the plattsburgh republican - nys historic...

Post on 07-Sep-2018






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THE PLATTSBURGH REPUBLICAN U T I L I T Y — " T l i e G r e a t e s t Good of t h o O r m t « i t N n m b t r . " — B E N T H A M .



T n w : f l . W > »«*»r. -r. *.!»»•.-.- • ., .

eetwKribara.or fl.»Oa year f n-: ;•» .: .r. advance.

BAy*BW*raa! «* '«••»>*'> •'•'"• <*••> ••• •' ." " ' • Off** SB "aefUaWee* •'.•'-'.•'- ' • •


O P C B T r-ext week

• r u t errieiBS now. T » B r^eebjtery of Chei»pl»ln wil i f .wl »!

t>*w>(4am west week

A» <••»•!? *p*v S t» the preset t promise ..f

tA^ a w e s c»ft be t'»»»».

Tax d«ck at *t Al*an» Bay has been <*">-Odecahli AiiMiMl rj K* ih«* spring.

TBXBX IMT*'"»I1 "ever*! data of good

n » r weather thie week" when s a p

I III ( (>MMo\ ( o | Vt M

\ l i O l i . U i l t o l i I t > V l t i . i . l i t i . - l i t - . t *»

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th. - ; . * : • • * T ' •• H •

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P o w e r s » » « • •

PreaCott t ce-

s e r T e t a r t . rtln|

manager and

A I.

• 1 | " • ! •

•!•' A

— A • r-s . le t - . T?'"inn» <>«'..: i - r

W* >r 11 Muriel-!.! genera, treasurer I: is pr.»p ised :o

OL»fr>eh water sabs are predicting-he Op—ilea e* r-avigation on L»ke Cbamplain BwlBtn t ea d~\:

H erttt ra. W full ve»r» n « t Tueeday.

IS otace the • »t number of the a * WS* WeO»d.

I f w m M i l M i l b * new paper m i l at the

• a t e * whit will b e boilt or. the r u n t '"ani of

B h e r t s w . b o t e * th* preaent pulp mill.

for forest fl'ea a p p r . a c h e s

m N m t way to prevent them is

i the ru*»rnah that fe-d» them

•Mi b e lawful >ID and after

ifsidBf, At*, la, bet tt w»l protmtt]

ity second session of the Troy began at Gtover-vili* on

of tin week, end wiit iMt oDtii

Chi»Mtf tbf If # !o no «!«>ciric road FOOD.

| T H E «i »!»• S*t>Ht»» ha.-* ki!l».l th«» hni which

prohitiit* ! h - i1i«cking of hors«#" Uiln Th«»

j lull » « • favKrm) t>j i h e N e w YorS Sl i i te

HumatiK S i - i ' i « . tin! it* opponent* p r r a i l -

: *>f I I I* MM t that lh*y claim^ii t h a t t t e

prac' i iv (>f<u'!irc off hoi><>«' tail* i* i.ot

pmnfui at all. >»it >><> much the c o n t r a n that

t h - t>uri»»-i» ratt.t-r iik»- i», th«« *am<> a* a man

do-« a k""«l »havi» or *h»mt>oo.

FOR k i ,' ir » r o ' : n a yi<\^f at Canandaict ia

r«»v!,,.v n i- ) ai. I n •«!. $22 I alian* IIUVH

a » > » • ! ) > H ' ! •• f . - r k i i ' - j \ i t - . • : _ • • • - .

uli.. .ui . • . . M I ; .;.. > t4 iiv u m e l * t l « i l will

t>« IIM- ati paru«s. Tucy mitf bl praciiM on OM Koctob aMrrowi, »wieb v * wM to bw very flu* ca'tn_r. Th«» p^naUy fi>r kill ing

ar.> of our i-al i iv s o n i l-ir.l* or wilfully d e -

*;ro\ii)u t!.t-tr n*>r«tn is # 6 0 . and an addit ional

|M*tiaitv of f 2 5 is provided for each bird.

lAAj.r < it >i^;.. ; ;>r'->' r,"> \ an

M t; 1 . x - - :; » ! . - • : . ••»;t- ••••:• • • ; . . ; t o

rori»>r«tion n.u:' ... as was a.s*o thr cla ni of (» (I. lvt-.ira

Jiiilee K K. litaly a^kod that a lnio h «ao-n 1:1 •!•,-! I"' utt'.itt'ii U) R H. H a n n a . N o a<~t:i>n w a s takPti ,

A tH'Ut.nii fri'ni the iiacknion a-k-ir.c tur an anion.inunt to ;ho ord;n-&n •«• fixing the r.»to> tho> may (liaig>-was rett-rrrd to the ordiuanne itim-mitter.

'1 In- r.11 n• i:<*; ul th>


'. . • : ' n m da* appMpriafo.! f.'iiX'for a u • - , . • >

|: .-• . . - !u liav<< a mil* CA'. f i^:.rai. • • ; i t - : 1 1

r. , it ' H» ritUf! $\ *ito f,>r a \<m><' liah »". ii: «» : '•• ii. \ f JoO inure I •• ' . ' - V . . . h.<.i*>' al M i.!i<'btir\ WAD • • ' . ; - - . !»\ I L C M . I,..«i>. f.'wlOOil; • ..•.-. j .;. t"...

V - i 'it: Mrl.H'iL'ti'T. of K.i:rhavpn. • • ' if II.T home A ; T '. 'ram .n-

. '• /*" : .; !'•• «i-np iii.-r' '.-.i.' H-r -- . a .: ' : ' :•• fr..;u u om.ui. l.-rfi.t; l>.'. I'.ro

.'• -' .•:• 11 > i- ia''inr.L' f • >r Ho» n«. ,«Ti .nj • • i • - I ,'i-roi'Hi f>r:.oi.i a: R >rk I'.nti!

i.' !'• .• .: j;;..t.. AlMiut f.W IMMi i* war I'd ' • ••• • • j.ri»«- in addition to the f TO.OOO

• » '.\ ritii-ed

GEXEKATKBWS. - even (wrHon? comn. iued suicide in New

CLKIOIS FACTS. W A S H I N « J T < » I . K T T K K . u\ T H I : *\ w . ... T .r -.n.: w » «-r ITH

Mrs, J ,u- . . l i I>.-»rl.-

i ,-. I; ar.- L-re

i;..r a' .-1 . Cft i* a .!,• re

A J." » • • ! ' « - .

\ i i r \ I' Mnri '. .

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' i l t l l I It'

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Mm Knvl.. f ejtr K ot / t .

w.f" i.f a rat-r! mar. . v

H lins i-rk

i r.irr 11-' i r . ••(

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M»-a . I;a» fiT $1.1X111

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t o the

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pro\.ous moet-

-.>>..-:• r .if :.KI.J

!'. I : i - :' .»,i>

J W I U M fUttar>arifh, Barlinftoo, M >nt-, 81- Alwwiy, t td Eatlaod.

wilt ov«» at Clinton , Hay 17. with wB exhir.i-Itw* ••OlMttM Colt*««

M.V. T. H. IM* At BwttBKtM,

«ttt be tMiMMl to

S t , w»4 tkwawl* will tw eoa-l , « * • • taw aSpoMtioo

But there i« DO ponalty for killing the Eu-

k w t o w t r t w * bMt>b*ll leweoe of K | l s h » P * r r o w . hawk, crane, c r o w , raven , I b i . territory woo id c o m p r w e crow-blackbird, c o m m o n blackbird or k ing-


A t T E s n o ! ! in called to the not ice b e a d e d

"Buuka l«»r !*oldiera," and eitcoed by the

Chaplain of the Fifth l \ S. Infantry. I D

many booae* in l o a n there aboold b e i p a r e

book* wniCi hare been read by tbeir o w n ­

ers , and which would be appreciated by

the aoldier*. Putt»t>urjih o w e * a g o o d torn

to the aoliliers of Plaitsburuh Barrack*, for

tbey a lways »t»nd ready t o beip u* in l i m e

of need, and their beip on at least t w o r e -

ewm occ»- ior# has pron»t>ly aaTed o* from a

bw Ore. H-*rn w a ood opuortanity to re-oprocaie. wtiic'i we are sure will not be • a d - r e d to KO oy an not iced.

T H E dm u«rs of boaeecleati ing t ime, now

approaching, may be s t a l e , bat tbey are not

bait a s alale a* the Jokea that are di l igently

,' raked o p and rehashed each year about tbem

; and other atteu tant eviH of tbat dread

" #e».«>i — h« w * i e r i n i r of the dejected fawiily

I circle ai ueal i i '»e atxtat dry g o o d s bo«e«, 1 the miap. t*ie mop-i. brooms, broken fnrni-

i (are, airt and ^eUeral *loppiness , the con­

version of ;»-iiUe w i'D>n into shrews and of

men into mwaiithropej, the elimpse* of in

la betac baUt by B.

af GOwtt and Sinlh mu\ bw occupied

• wy O. f- atothfrn aad J. P.

locooKMlve* will A tt oo tbs new trains

fkactit neii summer. Uat Ikeae locmn-iives tbrv*

MBwal bail of lb* Smith M. &«»%• «f Bit*——* Trainmen in Court ritwauw haw. Hotolay ni«bl was a

•vat wbibty cookies being

af Itoaaajoito ooai lb* i imaanrlaiii — w e n Piatisnargh

IwVatM law «wu wvwr oa law M b of loot .

