the me i want to be

Post on 23-Dec-2014






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A recap of messages from John Ortberg's "The Me I Want to Be"


  • 1. The Me I Want to Be
    Becoming Gods Best Version of You

2. There is a me you want to be
3. The most important task of your life is not what you do
4. but who you become
5. God designed you to flourish so that
6. People can be encouraged
7. Gardens can be planted
8. Music can be written
9. Sick people can be helped
10. Youre not your handiwork; your life is not your project
11. Your life is Gods project
12. When we live in love, we flourish
13. Counterfeit mes
14. The me I pretend to be
15. The me I think I should be
16. The me other people want me to be
17. The me Im afraid to be
18. The me that fails to be
19. The best version of me is
20. The me Im meant to be(I am fully alive inside)
21. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full
22. What are some ways that God gives life and vitality to you?
23. How can you build these into your life and schedule?
24. Failure to Thrive(F.T.T.)
25. When you fail to become the person God designed
26. all the rest of us miss out on the gift you were made to give
27. Discover the Flow
28. Flow with Life
29. Flow with Soul Satisfaction
30. Flow with theFruit of the Spirit
31. Prayer places us in the flow of the Spirit
32. Recognize your primary flow-blockers
33. Signature Sins:The pattern of your sin is related to the pattern of your gifts
34. An unpayable debt
35. An unseen giver
36. An unforgettable gift
37. Grace
38. We know its coming, but we need to hear the wordsForgiven. Forgiven. Forgiven.
39. To glorify God means to be the kind of person
40. people will look at and say
41. What a great God God must be to have thought up such a creature
42. Try Softer(not harder)
43. Try softerFocus on Gods goodness than our efforts
44. Try softerbe more relaxed and less self-conscious
45. When I try softerI am less defensive, more open to feedback
46. When I try softerI stay patient if things dont turn out the way I expected
47. When I try softerit means asking God for help
48. Turn your mind towards God
49. What direction do my thoughts lead me in?
50. Are they leading me towards life towards Gods best version of me?
51. A Flourishing mind feeds on Life-Giving thoughts
52. Peace doesnt come from finding a lake with no storms
53. It comes from having Jesus in the boat.
54. Real freedom is not external freedom to gratify every appetite;
55. it is the internal freedom not to be enslaved by our appetites
56. Connectedness
57. Life-giving relationships need to be a priority in your life
58. Love is mostly something you do, not something you feel
59. 3 laws of relationship:Observation, Observation, Observation
60. Love grows when people serve
61. Every moment is an opportunity to practice gestures of Love
62. You can only be loved to the extent that you are known
63. Find a few difficult people to help you grow
64. Other people dont create your spirit
65. they reveal your spirit
66. If God wants to shape you, he will send some difficult people your way
67. But, take heart.You are the difficult person he is sending to shape somebody else!
68. Discover your strengths
69. Let your work honor God
70. Dont ask for comfort
71. Dont ask for ease
72. Dont ask for manageable
73. Ask to be given a burden for a challenge bigger than yourself
74. that can make a difference in the world
75. that will require the best you have to give it
76. and then leave some space for God besides
77. God isnt at work producing the circumstances you want
78. God is at work in bad circumstances producing the you he wants
79. Your circumstances, even the best of them, are temporary
80. But you, the person you become, go on forever
81. The Spirit wants to make you a dangerous person
82. The Spirit wants to make you threatening to all the forces of
83. injustice
84. and apathy
85. and complacency that keep our world from flourishing
86. The Spirit wants to make you dangerously noncompliant in a broken world
87. God has a mountain with your name on it
88. Your deepest longing should be to be alive with God
89. to become the person God made you to be
90. and to be used to help Gods world flourish
91. Ask for a mountain
92. The Me I Want to Be
Becoming Gods Best Version of You

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