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MORMON AMERICANA:A Bibliographical Guide to Printed

Material in the British Library Relating toThe Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints


David J. Whittaker




PREFACE page 3

THE AMERICAN RELIGIOUS CONTEXT page 4Bibliographies and Reference Works page 4Historiography page 4Selected Histories page 5

SACRED TEXTS page 6Printings page 6I. Bible [King James Version] plus Joseph Smith Translation page 62. Book of Mormon page 63. Doctrine and Covenants page 64. Pearl of Great Price page 6Studies of Mormon Scriptures page 7

PULPIT LITERATURE[Discourses; Epistles; Official Pronouncements] page 8

MUSIC, DRAMA AND ART page 9Published Hymnals page 9The Performing and Visual Arts page 9

PAMPHLET LITERATURE page /0Mormon page 10Responses to Mormon page 11

PERIODICALS page 15Official Publications page 15Professional Periodicals page 15



HISTORIES page 22Interpretative/Comparative Works page 22Mormon Historiography page 25New York and Pennsylvania Period (1816-1831) page 26Ohio Period (1831-1838) page 27Missouri Period (183 1-1839) page 28I. Jackson County Period (183 1-33) page 282. Clay and Ray County Period (1833-37) page 28

HISTORIES continuedMissouri Period (183 1-1839) continued3. Daviess and Caldwell County Period (1837-39) page 28Illinois Period (1839-1846) page 28Iowa Sojourn and the Trek West (1846-1852) page 30Early Pioneer Period (1847-1869) page 30Late Pioneer Period (1869-1896) page 35Utah Statehood to the Great Depression (1896-1936) page 37World War Two to 1960 page 38Late Twentieth-Century page 39












FOLKLORE page 60

DISSENTING GROUPS page 61General Studies/Guides page 61Strangites page 61Reorganized LDS Church page 61Other Groups page 61



The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly referred to as the MormonChurch, was organized in Fayette, New York on 6 April 1830 by Joseph Smith, Jr. andseveral of his initial followers, following a series of religious visions and the publication ofthe Book of Mormon. By 1831 the Church had established itself in Ohio and Missouri and,following much persecution, from 1839 to 1846 in Nauvoo, Illinois. In June 1844 JosephSmith and his brother Hyrum were murdered by a mob in Carthage, Illinois. In 1846, underthe leadership of Brigham Young, the majority of the Church began their epic trek to thevalley of the Great Salt Lake, arriving in what would become the State of Utah in July 1847.Before Brigham Young’s death in 1877, over 350 communities were established in the GreatBasin; about another 100 were established after 1877, in such areas as southern AlbertaCanada and in northern Mexico.

Many of these were colonized by the large number of people converted by Mormonmissionaries, particularly from the British Isles and Scandinavia (some 80,000 just from theseareas). Today Mormons are found throughout the world, with a total membership of overeight million (October 1993). The movement has more than doubled its membership everydecade in the 20th century, making it one of the fastest growing religions in the world. As anAmerican and a world religion, the Mormon Church is a fascinating topic for serious study.Its members have been record-keepers from its earliest days and thus it is one of the mostrichly documented American-born religions. This selected bibliography seeks to provide abasic guide to the more important studies of the history of the LDS Church, the majority ofwhich are available in the British Library.

David J. Whittaker



AHLSTROM, SYDNEY E., “A Bibliography of Religious History in Its American Setting,”in American Studies, Topics and Sources edited by Robert H. Walker. (Westport, CT:Greenwood, 1976), pp. 10-21. (X.520111675)

BURR, NELSON, COMPILER, A Critical Bibliography of Religion in America, 2 Vols.(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1961). (Ac.1833.kb)

- Religion in American Life Goldentree Bibliographies in American History. (New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971). (3(100/11528)

CARROLL, JACKSON W., DOUGLAS W. JOHNSON, AND MARTIN E. MARTY, Religion in America, 1950 to the Present. (New York: Harper and Row, 1979). (X.205/1738)

GAUSTAD, EDWIN S., Historical Atlas of Religion in America. (New York: Harper andRow, revised edition, 1976). (Maps5l .b.59)

HANDY, ROBERT T., ET AL., EDS., American Christianity 2 Vols. (New York: Scribner,1960, 1962). (4664.ff.35)

LIPPY, CHARLES, ANSI) PETER WILLIAMS, EDS. Encyclopedia of the AmericanReligious Experience 3 Vols. (New York: Scribner’s, 1988).

MEAD, FRANK S. Handbook of Denominations in the United States. (Nashville, TN:Abingdon Press, 6th edition, 1975). (X.200/32165)

MELTON, J. GORDON, Religious Bodies in the United States: A Directory. (New York:Garland, rev, and expanded edition, 1992). (YC.1992.a.2853)

- Encyclopedia of American Religions 2 Vols. (Detroit, MI: Gale Research, 4th edition,1993). (AA.AA.c)

MELTON, J. GORDON AND MICHAEL A. KOSZEGI, Religious Information Sources: AWorldwide Guide 2 Vols. (New York: Garland, 1992). (YC.1993.a.1369)

NOLL, MARK A., ET AL., EDS. Christianity in America: A Handbook. (Tring: Lion, 1983).(3(200/44645)

WILSON, JOHN F., ED., Church and State in America: A Bibliographical Guide 2 Vols.(New

York: Greenwood, 1986, 1987), Volume 1: The Colonial and Early National Periods (2725.d.435); Volume 2: The Civil War to the Present Day (2725.d.728)

WILSON, JOHN F. AND THOMAS P. SLAVENS, Research Guide to Religious Studies.(Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 1982). (3(200/40374)


BRAUER, JERALD C., “Changing Perspectives on Religion in America,” inReinterpretation in American Church History, edited by Brauer. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,1968), pp. 1-28. (3(100/6893)

GAUSTAD, EDWIN S. Religion in America: History and Historiography (Washington, DC:American Historical Association Pamphlets, 1973).

LANKFORD, JOHN, “The Recovery of American Religious History: Developments Since1964,” Anglican Theological Review 55(January 1973):78-91.

LOTZ, DAVID W. WITH DONALD W. SCHRIVER, JR. AND JOHN F. WILSON, EDS. Altered Landscaped: Christianity in America,1935-1985.(Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,1989). (YC.1992.b.5698)

MAY, HENRY F. “The Recovery of American Religious History,” American HistoricalReview 70. (October 1964):79-92. (P.P.3437.baa)


AHLSTROM, SYDNEY E. A Religious History of the American People. (New Haven, CT:Yale University Press, 1972). (3(203/468)

BOZEMAN, THEODORE DWIGHT, To Live Ancient Lives: The Primitivist Dimension in Puritanism. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press for the Institute of EarlyAmerican History and Culture, 1988). (YC.1 989.b.1 889)

BUTLER, JON, Awash in a Sea of Faith: Christianizing the American People. (Cambridge,MA: Harvard University Press, 1990). (YC.1991.b.3908)

CROSS, WHITNEY R., The Burned-Over District: A Social and Intellectual History ofEnthusiastic Religion in Western New York, 1800-1850. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell UniversityPress, 1950). (4744.i.8)

GAUSTAD, EDWIN S., A Religious History of America. (New York: Harper and Row,1966). (3(100/3364)

- Dissent in American Religion. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1973).(3(200/8787)

- ED., The Rise of Religion and Society in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America.(New York: Harper and Row, 1974). (Mic.A.10833)

HANDY, ROBERT T., A History of the Churches in the United States and Canada. (NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1976). (X.200/30813)

HATCH, NATHAN 0., The Democratization of American Christianity. (New Haven, CT:Yale University Press, 1989). (YC.1990.b.3825)

HATCH, NATHAN O. AND MARK A. NOLL, The Bible in America: Essays in CulturalHistory. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982). (3(200/39467)

HUDSON, WINTHROP S., Religion in America. (New York: Scribner, 1965). (3(100/5979)

MCLOUGHLIN, WILLIAM G., Revivals, Awakenings, and Reform: An Essay on Religionand Social Change in America, 1607-1977. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1978).(3(200/31960)

MARTY, MARTIN E., Pilgrims in their Own Land: 500 Years of Religion in America.(Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1984). (YA.1990.b.2801)

MEAD, SIDNEY E., The Lively Experiment: The Shaping of Christianity in America. (NewYork: Harper and Row, 1963). (3(200/6577)

NOLL, MARK A., A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada. (London:SPCK, 1992). (YC.1993.b.5913)

NOLL, MARK A., ED., Religion and American Politics: From the Colonial Period to the1980s. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1990). (YC. 1991 .a.3708)

OLMSTEAD, CLIFFORD E., History of Religion in the United States. (Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1960). (4536.g.22)

TYLER, ALICE FELT, Freedom’s Ferment: Phases of American Social History to 1860.(Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1944). (10413.t.24)

ZARETSKY, IRVING I. AND MARK P. LEONE, EDS., Religious Movements inContemporary America. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977). (X. 100/17110)



I Bible [King James Version] plus Joseph Smith Translation

2 Book of MormonThe Book of Mormon; an Account written by the hand of Mormon, upon plates taken from theplates of Nephi.…By Joseph Smith, Junior, author and proprietor. (Palmyra, NY: E.B.Grandin for the author, 1830). (C.58.d.10) [Flake #595] [Flake references are to Chad Flake,A Mormon Bibliography]

The Book of Mormon. [First European edition from the Second American edition] (Liverpool,England: J. Tompkins for B. Young, H.C. Kimball, and P.P. Pratt, 1841). (691.a.27) [Flake#598]

The Book of Mormon. [Second European edition] (Liverpool, England: Orson Pratt, 1849).(4136.a.70) [Flake #600]

Mormons Bog. (Kjobenhavn, Denmark: E. Snow, 1851). [This is the first non-Englishlanguage edition of the Book of Mormon] (4182.a.22) [Flake #705]

The Book of Mormon. [Third European edition] (Liverpool, England: Franklin D. Richards,1852). (4184.aa.16) [Flake #601]

The Book of Mormon. [Fifth European edition] (Liverpool, England: Franklin D. Richards,1854). (4136.a.97) [Flake #603]

The Book of Mormon. [Sixth European edition] (Liverpool, England: Brigham Young,1866).(4182.aa.42) [Flake #606]

The Book of Mormon. (Salt Lake City, UT: G.Q. Cannon, 1871). (4182.aa.23) [Flake #609]

The Book of Mormon. [Second Electrotype edition] (Liverpool, England: A. Carrington,1881). (4182.c.24) [Flake #617]

Le Livre de Mormon. (1852; Zurich, Switzerland: Serge F. Ballif, 1907). (3091.i.2) [Flake#717]

The Book of Mormon. (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,1920). (4184.aa.7) [Flake #693]

The Book of Mormon. (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,1930). (4184.aa.20) The Book of Mormon. (London, England: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1965).(3(108/2676)

The Book of Mormon. (Manchester, England: Enterprises Ltd., 1976). (3(208/5132)

3 Doctrine and CovenantsThe Book of Doctrine and Covenants, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints;Selected From the Revelations of God. By Joseph Smith, President. [First European edition](Liverpool, England:James and Woodburn, 1845). (691.b.28) [Flake #28631

[The Doctrine and Covenants] L!yfr. Athrawiaeth a Chyfammodau perthynol i Eglwys JesusGrist a Saint y Dyddiau Diweddaf, a gasglyrd o ddadguddiadau Duw. [Translated from the2nd European edition](Merthyr Tydfil, Wales: J. Davis, 1851). (4139.e.54)

The Doctrine and Covenants. (Liverpool, England: Albert Carrington, 1882). (4182.c.27)[Flake #2873]

The Doctrine and Covenants. [Third Electrotype ‘edition] (Liverpool, England: Charles W.Penrose, 1909). (YA.1988.a.5159) [Flake #2895]

4 Pearl of Great PriceThe Pearl of Great Price: Being a Choice Selection From the Revelations, Translations, andNarrations of Joseph Smith first Prophet…to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(Liverpool, England: Franklin D. Richards, 1851). (4139.e.53) [Flake #6166]

[The Pearl of Great Price] Y Perl a Fawr Bris; sef detholiad dewisol allan a ddadguddiadau,cyfiei-thadau, ac hanesion y diweddar Joseph Smith, prif brophwyd, gweledydd, adadguddiwr i Eglwys Iesu Grist a Saint y Dyddiau Diweddaf (Merthyr Tydfil, Wales: JohnDavis, 1852). (4139.f.30)

The Pearl of Great Price. (Liverpool, England: A Carrington, 1882). ( [Flake#6169]

The Pearl of Great Price. [Divided into chapters and verses with references by James E.Talmage] (Liverpool, England: Francis M. Lyman, 1903). (4182.aa.52) [Flake #6173]STUDIES OF MORMON SCRIPTURES

BARLOW, PHILIP L., Mormon and the Bible, The Place of the Latter-day Saints inAmericanReligion. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991). (YC.1992.a.2005)

HILTON, MILTON R. AND THOMAS S. FERGUSON, Ancient America and the Book ofMormon. (Oakland, CA: Kolob Book Co., 1950) (

Joseph Smith’s Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar. Large edition (Salt Lake City, UT: ModernMicrofilm Co., 1966). (3(902/2021)

LAMBERT, ASAEL C., The Published Editions of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants ofthe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In all Languages, 1833-1950 (1950).(2726.s.10)

MATTHEWS, ROBERT J., A Plainer Translation: Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible,A History and Commentary. (1975; Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1978).(3(200/32310)

NIBLEY, HUGH W., The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri. (Salt Lake City, UT: DeseretBook, 1976). (3(205/542)

REYNOLDS, GEORGE, The Myth of the “Manuscript Found” or, The Absurdities of the“Spalding Story”. [Eleventh Book of the Faith Promoting Series] (Salt Lake City, UT:Juvenile Instructor Office, 1883). (4744.b.25) [Flake #7114]

- The Story of the Book of Mormon. (Salt Lake City, UT: John Hyrum Parry, 1888).(4182.f.34)

ROBERTS, BRIGHAM H., Studies of the Book of Mormon, edited by Brigham H. Madsen,[Biographical essay by Sterling W. McMurrin] (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press,1985). (YC.1988.b.760)

TAVES, ERNEST H., Trouble Enough, Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. (Buffalo,NY:Prometheus Books, 1984). (YA.1990.b.5881)

WELCH, JOHN W., ED., Chiasmus in Antiquity: Structure, Analyses and Exegesis.(Hildesheim, Germany: Gerstenberg. 1981). (3(950/23243)

PULPIT LITERATURE (Discourses; Epistles; Official Pronouncements]

The General Epistle of the Latter Day Saints. [Dated, Winter Quarters, Nebraska, December23, 1847, and constituting the earliest known example of printing in the present state ofNebraska. By Douglas C McMurtrie Containing a complete facsimile of the original editionof the epistle.] (Chicago, IL: Black Cat Press, 1935). (4182.ff.14)

Journal of Discourses of Brigham Young, et a!., 26 Vols. (Liverpool, 1854-1886). (PP.861)

Proclamation of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.[Dated, 6 April, 1845, pp.16.] (Liverpool, England: Wilford Woodruff, 1845). (4183.e.57.(2))[Flake #15 11]

Record Protection in an Uncertain World. (Salt Lake City, UT: Genealogical Society of theChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1966). (X.61 1/448 1)

ROBERTS, B.H., Defense of the Faith and the Saints. 2 Vols. (Salt Lake City, UT: DeseretNews, 1907-1912). (

- The Gospel , Revised and enlarged edition (Salt Lake City, UT: George Q. Cannon andSons, 1893). (4375.df.10)

- The Mormon Doctrine of Deity; The Roberts-Van der Donckt Discussion…. (Salt LakeCity, UT: Deseret News, 1903). [On the nature of God] (4182.c.35)

- A New Witness for God. 3 Vols. (Salt Lake City, UT: George Q. Cannon and Sons, 1895,1927, 1909). Vol. 2 is of the third edition. (

