the heathland school sixth form prospectus

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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Sixth Form prospectus of The Heathland School


‘An outstanding element of Heathland's provision, the sixth form is a vibrant community at the heart of the school.’ Ofsted, 2007



Headmaster: Mr. H. S. Pattar Director of Sixth Form: Mr. J. Lovell

to The Heathland School Sixth Form. We have built a strong reputation for helping our students progress to excellent opportunities in higher education and employment. It is our aim to build on this reputation each year by providing outstanding teaching and learning in the classroom, first class support and guidance through personal tutors and also a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities for Sixth Form students. Each year, about 90% of our Y13 students move on to a range of institutions, and a large proportion take up places at Oxbridge or Russell Group universities. As you will see, we offer a wide range of courses at AS/A2 level. Whilst this provides an exciting opportunity to choose the direction in which you want to take your academic studies, it can also make the task of choosing the subjects you wish to study daunting. You should consider the information in this guide carefully and use it to help inform your discussions with parents and teachers. The Sixth Form is an exciting time in anyone’s life as it represents such a vital stage in the transition towards adulthood and future opportunities in education or work-based training. You have a unique opportunity to become involved with voluntary, charity and community work as well as developing your talents in sport, music or drama. By taking part in activities like these your personal, as well as academic, development is assured – we therefore place great emphasis on providing you with as many opportunities as possible. Good luck with identifying the right courses for you, and I look forward to seeing you in The Heathland School Sixth Form.

J. Lovell Director of Sixth Form


Why choose the Heathland Sixth Form? Outstanding academic results Wide choice and combinations of AS and A Level courses Successful Oxbridge programme Enrichment opportunities for ‘Gifted and Talented’ students Friendly and supportive environment with a personal tutor Extensive UCAS Programme Full guidance system for careers and Higher Education Excellent ICT facilities Fully qualified, caring and supportive staff Opportunities for Leadership Active social, sports and community programme Students eligible to apply for Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) Continue to work with staff you know and who can help you most effectively



‘Relationships between students and teachers are excellent and the mature way in which they are treated does much to foster students'

independence and initiative.’ Ofsted, 2007

Advanced Levels Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Economics English Literature Environmental Science Fashion Further Mathematics Geography History ICT Languages Mechanics (Mathematics) Media Studies

Music PE Photography Physics Product Design Psychology RS Sociology Statistics (Mathematics) Theatre Studies

Other courses Duke of Edinburgh In Year 13: AS Citizenship AS Critical Thinking AS General Studies AS Global Perspectives ASDAN Universities Award Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

What qualifications are offered?

Extra-curricular opportunities (… well, some of them!)

‘…students develop as highly confident, perceptive and articulate individuals, often taking leading roles in the school's wide range of cultural and recreational activities.’ Ofsted, 2007

Eastern Evening

Duke of Edinburgh


Theatre visits

Fulcrum Challenges Team Building activities 3

ART AND DESIGN Advanced Level


Why study Art and Design?

The subject provides opportunities for students to become visually and aesthetically literate. It allows you to be expressive in an imaginative and creative way, encouraging independence and building your self-confidence. You will learn to appreciate how the world around you has been created or designed. You will be able to perceive, react, talk, analyse, judge and value Art.

Syllabus: Art and Design Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Mrs. M. Hayward-Smith

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Coursework based on internally set theme. (60%) • Unit 2: Externally set examination assignment. 8 hours (40%)

• Unit 3: Coursework. Independent course of study to include a 3000 word essay. (60%) • Unit 4: Externally set examination assignment. 12 hours (40%)

What career opportunities are there?

The study of Art is essential in our “practical” and highly materialistic society. Consider the number of individuals who earn their living as artists or in Art related fields. Without this, many substandard and marginal products will be manufactured, marketed and purchased. What will this do to our economy, to the balance between imports and exports? Art is a creative, respected and academic subject welcomed by Higher Education. It combines many areas of the curriculum and candidates develop a combination of intellectual, imaginative and practical skills and develop lateral thinking which is vital for success at university and are relevant to a whole range of careers. Art and Design is all around us! Examples of specific related careers include Architects, Designers, Illustrators, Magazine editors, Landscape Architects, Fashion Designers, Film Directors and so many more!

Visiting Art Gallery’s and Museums are an integral part of the course. The students regularly visit galleries in London, which enhances their knowledge of Artworks helping them to develop their own creativity and styles.

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

Art examinations are followed by an Art Exhibition at the school where students, parents and the public are invited to view the work. The external moderator also views the exhibition.

BIOLOGY Advanced Level


Why study Biology?

The subject opens up your understanding of the biological world around you. How life works, how your body functions and the relationships between the biological world and the environment.

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics. Students must also attain at least a BB in Science and Additional Science or at least a B in GCSE Biology to follow this course. Students who achieve a grade B will be expected to attend additional classes.

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Lifestyle, health and risk, genes and health. 1hr 30 mins examination • Unit 2: Development, Plants and the environment. 1hr 30 mins examinations • Unit 3: Coursework. Research essay. 2000 words

• Unit 3: Natural environment and species survival. 1hr 30 mins examination • Unit 4: Energy, exercise and coordination. 1hr 30 mins examination • Unit 6: Coursework. Scientific investigation. 3300 words

What career opportunities are there?

