the elusive mantle plume

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The elusive mantle plume

Jeroen Ritsema a;�, Richard M. Allen b

a Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USAb Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA

Received 3 November 2002; received in revised form 18 November 2002; accepted 20 November 2002


Mantle plumes are hypothetical hot, narrow mantle upwellings that are often invoked to explain hotspot volcanismwith unusual geophysical and geochemical characteristics. The mantle plume is a well-established geological structurein computer modeling and laboratory experiments but an undisputed seismic detection of one has yet to be made.Vertically continuous low shear velocity anomalies in the upper mantle, expected for plumes, are present beneath theAfar, Bowie, Easter, Hawaii, Iceland, Louisville, McDonald, and Samoa hotspots but not beneath the other 29hotspots in Sleep’s 1990 catalog. Whether and how plumes form remain fundamental multi-disciplinary researchquestions. Should they exist, detection of whole-mantle plumes will depend on deployments of dense (50^100 kmstation spacing), wide-aperture (s 1000 km) seismic networks to maximize model resolution in the transition zone anduppermost lower mantle since plume impingement upon the 660-km phase transition leaves a unique seismic imprint.: 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: plumes; seismic tomography; mantle upwelling; s waves; p waves

1. Introduction

Since Morgan’s [1] seminal paper, the mantleplume hypothesis has taken a prominent placein global geophysics. Although plumes may ac-count for less than 10% of the surface heat £ow[2], it has been suggested that plumes profoundlyin£uence the geologic environment; a number ofresearchers have discussed the role of plumes inmid-plate volcanism, continental break-up, andmass extinctions [1^4]. Laboratory experimental-ists and computer modelers give the mantle plume

a well-de¢ned shape. They envision the mantleplume to be comprised of a voluminous headthat is connected by a narrow tail to a thermalboundary layer within the mantle [5^11]. The ris-ing plume head is presumably responsible forshort-term (6 1 Myr) £ood basalt eruptions [12]while the plume tail leaves a track of progressivelyolder volcanoes with distinct noble gas isotopicratios [13] on the overriding plate. Hawaii andIceland are classic examples of hotspot volcanoesin catalogs ranging from fewer than 20 [1] to morethan 100 [14] in number.

Alternative mechanisms associate hotspot for-mation to propagating cracks, abandoned ridges,leaky transforms or other damaged regions of thelithosphere that is under extension and above apartially molten upper mantle [15^17]. Convection

0012-821X / 02 / $ ^ see front matter : 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(02)01093-2

* Corresponding author. Tel. : +1-626-395-6937;Fax: +1-626-564-0715.E-mail address: (J. Ritsema).

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due to thermal gradients at the margins of cra-tonic lithosphere and passive in¢lling processesalong the mid-ocean ridge produce three-dimen-sional instabilities that may be indistinguishablefrom plume upwellings [18,19]. It is thereforelikely that many of the listed hotpots are due tosuper¢cial processes and not to deep mantleplumes [20]. The question is whether all of themare.

To address this question, we investigate the evi-dence for plumes in the upper mantle from a glob-al seismological perspective. We refer the readerto recent review papers [21^24] that describe sev-eral case studies of hotspots, some involving tar-geted seismic deployments, and detailed analysesof the mantle relevant to our understanding ofplumes. Using global shear velocity modelS20RTS [25], whose resolution is best known tous, we determine vertical shear velocity pro¢lesbeneath the 37 globally distributed hotspotsfrom the 1990 catalog of Sleep [26]. We observerelatively low velocities (1% lower than the aver-age shear velocity in the oceanic mantle) in thesub-lithospheric mantle (s 200 km) beneathonly eight hotspots but it is not obvious thatthey extend into the lower mantle. The remaining29 hotspots appear to overlie normal mantle.

2. Global seismic model S20RTS and constraintson mantle plumes

Model S20RTS is derived from free-oscillationsplitting, surface-wave dispersion, and body-wavetravel time measurements. The latter two data setsare most important for resolving the small-scalelow shear velocity variations expected for plumes.Seismic surface-wave and body-wave data con-strain velocity structure roughly in the top thirdand bottom two-thirds of the mantle, respectively.