Outlines of Ecclesiastical History, 2nd edition (Salt Lake City, UT: George Q. Cannon andSons, 1895). (4530.eee.5)- Succession in The Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. … (SaltLake City, UT: Deseret News Publishing Co., 1894). (4744.dd.19)

TAIMAGE, JAMES EDWARD, The Great Apostasy Considered in the light of Scripturaland Secular History. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret News, 1909). (03126.df.60)

- The Great Salt Lake, Present and Past. (Salt Lake City, UT: The Deseret News, 1900).(

- Jesus the Christ. A Study of the Messiah and His Mission. 7th edition (Salt Lake City, UT:Deseret Book Co., 1925). (04808.df.37)

- The Story of Mormonism. 7th edition (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret News, 1920. (

- A Study of the Articles of Faith: Being A Consideration of the Principal Doctrines of theChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 14th edition (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1925). (

- The Vitality of Mormonism. Brief Essays on Distinctive Doctrines of The Church of JesusChrist of Latter-day Saints. (Boston, MA: R.G. Badger, 1919). (



A Collection of Sacred Hymns, for Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in edition [Selected byB. Young, F Taylor] (Liverpool, England: Ox 1849). (3437.a.16) [Flake #176

Casgliad a hynmau, caniadau, ac ad ysbrydol at, wasanaeth Saint y Dyddiau Diweddaf, ynNghymru. [Collection of hymns, songs, and for the use of the Latter-day San (Merthyr Tydfil,Wales: John fl Georgetown, 1852) (3434.a.35)

Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs] Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in, Europe. 9th edition,revised and enlarged by F.D [Selected by B. Young, OP. Pratt and J. Taylor] (Liverpool,England: FE 1851). (3436.a.56) [Flake #176]

Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs…. 11th edition, revised and enlarged by F.D [Compiledby Brigham Young, P and John Taylor] (Liverpool, England Richards; L.D. Saints’ BookDepot: London, England, 1856). (3441.n.30) [Flake #1767]

Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs. edition (Liverpool, England: G.Q. (3433.a.39) [Flake#1770]

Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs.. edition (Salt Lake City, UT: G.Q. 1871). (C.129.a.22)[Flake #177

Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs.. edition (Liverpool, England: George 1889). ([Flake 1779]

Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs. edition (Liverpool, England: G. Tea (3433.aaaa.50)[Flake #1780]


CALMAN, CHARLES JEFFREY, The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. (New York: Harper &Row, 1979). (YM.1986.b.92)

CANNON, HAL, ED., Utah Folk Art, A Catalogue of Material Culture. (Provo, UT: BrighamYoung University Press, 1980). (X.429/16170)

“Deseret Deserted; or the Last Days of Brigham Young [A drama in four acts and in proseand verse, etc.] (New York: 1868?). (1

EVANS, RICHARD LOUIS, At This Same Hour. (New York: Harper & Bros., 1949). (1 2360.d. 28)

- From the Crossroads. (New York: Harper & Bros., 1955). ( Tonic for Our Times. (New York: Harper & Bros., 1952). (12360.1.5)

[The previous three publications are of addresses given as part of the CBS weekly radiobroadcasts of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir]

LINDSAY, JOHN S., The Mormons and the Theatre or the History of Theatrical in Utah.(Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilm International, 1989). (YA.1990.a.22444)

SWANSON, VERN C., ROBERT S. OLPIN AND WILLIAM C. SEIFRIT with anIntroduction by WILLIAM GERDTS, Utah Art. (Layton, UT: Peregrine Smith Books, 1991).(LB.31.c.4129)

YOUNG, LEVI EDGAR, The Great Mormon Tabernacle With Its World-famed Organ andChoir. (Salt Lake City, UT: Bureau of Information, 1917). (7901.d.29)



FLANIGAN, J.H., Mormonism Triumphant...Being a Reply to Palmer’s Internal EvidenceAgainst the Book of Mormon. (Liverpool, England: R. James, 1849). (4139.g.l.(8)) [Flake#3374]

JAQUES, JOHN, Catechism for Children; Exhibiting the Prominent Doctrines of the…Latter day Saints. (Liverpool [printed], London, England: Franklin D. Richards, 1854).(4139.c.61) [Flake #4323]

- Catechism for Children, Exhibiting the Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christof Latter-day Saints... Twenty-five Thousand. (Liverpool, England: A. Carrington, 1890).(4182.aa.37)

- Exclusive Salvation (Liverpool, England: Franklin D. Richards, 1852). (4139.g.l.(IS)) [Flake#4346]

- Salvation: A Dialogue Between Elder Brownson and Mr. Whitby. 2 Nos. (Liverpool,England: Franklin D. Richards, 1853). (4139.g.l.(l8)) [Hake #4350]

PRATT, ORSON, Absurdities of Immaterialism: Or A Reply to T.W.P.Taylder’s…Materialism of the Mormons…Exposed and Refuted”. (Liverpool, England: R.James, 1849). (4139.g.35) [Flake #6446]

- Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon, No. 6. (Liverpool, England: R. James, 1851).(4139.g.35) [Flake #6452]

- Divine Authority of the Question, Was Joseph Smith Sent of God?, Nos. I to 7 (Liverpool,England: R. James, 1852). (4139.e.46) [Flake #6457]

- Great First Cause, or the Self-Moving Forces of the Universe. (Liverpool, England: R.James, 1851). (4139g.l .(13)) [Flake #6493]

- New and Easy Method of Solution of the Cubic and Biquadratic Equations, EmbracingSeveral New Formulas, …Designed as a Sequel to the Elements of Algebra, etc. (London andLiverpool, 1866). (

- Reply to A Pamphlet Printed at Glasgow. Entitled “Remarks on Mormonism”. (Liverpool,England: R. James, 1849). (4139.g.l.(9)) [Flake #6537]

- Tracts of Orson Pratt] Chapter 1. The True Faith. Chapter 2. True Repentance. Chapter 3.Water Baptism. Chapter 4. The Holy Spirit. Chapter 5. Spiritual Gifts. Chapter 6. Necessityfor Miracles. Chapter 7. Universal Apostasy, etc. Chapter 8. Latter Day Kingdom, etc.(London, England: L.D.S. Book and Star Depot, August 25, 1856-March 15, 1857).( [Flake #6548]

- The Essential Orson Pratt. [Forward by David J. Whittaker] (Salt Lake City, UT: SignatureBooks, 1991). (YA.1993.b.3517)

PRATT, PARLEY PARKER, Key to The Science of Theology. (Liverpool, England: FranklinD. Richards, 1855). (3558.c.31) [Flake #6585]

- Key to the Science of Theology. 5th edition (Liverpool: John Henry Smith, 1883).(4182.c.25) [Flake #6590]

- Marriage and Morals in Utah, etc. (Liverpool, England: Orson Pratt, 1856). (8416.f.54.(1))[Flake #6599]

- The Millennium, and Other Poems: To Which is Annexed, A Treatise on the Regenerationand External Duration of Matter. (New York: W. Malines, 1840). (1 [Flake#6609]

- A Reply to Mr. Thomas Taylor’s “Complete Failure, &c. and Mr. R. Livesey ‘s“Mormonism Exposed.” (Manchester, England: W.R. Thomas, 1840). (4378.e.9.(3)) [Flake#6621]

- A Voice of Warning and Instruction to All People, or an Introduction to the Faith andDoctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. First European from the SecondAmerican Edition. (Manchester, England: W. Shackelton, & Son, 1841). (4182.a.19) [Flake#6629]

- A Voice of Warning... . 6th edition (Edinburgh, Scotland: H. Armour, 1847). (4182.aa.31)[Flake #6632]

- A Voice of Warning 7th edition (Liverpool and London, England: Latter-day Saints’ BookDepot, 1852). (4139.b.77) [Flake #6633]

A Voice of Warning... 13th edition (Liverpool, England: G. Teasdale, 1889). (4182.a.33)[Flake #6649a]

- The Essential Parley P. Pratt, Foreword by Peter L. Crawley (Salt Lake City, UT: SignatureBooks, 1990). (YA.1992.b.4173)

RICHARDS, FRANKLIN D., A Compendium of the Faith and Doctrines of the Latter-daySaints. (Liverpool, England: Orson Pratt, 1857). (4139.c.93) [Flake #7217]

- Latter-Day Saints in Utah. . . . (Liverpool. England: Franklin D. Richards, 1852).(4745.e.19) [Flake #7226]

RICHARDS, FRANKL of the Faith and Doctrines (Liverpool, England: Or (4139.c.93)[Flake #7217]

- Latter-Day Saints in Utah….(Liverpool, England: Franklin D. Richards, 1852). (4745.e.19)[Flake #722]

SNOW, LORENZO, The Italian Mission. (London, England: W. Aubery, 1851) (4139.e.55)[Flake #820]

- The Only Way to Be Saved…An Explanation of the First Principles of the Doctrine of theLatter-day Saints. (London, England: W. Bowden, 1851). (4139.e.56) [Flake #8213]

- The Voice of Joseph: a Brief Account of the Rise, Progress, and Persecutions of the Latter-day Saints; With Their Present Position and Prospects in Utah Territory. (Liverpool,England: Samuel W. Richards, 1852). (4139.g.1.(17)) [Flake #8252]

SPENCER, ORSON, Letters Exhibiting the Most Prominent Doctrines of the Church of JesusChrist of Latter-day Saints. 3rd edition (Liverpool, England: Orson Spencer, 1848).(4139.a.94) [Flake #8326]

- Letters ….4th edition (Liverpool, England: Samuel W. Richard, 1852). (4139.b.102) [Flake#8327]

- Letters …6th edition (Liverpool, England: William Budge, 1879).(4182.c.26) [Flake #8330]

- Patriarchal Order, or Plurality of Wives! By Elder Orson Spencer. Being his FifteenthLetter in Correspondence with the Rev. W. Crowel, etc. (Liverpool, England: Samuel W.Richards, 1853). (4139.g. 39) [Flake #8333]

TAYLOR, JOHN, The Government of God, edited by James Linforth (Liverpool, England:Samuel W. Richards, 1852). (4139.e.63) [Flake #8838]

- Three Nights Public Discussion Between. (Liverpool, England: John Taylor, 1850).(4139.e.62) [Flake #8849]

WARD, GARY L., Mormonism 2: Pro-Mormon Writings of the Twentieth Century. (NewYork: Garland, 1990). (YC.1991.b.7087)

WILSON, LYCURGUS A., Outlines of Mormon Philosophy, or the Answers Given by theGospel, as Revealed Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, to the Questions of Life. (Salt LakeCity, UT: Deseret News, 1905). (4182.c.37)

WINCHESTER, BENJAMIN, Synopsis of the Holy Scriptures and Concordance…ChieflyDesigned to illustrate the Doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daySaints….Philadelphia, PA: “United States” Book and Job Printing Office, 1842). (3107.a.63)[Flake #9943]

- A History of the Priesthood from the Beginning of the World to the Present Time, Written inDefense of the Doctrine.…of the Church…of Latter-day Saints (Philadelphia, PA: Brown,Bicking, and Guilbert, 1843). (4135.a.a.98) [Flake #9940]


Awful Disclosures of Mormonism and its Mysteries. (London, England, 1904). (4182.aa.56)[Flake #237, reports an earlier printing]

BERQQUIST, JACOB BENGTSSON, Nagra ord om Mormonismen, med anledning af E.Snow's Skrift “En sanningens rost till de enfaldige af bjertat,” etc. (1856). (4139.c.18)

BOWES, JOHN, Mormonism Exposed in its Swindling and Licentious Abominations, Refutedin its Principles and in the Claims of its Head the Modern Mohammed Joseph Smith.(London, England: E. Ward, [1850?]. (4182.b.16) [Flake #763]

- Mormonism Exposed in its Swindling and Licentious Abominations, Refuted in itsPrinciples and in the Claims of its Head….Joseph Smith. 2nd edition (London. England: R.Bulman, 1854). (4139.e.10) [Flake #765]

- The Autobiography or History of the Life of John Bowes. (Glasgow, Scotland: G. Gallie &Son, 1872). (

- ED., The Christian Magazine and Herald of Union. (Aberdeen, Scotland: 1842-). (PP.407)

BROWN, J.G.H., Important Revelations from the Spirit of E. Swedenborg, the SwedishSpiritualist and Joseph Smith the Mormon Prophet. (London, England: Holyoake Co., 1857).(4139.f.9)

CLAY, EDMUND, The Doctrines and Practices of “The Mormons,” and the immoralcharacter of their Prophet Joseph Smith, delineated from authentic sources. (London,England: Wertheim & Macintosh; Lennington: J. Grover, 1853). [Four tracts originally issuedin 185 1-52] (4745.a.22) [Flake #2412]

CONYBEARE, WILLIAM JOHN, Mormonism. [Reprinted from the Edinburgh Review, No.202 for April, 1854], The Traveller’s Library, Vol. 25, 1856. (1156.n.31) [Flake #2483]

Escaped from the Mormons, showing the Rise of Mormonism. By the Wife of a MormonElder. (London, England: Holden & Hardingham, 11918]. (0l2600.c.105)

A Few Plain Words About Mormonism, Showing That Latter-day Saints Are No Saints At All,Proved by Extracts From Their Writings. (Published for the author, Bristol, England: WrightSteam Press, 185-). ( 17(4)) [Flake #3344]

FRANKLIN, JOHN BENJAMIN, Brigham Young King of the Utah Pandemonium (London,England: Reeves & Co., 1871). (

Friendly Warnings on the Subject of Mormonism…By a Country Clergyman. (London.England:Francis and John Rivington, 1850). (4139.e.37) [Flake #3466]

HAINING, SAMUEL, Mormonism Weighed in the Balances of the Sanctuary, and FoundWanting. (Douglas, Isle of Man: Robert Fargher, 1840). (4378.e.9.(2)) [Flake #3781]

HAYNES, JOHN, The Book of Mormon Examined; and its Claims to be a Revelation fromGod Proved to be False. (Brighton, England: Edward Verrall, 1853). (4139.e.25) [Flake#3922]

- A Refutation of the Mormon Doctrines. Especially Addressed to Latter-day Saints, Being

A Lecture Delivered in the Town Hall, Brighton, on October the 5th 1852. (Brighton,England: Edward Verrall, 1853). ( [Flake #3923]

HINES, JOSHUA V., COMPILER, Mormon Delusions and Monstrosities. A Review of theBook of Mormon and an illustration of Mormon Principles and Practices. (Boston, MA:Joshua V. Hines, 1842). (4183.aa.52) [Flake #4010]

KIDDER, DANIEL P., Mormonism and the Mormons: A Historical View of the Rise andProgress of the Sect Self-Styled Latter-day Saints. (New York: G. Lane and C.B. Tippett forMethodist Episcopal Church, 1844). (4745 a.5) [Flake #4604]

KNUDSEN, HANS, Om Navnet “Mormon.”. Med en Afbildning af Mormon. (Randers,Denmark: 1857). (4139.b.71) [Flake #4673[

- Undervisning om Mormonerne deres Propheter og Laerdomme. I. Joseph Smith s Liv ogLevnet (Kjobenhavn, Denmark. 1863). ( [Flake #4674]

LAMB, MT., The Golden Bible; or, The Book of Mormon, Is it From God? (New York:Ward and Drummond, 1886). ( [Flake #4706]

- The Mormons and Their Bible. (Philadelphia, PA: Griffith and Rowland Press, 1901).(4182.e.34) [Flake #4708]

[LEVI, THOMAS], Dynoethiad Mormoniaeth; yn cynwys hanes Joseph Smith, Saith Gradd yDeml, Gureigiaeth ysprydol, yn nghyda‘r sermoniau a arferir ar dderbiniad i’r urddhono…Wedi eu casglu gan y Lefiad. (Abertawy [Swansea], Wales: 1853). (4139.e.31)

Llyfr Mormon; sef Hames Wedi ei ysgrifenu gan law Mormon, ar lafnau a gymmerwyd olafnau Nephi.....A gyfieithwyd i’r Saesneg gan Joseph Smith, iu., ac a gyfieithwyd o’r ailargraffiad Saesneg Ewropaidd, gan. (Merthyr-Tydfil, Wales: J. Davis, 1852). (4139.e.36)[Flake #747]

