the general council 2007 – 2013 echoes.pdf · the general council 2007 – 2013 superior general...

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The General Council

2007 – 2013

Superior General : Mother Myriam de Ste Anne KITCHAROEN

Assistants General: Sister Mary Ann LAURIN (American) Sister St Jean TRAN thi ANH (Vietnamese) Sister Monique GAUDRON (French) Sister Maria Goretti LEE Qui Sun (Korean)


I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you. (Rom 1,8)

Rome September 28, 2007

My dear Sisters,

Making the words of St. Paul to the Romans my own, I naturally turn my thoughts to you, to share with you this special event, the General Chapter of 2007, and I invite you to give thanks to God for the marvels of his love.

At the start of the Chapter, the Capitulants, in unison, gave thanks for the events in our history as Sisters of St. Paul that left a mark in the world; a history that is deeply stamped by the Paschal Mystery. Together, and with each one of you, they wish to continue writing this history, referring to the preceding pages, but with eyes fixed towards the future.

I thank my God, for all of you: you, who have fasted and prayed; you, the young Sisters in formation who have made sacrifice

and spent time for adoration;


you, dear elder Sisters, who offered your trials and your sufferings so that the Kingdom of God may flourish in our consecrated life, to the glory of God, in the service of men of our times and in the Church.

The grace of God, in all circumstances, refreshes us in his love

and always works in us towards a future filled with hope. Strengthened by this hope, we place all our trust in God and in you, dear Sisters, who, with the power of the Holy Spirit, prepare to welcome the orientations of the General Chapter. Let us listen once more to St.Paul as he says to us: “Since the Spirit is our life, may that same Spirit move us!” Therefore, let us allow the Spirit to lead us through new paths. We are invited to closely collaborate with our Superiors in creating, inventing and building anew, what is beautiful, strong and lasting. May our life be a continuous song of thanksgiving through Mary, Mother of Pentecost, woman of the future! With my profound and sincere affection.

Superior General


The C

apitulants of the 46th General C



HOMILYof His Eminence Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino 

Opening Mass – September 6, 2007 St. Peter’s Basilica 

SERVICE OF LOVE My dear Sisters in Christ, I am happy to share with you the grace and the joy of the Eucharistic sacrament, the sacrament of the incomparable love of Christ which allows us the full and gratifying communion with the heavenly Father by the power of the Holy Spirit. This holy Mass is an introduction to the important days of the General Chapter of your Congregation and invites you to let these days be “a breath of the Eucharist”: the fresh air of the Eucharist is full of love: love of God and for God, love of the Church and for the Church, love of men and of women of our times, especially the poor in whose faces you will discover the profile of many brothers and sisters. This Holy Eucharist is celebrated on the tomb of St. Peter; this circumstance is also filled with the emblematic meaning for the work of your General Chapter. The Eucharist is the inexhaustible source of the vitality of your charism, and the attachment to Peter and his successors which is its guarantee.

Dear Sisters, the passage of the Gospel of John which you have chosen for this celebration will guide you on the way of Eucharistic love. It narrates that the moment before his death on the cross, Jesus desired, by a humble and provoking gesture, to wash the feet of his disciples. To this action of Jesus, the Evangelist John gave a two-fold interpretation. Jesus inquired if his disciples understood (Do you understand what I did for you?), then he started to explain. The first interpretation is found during the act of washing and is entirely within the dialogue with Simon Peter. A brief but intense dialogue, and very human, regarding the reaction of the disciple: first of all, stupor (You, will wash my feet?), then with his profound respect for the Lord, a flat refusal (You will not wash my feet, never!), and finally a giving in with enthusiasm, to the reasons of the Master (…but also the hands and head!). The second interpretation is found in the serene teaching Jesus addressed to his own once the action was over, after he had dressed up and taken a seat among them.


Dear Sisters, let us now consider the contents of the evangelical passage, by determining those which can guide you during the coming days.

The first interpretation implies a deep sense of faith; allowing Jesus to

wash the feet signifies to enter into a profound communion with Him: “If I do not wash you, you will not have any part with me.” (v. 8) More precisely this signifies allowing oneself to be immersed in the mystery of the cross, in accepting the sublime and humble service of Jesus. This total communion with the Lord who sacrifices for his own is a guarantee of salvation for the disciple. The reluctance of Peter lends emphasis to the meaning of this scene: for the disciple, it is not easy to accept the suffering Jesus, to unite oneself, in faith and hope, to his sacrifice, to let oneself be washed and purified. Through the figure of Peter and his spontaneous reaction, the evangelist puts the community on guard, to allow Christ to realize, in the cross, his service of love and accept its own cross with faith, recognizing it as the moment of the great revelation, the moment to release the force that saves and unite and, above all, the moment of profound and lasting communion with Jesus.