Biology is a respected, academic subject welcomed by Higher Education. It shows the ability to combine scientific methodology, mathematical precision with an ability to comment and describe. It is an essential subject for: Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Biochemistry and Pharmacy, Marine Biology and Zoology, Veterinary Science and desirable for Law, Science Journalism, Radiography, Optometry, Sports Science, Geology, Forensic Science, and Nutritional Science.

Syllabus: Biology Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Mr. A. Hammond



Why study Business Studies?

Business Studies gives students the opportunity to gain a sound understanding of many business concepts and their effects on society. Students will gain a critical understanding of organisations and the markets they serve. Students will gain a range of transferable skills, including decision-making, in light of business information. You could be the next Apprentice!

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Planning and financing a business. 1hr 15 mins examination. Short answer questions and extended responses based on a mini case study. • Unit 2: Managing a business. 1hr 30 mins examination. Multi-part data response questions.

• Unit 3: Strategies for success. 1hr 45 mins examination. Extended answers on an unseen case study. • Unit 4: The business environment and managing change. 1hr 45 mins examination. Research tasks and essays. Synoptic links.

What career opportunities are there?

Students with AS or A level Business Studies have access to a wide range of possible career and higher education opportunities. You can start a career in business armed with an excellent knowledge of how businesses operate. In particular you will have a head start in careers within accountancy, marketing and human resources. Business Studies combines well with a range of social science, humanities, and mathematics subjects to lead to University subjects in such areas as business, economics, law and accountancy.

Syllabus: Business Studies Examination Board: AQA More information: Miss. S. P. Kaur / Mr. J. Griffin

CHEMISTRY Advanced Level


Why study Chemistry?

Course content/Outline:

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Introducing chemistry – Atomic structure, chemical calculations, alcohols, bonding and energetics • Unit 2: Bonding and reactions – redox reactions and the halogens, hydrocarbons, halogenoalkenes, intermolecular forces • Unit 3: Practical skills in Chemistry 1

• Unit 4: Rings, Polymers and Analysis • Unit 5: Equilibria, Energetics and Elements • Unit 6: Practical skills in Chemistry 2

Syllabus: Chemistry A Examination Board: OCR More information: Miss. S. Mohey

Chemistry is the science that underpins many things that we take for granted in today’s society. From medicines and energy resources to plastics and computer chips, the application of chemistry dominates the world around us. Chemistry may also hold the key to winning the battle against global warming.

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics. Students must also attain at least a BB in Science and Additional Science or at least a B in GCSE Chemistry to follow this course. Students who achieve a grade B will be expected to attend additional classes.

Examinations are a mixture of short answer questions similar to GCSE style and longer answer questions giving you an opportunity to display your understanding. You will take two examinations as part of the AS course then another two for the A2 course.

The list is endless… Research chemist, Medicine, Pharmaceutical scientist, Dentistry, Chemical engineer, Pharmacy, Lawyer, Patent attorney, Material scientist, Teacher, Forensic scientist, Food scientist, Accountant, Veterinary sciences, Investment banker, Analytical chemist, Science journalist, Medical sales representative…

Practical work is an integral part of studying Chemistry and most lessons will include a practical element. Your practical work will be assessed throughout the course in timed assessments and is worth 20% of both the AS and A2 Chemistry courses.



Why study Drama and Theatre Studies?

Course content/Outline:

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Live theatre and prescribed play. 1hr written examination • Unit 2: Presentation of a play extract

• Unit 3: Further prescribed play. 2hr written examination • Unit 4: Presentation of devised drama

Syllabus: Drama and Theatre Studies Examination Board: AQA More information: Mr. D. Golub

As one of the Creative Arts, this subject provides an opportunity to use your imagination in many different ways. It will bring out the best in you and allow you to develop your self-confidence. Through practical activities, you will learn to problem-solve, communicate through a variety of forms and work as part of a team.

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

Integral to success in the course are visits to the theatre – both mainstream and fringe events – and participation in a range of different extension opportunities with London theatres. These activities help to enhance student understanding of the theories of theatre and develop performance skills.

Drama and Theatre Studies is a challenging academic subject valued by Higher Education because candidates develop a combination of intellectual, imaginative and practical skills – necessary for success at university and in many careers. A remarkably wide range of careers will be open to you including law, journalism, advertising, public relations, management, personnel, social work, teaching, careers in the theatre or media and jobs requiring analytical and presentational skills.

ECONOMICS Advanced Level


Why study Economics?

Course content/Outline:

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Markets and market failure. 1hr 15 mins examination • Unit 2: The national economy. 1hr 15 mins examination

• Unit 3: Business economics and the distribution of income. 2hr examination • Unit 4: The national and international economy. 2hr examination

Syllabus: Economics Examination Board: AQA More information: Miss. S. P. Kaur

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

Economics gives students the opportunity to gain a good knowledge and understanding of the tools of economic analysis and of the problems to which these tools are applied. Students will acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of economic principles, theories and concepts, which will enable them to assess and evaluate economic problems. It will draw on students’ ability to interpret data presented in written, numerical and graphical forms, from which they will draw valid conclusions.

Economics is a respected, academic subject welcomed by Higher Education. It is the social science that investigates the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Economics is the study of human behaviour and the extent to which wants are met by the scarce resources available. Many Heathland Economics pupils have gone on to have careers in Economics related jobs, such as Financial Trading, Banking and Management.



Why study English Literature?