Surface waves propagate laterally through theEarth’s upper mantle. Measurements of surface-wave dispersion (i.e. the frequency dependence ofwave speed) constrain vertical velocity variationsin the upper mantle. Measurements of fundamen-tal-mode and, in particular, higher-mode surface-wave dispersion enable us to constrain shear ve-locity variations to at least 1000 km depth albeit

that the shallowest 300 km of the mantle issampled best by surface waves.

Teleseismic body-wave travel times ideally com-plement the surface-wave dispersion data. Ourdata set includes travel times of direct shearwaves, shear wave re£ections of the Earth’s sur-face and core, and core phases. These data bestconstrain the lower mantle (s 1000 km), wherebody-wave coverage is most uniform.

2.1. Model resolution

The resolution of model S20RTS, and any oth-er tomographic model, is heterogeneous due tothe incomplete data coverage of the mantle result-ing from the poor distribution of earthquakes(primarily at plate boundaries) and seismometers(mostly on land) and the di¡erences in mantlesampling by the various body-wave and surface-wave types. The variable spatial extent of resolu-tion kernels [27] illustrates this (Fig. 1). Thesekernels indicate how the shear velocity anomalyat some location r0 is a weighted spatial averageof shear velocity in the surrounding region. Thekernel diameters are slightly larger than the small-est shear velocity anomaly supported by the lat-eral model parameterization (V1000 km). Thevertical extent of the resolution kernels variesstrongly as a function of depth.

Simple rules-of-thumb can generally be fol-lowed to understand model resolution throughoutthe mantle. Vertical resolution of shear velocityheterogeneity in the uppermost 200 km of themantle is on the order of 30^50 km. That is, seis-mic velocity variations in the uppermost mantleare indistinguishable within a 30^50 km depthrange. Vertical resolution is about 100^200 kmin the lower mantle (s 1000 km), and it is greaterthan 250^300 km in the transition zone (400^1000km depth). Accordingly, estimates of the depthextent of mid-ocean ridges (V200 km) and thethickness of cratons (V250 km) are accurate towithin V50 km. Low shear velocity anomalies inthe mantle transition zone beneath, for example,Iceland and the Afar hotspot are also robustmodel features, but their vertical extent is moreuncertain in this depth range due to limited ver-tical resolution.

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2.2. The Oceanic Reference Model

Although S20RTS is derived with respect to thePreliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM), it isuseful to analyze plume-like shear velocityanomalies with respect to the Oceanic ReferenceModel (ORM) (Fig. 2). The ORM is a one-dimen-sional (1-D) shear velocity model of the mantlebeneath oceans that (1) are between 5500 and

6500 m deep and (2) have crustal ages between40 and 80 Myr old. For S20RTS, the ORM in-corporates a low-velocity region (with respect toPREM) between 100 and 400 km depth that rep-resents the oceanic asthenosphere. Plate coolingmodels explain the bathymetry and the surfaceheat £ow at these oceans well. Therefore, theORM is a better reference model than PREMwhen searching for mantle upwellings (primarily

Fig. 1. Backus^Gilbert resolution kernels [27] illustrating how the shear velocity anomaly in S20RTS beneath (a) Iceland at 100km depth, (b) Afar at 400 km depth, (c) Yellowstone at 700 km depth, and (d) at McDonald Seamount at 1050 km depth is aweighted average of shear velocity in the real Earth. The lateral extent of the kernels is shown on the left while their vertical ex-tent is shown on the right. The kernel amplitude (with respect to its maximum) ranges from 0.1 to 0.2, 0.2 to 0.6, and 0.6 to 1.0in progressively darker shaded regions.

Fig. 2. (A) Depth pro¢les of average S20RTS shear velocity anomalies. (Dashed line) Average anomaly of the entire S20RTSmodel with respect to PREM (labeled degree-0). (Solid line) Average anomaly beneath oceanic regions with a 5500^6500 m waterdepth and 40^80 Myr old lithosphere, with respect to PREM. We refer to this pro¢le as the Oceanic Reference Model (ORM).(B) Regions of the oceans for which the ORM is determined are shaded gray.

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in the oceanic mantle) unrelated to plate tecton-ics.