The second interpretation is ethical and communitarian. By their

fraternal relationship and mutual service, the disciples are to imitate the example of Christ and do as he did. The example of Jesus is the total gift of life. We are not before a simple invitation, “ethic”, to consecrate ourselves, even by humble gestures, in the service of our brothers, in the community of the Church. The imitation of Christ consists in following him in total and unconditional service for love of our brothers: ”This has taught us love - that he gave up his life for us; and we, too, ought to give up our lives for our brother.” (1 Jn 3:16). In this, the ancient tradition of John is firm. But not only in John. In general, in the New Testament, the theme of the imitation of Christ is presented in relation to his cross (cf. Ep 5:2; Heb 12,2-3; 1 P 2, 18-25). Christian fraternity reproduces and continues love of Jesus when it is a total and boundless gift of self.

Dear Sisters, place the Crucifix at the center of your General Chapter. It

will teach you his service of love; it is from Him that you will learn total devotedness of your consecrated life and of your brothers. Let us beg the heavenly Mother to listen to these desires, drawing inspiration from the prayer with which the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, ended his Encyclical Deus Caritas Est:


Holy Mary, Mother of God,You have given the world its true light, 

Jesus, your Son ‐ the Son of God. You abandoned yourself completely 

to God’s call and thus became a wellspring of the goodness which flows forth from him. 

Show us Jesus.  Lead us to him. Teach us to know and love him, 

so that we too can become capable of true love and be fountains of living water in the midst of a thirsting world. 




The 4 Ears of Wheat with 46 Grains, symbolizing the first Sisters of the Congregation, participate  in the dynamic  flow of the Church’s  life and that of the world through general chapters throughout our history.  

The  five  colors,  freely  interweaving,  represent  the  world  with  its  5 continents and invite us to live our unity in diversity.  (Rm 12, 4‐8)  Faithful to our origins – to the four ears of wheat – each General Chapter is a new phase, a new beginning, a new grain sown and buried in the ground of the world where it dies to bring forth life in abundance (Jn 10:10b), as it is stirred and swept up in the whirlwind of the Holy Spirit’s action .  

SPES   et   FIDUCIA  Firmly anchored  in the hope (SPES) and trust (FIDUCIA) given by the Risen Christ (2Cor 3 :12) and filled with the Holy Spirit’s power, the Congregation proclaims the Gospel and witnesses to it in a constantly changing, divided, troubled and broken world.  It radiates the love of Jesus Christ as it washes the  feet  of  the  poor  and  makes  its  humble  contribution  in  the transfiguration of the world.  (V.C. #110)  

LOGO of the

46th General Chapter



The 46th General Chapter of our Congregation that took place in the Generalate in Rome from September 6-28, 2007 was an act of God. Starting with the Eucharistic celebration presided by Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino in St. Peter’s Basilica on September 6, we strongly experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit among us throughout the twenty-four days of our togetherness as CHAPTER. A memorable event we will long remember was the general audience in St. Peter’s Square on the 12th. From where we were seated, we had a good view of the Holy Father at close range. After the audience, he came to greet the special guests, among whom were Mother Myriam and Sr. Paul. He conversed with them for a while. The period of recollection, prior to the main agenda, disposed us for the serious work that followed. The “heart” of the Chapter consisted of an in-depth study and consideration of four topics, represented by four doors, in view of writing a new page in the life of the Congregation. We were invited to enter the doors in succession, remain two days in each one to prayerfully reflect upon, share and discuss each theme, then present proposals for a concrete plan of action that will enable the Congregation to respond more effectively to contemporary needs, circumstances and situations that affect our life as community and our apostolic works. Door A considered expanding our missionary horizon for a more universal openness. Door B focused on renewing and strengthening our spirituality to make it more relevant for our times. Door C centered on building authentic religious communities that witness to Gospel values in the world today. Door D emphasized the necessity of reviewing our structures and governance for a more concerted effort to assume our responsibility, individually and as community, for the unity and future of the Congregation. September 21 and 22 were days of quiet, in prayer and reflection, to prepare for the election of the Superior General and her Council. Guidelines for discernment were given. The atmosphere of peaceful silence was conducive to stillness and listening to the Spirit in our heart.


