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June 2016

Rector’s Writ

We know we’re getting older, when those we baptized as babies are graduating.

Two of our Choir members and acolytes, Eric Splinter and Jenna Summy, will be

starting college this fall, Eric at Clarkson University in New York and Jenna at

Kent State. Sammi Stickle will study at Northcoast, and Georgia Golec will

study at Ohio University. We’ve seen these people grow into young adults, and

we’re grateful they’ve been part of our Church family. We encourage all of you to

visit when you can and keep in touch. We invite all of you to join us for worship

anytime and to know that you’ll remain in our hearts and in our prayers. Below

are prayers for our graduates, and prayers as well for the people serve consistently:

singing and enhancing our worship, and teaching our children about God, the

Bible, and the Church. Please take a moment to say thank you and to offer a

prayer for our graduates and our choir & teachers as they break for summer.

God’s blessings & peace to all our Grace Church family. Carol+

PRAYER FOR GRADUATES Congratulations & best wishes to our 2016 High School Graduates: Georgia Golec; Eric

Splinter; Sammi Stickle; and Jenna Summy. Congratulations also to Beverly Brooks, who earned a Master’s in Education from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and to Kelly Farmer (Shirley & Mike Johnson’s granddaughter) who earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Lander University in South Carolina. With their families, we give thanks to God for their accomplishments, and we pray for our Lord’s continued blessings and guidance in their lives.

O God, you are the source of wisdom, love, hope, and joy: send out your light to guide all graduates. Give them a clear knowledge of their calling and gifts; help them to see your hand at work in their lives and in the world around us; confirm in them the holiness of your truth. Strengthen and lead them to become faithful people of prayer and vision; through Jesus Christ our Lord who taught us that with you all things are possible. Amen.


Martha Croll, Choir Director; Tim Lewicki, Organist; Choir Members: Jeff Croll, Phillip Crouse, Marsha Snyder, Eric Splinter, Marcia Splinter, Tim Splinter, Jenna Summy, Kathy Summy. Many thanks to these members who provide music and song as part of our worship and praise each week.

O God, whom saints and angels delight to worship in heaven; bless and be near our organist and choir in their ministry, worship, and fellowship. We thank you for the talents you have given them and their willingness to share their gifts. Fill them with joyful hearts and glad voices for your honor and glory. May we all sense the majesty and mystery of the Holy One as we offer you our worship, service, and praise; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Amen. (Continued Inside…)


Christian Ed Teachers: Sue Ahrens, Denise Crouse, and Christine

The Grace Vine

Service and Lay Ministry Schedule If you cannot serve when scheduled, please find a substitute and call the parish office with that person’s name. Thank you for sharing in the liturgical ministry of Grace Church.

Celebrant The Rev. Carol Evans Worship 8:00 Bette Brooks Leader 10:00 Carolyn Englert Greeters Nancy & Fred Lundgren Acolyte Jenna Summy Altar Guild Jane Gear-Jozsa & Marsha Snyder Coffee Hosts 8:00 Joan & Frank Seman 10:00 Cindy Ward & Cindy Hoskins Counters Barb Popiel & Jeff Croll Brookdale Kathy Summy

1st Reading 1 Kings 17:8-24 Fred Lundgren Psalm 146 2nd Reading Galatians 1:11-24 Nancy Lundgren Gospel Luke 7:11-17

Sunday, June 5 8:00 &10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 3 Pentecost

Celebrant The Rev. Carol Evans Deacon The Rev. William Snyder Worship 8:00 Sally Dier Leader 10:00 Nancy Lundgren Greeters Lisa & Jeff Marsh Acolyte Eric Splinter Altar Guild Jane Gear-Jozsa & Marsha Snyder Coffee Hosts 8:00 TBD 10:00 John & Mary Jean McDonald Counters Barb Popiel & Jeff Croll

1st Reading 1 Kings 21:1-21a Eric Splinter Psalm 5:1-8 2nd Reading Galatians 2:15-21 Carolyn Englert Gospel Luke 7:36-8:3

Sunday, June 12 8:00 & 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 4 Pentecost

Celebrant The Rev. Carol Evans Worship 8:00 Bette Brooks Leader 10:00 Carolyn Englert Greeters David Miller & Alex Wroblewski Acolyte Jeff Marsh Altar Guild Jane Gear-Jozsa & Marsha Snyder Coffee Hosts 8:00 Pat Williams 10:00 Jim & Nancy Ervin Counters Barb Popiel & Jeff Croll Brookdale Bill Snyder

1st Reading 1 Kings 19:1-15a Jeff Croll Psalm 42 2nd Reading Galatians 3:23-29 Kathy Summy Gospel Luke 8:26-39

Sunday, June 19 8:00 & 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 5 Pentecost

Stickle and Carolyn Englert (adult ed). We give thanks for all the leaders & teachers, as well as the children & youth who took part in Christian Ed classes and events this past school year.

Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the children and youth who are part of our Church family and for those who share their talents and love through teaching. Help us to remember how we are all responsible for the care and nurture of your children. Let us be channels for your loving kindness to be made known in their lives. Enlighten with wisdom those who teach and those who learn, that, abiding in your love and grace, we may worship and serve you and care for one another, from generation to generation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Celebrant The Rev. Carol Evans Deacon The Rev. William Snyder Worship 8:00 Sally Dier Leader 10:00 Charles Parsons Greeters Jim & Nancy Ervin Acolyte Phillip Crouse Altar Guild Jane Gear-Jozsa & Marsha Snyder Coffee Hosts 8:00 TBD 10:00 Fred & Nancy Lundgren Counters Barb Popiel & Jeff Croll

1st Reading 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 Tim Splinter Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20 2nd Reading Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Carolyn Englert Gospel Luke 9:51-62

Sunday, June 26 8:00 & 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 6 Pentecost

Celebrant The Rev. Carol Evans Worship 8:00 Bette Brooks Leader 10:00 Carolyn Englert Greeters John & Mary Jean McDonald Acolyte Jeff Marsh Altar Guild Carol Marotta & Nancy Ervin Coffee Hosts 8:00 Joan & Frank Seman 10:00 Lisa, Taylor, & Paige Paxton Counters Phillip Crouse & Kay Canan Brookdale Kathy Summy

1st Reading 2 Kings 5:1-14 Nancy Lundgren Psalm 30 2nd Reading Galatians 6:1-16 Fred Lundgren Gospel Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

Sunday, July 3 8:00 & 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist 7 Pentecost

Birthdays 8th Eric Splinter 9th Cindy Hoskins 10th Johnnie Machisko Burt Stover 11th Georgia Golec 15th Sally Dier 18th June Marks 20th Wilda Autry Paige Thomas 21st Carol Evans 23rd Sandy Ulbricht 25th Maynard Evans 26th Taylor Paxton Jenna Summy Aiden Young 28th Jeff Croll

Anniversaries 3rd Keith & Janice Lallathin 7th Maynard & Carol Evans 9th Amir & Stephanie Amirazzaman 24th Coral & Eric Marotta 27th Frank & Joan Seman

Baptisms 2nd Olivia Golic 7th Judy Watkins Tim Splinter 8th Kara Simonson MacAlah Simonson Lynn Zimmerman 22nd Fred Lundgren Johnnie Machisko ? Kenneth Englert Carolyn Englert Rodney Stickle Chris Stickle

Congratulations! and many happy returns...

Sue and Bruce Ahrens spent time in Massachusetts with their grandchildren, while their daughter Sonja and son-in-law Donnie were on vacation in Cancun. Sue forgot how busy young ones are; but really enjoyed the time with them. Sue is originally from Massachusetts and while there she took the opportunity to visit with family and friends, and that was very enjoyable…

Goldie Shriver, our nursery attendant, has retired. For 50+ years Goldie has taken care of our children and for that we say a “big thank you!” She will be sorely missed as our nursery director, but we’re happy to say she still attends the 8am service, so many of us still get to see her and get a “Goldie hug.”…

It’s official--Sammy Rich has joined the choir . It was wonderful to see him “singing” with us, even though it’s only for the anthem. When that’s over he’s back in the pew with his parents, Phil & Courtney. He enjoys reading music. Sammy is autistic and non-verbal; when he got back to school on Monday his teacher asked him to fill in the blank. “I want to ____.” Sammy wrote, “I want to be in my church choir.” The teacher shared that with his mother, Courtney, and asked if there was any way he could sit with our choir. Sure you can, Sammy!!...

We heard from Phillis Shorts. She and Bill are enjoying visits with family and all the activities that are available to them in their Florida community and church, including a Kentucky Derby Day Party and a Downton Abby Tea. Sounds like fun!!...

We had a lot of children with us on Mother’s Day and the children began their day on the front lawn of the church with hoopla hoops, supplied by Carol Marotta. They were having a great time playing together, finished their Mother’s Day breakfast early and all this took placed before Sunday school began with teacher Sue Ahrens…

Thanks to Nancy Ervin and her Hospitality Committee for hosting our annual Mother’s Day family breakfast that takes place between services. The parish hall looked wonderful. Our thanks to Nancy Ervin, Mary Jean McDonald, Kay Canan, Cindy Ward, and Marsha Snyder who supplied the egg casseroles; Shirley Johnson & Barb Popiel brought muffins; Janet Hughes, biscuits; Cindy Hoskins, juice; Judy Canan, fruit, and Carolyn Englert, jelly. Thanks to everyone who made this event so special…