Course content/Outline:

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Poetry and Drama 1 – poetry post-1900 and drama post-1900. 2hr 30 mins examination • Unit 2: Prose study 1800-1945 and creative reading. Coursework (40%)

• Unit 3: Period and Genre study. Coursework (40%) • Unit 4: Poetry and Drama 2 – critical reading of poetry and Shakespeare with related drama. 2hr 30 mins examination

Syllabus: English Literature Examination Board: WJEC More information: Ms. C. Douglass-Rose

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

English Literature develops vital analysis skills applicable across a range of careers and university courses. The course provides an opportunity to study a variety of texts in depth as well as offering the chance to showcase creative talent. Pupils pursuing this course will enhance their knowledge of a range of texts – including prose, poetry and drama – across the ages.

English Literature is a prestigious academic subject that is highly regarded by the top universities. It offers transferable skills such as written and spoken communication, linguistic and analytical skills. These competencies apply to other disciplines and complement most other AS choices. Career opportunities include Journalism, Law, Media, Marketing, Public Relations and Politics.


Why study Environmental Science?

Syllabus: Environmental Science Examination Board: AQA More information: Mr. M. A. Grantham

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: The Living Environment. This unit concentrates on the variety of life on Earth, why it is important, how it is threatened and what we can do to protect it. 1hr examination • Unit 2: The Physical Environment. This unit looks at the importance of physical resources, such as the atmosphere, water, rocks and soils and how these affect our sustainable use of the Earth. 1hr 30mins examination

• Unit 3: Energy Resources and Environmental Pollution. This unit considers energy resources available, how pollution threatens life on Earth and the decisions that may be taken to reduce our environmental impact. 1hr 30mins examination • Unit 4: Biological Resources and Sustainability. This unit investigates the biological resources of agriculture, fisheries and forestry. It also considers how humans can live on Earth without over-exploiting its resources or damaging the life-support systems upon which we rely. 2hr examination

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

This course enables students to gain a deep and well-informed insight into the environment, and the scientific processes that control and affect it. The central theme is developing an understanding of how different events and cycles within the environment interrelate, how they influence subsequent environmental events, the human impacts on these events and cycles, and the strategies that can be used to minimise the problems caused. Key aspects within the course include areas such as Wildlife Conservation, Pollution, Global Climate Change, and Sustainability.

Practical scientific investigations are an integral part of this course and will be conducted in school and out in the environment. These investigations will study a range of environmental systems and the way in which they influence and affect each other.

As part of a group of science or arts A-Level courses, Environmental Science provides an ideal base for employment and a very wide variety of university courses related to the environment, geography, geology, science, climate, planning and teaching.




Why study Fashion?

Syllabus: Fashion Examination Board: OCR More information: Mrs. L. B. Cutts

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Students produce a portfolio of work from starting points, topics or themes determined by the department. The focus is on including work that shows exploration, research, acquisitions of techniques. • Unit 2: Students select one starting point from an early release question paper. Students will be given a minimum of 3 weeks to plan and prepare. Students are then given 5 hours of controlled time to work on developing their idea into outcome.

• Unit 3: Students submit one major project which has a personal significance. The investigation includes a related person study that must be between 1000 – 3000 words. • Unit 4: Students select one starting point from an early release question paper. Students must be given a minimum of 3 weeks to plan and prepare. 15 hours of controlled time: candidates work to plan and then realize ideas into a final outcome.

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

Fashion (Textile Design) is designed to broaden the students’ knowledge of Fashion & Design. Students are given the opportunity to visit fashion shows and exhibitions in order to develop their designing skills. A range of practical projects are carried out throughout the course. The course is designed to cover a wide range of relevant topics and will further develop the student’ understanding of Textiles in a rapidly changing society. The course will be of value and interest to students whose principle concerns lie in a variety of subjects, especially Arts, Design & Creative Textiles.

Design & Technology provide an excellent opportunity for students to develop their problem-solving and organisational skills. It is the only ‘A’ level subject which provides opportunities for developing and generating evidence for assessing all six key skills. Textiles could lead you into a future in any of the following areas: •Fashion & Textiles Design •Interior Design •Art & Textile Degrees

GEOGRAPHY Advanced Level


Why study Geography?

Syllabus: Geography Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Mr. M. A. Grantham

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Global Challenges – World at Risk, Going Global. 1hr 30 mins examination • Unit 2: Geographical Investigations – Crowded Coasts, Rebranding Places. 1hr 15 mins examination

• Unit 3: Contested Planet – water conflicts, biodiversity, superpower geographies, development gap, energy security, technological fix. 2hr 30 mins examination • Unit 4: Geographical Research – Tectonic Activity, Pollution and Human Health, Consuming the rural landscape (leisure and tourism). 1hr 30 mins examination

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

The subject provides opportunities to understand the interrelationships of people and their environments. You will learn to appreciate the dynamic nature of how places, environments and issues change and how people respond to them.

A residential field visit to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is an integral part of the course in preparation for the Unit 2 examination, drawing on the expertise of the Field Studies Council.

Geography is a respected, academic subject welcomed by Higher Education. It combines both the facts of science and the arts and equips you with the skills vital for success at university and is relevant to a whole range of careers. Many Heathland Geography pupils have gone on to have careers in Law and Social Work, Management, Financial Trading, Travel and Tourism, Environmental Planning, Education and Journalism.

HISTORY Advanced Level


Why study History?

