the grassroots - media pitch

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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The Grassroot

sMedia Production Pitch

Client Aims

+Champion the North East

Have a good relationship with the locals

Client Research The Northern Echo is a local Newspaper

distributed over the North East, with one publication in particular being distributed throughout Darlington.

The Northern Echo have asked me to create a local magazine insert to the initial newspaper.

My magazine will be a near replication of the Northern Echo in terms of its local consumption and content, as well as its local appeal.

The only real problem I may encounter is child privacy due to the nature of my magazine.

Client ConstraintsThe Northern Echo has affected me in a few ways: Local advertising (sports teams) Local content/consumption? Imagery and language will be effected to suit

client and audience Newsquest own The Northern Echo and take

33% of their profits, including mine. Relationship with readers (local, trustworthy)




Contempt of Court

Trespass Photography

Examples of football mags

Genre Research Genre = SPORTS (football)

Initially, my ideas stemmed from me being a youth football coach.

Throughout research I identified many similar magazines based around the BPL, leading to the thought of something unique …

Genre Research Avoiding the ‘bandwagon’. I found that most magazines were based around the top tier BPL, Serie A, La Liga, Ligue 1 etc. This is not local, but more worldwide news.

This lead me to further my initial ideas of a grassroots magazine because …

Local, unique, interesting, simple, cheap.



Genre Research• Colour scheme matches team in

focus• More than one image• Heavy use of graphics• Simple but effective layout

• I really like the use of a matched colour scheme because you can identify the team in focus easily.

Genre Research With some articles from different

magazines, I like the overall layout, and graphics that I may adopt.

With interview articles, I like the use of a 3-pager, with 2 pages being used for imagery and the initial hook, and the third page being text heavy.However, for me to do this, I will have to omit one


Audience ResearchMy target audience will be the locals

of Darlington, but specifically: Ages 10-50 (You cannot pinpoint lovers of

football) on top of grassroots football, children play it, the adults watch it.

Males and Females – mums AND dads like too watch their child play football.

Children, mums, dads, nanas, granddads, coaches, teenagers.

Football is for


Audience Research

With such a broad target audience I have encountered many problems:

Language (Positive lexis, no tabooisms) Layout (must be engaging but not too much

on the eye) Imagery (due to children must be of a good


Due to this, my magazine will have to be satisfactory for such a broad audience, leading

to multi-use articles and content to help engage everyone.

Audience Research

This double page spread has a 50:50 ratio of text to image.The text will intrigue the older pole of my TA, and the images will engage the younger.The page looks attractive and due to its focus, will engage people to read, as it is all about football.

The Process

The goods – I created a foundation of borders before inserting text etc. the process was rather easy.

The tough times - I found it difficult to put all of the article into the columns pre-selected. At times I dealt with this by slightly cropping the article.


Use of images are


The article looks retro with the


League table is blurry

The red doesn’t match colour scheme

Cut corners

look good


The red doesn’t match colour scheme

Looks professional and


Not enough imagery!

Looks really well


Audience FeedbackWhat the audience liked and how its


Cropped edges on photos (only if used a bit) Colour scheme matches team in focus Article was well written The banners look appealing There isn’t too much on the eye overall Looks professional Neat and ordered


Audience FeedbackWhat the audience didn’t like and how

it will help Sometimes edges on photos are cropped too

much Pictures and texts needs to be equally placed Banner is too big and takes up a lot of space Some images are blurry The red text looks out of place

I will attempt to avoid these dislikes


The One I’ll take forwardI intend on taking mock-up 1 forward as I believe the overall layout resembles that of a professional double page spread. On top of this, audience feedback showed that more imagery was better than one

image (as on mock-up 2)

Despite this, I may incorporate some strengths from mock-up 2.

My Ideas

12 page mag Weekly Front cover Contents DPS 1 – Match report DPS 2 – INTERVIEW Dps 3 – review

What I want to achieve

There are so many magazines out there that focus on the top tiers of football, but not

one, that focuses on the first stepping stone of every footballer’s career. Therefore this will be my unique selling point. To create a magazine based on the grassroots football that goes unnoticed in the football world.

Front Cover Will include main article

More than one image

Yellow and black

Banner sporting title

Contents Articles


Editor review from past week’s publication

DPS 1 – Spraire Envy Last Ditch Goal

Retro layout 50:50 text and imagery Engaging Active imagery Some stative imagery Facts opinions

DPS 2 – Kids are Wrapped up in cotton wool

Interview article A creative layout Engaging article 70:30 text to imagery Quote inserts Colourful Unique

DPS 3 – See it, Do it Controlled layout Opinions Active imagery Some stative imagery Formal colour scheme (grey, blue, black, white) Creative use of borders


I will use old school, varsity fonts – links to sport.

My colour schemes will be based on the team in focus.

I will place a little bar sporting the magazine name on the top left hand corner of every page.


Hours needed

Freelance rate

Total cost

Journalists 20 £25 £500

Photographers 11 £20 £220

Models 9 £0 £0

Subeditors 6 £15 £90

Researchers 8 £25 £200

Lighting assistant 4 £20 £80Make up assistants 0NA NA

Other 0NA NA

Total personnel expenditure 1090

Hours needed Hire rate

Total cost


Studio space rental: 4 £100 £400

Flash lighting studio kit: 0NA NA

Camera: 12 £40 £480

Additional lens hire: 0QE indemnity insurance:

Travel: 0

Props: 0

Total Expenditure 880

Expenditure Pie ChartPhotographers; £220

Journalists; £500

Subeditors; £90

Researchers; £200

Light-ing as-sis-tant; £80 Stu-

dio spac

e renta

l:; £400

Camera:; £480

Printing; £1,571

Generating Income The magazine will be sold at £1.00 per

publication because: - its cheap - will help generate income Income will also come from advertsing.

Advert Type Rate Number Total Income

Back cover £700 1 700

Inside front £600 1 600

Inside back £650 0 0

Double page spread £500 0 0

Full page £500 2 1000

Half page £300 0 0

Quarter page £100 0 0

Eighth Page £50 0 0

Total Income 4 2300

Income Pie Chart

advertising; £2,300

cover price; £10,000


Editorial Personnel 1090

Equipment 880

Printing 1,570.50



Advertising income 2300

Cover price £1.00

Total sales estimate 10,000

Sales income £10,000



As well as this, 33% of my profits shall go to newsquest, and 25% go towards the distributors.

Therefore 58% of my profit will be taken.

Net profit/lost: Roughly


Distribution My magazine will be a generic A4, tabloid

sixed product.

It will be distributed by Bauer Media.

My paper quality will be 115gm coated because it is much cheaper and doesn’t have a too ‘cheap’ of a feel.

Constraints Due to the nature of my magazine

(being based on children) I will have to ensure privacy as well as obtain:

Parent and player permission on use of names and pictures.

Imagery is of a decent standard. My genre chosen is very risky in today’s

society, therefore I will have to ensure no addresses are given on behalf of the children.

SchedulePROBLEMS• Snowfall

• Lack of permission• Illness

• Technology failure

I will deal with these by using contingency plans (I.e carry extra batteries etc.)

What you and I want to achieve

There are so many magazines out there that focus on the top tiers of football, but not one,

that focuses on the first stepping stone of every footballer’s career. Therefore this will be my unique selling point. To create a magazine

based on the grassroots football that goes unnoticed in the football world.

Champion the North East

Have a good relationship with the locals

Thank you for listening, and I hope you see

The Grassroots soon!

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