Mr s s : s . K o i k w e l l . I f c .u ford a n d .Mc-U a t t i e .

A number of rwini?itions nmde by C!:io;' Ht;rii'!i;h wore reierred to the fir*1 <-oinni:!tef with ;ni«er

(»n of Mr. Iim knell th-> room f(>rmerl,v nsfi by the poin e wa.-- rented lo H P. (Jillilaiid for one jnar for $T."i, the tenant to furnish ins own ln,ht.

The reiH>rt of the I'lirixiration vMtin-cil adverse to the claim of Peter Larmarche was presented. The claim w a s l i i d o n t h e ta l i l e .

The report of City Chamberlain Xash w a s l e o e i v e d a n d a n e p t e d .

The report of C*i>:i ..,4-' i<'rier of Charities Tremblay lor March, showing exyenditup-es ami>unting to $;'.L<».3l't was presented. The rejiori was ac­cepted and the acconnwinyirm bills amounting to ^STo.tiii wore ordered: paid.

The claim of Or. I>are for sioT.on for services in the case of Mereeline Lamarcrie was preeenteti. Trie ciaim tion conncil.

By resolution offered by Mr. Bots-ford the city clerk was directed to provide 'requisftion blanks for the various departments.

The finance committee reported ad­versely on the claim of Mrs. Olive St. Louis for $3J5.uU. The drum was laid on the table.

On the reromfmenrlation of Chief Engineer Burleigh and the fire com­mittee, the Mayor appointed Arthur Bird fireman in the place of Elric

Ditceut children iuio the stern realities of a ' Light resigned. di-mitl grown-up fuare, me wild-eyed des­peration, and tbe tendeoc? to wonder if life is Dt>l. after all. a general failure. Bat no one sboaid de*p«ir, for the darkest weatntr is always lollowed by bright sunshine.

THIS H ID W I of abort stories, and the tweoileth eeotory has tittle ase lor the man wf woman that caon-jt go direct to the point aod say wbat be has to say, or write what be baste write—wbeiber of rsallsm or wctton— •aocwely. Tbe Paw tjpek Hww*. pobMsbsd by 6V«».a B. Daiilels, Mow Tork, of tbo » T. OswMBwl at tba ab aaaanaal artaa of »

bsiammtrrm ffaaro aaa adoat tbin> «rti-

a w l a

of apaoer obovw UkeCaib-

oy UM Dauad Box Board vrtUb law Preowaoargb

Tax Of**** of tbo Central Vermont raii-aaam at KJWJSS puiat across Lake Cnamplain am* ai%auy damas>wd oy ice last week, mak-fejsjit awewaary tosoad trains across the lata al Uacotle, oat it oas been repaired and

Tax •.isiimTj Special C«Bimittee ap-l last >war to lavaaugaie into tbe cou-

i wi a atw property in tne Adirondack*, i tbe leaatng of Suue lands on

Bar^liHT Lake, Sarauac L*»o and Lake w)wstwO U> private perooUS-

F a x IMU t o iraualur Pla.Utrar^h Putii ic

iaufary irvai tUecouirol ot tue K-^euis ol Ifewsxate tM S * * V j t » iO t i i o^unfatil^i ot a

anvai«cwrt>«wau>»u, ta acc^ruauce w u a u s

BcoSMoua a w p a w i s u e a by us i^st wet-K, has

! w i b uraucuoa of in« Le^ia ia iate i tns

* ' l s c u t T t « s CAMIS" is ccinitin lo l o a n

B o l l JBvtiuay, mUKl Wtu »titiettl lu f .a l ' . jOur .h

l a e a t r i - . l u e a i tec t p e l a d e Is said l o d e

forgevMst, auh iw i*« oauis, "Ormit" tlraia Ourps, * U « < J - J o t M . e picaaii-

, bares uitMKUhmuds, a u a uotd Coukeje

a f w r assert .

Tom Itwaaweli Milts pulp mill has bet-n

asjitu s s i oy Aueu B u s . Co. of s«ud> H m

i ft. A. UM -ord ol Pta i i sburga aLd a d i

HwUer toe kute ot kbe s^raiiaC

>, a u k XV tt (sttirmrd a s waLaiSt-r.

, wui b« aswtt ekclustTeiy in U>«

i of wall pap**,

t a m r a y o r t a o i new* i- promulgated by the

Hal sat*M proU«uK ot J M M a l e ibat iht-re

B t w s a a a u a o u s a a i ay tug of deer m ine

ikbepas t winter. A c e b s u ot

o c e i •»> aid now be in oruer

axtburuy . Wnatever ab«u.d

o a r g a a t e protectorT

T a x Ptat lsourgb branch of tbe sa lvat ion

A i x t j Bwd a m«'"linif IU m e d>u: i U iu->- on

• tBwi wtewk- vBoa bo •f "lbs fJuvwttMwZ of tbo Cross"

a w * awrturateU. Atetrwawe o e r e m a d e t \

•HafCaOtatb Mrs. G e o . F. Cas>er of ?>ia-

sjase wad b ) m i n t metayers of l o e Army.

T a x U. S o e o a i e lias agreed to at. alio I •

a t s u i U» lt>e P.** Urtice appropr.a...<t. '

t x i u x tbe et»iiipeu»».. n o! ru;a t in >

HOTS IruUt f TW a >ear . l i s o a l o! ?•••:' a

a t l o a i i u pucj LaU.eio ;•• tarty i i i r . i : . .

lor hireaiiO r -o - v »* »^:>»>-'.i^. "••• '•" i.* -*--

aaprr* a: i m a - a i . - e i - a - l - r r-ur:. re-;.:.i

b ^ n s a s . i i - f.'.-..i- —••-•' '< ••••:•*. "-«> l"*-

scrit«-T a l 'J •• ttlaa...^ » '"• —• " - » ' '' ! r * - • » ' •

fru» J a j i w -* Uon* a* to '..*a,-t .1.^

U,g a u t« - o*»: • 'i-

Bbd Uiat k'a-"!* - '

Bra .. • : • • •*• '••>

BBJ .ha . ' '• •

Cou;. t » ».'*"»• ;

para if

T o t »•:»>'a-e«

t ,» -~ » .* » t ' -' •

t i a t :i.r ; r ™ , : - r .

U>ci » ^••.i-ij "'t'1"'

Caswe it »* - ••• aruut,* Bui .*"- • aooceeelu. i - i » ? a •- ' " i

w i n d t o - t" - ^-- -•• -u •'

iy*K.»fi lu* »a*;ar

o lber c r u | * •! . . »*» 'of

d o so . A !•' • > ! • .b» ; i :u - . e 4T.

Jirm V - m .-.a'-' l^.'U.u.u».

A n d r e * ? iMm^rr * . , .

Jafy t at. I eti^ A n * ' *

b*M. Bta^e fur nteel.

to ai* gra l"» "*

tr** .o a.. l -r»"i.«

aisvesSw) fat arw, as it w i I

lor BOOK distancea cheaoty wttboat getung tired, aad to light aad baady. Bat as ordinarily made it has this cnaadvaBtage: Thai if a bad piaoa in tne road M) encounter­ed making it desirable to pedal by loot power, as aiib the ordinary bicycle, tbo nJ->r has to work ibe engine with tbe pedals, making it very hard. Or. G. C. Wilkinson, of PiatUbargh, has invented a little appli­ance that does away with this trouble ecurs-ly. A iluie movement unships the machine in an instant, on the principle of a loose pol­ls) in any oruiuary machinery, so tbat if tbe motive power gives out, or any other acci­dent occurs, all tbe rider has to do is to un­ship to the loose pulley, and tbo machine at ouce oecomes an ordiuary picycie, with tbe engine completely cut out.

• I H E Karl of Puwiuckei'' drew a good bjuse a. PiatiisiiUTgu T.ieatre >ast Monday nuoi, alio to say mat the audience was we 1 pleased is to fZpre*e it>', for no one after seeing it, wiai its setting of mag-n.Bjeiii mcenery coul 1 wonder at the success it has achieved in ibe great cities. It is the -i..|> ot a:, iijunil but "not sUperfJcally alert" G i.iuii lord who IAIID iu luve with a pretty V.i.ti-i-iiii: aid Km i*s tier across the sea l u S - i V .. n u i l e r an iocogni to , wbicb

nm.., -n,? lo lie Ibe naine of a precioas raaca .

wuerrbv lie fl ul« hiuiseil involved in a mesh of "ua*»ij ' u.ffljjl.ies. Tne central figure i-t tnu • L ml Oardiutfion." and in its ren-li,,....i-. Mr Frank M >uroe fairly rivals if not i-u. t-.i.-^o the ehter ooinem's --Dundreary,' * ,ti.;i u->-d i» •-»> dou,n. tne theatre lovers ot a i a«i i.'-ui-rauou. Tbe support of tbe en­ure cutupitny is t-xcell»nt, especially Miss Peties as prett> "Harriet Pordyce" and Florence Puluam as "Auut J*a«."

W r a t b e r W o r r i e a . I the sultry summer

Ah ye*, indeed. I lore The Jays vrr.en tne ttiermoioeter

1* e.<cotj sum - a i o r e ; Wtmu erert ft-Klj faun and fames

Aooui tbe «»'ful b at That »<-ontn» tld it Le-rly melts

The pav emeiit in the street.