Syllabus: History Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Miss. C. E. Lightup

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: A study in breadth. Italy: Unification and the rise of the Fascist state, 1815-1943. 1hr 20 mins examination • Unit 2: A study in depth. British political history, 1945-1990: consensus and conflict. 1hr 20 mins examination

• Unit 3: The United States, 1917-1954: Boom, bust and recovery. 2hrs written examination • Unit 4: Historical enquiry: The Making of Modern Russia, 1856-1964. 2000 word extended essay

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

History is a respected, academic subject which is highly regarded by universities and employers. It teaches students how to debate and how to develop powerful and convincing arguments using the evidence available. History also develops literacy skills and gives pupils cultural and political insights which few other subjects can offer as well as teaching them how to evaluate different sources of information. Students who enjoy discussion, research, reading and the demands of academic work will benefit greatly from this course.

History is one of the most versatile academic disciplines. Successful students can go on to work in professions such as Law, Management, The Arts, Media, Journalism, the Civil Service, Education and Politics. Many graduates go on to enjoy successful careers in the commercial world and more British Prime Ministers have studied History than any other subject.



Why study Information and Communication Technology?

Syllabus: ICT Examination Board: OCR More information: Mr. A. Doxsey

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Information, Systems and Applications (Examination). 2hr written examination • Unit 2: Structured ICT Tasks (Coursework).

• Unit 3: ICT Systems, Applications and Implications (Examination). 2hr written examination. • Unit 4: ICT Project (Coursework)

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course. Students should also attain at least a C grade equivalent in an ICT qualification.

The study of ICT provides an insight into the significance and relevance of computers, applications and communications in the work environment and everyday life. ICT is used in areas as diverse as manufacturing, education and medicine and ICT skills are valued in virtually all areas of business and society.

Students are given the opportunity to learn advanced features of Excel, Word and Access, Web Design and Graphics software. The course is presented with a practical bias, although there is a significant theory element, covering aspects such as how ICT is used, the importance and value of information, the impact that ICT has had on society and the legislation relating to ICT. The theory will be the main part of the course covered in the examinations.

ICT is offered by universities either as a subject in its own right or in combination with a wide range of subjects, e.g. IT & Psychology; IT & Business; IT & Multimedia. The advanced skills you will develop will also be valuable in gaining many types of employment.

The project work requires high skills in problem solving and the ability to accurately analyse situations as you will design and implement a small-scale spreadsheet system for a real end-user. Working independently, you will find your own end-user, discuss their requirements, identify problems with the current system, and design a new system to the specified requirements.

MATHEMATICS Advanced Level


Why study Mathematics?

Syllabus: Mathematics Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Mr. S. Wilson/Mr. M. Davies

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Core Mathematics 1 • Core Mathematics 2 plus either • Mechanics 1 or Statistics 1

• Core Mathematics 3 • Core Mathematics 4 plus either • Mechanics 2 or Statistics 2

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course. Students should also attain at least a B grade in GCSE Mathematics. Students who achieve a grade B will be expected to attend additional classes.

‘A’ Level Mathematics is an enjoyable and challenging course which is highly regarded by University admissions tutors of all disciplines who appreciate the logic and rigour involved. Our former students have gone on to study a wide range of courses and have found themselves to be in demand with employers.

Students who are particularly able in the subject have the option of taking either an AS or A2 Level in Further Mathematics. Entry onto this course is at the discretion of the Head of Mathematics. Students would usually study Further Pure Mathematics 1 and Decision Mathematics 1 along with 1 (AS) or 4 (A2) other modules.

All modules are examined by written papers which last for 1 hr 30 minutes each.

For those with a background in Mathematics, an unlimited number of well paid and rewarding career opportunities are available. The mechanics modules are useful for students studying Physics and other science subjects, leading to scientific careers, Engineering, Medicine or Computing. The statistics modules are usually taken by students studying Biology, Chemistry, Geography or Economics and are useful for careers in Business Management, Banking, Social Services and Medicine.

MEDIA STUDIES Advanced Level


Why study Media Studies?

Syllabus: Media Studies Examination Board: OCR More information: Ms. C. Douglass-Rose

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Foundation Portfolio in Media (Creative coursework) • Unit 2: Key Media Concepts (Textual analysis and Representation, Institutions and Audiences). 2hr written examination

• Unit 3: Advanced Portfolio in Media (Creative coursework working in two media forms) • Unit 4: Critical Perspectives in Media (Contemporary Media Issues). 2hr written examination

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

Media Studies is one of the fastest growing subjects. It aids communication and increases practical skills in handling different media technology. The course provides the opportunity for analytical study and increases personal confidence when re-creating different forms of media.

The Media is all around us. Why not learn more about it?

Media Studies provides analytical and creative opportunities for its students. It explores the function and operation of different media industries, as well as developing technical, creative and analytical skills that enhance your communication in a range of media. Future career options could include Multimedia specialist, Television Producer, Journalist, Manager, Market Researcher.



Why study Modern Foreign Languages (French / German)?

Syllabus: French / German Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Ms. P. J. Wright

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Students focus on their ability to converse in French/German on a general topic area of their choice. Spoken Expression and Response in French / German - 8—10 minutes • Unit 2: Students show they understand and convey their understanding of French/German language texts and recordings. They will also need to produce an essay to demonstrate an ability to manipulate the French/German language in continuous writing. Understanding and Written Response in French/German - 2 hours 30 minutes examination

• Unit 3: Students demonstrate the effectiveness of their French/German language skills through presenting and taking a clear stance on any issue of their choice. Understanding and Spoken Response in French/German - 11—13 minutes • Unit 4: Students demonstrate skills in Advanced level French/German writing and translation from English into French/German. They are also required to demonstrate evidence of independent, Advanced level French/German language reading and research, relating to the culture and/or society of a French/German-language country. Research, Understanding and Written Response in French / German - 2 hours 30 minutes examination

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

The subject provides opportunities to develop language skills and knowledge through student focused assessment. With appealing content and opportunities to gain greater understanding of other cultures, it can prepare students to become well-informed and effective communicators.