For the Day of Pentecost Nancy Ervin ordered a beautiful cake that she served after both services. This has been a very busy two weeks for Nancy and her right-hand man & husband, Jim. We certainly appreciate all their work…

We had an interesting visit on Saturday, May 7th. Harry Huff, a renowned organist at the Old Stone Church in Boston and music professor at Harvard

Divinity School, came to Ravenna along with Lucy Kester & Carol Horst, sisters of Calvin Hampton, and niece Nancy Andrews. Har ry is Calvin Hampton’s, executor and was here to retrieve Calvin’s musical manuscripts and to visit places where he lived and played. For those who don’t know, Calvin Hampton played the organ here at Grace for some years and conducted the Youth Choir. He was a well-known musician, from right here in Ravenna, and he composed music for five hymns in our 1982 Hymnal. Check them out!!…

Shirley & Mike Johnson r eturned from South Carolina where granddaughter Kelly Farmer graduated from Lander University with a BS in biology and a chemistry minor. She will be attending Auburn University in Alabama where she will get her degree in veterinary science. Another granddaughter, Samantha Duty was also been busy but in a different direction. On May 14th she delivered Shirley and Mike’s first great-grandchild, Shilo. Our best to the Johnsons and to the proud parents, Samantha and Austin…

Bette Brooks is so proud of daughter Beverly who just graduated with a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Even better -- Beverly already has a job, doesn’t have to move, and can stay in the apartment she loves with her cat. Bette really loved the fact that all her girls were together for the first time in two years…

Jenna Summy was inducted into the International Thespian Society on May 11th and will graduate from high school on May 23rd. Her mother, Kathy ended her first semester back to college in 27 years with a “B” in the class…

Judy Watkin’s grandson, Brandon Higgins, a junior at Nordonia High School, will represent his school at Boys State in June at Bowling Green State University. He also participated in the Summit County’s 2016 leadership program. He received a letter in football as a defensive back for the 2015-16 season. And he works as a busboy at Lucheta’s Mexican restaurant in Hudson. Sounds like he’s a busy young man with a lot of interests and energy…

Thanks to Mary Jean & John McDonald for taking the last of the books that the ECW is sending to Lillian Vallely School library to the post office. Mary Jean and John will be going to California to help the family celebrate granddaughter Alexandra Paulenich’s graduation from high school…

Thanks to our treasurer, Marcia Splinter, who gave up most of her Saturday to be here at church for our annual audit. NOT an easy job and not exactly a relaxing way to

Did You Know?...

Continued on Bulletin Board page...

Every few years, we’re reminded that folks who are newer to the parish might need a little more ‘orientation’ about some of the things that go on around Grace or come up in conversations and meetings. We’ve had a series of articles to help out with that over the years and it’s probably well past time for revisit to a few of them. So without further ado... “Just what are all those baskets on the communion rail for, and that cute little church?” you ask. The baskets and the little church are for special purpose offerings. They are placed on the communion rail on the 2nd Sunday of each month for people to make their donations. “OK.” you say. “When am I supposed to put money in them?” The collection baskets should be put up at the beginning of the peace, or even from the beginning of the service. You can come forward before the service if they are up, during the peace, during the offertory anthem or hymn, or following immediately behind the ushers when they take the collection forward during the doxology. “OK.” you say again. “So just what are they for?” “The Little White Church” – Birthday and Anniversary Donations is the proper name for this one. The idea is to make a donation for your birthday and your wedding anniversary. The donations go into the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. 2¢ a Meal – The idea behind this one is to put aside 2¢ (or more…) at every meal and bring it in on the second Sunday. The donations are divided evenly between the Center of Hope’s free meal program and the Diocesan Hunger Task Force. Christian Cupboard – This is a non-perishable food program that began here at Grace many yearsago and used to be run in the church. It is currently housed in the Center of Hope and gives food supplies to the needy. Habitat for Humanity – This one is pretty self-explanatory.

There are two other things that relate to these, so I’ll quickly add them too. The Mite Box – This is the small wooden box on the back wall of the church by the Baptismal Font. Money put in here is put in the Rector’s Discretionary Fund, earmarked to help parishioners in need. Also, any unidentified cash that is placed in the offering on the 1st Sunday of the month is put in the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. To tie up the last loose end then… “What is the Rector’s Discretionary Fund?” This is money set aside for our Rector to use at her

discretion. As mentioned above, the Mite Box money is earmarked to be used to help parishioners of Grace.

The rest the Rector is free to use as needed. This could include assisting people in need, buying small thank you gifts, and so on... If you’ve got some other question rattling around in your mind unasked, by all means, ask away! Ask any Vestry member, Rev. Carol, Bill Snyder, Marsha Snyder...drop an anonymous note in the collection plate if you don’t want to ask directly. We’ll do what we can to get an answer for you here.