I 'ir t r . l j » ,:.:e''. I b e lime ol aw and m o w ,

STkvn tba tharmomeUr ill ova AuWB o flft-ma aoi f* bt 1. « ;

Wh.n attitnr wind- -*it> beilowtec roar The ht is •%• 4 ral ej» -weep

And ..n 'he waik« t e beautiful" lew dri.tcd lUree fert deep.

The clerK w«s directed to notify L a u r a D a v i s t h a t h e r p r e m i s e s w o u l d

not be required by the city after June 15th 1904.

Tne following bills w r e audited: POOR FUND.

Frank Justin, *23.76; W. G. Wilcox A Son, |3.50; Frank Finn, $4; W. H. Goff, 114.76; L. W. Mayes, 914.78; Mrs. & Biley, S4; V. F. Boire, agent, 95; Frank Jabaut, 928.80; L. U. Ar-chambault, 97; Bngene Brown, 910; Cady Drue Co.. 91; A. Malboeuf. 923; W. L. Germain, f7.47; Silas Saublon, $17; <Bed Croas Pnawnacy, f l .75; Dock A Coal Co., 91-75; Girard A Byrnea, ff.To; wxwtbk iBroxbers, 98; Adrian Boascal, 917; Mn. Loois Sbarron, | » . 7 S ; llniwjli A Robinson, 19.25;

9a».M; tiodaoB S i w r

A J . l » t

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am n t hail'*, -•mi . ,' t r i ime; v. • , ;. . .p . r f . : n g

- •' i • A • t : « iiei : , , , > . . . . . . .-..^r

- Purtt.

Ii 1 i t * C o u r t .

. I i> i:pnti.Y

P l i » t t ! » » m r

1>|.. \K O

• i Mar . i . ea j Hi. 1 ' .«• * . te p eaded l-'iii.iV

.: - -iru; k ai ! . . i i -oidei . t , Apr i tj. at.d

., e e a v»a ? s e n t e t c e i t o t e l l d a \ 8 ID j a i l .

• :,ie » a - -u- i ' - : > d "I Mr-. MarULeau.

1 i. Mi. . tNo L':s..kl-LKLV

.- - l i e . •> , m n i-u '•>. Apru 7. :v

.• ^ . i . i >:.- '• !< - ' . } , a n d

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.,«•!, at «. -t! I l . i . I

>J Pri.».» t. I i.

^ tne : ee•:» i.f .n.i ,.• r»

n t > o . • • • • • k a t : .'. » • !••

eaci ' *: o! pi.-} a t . i-

, u . » SCUt»U<» •' '"• •" » *•• - r o . > • *

Oe.i-i lor -ral-»p<i' a . ••- a t . ! - a w. . a.#v t.e t.e..l at I:.

,u Lit* -• n . » f t . o J - .>

i - ana a l U a t t . » u 4 . » - J ^ J

ae d

*. .St

• I - 0

A t . r a i i K * ' M i | » P « T

; . , ' - •'! l i -eKt.ati Grange, N o ... T ..-r -i-. A,.r.. 12 n. ho.d a

. . . . . . . a ^ •: !-u..',^-r al Waebine-l>.-e»!iia:.toati Corners. Aii

•. e t ^ - v a j i . ' ) »upl*r should b e

B» order ul " ofnmi te«. l'o:i» A. 1'Aabr.

K<M>k« lor t h e ftoldirra. At ^ j " " " •" '.efet.v uot.le to Ihe people of

• a ;• ' . : . '. f-u ' ».".i..< t." :«•"*» of fict-.i., . .". . , . '..-•• r> of '.,'uVt. foi Ihe uae of

, ' . „ . : . i n i - a la'o.rt" Garrison. In ai-, .f- . o n t...ine ti.ere are 0«a>k8 of tbe , , . . ,- t a im er tl.a' c. ui 1 t * spared. Tney

est and proQl 10 tt.«

i .» 1 . i, lertnieL1 niakes no provision for

, - ..: •,.!• caracter Arnij Ctiapism* . , » , . « • e to <»cure Shell, for the Pusl

. » • , ' . • ..ut.'srt t-ii(.:rri»linns V r v r .eavr tt.e Ii ».k» Ida >ou OBlr; ' 0 ' *

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.( .i.f -..*>ka a! >our t.i'llie


•» ; fx-AwAr

.- m. mm c^n mvt Total, 93376.63.


Mrs. Tboinx* Hewson, 912.?7; Mrs. W. Condon, 111.95; Mrs. 6. B. SmitA, 88c.: Mrs. Peter (Myers, 911-60; Mrs. P. Lambert. 99.50; Mrs. Peter Pelkey, 99.80; Mrs. A. Stone, 910.52; Mrs. S. Miner, 99.60; Mrs. M. Lafountain, 95; Mrs. Peter Beshon, 97.60; Mrs. Eliza Collins, 98.52; Mrs. Edward Lefobvre, 99.80; Mrs. M. Martineau. 99.52; Mrs. Samuel Trombly, $125; Mrs. H. Mat­thews, $4; Mrs. George Ritchie, 92.40; Mrs. Celina Beson, $8-60; Mrs. V. Durocher, 98-50; Mrs. A. Gagnon, 95; Mrs. J. Ohagnon, 98.60; Mrs. P. Ran­ger, |13; Mrs. M. McDonald, |9.60; Mrs. Bemice, 96; Mrs. Margaret Fran-coeur, 84; Mrs. Alfred Senecal, 92.64; Mrs. Thomas Honorky, 92; Peter Bouraspa, $S.04; George Antoine. S8c; Francis Pupre, 95; Antoine Magnant. 99.76; Harry Beber, coffin, 910; F. Achain, $o; David Varno, 92.15; F. X. Reeves, $6; Wm. Varno, S4; Snpt. S. J I'reston, shoes for school children, $24.17; John Cooler. $13.25; Levi Oooley. 914.13; George Kingsley, $14.1.?; James St Denis. $9.76.

Gbi&VBAL FLW1D. W. B. Mooers, $15.58; Plattsburgh

L. H. & P. Co., $12.63; Sentinel Pu'o C o . , 9 3 1 . 7 3 ; P e p i n *r M o u s o , 1 1 . 5 0 ; Baker Bros. Lumber Co., $116.34; Chas. McNeil, $1-45; Jos. L. Nash, pay roll. 944.24; Dock A Coal Co.. 9151.91; Henry Douglass, 913.75; Frank La-force, 914; Hudson River Tel. Co., 91.17; Adolphus Florentine, $19.50; W. B. Mooers, 93.13; Geo. C. Fitspat-riek, $15.50; Mrs. D. K. Gilbert, $24.83; Sowles Hardware Co., 978.84; Sowles 'Hardware Co., $50.30; J. A. tMcCrank, 9150; E. J. Robinson, $10.60.

STREfET AND SBWBR FUND. Smith Bros., 913; Childs A Byrnes,; J. r. Wood, $1.33, F S. Jus­tin, $1; Sowles Hardware Co., $7.84; Chas. McNeil, $4.35; I. Crete, $1; W. B. Mooers. $1.28.

WATHR FUND. Platrsbursrh L. H. A P. Co., S10.6S;

£ . 1 . JaJaui, $<>*i.^, Chac. Millax A S o n Co.. 92K3.7S; M r s . M. P . i »h* lp« . 92; JOB. T. Wood. 80c; W. B. Mooera, 985.8S; Sowles Hardware Co., 919-61; M. O'Connell, 50c; J. D. Wilkinson, $5.40; G. N. Y. Tel. Co., 25c; F. S. J n s t i n , I'do.To: F r a n k Z. J a b a u t , $5 .75; C i . a s . M c N e i l , $!'"..4o; [ S m u h B r o s . , $-•;, A . .Selie, a l . $11 .To .

W A T E R F U N D . E d s o n M i s C v , $« . . t 0 ; H . R. T e l .

Co. I * " t H. R. T e l . C o , $ > . . ; i ; P . L. H . a: P . C o . . ^ i c .

L I G H T I N G F I N D . J. S. I - a n s . $ 1 . 4 o ; P . H . B a r b e r *

C o . $7 ^ P. H- B a r U r & Co. , $3 .22: 1: L . H. At P . C o . . $ i n y . i y .

F t R E F U N D . E. A l l e n , .".m, P . L . H . & P . C o . .

$ 1 1 . 4 v P l a t t s b u r g h F u r n i t u r e Co . . t ' l i n ; W . B. M o o e r s , $ t » l . M ; J o s e p h !i . i l a i m * . $ 1 . 7 5 ; H a r r y M a r s h , $ 1 : D o c k A: C o a l C o . , $ 5 4 . 9 3 ; J . A . M c -("rank, $"-; A N . R a s a c o , 5 o c ; H . R . T<! C o . $!' .:: .: H . R T e l . Co. . $ 2 . 7 5 . I t i r a F i r e A l a r m T e l . C o . , $ 1 . 6 0 ; J . c . G.-e, $ ' . .75; T h » o ! E . C a l l a n a n . $ 1 1 . 5 M ; i l . X. L a M ' v r e , $ 1 S . S 0 ; S o w l e s H a r d w a r e Co . . $ 1 7 . 4 * .

