the grapevine - jul-aug grapevine [1].pdf · 4. review/approve treasurer’s report:...

Post on 29-Jun-2020






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Zion Lutheran Church 700 Main St., Clyman, WI 53016-0220 (920) 696-3495

The Grapevine

July/August 2016

In this issue:

Pastor’s Message


Stewardship 4

Kid’s Page 5 & 6

July Calendar 9

August Calendar


Voter's Meeting

2 & 3

Cry for help


Every day there are approximately 10,829 babies born in America, 4 million annual-ly. World-wide there are 360,000 births daily and about 131 million each year. That’s a lot of babies… but so much for statistics. A little after 4am on Monday, June 20, Theodore Michael Schempf was born in Elgin, Illinois to our son Andrew and his wife Linda. Of the thousands of newborns that day, baby Theodore is the one that got my attention. Just a few

hours after birth I was able to hold him in my arms. Awesome! Seven pounds, sev-en ounces is quite a compact human being. It was delightful to examine his tiny, tiny hands. His facial features; nose, eyelids, and cheeks are all such exquisite miniatures. Psalm 139 alludes to the “secret” nature of an infant’s growth in the womb because it is unseen. Today however, expectant parents have the oppor-tunity to “peek” periodically and behold such amazing development during preg-nancy. Details like hair, thumb sucking, their sex, bodily movement, even the four chambers of the heart can be seen with modern technology. The process of what happens in the womb is a lot to ponder. Because God continues to bring multi-tudes of new babies into the world, you too have likely enjoyed the pleasure of ex-amining the baby of a friend or family member. A new baby can lead us to think how we also were once like that, a tiny infant whom God lovingly knit together in our mother’s womb. Karen and I thank God for Theodore’s birth. And we look for-ward to him being born again as a child of God through holy baptism in a few weeks. Andrew and Linda have their work cut out for them…how many zillion dia-per changes await these eager parents? (makes me weary just thinking about it!)…not to mention the incredible amount of energy they will expend in countless ways over the course of their lives as parents… but God is faithful! In spite of the difficult days in which we live, God will help them. He gives strength and wisdom to all those who seek Him because He Himself IS strength and wisdom. And little Theo-dore…those miniature fingers, eyelids, and cheekbones will grow. So will his faith in Jesus as he is taught through the loving instruction and example of his parents. In the meantime I marvel as I enjoy his beautiful, tiny features. Praise God for ba-bies! Pray for little ones and their parents. “For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother’s womb.

I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are

your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from Thee,

When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine

eyes have seen my unformed substance, and in Thy book they were all written,

The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.”

Psalm 139:13-16

July Birthdays & Anniversaries


August Birthdays & Anniversaries


Zion Lutheran Church Clyman WI

Semi -Annual Voters Meeting Agenda June 12, 2016

1. Call to order: Called to order by President Dan C at 9:50am 2. Opening Devotion: Pastor , Galatians 6 3. Review/ Approve Secretary’s minutes: November 2015 semi-annual minutes were passed out,

Ralph K made motion to accept the minutes as printed Nancy B seconded, MOTION CARRIED. 4. Review/approve Treasurer’s Report: Repor t was handed out Neal K made a motion to ap-

prove the report Ralph K seconded, MOTION CARRIED 5. Pastor Report – Pastor reported we had 1 baptism in March, 1funeral, 2 confirmation students

were confirmed. Have been reaching out to inactive members, will be helping at VBS at Good Shep-pard. The LWML is in a waning state at Zion Helen K will contact the appropriate people and let them know that the LWML at Zion has disbanded , Pastor will still go as circuit counselor. The syn-odical convention will be held in Milwaukee in July they will be looking for help with this conven-tion. There will be a mission trip to St. Louis this year the beginning of August. Karen and Deanne G will be going on a mission trip to Haiti in July. Thank you for all of your support when he went to Papa New Guiney.

6. Board Reports and Submission of Business Items A. Board of Elders:

Joel V is moving, so his Elder position is open; Gary B is willing to step into that position. Asked if there were any nominations Chris L made a motion to approve Gary as Elder Jane D seconded, Motion Carried.

Wally B has resigned his position as Elder; the Elders have decided not to fill that position at this time they will fill it with November’s voters meeting.

Marty C has stepped up to be the Sunday School Superintendent, still need at least two more teachers.

Communion Practice: How often should we have communion Discussion followed around this it will go back to the Elders to discuss further.

B. Board of Trustees:

The extra church pews from the Narthex were moved to the Clyman park discussion on what to do with them. It was decided we would rather have chairs in the Narthex and not put the pews back into the Narthex, we decided strip them down keep the parts we might need and get rid of the rest.

The screen door at the parsonage will need to be replaced that will get taken care.

Parsonage Bathroom will cost approximately $300.00 to fix so we will get that lined up and taken care of.

Narthex is complete.

Back roof cap is in progress.

Basement bathrooms still need to be worked on David will be starting them soon. The old cabi-nets will get hung in the furnace room for extra storage space.

Back Entry way to the Church still need to re-place some ceiling tiles.

C. Board of Stewardship: Nothing to report D. Finance: Nothing to report E. Archivist: Nothing to report

F. Sunday School: Nothing to report 7. Auxiliary Organizations:

G. Cemetery Group: Nothing to report

8. Old Business: H. Organ: The organ has been repaired the heater still needs to be hooked up and the speaker cloth needs to be replaced yet.

9. New Business: J. Ice Cream Social: sign-up sheets have been in the back for non-perishable items, there will be an-other sign-up sheet coming out soon for the remainder of the items that will be needed.

K. Nominating Committee: Connie K and Ralph K volunteered. L. Pictorial: Trying to see if there is any interest in this, it is a lot of work to set up We discussed just taking the pictures ourselves and put a book together. We Decided it should go in the bulleting and see if there is any interest.