September 23, election day, finally dawned. At Mass, we begged the Spirit for openness and docility to his inspiration. At 9:30 we gathered in the Chapter Room and after a short but meaningful para-liturgical service the ballots were distributed, and the votes cast and tallied. In this first voting the Chapter re-affirmed its confidence in Mother Myriam, giving her a second term of six years at the helm of the Congregation. September 24 was another eventful day, the election of the Superior General’s team of collaborators, the four Assistants General. They will share with her the responsibility of leading the Congregation in responding to the needs of the world today, especially the poor and marginalized. In the order of their election, the Assistants are: Sr. Mary Ann Laurin - USA Sr. St. Jean Tran thi Anh - Vietnam - Danang Sr. Monique Gaudron - France Sr. Maria Goretti Lee Qui Sun - Korea – Daegu We had a welcome break on September 25 with a Mass at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls and visit to Subiaco. This pause in the Chapter enabled us to recover energy and elan for the final voting on the proposals, the re-confirming or updating of the text of the Capitular Acts 2001 regarding:

Administration of Temporal Goods and Sharing Friends of St. Paul Archives Habit Travels Abroad Family Visits within the Country and tying up loose ends. The Chapter closed on September 28 with a celebration of thanksgiving and commemoration of the death of Marie Anne de Tilly. What remains to be done now is to implement, actualize, give flesh to the decisions of the Chapter embodied in the Capitular Acts 2007. This is the responsibility, not of the Chapter members only, but of every Sister of St. Paul. Strong in hope, with Jesus our Master and the Spirit as guide, we forge ahead without fear.

Sr. Antoinette de St. Joseph BENGZON Philippines



Birth: May 16, 1923

Entrance into the Community: July 13, 1942

Entrance into the Novitiate: May 23, 1943

First Profession: August 22, 1945

Perpetual Profession: August 25, 1950

Death: June 24, 2007


1945 – 1952 Ste-Anne-des-Monts, teacher at the Normal School 1952 – 1954 Montreal, student at the Institut Pédagogique 1954 – 1968 Ste-Anne-des-Monts, directress of the Normal School 1968 – 1971 Montreal, student in Religious Science 1971 – 1976 Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Maison Saint-Paul, group 1 Directress of Continuous Formation of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres 1976 – 1987 Montreal, Provincial Superior 1987 – 1989 Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Maison Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix Facilitator of community retreats 1989 – 2001 Rome, Generalate, Superior General of the Congregation 2001 – 2006 Montreal: Publication of collection of poems of Mother Marie Paul Bord The Path of Remembrance Memoirs of her 12 years of service as Superior General of the Congregation The Path of Remembrance Sister Anne, tell me, what did you see along the way? 2006 – 2007 Ste-Anne-des-Monts, Maison Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix


The Life Story of Mother Anne Marie by Sister Brigitte Savage, Provincial Superior of Canada Funeral Celebration, Parish of Saint-Anne-des-Monts June 30, 2007

Today we are gathered around Sister Anne Marie together with her family, the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, the Friends of St. Paul, the friends and benefactors of the Community. We have all come to express our gratitude and our affection to her.

First of all, I would like to acknowledge the presence of Father Leonard Audet, CSV, brother of Sr. Anne-Marie, Rev. Henri Smith, chaplain of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, Rev. Marcel Blanchard, parish priest of this place, Father Robert Lachaine, CSV, Rev. Evariste Landry of St. Omer, Mr. Julien Leblanc, deacon and chancellor of the Diocese of Gaspé and the priests who are here today.

* * *

Sister Anne Marie was born on May 16, 1923 in Maria, in the Gaspésie, the second of 13 children. “I looked after my baby brothers and sisters by the time I was seven years old”, she said on one occasion. She entered the Novitiate of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres in 1942 after one year of teaching children from 6 to 12 years of age in a primary school. She obtained her teaching diploma from the Normal School run by the Ursuline Sisters in Gaspé. After her Novitiate, Sister Anne Marie taught in the Normal School of St-Anne-des-Monts (1945-1952). She was offered to pursue advanced studies in the Institut Pédagogique of Montreal from 1952-1954. Then she was appointed School Directress and subsequently superior of the Normal School until 1968.