P o U C E F U N D . J o s C h a r b o n n e a u . $ s ; S o w l e s H a r d ­

w a r e C o . 9'k-; P l a t t s b u r g h F u r n i t u r e C o . i t « 7 5 ; S e n t i n e l P u b . C o . , 913.50; W i l l i a m s o n L a w B o o k C o . , 9 2 8 . 5 0 ; A H. H u g h e s , ^uc; V i c t o r B o i r e , 924 ; W. l l :am«i . .u U w B o o k C o . , $ 3 . 8 6 : J A. Sch.fT. 75c.

L I B R A R Y F U N D . Tl>e P h i l a d e l p h i a B o o * C o . , 8 8 . 7 5 ;

is. F Mclean A Co. $33.06; The Bak­er A Taylor Co. $22.59; Dodd, Mead A Ct>. $73.51; Everett A Francm Co., 87c

Meetin* adjourned. T. F. MANNIX. a t y Clwrx.

A Omrd. We. the undeniiirtKid. <]. berebr acre* to refund

t «-iie-iiey • « a io- —n< l«nU«..f Greene's War-raiitMl Syr-t\> ..f Tar if tt fall" to oure your ooacb uro-44 W- alat. roaranter a BVtmit bottle to pr«*e satlafar<torf ur muowr '•funded

H W ( u i Mas n X < a T. U a x i a . l a m a s A

j V tk c:t>. April 5

Four men were killed at Fabore, Va . , 1 Apni 1. t>\ a blast explos ion. I Three Imiian* were killed in a railway ' wr>(k. April 7, two miles west of Ma) wood,


Five persons person* peri*he<l by a Are in the Columbia hall building at Morjut Vernon, N. Y , April 6 .

j In De* Moines. l a . , 75charches were closed ! las-i week on account of the coal famine

Cikii»ed |.y the coal strike. i Fiank Giti*on. of St. Catherine'*.,

*ho- ii:* wife fatKliv. Ai>ril 6, and then shot tinii-eif. lb- will recover.

l a o i - i t ' i i iitui a Wi.mun wore drowned, Slaich 30. their noat g o i n g over Shoshono Fal ls on Snake River, a t Boise , Idaho.

Tbe Lions Beet Sopar Refining Co. of Ljon*, Wayne county, N. Y . , was incor-porated April 4, with a capital of f 1.250.-000.

Three firemen were killed by falline walls at the burning of the York Carriage Co.'s plant at York, Pa. , April 6. The loss wag 9250.000

Three children named Holmes, a e e d 9, 11. and 13. hroke through thin ice on a pond hack of their home at Tustin, Mich., and , were drowned. j

N . lne j Johnstown Hayden, of Louisville., Kv.. commit ted suicide in N e w York city, April 1, b.t jumping from the top floor of a 21-story building.

Frederirk Bill ings, a g e d 10. died at F i n d - ;

la>, O., April 5, from tbe effects of injuries 1 received while be was being baz^d by older j boys at the Rawsoo school . j

Tbe Supreme Court of Massachusetts has ' ju-t decided that a woman can testify a g a i n s t . her husband, if s h e chooses , bat that s h e : must not be compel led to d o so .

The body of Miss Mabel Page , dauehter of

Edward Page, 1 retired steel merchant of Weston, Mass., was found in tbe family home, March 31 , hacked in a dozen places.

Three men were found dead in bed at 505 Richmond street, Philadelphia, April 6—suf­focated by illuminating gas, which flowed from an imperfect gas stove connection.

The statue of ••Victory,'' by Miss Evelyn B. Longman will have the place of honor in ibe Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis. It will crown the dome of Festival Hall.

Three men were killed by an explosion in the Citizens National Bank building at Aibia, la., April 3. The loss is •75,000. Tbe expioeion is supposed to have been in the heating plant

Jos. Laforest of St. Fulgeoce, 9 mjlesfrom Chicoutimi, P. Q . was killed by Jas. Wal­ton, April 4. Tbey were neighboring farm­ers and quarreled over ibe ownership of a small piece of land.

Three •asked MB b*Jd op a Sontbere Pa­cific train at Copley, Cat., oa tbo aigbt of March 31, and kilted tba on bis refusal to carried o t MM

Fanaer George Pratt of Hewark Valley, N. Y., while draak an bard cider tank hisgoBtoaboet a when tbo gaawas killing Pratt*

U. & Banal** stanoe, af tO « BSOBIBS* Xw.llllSIBS.SBt


-n 1 .-atiiiie. VI -ria . ; . f II > mke ,

Sl le I ; ' , , . <",.;, ;- .(• V i K 1. r..|f I C >

• inmate* on »<v.mi.; ol a i •-! wh.:e ri-nnoiit! o i . e . d , N ini'iiH.

I; ii» r a,tiled thai an ore !,as t.een found in B e V e m ; m i n e s :d H . i l i e , M'>[.t , W! IH Ho

run in ra.lmm iniiiei.j have long carried it in their pockets for the cure of many disease!".

It is said that 100.000 miners will g o to Alaska this spring and good j idjies est imate that 922.000.000 wiii be taken out of that country this spring. The great rush is now to ihe T a u a n s retftoo-

Miiskrals d igg ing at Ihe base of the big dam at Fennis Point at Thomaston, Conn. , caused the dam to g ive way. April 3 . flood­ing the town and doing considerable dam­age . The pond covered four acres.

A topographic model of A laska hasj'iRt been tini.-he.i in WaMiinir! >n and will form a purl of Ihe V. S. Geological Survey ext inc­tion at the SI Louis fair. The scale i- 40 thiies to the inch and the Conspn .ions fea­tures of C"u:iir> ur- ropreseriied.

There wae a great lamlsliue a l Devi I'd Hole , uear Dausviile, Livingston county, N. Y. , April I, at 3 a. m. It is said to have been occasioned by s o m e subterranean con­vulsion, and there is a tradition that Dev;iV Hole is iocated over the mouth of an old volcano.

The great Spier Falls on the Upper Hud­son is now developing l* 000 horse power which is delivered in Alintnv, Troy, S d i e -n*-c adv. Sara'os-'a, Glen* Falls, and inter­mediate poiulS. There are live water wheels running, Ave dynamos and 13 hi^h tension transformers.

A report by the Labor statistician of New Jersey s h o w s that ihe negroes of that S la t e have increased 4ti 6 per cent in the last ten years while the w m i e s have only increased 29 8 oer cent. The negro population of New Jersey is over 70,000; total population in 1900, 1.8S3.669.

Spokouee , a town in the western part of tbe Creek nation, Texas , which bas 10,000 population, has no town officers, and ihe people say they have no use of any. They pay no taxes , and when tbey want any pub­lic improvements tbey call a meet ing and raise the money.

Miss Mary Schultz of Chicago hat just secured • verdict of $15 ,000 against tbe Chicago Telephone Co.. on account having been made deaf in 1899, while employed as a telephone operator, by lightning which was transmitted to hei bead through the re­ceiving apparatus.

The British ship Discovery arrived at Lytlleford, New Z-aland, April 1, after being two years a isent on a voyage of discovery in the Antarctic regions. Valuable scientific collections were made and the ship went nearer to the South Pole than any other vessel has ever reached—82" 17' south latitude.

Tbe Psychical Society of Glens Falls, N. Y., has been incorporated to teach tbe universal brotherhood of man and to demonstrate the continuity of life through psychical phenom­ena. The directors are Andrew J. Taylor, Emma A. Newton, Maude L Austin, Mere­dith B. Little, and Thomas D. Trumbull, all of Glens Falls. ,

Tne Grand Reservoir at Celina, Ohio, be­lieved to be tbe largest artificial body of water in ibe world is said to be in danger of breaking. It is 19 miles long, and from t to 4 miles wide, and its banks are from 10 to 99 feet high It wa* built on the summit be­tween Ohio River afB rants and tbe lakes so as to feed tbe canals both ways.

A big gas plant is to be erected at Bsrre by tbe People's Lighting, Heating and Power Co., wltb a IM.eeo cubic-foot bolder and a

with a capacity of X5.0BB fan Tbe price of gas for power par-

am be 75 cents per 1.000 feet and tbe for beating and lighting wdl be $1 25

awAft-M. It to TwBorted tbat this company •BBlarXw* poawtwr tax Ban*and Moat-

.r f .- ,.|.,



i - ' e d

I I I . •!!'

i f . I l l '

raided the Philip in tbektwe of Mexico, eoataweatef B rasa, Texas, re­cently and carried away three of Bder Hiram Johnson's wives- A posse of Mexicaa rurales puisasd atd fought thea* aad the bandits fled, tearing the wosxea.

Dr. William A. Harroan of Denver recent­ly bad a fortune of •lf8M,asn left to him by tne death of bis ancle, James A Herrooe who died recently in Ireland bat be rafaass to take if. He telegraphed to buy .sister, Mrs. J. M. Lewis of Portland. Me.: "1*111 not accept a cent of BKwey. It to all yoara. Tt to to nhal."

