the pocket book of women's wisdom, volume 1

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Words of support and encouragement from women, for women. Compiled in support of global charity Dress For Success, this ebook is a compilation of original thoughts, sayings and quotations from everyday New Zealand and Australian women willing to share with, and encourage, other women in an uplifting way. Ideal when you’d like a boost of inspiration and encouragement.


Pocket Book Of

Women’s Wisdom

Words of Support And

Encouragement From

Women For Women

Compiled by Hannah Samuel

in support of

Volume 1

Please feel free to share this publication in its entirety

without breach of copyright. Extracts may be used

when accompanied by the following attribution:

‘Excerpted from ‘The Pocket Book of Women’s Wisdom

volume 1’ compiled by Hannah Samuel in support of

Dress For Success, April 2010.’

Copyright © Hannah Samuel 2010

All rights reserved

The moral right of the author has been asserted

ISBN 978-0-9864600-3-6

Published by Integrity Press, Auckland, New Zealand

April 2010

Disclaimer: The compiling author/editor, contributors and

publisher accept no responsibility or liability for actions

undertaken by any person or entity, or any loss incurred,

based on information contained in this publication.

Woman To Woman

It’s wonderful to be inspired by words of wisdom

from women we consider special or famous.

However, everyday women, leading everyday

lives, have as much wisdom to share, if not more

so, than their more famous sisters.

This ‘Pocket Book Of Women’s Wisdom’ has been

compiled in support of global charity ‘Dress For

Success’. It is a compilation of original thoughts,

sayings and quotations from everyday women

willing to share with, and encourage, other

women in an uplifting way. We hope you enjoy it

and dip into it whenever you’d like a boost of

inspiration and encouragement.

Hannah Samuel


To promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.


Every woman succeeding.

Dressing yourself for success is

more than just the clothes you

wear. It’s about the energy that

you clothe yourself in, and that

comes from the inside.

Yvonne McLean

Friends are like stars, you

don’t always see them, but they

are always there.

Alison Vickers

It’s not the thought that counts.

We must act on those thoughts.

If you are thinking of someone,

call them and say so. Other-

wise it’s just a thought.

Allison Mooney

Trust your gut feeling, and if it

turns out to be wrong, you

have an opportunity to learn.

Sherryl Hewlett

It doesn't matter how good your

message is if no one's listening.

So remember, you are the pre-

senter, you are in control! When

you communicate be sure to

understand the listener, plan

what you want to say and then

deliver your message confidently.

Michelle Bowden

Become the woman you are

inside. You’ll find it’s where

extraordinary lies.

Deborah Bodger

Remember you're the star in

your own movie of life. The

great thing is, you get to

choose: horror and drama, or

comedy and romance?

Linda McDermott

Whatever it is - deal with it!

Don’t get over it. Get into it!

Jaki George-Tunnicliffe

Modest self-appreciation can

boost your spirits when you’re

feeling down. When things feel

tough, remind yourself:

I’m good at …

I’m loved and appreciated by …

I make a difference to …

Hannah Samuel

See the good, expect the best,

and believe in great things.

Tina Jones

Be aware of your tendency to

move between shame and

arrogance. Aim to ground your-

self in the middle, where, like

the strong kauri tree, you stand

without shame, without pride,

just powerfully present and


Sally Mabelle

Don’t treat people how you’d

like to be treated. Treat them

how they’d like to be treated.

Veronica McGowan

Awareness in action heals.

Awareness alone achieves


Dairne Kirton

Learn the skill of ‘handing it

over’. When life seems to be a

struggle, be willing to sit back

and hand the problem over to

your guides, your angels, The

Universe or whoever you put

your faith in. They will bring you

everything you need to succeed.

Ann Andrews

They say what makes you happy

is what will make you successful.

I believe true success is when

what makes you successful also

makes others happy.

Anna Gervai

Water always finds narrow gaps

to seep through. If you’re

blocked, remember even a

trickle can find a path.