M.H., Mormonismen og Saltsostaden. (Trukt hos Nielsen & Lydiche, 1893). (3605.i.1.(51))[Flake #5072]

[MJ.]. Mormonerne; eller De sidste Dages Hellige… samlede og udgivne af M.J. (Slevig,Wales: 1853). ( [Flake #5539]

Mormonism. (London, England: Religious Tract Society, 1880). (

Mormonism: Its Origin and Character. 2nd edition [Reprinted from the Eclectic Review withan introduction by J. Bunting] (Sydney, Australia: 1853). (4182.e.8.(11))

Mormonism: Or Some of the False Doctrines and Lying Abominations of the So-calledLatter-day Saints Confuted….by the Bible, etc. (Ormskirk, England: Leak and Hutton,1843?). (1897.c. 19. (7***))

Mormonism or the Bible? A Question for the Times By a Cambridge Clergyman .(Cambridge, England: T. Dixon, 1852). ( Mormonism or the Bible? AQuestion for the Times By a Cambridge Clergyman. 2nd edition (Cambridge, England: T.Dixon, 1852). (4139.e.38) [Flake #5555]

Mormonism and the Mormonites (London, England: Wertheim & Macintosh, 185-).(4182.a.46) [Flake #5547]

Mormonism Unveiled; Or A History of Mormonism. To the Present Time (London, England:1855). (4745.a.18)

Mormonismen och Swedenborgianismen (Upsala, Sweden: Wahlstrom, 1854). (4139.d.63)[Flake #5560]

Mormonismen Wederlagd of den Heliga Skrifts och Historiens Wittnesbord. Aftryck urTidningen “Evangelisten.” (Stockholm, Sweden: 1858). (4139.a.75) [Flake #5561]

En Mundsmag Paa Mormonismen i Utah. Udgivet af en Forhenvderende Mormonaeldste.(Kjobenhavn, Denmark: 1864). (

Mormonism Examined. A Few Kind Words to A Mormon. (Birmingham, England: J. Groom,[1855?]). (4406.g.l.(129)) [Rake #5549]

The Mormons. The Dream and The Reality: or, Leaves from the Sketch-book of Experience ofOne Who Left England to Join the Mormons in The City of Zion and Awoke to AConsciousness of its Heinous Wickedness and Abominations. Edited by A Clergyman(William B. Fowler) (London, England: J. Masters, 1857). (4745.a.32) [Rake #2495]

The Mormon Imposture: An Exposure of the Fraudulent Origin of the “Book of Mormon”.2ndedition (London, England: A. Hall, 1851). (1369.b.45.(4)) [Flake #5525]

OLAFSSON, EIRIK, Hjer er Onnur Litil Feroa Saga Eiriks Olafssonar…Bokinn SegirFra….umMart Veraldlegt hja Mormonum og Peirra Truarbrogo. (Kaupmannahofh, 1882).(12581.dd.34)

- Litio Rit um Svivirthing Eythileggingarinnar Eda um Kneykslith Ethtir Brigham Young iUtah. (Rykjavik, Sweden: Prentad i Isatoldarprentsmidju, 1891). (866.1.8(4)) [Flake #5982]

PARROTT, WILLIAM SAUNDERS, The View Uplifted; or, The Religious Conspirators ofthe Latter-day Exposed, Who Are the Mormons? And What are the Latter-day Saints About?(Bristol, UK: J.B. Taylor & Sons, 1865). ( [Flake #6106]

PETRELLI, CARL MAGNUS JOAKIM, Josef Smith och Mormonismen. (Linkoping,Sweden: CF. Ridderstad, 1858). (4139.c.87) [Flake #6338]

PICHOT, JOSEPH JEAN MARIE CHARLES Les Mormons. (Paris, France: 1853).(12206.e.19(2)) [Flake #6373]

The Spiritual Wife Doctrine of The Mormons Proved from the Report of the Judges of theUtah Territory to the President of the United States. [10 Dec. 1851]. Given entire from theNew York Herald (Manchester, England: J. Bowes, [1852?]. (1489.r.104)

TYSON, THOMAS, Joseph Smith, The Great American Impostor; or Mormonism Proved tobe False... (London, England: Hall and Co., 1852). ( [Flake #9067]

Vogt Dig for Mormonerue? (Kjobenhavn, Denmark: Fr. Woldikes Forlagsboghandel, 1862).( [Flake #9485]

WARD, GARY L., ED. with introduction, Mormonism 1: Evangelical Christian AntiMormonism in the Twentieth Century. (New York: Garland, 1990). (YC.1991.b.7072)

WHITNEY, JOHN, Mormonism Unravelled. Pseudo-Revelations; Alias, The Book ofDoctrine and Covenants not of God: and the Mormon Christ a False Christ, Joseph Smith aFanatic and No Prophet of God. (London, England: Marshall & Co., 1851). (4139.e.67)[Flake #9751]



The G.S. Observer. Observer. [A Publication of the Genealogical Society of the Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]. Miscellaneous issues 1967-. (P.801/416)

Journal of Discourses. [of Brigham Young and other Church Officials], edited by George D.Watt (Liverpool England: 1853-1886). 26 Vols. [Weekly, semi-monthly, November 1853-May 1886] (P.P. 861) [Flake #4779]

The Seer. [by Orson Pratt] (Washington, DC: 1853-54). [Monthly, January 1854-August1854] (C.58.f.12) [Flake #7609]

Udgorn Seion neu Seren y Saint; yn cynnwys egwyd-dorion “Goruchwyliaeth cyflawnder yramseroedd," mewn traethodau etc. llythyron, hanesion, prydyddiaeth, etc. [Zion’s Trumpet,or Star of the Saints; containing the principles of the "Dispensation of the fullness of times,"treaties, letters, accounts, poetry, etc.]. (Carmarthen, Wales: January 1849-February 1849;Merthyr Tydfil, Wales: March 1849-August 1854; Swansea, Wales: September 1854-March1861; Liverpool, England: April 1861-April 1862.) Monthly biweekly, or weekly, 14 Vols.(P.P. 544.g)


Brigham Young University Studies. Vol. 14, No. 2 (Spring 1974) [Cumulative Index, 1959-1991issued as Vol. 31 No. 4 (199l):46-398] (P.521/1793)

Dialogue, A Journal of Mormon Thought. Vol. 13, 1979-.[20-year index issued in 1987](British Library Lending Division; Boston Spa)

Journal of Mormon History. Vol. 5, 1978-. (British Library Lending Division; Boston Spa)Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Vol. 24- (1946-47).(Ac.3040.c)

Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine. Vol. 1, 1910-. [London University Library]

Utah Historical Quarterly. Vol. 1, 1928-. (Ac.8537)

Utah Humanities Review. Vol. 1, No. 1 - Vol. 2, No. 4, (January 1947-October 1948). Titlechanged to Western Humanities Review beginning Vol. 3, No. 2 in April, 1949. (Ac.2690.rd)

Western Humanities Review. Vol. 3, No. 2: April, 1949-. (Ac.2690.rd)

The main academic, peer-reviewed periodicals containing articles on Mormon Historyinclude BYU Studies, Dialogue, Journal of Mormon History, Utah Historical Quarterly, andthe John Whitmer Historical Association Journal. An important contemporary magazinecontaining articles representing a variety of points-of-view, but focused on Mormon historyand society is Sunstone. Professional associations include the Mormon History Association;the John Whitmer Historical Association; and the Association for Mormon Letters. Eachpublishes a journal or annual, holds annual conferences and publishes a newsletter. Inaddition, more regional associations focusing on Mormon history and culture are emerging;organizations in Canada, Hawaii and Australia are recent examples.

Other, more official publications include the official monthly magazine for adults, The Ensignof the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [Salt Lake City, 1971-]; it was preceded byThe Improvement Era [1898-1970]. One of the most important publications was the LDSMillennial Star published in England from 1840 to 1970, although its content is moreimportant historically for the nineteenth-century when it provided a voice and forum forMormon missions throughout the world. (British Library Newspaper Library, Colindale). Auseful guide to the other Mormon publications is Joseph Sudweeks, Discontinued LDSPeriodicals (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1955).


ALEXANDER, THOMAS G., AND JAMES B. ALLEN, “The Mormons in the Mountain West: A Selected Bibliography,” Arizona and The West 9 (Winter, 1967):365-384.(P.701/1302)

ALLEN, JAMES B. “Since 1950: Creators and Creations of Mormon History,” in New Viewsof Mormon History, edited by Bitton and Beecher (1987), pp. 407-38. (YA.1994.b.1820)

ALLEN, JAMES B., RONALD W. WALKER, AND DAVIDJ. WHITTAKER, Studies inMormon History: A Bibliography, with Index and a Guide to Further Research (Urbana, IL:

University of Illinois Press, forthcoming 1995). [A bibliographic guide to over 10,000scholarly items on Mormon history and culture with a number of historiographical essays onselect topics]

ARRINGTON, LEONARDJ. “Scholarly Studies of Mormonism in the Twentieth Century,”Dialogue, A Journal of Mormon Thought [hereafter cited as Dialogue] I (Spring 1966):15-32.(Boston Spa)

ASHLIMAN, D.L., “Mormonism and the Germans: An Annotated Bibliography, 1848-

1966,” BYU Studies 8 (Autumn 1967):73-94. (P.521/1793)

AUERBACH, HERBERT SAMUEL, The Distinguished Collection of Western Americana.(New York: Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1947-48). (S.C. Parke-Bernet)

BERRETT, WILLIAM E. AND ALMA P. BURTON, Readings in L.D.S. Church History. 3Vols. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1953-58).

BERRIAN, WILLIAM, Catalogue of Books, Early Newspapers, and Pamphlets onMormonism Collected by … W. Berrian. (New York: V.H. Everson, 1898). ([This collection was purchased by Helen Gould and presented to the New York PublicLibrary in 1899. See also “Mormons,” Bulletin of the New York Public Library (March1909)]. (119O7.p.l/33)

BINGHAM, ROBERT D., “Swedish-Americans in Utah: Bibliography,” Swedish PioneerHistorical Quarterly (July 1979):205-209.

BITTON, DAVIS, A Guide to Mormon Diaries and Autobiographies. (Provo, UT: BrighamYoung University Press, 1977). A bibliographical listing with short annotations of some 2500items. While out-of-date and now out-of-print, it is an important guide to the documentarysources and repositories. (X.205/540)

BITTON, DAVIS, AND MAUREEN URSENBACH BEECHER, EDS., New Views ofMormon History: A Collection of Essays in Honor of Leonard J. Arrington. (Salt Lake City,UT:University of Utah Press, 1987). Includes a comprehensive bibliography of the writings ofArrington, the dean of professional Mormon history. (YA.1990.b.1820)

BYRD, CECIL K., A Bibliography of Illinois Imprints, 1814-1858. (Chicago, IL: Universityof Chicago Press, 1966). [includes approximately 110 imprints published by or about theMormons in Illinois, 1839-1846] (

CANNON, DONALD Q., AND DAVID J. WHITTAKER, EDS., Supporting Saints, LifeStories of Nineteenth-Century Mormons. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, BrighamYoung University, Specialized Monograph Series, Vol. 1, 1985). (YA.1994.b.4000)

A Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations Concerning the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormonism and Utah. (Provo, UT: College of Religious Instruction, BrighamYoung University, 1971).

Catalogue of Works Published by the Christ of Latter-day Saints Richards. (Liverpool,England (1856.g.3.(24)) [Flake #1332]

CLEMENT, RUSSELL T., COMPILER, Mormons in the Pacific, A Brigham YoungUniversity Brigham Young University-and the Church Historical 1City]. (Laie, HI: InstituteBYU-Hawaii Campus, I

- A Bibliography of Mormonism in the Pacific: Holdings in the BYU-Hawaii Campus Library(Laie, HI: Institute for Polynesian Studies, BYU-Hawaii Campus, 1980). (2725.c.943)

Deseret News Church Almanac. Generally published annually from 1974 to the present, thiswork is a very useful compilation of facts and statistics about the Church. Available fromDeseret Book Co., Salt Lake Saturday supplement, the Church-owned Deseret News, is aweekly report on various activities throughout the world.

FALES, SUSAN L. AND CHAD J. FLAKE, COMPS., Mormons and Mormonism in U.S.Government Documents: A Bibliography.(Salt Lake City, UT: University: 1989).

FLAKE, CHAD J., A M 1830-1930, Books, Pamphlets Broadsides Relating to the FirstCentury of Mormonism. (Salt Lake Company Information Utah Press, 1978). (X.805/2060)- AND LARRY W. DRAPER, COMPS. A Mormon Bibliography. 1830-1930, Ten YearSupplement. (Salt Lake City, UT; University of Utah Press, 1989). (In cataloguing)

GODFREY, KENNETH W. AUDREY M. GODFREY, AND JILL MULVAY DERR,Women’s Voices: An Untold Story of the Saints, 1830-1900. (Salt Lake City UT: DeseretBook Co., 1982). (X.200/48204)

Catalogue of Works Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and for saleby F.D. Richards. (Liverpool, England: J. Sadler, 1855). (1856.g.3.(24)) [Flake #1332]

CLEMENT, RUSSELL T., COMPILER, Mormons in the Pacific, A Bibliography: Holdingsat Brigham Young University-Hawaii Campus, Brigham Young University-Utah Campus[Provo] and the Church Historical Department [Salt Lake City]. (Laie, HI: Institute forPolynesian Studies, BYU-Hawaii Campus, 1981). (X.200/41 510)

- A Bibliography of Mormonism in the Pacific: Holdings in the B VU-Hawaii CampusLibrary (Laie, HI: Institute for Polynesian Studies, BYU-Hawaii Campus, 1980).(2725.c.943)

Deseret News Church Almanac. Generally published annually from 1974 to the present, thiswork is a very useful compilation of facts and statistics about the Church. Available fromDeseret Book Co., Salt Lake City, UT. The Saturday supplement, the Church News section ofthe Church-owned Deseret News, is a weekly report on various activities of the Churchthroughout the world.

FALES, SUSAN L. AND CHAD J. FLAKE, COMPS., Mormons and Mormonism in U.S.Government Documents: A Bibliography. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press,1989).

FLAKE, CHAD J., A Mormon Bibliography, 1830-1930, Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals, and

Broadsides Relating to the First Century of Mormonism. (Salt Lake City, UT: University ofUtah Press, 1978). (X.805/2060)

- AND) LARRY W. DRAPER, COMPS. A Mormon Bibliography. 1830-1930, Ten YearSupplement. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1989). (In cataloguing)

GODFREY, KENNETH W., AUDREY M. GODFREY, AND JILL MULVAY DERR,Women’s Voices: An Untold Story of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900. (Salt Lake City, UT:Deseret Book Co., 1982). (X.200/48204)

HAFEN, LEROY R. AND ANN W., Their Writings and Their Notable Collection ofAmericana, given to Brigham Young University Library. (Provo, UT: Brigham YoungUniversity Library, 1962). (2774.m.31)

HEINERMAN, JOSEPH, Temple Manifestations. [accounts of spiritual manifestations inLDS temples, 1836-1930] (Manti, UT: Mountain Valley Publishers, 1976). (X.108/17459)

HILL, MARVIN S., AND JAMES B. ALLEN, EDS., Mormonism and American Culture.(New York: Harper and Row, 1972).

HOLZAPFEL, RICHARD NEITZEL, AND T. JEFFREY COTTLE have prepared threevolumes which serve as very useful guide books to Mormon historic sites: Old MormonPalmyra and New England: Historic Photographs and Guide. (Santa Ana, CA: FieldbrookProductions, 1991); Old Mormon Kirtland and Missouri . (Santa Ana, CA: FieldbrookProductions, 1991); and Old Mormon Nauvoo, 1839-46 . (Provo, UT: Grandin Book, 1990).