Soaae Foeliah People Allow a cough to run antil it gets beyond the reach of medicine. Tbey often say, "Oh, it wiii wear away," bat in most cases it will wear tbem away. Could tbey be induced to try the snceessfal medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which to sold oa positive guarantee to cure, tbey would immediately see tbe ex­cellent eflect after taking tbe first dose. Price 3 5 c a o d 9 0 c Trial site free. A t all druggists. ^ ^

WOMBR. Mrs. Adda Howe to a Ussoas fanaer Wau­

kesha county. Wis., aad a frequent speaker at farmers' institutes and dairy conventions in the West.

The lower Bowse of the Iowa Legislature passed a bill. April A in favor of woman suffrage by a vote of «t to 99, bit It to ex­pected that the Senate will kill tt.

Hiss Anna CUrksoa has praxeBted tbe Clarkson School of Tachaolog, at Potsdam, N Y., with a handsome dab hoasa which was built of sandstone two years ago.

Misses Jennie aad CJTB Dean, of Goaver-neur, N. X., uaagbten of the late Orson Dean, one of tbe ptoaaar lumbermen of that region, are fomisbiog aboat 9)10.000 to betid a new Presbyterian aaaxMwsjss atOoaear-ueur.

leading members of thaW. C T. O. of New Jersey declare that the anxsjuxcef sexes at public bathing ptaoxs to "tUe," "re-volung." and ••corrapt," aad that tTaiaa i.roposes to start a practice.

Tbe Woman's Monldpal Leagae of York city has been tneatvoialad, •to pro­mote among women an katsaligwat Interest in municipal affairs aad to aid in aerviag good Kovernment in the city of Mew York, without regard to party or sectional lines."

A motion declaring that the dtoabtlitieo of

oeres j *eaaJawaa j f j a l h t x w a w t t x * of Commons reosatly by ltd i vote, however, was obtsxasd ia House,and thereto eaMlo he iQtention of making any ohange ia the •natter.

Mrs. Noble L. Prentiss, hostess of tbe Kaueas building at tbe St Louis World's Fair, bas asked tbe commission to provide quarters for six Kansas girls which she pro-pwes to exhibit in a congress of beauty at ihe fair. She says: "Livestock is exhibited there, why not show tbe world tbe pretty women Kansas produces."

Dr. Frances Dickinson of Chicago to In f. vor of establishing little hospitals on wheels for city service. She thinks that hundreds of lives have been lost in Chicago hospitals are stationary. Tba hospital she suggests is as large as a department store truck and is propelled, lighted aad heated

y electricity. It to intended to take the place of the operating room of aa ordinary h 'spltal and will carry a sargeoa aad taw -raduate nurses.

Tbe women of Norway hare for years enjoyed tqaai rights with the awn in communal and municipal msfters. In 1991 of the 033 487 entitled voters ia communal sflairs 231,447 were women, of whoa 19,971 were taxpayers, bat only 9.4 par cent of this number voted. lo 99 percent of the eoastry districts women did not rote at en. while in the dues 48 percent of thorn rotad, aad the movement for anlveraal suffrage to throughout Norwegian cities.

CPaUx*JtT f l J I . We long for Msoalts mother cooked.

Aad fortunes would be laid If weeooM but have back acatn

The donga oar ancle made. Why don't you try to drive that male with­

out profanity? It wouldn't do any good, answered tbe

canal boatman. It ain't Air to the mule to ask it to start in at it's time o' life to learn a whole lot of polite synonyms.

1 know what you've come here for, said little Willie. You are going to ask my sister to be your wife.

Oh ! Why do you think so? . Cause 1 beard her tellin' ma she was gain' to git yen in a corner to-night and make you say it.

Sixe doesn't always count, says the Man-ayank philosopher. A tiny flaa can bring tbe largest dog to the scratch

Patience—I always think of all the mean tbioice I have said during ibe day before I fall asieep at nigbt

Patrice—Gracious! Do yon stay awake as long as that?

;.. e . p . r - 1 iIT .* v.- |.

under i.ix n h i I perm-ate j e v e n ternmi-t.': thuii*ai,

l i s 1 Mia C h e . | h o o d i e m e r e . y t i e c . l i i s e ' I . e . r

p i ' I t l a d lieen too Inns in power at.>1 w i'•: soon be driven from all places of atiiliont.'.

Senator Dolliver, Iowa, "the" R»pn'>iran orator, deprecated the "senseless i lauior" which demanded investiiration. and insist- d that a d x p i a t e and ampie invest igat ion had slready beeii maile and re|iorted lit the PnM Otlice department itself Th«r* ha.) i.een enough investigation, be said, and Conirre-s otu-ht to g o straight on with ii* work. G .v McCreary. Ky , asked Mr Dollivet if ir was generally considered adequate for a prisoner to sii it. judgment on his own ofjenseg. s - i , . aP>r Patterson. Col , insisteii that there had been no investi^ra;inn whatever in repli -n the .temand which hail been m a l e f«.r i.i.. by the Commissioners appointed tit t i e Pre-idenl hiuiseif, ar.d declare.t ;l. t: HI. - , ; i ti .lurnilie:.! had been de, j led on t,> ;,v i le-i«:a'ioii not derire l hv I he P o ^ i I— ' Tnere was to oe no l a n d revis ion; no pui .oc building bi l l ; no reciprocity; no invest iga­tion of various scandals ; no set t lement of the Swat ne or Smoot cases. Senator L >d-e a-Ked him if ihe nation had not had pro— peri i t , arid when in the past t lure had - t - r been »mli a h i -h t i l e of prospei i t t as ui-ter the Dingley act. Senator Patterson rep;i-d t h i ! the country had had Hush t imes and per-i i ',•> oi" depression uu ler lio h p i r t i - s an i •> i km s o f legislation, but he would venture - o eat that under the so-called free trade r— gitne of lhlfi there was more ireneral thrift ar d national prosperity than there had h e - n under the adminigtrations of M< Kinley and R Hiseveli. Senator Lodge admit ted that the worst feature of the so-called post office scandal was the fact now revealed that there had been "secret rules" in the departmen: for the benefit of Congressmen; it was hoped tbat the present bill would abol ish t b e m .

In tbe House there are premonitory spats every day . Will iams, Democratic leader, said the situation bristled with issues for tbe campaign. Tbe party in power would be held responsible, not merely for its fail­ure to cult ivate reciprocal relations with

other nations, and its refusal to punish grafters or investigate manifest and pal­pable corruption, and for bankrupting tbe treasury, but especially for its refusal to prosecute tbe eoal-carrying-railroad trust, and to bring erimi. al action against the Northern Securities Company, and condign punishment on the promoters of tbat con­spiracy. He added that the impeachment of Judge Swayne ought to be vigorously carried on or slopped; that it was not dig­nified or decent to hold a high judicial officer in suspension while his arraignera went home lo fix their fences.

Although there will pronably be no new public building begun or authorized this year, the Bouse has provided in tbe sundry civil bill for a magnificent addition to the Capitol—an extension of the main body of the building eastward 108 feet, so as to bring it out on tbe plazs flush with the two winss. This addition will contain sixty-six sump­tuous and spa-.tious rooms, balf of wbicb will belong to tbe House and half to tea Senate. Toe entire extension will cost 92 500,000, and will be finished in two years. Leading from tbe east steps to the rotanda will be a beautiful marble vestibule, 108 feet long, forming a grand entrance to the building. Tbe Senate will probably ratify tbe scheme.

Tbe administration indulges in vociferous joy over the news from Paris tbat tbe Pan­ama title is dear and Colombia has lost her canal sail in the French court, enabling the canal company to tarn over the property to as daring tbe present month. When be read tbe news Senator Lodge rasbed up to the White Hoase and embtaeed the Presi­dent with ao a»ore attempt to hide his emo­tion than two girls show apoa tbe street wbeo confiding to each other their amtrt-ssouUI prospects, Other vieitota gave amy.

of that

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wh.r'. he lake- the ]e:idp • pnrt. he wrote

10 coi'afi'ira'li r> w;". ATi.-.d I. eves.

Arrai0emer:ta are beir.jr rrtiide liv 11-rr

t'errte.) the production of "Parsifal"' in

Bos-on rext s p r i n c

A! the recent sale of Ihe Townshend >.-r-

! looms. Ho.Tir-h's porin-.i' of ' J m . e s Q i n.

i ! h - Artor.'" wa* p i trcased ' -r the S -1 • • • a'.

' G,i' <--\ f,>r seven l.urdred si .d twenty


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al*f»T ttt** h^rf.e* Brmfsa main I

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« *'^'- • • 1 • f *i HfT F»th«*p Bvrmyrrm intm ,» i ••-; **•*> ;, 4 n fhAnt A« r- -»>ro*ne*rr<i*>*1 bv P^r** 1 i \ >>rhii(w the* i«rf«*«t BfA*t< r **tt*r\nf to T»p ;-i*-,"r KT»« r*v-«»r VHJ !A,«? San<i*.r \'*-*pf*r« 'n t » -. »'HT.T W»T#» «'inir in trt»» •*Te>nin9T t>T » oh«»fr Tt'H ',• . . i | f y* ' . \m njn<5 C r i - I i »TA« th#» t j ^ t * m^ -. - . « I .*, r«/ . f , ' , . «-!-,(]•*. h h**r*» T> *• t " A - ' - T ;•*•• ' *'*• f • - , i * - " t • . •»ve n , , n fr '"i t ^ p t » * • X * - • • ' «• - ' • •»-. r-* * 4 - ' r n ' « .»•* . . - ' • *

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j injr a biiliiat.t fl';ore«r»'P«et and partic ••«

' cover the frocks, caps and shoes of the dan­

cers. Tl.e theatre is in pitel \ darkress . the

• f i iC-- :it : I,.tt . i s a t . .' t - . ' • •' at i -I •• »' .-

' in .'• ••! . urtti. i ;- pTo . a •• • .'•. - i e v e , ; , ; . e

• exireine.