All Sixth Form linguists are offered the opportunity to go to France or Germany as part of a Work Experience scheme.

Languages are recognised as being intellectually challenging, and both universities and employers look more favourably at potential candidates who have a language. European languages are the key to European communication. If you continue to study a language you will have the opportunity to follow some of the most prestigious international business courses universities have to offer. Here are just a few possible career fields: International sales and marketing, Investment banking, Law, Education, Government / European Parliament, Journalism, Travel and tourism.

MUSIC Advanced Level


Why study Music?

Syllabus: Music Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Mr. D. Golub

Course content/Outline:


Unit 1 – Performing (30%) This unit gives students the opportunities to perform as soloists and/or part of an ensemble. Music can be in any chosen style. Any instruments and/or voices are acceptable. Unit 2 –Composing (30%) This unit encourages students to develop their composition skills leading to the creation of a three minute piece in response to a chosen brief. Students also write a CD sleeve describing aspects of the final composition.

Unit 3 – Developing musical understanding (40%) This unit focuses on listening to familiar music and understanding how it works. Set works from the anthology provide the focus through listening and studying scores. Students also use a score to identify harmonic and tonal features and then apply this knowledge in the completion of a short and simple passage for SATB.

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course. Students should also be able to play an instrument to Grade 5 or the equivalent standard.

The main purpose is to develop your ability to appreciate a wide range of musical styles and improve your composing and performing ability. The skills you will develop will be varied: practical skills, interpretative skills, creative skills, aural skills, knowledge and understanding.

Music Producer - Recording Engineer - Studio Manager - Sound Designer - Songwriter -Lyricist - Performing Songwriter - Producer/Songwriter - Computer Games Music composer - Jingle Writer -Arranger Orchestrator - Performing artist - Session Musician - DJ - Sound Technician - Tour Manager - Crew and Technicians - Orchestra Member - Conductor - Personal Security - Promoter - Bookings Agent - Artist and Crew Catering - Stage Lighting and Design - Artist Manager - Nightclub Manager - Music Publisher - Music Store Manager - Regional sales manager - Salesperson - A&R Manager - A&R Administrator - Marketing Manager - Promotions Manager Press Officer - Radio and Television Promotions - New Media Promotions - Video Commissioner TV Booker Producer - Director -Music Journalist - Magazine/ Website Editor - Presenters - Radio DJs - Vocal Coach - Music Therapist - College or University Music Educator Instrumental Music Teacher

PHOTOGRAPHY Advanced Level


Why study Photography?

Syllabus: Photography Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Mrs. M. Hayward-Smith

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Coursework (60%) based on a Theme set internally • Unit 2: Externally Set Assignment (40%) an exam set by the Examining Board

• Unit 3: Coursework. Independent course of study to include a 3000 word essay. (60%) • Unit 4: Externally Set Assignment (40%) an exam set by the Examining Board

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

The subject provides opportunities to explore media such as film, video, digital and wet processing photography. Students will learn how to convey visual messages and employ creative approaches which go beyond mere observation and recording to produce a final piece suitable for public display.

Visiting Art Gallery’s and Museums are an integral part of the course. The students regularly visit galleries in London, which enhances their knowledge of Artworks helping them to develop their own creativity and styles.

Photography is frequently used in graphic disciplines such as television advertising, magazines, books and on the web. The skills taught in photography can be used in any professions, especially now that the world is image driven and a high priority is placed on presentation. Examples of specific related careers include Animators, Art Directors, Book illustrators or publishers, Computer Aided Designers, Fashion consultants/designers/photographers, Layout artists, Photographers, and so many more!

The Photography Examinations for AS and A2 take place in May; followed by an Exhibition at the school where students, parents and the public are invited to view. The External Moderator also views the Exhibition.



Why study Physical Education?

Syllabus: Physical Education Examination Board: AQA More information: Mr. A. G. Dixon

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Opportunities for and the effects of leading a healthy & active lifestyle . 2hr examination • Unit 2: Analysis & evaluation of physical activity as a performer and/or in adopted roles . Practical assessment

• Unit 3: Optimising performance and evaluating contemporary issues within sport. 2hr examination • Unit 4: Optimising practical performance in a competitive situation. Practical assessment

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course. GCSE Theory of PE is not an essential prerequisite for embarking on this course but would be advantageous.

The subject provides opportunities to develop knowledge & understanding of the physiological, psychological and socio-cultural issues that relate to Sport. You also learn to appreciate the role of the performer, coach and official in a sporting context.

The large part of the course is theory based. However, some theory lessons will incorporate a practical element.

Physical Education is a respected, academic subject welcomed by Higher Education. It is a useful qualification for careers in Medicine, Physiotherapy, Teaching and the Leisure Industry / Management or for further study.

PHYSICS Advanced Level


Why study Physics?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including in English Language and Mathematics. Students must also attain at least a BB in Science and Additional Science or at least a B in GCSE Physics to follow this course. Students who achieve a grade B will be expected to attend additional classes. Students following Physics should also follow the AS Mathematics and Mechanics course.