In 1968 she was appointed in-charge of the Junior Sisters in Montreal-Lacombe and at the same time she pursued studies on Religious Science in the University of Montreal. These studies gave her a solid theological and biblical formation which helped her in accomplishing her task as formator. What her heart valued most was to lead the sisters towards Christ; to deepen over and over again the Christocentric Paschal spirituality which was her forte; to develop in us the love for the Word of God and help us discover the great dignity of the consecrated life; to value our origins, making us love the Congregation. After her theological studies, it pleased her to tell us: “My brother Leonard, CSV, Theology Professor in the University of Montreal, helped me to deepen my understanding of the


Epistles of St. Paul”, which she liked best. After that she became in charge of the Continuous Formation for the Sisters in the Province until 1976. This was the period of the so-called tranquil revolution which has profoundly changed Quebec in all aspects – religious, familial, political and social. We were eyewitnesses to a generalized secularization campaign and the move to render education and hospital work as strictly public services and therefore, exclusive responsibility of the socialist government,

resulting in the closing down of practically all the private establishments or works of the religious communities.

In 1976, Sister Anne Marie took the place of Sr. Jeanne Loubert, (her aunt) as Provincial Superior, and held the position until 1987. Bravely, she faced all sorts of new challenges and new situations and found herself at the very same crossroads where the Religious Communities in Quebec had to confront themselves at that time. Her greatest concern in the face of all the social changes was to bring back her community to the basic Gospel values and orient her sisters in the direction of the poorest and the most deprived of society according to the spirit of our founders.

During an interview over Radio Canada, she affirmed: “Look carefully, you will be able to recognize the religious women, you will hear them demanding better living conditions for the aged, for the women living alone, for the new poor, the children, the handicapped.” She was a woman who had no fear to stand up for her convictions. From time to time, she knew how to borrow the tone of voice and the ardent posture of her patron Joan of Arc (which used to be the religious name she proudly carried).

Sister Anne Marie had just finished her two terms as Provincial Superior, as well as two years dedicated to serving the Community as retreat-giver, when she was sent by the Canadian Province as delegate to the General Chapter in 1989. She went to Rome with a suitcase good for a month…unknown to her, the Lord was sending her to walk another road and had chosen her for a new mission…and she was thus elected as the head of the entire Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres.

From the time of foundation in 1696, this service of being Superior General had always been carried out by the French Sisters, since the Congregation’s “cradle” is in France. The news of her election was received with joy and pride among us Sisters of Quebec but at the same time, it brought a painful feeling of “loss” of someone of great value for our Province. As Superior General of Canadian origin, the role of Sister Anne Marie was to assure a continued spiritual animation as to maintain the Congregation’s dynamism in going to the most deprived and to preserve unity among all the communities all over the world, while respecting the uniqueness and diversity of each country where the Sisters of St. Paul are found.


Her commitment as Superior General from 1989 to 2001, her untiring dedication, her love for the Congregation and for the Church earned for her the “Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice,”

an award of honor conferred upon her by His Holiness John Paul II in 2002 through Msgr. Karol Kasteel (Secretary of the Pontificium Consilium Cor Unum) in Rome, as an official recognition of her contribution in the service of the Church and the world.

I cannot remain silent about her enthusiasm for the “Friends of St. Paul”, these men and women to whom she desired to transmit the spirit of the Congregation by giving them a spiritual and apostolic

formation according to the Spirit of St. Paul, while being supportive of their respective life commitments.

Since her return from Rome, Sister Anne Marie undertook the task of publishing the collection of poems of Mother Marie Paul Bord (Superior General 1959-1971). Subsequently, she decided to write her memoirs of her twelve years of service as Superior General. Last June 16, 2007, Mother Myriam and her Assistant, Sr. St. Jean, came to see her for a final visit and made her happy by presenting her with a copy of her book LA ROUTE DU SOUVENIR - Ma soeur Anne, dis, qu’as-tu vu en chemin? (THE PATH OF REMEMBRANCE – Tell me, Sr. Anne, what did you see along the way?), which was recently printed in Rome. It was subtitled: My Voyages: 1989-2001, A Homage to the Congregation.

Upon receiving her book from Mother Myriam, Sister Anne-Marie clearly expressed with emotion: “You will read it after my death…”

Her passion, vivacity and enthusiasm during the Provincial Chapter held at the end of March 2007, left no signs whatsoever to presage a passing away so swift! After a sudden, unexpected illness, Sister Anne Marie was called back to the Father’s house, entering into the Easter light of the Risen Christ of which she had spoken so much and so well. She did suffer, we were witnesses to that; but from the very start of her illness, she had offered her sufferings for the whole Congregation and for the success of the next General Chapter this coming September.

Paschal Mystery that leads into life! Your departure, Sister Anne-Marie, leaves a great empty space…it comes to re-awaken our Christian faith, reassuring us that our life opens up into a fullness of being in the embrace of a God who is all love .