! C'ir:» M-rns i.a« re- ; " . \ 1 to the s!a^» to

i take lie- par! of ,-is'er (Jenev:eve in the re-

j v i ta l of Tne - T w o O.-phans." The plat is

E nti ler the m a n a g e m e n t of A M. Palmer.

who produced the piece at the Uuion ."-uuare

Theatre in Decemfier, 1*74.

O e of tl.e sprini; attractions in Sew York is "Tbe Smart Set," presented by colored players.

William H. Crane bag reappeared as David Harurn.

Tbe Rev. John H Houghton, rector of St. Mark's, o n e of tbe Episcopal churches o t

Denver, announced to bis c o n g r e g a t i o n that

he bad asked the Bishop of Colorado for special dispensation for the parishioners of

St. Mark's to attend tbe performances of

"Mary of Maedala," giver, by Mrs. F i s k e

during L*nt. H-? also said that be had

taken a box for the one. m g nisht , and that

if n e x t year the difficulty m a d e for Mrs.

Fiske in Denver by the Theatrical Syndi­

cate should b e repeated, that he should offer

her the use of the parish house rent free.

•;*J*%pp»m#ftp A'-'safc^^a^^ajBaB*

years win ha oeeply embanwssed by the Bawdry etvnnul. if It gnas thrawgh the Sea-ate unscathed. It provides that all car­riages owned by tbe government snail here­after bear the painted name of the depart-saeot which tbey serve. This will diminish their ase as private chariots to some extent, but, as it stands, the identifying name need not be any larger than the type in which this letter is printed, aad tbey may put it on the inside or oo the under side. So there are chances of escape.

It wUI not be denied that the Y. M. C. A. has its share of gall. It has applied to be appointed superintendent of all the new army post exchange buildings, with tbe privilege of introducing all sorts of religious quarrels into tbe military service. This is fairly matched by tbe proposition that the government snail give 70,000,000 seres, ot irrigated land to tbe Salvation Array and lend it millions of money.

Ten thousand applications for patents are held up in the United States Patent Office on account ot Informal presentation or' unskill­ful prosecution. C A. Snow A Co., Patent Lawyers, of Washington, make a specialty of such eases. Fees moderate and contingent onsui

A theatre manager in a certain New En­gland town knows the value of money and also of natural heat- His theory la that as audience ia self warmios to a great extent, and he regulates his fires accordingly. His public unfortunately being thriftless and non-progressive, disagrees with him on tbe subject, and in consequence his house bas suffered.

Biit late iu November a popular company was to pass through tbe town, and having one open night he was able to secure it. Everybody wanted to go, and in spite of tne probable temperature the advance sale was good.

A citizen, however, either more chilly or more determined than the rest, hunted up the visiting manager and advised him to see that'tbe theatre was properly heated. Act­ing on the suggestion be went to tbe theatre about noon and found the atmosphere hov

wand tbe In •'Wat.'* said theleeal

1 ! • M K 1 *•'. .— A i l t-e..! t i .e ir -e tr ir .* -.*-:.»ty ft, ll*-k<-! Hull on Wednesday Raster «er rt,-»~ were i.ei.l in ihe M E. ebureh a;*o In the Pr»-hMeria- on Sunday . . .The day was aad ,t .i.e.! hf the f « T auiiden *1e*.fh of Mr Dean N , -. - . . | ' v a. . , , .'.f l l . e ' a t e - . . . t ! , V i e l l . M - H e - . s - l I . i . . k 1 ' . . - . ! » ! ' tf'l a l l ! pT„-! ( - t i . - r . !»

' . • ! » . • . : IV •: .r- • »• HI „tt ,' t . . .... It H e .. -. e - , ,. ;.. ur ' ;. u r • ! . . , - r e " uti-J t w o s i - l e r a I' » %- i i-r< at -h". k to the intie f a m i t and the -t'Mj i f t ..( ail will *imii ' to them in this, their ,rrTO -jHeiu.n The funeral wa« hel.l In Hi* pr—I'Verlan <hur. h on Tuesday »t 3 * ' r. m. Kev II Market - preached 'he wntwr. "v * \\ hue of » ti«mplain bad charee r.f the funeral

Mrs I_M <;,ew ,,f PlaMst.iir.-h arni> in town to attend the funeral of her brother, alao other fr endanf Mr* Nichols frldar eaeoio*. the i;h. special meeting* will he»in In tbePreaby t e r l a n c h u r c b . A «w»tlemaJI a a 4 hla w i f e . gvaegelistscif the Salvation Army vrlll oonduct the meet Ins*. All are moat cordially Invited to a<tend three meeting* which will be held each afternoon aad evenlns: for seawrai daye Miss 8 (" Mrcatt left for New York Wain—day morning Mr and Mrs. James Yale ofCoop-errille was In town on Wednesday MlasAan line of fvaiperyllle. als > Mr. Hiram Harford fn town on Tuesday to attend tbe (ranee The funeral of Mrs. Mlebael Wool will he held In the M. E church on Friday at * p. at. She was a former resident of Cbaxy and many wiii reruembar that «be ha* beea a rreat safferer f..r several ye ra. and will e i t e a d UMta- svmpatbr to 'he ha-tnad and daacbter and other relatres* in this great loss Tbeannusl be*4oea» meet-ine of the "Ctiaxy Kreo Library" araa bald at tbe I.i hrary. Monday erealDg. Pereral mstters were diseo-sed and It waa tboaurht btjaa. «.* catll m aU txKiks and make a complete record of tbe same. 1 he Library will be open tbe recalar day* u> re-eive books. AH holding Library bonk* are re-quesied to return them at one*. A notice w-II be eivi-n when the Library I* U> be renpeoed. Oa re-ifnation of Miss Garrett. Mrs. J F. Gilbert was elected as librarian Miss Graoe Little returned fr»m tbe west on Tuesday Brooks M-i'u-n returned to Pooltney on Monday Mr, and Vr-. Fred of Maasena are vi- t iucat Mr and Mrs. Albert Anderson'*and his -ister. Mb* Ada Anderson. K L I K M I I R C H CESTUI-:

Kev. t". V. Ho«le Is attending Conference . . . . . . Peter Akey and family moved to Potsdam thl* week. Mr * kev is to b« boas of tbe river drivers.

(>*<-ar Ballis will more on the Welch place. wtit h he has rented B-rt Welch and Jlmmle Wel.-n hsve cone to Srowe. Vt.. to l ive . . . . . .Mrs . L vok'ngttnd and Mr* Will (Vile leave this week for S*at,t-in. Vt Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Good-speed go to No 5. where be has chares of a creamery, and Elmer Hobba move* to Clinton to make butter Potatoes are selling at 91 00 per bushel Tbe funeral of Eddie Arno. who died in the ngdenabUTK Hospital, was held Wed­nesday at Ellenbnrcb. in tbe R. C. church. Bis remains were browrnt home Tnesdw/ night Mis* Katberine Oilbert an J Nettie Deione w*re hotne for Ka*t>r from Plattsburgh Normal Mr and Mrs. Norton Deloag are a t C. Dekaa*'*. People are slowly maklnc sowar The Easter exercises passed off creditably to all concerned. Miss Myra Goodspeed, who bad eharge at the whole, proved herself equal to the task. The Centre should be ooDcrat ulated o a haTmcaaor-a-anist capable stud willinc. t w o acieawnrie* e a t always found totrether. always ready at the slbrbteat call, as she is. Com* oat Saturday nUtht and help cancel the debt n a U a g o a the Are w«rm«*«ar,ll*Te« toaweiEi.mualo by tbe orches ra. and save a pleasant time with your friends a* the Town Hal l . . . . . .B«*ry Loui-selle will run the H agne farm, has moved there Mr. Carry has moved bank t o his home -Mr. Matthew Baker and Mtss l e a Oerdon left Iowa last week and returaed Mr. a*d Mrs. Mstthsw Ikws^BsSawi^Kws^^

m, •iiu.-fcjBvp iiiiiiiiiiiWVVS»X::JB«BJB

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o p , n n » i t|,,)t it I,.:. I » . ' i : , . ,;r<-n!»*-.t work his |..i* ..,.,. ,,., , »-,,( ,„J N-'tr Y--rk < it; \;-... ,t • . r> iimnl » . M I L - M I t n e i < l , i l . I , , r » ! , . • I t - m i M T I • . • » • ] , • > I

l ie fit j ' h in t l . . . , ! »ti •., t lo . s i „ » . u i , r . , i i s bt in ltn»' l y ti»- t - . e — . i m M n .