LAUGHLIN, DAVID L. “A Selective, Evaluative, and Annotated Bibliography onMormonism,” Bulletin of Bibliography 48 (June 1991):75-I01.

LUDLOW, DANIEL H., E1)ITOR-IN-CHIEF, The Encyclopedia of Mormonism. 5 Vols.(New York: Macmillan, 1992). The most comprehensive and authoritative reference work onall aspects of the history and culture of Mormonism now available. (on order)

MARQUARDT, H. MICHAEL, El)., The Joseph Smith Egyptian Papers. [n.p.[Utah?]: bycompiler, 1981]. (YA. I 989.b. 1846)

MAUSS, ARMAND L. AND JEFFREY R. FRANKs, “Comprehensive Bibliography ofSocial Science Literature on the Mormons,” Review of Religious Research 26 (September1983):73-115. (Boston Spa)

MCKIERNAN, F. MARK, ALMA R. BLAIR, AND PAUL M. EDWARDS, EDS., TheRestoration Movement: Essays in Mormon History. (Lawrence, KS: Coronado Press, 1973).

MORGAN, DALE L. AND GEORGE P. HAMMOND, EDS., A Guide to the ManuscriptCollections of the Bancroft Library. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1963).(2701.nms.3) [For the Mormon material see S. George Ellsworth, “A Guide to theManuscripts in the Bancroft Library Relating to the History of Utah,” Utah HistoricalQuarterly 22 (July 1954):197-247. (Ac.8537)]

“Mormon Bibliography”. Annual listing in Brigham Young University Studies since 1960.The best way to keep up on the most recent publications in all areas on Mormon history.(P.521/1793)

“The Mormons, or Latter-day Saints,” The Cyclopedia of Religious Denominations:Containing Authentic Accounts of the Different Creeds and Systems Prevailing Throughout

the World. Written by Members of the Respective Bodies. [An account by Joseph Smith,Supplement edited by a history of the church from his death to 1853] (Glasgow: 1853).(4503.aa. 19)

MULDER, WILLIAM, AND A. RUSSELL MORTENSEN, EDS., Among the Mormons,Historical Accounts by Contemporary Observers. (1958; Lincoln, NE: University ofNebraska Press, 1973). (YA.1993.b.7891)

Name Index to the Library of Congress Collection of Mormon Diaries. Compiled by theSpecial Collections Department, Merrill Library, Utah State University, Logan, UT (Logan,UT: Western Text Society Series, Vol. 1 No. 2, published by Utah State University Press,1971).(X.512/1730)

SILLITO, JOHN, ED., The Wilderness of Faith, Essays on Contemporary Thought. (SaltLake City, UT: Signature Books, 1991). (YA.1993.a.20414)

SILLITOE, LINDA AND ALLEN ROBERTS, Salamander, The Story of the MormonForgery/Murders. 2nd edition [with a new after-word] (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books,1989). On Mark Hofmann Case. (YA.1992.a.10535)

Utah, A Guide to the State. [Works Projects Administration Federal Writers Project, Avolume in the American Guide Series] (New York: Hastings House, 1941). (l04l3.ppp. 10)

UTAH IMPRINTS Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Passed at the Several Annual Sessionsof the Legislature Assembly. [Utah Territory] (Great Salt Lake City, 1855) (A.S.U.2/2)

Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of… Utah, from the Organization of theTerritory up to, and Including the June Term, 1876. Albert Hagan, reporter. (6622.n.5)

The Revised Statutes of the State of Utah….Revised, annotated and published by Richard W.Young, et al. (Lincoln, NE: State Journal Co., 1897). (A.S.U.2)

UTAH. legislative Bodies. House of Representatives. Journal of the House of Representatives.(Salt Lake City, UT: 1897-). (A.S.U.20)

WADSWORTH, NELSON B., Through Camera Eyes. (Provo, UT: Brigham YoungUniversity Press, 1975). [historic photographs] (X.423/1 0845 Woolwich)

WAHLQUIST, WAYNE L., ET AL., EDS., Atlas of Utah. (Ogden, UT: Weber State College,1981). (Map Library) An Atlas of Mormonism is currently under preparation, to be publishedby Simon and Schuster in New York.

WHARTON, TOM AND GAYEN WHARTON, Utah. [photography by Tom Till] (HongKong: Odyssey, 1991). (YK.1991.a. 12878)

WHIPPLE, MAURIN (New York: A.A. Knopf, (Mic.A.l2037)

WHITE, SHERYL, T Jesus Christ of Latter-da1 150 Years. (Beaverton, Publishing Co.,1980).

WHITTAKER, DAVID J., "The Hofmann Maze: A Book Review Chronology andBibliography of the Hofmann Case,” Brigham Young University Studies 29 (Winter 1989):67-l24. (P. 521/1793) Mark W. Hofmann was not the first person to forge LDS historical texts,but he is the best known. This article provides an introduction and introduction and guide tohis extensive deceit. See also Richard E. Turley, Jr., Victims: The LDS Church and the MarkHofmann Case (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1992). (YA.1993.b.7888); and JamesN. Gilreath, ed. Essays and Documents al of a Freeman (Worcester Antiquarian Society,1991). (YA.1992.b.3030)

WHIPPLE, MALJRINE, This is the Place, Utah. (New York: A.A. Knopf, 1945).(Mic.A.12037)

WHITE, SHERYL, The Mormons, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:Commemorating 150 Years. (Beaverton, OR: Beautiful America Publishing Co., 1980).(X.200/1781)

WHITTAKER, DAVID J., "The Hofmann Maze: A Book Review Essay with a Chronologyand Bibliography of the Hofmann Case," Brigham Young University Studies 29 (Winter1989): 67-124. (P.521/1793) Mark W. Hofmann was not the first person to forge LDShistorical texts, but he is the best known. This article provides an introduction and guide tohis extensive deceit. See also Richard E. Turley, Jr., Victims: The LDS Church and the MarkHofmann Case (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1992). (YA.1993.b.7888); andJames N. Gilreath, ed. The Judgement of Experts: Essays and Documents about the Forgingof the Oath of a Freeman (Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian Society, 1991).(YA.1992.b.3030)

WHITTAKER, DAVID J., ED., Mormon Americana: A Guide to Sources and Collections inthe United States. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Studies Monograph Series, Vol. 2,forthcoming). Contains thirty-four essays describing both topics and specific repositories inthe United States.

WILSON, WILLIAM A. “A Bibliography of Studies in Mormon Folklore,” Utah HistoricalQuarterly 44 (Fall 1976):389-94. (Ac.8537)


ALEXANDER, THOMAS G. Things in Heaven and Earth, The Life and Times of WilfordWoodruff A Mormon Prophet. (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 1991).

ALLEN, JAMES B. Trials of Discipleship: The Story of William Clayton, a Mormon.(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1987). (YA.1989.b.6826)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J. Brigham Young American Moses. (New York: Knopf, 1985).

Best biography of Young. (YA.1990.b.41 19)

BRODIE, FAWN M., No Man Knows My History. The Life of Joseph Smith, The MormonProphet. (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1963). (10059.t.10/5)

BROOKS, JUANITA, John D. Lee, Zealot-Pioneer Builder-Scapegoat. (Glendale, CA:Arthur H. Clark, 1962). (

CANNON, GEORGE Q., Life of Joseph Smith the Prophet. (Salt Lake City, UT: DeseretNews, 2nd edition, 1907). (4987.b.9)

DEW, SHERI L. Ezra Taft Benson: A Biography. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1987).

ENGLAND, BRECK, The Life and Thought of Orson Pratt. (Salt Lake City, UT: Universityof Utah Press, 1985).

EVANS, JOHN HENRY, Joseph Smith, An American Prophet. (New York: Macmillan,1933). (4985.ff.11)

GIBBONS, FRANCIS M., Brigham Young, Modern Moses, Prophet of God. (Salt Lake City,UT: Deseret Book, 1981). (X.200/43803) .Joseph F. Smith, Patriarch and Preacher, Prophetof God. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1984). (YA. I 989.b.6308)

- Joseph Smith, Martyr, Prophet of God. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1977).(YA.l986.b.1212) Lorenzo Snow, Spiritual Giant, Prophet of God. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1982).(X.200/48013)

GOATES, L. BRENT, Harold B. Lee: Prophet and Seer. (Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft,1985).

GREGG, THOMAS, The Prophet of Palmyra... (New York: J. B. Alden, 1890). (4985.dd.17)

HILL, DONNA, Joseph Smith, The First Mormon. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977).(X.200/32204)

HIRSHSON, STANLEY P., The Lion of the Lord, a Biography of the Mormon LeaderBrigham Young. (1969; London: Dent, 1971). (X.200/4826)

Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story. [extracts from the history compiled under the direction ofJoseph Smith] (Salt Lake City, UT: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, [c.1950]). (04735.n.15)

KIMBALL, EDWARD L. AND ANDREW W. KIMBALL, Spencer W. Kimball … (SaltLake City, UT: Bookcraft, 1977).

KIMBALL, STANLEY B. Heber C. Kimball, Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer. (Urbana, IL:University of Illinois Press, 1981). (X.200/37294)

Letters of Brigham Young to His Sons. Edited with an Introduction by Dean C. Jessee (SaltLake

City, UT: Deseret Book for the Historical Department of The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints, 1974). (X.200/3l 451)

MORRIS, NEPHI L., Prophecies of Joseph Smith and Their Fulfillment. (Salt Lake City, UT:Deseret Book Co., 2nd edition, 1926). (031 87.g.37)

NEWELL, LINDA KING, AND VALEEN TIPPETTS AVERY, Mormon Enigma: EmmaHale Smith, Prophet’s Wife, “Elect Lady”, Polygamy’s Foe. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday,1984).

NIBLEY, PRESTON Brigham Young, The Man and His Work. (Salt Lake City UT: DeseretNews Press, 1936). (10887.f.1)

-. The Presidents of the UT: Deseret Book C edition, 1971). (X.200/7925)

PRATT, PARLEY P. (1874; Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1985).

PUSEY, MERLO J., Builders of the Kingdom: George A. Smith, John Smith. (Provo, UT:Brigham Young University Press, 1981).

QUINN, D. MICHAEL, J. Reuben Clark: The Church Years. (Salt Lake City, UT: DeseretBook, 1983).

RILEY, ISAAC W., The Founder of Mormonism: A Psychological Study of Joseph Smith, Jr.(New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1902) (4985.eee.21)

SCHINDLER, HAROLD, Orrin Porter Rockwell: Man of God, Son of Thunder. (1966; SaltLake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 2nd edition, 1983).

[SMITH, JOSEPH] The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith. Compiled and edited by Dean C.Jessee (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1984). (YA.1989.b.6089)

SMITH, LUCY MACK, Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith, the Prophet and HisProgenitors for Many Generations. Edited (Liverpool, England: S 1853). (4985.a.24) 1954;Nibley. (X.300/9430)

SPENCER, CLARISS. YOUNG AND MABEL HARMER, One Who Was Valiant[Biography of Brigham Young] [Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1940). (10887.h.11)

WERNER, MORRIS ROY., Brigham Young (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1925).(010884.e.90)

[Young Brigham] History of Brigham Young, 1847-1867. edited by William L. Knecht andPeter Crawley (private printed, 1966). (X.200/8961)

Important professionally edited and published journals include those of John D. Lee: Robert Glass Cleland and Juanita Brooks, eds., A Mormon Chronicle: The Diaries of John D. Lee,1848-18 76. 2 VoIs. (1955; reprinted, Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1983);Hoses Stout: Juanita Brooks, ed. On the Mormon Frontier: The Diary of Hosea Stout, 1844-

186 1. 2 VoIs. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press and Utah State HistoricalSociety, 1964) (X.102.30 ); Charles Walker: Andrew Karl Larson and Katharine MilesLarson, eds., The Diary of Charles Lowell Walker. 2 Vols. (Logan, UT: Utah State UniversityPress, 1980) (1(205.120); Charles Ora Card: Donald G. Godfrey and Brigham Y. Card, eds.,The Diaries of Charles Ora Card: The Canadian Years, 1886-1903. ((Salt Lake City, UT:University of Utah Press, 1993); and Wilford Woodruff Scott Kenney, ed., Wilford WoodruffJournals. 9 Vols. (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 1983-84). Signature Books of SaltLake City has been issuing limited editions of various Mormon journals, including Heber C.Kimball, William Clayton (YA.1992.b.4227), John Henry Smith and Reed Smoot.



Alexander, Thomas G., ed., The Mormon People: Their Character and Traditions. (Provo,UT: Charles Redd Monographs in Western History, No. 10, Brigham Young University Press,1980). (X.(200/42403)

- ED., Great Basin Kingdom Revised: Contemporary Perspectives. (Logan, UT: Utah StateUniversity Press, 1991). [various scholars reflect on L.J. Arrington’s Great Basin Kingdom(1958) thirty years later] (YA.1993/b/9957)

ALLEN, JAMES B. AND GLEN M. LEONARD, The Story of the Latter-day Saints. 2ndedition (1976; Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1992). Best one-volume chronologicalhistory, with extensive bibliography. (YA.1993.b.10596)

ALTER, J. C., Utah, The Storied Domain: A Documentary History of Utah’s EventualCareer. 3 Vols (Chicago, IL: American Historical Society, 1952). (Mic.A.1 2359)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J., ED., The Presidents of the Church. (Salt Lake City, UT:Deseret Book Co., 1986). ARRINGTON, LEONARD J. AND

THOMAS G. ALEXANDER, A Dependent Commonwealth. Edited by Dean L. May (Provo,UT: BYU Press, 1974). (7(709/50525)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J. AND DAVIS BITTON, The Mormon Experience, A History ofthe Latter-day Saints. (1979; Urbana, IL:

University of Illinois Press, 1992). Best one-volume interpretive study of key topics.(1(200/34316)

- Saints Without Halos: The Human Side of Mormon History. (Salt Lake City, UT: SignatureBooks, 1982). (7(200.45819)

BAHR, HOWARD M. AND RENATE TONK FORSTE, “Toward a Social Science ofContemporary Mormondom.” BYU Studies 26 (Winter 1986):73-121. (P.521/1793)

BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE, History of Utah . . . 1540-188 7. (San Francisco, CA:

History Co., 1890). (Includes extensive history of Mormons before their entry into Utah in1847, plus full bibliography]. (9605.dd.8) See also John W. Caughey, H.H. Bancroft,Historian of the West. (1946) (10890.c.3)

The Works of H.H. Bancroft. (San Francisco, CA: AL. Bancroft & Co., 1883-90. 39 Vols.(01

BARTLEY, PETER, Mormonism. (Vents, 1989). (YK.1992.a.6235)

BEIER, LUCINDA, Mormons, Christian Scientists, Jehovah’s Witnesses. (London: WardLock Educational, 1981). (X.(200/39256)

BITTON, DAVIS, “Mormon Biography,” Biography: An Inter-disciplinary Quarterly 4.(Winter 1981):l—16.Bitton, Davis and Maureen Ursenbach Beecher, eds., New Views ofMormon History: A Collection of Essays in Honor of Leonard J. Arrington (Salt Lake City,UT: University of Utah Press, 1987). [includes a comprehensive bibliography of Arrington’swritings] (YA.1990.b.1820)

BRODIE, FAWN M. No Man Knows My History, The Life of Joseph Smith, The MormonProphet. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1945). (10059.t.10/5) Many Mormon scholars see thisbiography as a secular portrait of a religious man, and thus inadequate. See, for example, thecritiques of Marvin S. Hill, “Brodie Revisited: A Reappraisal,” Dialogue 7 (Winter 1972):72-85 (Boston Spa); and “Secular or Sectarian History? A Critique of No Man Knows MyHistory,” Church History 43 (March I 974):78-96. (Ac.2085.b/7)

BURRELL, MAUI C., Learning About the Mormons. (London: Enquirer's Library,Mowbray, 1983). (WP. 13879)

CANNON, ABRAHAM H., A Handbook of Reference to the History, Chronology, Religionand Country of the Latter-day Saints Including the Revelation on Celestial Marriage. For theUse of Saints and Strangers (Salt Lake City, UT: .Juvenile Instructor Office, 1884)(Pressmark Pending)

ERICKSEN, EPHRAIM EDWARD, The Psychological and Ethical Aspects of MormonGroup Life. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1922). (4745.e.38)

ESSHEM, FRANK E., Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, comprising photographs,biographies … the early history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints… (SaltLake Jesus Christ of Latter-dCity, UT: Utah Pioneers Book Publishing Co., 1913). (Mic.A.16079)

EVANS, JOHN HENRY, One Hundred Years of Mormonism, A History of the Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1805-1905. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret News,1905). (4745.dg.1)

FRANCIS, RELL G., The Utah Photographs of George Edward Anderson. (Lincoln, NE:University of Nebraska Press (1979). (L.42/3432)

HANSEN, KLAUS J. Mormonism and the American Experience. (Chicago Press, 1981).(X.200/36014)

- “Mormonism in The Encyclopedia of Religion. Mircea Eliade, Editor-in-Chief 15 Vols.(New York: Macmillan, 1987) 10: 108-112. (

HILL, DONNA, Joseph Smith, The First Mormon. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday. 1977).

