the dog and meat

Post on 13-Nov-2015






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The Dog and Meat


The Dog and Meat

The Dog and Meat

One day rinda met hayyu in the traditional market.They want to buy a piece of meat in the butcher shop.

Hayyu:Hello Rinda

Rinda:Eh copot copot,hello hayyu

Hayyu:I want to buy a piece of meat,in where?

Rinda:Owh I want to buy a piece of meat too,I know in where, come on we go to the butcher shop.Hayyu:Thankyou.

In the traditional market there is a butcher with the goods that is not sold out.The butcher is very sad, Finally there is a customer coming.Mel:Meat..meat,meatnya miss.There is a fresh meat one hundred %.

Hayyu:Stop Rin!there is a butcher shop.

Rinda:oh yes.

Mel:Good morning miss,Can I help you?

Hayyu:Yes I want to buy a piece of meat.

Mel:Of course in here provide fresh meat.

Hayyu:How much?

Mel:Just fifty dollar.

Rinda:Wow murah bangets getto.

Arrive to arrive a dog took a piece of meat from a butchers shop.The dog ran away with the meat.

Mel:Owh no my meat..

Hayyu:Capee deh.

Rinda:Oh my god..

Hayyu & rinda :Pursue..pursue.

Mel:Oh no,I cannot pursue that dog.hiks hiks hiks.

Hayyu n Rinda:Turut berduka cita.

It came to a bridge over a stream.As the dog was crossing the bridge, it saw something moving in the water.There it saw a dog with the a piece of meat in its mouth.It put down its own piece of meat and jumped into the water.Of course there was no other dog in the water.It had been looking at its own picture.

The dog swam to the side of the stream and went out of the water.Then it went to get the meat which it had put down on the bridge.But the meat had gone, another dog, a real dog, had found the meat and run off with it.

Dog 1:(terus mengejar anjing 2)

Dog 2:Wis entek ngerti!

That dog very sad,hmh maybe one century again you can have a piece of meat,

Thank you

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