3. Evidence for plume-like low shear velocityanomalies

Velocity variations of up to 15% in the upper200 km of the mantle outline continents, thethickening of the oceanic lithosphere, mid-oceanridges, and active tectonic regions (Fig. 3). Below200 km depth, plate tectonic expressions disap-pear with the exception of subducting slabs ofoceanic lithosphere in the upper 1000 km of themantle beneath the western Paci¢c. Low seismicshear velocity anomalies are predominant in thesub-lithospheric mantle (s 200 km depth) be-neath the central Paci¢c Ocean and Indian Oceanbut their complex distribution is not similar to thehotspot distribution. In fact, the strongest and

broadest shear velocity anomalies are locatedsouth of New Zealand and o¡ the Paci¢c coastof North America, far from the ‘central Paci¢chotspot group’.

Using S20RTS we divide our catalog of 37 hot-spots into three categories (Table 1). ‘Transitionzone hotspots’ are those with velocity anomalieslower than 1% (a somewhat arbitrary value) in thesub-lithospheric (s 200 km) upper mantle. Eighthotspots fall into this category (Fig. 4A): Afar,Bowie, Easter, Hawaii, Iceland, Louisville,McDonald, and Samoa. The 14 ‘ridge-like hot-spots’ (Fig. 4B), including Tristan, Azores, andGalapagos, are on or nearby mid-ocean ridgesand exhibit low shear velocities in the upper 200km only. While these anomalies are in many casesstronger than the ambient ridge anomalies, asexempli¢ed in Fig. 4D, they lack continuity belowthe lithosphere that is expected for mantle plumes.The Reunion and Yellowstone hotspots are

Fig. 3. Maps of S20RTS shear velocity heterogeneity with respect to the Oceanic Reference Model (ORM). The shear velocity inregions shaded red (blue) is relatively low (high) with respect to the ORM. The range in shear velocity variations shown is 36%to +6% for 125 km depth, and 31.5% to +1.5% for 450 km depth. White lines are plate boundaries. Green circles show hotspotlocations from the compilation of Sleep [26].


Fig. 4. Depth pro¢les of shear velocity heterogeneity, NVs(r), with respect to the Oceanic Reference Model (ORM) beneath 37hotspots from the compilation of Sleep [26]. The bold curves represent the average NVs(r) beneath the East Paci¢c Rise (EPR),Indian Rise, and Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Shear velocity anomalies beneath mid-ocean ridges are con¢ned to the upper 200km of the mantle and are, on average, strongest beneath the EPR, and weakest beneath the MAR. (A) Larger than 1% shear ve-locity reductions with respect to ORM throughout the upper mantle are found beneath the Afar, Bowie, Easter, Hawaii, Iceland,Louisville, McDonald, and Samoa hotspots. (B) Low velocities beneath 14 hotspots on or near mid-ocean ridges (including Tris-tan, Azores, and Galapagos) are con¢ned to the upper 200 km of the mantle. (C) Beneath the remaining 15 hotspots (includingReunion and Yellowstone) a low shear wave velocity anomaly is missing anywhere in the upper mantle. (D) Cross-section alongthe MAR (green line) illustrating that the strongest shear velocity anomalies are located beneath the ridge hotspots (triangles).Circles on the MAR and corresponding ticks on the tomogram are spaced 10‡ apart. The 2nd, 6th, and 14th ticks coincide withthe Tristan, Ascension Island, and Azores hotspots. Low shear velocities beneath Iceland (17th tick) extend into the upper mantletransition zone.

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among the 15 remaining hotspots without a shearvelocity reduction in the underlying upper mantle(Fig. 4C).

Although we believe that the pronounced di¡er-ences among shear velocity pro¢les beneath thehotspots re£ect di¡erences in the causative pro-cesses, we emphasize that one cannot interpretthe pro¢les in Fig. 4A^C and the mantle cross-section in Fig. 4D in detail. The near-constant lowshear velocity anomaly between 300 and 800 kmdepth seen beneath the ‘transition zone’ hotspots

is, to a large extent, due to limited model resolu-tion in this part of the mantle, as illustrated inFig. 1. It is therefore not certain that theseanomalies, seen for example beneath Iceland, ex-tend to the base of the transition zone.