Thank you, Sister Anne Marie, for the heritage that you have left us, woman with a listening heart, with the gift of human relations, of service, of commitment, woman of openness and woman of love for our Congregation.

You believed in the life that springs forth from our everyday deaths and in the grain of wheat that dies in order to bear fruit

(Excerpt from MON CREDO written in 1979)

Sister Anne Marie, we remember the good wishes you expressed to all the Sisters of St. Paul from all the 5 continents, at the close of the General Chapter of 2001 – (and I take the liberty to share with you some excerpts):

Dear Sister Anne Marie, you have accomplished your voyage here below, you have

won the race… Intercede for us now, that with daring and interior peace, we may take our turn to bring Life to the world of today and to “announce Christ to all those who thirst for love, for truth, for happiness and for life in abundance.”

Let us keep our hope in the God who is source of Life!

“Let us be persons impassioned with CHRIST to continue his incarnation, his presence and his mission today.”

“May our communion with his Paschal Mystery transfigure our prayer, our fraternal love, our apostolic and missionary commitments. “



“In your light we see light”

(Ps 36 : 10)

Dear Mother Anne Marie,

It is in the brilliant light of the Paschal Mystery that you respond to the ultimate call of the Risen and the Living Christ. You anchored your faith on him: he brought growth and maturity to your hope and today he brings you into the bright light of the fullness of the Father’s love.

Your personal story began in Canada. It is a beautiful love story that took place on fertile ground, in a Christian family where the good seed that was sown took root, giving forth abundant grains of generous and fervent Christians. It is in this carefully prepared garden soil that your vocation as a daughter of the Church has sprouted, preparing you for the mission of love that the Father has planned for you in the following of Christ. It was thus that your faith was the keystone of all your being and doing. This faith was a priceless gift that you received as inheritance and which has always guided you to believe what God has revealed and to act according to the Spirit’s breath. Your whole life was to be a fidelity to this invisible reality which has strengthened you in faith, hope and love.

Yes, it is in light that we see the Light. But God sometimes hides himself so as to reveal himself better, more profoundly and farther away - in places where we would not have wanted to go.

In 1989, you were one of the delegates of the Canadian Province to the General Chapter. Your clear and precise remarks, comments and observations on the subjects of discussion became like beacons of light that enlightened and guided the Capitulants. On September 29, 1989, you were elected 41st Superior General of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres. Immediately upon your election, you began the task of presiding over the 44th General Chapter, animating it with faith and hope.


At the end of your first term in 1995, the Lord’s voice called you once again to continue your mission of governing the Congregation, as well as having the beautiful role of preparing the Tri-Centennial celebrations of our foundation. Despite your fragile health, you accepted in obedience. Your second term of office also coincided with the Great Jubilee of the 3rd Millennium in which you fully participated by inviting us to follow the teachings of the Church and to be attentive to the urgent appeals for the “Mission ad Gentes”. And you accorded great importance to the renewal of our Consecrated Life…

You left Rome in November 2001 after having accomplished your task, and you came back the following year to receive a medal bestowed on you by Pope John Paul II in recognition of your work and your dedication in the service of the Church.

Back in your native Quebec, you took the time to rest and regain your strength, and then you prepared the publication of the poems of Mother Marie Paul Bord (former Superior General). Moreover, you recalled and recounted the memories of your 12 years as Superior General in a book. Notwithstanding all these occupations, you remained available to your Sisters and to your beloved Congregation.

In 2007, passionately keen for the formation, as you had been in education, you facilitated with dynamism one session for the Friends of St. Paul on January 25 and another session on February 2 on Consecrated Life for the Religious Women of the area.

Finally, you have actively participated during the Provincial Chapter giving the best of yourself throughout the plenary sessions. You were once again ready to share your gifts, talents, experience and competence in the service of the preliminary work for the General Chapter. But God our Father who is full of wisdom has decided otherwise. The state of your health gradually changed and you surrendered yourself to Him, who had always been your Way and your Life. Now is the moment of encounter with the Lord whom you have loved and served. He invites you to the wedding banquet and welcomes you as he says:


(Mt. 25:21) Dear Mother Anne Marie,

In behalf of the Members of the General Council, and of all the Sisters of the Province of Canada and of the Congregation, I say:

Thank you and Adieu. Sister Myriam KITCHAROEN Superior General --------------------------------------------------------------- Message read by Sr. St. Jean de Marie, Assistant General, at the Funeral Celebration of Mother Anne‐Marie Audet in the Parish Church of  Saint‐Anne‐des‐Monts, June 30, 2007. 


