the mysterious mystery

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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it's about where a boy catches a robber


The mysterious mystery

writing by Mitchell, Jamie and Sarah

Once upon a time there lived a boy with his mother and father. The boy was called Max.Max wanted to grow up and be detective and look for clues and solve the mysteries. One day when Max's Dad told him how to be a detective and wispered" Tommorow i will get you the detective suit and a magnifiying glass and you can go on a mission with me and solve some mysteries." "okay," whispered Max. So the next day when they got the things they needed at the mystery store Max wanted to go on a mission. "Let's go on a mission today," said Max. " alright, we will but watch out for suprises because they are hidden throught missions and who ever goes on this mission to find the robber and find out his name, they will get to go to Hawaii and you always wanted too go to Hawaii." "yippee let's do it but it will be tricky too catch a robber and find out his name i know it,the " said Max. So they went on the mission and Max found a clue along way "hey Dad i found something," said Max." what is it," said Dad. "i think it's some sort of clue," said Max." it says the robber is left or right choose a path and it also says one path will lead to the robber and one leads to doom." "i know a fact about robbers, it is that robbers like gold and the president's house is full of gold so right to the president's house to catch the robber," said Dad. " wait a second, i found a lot of rocks turned into gold looking rocks and that robber is not at the president's house it's leading us right this way which means we have to go left not right," said Max.So they went left not right but they then found them selfs upon a massive pile of gold that the robber had found at the president's house. " the robber is not here, let us explore while the robber is away," said Dad. So they then explored through the robber's house and they came a cross another clue and it said : my name is Jake the robber. this is my house that is full of gold from the president's house and it's in this massive pile of gold from him so you will find me at the president's house. " We have got to go to the president's house and find my cousin Jake and I also don't beleive he is a robber but we must go after him or i am not going to go on anymore missions and it's my final chance," said Max. When they went to go to the president's house they found out that the president's house pathway was full with traps and they just had to get past them without being hit by one. Once they got past they were safe and they had also reached the president's house and they then wnet inside to find Jake and they would also return them to the president and then they would get to go to Hawaii.

To Be Continued....... the mysteriuos mystery part 2 the robber is caught.

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