Kefope IM'C'IIIUHJ: t l e i r tabor* ! b » pri<-«t» laid mil a p ' i - i ••( . in ji.iii.ti. I'ntl i iT | M V ! I > « n t k - . 1 -t •••. -t ti a n d

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bi« t i ! i s s ; . . n a ^ii , . - « i | c i . - t i i i j l i t i n t o l ine Riant <>tli< r p-.iiti . n i n s 1 h e y a i l agri>ed t o a « i « t t b - t i r s - , . i n l"rin«t* * ' " i art' r \ | . . r . • , . , <, v . . . ' , « . ; • •• c i . n «.. :. • ; • ' . . ! . *

«•'! . I p . l t f * • 1. . .! i. . '. . t i

o t l i - r for m. - i t r - . ! \ v , n , - i i . a t l . m l r ir uiiiii.-irriisl t t . i i u - u . i .« i a f . i u . J s f o r yoUD4' n . f o .

o Btsntht

t TSa Ui u tow Km>n wMfJI

C h r i s t i a n Meprwslaaallwa. W h a t «•«• «<•«• w e r - a p . « 'baract» , r

repm«!u«>« I t w i f i n l i f e . U r a i x - a d o n o t b r i n g f o r t h ' h o r n - , f a r m d o n o t produs-*" w b e n t . I f y o n w a n t c l i a r a r t e r y o u m u s t p a y tin* |»ri«f fur it- S o w i n g l o v e , y o u s h a l l r e a p love . S o w i n g b o o -o r a n d t r u t h , h o n o r .-IIMI ' m i l l y o u at i l l m a p . T h e r v f o r . . t h e p i n i i s l i m - n t ia n o t ini|«otMtl uy IMWI fmiii without, bat to iui|>os.-<l l»j- tin- wui l f r o m w i t h i n . - I t e r . I»r. N«-w-«-ll l » » i t h t H i l l i s . C o u i r r e g a -t i o n u l i s t . Br .« .k i \ n.

atay het" aanahnlfanwdtonhvraxi the

paayw representative, who said tf the far-naees wen sot lighted at once be would can­cel tbe engagement and get out banners telling the town why.

That settled the matter of fire, but to re­imburse himself for his wasted fuel tbe "local" determined to utilize tbe banner idea, which seemed to bim exceedingly happy. So an boar later the business street of tbe town was enlivened by a sheet stretched across, and on it tbe band painted legend: "Hot Opery Tonight."

Stranger (at depot)—My good man, can you tell me ibe nearest way to Blank's hotel?

C a b Driver—Sure. J i s t s t e p ins ide u v dis

eab. sir. Mother, said a flve-year-old boy tbe other

day, I wish you wouldn't leave sse to take care of naby again. He was so bad I bad to oat all the sponge cake aad two jars of rasp­berry jam to amuse him.

Too growled at cold weather? Ob, yes. And you'll growl when it's hot? That's •bat- Well, what do yon reckon you're here for anyhow? My friend, was the reply, that's jest wbat keeps me a-growlin'—I can't find oat.

Wife-YOB I9!

N ASAL CATARRH quickly yields to treat­ment by Ely's Cream Balm, wbicb is agree­ably aromatic. It ia received through the nostri i, cleanses and heals tbe whole sur­face over which it diffuses itself. A rem­edy for Nasal Catarrh which is drying or exciting to the diseased •enbraoe sboaid not b e ased . Cream Balm la recognised a s a specific. Piles 59 cents at druggists or by mail. A coid lo the bead immediately dis­appears wbeo Cream Balm is ased Hy Broth­ers, M Warren Street, Mew Tork.

in bad condition when last nigbt were tbe streets. Icfact, tone just as it ought to be

rat tempted to it. writ* to the

She—This to leap year. Aren't yon afraid ansae woman will throw herself at your head?

Be—If a straight, anyhow.

At school, little Charlie, being one of the wiiues ot Mograpby dass, was deeply Interested in ewwBsss) tamssay »Be wwaoi eC IB* aaajaawn, BwjM ET ^ ^ ? ? BBO faanlaar i xaa aawa te 9rwx% .ex eon Mia "• 2 » BBtth; on your right txe east; oa yew left **?_*»»? the *«et. What hare yea behind yea? I OBfiOBS aOvaav A aaaiaBvawif'a aatBaattloai tihmmiim A W .

What hare yea behind yoa? l*s reflection Charlie ex

A patch on my pants. And to make tbe information more binding Charlie continued in a shamefaced manner: I knew you'd see it, 1 told mamma you would.

Oar's two sad sights in dis worl, says a sable philosopher. Oue is Riches tryin' to palm ill po', en dey other is Poveny on dress parade!

Do you know tbe nature of an oath, my little man? asked tbe Judge.

I ought to, replied the boy. 1 was a cad­dy at your golf club for two

Tave Bavaebmll Cfrmmfc. Madly I long for the day

Whan loan sit Ui the toasting each aw After the game ThMMthaaemaoffaa.

Other amn iiassws suns Bat; Bo for the eorhwar home mat

Bo for the eraok of the hat t

H igh Men and women alike here te

ceesantly with brata and head to o«nnowads)0 tiosineas, the wants of the qulremeBW of ssosMy, ami Brat eneet of the prawswis up with all these txtasa Is a weakened or nervous system, whssh raxetts la deferttre BatrtUaa af beta beey

prostraiiea. I t to Deeded to what wul rigor aad tone te the aerves, a-4 digestive aad Bssimllaflte and active, f r o m BefB-ean reermmend Boed* punMsa. It b ttls ep the

V. S. DomMiticfrt mt AKrtCfiltMre, WcwttlserBi

Voluntary Obserrars* Meteoroloaieal Record, Month of March. IBM. Station. Harkaesa. S . X.

Date 1 f s 4 6 • .7 9 s

10 11 tt n M I S IS 17 IS

99 at f t at at * t at S7 SB » SO

Max. S3 47 48 tt S* t t -m 44 as a IS t t

•at SB St £8 « ss -St

« so m M M St SO 87 SO

Mm. 14 IS IS 0

-» 17 SO M IS

s s •


- 17 >

1 * SB SB N SS tr XI

ss SB 16 S

11 SI

l n f n e h a J 8






.08 .07

T race "



Max. temp. 54. date. SS and 36; Min. temp. -4-4>te,5; total precip. inches .S7: total snowfall. I i . . 4 5 No. of days clear. St; partly cloudy t; cloudy. 8; thunder storms. 8*1. Prevallln* w i n d -direction, sooth.

J. W. HABxnss . Voluntary Ohservsr.

" W h a t ' s i a a N a m e ? * * When tbe tourist season opens, tbe Dela­

ware A Hudson Companywill inaugurate its new standard gauge line to Lake Placid via Plattsburgh, and, in addition to tbe fine ser­vice both by day and night heretofore in effect, will operate two trains for wmcb equipment of the best possible type is now under construction. From tbe pilot of the engine to tbe observation platform of the Pullman parlor cars tbe trains will be new and handsome and will contain all the com­forts which modern tourist travel demands

On the proposed schedule, one of these trains will leave Albany about 7.00 a. m., run through to Lake Placid without change , arriving there in tbe early afternoon, aflord-iog »o passengers the opportunity or eojoy-i n e by dayl ight the magnificent scenery for

which this road is celebrated. The line passes thronsb Saratoga aod along

the shores of Lake Champlaiu—every mile historic and full of interesting suggestions. From the car windows are seen Fort Ticon-deroga. Crown Point, Valcour Island, Hotel Cbamplain, the Home of the Catholic Sum­mer School at Cliff Haven and PiatUbargh Bay, tbe scene ol tbe fierce naval battle of 1814. From Plattsburgh the line rises grad­ually to the great Adirondack plateau; on tne way vast views are obtain, d of the Lake Cham plain Valley, the Green MouBtam ranges, the rjaranac Blver and tbe giant peaks of the Adlroodaeks. Skirting Chazy Lake, Chateaugay Lake and various other smaller but not less interesting bodies of Water, Saraaae Lake and Lake Placid are reached. The return service is made on a similar schedule, leaving Lake Placid in the early morning, and arriving in Albany in time to make connections in all directions.

The Baatehlesa summer attractions of Northern New Tork will be reached speedily and in comfort with such trains. It ia ibe desire of the management of tbe Delaware A Hudson Company t o secure a n appropriate hwxM te taw Mar tnbl M i IA tftajLjaji

A PRIZE OF fSO.OO wiL be given to the person submitting the derivation wbic < the Company decides to a d o p t The compet i t ion i s open until May 15:h, 1904. Al l communicat ions should b e addressed t o

J. W. BCRDICK, General Passenger A j e n t ,

Albany, N. V.


Unusual Amount of Sick­n e s s this Spring.

Letters from well known people cared by Cal-Cura Solvent.

The severe winter tbat we have just gone through has laid the foundation for many cases of serious sickness, and there is an un­usual amount of sickness and suffering tbis spring. It is fortunate that Dr. David Ken­nedy's new medicine Cal-Cura Solvent can be obtained now at nearly every drug store. It is the only reliable remedy for kidney dis­eases. It is excellent for the stomach and bowels, weak and elderly people find it just what they need; children love it, as it is as pleasant to tbe taste as honey.

Read the following letters and then get a bottle ot Cal-Cura yourself.

Mr. C. s . Osterboudt. of Barry town. X. Y., was disT-ssed with indigestion chronic constitution and kidney trouble for f< >ur years. He tried many medicine* without relief. He beard of Cal C'ura S .Ivent. Dr. Kennedy's new medicine, used it and began to improve rapidly. All of his old com plaints have disappeared.