Course content/Outline:

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Mechanics (Forces, Motion, Work and Energy ) • Unit 2: Electrons, Waves and Photons ( Electric current, Resistance, DC Circuits, Waves and Quantum Physics) • Unit 3: Practical Skills in Physics 1 (Internal assessment of practical skills)

• Unit 4: Newtonian World (Newton’s laws and momentum, Circular motion, Oscillations and Thermal Physics) • Unit 5: Fields, Particles and Frontiers of Physics (Electric and magnetic fields, Capacitors and Exponential Decay, Nuclear Physics, Medical imaging and Modelling the Universe) • Unit 6: Practical Skills in Physics 2 (Internal assessment of practical skills)

What career opportunities are there?

Syllabus: Physics Examination Board: OCR More information: Mrs. N. Sayid

It has been said that we are currently in a “Golden Age” of Physics with so many new advances in astronomy and particle physics. As an A level Physicist you will develop an appreciation of these advances and you will also encounter some of the most fundamental questions in science. The A level syllabus includes the modern ideas of Quantum Theory and Cosmology as well as the classical theories of Galileo and Newton. The science of the Digital era is also a theme that runs through the course.

The course involves visits to universities and external lectures and students are encouraged to read around the subject.

Physics opens the door to a wide range of degree courses at University. It is often essential for Engineering courses together with Mathematics and is recommended for many technology based degrees. Physics is ideal for students looking to study a scientific subject or a medical degree. Physics graduates are highly employable and although many pursue a career in scientific research, many progress into jobs in the financial and business sectors.



Why study Product Design (Graphics)?

Syllabus: Product Design (Graphics) Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Mr. D. A. Pike

Course content/Outline:

AS Units and A2 Units

Portfolio of Creative Skills – A three part project covering product investigations, designing and making. Product Development – Design and make coursework project. Theory –The study of materials and components, product analysis, CAD/CAM and D & T in society. (i.e. information that will help you design effectively).

AS - Portfolio of Creative Skills (50% of Course). 2hr written paper (50% of Course). A2 - 2hr written paper (50% of Course). Coursework (50% of Course).

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

This is an exciting Design and Technology course that encourages independent learning, creativity and innovation. It builds on and extends the knowledge, understanding and skills established in GCSE Design & Technology courses, particularly developing the use of computers in designing and making.

Coursework projects are undertaken each year, along with learning about many of the different factors that affect design in the real world – from materials and manufacturing, to environmental issues and fashion. The Portfolio of Creative Skills and Coursework projects focus on one of the three key areas, and involve making 3D and 2D products. 1. Product Concept Modelling. 2. Architecture & Interior Design. 3. Packaging & Advertising.

Design & Technology (Product Design) could help you work towards a future career in many areas, from engineering to art & design. Some possible careers include: Product Design, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Graphic Design, ICT related Design (e.g. Website design), Production Engineering.

PSYCHOLOGY Advanced Level


Why study Psychology?

Syllabus: Psychology Examination Board: AQA More information: Mrs. R. K. Rose

Course content/Outline:


Cognitive Psychology - Memory Developmental Psychology - Attachments in childhood Physiological Psychology - Stress Individual Differences - Abnormality Social Psychology - Obedience and conformity Research Methods In the second year, students continue with these modules as well as a separate unit entitled ‘Psychological perspectives and approaches’.

AS Module 1 – Examination 1hr 30mins Module 2 – Examination 1hr 30mins A2 Module 3 – Examination 1hr 30mins Module 4 – Examination 2hr Each of the 4 A2 papers is worth 25% of A2 marks

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

Psychology offers you the opportunity to understand some of the causes of human behaviour. You will learn that our behaviour is determined by social, emotional and biological factors. Also, we will look at the debates surrounding whether or not our environment shapes our behaviour.

Psychology ‘A’ Level is appropriate for careers in Psychology and other sciences that involve behaviour. It has been used as an entry qualification for a diverse range of university courses including medicine, law and marketing. Please note that it is not a necessary entry requirement for Psychology courses at University.



Why study Religious Studies?

Syllabus: Religious Studies Examination Board: Edexcel More information: Miss. E. L. Hall

Course content/Outline:

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

The subject offers students the chance to further develop their knowledge of one world faith whilst at the same time investigating the philosophical arguments concerning the existence of God. Religious Studies provides students with the following transferable skills which will enable them to reach their full potential in other subjects: • The ability to interpret, contrast and evaluate opinions/approaches to a topic • The ability to write a succinct essay containing well constructed arguments • Good debating skills • An ability to assess the validity of an argument and reach a well informed conclusion regardless of ones personal beliefs

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Philosophy of Religion and World Faiths. This unit comprises of philosophical arguments about the existence of God and focuses on the problem which evil and suffering creates in the world. Students can also specialise in 1 world religion. 1hr 45 minutes examination • Unit 2: Investigations. This unit comprises of an independent study focusing on the nature of Religious Experience. 1hr 45 minutes examination

• Unit 3: Philosophy of Religion and World Faiths. This unit comprises further study of philosophical arguments concerning life after death, religious experience, the non-existence of God and religious language. Students can also specialise in 1 world religion. 1hr 45 minutes examination • Unit 4: Implications. This unit comprises of an independent study focusing on the nature of Religious Language. 1hr 45 minutes examination

Successful completion of this ‘A’ Level will give you access to a range of possible career and Higher Education opportunities. The course will provide you with the opportunity to develop a range of transferable skills. These include the skills of collecting, synthesising and interpreting information from a range of sources. Religious Studies combines well with almost all other humanities ‘AS’ and ‘A’ Level subjects such as History, Geography and English. In addition, if taken with sciences like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Religious Studies will give you a broad-based curriculum.