Our count of eight anomalous hotspots is con-servative. Due to the spatial averaging over atleast a 1000-km wide region, it is possible thatnarrow low shear velocity anomalies embeddedin or adjacent to continental structures dominatedby higher than average shear velocity anomalies(e.g. Yellowstone in North America) are unre-solved by global tomographic methods. Further-more, it is likely that an analysis of other globalshear velocity models [28] will render a di¡erentclassi¢cation of hotspots; however, the low num-ber of ‘transition zone’ hotspots appears to be amodel-independent ¢nding.

We recognize the Afar, Hawaii, Iceland, andEaster hotspots as locations where the shear ve-locity below the lithosphere is anomalously low.Mantle-wide cross-sections through these hotspots(Fig. 5) exhibit a complex pattern of shear veloc-ity heterogeneity. In each case, the upper mantleanomalies do not continue into the lower mantleas near-vertical cylindrical anomalies. However,they appear to connect to broad lower-mantlelow-velocity anomalies beneath the Paci¢c andAfrica via convoluted paths, reminiscent of high-velocity anomalies in the lower mantle (e.g. cross-section B through Hawaii) that have been inter-preted as remnants of the Farallon and Tethysslabs [29,30]. Although global mantle £ow maydistort plume conduits [31], it is uncertain whetherthe low-velocity structures we observe representplumes from the core^mantle boundary, orwhether they are ‘normal’ thermal £uctuationsin a strati¢ed mantle.

4. Discussion and conclusions

Whole-mantle plumes are well established asgeological objects through both numerical andanalog experiments, but conclusive evidence fortheir existence remains elusive on Earth. Seismo-logical investigations provide evidence for low ve-locities in the upper mantle beneath some hot-

Table 1Classi¢cation of Sleep’s hotspots

Hotspot Anomaly type

Afar Trans. ZoneAustraliaAzores RidgeBaja Guadalupe RidgeBermudaBouvet RidgeBowie Trans. ZoneCanaryCape VerdeCarolineCrozet RidgeDiscoveryEaster Trans. ZoneFernandoGalapagos RidgeGreat MeteorHawaii Trans. ZoneHoggarIceland Trans. ZoneJuan de Fuca RidgeJuan Fernandez RidgeKerguelen RidgeLouisville Trans. ZoneLord HoweMcDonald Trans. ZoneMarquesas RidgeTrinidadeMeteor RidgePitcairn RidgeReunionSt. HelenaSamoa Trans. ZoneSan Felix RidgeTahiti/SocietyTasmania RidgeTristan RidgeYellowstone

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spots, and for regions of low shear velocity in thelower mantle beneath the Paci¢c and Africa only.However, the very existence and nature of anyconnectivity between these anomalies, which re-lates to the nature of upwelling processes, remainsunresolved.

While model S20RTS and other tomographicmodels facilitate a global comparison of varioushotspot regions, its inherent 1000-km scale reso-lution inhibits our ability to resolve detailed man-tle structure. As is demonstrated with seismic ex-periments in volcanic regions such as Iceland [32],

the East Paci¢c Rise [33], Yellowstone [34], andthe East African Rift [35], data from dense (50^100 km station spacing) seismic networks can pro-vide models with an order of magnitude higherresolution of both the lateral and vertical extentof velocity anomalies in the upper mantle. As anexample, we show here model ICEMAN-S de-rived from teleseismic body-wave travel time andsurface-wave dispersion data recorded across Ice-land [36] (Fig. 6). The S-velocity image consists ofa 200 km thick horizontal low-velocity anomalythat extends laterally beneath all of Iceland and,

Fig. 5. Shear velocity anomalies from model S20RTS in 180‡ wide cross-sections through the mantle. The triangles indicate thelocation of, from top to bottom, the Afar, Hawaii, Iceland, and Easter hotspots. The cross-sections (left to right) for a given hot-spot make 60‡ angles. In regions colored red (blue) the shear velocity is lower (higher) than the global average shear velocity atthe same depth. The chosen color scale shows shear velocity anomalies between 31.5% and +1.5%. Shear velocity anomalies inthe uppermost mantle (e.g. cratons and mid-ocean ridges) can be as high as 7%. The thick dashed line indicates the 670-km dis-continuity. The thin dashed lines are horizons at 1000 and 1700 km depth.