Prepared by the Cal-Cura Company, Bond-out, N. Y. AU druggists, 91-00.

T w o women were run over and killed by a train at Marion, S . J. , a suourb of Jersey City. April 1.


mm\m\ a more bealMd i> WtelL risat is tke com-




At Plattsburgh. H. T. April«. ISM, a daughter to Mr and sua. A B. MEHAK.

At 8aranac. N. **- April g. 1804. a son ( l a a m Attiuoui) to Mr. and Mrs. BLMOMS OltOLUtlT. Jr.

At Saranac i f T_ April S. ISM, a oaagater t o Mr. aad Mrs. ^DLOf MAC If.

at Montreal. P. Q. Aprilx, 1904. a sua to Mr and Mrs. WILFKIO FACTE »U.

r wSLOmt gottfe. in the i-ity of Plattsburgh, the county of Clinton, on the second Monday,

e e i l t h day of April. ISM:

>•* Tt>rs>«MXt> F n r . There i* a «-i.i»s of p.*tp!.. who try

t o d o g-aal f r o m fo:ir l i n y . ire in­s t i l l e d w i t h a t . -rr i ld- i l i - .a . l , .f t h - n>ti-sa-.jUenia's o f tin- h - r t i i f l . r ati. i •! • t t i - X lev.-l 1.-st t" <i. _ . - . l l in t I » i . i - : a t e

candidly that tlei . i<,n- t.. f-.-ir. G>aJ i s ni.-r- i fnl . k :nl, j ' l - t ill id ir«»al. luit s t i l l l imn tt ill ^ - o n «i;,y | . y day lit in^ in in..rt.ii «li-oi. H- isn't gotal 1M-'aits.- |.,. u.-ipts t,, |H, | , m U1..rev-1.V t o i - t - a p e ill .' I' l i i l i- i i l lo lit thilt lit- IS lo!d w i l l IM- lpvt . s l -»i! t o h in K»v . I»r. " h o n i a s K. 8 i i . i - r . I un.- ir iao. N e w

Vork. <a**l l a P r e s r a t T e a a e .

The reiissm trtuible is so tn.uld-sotne ta tliat »v M'Motu put tkxl in Ibe pr.«-ent tens«. t\ - transpose liim into tbe «lim past and dwell upon tlie woudera he WTou^it in tlie days of tbe fathers. Wo trauspo.-- him into tbo r»»iuote fu­ture and dream of t lv glories 'ticb •bat! lie ours when all tho r e i t nidi now hide lihu sf- .11 be lift-d. Cnrist's cure for trxmblo is to liv. with God L -side as in our otoiyday •»K|«ork,n-'es; to take God to tlio t.Ul»-e. a partner fa oar LuxiaeaB: to uke (*od to th* parlor, a exmrer ia ear r*»mrai-atev. How-

has re*ulx*d fn an increase ra the Bomber of arrests of 7.S94, or 73 per cent more tban dnring the comxiwrHr-ing period last year. Tbo crusade has extended to towns and .itios iti-iuded in greater Boston, and there tbo uiiui-ber of arrewrs shows an almost uni­form inoroaso ranging up to 4S I » T c e n t . I t i s b e l i e v e d t h a t t h e e f f -o t o f t h i s h a s t«H»n t o jrri-:it!y i t . s r - . - i o - p u ' d i o drunkenness. At any n t - . the «.-il.«.fi k e e p e r s Jiave co tup la iue t i o f l;itt- o f !••** Of liUSilit-1s.s.

H o w ' s T h i n ? We offer One Hun ired r> >ilar» Kewar-1 any

case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by lit it Catarrh Cure.

F. J. CHEXEV A CO . Propa , Toledo. O. We the underaUrued, hare ka-.wn F J. Cheney

for the last 15 y e a n , and believe him i»erfectiy honorable in all business transact. >ns and fi nancially able to carry out any ubltgatiouis made by tbeir tirm.

Wasr A T E C A I Wholesale Dru*rt»rs. x< >Iedo. O -WauHxe. aliKxix A Masria. Wnoieaaie lirug-

giata. Toledo. O.

Hall's Catarrh Care is taken Internally, a-tlnc directly up-m the bl-ssl and m u - . u s sur't.-ea of tbesyatem. Price. 7S-. per b.rttle. >-.. i t>y a h Druggists TeMim.mlaU 'ree

Bali's Family rills are tbe beat.


RUPTURED? {••99999000*aoooot

We want tbe of

At Beaton. M a s s , Ap-fl S. n o t Mrs. M. 9. WOOL. ,'jriBwiy of Fiausuarsh.

Vaacrtl and lutanaeat a t Chazy. X. T.. April 8 At P« h's Eddy. S . Y.. March 2h lXOfLKVl A

MaJCTI SI. >oasaf cba> l a t a W t i i l M . U. alaraav, ot


mmUtT^vmr. MKW V O K K - W H O L s U A U C .

Corrected to Apr., ti. YAA. / l o u r p e r bbi-.Muin. pateui f-u-..rii ;.ci tjuali Oal -^-c l bu^ti J.. an} i-er lou • ,.._ ^.utLcr ^ ^ r-iaioop i>er bbi - " ** ,

A l i c i± t I i w . j i W i i r . Mj t e a t > • d v i p i . l^a - T „

every ruptured person —man, woman or child la this section. If you will esed as yoar name it will mean a chance for you to hare truss comfort, truss satisfac­tion—aheoiateiy. at a cost trduag compared with the beo+nt* yoa will receive. W« want yow t o knoar arbat are

PUTTIBUiOM M.MET IEMIT. C u r r c c l e a t o A^ru 7. I'JL'i,

F A K M r - t t o U t C K H U O L k a A L X . /owia . a r e ;;-,

OToaaed Ji rurkeya. ireaadd ! S * J J f o r i per o w t . . . . . T io front peruwl : ' 6t£g* £.' ituiter per lb ii. Claiaate per lb II rWatiQua pat ouabel 7!,

. . Ui.ut iOi<. j i . . . . o.-Jti


day per ton, o a l e d . . . . straw per ton. oaied. . Live real per ib aorlBK .ntuaena. l i ve . . Maple sugar

rAJTUULV B t i r P i a M B — M K T A t L . Pkmr per Doi.. Mian, patent . . Cum meal porewt l a b i e m e a l a u g w p e r i b . . . -Minlssa—pcricsi.... Mapwsyrwpper-a l xUphsBOXar liiwanif uAuver...-

•* dara Xw*»P*r»i» CasTwt par lb

per l b . . . . . . . . . • - . . . - . • • - • • ooaidsatverwd

ear c a t paffaee.

sarlh • par th .


Is 15 IS


laeyss i sAse

TUB I* tt

ipwrlhT. Aaaokad Dried as**.. Beef s t e a k . , • e e l roast*. Preati pork


m IV 19

• aa*a •*•••*.*••-*

14AJU ltVttia ia«.i*

l»*a 13 .V


i Send as ro«r name < tO-day oo a porta, card Z

X t : . a » -

l l " • • • •

MEDICAL HALL. D. h. ».ll | ; M ; I , | i r .

»'• - m H — - , . P L A T T - i . l t t - . l i .'.

r i - l

Trial Jury Notice. V " " ' ' - • • " • • -

a - If .:. * i. -»r- ^' i t - ~ !» i .- .rt I. ! - ' . . . , ' , . ..r p » t t s M . r ; L . i. •:,- • „:,-i f i r s f T u e a d a r '-^t *1 l i » t Ma



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B o a r d of I l e a l tn >uti< o. The 'o iow:ng re»o vi,oi * »ere ad..|<te,l Av-««r.i rn«i -re Ht». J. - « . „ .„ .r.( t ,^. ,t

B-akr ail i l . - p r - t u . . | ) , r . i - . , . j .v. . ' awl i » a w i t o i t a t i - t oc t • t , ... . , a . , , „ ] r , rem. va. ,1 .u. i, ai.ta.*i ... »•«•«•!....« a,»-.,.r ' , luay bate baa»i i l . i . . i« i 4«r bar tlie * • t.*l the Hca.lbiMB.vr be J re.t^.1 u. .r » e . m e ,u.-a prra>-a* aa l. l»ratv liuteAA. « . -*- --- -nn-- . r r ,M>a-al>i..». « i . u l ilw-ir pfros.»«»

kaut'wl. Tt*t in* rira.Ui . >m.wr be .»ire.-t«l • . •fifvaree tbe urd t u n . * re^n r u 4 • ,M abar.l.rfjme6t of prtrtaa and the :. i r - a l a s t ^ <J mMiUuf cu*rta •rttha.-warweaavuutia ' " k - " M

A. H W aKKKN. A l. sK>K- t|_ w u r>«>rB '

l e w * i -.!, H . , . - i . ( , | ^ , ,

r ii ! (. H . . >* l « | C g - | l y r.ler • surr.^a'a -f •!.•.•

J hereby *"k*-ci *. - - r : m t ' aar'.uat -a-ma arfaiieii .

awsrauwr 'u aatat--• <u.:y. *. , ren isred l - , tu.» t •: r ,» I t k a m . f t., lit* u i ! r i : [ u 4 .

as !i t . W u t tstti To ULc 1» I

f a t a l Apn. A laM HLwbJ u u w SB, BAwvatag,

; 4.u vi** ^i

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