Our services, our prayer book, our church building, and our church vocabulary are filled with symbolism, abbreviations, and rarely used items. We have countless traditions, both from the wider church and those homegrown. We need to bring light to, and keep meaning in, all these things by making sure that we know, remember and share what is in and behind each such shadowed place.

Special Collections on the Altar Railings

The Bulletin Board

spend a Saturday. Our thanks to Tim Splinter, our resident computer guru. When Marsha’s office computer had a virus with a ransom note (pay in bit coins via an internet address or your files and info will be inaccessible), Tim came from work to review the situation. He and Marcia contacted friends who are experts in computer viruses—it’s good to have connections—and it was decided we were better off to purchase a new office computer. Tim did the shopping, selected a new computer, and installed the software and the back-ups he had done recently. This virus totally shut down Marsha’s access to files, and would have cost the church a small fortune to have it reviewed/diagnosed and get professionals to do what Tim did for us. Marsha will be working on getting the files ‘caught up’ for awhile.

Did You Know… continued

1950’s Dance

Saturday June 11th, 6—10 pm

$5 each with meal ticket

Hula Hoop Contest,

Best Dressed and Best Couple awards,

50/50 raffle and Raffle Baskets

Special appearance by ELVIS!

Fathers (and Mothers) and Friends By Bette Brooks

They lived not only in ages past; there are hundreds of thousands still. The world is bright with the joyous saints who love to do Jesus' will.

The Venerable Bede May 25 Ah, The Venerable Bede. Priest. Monk. Scholar. Patron saint of historians. Father (and recorder) of early English History. It is believed that Bede was born in what is now Jarrow in County Durham (Ireland), which was part of the Kingdom of Northumbria in either 672 or 673 AD (or CE [Common Era] if you prefer that). Despite his many writings, he said nothing of his own origins but his connections with men of noble ancestry suggest that his own family was at least well-to-do, if not noble. At the age of 7 he was sent to the monastery of Monkwearmouth by his family to be educated by the monks. When the new monastery opened in Jarrow, Bede transferred there. The Plague struck the area in 686 and it is recorded that only 2 surviving monks were capable of singing the full offices, one a older man and one a young boy. The two managed to do the entire service of the liturgy until others could be trained—the young boy was almost certainly Bede who would have been about 14 years old. He was ordained deacon when he was 19, unusually young for such an office and this may have been in recognition of his abilities. He became priest when he was 30. He wrote his first works, materials to be used in the monastery’s classrooms, the year before his priesting and he continued to write for the rest of his life. He was a teacher, historian, writer, singer, poet (we still sing his hymns), theologian. He was the first person to write scholarly works in the English language, translated the Gospel of John into Old English, completing this work on the very day of his death. He also wrote extensively in Latin. But he is best known for his History of the English Church and People, a classic that has frequently been translated and is still available in Penguin Paperbacks! It gives a history of Britain up to 729, speaking of the Celtic peoples who were converted to Christianity during the first three centuries of the Christian era, and the invasion of the Anglo-Saxon pagans in the 5th and 6th centuries and their subsequent conversion by Celtic missionaries from the north and west, and Roman missionaries from the south and east. This work is our chief source for the history of the British Isles during this period, and Bede was careful to separate hearsay from fact and then to tell us the sources of his information (the first footnotes!). In addition, he wrote the first martyrology with historical notes, letters and homilies, works on grammar, on chronology, and even astronomy. And he was the first historian to actually date events! The Venerable Bede died on Thursday, May 26, 735—Ascension Day—on the floor of his cell, singing Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. On the day before his death, he distributed his belongings to his fellow monks—some pepper, napkins, and some incense. He was buried at Jarrow; however, after his tomb was looted in 1541, the remains were transferred to Durham Cathedral. Prayer: Heavenly Father , who called Your servant Bede, while still a child, to devote his life to Your service in the disciplines of religion and scholarship: Grant that as he labored in the Spirit to bring the riches of Your truth to his generation, so we, in our various vocations, may strive to make You known in all the world; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


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Grace Episcopal Church

250 W. Cedar St.

Ravenna OH 44266

Grace Episcopal Church of Ravenna The Rev. Carol Evans—Rector The Rev. William Snyder Marsha Snyder—Secretary Tim Lewicki—Organist Martha Croll—Choirmaster Phone: 330-296-3443 Web Site: Email:

The Vestry of Grace Episcopal Church Barb Popiel (2016) Fred Lundgren (2016) Carol Marotta (2016) Kay Canan(2017) Bette Brooks(2017) Carolyn Englert(2017) Phillip Crouse(2018) Jeff Croll(2018) Dennis Dier(2018)

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