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in qualitative agreement with S20RTS, a narrowcylindrical anomaly beneath central Iceland to atleast 400 km depth.

Given a seismic network aperture of 300^500km (as in our example from Iceland) it is notpossible to resolve velocity structures belowV400 km depth well. Therefore, it is di⁄cult to

discriminate plumes from small-scale upper man-tle convection or ‘normal’ thermal £uctuationsthat strongly a¡ect seismic velocity heterogeneity.Compelling evidence for a whole-mantle plumerequires a continuous low seismic velocity anom-aly in the transition zone and uppermost lowermantle (6 1000 km). For example, plumes im-pinging on the 660-km phase transition are ob-structed by the spinel to perovskite phase transi-tion at this depth which has a negative Clapeyronslope [37]. The associated broadening of a plumeconduit below the 660-km phase transition andnarrowing above this boundary are expected at-tributes of a whole-mantle plume. Velocity hetero-geneity at the 660-km discontinuity can be imagede¡ectively with well-established regional traveltime inversion techniques provided that the re-gional array has an aperture of at least 1000 km(Fig. 7). A dense array (6 100 km station spac-ing) equipped with relatively narrow-band seis-mometers will su⁄ce in teleseismic travel timestudies so that the cost of operating such a net-work is not prohibitive, but complementarybroadband seismometers may provide usefuldata to study seismic wave di¡raction and scatter-ing by narrow but anomalous mantle upwellings[38,39]. As much as global networks of seismom-eters revolutionized global-scale seismological re-search in the past two decades, we anticipate keyadvances in understanding the fundamental rela-tionship between hotspots and underlying physi-cal processes only when deployments of long-term(s 5 years), dense, wide-aperture regional seismicnetworks gain higher priority.


All the seismological data used to constructmodel S20RTS have been obtained from theIRIS Data Management Center and the GEO-SCOPE Data Center. Mark Simons suggested us-ing the Oceanic Reference Model when displayingtomographic images. We thank G. Ekstro«m andC. Hawkesworth for helpful reviews. Each ¢gurehas been made with the GMT software of P. Wes-sel and W.F.H. Smith. J.R. is supported by NSFGrant EAR-0106666. Support for R.M.A. was

Fig. 6. (A) Map showing the combined HOTSPOT (circles),SIL (triangles) and ICEMELT (squares) networks providinga 300^500 km aperture array with a typical station spacingof V60 km above the study region. (B) Cross-section (ori-ented southwest to northeast) through the ICEMAN-S modelof S-velocity heterogeneity in the upper mantle beneath Ice-land constrained by travel-time and waveform analysis ofdata from the regional seismic networks. Resolution is lim-ited to the upper V400 km by the 300^500 network aperturebut shows a vertical low velocity anomaly extending from atleast 400 km up to 200 km above which a low-velocityanomaly exists beneath all of Iceland.

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provided by the Texaco Postdoctoral Fellowshipat Caltech. This is contribution 8884 of the Divi-sion of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Cali-fornia Institute of Technology.[AH]


Surface waves. Surface waves propagate hori-zontally through the upper mantle. They spread

only in two dimensions and have therefore rela-tively high amplitudes. Rayleigh and Love wavesare di¡erent types of surface waves with di¡erentparticle motions and propagation velocities. Sur-face-wave velocity is strongly frequency-depen-dent. In general, longer period surface wavespropagate faster than shorter period surfacewaves. Consequently, surface waves are recordedas strongly dispersed wave trains. Fundamental-mode surface waves provide the best constraints

Fig. 7. Illustrations of velocity resolution that can be obtained by teleseismic travel time tomography using (A) a 400U400 km2

network and (B) a 1000U1000 km2 network. The top panels show the network con¢guration, the middle panels show P andPKIKP ray density in the upper 1000 km of the mantle beneath the networks, and the bottom panels show the recovery of 100km thick alternating high and low velocity anomalies after inverting synthetic data based on the ray density shown above. Theray density is the same as that obtained in Iceland (see Fig. 6). The asymmetry of the ray density is due to the asymmetry of theearthquake distribution around the study region, Iceland in this case. The dashed lines indicate mantle regions where ray densityand hence model resolution is highest. Although the earthquake distribution around Iceland was used for this test, the results arerepresentative of the resolution possible with wide-aperture regional networks.