The Credo of Mother Anne‐Marie manifests the foundation of her deep faith and of her spirituality. 


I believe in you, O living God, giver of all life, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

I believe in you, O God of love, of tenderness,

of kindness, of mercy, present to every life. I believe in you, Creator of the seasons in nature and in man’s life:

- you make the buds of hope break forth, - you make the flowers and fruits of summer grow, - you are the Master of the harvest, - you let the ground sleep in the cold of winter - and you awaken life at the return of spring.

Beneath your gaze everything grows and asserts itself. I believe in the beauty and goodness of man

created in your image. I believe in Jesus, your Son, your likeness,

your Word, your Love made man in order to give your life to men.

I believe in your living and active presence in my sacred history, together with your Son and your Spirit.

I believe in the grain of wheat that dies in order to bear fruit.

I believe I the life that springs forth from our daily dyings.

I believe in my life lived each day in you, O God of love and tenderness, living God, with your Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Amen. Sister Anne-Marie Audet


Sr Pierre de Marie ROHART

Missionary to Hong Kong 1961– 1977

Secretary General 1979 – 2005


Dear Sister Pierre,

It is in the Light of the Easter Season that the Risen Christ came to fetch you so as to lead you into the fullness of God’s Love.

From the time of your youth you have heard and have responded to his call. Your life has been an itinerary of fidelity. In 1929, you were born to a fervent Christian family in Liévin, in le Pas-de-Calais, France, and after completing your studies in a religious institution, you entered in the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul in 1953. You made your first vows in 1956 and pronounced your perpetual Vows in 1961.

However, the Sisters in France did not get to know you very well except in the communities where you had been assigned because right after your First Profession, you went to England where you studied English for 5 years and at the same time obtained the Diplomas necessary for your mission. You have offered yourself for a life in the mission and it is in Hong Kong that this became a reality for you.

You left for Hong Kong in 1961, immediately after your Perpetual Vows. You stayed there until November 1977, teaching English while learning Chinese, the mother tongue of most of your pupils, as well as of your Sisters in Community. Your missionary spirit, combined with your amiable nature, enabled you to fully adapt yourself to the people and to the culture which is so different from ours. All throughout your life, you have maintained the friendships you have established and your Chinese Sisters have faithfully kept their affection for you.


Our Superiors did not fail to notice that you have become perfectly bilingual. At that time, who else except you could have handled the task of Secretary General in a Congregation that was becoming increasingly international? In 1977, you were appointed to this position and after a few months of preparation, you arrived in Rome in 1978 to undertake this service.

So, our Sisters from France and from the entire world came to know you, especially during Renewal Sessions in Rome, during which you were, all too simply, at the service of every one.

The work in the General Secretariat is an intense one, being both at the service of the Congregation and at the service of the Superior General everyday. You have served three Superiors General: Mother Monique for eleven years, Mother Anne-Marie for twelve years, most recently, Mother Myriam for four years.

You had the qualities of a good secretary: discreet, keeping a low profile, and of a balanced temperament. Those around you have been struck by your availability, your constant, serene, welcoming presence and your great self-abnegation.

With your perfect mastery of the English language, you became an expert in simultaneous translation and the Sisters who came to Rome for renewal, for the Chapters or for the Councils of Congregation have all benefitted from your skill. On the other hand, you humbly acknowledge the pressure of the concentration effort that it demanded of you.

In 2004, the state of your health changed and you were obliged to gradually leave your work – this service that you loved and in which you have dedicated yourself so much. By the end of 2005, you arrived in the Mother House and your strength progressively diminished.

It is now the time of your Encounter with the Lord whom you have sought and loved all your life in the humble service of others and of the Congregation.

To you, he says, “Come, my faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord…”

Sister Pierre, in behalf of Mother Myriam, Superior General, and of the members of the Council, in the name of all the Sisters of the Congregation, I say “THANK YOU!”

And with you, we give thanks to God! Sr Jean-Noël DELEZENNE Provincial Superior - France


A Letter from the Sisters of the Generalate “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live.” (Jn 11:25) Rome, September 2007 Dear Sister Pierre, You left us on May 7, with a firm HOPE based on these words of LIFE, in order to meet with the Father and remain forever in His Love. With what emotion and what joy it is to see you in the company of Father Chauvet and Marie Anne de Tilly, preceded by an international and impressive procession of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres! You left so quickly, having just the time to make your goodbyes in Rome, remaining shortly in Chartres, as you thought you would regain your strength. While waiting for your new obedience, you had many plans…among other things, you wanted to be in a small community so as to lead a simple life, a hidden one just like what you had. However, you were still willing to offer you services in Rome if there was need.

