the french revolution and napoleon. jean honore fragonard the swing (1766)

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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The French Revolution and Napoleon

Jean Honore Fragonard

The Swing (1766)

Jacques Louis David

The Oath of the Horatii (1784)

Jacques Louis David

The Death of Socrates (1787)

The peasant’s concept of the “ancien regime”

The Third Estate “shackled”

a sans culottes

Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun

Portrait of Marie Antoinette

Elizabeth Vigee-LeBrun

Marie Antoinette and Children

The heart of Louis XVII (“lost dauphin”)

The hamlet at Versailles

Louis XVI

Abbé Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes

The “Awakening” of the Third Estate

the three estates on the way to Versailles: spring, 1789

The Estates General of 1789

Jacques Louis David

The Tennis Court Oath (1791)

The Bastille: 14 July, 1789

Women’s march on Versailles: 4-5 October, 1789

Arrest of royal family at Varennes: June, 1791

Return of the royal family to Paris: June, 1791

Paris in the Revolution

Massacre of the Swiss Guards: 10 August, 1792

September Massacre (abbey): 1792

Rousseau and the “general will:” the theory of the Terror

Maximilien Robespierre:

Georges Danton

Jacques Louis David

The Death of Marat (1793)

A “second Joan of Arc:” Charlotte Corday

The Execution of Louis XVI

20 January, 1793

Marie Antoinette in the tumbrel

Execution of Marie Antoinette: October, 1793

Vendée: revolt against the Jacobins (1793)

“Cy gyt toute la France”

Jacques Louis David

Napoleon – St. Bernard Pass (1800)

Jacques Louis David

Coronation of Napoleon & Josephine (1808)

The Emperor

Empress Marie Louise and the King of Rome

Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson

death of Nelson at Trafalgar

Napoleon and Alexander I meet at Tilsit (1809)

“The Spanish Ulcer:” Dos de Mayo, 1808

Jacques Louis David

Napoleon in his Study (1812)

The Retreat from Moscow: 1811-12

Waterloo, June, 1815

St. Helena

Napoleon at St. Helena: “the emperor of the lizards”

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