HILL, MARVIN S., Quest for Refuge, The Mormon Flight from American Pluralism. (SaltLakeCity, UT: Signature Books, 1989). (YA.1991.b.9328)

HULLINGER, ROBERT N. Mormon Answer to Scepticism: Why Joseph Smith Wrote theBook ofMormon. (St. Louis, MO: Clayton, 1980). (YA.1986.a.1 1061)

JAMES, GEORGE WHARTON, Utah, The Land of Blossoming Valleys….With a Map andFifty-six Plates. (Boston, MA: Page Co., 1922). (10409.t.1/l2)

KENNEDY, JAMES HENRY, Early Days of Mormonism. Palmyra, Kirtland and Nauvoo.By J.H. Kennedy, Editor of the Magazine of Western History. (New York: C. Scribner's Sons,1888). [has a new title page bearing the imprint of Reeves and Turner, London] ([Flake #4585]

LEONE, MARK P., Roots of Modern Mormonism. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UniversityPress, 1979). (1(200/32396)

LINDSEY, ROBERT, A Gathering of Saints, A True Story of Money, Murder and Deceit.(London: Simon and Schuster, 1989). [On Mark Hofmann case] (YC.1989.b.5548)

MACKAY, CHARLES, The Mormons or Latter-day Saints With Memoirs of the Life andDeath ofJoseph Smith, the “American Mohammed”. (London: Office of the National IllustratedLibrary, 1851). (741.b.42) [Flake #5179]

MACKAY, CHARLES AND SAMUEL M. SMUCKER, The Religious, Social and PoliticalHistory of the Mormons, or Latter-day Saints. Edited, with Important Additions, by SamuelM. Smucker. (New York: Miller, Orton and Milligan, 1856). (4744.e.31) [Flake #5187]

MAUSS, ARMAND L., The Angel and the Beehive: The Mormon Struggle withAssimilation. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1994). “Sociological Perspectives onthe Mormon Subculture,” Annual Review of Sociology, edited by Ralph H. Turner and JamesF. Short, Jr., 10 (1984):437-460. (Boston Spa)

MAY, DEAN L., “Mormons” in Harvard Encyclopedia of American Ethnic Groups, editedby Stephen Thernstrom (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980), pp. 720-31.(7(525/3983)

- Utah, A People’s History (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1987). (YA.1990.b. 1758)

MEYER, EDUARD, Ursprung und Geschichte der Mormonen, mit Exkursen uber dieAnfange desIslams und des Christentums…Mit funf Abbildungen. (Halle: AS. Verlag von Max Niemeyer,1912). (4745.d.9.) [Flake #5377]

MOORE, R. LAURENCE, Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans. (New York:Oxford University Press, 1986). (YC.1987.a.2100)

MULDER, WILLIAM, The Mormons in American History. (1957; Salt Lake City, UT:University of Utah, 1981). (7(200/47962)

MULLEN, ROBERT R., The Mormons. (London: W.H. Allen, 1967). (7(100/4011)

NELSON, NELS L., Scientific Aspects of Mormonism: Or, Religion in Terms of Life. (NewYork: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904). (

O’DEA, THOMAS F., The Mormons. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1957).( 10)

The Sociology of Mormonism - Four Studies. [reprints from various periodicals] (Cambridge,MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Humanities, 1955). (Ac.4484.a)

PAUL, ERIC ROBERT, Science, Religion, and Mormon Cosmology. (Urbana, IL: Universityof Illinois Press, 1992).

PETERSON, CHARLES S., Utah, A Bicentennial History. (New York: Norton, 1977).(7(809/28739)

POLL, RICHARD D., THOMAS G. ALEXANDER, EUGENE E. CAMPBELL, ANDDAVID E. MILLER, EDS., Utah’s History. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press,1978). Best one-volume history of the Mormon-dominated state. [The volume is nowissued by Utah State University Press in Logan, UT]

ROBERTS, BRIGHAM HENRY, A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints, Century 1. 6 Vols. (1930; Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press,1965).

SESSIONS, GENE A. AND C. J. OBERG, eds., The Search for Harmony: Essays onMormonism and Science. (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 1993).

SHEPHERD, GORDON AND GARY SHEPHERD, A Kingdom Transformed: Themes in theDevelopment of Mormonism. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1984).(X.(200/45821)

SHIPPS, JAN, Mormonism: The Story of a New Religious Tradition. (Urbana, IL: Universityof Illinois Press, 1985). (YC.1989.b. 1346)

SMITH, GEORGE A., The Rise and Progress and Travels of The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints Being a Series of Answers to Questions, Including the Revelation onCelestial Marriage and a Brief Account of the Settlement of Salt Lake Valley. (Salt Lake City,UT: Deseret News Office, 2nd edition, 1872). (4745.dd.22) [Flake #7873]

SMITH, JOSEPH FIELDING, Essentials in Church History. A History of the Church fromthe Birth of Joseph Smith to the Present Time. (Salt Lake City, UT: The Church of JesusChrist of Latter-day Saints, 1924). (

STENHOUSE, THOMAS B.H. The Rocky Mountain Saints: A Full and Complete Historythe Mormons. (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1873). (10413.i.13) [Flake #8404]

SWETNAM, SUSAN HENDRICKS, Lives of the Saints in Southeast Idaho, An Introductionto Mormon Pioneer Life Story Writing. (Moscow, ID: University of Idaho Press, 1991).

VOGT, EVON Z. AND ETHEL M. ALBERT, EDS., People of Rimrock: A Study of Valuesin Five Cultures, (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 1966). (X.800/1720) See also,Reports of the Rimrock Project (Cambridge, MA: Papers of the Peabody Museum ofAmerican Archaeology Ethnology in Laboratory of Social Relations 1951). (Ac.2692.a)

WALKER, RONALD W. "The Challenge and Craft of Mormon Biography," BYU Studies 22E (Spring 1982): 179-92. (P.521/1793)

WARNER, JAME A. AND SPAKE M. The Mormon Way. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1976). (X.203/708)

WHITTAKER, DAVID J. "The Heritage and Tasks of Mormon Biography," in SupportingSaints: Life Stories of Nineteenth Century Mormons. Edited by Donald Q. C. Cannon DavidJ. Whittaker (Provo, UT; Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University SpecializedMonograph Series, Volume One, 1985), pp. 1-16. (YA.1994.b.4000)

WIGGINS, MARVIN, Mormons and Their Neighbors: An Index to Over 75,000Biographical Sketches From the Present. 2 Vols. (Provo, UT: Harold B. Lee Library,Brigham Young University, 1984).

WOODBURY, ANGUS MANN, A History of Southern Utah and Its National Parks.(SaltLake City, UT;; Utah State Utah Historical Society, 1944) [Utah Historical Quarterly Vol. 12,Nos. 3-4] (Ac.8537)

STENHOUSE, THOMAS B.H., The Rocky Mountain Saints: A Full and Complete History ofthe Mormons. (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1873). (10413.i.13) [Flake #84044]

SWETNAM, SUSAN HENDRICKS, Lives of the Saints in Southeast Idaho, An Introductionto Mormon Pioneer Life Story Writing. (Moscow, ID: University of Idaho Press, 1991).

VOGT, EVON Z. AND ETHEL M. ALBERT, EDS., People of Rimrock: A Study of Valuesin Five Cultures. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1966). (X.(800/1720) See also,

Reports of the Rimrock Projects (Cambridge, MA: Papers of the Peabody Museum ofAmerican Archaeology and Ethnology in Laboratory of Social Relations, 1951). (Ac.2692.a)

WALKER, RONALD W. “The Challenge and Craft of Mormon Biography,” BYU Studies 22(Spring 1982):179-92. (P.521/1793)

WARNER, JAMES A. AND SPINE M. SPAKE, The Mormon Way. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice-Hall, 1976). (X.(203/708)

WHITTAKER, DAVID J. “The Heritage and Tasks of Mormon Biography,” in SupportingSaints: Life Stories of Nineteenth Century Mormons. Edited by Donald Q. Cannon and DavidJ. Whittaker (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, SpecializedMonograph Series, Volume One, 1985), pp. 1-16. (YA.1994.b.4000)

WIGGINS, MARVIN, Mormons and Their Neighbors: An Index to Over 75,000Biographical Sketches From 1820 to the Present. 2 Vols. (Provo, UT: Harold B. Lee Library,Brigham Young University, 1984).

WOODBURY, ANGUS MANN, A History of Southern Utah and Its National Parks. (SaltLake City, UT;; Utah State Historical Society, 1944). [Utah Historical Quarterly Vol. 12,Nos. 3-4] (Ac.8537)


ADAMS, CHARLES P. AND GUSTIVE O. LARSON, “A Study of the LDS ChurchHistorian’s Office, 1830-1900,” Utah Historical Quarterly 40 (Fall 1972):370-88. (Ac.8537)Useful overviews of the Historical Department of the Church during the years Leonard J.Arrington was the Church Historian (1972-1982) are Leonard J. Arrington, “The Founding ofthe LDS Church Historical Department, 1972,” Journal of Mormon History 18 (Fall1992):41-56 (Boston Spa);Davis Bitton, “Ten Years in Camelot: A Personal Memoir,”Dialogue 16 (1983):9-33. (Boston Spa)

ALEXANDER, THOMAS G. “The Place of Joseph Smith in the Development of AmericanReligion: A Historiographical Inquiry,” Journal of Mormon History 5 (1978):3-17. (BostonSpa) “Toward The New Mormon History: An Examination of the Literature on the Latter-daySaints in the Far West,” in Historians and the American West, Michael P. Malone, ed.,(Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1983), pp. 344-68. (7(800/37290)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J. “The Search for Truth and Meaning in Mormon History,”Dialogue 3 (Summer 1968):56-66. (Boston Spa) “The Writing of Latter-day Saint History:Problems, Accomplishments, and Ambitions,” Dialogue 14 (Autumn 198 1):1 19-29. (BostonSpa)

BITTON, DAVIS, AND LEONARDJ. ARRINGTON, Mormons and Their Historians. (SaltLake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1988).

ELLS WORTH, S. GEORGE, “Utah History: Retrospect and Prospect,” Utah HistoricalQuarterly 40 (Fall 1972):342-67. (Ac.8537)

HAFEN, LEROY R., The Joyous Journey of LeRoy R. and Ann W. Hafen. (Glendale, CA:Arthur H. Clark and Denver, CO: Fred A. Rosentock, Old West Publishing Co., 1973).(X.(800/10075)

HILL, MARVIN S., “Survey: The Historiography of Mormonism,” Church History 10(December 1959):418-26.

JESSEE, DEAN C., “Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormon Record Keeping,” in TheProphet Joseph: Essays on the Life and Mission of Joseph Smith. Edited by Larry C. Porterand Susan Easton Black (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1988), pp. 138-60.

MARTY, MARTIN E., “Two Integrities: An Address to the Crisis in MormonHistoriography,” Journal of Mormon History 10 (1983):3-19. (Boston Spa)

PAUL, RODMAN W., “The Mormons as a Theme in Western Historical Writing,” Journal of American History 54 (December 1967):511-23. (Ac.8408/2)

QUINN, D. MICHAEL, an., The New Mormon History: Revisionist Essays on the Past (SaltLake City, UT: Signature Books, 1992).

SEARLE, HOWARD C., “Early Mormon Historiography: Writing the History of theMormons, 1830-1858,” (Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA, 1979).

SMITH, GEORGE D. an., Faithful History, Essays on Writing Mormon History (Salt LakeCity,UT: Signature Books, 1992).

UNDERWOOD, GRANT, “Re-visioning Mormon History,” Pacific Historical Review 55(August 1986):403-26. (Ac.8504.c)


ALLEN, JAMES B., “The Significance of Joseph Smith’s ‘First Vision’ in MormonThought,” Dialogue I (Autumn 1966):29-45. (Boston Spa)

- “Emergence of a Fundamental: The Expanding Role of Joseph Smith’s First Vision inMormon Religious Thought,” Journal of Mormon History 7 (1980):43-61. (Boston Spa)

ANDERSON, RICHARD LLOYD, Joseph Smith’s New England Heritage. (Salt Lake City,UT: Deseret Book, 1971).

- Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1981).

ANDERSON, ROGER I., Joseph Smith's New York Reputation Reexamined. (Salt Lake City,UT: Signature Books, 1990). (YA.1991.b.7814)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J., “Mormonism: From Its New York Beginnings,” New YorkHistory 61 (October 1980):387-410. (Ac.8428/4)

BACKMAN, MILTON V., JR., Joseph Smith’s First Vision, Confirming Evidences andContemporary Accounts. 2nd edition (Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft, 1980).

BUSHMAN, RICHARD L., Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism. (Urbana, IL:University of Illinois Press, 1984). (X.200/46644)

DEPILLIS, MARIO S., “The Quest for Religious Authority and the Rise of Mormonism,”Dialogue 1 (Spring 1966):66-88. (Boston Spa)

HARTLEY, WILLIAM G., “‘Upon You My Fellow Servants’: Restoration of thePriesthood,” in The Prophet Joseph: Essays on the Life and Mission of Joseph Smith editedby Porter and Black (1988), pp. 49-72.

HILL, MARVIN S., “The Rise of Mormonism in the Burned-Over District: Another View,New York History 61 (October 1980): 411-30. (Ac.8428/4)

The “Manuscript Story” of Reverend Solomon Spaulding, or “Manuscript Found, “from aVerbatim Copy of the Original Now in Oberlin College, Ohio, etc. (Lamoni, IA: Printed andpublished by the Reorganized church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1908).(X.108/13660) [Flake #8312]

MORGAN, DALE, Dale Morgan on Earl’; Mormonism: Correspondence and New History.Edited by John Phillip Walker (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 1986).

POLLOCK, GORDON, D., In Search of Security, The Mormons and the Kingdom of God onEarth, 1830-1844. (New York: Garland, 1989). (YC.1991 .b.4381)

PORTER, LARRY C “A Study of the Origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daySaints in the States of New York and Pennsylvania, 1816-1831,” (Ph.D. diss., BrighamYoung University, 1971).

PRINCE, GREGORY A., Having Authority, The Origins and Development of PriesthoodDuring the Ministry of Joseph Smith. (Independence, MO: Independence Press for the’ JohnWhitmer Historical Association Monograph Series, 1993).

QUINN, D. MICHAEL, Early Mormonism and the Magic World View. (Salt Lake City, UT:Signature Books, 1987). (YA. 1988.b.1944).

TUCKER, POMEROY, Origin Rise, and Progress of Mormonism. Biography of its Founderand History of its Church. Personal Remembrances and Historical Collections HithertoUnwritten… (New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1867). (

WIDTSOE, OSBORNE JOHN PETER The Restoration of the Gospel. 4th edition (Salt LakeCity, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1925). (

OHIO PERIOD (1831-1838

ANDERSON, KARL R.,J Kirtland: Eyewitness Accounts UT: Deseret Book, 1989).

