the greek dark ages

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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The Greek Dark Ages. The Greek dark age was a period which dated between 1100-800BC It was was a period of limited cultural advancement in terms of art, architecture, and writing Former Mycenaean fortresses continued to be occupied but in a very limited capacity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Greek Dark Ages

● The Greek dark age was a period which dated between 1100-800BC

● It was was a period of limited cultural advancement in terms of art, architecture, and writing

● Former Mycenaean fortresses continued to be occupied but in a very limited capacity

● The invasion from the Dorians set off this dark age

Who is to blame?

● Greek tradition attributed the invasion to the Dorians who came from the Balkans

● The Dorians considered themselves the sons of Heracles

● The Dorians easily conquered the Mycenaeans with their “Iron weapons”

Did anything happen?

● The Cemetery of Petari tells us that some cultural advancement / contact DID take place

● Grave goods included jewelry, clothing accessories, weapons, tools and pottery

● Numerous items were found to be from other civilizations such as Egypt, Syria, and Cyprus.

● Sadly, the last occupied burial dates to 1075 BC

The Greek Migration

● Known settlements in Greece declined from 320 sites to just 40!

● The Greeks either joined the “Sea people” or scattering to places of refuge.

● The Greeks would settle to the coast of Asia Minor.

● Major cities established included Miletus, Ephesus, Myus, Priene, Colophon, Lebedos, Teos, and Samos.

Was the Dark Age that bad?

● The loss of imports of tin and copper forced the the remaining Greeks to learn “Ironworking”

● Greeks migrated into Asia Minor creating cross cultural contacts

● The loss of writing created a strong oral story tradition in Greece (Homer)

● The loss of the central palace system would be the beginning for the smaller city state.

The end of the Dark Age

● The Dark Age slowly parted when Homer hymned the Trojan War and the first Olympic games were founded in 776BC

● Around the same time there was a huge population explosion along with higher quality grave goods.

The Olympic Games!

● The games were originally created to celebrate the Olympian gods

● Quickly the games became about encouraging good relations between the city states.

● The Greeks would stop warring between city states so citizens could travel safely to the games

The Events

● The Olympic events were typically preformed in the nude

● Athletes in some cases would lather themselves up in olive oil

● Events included Stadion race (200M dash), boxing, Pentathlon (Discus, Javelin, Jumping, Wrestling), and Equestrian events

The Victor!

● Rewards would be handed out after the competition

● Hellanodikis (Greek Judge) would place a palm branch in the victors hands

● A herald would announce his name, his father's name, and his homeland.

● A more formal victory presentation would take place on the last day of the games at the temple of Zeus. The victor was given a sacred laurel

Greek life and sports

● Sports and physical education would play a critical role in Greek life and education. People would pay for an athletes' Gloios

● The Gymnasium would become a community training facility, a place for education, and philosophical pursuits

● A young persons education primarily took place in the Gymnasium

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