You have organized many projects of long and short duration for so many Sessions and General Chapters! This was, so to say, a second nature to you. Each of these events of our Congregation was prepared with a special care and method which you have acquired from your long experience as Secretary General. Your sense of duty pushed you to accomplish to the limit of your strength the responsibilities entrusted to you. You had a taste for beauty, for work well done, which you willingly shared with those who worked with you. They remember how you gave importance to the least detail for the preparation and the presentation of these documents. Even when you were sick, you continued to go over the texts, and no error would escape your eyes and you would remark with humor: “I do not see clearly but I can see your mistakes!”

The whole Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul to which you belong will


soon convene for the General Chapter. How can we not remember you who were at the side of each Superior General, at such an important position in the preparation and the direction of this Assembly! We have chosen this special moment during the General Chapter to address this message to you to send you a remembrance of each one. You know all of us! In the presence of Mother Myriam, Superior General and her Council, the Chapter delegates representing all the countries where we are, we express our sincere and profound gratitude. In heaven, as a sign of welcome, do cast on each one of us a look of light and peace. Then as in the preceding Chapters, we shall follow your silhouette taking its place among us, to support us with your tender and discreet presence. Dear Sister Pierre, for the witness of your life, totally consecrated to God, for your love for the Church and the gift of your talents to the service of your Sisters in the Congregation,

T H A N K Y O U!

The Generalate


Sr. Pierre de Marie and I lived together for twelve years (1986-1995) in the Generalate. She was then Secretary General, a responsibility she discharged so well and with such dedication. In spite of the continuous headache that clung to her like a leech – she used to say she was born with it – she managed to have a smile for everyone who approached her.

At that time, the Secretary General did not have a private office, one all her own. The Secretariat then was the former ‘Cardinal’s Parlor’ where Mother General and her Assistants received high-ranking Church dignitaries before the construction of the new wing. In that wide and spacious room Sr. Pierre and her lone staff, Sr. Suzanne, had each her ‘territory’.

Aside from being Secretary General, Sr. Pierre had other sideline duties. She was also in charge of the Echos Pauliniens as well as a ‘glorified messenger’ to embassies, consulates and Vatican offices. She also did simultaneous translation from English to French in the Crypt during General Chapters, Councils of Congregation, spiritual renewals and other international sessions of the Congregation.

Her availability struck me as truly impressive and inspiring. Anyone who

entered her office received prompt attention. She put aside whatever she was doing and attended to the caller, giving the same attention and smile to everyone, be it Mother General, an Assistant, a student or a Sister of the local community. Such was her availability that during spiritual renewals she managed to find time to purchase religious articles and order papal blessings for the sessionists. She

Her availability struck me as truly impressive and inspiring. Anyone who

entered her office received prompt attention. 





by Sr Antoinette de St. Joseph Bengzon 


had a ‘peculiar’ situation in the Generalate that once gave her much pain. As Secretary General she belonged to the community composed of Mother General and the four Assistants General. She shared snacks, meals and recreation with them. However, when, on occasion, everyone in the Casa had to go out together, she would join the Sisters of the local community in the van, for the simple reason that the car used by Mother General and the Council was a 5-passenger Fiat, just enough for the five of them. At the funeral of Mere Ange, the Sisters of the community inadvertently left the house in the van without Sr. Pierre. When she arrived at the door to join the community she found to her dismay that everyone had gone, leaving her behind. Not one Sister in the community had thought of calling for her! One can imagine how apologetic the Sisters were when Sr. Pierre voiced out her pain and frustration upon their return. Though the oversight hurt her to the quick, she did not brood over it; neither did she nurse any rancor.

Our working relationship came about with my going to her office in my spare time and offering to help in any way I could. She appreciated this. Together we would edit the English translation of the Echos Pauliniens; also that of the Book of Life, which was due then for approbation for an indefinite length of time; and other publications. We also compiled documents to be sent to the Provinces, Districts and Regions. Together we did odd jobs and laughed at oddities.

Like all of us, Sr. Pierre had her faults and shortcomings. But I believe that her life, when placed in the balance, will tip the scales to the right, for it is certain that her strengths outweighed her weaknesses. Her passing away put an end to the many years of unselfish,

fruitful and dedicated service to her Lord in the Congregation. It was also, for her, a liberation from the agony of the headache that was part and parcel of her whole life.