ANDREW, LAUREL B., The Early Temples of the Mormons: The Architecture of theMillennial Kingdom in the American West. (Albany: NY: State University of New York Press, 1978).

BACHMAN, MILTON V., JR., The Heavens Resound: A History of the Latter-day Saints in Ohio, 1830-1838. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1983).

EPPERSON, STEVEN, Mormons and Jews, Early Mormon Theologies of Israel. (Salt LakeCity, UT: Signature Books, 1992).

GRANSTAFF, MARK R., “The Impact of the Mormon Migration on the Community ofKirtland,Ohio, 1830-1839.” (Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University, 1984).

HANSEN, KLAUS J., Quest for Empire, The Political Kingdom of God and the Council ofFifty in Mormon History. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 1967; recentlyreissued inpaperback by the University of Nebraska Press).

HILL, MARVIN S., “Cultural Crisis in the Mormon Kingdom: A Reconsideration of theCauses of Kirtland Dissent,” Church History 49 (September 1980):286-97. (Ac.2085.b/7)

- Quest for Refuge, The Mormon Flight from American Pluralism (Salt Lake City, UT:Signature Books, 1989). (YA.1991.b.9328)

HILL, MARVIN S., LARRY T. WIMMER AND C. KEITH ROOKER, “The KirtlandEconomy Revisited: A Market Critique of Sectarian Economics,” BYU Studies 17 (Summer1977):391-472. (P.521/1793) [issued as a separate volume by BYU Press in 1978,(X.(200/46766)]

HOWE, ED., Mormonism Unvailed: or A Faithful Account of That Delusion….With Sketchesof…its Propagators, and a Full Detail of the Manner in Which the Famous Golden Bible wasBrought Before the World….To Which Are Added Inquiries into the Probability that theHistorical Part of the Said Bible was Written by …S. Spalding. (Painesville, OH: Publishedby the Author, 1834). [first anti-Mormon book] (1324.b.4) [Flake #4104]

PARKIN, MAX H., “Conflict at Kirtland: The Nature and Causes of External and InternalConflict of the Mormons in Ohio Between 1830 and 1838,” (Master’s thesis, Brigham YoungUniversity, 1966).

TALMAGE, JAMES E., The House of the Lord. (1912; Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book,1976).


I Jackson County Period (1831-33)

JENNINGS, WARREN A., “Zion is Fled: The Expulsion of the Mormons from JacksonCounty, Missouri,” (Ph.D. diss., University of Florida, 1962).

- “The Expulsion of the Mormons from Jackson County, Missouri,” Missouri HistoricalReview 64 (October 1969):41-63. (Ac.8527)

2 Clay and Ray County Period (1833-37)

CRAWLEY, PETER, AND RICHARD LLOYD ANDERSON, “The Political and SocialRealities of Zion’s Camp,” BYU Studies 14 (Summer 1974):406-420. (P.521/1793)

PARKIN, MAX H., “A History of the Latter-day Saints in Clay County, Missouri from 1833to 1837,” (Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University, 1976).

3 Daviess and Caldwell County Period (1837-39)

ANDERSON, RICHARD LLOYD, “Atchison’s Letters and the Causes of MormonExpulsion from Missouri,” BYU Studies 26 (Summer 1986):3-47. (P.521/1793)

GEDDES, JOSEPH A., The United Order Among the Mormons (Missouri Phase): AnUnfinishedExperiment in Economic Organization. [Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1924] (Salt LakeCity,UT: Deseret News Press, 1924). (010760.f.10)

GENTRY, LELAND H. “A History of the Latter-day Saints in Northern Missouri from1836 to 1839,” (Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University, 1965).

JESSEE, DEAN C. “‘Walls, Grates and Screeking Iron Doors’: The Prison Experience ofMormon Leaders in Missouri, 1838-1839,” in New Views of Mormon History edited by Bittonand Beecher (1987), pp. 19-42. (YA.1990.b.1820)

JOHNSON, CLARK V. ED., Mormon Documents of the 1833-1838 Missouri Conflict.(Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1992).

LESUEUR, STEPHEN C. The 1838 Mormon War in Missouri. (Columbia, MO: Universityof Missouri Press, 1987). (YC.1988.a.3505). The emphasis on sinister Mormon Daniteactivity in this study ought to be balanced with David J. Whittaker, “The Book of Daniel inEarly Mormon Thought,” in By Study and Also By Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh Nibleyedited by John M. Lundquist and Stephen D. Ricks, 2 Vols. (Salt Lake City, UT: DeseretBook and the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1990), Vol. 1, pp. 155-201.


ALLEN, JAMES B., Trials of Discipleship, The Story of William Clayton, A Mormon.(Urbana,IL: University of Illinois Press, 1987). (YA.1989.b.6826)

ARRINGTON, JOSEPH EARL, “Destruction of the Mormon Temple at Nauvoo reprintedfrom Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society. (1948). (

BENNETT, JOHN COOKE, The History of the Saints; or an Expose of Joe Smith andMormonism. (Boston, MA: Leland and Whiting, 1842). (1369.h.7) [Flake #403]

CASWAIL, HENR or Three Days at Nauvoo, in 1842 J.G.F. & J. Rivington,1842). [Flake#1232]

- Mormonism and its Author, or, A Statement of the Doctrines of “The Latter-day Saints".(London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1852). (4745.a.26) [Flake #1234]

- The Prophet of the Rise, Progress and Pre Latter-day Saints: To Analysis of the Book & J.Rivington, 184 #1237]

[CLAYTON, WILLIAM], An Intimate Chronicle, The Diaries of William Clayton. Edited byGeorge D. Smith (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books in association with Smith ResearchAssociates, 1991). (YA.1992.b.4227)

ESPLIN, RONALD Nauvoo for Latter-day Saints," Journal of Mormon History 16 (1990):71-86. (Boston Spa)

FLANDERS, ROBERT B., Nauvoo, Kingdom on the Mississippi. (Urbana, IL: University ofIllinois Press, 1965).

FORD, THOMAS, A History of Illinois from its Commencement as a State in (Chicago, IL:S.C. ( [Governor of Illinois killed in 1844] (960’

GODFREY, KENN "Causes of the Mormon-Non-More County, Illinois, 183 Brigham YoungUniversity S GREGG, THOMAS Illinois.…(Chicago, Co., 1880). (10408.1

HAMPSHIRE, ANNETTE, P., Mormonism in Conflict, The Nauvoo Years. Studies inReligion and Society Series, Vol. 11 (New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1985).

JACKSON, JOSEPH H., The Adventures and Experience of Joseph H. Jackson Disclosingthe Depths of Mormon Villainy Practiced in Nauvoo. [dated 3 September 1846] (Warsaw, IL:1846). (4183.aa.30) [Flake #4303]

LEONARD, GLEN M., “Recent Writing on Mormon Nauvoo,” Western Illinois RegionalStudies 11 (Fall 1988):69-93.

- “Remembering Nauvoo: Historiographical Considerations,” Journal of Mormon History 16(1990):25-39. (Boston Spa)

LITTLEFIELD, LYMAN O., The Martyrs: A Sketch of The Lives and a Full Account of theMartyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. (Salt Lake City, UT: Juvenile Instructor Office,1882). (4985.c.32) [Flake #4959]

OAKS, DALLIN H. AND MARVIN S. HILL, Carthage Conspiracy, The Trial of theAccused Assassins of Joseph Smith. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1975).(X.200/30860)

POLL, RICHARD D., “Nauvoo and the New Mormon History: A Bibliographical Survey,” Journal of Mormon History 5 (1978):105-23. (Boston Spa)

QUINN, D. MICHAEL, “The Mormon Succession Crisis of 1844,” BYU Studies 16 (Winter1976):187-233. (P.521/1793)

SMITH, JOSEPH [AND WILLIAM W. PHELPS], General Smith’s Views of the Powers andPolicy of the Government of the United States.(Nauvoo, IL: John Taylor, Printer, 1844).(8177.h.11) [Flake #7957]

WINN, KENNETH A., Exiles in a Land of Liberty, Mormons in America, 1830-1846.(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1989). (YC.1989.b.7896)


BENNETT, RICHARD E., Mormons at the Missouri, 1846-52: ‘And Should We Die’.(Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987). (YC.1989.a.1089)

CHRISTIAN, LEWIS CLARK, “A Study of Mormon Knowledge of the American Far WestPrior to the Exodus (1830-February 1846)” (Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University,1972).

DEVOTO, BERNARD, The Year of Decision, 1846. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, & Co.,1943). (9615.ppp 2l)

ESPLIN, RONALD K., “‘A Place Prepared’: Joseph, Brigham and the Quest for a Promised Refuge in the West,” Journal of Mormon History 9 (1982):85-111. (Boston Spa)

FREMONT, JOHN C., Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in theYear 1842; and to the Oregon and North California, in the Years 1843, 44. (Washington,DC, 1845) [one of the major reference sources studied by the Mormons prior to their trek tothe Great Basin] (1431.k.6)

JACKSON, RICHARD H., “Myth and Reality, Environmental Perception of the Mormons,1840-1865, An Historical Geosophy,” (Ph.D. diss., Clark University, 1970).

KIMBALL, STANLEY B., Discovering Mormon Trails, New York to California, 1831-1868.Diane Clements, Cartographer (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1979). (X.205/1343)

- Heber C. Kimball, Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press,1981). (X.200/37294)

- Historic Sites and Markers Along the Mormon and Other Great Western Trails. (Urbana,IL: University of Illinois Press, 1988). (YC.1989.b.3924)

MATTES, MERRILL J., Platte River Road Narratives. (Urbana, IL: University of IllinoisPress, 1988). (2725.g.783)

MINTZ, LANNON W., The Trail: A Bibliography of the Travellers on the Overland Trail toCalifornia, Oregon, Salt Lake City, and Montana During the Years 184l-1864. (Albuquerque,NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1987). (2725.e.262)

The Mormon Trail: A Study Report. United States Department of the Interior, HeritageConservation and Recreation Service and National Park Service (Washington, DC:Department of the Interior, 1978). (AS. 193/169)

ROBERTS, B.H., The Mormon Battalion: Its History and Achievements. (Salt Lake City, UT:Deseret News, 1919). (Mic.A.1341 1)

STEGNER, WALLACE, The Gathering of Zion, The Story of the Mormon Trail. (London:Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1966). (10059.r.1O/l2)

TYLER, DANIEL, A Concise History of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War, 1846-184 7. (1881; Glorieta, NM: Rio Grande Press, 1980). (YA.1900.b.8395)

YUTINUS, JOHN, “A Ram in the Thicket: The Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War,”(Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University, 1975).


[In 1996 the State of Utah will celebrate the centennial of its statehood. As part of thecelebration, a new multi-volume, multi-authored history of the State has been commissioned,together with an Encyclopedia of Utah History, all to be published by the University of UtahPress, Salt Lake City]

ADLER, JACOB, The Fantastic Life of Walter Murray Gibson, Hawaii’s Minister ofEverything.(Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1986). (YA.1988.b.6190)

ALEXANDER, THOMAS G., "Toward the New Mormon History: An Examination of theLiterature on the Latter-day Saints in the Far West,” in Historians and the American Westedited by Michael P. Malone (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1983), pp. 344-68.(X.800/37290)

ALEXANDER, THOMAS G. AND JAMES B. ALLEN, Mormons and Gentiles: A Historyof Salt Lake City. (Boulder, CO: Pruett Publishing, 1984).

- “The Mormons in the Mountain West: A Selected Bibliography", Arizona and the West 9(Winter 1967): 365-84. (P.701/1302)

ALTER, J. CECIL, Early Utah Early Utah Journalism. A Half Century of Forensic Warfare,Waged by the West’s Most Militant Press. (Salt Lake City, Utah State Historical Society,1938). (11859.ff 27)

ANDERSON, NELS, Deseret Saints. The Mormon Frontier in Utah. (Chicago, IL;University of Chicago Press, 1942). (20039.dd.1)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J., Brigham Young, American Moses. (New York: Knopf, 1985).[best biography] [best biography] (YA.1990.b.4119)

- Great Basin Kingdom, An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints,1830-1900.(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1958). (X.520/8264.(19))

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J. AND RONALD K. ESPLIN, "Building a Commonwealth: TheSecular Leadership of Brigham Young,” Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Summer 1977):216-32. (Ac.8537)

ASHTON, WENDELL J., Voice in the West. Biography of A Pioneer Newspaper [theDeseret News]. (New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1950). (011840.m.88)

BAILEY, PAUL, Hawaii’s Royal Prime Minister: The Life and Times of Walter MurrayGibson. (New York: Hastings House, 1980). (X.809/66015)

- Sam Brannan and the California Mormons. (Los Angeles, CA: Westernlore Press, 1959).(4857 ff31)

- Wovoka, The Indian Messiah (Los Angeles, CA: Westernlore Press, 1957). (10413.m.38)

- Holy Smoke: A Dissertation on the Utah War. (Los Angeles, CA: Westernlore Books,1978). (X.200/35220)

BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE, History of Utah, 1540-1886. (San Francisco, CA: HistoryCo., 1889). (9605.dd.8)

BIRD, GEORGE ROBERT, Tenderfoot Days in Territorial Utah. (Boston, MA: The GorhamPress, 1918).

BROOKS, JUANITA, The Mountain Meadows Massacre. (Stanford, CA: StanfordUniversity Press, 1950). (9605.r.24)

- John Doyle Lee, Zealot - Pioneer Builder - Scapegoat. (Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark,1962). (

California: Its Past History; its Present Position, Its Future Prospects… Including a Historyof … the Mormon Settlements.… (London, 1850). [attributed to GA. Fleming] (l0409.d.10)[Flake #1085]

CAMPBELL, EUGENE E., Establishing Zion, The Mormon Church in the American West,1847-1869. (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 1988). (YA.1989.b.6309)

CLAYTON, WILLIAM, William Clayton’s Journal: A Daily Record of the Journey of theOriginal Company of “Mormon” Pioneers from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Valley of the GreatSalt Lake. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret News for The Clayton Family Association, 1921).Edited by Lawrence Clayton ( [Flake #2427]

- The Latter-day Saints Emigrant’s Guide: Being A Table of Distances, Showing All theSprings, Creeks, Rivers, Hills, Mountains, Camping Places, and All Other Notable PlacesFrom Council Bluffs to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake. (1848; reprinted in Leander V.Loomis, A Journal of the Birmingham Emigrating Company. The Record of a Trip FromBirmingham, Iowa, to Sacramento, California, in 1850….Together with Five EarlyItineraries Covered in Part by this Company. (Salt Lake City, UT: Legal Printing Co., 1928).(20019.g.64)

COLTON, RAY C., The Civil War in The Western Territories, Arizona, Colorado, NewMexico, and Utah. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1959). (9074.dd.8)

CORNWALL, REBECCA AND LEONARD J. ARRINGTON, Rescue of the 1856 HandcartCompanies. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1981). (X.529/71208)

CRADLEBAUGH, JOHN, Utah and the Mormons Speech….on the Admission of Utah as aState. Delivered in the House of Representatives, February 7, 1863. [with an appendixcontaining letters and affidavits concerning atrocities supposed to have been committed bythe Mormons] (Washington, DC: L. Towers & Co., 1863) [The speech was not given due toshortage of time, but Cradlebaugh was allowed to print it.] ( [Flake #2572]

CRAWLEY, PETER, “The Constitution of the State of Deseret,” BYU Studies 29 (Fall1989):7-22.(P/521/1793)

CREER, LELAND H., The Founding of an Empire. The Exploration and Colonization ofUtah,1776-1856. (Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft, 1947). (Mic.A.8391)

CULMSEE, CARLTON, Utah’s Black Hawk War: Lore and Reminiscence of Participants.(Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 1973). (X.800/12937)

“Diary of Lorenzo Dow Young,” Utah Historical Quarterly 14 (1946):133-71. (Ac.8537)“Father Escalante’s Journal,” translated & edited by H.S. Auerbach, Utah HistoricalQuarterly 11(1943). (Ac.8537)