Lindsey Dawson

Keep your ears open to the

positive words and compliments

people tell you, they are your

angels in disguise, sent by the

universe to direct you to your

greatness. Implant them into

your heart and mind and step

into your greatness.

Janice Davies

Success is not mysterious, nor

is it reserved for only an elite

few. Success comes simply from

successful habits. Every day

recognise your excellence; rise

to the challenges that face you;

rejoice and celebrate your

success, and in this way take

your place in the world.

Jaki George-Tunnicliffe

Listen to the voice of those

fleeting whispers; it is your

intuition and higher

consciousness speaking.

Jasbindar Singh

Organisations demand ever

more from you and if you keep

giving it, eventually you will

have lost your soul. Always

keep a little bit of yourself in


Sarah Wilshaw-Sparkes

Life is a cup to be filled, not a

measure to be drained.

Tamara Rubanowski

We are meaning–making

machines and have natural

emotional responses to the

meanings we make of things.

Therefore, it is valuable to

distinguish between what

happened and what we make

it mean. Choosing which stories

we attach gives us the controls

for how we experience the world.

Belinda Simcox

ABC: Attitude, Belief, Choice.

These are so important in our


The Power of attitude at all times.

The Power of belief in yourself.

The Power of making choices, no

matter what happens in life.

Juliet Pratt

When I have disappointed my-

self in some way I say to myself,

“You’re doing your best, and

your best is getting better all

the time. Keep it up.” Kindly

encouragement is my way of

helping me become a better

person. Clare Feeney

To achieve satisfaction you

need to put effort in.

Doreen Tizard

We are givers by nature, but

too often we give of our own

substance which leaves us

emotionally, physically,

mentally and spiritually

drained, and therefore unable

to give at all.

Yvonne Godfrey

When you hit an obstacle be

like a ‘weeble’ and bounce off

in a new direction until you hit

the next one, then bounce

again. Don’t let anything stop

you. Pam Martin

Cultivate courage. Have the

courage to follow your instincts

– they will never let you down.

Ann Andrews

You may regret what you don’t

do, not what you do do.

Linda Coles

Even though people may mean

well, their advice may not be

right for you.

Trust your intuition, and be

bold in making decisions you

know are right for you, even if

others disagree.

Hannah Samuel

Nothing works

... and everything helps!

Amanda Fleming

It’s better to try something and

fail, than not to try at all, and

then ask yourself ‘what if?’ for

years to come. Regrets are a

waste of energy, so live life to

the full and just do it!

Cornelia Luethi

If life gives you lemons ... make


Tamara Rubanowski

Ask yourself if it really matters.

If it does, then do something

about it. If it doesn’t, then let it

go. Really let it go and move on.

Chloe Barrott

Clothe yourself in gratitude,

love, and appreciation for

yourself, and those around you.

Clothed in those, you will be


Yvonne McLean


To all the women who made this book possible

by contributing so warmly and willingly -

Thank You! You are truly inspirational.

Thank you, too, to everyone involved with

Dress For Success New Zealand Affiliates who

inspired it. You too are an inspiration.

For more information about the contributors check out their websites on the following pages. They’re just regular women, facing challenges, and making choices, just as we all are!

Hannah Samuel

Ann Andrews Chloe Barrott Debra Bodger Michelle Bowden Linda Coles Janice Davies Lindsey Dawson


Clare Feeney Amanda Fleming Jaki George-Tunnicliffe Anna Gervai Yvonne Godfrey Sherryl Hewlett Tina Jones

Dairne Kirton

Cornelia Luethi

Sally Mabelle

Pam Martin

Linda McDermott

Veronica McGowan

Yvonne McLean

Allison Mooney


Juliet Pratt Tamara Rubanowski Hannah Samuel Jasbindar Singh Belinda Simcox Alison Vickers Sarah Wilshaw-Sparkes

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