SOCIOLOGY Advanced Level


Why study Sociology?

Syllabus: Sociology Examination Board: AQA More information: Miss. C. E. Lightup

Course content/Outline:

What career opportunities are there?

Entry Requirements:

Students must attain at least 5 A*-C grades including English Language and Mathematics to follow this course.

AS Units A2 Units

• Unit 1: Families and Households. 1 hour written examination • Unit 2: Education with Sociological Methods. 2 hour written examination

• Unit 3: Beliefs in Society. 1 hour 30 minutes examination • Unit 4: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods. 2 hour written examination

Sociology is concerned with the study of society. It seeks explanations for human behaviour and beliefs. The study of Sociology encourages intellectual skills and attitudes that can be most useful in many areas of education and life. The subject involves discussion and debate. Those who are interested in current affairs, keen to understand how society works and are interested in theoretical approaches to study would benefit from this course.

Sociology students have a wide range of Higher Education and career options open to them. It is fully recognised as a Higher Education qualification by university Admissions Tutors. It is also extremely useful for those wishing to pursue careers in Management, Human Resources, The Media, Journalism, Social Work, Education, the Civil Service and many sectors of employment.



SIXTH FORM ADMISSIONS POLICY The school will consider the following factors before deciding to offer a student a place in the Sixth Form: The GCSE grade criteria for the course provided has been met (details are set out within this

booklet) There are sufficient places available on the proposed course(s) of study Evidence of a commitment to the ethos of the school and the expectations required in the

Sixth Form for attitude to work, behaviour and smart dress Students will only be admitted to courses at the start of Year 12 unless there are exceptional circumstances. Progression to Year 13 will be dependent on passing at least 3 AS Level courses. All courses will only be offered subject to demand and staff availability.

CRITERIA FOR ADMISSION TO THE SIXTH FORM The prospective student satisfies the entry requirement for ‘AS’ Levels which is 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Mathematics and English Language. A student’s average GCSE points score will guide the number of AS subjects taken. Year 12 students must pass at least 3 AS Level courses in order to proceed to A2 Level courses in Year 13. Evidence that the prospective student satisfies the minimum entry requirements of the precise subjects to which the student is seeking admission: AS Level Mathematics: GCSE grade B in Mathematics AS Level Further Mathematics: GCSE grade A* in Mathematics AS Level Biology, Chemistry & Physics: GCSE grade B in relevant Separate Science or a grade B in both Science and Additional Science. AS Level ICT: Equivalent grade C in an ICT qualification AS Level Mathematics: Students take either Mathematics with Mechanics or Mathematics with Statistics Further Mathematics is available on the recommendation of the Head of Department. It is only required in Y12 for pupils intending to follow a degree in Mathematics, Engineering or Physics. (This will be an additional/5th AS course in Y12). If these do not apply, students may take the course in Y13 as an additional AS course. Evidence that the prospective student is committed to the wider Sixth Form programme of Recreation and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE).




ADAM Ahmed UCL Mechanical Engineering

AFZAL Osman Mohammad

Queen Mary's Business Computing

AGRAWAL Kishan Southampton University Economics and Actuarial Science

AJAIB Sanam Reading University Law

ALI Ayan Westminster University Human and Medical Science

ALI Laki Royal Holloway Mathematics AL-TAMIMI Nouras Jaafar Kingston University Pharmacy

ANTONIO Maila Brunel University International Business (4 Year Sandwich Course)

ASGHAR Fatima Brunel University Communication and Media Studies ASLAM Tayyaba Westminster University Psychology

BAHRA Sandeep Queen Mary's History

BAIG Anam Oxford University Mathematics

BANSAL Ravjot University of Leicester Mathematics with Management

BANSI Harmit London South Bank University Property Management (Building Surveying)

BHAMRA Harleen West Thames College Art Foundation Course

BHARDWA Kiren Surrey University Accounting and Management CASSELLS Eileen Kingston University Sociology

CHAHAL Parvinder University of Essex Marketing and Finance

CHARLES Chevanev Westminster University Law

CHATTUN Rahimah Kingston University Medical Biochemistry

CHAUDRI Aneesa University of Reading Law

CHOUDHRY Hayyan Kingston University Marketing Management DEGUN Gurmit University of Hertfordshire Economics DEPALA Sumil Surrey University Aerospace Engineering

DHILLON Karanpreet UCL Physics DHIMAN Simran Kingston College Art Foundation Course

DHINDSA Sharonjit King's College Pharmacy

FERNANDOPULLE Rochelle Brunel University Foundations of Information Technology

GILL Harleen University of Leicester Biological Sciences

GOSAI Shaan Nottingham Trent University Business Management and Marketing

GULATI Jaskiran Westminster University Business Information Systems

HAASHI Ridwan University of Huddersfield Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry

HANSLA Kavita UCL Chemistry

HASSAN Alicia Royal Holloway Computer Science and Mathematics

HEANON Lauren Kingston University Primary Teaching (Science)