FIELDING, ROBERT KENT, The Unsolicited Chronicler: An Account of the GunnisonMassacre, its Causes and Consequences, Utah Territory, 184 7-1859, A Narrative History.(Brookline, MA: Paradigm Publications, 1993). (YA.1993.b.10612)

FLORES, DAN L., “Agriculture, Mountain Ecology and the Land Ethic: Phases of theEnvironment History of Utah,” in Working the Range, Essays on the History of Western LandManagement and the Environment. Edited by John R. Wunder (Westport, CT: GreenwoodPress, 1985), pp. 157-186. (YC.1988.a.4053)

EVANS, JOHN HENRY, Charles C. Rich, Pioneer Builder of the West. (New York:Macmillan Co., 1936). (

FURNISS, NORMAN F., The Mormon Conflict, 1850-1859. (New Haven, CT: YaleUniversity Press, 1960). (

GOWANS, FRED AND EUGENE E. CAMPBELl, Fort Bridger: Island in the Wilderness.(Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1976). (X.800/11120)

GUDDE, ERWIN C., Bigler’s Chronicle of the West. The Conquest of California, Discoveryof Gold, and Mormon Settlement as Reflected in Henry William Bigler’s Diaries. (Berkeley,CA: University of California Press, 1962). [A Mormon at Sutter’s Mill] (10713.n.24)

HAFEN, LEROY R. AND ANN W. HAFEN, Handcarts to Zion. The Story of A UniqueWestern Migration, 1856-1860. With Contemporary Journals, Accounts, Reports, andRosters, of Members of the Ten Handcart Companies. (Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark, Co.,1960). (10414.dd.16/14)

- EDS., Journals of Forty Miners-Salt Lake to Los Angeles with Diaries and ContemporaryRecords ofSheldon Young, James S. Brown…and Others. (Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark, 1954).(10414.dd.16/2)

-EDS., The Utah Expedition, 1857-1858. A Documentary Account of the United StatesMilitary Across Movement Under Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston and the Resistance byBrigham Young and the Mormon Nauvoo Legion. (Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark, 1958).(10414.dd.16/8)

HAFEN, MARY ANN, Recollections of a Handcart Pioneer of 1860: a Woman's Life on theMormon Frontier. (1938; Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1983).(YA.1989.a.19479)

HARTLEY, WILIAM G. "Mormons, Crickets, and Gulls: A New Look at an Old Story,”Utah Historical Quarterly38 (Summer 1970):224-39. (Ac.8537)

HILTON, HOPE A., "Wild Bill" Hickman and the Mormon Frontier (Salt Lake City, UT:Signature Books, 1988). (YA.1990.a.15398)

HUGHES, JONATHAN, The Vital Few: The Entrepreneur and American EconomicProgress. (New York: Oxford University Press, rev. edition, 1986). [Includes a chapter onBrigham Young] (YC.1988.a.4942)

HUNTER, MILTON R. Utah, The Story of Her People, 1540-1947. A Centennial History ofUtah. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret News Press, 1946). (X.800/145

IRVING, GORDON, "Encouraging the Saints: Brigham Young’s Annual Tours of theMormon Settlements," Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Summer 1977):233-51. (Ac.8537)

JENSEN, JENS W. (Provo, UT: By the Author, 1924). (X.808/12628)

[KANE, THOMAS L.] A Friend of the Mormons. The Private Papers and Diary of theThomas Leiper Kane. Edited by Oscar Osburn Winther (San Francisco, CA: (Cup.510.pb.15)

KANE, THOMAS L., The Mormons. A Discourse Delivered Before the Historical Society ofPennsylvania, March 26, 1850. (Philadelphia, PA: King and Baird, 1850). (1575/312) [Flake#4523]

LARSON, ANDREW KARL, Erastus Snow, The Life ala Missionary and Pioneer for theEarly Mormon Church. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1971). (X.203/500)

LARSON, GUSTIVE O., Prelude to the Kingdom, Mormon Desert Conquest. A Chapter inAmerican Co-operative Experience. (Francestown, NH: Marshall Jones Co., 1947).(X.100/4098)

- The “Americanization” of Utah for Statehood. (San Marino, CA: Huntington Library,1971). (X.800/7864)

Life Among the Mormons, and A March to Their Zion…By an Officer of the U.S. Army. (NewYork: 1868). (4183.aa.85)

LINFORTH, JAMES, ED., Route From Liverpool to Great Salt Lake Valley illustrated…From Sketches…by Frederick Piercy and Containing A Map of the Overland Portion of theJourney. Edited by J. Linforth. (Liverpool, England: F.D. Richards, 1855). (1304.m.2) [Flake#6381] Fawn M. Brodie, ed., (1962) (11485.b.1/26)

LITTLE, JAMES A., Biography of Lorenzo Dow Young from Utah Historical Quarterly,Vol. 14, 1946, 25-132. (Ac.8537)

LONG, E[VERETTE] B., The Saints and the Union: Utah Territory During the Civil War.(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1987). (X.800/32189)

MADSEN, BRIGHAM D., Corinne, The Gentile Capital of Utah. (Salt Lake City, UT: UtahState Historical Society, 1980). (X.800/37132)

- Glory Hunter, A Biography of Patrick Edward Hunter. (Salt Lake City, UT: University ofUtah Press, 1990). (YA.1993.b.5049)

- Gold Rush Sojourners in Great Salt Lake City, 1849 and 1850. (Salt Lake City, UT:University of Utah Press, 1983). (X.800/41387)

- The Lemhi: Sacajawea’s People. (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1979). (1(809/55496)

- The Northern Shoshoni. (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1980). (YH.1986.b.496)

MCLAWS, MONTE B., Spokesman for the Kingdom, Early Mormon Journalism and the‘DeseretNews’. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1977). (1(200/32007)

MCMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C., The Beginnings of Printing in Utah With a Bibliography ofthe Issues of the Utah Press, 1849-1860. (Chicago, IL: John Calhoun Club, 1931).(011899.d.70)

MOORMAN, DONALD R. AND GENE A. SESSIONS, Camp Floyd and the Mormons.(Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1992).

MORGAN, DALE L., “The State of Deseret,” Utah Historical Quarterly 8 (April, July,October 1940): 65-234] (Salt Lake City, UT: Utah State Historical Society, 1940). (Ac.8537)

- The Great Salt Lake. (Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1947). (1(809/24035(8))

NEFF, ANDREW LOVE, History of Utah, 1847 to 1869, edited by Leland H. Creer (SaltLake City, UT: Deseret News Press, 1940). (Mic.A.9527)

NELSON, LOWRY, The Mormon Village. A Pattern and Technique of Land Settlement. (SaltLake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1952). (7084.f.5)

PETERSON, PAUL H., “The Mormon Reformation,” (Ph.D. diss., Brigham YoungUniversity, 1981).

POULSEN, EZRA JAMES, Joseph C. Rich, Versatile Pioneer on the Mormon Frontier, AStory of Achievement Under Difficulties. (Salt Lake City, UT: Granite Publishing Co., 1958).(Pressmark pending)

RICKS, JOEL EDWARD, Forms and Methods of Early Mormon Settlement in Utah and TheSurrounding Region, 1847 to 1877. (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 1964).(X.(809/3469)

ROGERS, AURELIA SPENCER, Life Sketches of Orson Spencer and Others, and History ofPrimary Work. (Salt Lake City, UT: George Q. Cannon & Sons Co., 1898). (

SESSIONS, GENE A., Mormon Thunder: A Documentary History of Jedediah MorganGrant. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1982). (X.(800/35057)

SMITH, GEORGE A., Plea Upon the Trial of Howard Egan\. … for the Murder of JamesMonroe. (Liverpool, England: R. James, 1852). (4745.e.19) [Flake #3122]

STOUT, HOSEA, On The Mormon Frontier, The Diary of Hosea Stout, 1844-186 1. Editedby Juanita Brooks. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press and Utah State HistoricalSociety, 1964). (1(102/304)

TRACY, CAPTAIN ALBERT, “The Utah War: Journal of Captain Albert Tracy, 1858-1860,” Utah Historical Quarterly 13 (1945). (Ac.8537)

TULLIDGE, EDWARD W., History of Salt Lake City and its Founders.… (Salt Lake City,UT: E.W. Tullidge, 1883). (10408.m.4)

UNRUH, JR., JOHN D., The Plains Across: The Overland Emigrants and the Trans-Mississippi West, 1840-1860. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1979). (1(802/10998)

VAN COTT, JOHN W., Utah Place Names: A Comprehensive Guide to the Origin ofGeographic Names. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1990).

Walker, Ronald W., “Toward a Reconstruction of Mormon and Indian Relations, 1847-1877,” BYU Studies 29 (Fall 1989):33-64. (P.521/1793)

WATTERS, LEON LAIZES, The Pioneer Jews of Utah. (New York: Studies in AmericanJewish History, No. 2, 1952). (Ac.8358/4)

WEST, RAY B., Kingdom of the Saints. The Story of Brigham Young and the Mormons.(New York: Viking Press, 1957). (

WHITTAKER, DAVID J., "Mormons and Native Americans: A Historical andBibliographical Introduction", Dialogue 18 (Winter 1985):33-64. (Boston Spa)

- “The Bone in the Throat: Orson Pratt and the Public Announcement of Plural Marriage,:Western Historical Quarterly 18 (July 1987): 293-314. (P.701/404)

WORSTER, DONALD, "The Kingdom, The Power, and the Water," in Worster, The Wealthof Nature, Environment History and the Ecological Imagination. (New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1993), pp. 112-22. (YC.1993.b.5892)

YOUNG, LEVI EDGAR, The Founding of Utah. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924).(X.(808/8786)


ALEXANDER, THOMAS G., A Clash of Interests: Interior Department and The MountainWest, 1863-96. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1977). (X.800/14939)

ALLEN, EDWARD JONES The Second United Order Among the Mormons. (New York:Columbia University Press, 1936). [publication of Ph.D. dissertation] (20029.c.35)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J., David Eccles, Pioneer Western Industrialist. (Logan, UT:Utah State University, 1975). (X.800/14860)

- Great Basin Kingdom, An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints 1830-1900.(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1958). (X.(520/8264(19))

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J., FERAMORZ Y. FOX, AND DEAN L. MAY, Building theCity of God, Community and Cooperation Among the Mormons. (Urbana, IL: University ofIllinois Press, 2nd. edition, 1992). (YA. 1993.a.11407)

- Auerbach’s Seventy-Fifth Anniversary. (Salt Lake City, UT: 1939). [a collection ofphotographs and prints illustrating the history of the Salt Lake City firm] (08230.ff.9)

[AUERBACH] Seventy-Five Year Auerbach Company. Diamond Anniversary, 1864-1939.(Salt Lake City, UT: 1939). (

BAKKER, GORDON MORRIS, Rocky Mountain Constitution Making, 1850-1912. (NewYork: Greenwood, 1987). (YC.1987.b.5467)

BARNEY, GAROLD D., Mormons, Indians, and the Ghost Dance Religion of 1890.(Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986). (YC.1987.b.3713)

BEAL, MERRILL D., A History of Southeastern Idaho. An Intimate Narrative of PeacefulConquest by Empire Builders. (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1942). (Mic.A.8299)

BENNION, SHERILYN COX, Equal to the Occasion; Women Editors of the Nineteenth-Century West. (Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press, 1990). (YA.1992.b.4283)

BONWICK, JAMES, The Mormons and the Silver Mines….(London: Hodder and Stoughton,1872) [Mormons in Nevada] (

BUTLER, BERT S., GERALD F. LOUGHLIN, VICTOR C. HEIKES, ET AL., The OneDeposits of Utah. (Washington, DC: U.S. Geological Survey, “Professional Paper,” No. 111,1920). (A.S.209/6)

CANNON, GEORGE Q., A Review of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates, in the Case of Geo. Reynolds vs. the United States. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret NewsPrinting and Publishing, 1879). (Mic.A.1 1259(3))

CREER, LELAND H., Utah and the Nation. (Seattle, WA: University of WashingtonPublications in the Social Sciences, 1929). (Ac.2692.x/8)

CRESSWELL, STEPHEN, Mormons and Cowboys, Moonshiners and Klausmen, FederalLaw Enforcement in the South and West, 1870-1893. (Tuscaloosa, AL: University ofAlabama Press,1991). (YA.1993.b.10391)

CURTIS, GEORGE TICKNOR, Plea for Religious Liberty and the Rights of Conscience.Argument Delivered in the Supreme Court of the United States. . . in Three Cases of L. Snow,Plain tiff in Error, v. the United States, on Writs of Error to the Supreme Court of UtahTerritory By CT. Curtis and F.S. Richards. (Washington, DC: Gibson Brothers, 1886)(Mic.A.8532.(4)) [Flake #2618]

DWYER, ROBERT J., The Gentile Comes to Utah. A Study in Religious and Social Conflict,1862-1890. (Washington, DC: Catholic University Press, 1941). (X.700/13461)

GATES, SUSA YOUNG, Brigham Young, Patriot, Pioneer, Prophet. Address, etc. (SaltLake City, UT: 1929). (010885.f.23)

- The Life Story of Brigham Young…By S.Y. Gates…in Collaboration with Leah D. Widtsoe.(London: Jarrolds, [1930]. (2216.c.13)

- Memorial to Elizabeth Claridge McCune, Missionary, Philanthropist, Architect. (Salt LakeCity, UT: 1924). (010883.h.43)

- ED., Surname Book and Racial History: A Compilation and Arrangement of Genealogicaland Historical Data, etc. (Salt Lake City, UT: General Board of the Relief Society, 1918).(9907.ff.l)

HOLLISTER, OVANDO J., The Resources and Attractions of Utah. (Salt Lake City, UT:Tribune Printing & Publishing Co., 1882). (10413.g.15(5))

HOOPES, DAVID S. AND ROY HOOPES, The Making of a Mormon Apostle: The Story ofRudger Clawson. (Lanham, MD: Madison Books, 1990). (YA.1991.b.5605)

JACKSON, RICHARD H., “The Mormon Experience: The Plains as Sinai, the Great Salt Lake as the Dead Sea, and the Great Basin as Desert-cum-Promised Land,” Journal ofHistoricalGeography 18 (1992):41-58. (P.801/3025)

- “Mormon Perceptions and Settlement,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers68 (1978):317-334. (Boston Spa)

[KANE, ELIZABETH WOOD] Twelve Mormon Homes, Visited in Succession on a JourneyThrough Utah to Arizona. [in 1874] [Published by W. Wood from the journal and letters ofhis married daughter. Letters written by the wife of Thomas L. Kane], (Philadelphia, PA:1874). (4182.c.30)

Land Sessions in Utah and Colorado by the Ute Indians, 1861-1899. Assembled by GeorgeE. Fry. (Greeley, CO: University of Northern Colorado. Museum of Anthropology,Miscellaneous Series, No. 3, 1970). (X.(702/1761)

LARSON, ANDREW KARL AND KATHARINE MILES LARSON, EDS., Diary ofCharles Lowell Walker. 2 Vols. (Logan, UT: Utah State University, 1980). (X.(205/1204)

LARSON, GUSTIVE O. The “Americanization” of Utah for Statehood. (San Marino, CA:Huntington Library, 1971). (X.800/7864)

[LEE, JOHN DOYLE] William W. Bishop, ed., Mormonism Unveiled; Including theRemarkable Life and Confession of John D. Lee… - and Complete Life of Brigham Young.(1877; St. Louis, MO:D.M. Vandawalker & Co., 1892). [Flake #4865] (4745.g.1)

LOGUE, LARRY M., A Sermon in the Desert, Belief and Behavior in Early St. George,Utah. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1988). (YA.1992.b.2441)

LYMAN, EDWARD LEO, Political Deliverance: The Mormon Quest for Utah Statehood.(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1986).