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on the lithosphere. At the same frequency, higher-mode surface waves propagate deeper into theupper mantle and are especially useful to con-strain the seismic structure of the upper mantletransition zone.Body waves. For teleseismic distances, body

waves propagate through the deep mantle andcore. There are two types of body waves: com-pressional waves (also called P-waves) and shearwaves (also called S-waves or transverse waves).Model S20RTS is based only on shear waves.Shear waves have, in most cases, higher ampli-tudes than P-waves. The direct shear wave (S)and shear wave re£ections of the core (e.g. ScS)and Earth’s surface (e.g. SS) are often well re-corded. Shear waves are ideal to constrain theseismic structure of the lower half of the mantle.Free oscillations. Free oscillations (or normal

modes) are harmonic vibrations of the entireEarth with discreet frequencies (‘eigenfrequen-cies’). For a spherically symmetric Earth model(such as PREM), free-oscillation ‘singlets’, whichmake up a ‘multiplet’, have identical eigenfre-quencies. Mantle heterogeneity (as well as elliptic-ity and Earth’s rotation) perturbs singlet frequen-cies (an e¡ect called ‘splitting’) and allows us todistinguish the singlets of the gravest modes inseismic spectra of very large earthquakes. Free-oscillation measurements provide excellent con-straints on the long-wavelength structure of seis-mic velocity heterogeneity.Teleseismic distances. In our de¢nition, teleseis-

mic distances are angular distances between earth-quakes and receivers of at least 30‡ (V3300 km).At these distances, the ¢rst arriving shear wave(S) bottoms well below the upper mantle transi-tion zone.Tomography. Tomography is a seismological

imaging technique whereby a large set of seismicdata (in our case, shear wave travel times, surfacewave dispersion characteristics, and free-oscilla-tion splitting functions) is inverted for a modelof shear velocity perturbations upon a 1-D refer-ence velocity model (PREM in our case). The in-version often involves a least-squares data ¢ttingtechnique (in our case, singular value decomposi-tion). In most cases, the model is parameterized asblocks or described by a sum over global func-

tions (vertical spline functions and spherical har-monics, in the case of S20RTS). The resolution isstrongly heterogeneous, primarily due to the in-homogeneous sampling of the mantle by seismicwaves. The resolution can be assessed using ‘res-olution kernels’ which indicate the amount ofaveraging at speci¢c locations in the mantle.Preliminary Reference Earth Model. The Pre-

liminary Reference Earth Model (abbreviated asPREM) is one of the standard seismic velocityand density models of the Earth. The PREM con-tains P-velocity, S-velocity and density as a func-tion of depth. It was constructed by A.M. Dzie-wonski and D.L. Anderson in 1981 from seismicand astronomical data.Oceanic Reference Model. The Oceanic Refer-

ence Model (abbreviated as ORM) is the seismicvelocity pro¢le beneath oceans that (1) are be-tween 5500 and 6500 m deep and (2) have a crustthat is between 40 and 80 Myr old. Plate coolingmodels explain the bathymetry and the surfaceheat £ow at these oceans well. Therefore, theORM is a better reference model than PREMwhen interpreting seismic velocity anomalies inthe oceanic mantle in terms of processes unrelatedto plate tectonics.Broadband seismometer. A broadband seismom-

eter is sensitive to ground motion over a broadfrequency band, typically between 3 mHz and 20Hz. At teleseismic distances, broadband seismom-eters record the full spectrum of surface wavesand body wave signals.


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Jeroen Ritsema is a Senior Re-search Fellow in the SeismologicalLaboratory of the California Insti-tute of Technology. His researchinvolves whole-mantle tomogra-phy and broadband array analysis.He obtained his Ph.D. from theUniversity of California, SantaCruz in 1995.

Richard Allen is an Assistant Pro-fessor in the Department of Geol-ogy and Geophysics at the Univer-sity of Wisconsin. His researchfocuses on seismic tomography ofthe upper mantle and processesthat cause mantle upwelling. Heobtained his Ph.D. from PrincetonUniversity in 2000.

EPSL 6502 10-2-03 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart

J. Ritsema, R.M. Allen / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 207 (2003) 1^1212

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