M. Funds, There is an overabundance of different funds: when we are working on a project like the basement for example (this is just an example) people donate to the “basement fund” but sometimes the project gets finished and there is still money left in it that can’t be used for anything else because it was designated for the basement fund. What we will do moving forward is once a project is com-plete any money that is still in that fund will go into the general fund so the money isn’t just sitting there not being used, and it won’t be so complicated to keep all of the funds straight.

N. Mission Funds: suggested mission funds LuWiSoMo $1000.00 World Orphan Fund $500.00 Adopt- a – Student Concordia $500.00 The Gathering Place $1000.00 Lutheran Bible Translators $1000.00 Orphan Grain Train $500.00 Mission Central $250.00 Fill the Bowl Dodgeland $250.00 Fill the Bowl Hustisford $250.00 Feed My Starving Children $525.00 Laptop for seminary student in PNG $600.00

Motion was made by Penny Huebner to accept the mission donations Chris L seconded MO-TION CARRIED.

10. Chris Lamp made a motion to adjourn, motion seconded by Penny H MOTION CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:50am.

11. Closing with Prayer

The church is looking for someone to take on the duties of website director and Archivist. If anyone is interested please contact Dan C.

LCMS Stewardship Newsletter Article: July 2016 In our Lord’s parable of the vineyard workers, the vineyard owner says to those who worked the longest, “Or do you begrudge my generosity” (Matthew 20:15)? It’s an unfortunate translation. It’s not wrong, but it doesn’t give us the full picture. What the vineyard owner actually says is this: “Or is your eye evil be-cause I am good?” Earlier in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness” (Matthew 6:21–23). This statement comes right in the middle of our Lord’s teaching about giving. He said, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money” (Matthew 6:19–24). Having an evil eye does not let in the light. Having an evil eye means that we are so focused on what we don’t have, that we are unable to rejoice in what God has given. An evil eye makes us distressed when we see others prosper. It makes us rejoice when others suffer. An evil eye makes us so love ourselves and our money, that we don’t want to share with others; we don’t want to give of what we have because we are so focused on keeping what we have and getting what we don’t. Whereas a good eye is an eye that lets the light in so that our lives are filled with it. This light shines up-on all that we have and reveals that it comes from our Father’s divine goodness and mercy. A good eye that lets in the light, unencumbered by the darkness, so that we have a good will, a benevolent disposi-tion, and a genuine happiness to see others prosper and the desire to be part of it. Jesus came to give you a good eye and to take away the darkness that fills your life. Christ our Lord, through His death and resurrection, has forgiven your sin, removed your evil eye and given you new eyes that let in His light and truth. “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9). The reality is that you have all that you need and more. You have the love of God in Christ Jesus. You have the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting. You have house and home, all that you need for this body and life. So, lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy. And you will see that your hearts will follow, just as Jesus promised.

Edwin & Ruth W Jr. 7/5

Gordy & Joyce K 7/9

Joel & Betsy V 7/15

Dale & Kathy D 7/16

Douglas & Karen R 7/22

Alexa S 7/3

Dana L 7/4

Wayne N 7/4

Brenna R 7/6

Randy K 7/8

Richard M 7/8

Robert S 7/8

Holley S 7/9

Nolan D 7/12

Joshua S 7/12

Richard S 7/16

Beverly H 7/20

Serena H 7/21

Kacy V 7/22

Gordy K 7/24

Alissa M 7/28

Eli D 7/30

Chris & Serene S 8/11

Scott & Amy N 8/16

Richard & Carmella M 8/24

David H 8/5

Adrianne B 8/6

Colton D 8/6

Harley B 8/11

Tim D 8/12

Mark F 8/14

Alexan S 8/17

Luke H 8/18

Jessica A 8/19

Nathan C 8/22

Griffin J 8/24

Martha C 8/25

Beverly S 8/28

Carmella M 8/29

Dick B 8/31

Elizabeth G 8/31

Serene S 8/31

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 8:30am Divine Service Adult Bible Class Elder: Usher Team # 1 Food Shelf Sunday







10 8:30am Divine Service Adult Bible Class Elder: Jason Usher Team # 2 All non-perishable items for the ice cream social should be at church.

11 Mid-Week Service 7pm Elder: Scott


13 Bethesda Workers 1—5pm


15 16

17 8:30am Divine Service with Adult Bible Class Elder: Scott Usher Team # 3

18 Mid-Week Service 7pm Elder: Neal

19 20




24 8:30am Divine Adult Bible Class Elder: Neal Usher Team # 4

Bethesda Chapel – “Saved by One” Christian Concert

25 Mid-Week Service 7pm Elder: Jason

26 27

28 29 30

31 8:30am Divine Service Adult Bible Class Elder: Jason Usher Team # 1


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Mid-Week Service 7pm Elder: Scott

2 3 4 5 6

7 8:30am Divine Service Adult Bible Class Elder: Scott Usher Team # 1 Food Shelf Sunday

8 Mid-Week Service 7pm Elder: Neal

9 Lions Park for Ice Cream Social set up @ 6 PM

10 Bethesda Workers 1—5pm

11 Council Meeting 6:30 pm

12 13

14 8:30am Divine Service Adult Bible Class Elder: Neal Usher Team # 2

15 Mid-Week Service 7pm Elder: Jason






21 8:30am Divine Service Adult Bible Class Elder: Jason Usher Team # 3

22 Mid-Week Service 7pm Elder: Scott




26 27

28 8:30am Divine Service Adult Bible Class Elder: Scott Usher Team # 4

29 Mid-Week Service 7pm Elder: Neal

30 31


Mission Trip to St. Louis

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