HEANON Sam Brunel University Foundations of Information Technology

HLANGUYO Irene Anglia Ruskin University Law

JAN Anneka Kingston University International Business JEYARATNAM Dakshini Roehampton University Psychology and Councilling




KABILAN Malavarayan Royal Holloway Computer Science and Mathematics

KANG Kuldip Queen Mary's Geography

KASANSULA Patience Nottingham Trent University Psychology

KAUR Harleen Kingston University Human Resource Management

KAUR Harpreet Southampton Solent University

Criminology and Psychology

KAUR Kiranjot University of DeMontfort Accounting and Finance

KAWADZA Michael University of DeMontfort Mechanical Engineering

KHAMBHAITA Suraj Brunel University Finance and Accounting (Foundation)

KHAN Aadil University of Liverpool Combined Honours (Law) KHAN Sehrish University of Manchester Medicine

KHANNA Arun Kingston University Computing Studies KHAWAJA Anam UCL Audiology

KOLHATKAR Avyaya Loughborough University Aeronautical Engineering

KOMAYLI-ASL Shabnam University of Reading Law

KUMARI Rachna Kingston University Criminology with Psychology

KUNDI Tarun Kingston University Business Information Technology

LIMBACHIA Dev Richmond College ICT Apprenticeship

LIMBACHIA Henna Brunel University Computer Science LUHAR Bhavini Imperial College Mathematics MAHAY Simrit Brunel University Multimedia Technology and Design

MAHOMADE Nayim Brunel University Sport Science

MAJOR Amardeep Imperial College Physics MANESH Manamjot King's College Pharmacy

MARBAY Jaspreet London School of Pharmacy Pharmacy

MIAH Julia University of Manchester Medicine

MIYANJI Hannah Westminster University History

MIYANJI Rehmat Kingston University Business Information Technology

MOHUN Jamilah Royal Holloway Psychology MORRISON Jerry University of Birmingham English Literature and History

MUNTAZIR Ismail Queen Mary's Science and Engineering Foundation Programme (Physics 4 Year)

NADIADI Abbas Medway School of Pharmacy Pharmacy

NAEEM Sadiya Westminster University Business Management (Marketing) NAGI Chirnjeev Swansea University Materials Science and Engineering

NAYYER Shruti Birmingham City University Psychology

NAZNEEN Firdausi City University Psychology

NELSON PHILLIPS Asher Birmingham City University English and Creative Writing

PADDA Hema Coventry University Law

PALEKAR Sameer London South Bank University Bioscience

PARMAR Janika University of Warwick Mathematics and Statistics PARVAIZ Amber Westminster University Psychology

PATEL Bindiya Kingston University Human Resource Management




PATEL Khushali Kingston College Art Foundation Course

PATEL Krunal Portsmouth University Pharmacology

PATEL Nehal UCL Chemistry with Mathematics PATEL Pritesh Imperial College Chemistry PATEL Puja West Thames College Art Foundation Course

PATEL Ronak Coventry University Mathematics PERCIVAL Frances Kingston University Sports Analysis and Coaching

PEREZ DIAZ Kayleigh Kingston University Psychology

QADEER Sahifah SOAS History

QAZI Sarah Imperial College Biochemistry

RAICHURA Neil School of Pharmacy Pharmacy

RAIT Asha Nottingham Trent University Media (with specialist pathways) RAJA Babar University of Nottingham Industrial Economics RATNAM Nicola University of Hertfordshire Business RIAZ Farheen City University Optometry

ROOPRAI Rajni Brunel University Finance and Accounting RUPRA Priya City University Opthalmic Dispensing

SAGAR Raveen University of York History/Philosophy

SAIAM Bellal Kingston University Foundations of Engineering

SANDHU Gurdeep King's College Mathematics with Management and Finance

SANDHU Navpreet Portsmouth University Geology

SHAH Anupa University of Bristol Medicine

SHAH Meera University of Birmingham Dentistry

SHAH Mohsin King's College Medicine

SHAH Nirav University of Leicester Chemistry

SHAH Rakhi Roehampton University Psychology and Councilling

SHAH Sonia Aston University Mathematics with Economics SHAH Vikesh Loughborough University Computer Science

SHAHIEN Marwa Roehampton University English Literature SHARMA Anitta City University Optometry

SHARMA Esha Kingston University English Literature with Creative Writing

SHARMA Neha University of Reading Pharmacy

SHARMA Sanjay Birmingham City University Mechanical Engineering Foundation Year

SINGH Sundeep Queen Mary's Science and Engineering Foundation Programme (Chemistry 4 Year)

SISODIA Chirag University of Hertfordshire Automotive Engineering (extended)

SUMAR Sadiq University of Nottingham Physics and Philosophy

SUTHERLAND Victor Coventry University Computer Science

THAYALARATNAM Praveena Nottingham Trent University Psychology

TOOR Simranpreet Portsmouth University Pharmacy

TSIM Kimberley City University Actuarial Science

UBHI Bhajan University of DeMontfort Audiology




UBHI Tejinder Brunel University Physiotherapy

VEGAD Chirag King's College Pharmacy

VIRDEE Amandeep UCL Mathematics with Statistical Science

VYAS Bhavik Myerscough College Motorsport Management and Logistics

WALSH Imogen University of York History

WEST Lauren Brunel University Psychology

WONG Ka Wai Kingston College Art Foundation Course

YADAV Rahul University of DeMontfort Architecture

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