When, in my reflections, I attempt to ‘put flesh’ on what it means and how much it takes to be an authentic Sister of St. Paul, the face and name of Sr. Pierre de Marie invariably come to my mind.

Her passing away put an end to the many years of unselfish,

fruitful and dedicated service to her Lord in

the Congregation.



 Scenes of Death and Tragedy  Dear Mother Myriam,

I just came back from my trip to Chincha where we brought food, water and supplies as much as our two vans could contain. These were lent to us by benefactor friends. We were not able to carry all, but we are returning there in three days.

The Sisters were happy to see us, recounting their fear and all they have done for the people in the neighborhood. The dead were buried; the families live, eat and sleep in the streets or in the public squares. There are long lines of people waiting for food and water. There is still no water or electricity and electric wires are hanging like cobwebs all over the place. The government and the Peruvians responded with an amazing spirit of solidarity. Help – national and international – is pouring in. The humble contribution we can afford is likewise very much appreciated as there are always those who are forgotten. The Sisters sleep with their habits, because the aftershocks are very frequent and they are scared. I myself slept without any problem – in a bed.

Our Sisters in Chincha are helping very much, participating in the organized food distribution, jointly supported by the Police and the Parish which received most of the donations. In this way, abuses are avoided. Sister Lida leads the youth volunteers to organize and do the daily distribution of goods, so that everyone receives the necessary help. People trust the religious authorities more, so donations received are stored in the parish and guarded by the police.

Sister Jeanne Cattin, writing to Mother Myriam after the earthquake which struck the country on August 15, 2007, describes the situation after her visit to our Sisters in Chincha, which is situated five kilometers from the epicenter.


Despite everything, people remain full of hope. “In our family, we are all alive and we will strive to rebuild. For the moment we need food and water.”

People sleep outside even though their houses are still intact. They are afraid to sleep inside due to the milder, but repeated, aftershocks – more than 800 in all.

It is so difficult to recount all the sadness and all the hard realities that we have gone through, so let me just enclose as a sort of reflection on all that I heard, saw and read.

It is not only in poems that the dead continue to die. Mabel Martinez died for the first time when she was crushed by the falling wall of her house in Chincha. She died again, when the baby in her womb stopped breathing. She died all over again because nobody claimed her dust-covered body from the wheelbarrow where they placed her along a corridor of the hospital “La Santé”. She continued to die as nobody contacted her husband, who was in another province and knew nothing of her death, because Mabel’s mother was not able to call him by radio with communications being saturated by telephone signals. She died once more when they removed her body from the wheelbarrow to carry someone who could still be saved. And she died for the last time when her father, approaching the news reporters, asked what he should do with her body since the city ran out of coffins, all the while pointing and heaping insults on her corpse for giving him a burden.


Suffering upon suffering 

In this town no one died just once. The 6:30 evening Mass was almost over, and at the very moment the priest said: “Go, the Mass is finished”, the earth shook and they were all crushed under the debris of the church’s dome. The priest was found alive three days after.

It took more than 12 hours before people came and found the dead, except for a mother who came earlier and found her son, just in time, clinging to a pillar. The deformed bodies were laid on the square fronting the church, where relatives and other curious onlookers stared at them. The President, the Prime Minister and the President of the Congress, who came to look, did not know what to say. It is too painful to see such suffering. Meanwhile, the dead lay there to die a thousand times.

We hear of others suffering in other parts of the world, but it is different when we are too close to the events. We are at a loss for words of consolation… we can only offer an embrace.

When we go to Rome for the Chapter, I will tell you more in detail. I think that it is not necessary for me to ask you to pray for all these people, because I know you are doing it. So thank you for your prayers and see you soon.

With affection from all the Sisters, Sr Jeanne Cattin District Superior Peru - Colombia


Life is Like Knitting

God gives me the wool and the needles. He tells me:

“Knit your best; A stitch is a day,

on the needle of time;. in a month, 30 or 31 stitches, in ten years, 3650 stitches.

Some are knit, Others are purl.

There are also overlooked stitches, But they can be recovered.

There are so many missed stitches!”

The wool that the Lord gave me to knit my life

is of all colors. Pink like my joys,

Black like my sorrows, Gray like my doubts, Green like my hopes,

Red like my affections, Blue like my desires,

White like my total gift to him whom I love.

Lord, give me the courage

to finish my knitting so that you find it worthy

of the eternal display of the works of men.

--Fernande Latendresse

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