENEFITS: Shriners Hospitals for Children MORE INFO:

WHO: New Enlgand Parrot Head Clubs WHAT: “Under the Big Top” NEPHC Convention WHEN: Feb 22-25, 2018 WHERE: Windsor. CT BENEFITS: Multiple charities More Info:

WHO: Multiple Parrot Head Clubs WHAT: Stars Fell on Alabama WHEN: Mar 15 - 18, 2018 WHERE: Island House Hotel, Orange Beach, AL BENEFITS: Multiple Charities MORE INFO: http//

Are you missing out on advertising your party or event? Advertise your club’s activities on your Regional Calendar by contacting your RC today!! Be sure to list WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHO BENEFITS, and where to get MORE INFO! Post your events on the Club Leaders email groups, or if you put them on facebook, copy that and send it. Not everyone is on facebook! You never know when people might want to travel to your area!

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