MEINIG, DONALD W., "The Mormon Culture Region: Strategies and Patterns in theGeography of the American West, 1847-1964", Annals of the Association 55 (June1965):191-220 (Boston Spa)

(MILLER, DONALD C., Ghost Towns of the Southwest: Arizona, Utah, NewMexico.(Boulder, CO: Pruett, 1980). (X.805/4951)

MOONEY, JAMES, The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890. FourteenthAnnual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution,1892-93 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1896), Pt. II, pp. 653-1136.(A.S.911) [Abridged edition prepared by Anthony F.C. Wallace (Chicago, IL: University ofChicago Press, 1965). (X.0529/41/(3)] Mooney thought the Mormons were the source for theGhost shirt and the Plains’ Indians, but his work ought to be balanced with Larry Coates,"The Mormons and the Ghost Dance” Dialogue, A Journal of Mormon Thought 18 (Winter1985): 89-111. (Boston Spa) The anonymous pamphlet cited by Mooney in the l896 work(pp. 792-93) was by Angus McDonald, a free-thinking Mormon radical [see Flake #5135a]

NELSON, LOWRY,’ "The Mormons," in Group Settlement: Ethnic, Communities in WesternCanada, edited by Carl Addington Dawson, Canadian Frontiers of Settlement, Vol. 7(Toronto, Canada: Macmillan Co. of Canada, 1936), pp. 175-272. (010005.h.29/7)

POWELL, JOHN WESLEY, Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United StatesWith a More Detailed Account of the Lands of Utah. Edited from 2nd edition by WallaceStegner (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1962). (11485.b.1/18)

SIMMONDS, A.J., The Gentile Comes to Cache Valley; A Study of the Logan Apostasies of1874 and the Establishment of Non-Mormon Churches in Cache Valley, 1873-1913. (Logan,UT: Utah State University Press, 1976). (X.200/19145)

STEGNER, WALLACE, Mormon Country. (1942; Lincoln, NE: University of NebraskaPress, 1981). (X.200/38892)

SZASZ, FERENC MORTON, The Protestant Clergy in the Great Plains and Mountain West,1865-1915. (Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1988), Ch. 7, “TheExceptional Populations, II: The Latter-day Saints,” pp. 153-74. (YA.1990.b.4047)

TANNER, ANNIE CLARK, A Biography of Ezra Thompson Clark. (Salt Lake City, UT:Tanner Trust Fund, University of Utah Library, 1975). (X.(200/19125)

TANNER, GEORGE S. AND J. MORRIS RICHARDS, Colonization on the Little Colorado:The Joseph City Region. (Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Press, 1977). (X.(800/31587)

[UDALL, IDA HUNT] ELLSWORTH, MARIA S., ED., Mormon Odyssey: The Story of IdaHunt Udall, Plural Wife. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1992). (YA.l992.b.6877)

WELLS, MERLE W., Anti-Mormonism in Idaho, 1872-92. (Provo, UT: Brigham YoungUniversity Press, 1978). (X.(200/34541)

WHITNEY, ORSON F., History of Utah 4 Vols., (Salt Lake City, UT: George Q. Cannon &Sons Co., 1892-1904). (X.802/623)


ALEXANDER, THOMAS G., Mormonism in Transition: A History of the Latter-day Saints,1890-193 0. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1986). (YC.1987.b.643)

ALEXANDER, THOMAS G. AND JESSIE L. EMBRY, “Toward a Twentieth-CenturySynthesis: The Historiography of Utah and Idaho,” Pacific Historical Review 50 (November1981):475-98. (Ac.8504.c)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J., Beet Sugar in the West: A History of the Utah-Idaho SugarCompany, 1891-1966. (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1966). (1(510/1578)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J. AND THOMAS C. ALEXANDER, A DependentCommonwealth: Utah’s Economy From Statehood to the Great Depression. Edited with anintroduction by Dean L. May (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1974).(1(709/50525)

BROOKS, JUANITA, Quicksand and Cactus, A Memoir of the Southern Mormon Frontier.(Salt Lake City, UT: Howe Bros., 1984). (YA.1987.b.923)

COWAN, RICHARD O., The Church in the Twentieth Century. (Salt Lake City, UT:Bookcraft, 1985).

FOX, FRANK W., J. REUBEN FOX, The Public Years. (Provo, UT: Brigham YoungUniversity Press, 1980). (YA.1986.b.3026)

KAUFFMAN, RUTH AND REGINALD WRIGHT KAUFFMAN, The Latter Day Saints, AStudy of the Mormons in the Light of Economic Conditions. (London: Williams and Norgate,1912). (

PETERSON, CHARLES S., Look to the Mountains, Southeastern Utah and the La SalNational Forest. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1975). (X.(800/28700)

Proceedings Before the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections in the Matter of theProtests Against the Right Hon. Reed Smoot, a Senator from the State of Utah, to Hold HisSeat. [1903-1907], 4 Vols. (Senate Documents, 1906). (A.S.10/4)

ROPER, WILLIAM L. AND LEONARD J. ARRINGTON, William Spry, Man of Firmness,Governor of Utah. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1971). (X.(800/7987)

TINDALL, EMOGENE, History and Genealogy of the Early Mormon Church in Arkansas(1897-1975). (North Little Rock, AK: E. Tindall, 1983). (YA.1987.2534)

WIDTSOE, JOHN ANDREAS, Dry-Farming. A System of Agriculture for Countries Under aLaw

Rainfall. (1911). (07073.i.1/23)

- The Principles of Irrigation Practice. (1914). (07073ff. 1/12)

- Success on Irrigation Projects. (New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1928). (


Acceptance of the Statue of Brigham Young presented by the State of Utah,… [1950] (U.S.Senate Documents, 81st Congress, 2nd Session, No. 201). (A.S.10/4)

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J. AND ANTHONY T. CLUFF, Federally-financed IndustrialPlants Constructed in Utah During World War II. (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press,1969). (X.510/6482)

BENSON, EZRA TAFT, Freedom to Farm. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1960).(7085.h.12)

- So Shall Ye Reap. [Selected Addresses of Ezra Taft Benson], compiled by Reed A. Benson (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1960). (3409.1.1)

- Title of Liberty. [Selected Addresses of Ezra Taft Benson], compiled by Mark A. Benson(Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1964). (X.(100/4700)

- God, Family, Country; Our Three Great Loyalties. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co.,1975). (1(200/32036)

FIRMAGE, EDWIN BROWN, An Abundant Life, The Memoirs of Hugh B. Brown. (SaltLakeCity, UT: Signature Books, 1988). (YA. l990.a.16890)

MACCUNE, WESLEY, Ezra Taft Benson. Man With A Mission. (Washington, DC: PublicAffairs Press, 1958). (10892.n.7)

PETERSON, MARK E., The Great Prologue. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1974).(X.200/19078)

SCHAPSMEIR, EDWARD L. AND FREDERICK H. SCHAPSMEIR, Ezra Taft Benson andthe Politics of Agriculture: The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1961. (Danville, IL: InterstatePrinters and Publishers, 1975) (X.(319/19302 Woolwich)

TATE, LUCILE C., LeGrand Richards, Beloved Apostle. (Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft,1982) (X.200/48223)


BAER, HANS A., Desert: A Secular Challenge to Modern Mormonism. (New York: StateUniversity of New York Press, 1988). (YC.1989.b.397)

BRINGHURST, NEWELL G., Saints, Slaves and Blacks: The Changing Place of BlackPeople Within Mormonism. (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1981). (X.809/53978)

BUSH, LESTER E., JR., "Mormonism's Negro Doctrine: An Historical Overview", (Spring1973): 11-68. (Boston Spa)

GOTIYLIEB, ROBERT AND PETER WILEY, America’s Saint The Rise of Mormon Power(San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986). (YA.1990.a.1762)

HEINERMAI JOHN AND ANSON SHUPE, The Mormon Corporate Empire. (Boston, MA:Beacon Press, 1985). (YC.1987.b.5471) [2nd edition, revised and updated, Wealth andPower in American Zion, (Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellon Press, 1992). (YC.1993.b.2811)]

HAWKINS, CHESTER L., "Selective Bibliography on African-Americans and Mormons,1830-1990," Dialogue 25 (Winter 1993): 113-131. (Boston Spa)

HILL, DENIS G., The History of the Mansfield Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daySaints, 1848 to 1986. Edited by James F. Rankin (Mansfield: Mansfield Ward, 1987).(YC.1988.b.3609)

LUND, JOHN LEWIS, The Church of the Negro: A Discussion of Mormons, Negroes and thePriesthood. (Salt Lake City, UT: Paramount Publishers, 1970). (X.200/11328)

SHEPPERSON, WILBUR S., East of Eden, West of Zion, Essays on Nevada. (Reno, NV:University of Nevada Press, 1989). (VA. 1993.b. 10300)

STURLAUGSON, MARY FRANCES, A Soul So Rebellious. (Salt Lake City, UT: DeseretBook Co., 1981). (YA.1986.b.3284)


ARRINGTON, LEONARD J., Great Basin Kingdom, An Economic History of the Latter-daySaints, 1830-1900. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1958). (X.(520/8264(19))

- “The Mormon Tithing House: A Frontier Business Institution,” Business History Review 28(March 1954):24-58. (P.511/1418)

- “The Settlement of the Brigham Young Estate, 1877-1879,” Pacific Historical Review 21(February 1952):1-20. (Ac.8504.c)

- AND FERAMORZ V. FOX, AND DEAN L. MAY, Building the City of God, Communityand Cooperation Among the Mormons. (1976; Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, rev.edition, 1992). (YA.1993.a.11407)

GOTTLIEB, ROBERT AND PETER WILEY, America’s Saints: The Rise of Mormon Power(New York: Putnam’s Sons, 1984). (YA.1990.a.1762)

HEIN7ERMAN, JOHN AND ANSON SHUPE, The Mormon Corporate Empire. (Boston,MA: Beacon Press, 1985). (YC.1987.b.5471)

KEARI, JAMES R., CLAYNE L. POPE AND LARRY T. WIMMER, “Wealth in aSettlement Economy: Utah, 1850-1870,” Journal of Economic History 40 (September 1980):477-96. (Ac.2577)

MANGUM, GARTH L. AND BRUCE D. BLUMMELL, The Mormons’ War on Poverty: AHistory of LDS We(fare, 1830-1990. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1993).


ALDER, DOUGLAS D., “The Mormon Ward: Congregation or Community?” Journal ofMormon History 5 (1978):61-78. (Boston Spa)

BATES, IRENE MAY, “Transformation of Charisma in the Mormon Church: A History ofthe Office of Presiding Patriarch, 1833-1979,” (Ph.D. diss, UCLA, 1991).

BEECHER, DALE F., “The Office of Bishop,” Dialogue 15 (Winter 1982):103-15. (BostonSpa)

BUSH, LESTER E. JR., AND ARMAND L. MAUSS, EDS., Neither White Nor Black,Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in a Universal Church. (Salt Lake City [Midvale],UT: Signature Books, 1984).

CLARK, JAMES R., COMPILER, Messages of the First Presidency. 6 Vols. (Salt Lake City,UT: Bookcraft, 1965-75).

DEPILLIS, MARIO S., “The Persistence of Mormon Community into the 1990s,” Sunstone15 (September 1991):28-49.

DURHAM, REED C., JR. AND STEVEN H. HEATH, Succession in the Church. (Salt LakeCity, UT: Bookcraft, 1970).

ESPLIN, RONALD K., “The Emergence of Brigham Young and the Twelve to Mormon Leadership, 1830-1841,” (Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University, 1981).

- “Joseph, Brigham and the Twelve: A Succession of Continuity,” BYU Studies 21 (Summer1981):301-41. (P.521/1793)

FIRMAGE, EDWIN BROWN AND RICHARD COLLIN MANGRUM, Zion in the Courts,A Legal History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900. (Urbana, IL:University of Illinois Press, 1988).

HARTLEY, WILLIAM H., “The Priesthood Reorganization of 1877: Brigham Young’s LastAchievement,” BYU Studies 20 (Fall 1979):3-36. (P.521/1763)

PACE, D. GENE, “Community Leadership on the Mormon Frontier: Mormon Bishops andthe Political, Economic and Social Development of Utah Before Statehood,” (Ph.D. diss.,Ohio State University, 1983).

QUINN, D. MICHAEl, The Mormon Hierarchy: Or(gins of Power. (Salt Lake City, UT:Signature Books, forthcoming in 1994).

- “The Evolution of the Presiding Quorums of the LDS Church,” Journal of Mormon History1 (1974):21-38. (Boston Spa)

- “The Council of Fifty and Its Members, 1844 to 1945,” BYU Studies 20 (Winter 1980):163-97. (P.521/1793)

- “The Mormon Hierarchy, 1832-1932: An American Elite,” (Ph.D. diss., Yale University,1976).

- “From Sacred Grove to Sacral Power Structure,” Dialogue 17 (Summer 1984):9-34. (BostonSpa)


ANDERSON, RICHARD LLOYD, “Joseph Smith’s New York Reputation Reappraised,”BYU Studies 10 (Spring 1970):383-314. (P.521/1793)

BUNKER, GARY L. AND DAVIS BITTON, The Mormon Graphic Image, 1834-19 14. (SaltLake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1983). (2(955/2950)

BUSH, LESTER E., JR., “The Spalding Theory Then and Now,” Dialogue 10 (Autumn1977):40-69. (Boston Spa)

CORNWALL, REBECCA FOSTER AND LEONARD J. ARRINGTON, “Perpetuationof a Myth: Mormon Danites in Five Western Novels, 1840-1890,” BYU Studies 23 (Spring1983):147-65. (P.521/1793)

DAVIS, DAVID BRION, “Some Themes of Counter-Subversion: An Analysis of Anti-Masonic, Anti-Catholic, and Anti-Mormon

Literature,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review 47 (September 1960):205-24. (Ac.8408/2)

FOSTER, LAWRENCE, “Career Apostates: Reflections on the Works of Jerald and Sandra Tanner,” Dialogue 17 (Summer 1984):35-60. (Boston Spa)

GAGER, JOHN C., “Early Mormonism and Early Christianity: Some Parallels and TheirConsequences for the Study of New Religions,” Journal of Mormon History 9 (1982):53-60.(Boston Spa)

HAMPSHIRE, ANNETTE P., “Thomas Sharp and Anti-Mormon Sentiment in Illinois, 1842-1845,”Jotirna! of the Illinois State Historical Society 72 (May 1 979):82-1 00. (Ac.8526/3)

HANSEN, KLAUS J., Mormonism and the American Experience. (Chicago, IL: University of

Chicago Press, 1981). (2(200/36014)

HAUPT, JON, AND LEONARD J. ARRINGTON, “The Missouri and Illinois Mormons inAnte-Bellum Fiction,” Dialogue 5 (Spring 1970):37-50. (Boston Spa)

- “Intolerable Zion: The Image of Mormonism in Nineteenth Century American Literature,”Western Humanities Review 22 (Summer 1968):243-60. (Ac.2690.rd)

LEONE, MARK P., Roots of Modern Mormonism. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UniversityPress, 1979). (X.200/32396)

MADSEN, TRUMAN C. ED., Reflections on Mormonism, Judaeo-Christian Parallels.(Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, Monograph Series, Vol. 4,1978).

MOORE, R. LAURENCE, Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans. (New York:Oxford University Press, 1986). (YC.1987.a.2100)

NELSON, RICHARD ALAN, “A History of Latter-day Saint Screen Portrayals in the Anti-Mormon Film Era, 1905-1936,” (Master’s thesis, Brigham Young University, 1975).

NORTON, WALTER A., “Comparative Images: Mormonism and Contemporary Religions asSeen by Village Newspapermen in Western New York and Northeastern Ohio, 1820-1833,”(Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University, 1991).

QUINN, D. MICHAEL, “Ezra Taft Benson and Mormon Political Conflict,” Dialogue 26(Summer 1993):1-87. (Boston Spa)

SHIPPS, JAN, Mormonism, The Story of a New Religious Tradition. (Urbana, IL: Universityof Illinois Press, 1985). (YC. 1 989.b. 1346)

SMITH, TIMOTHY L., "The Book of Mormon in a Biblical Culture," Journal of MormonHistory 7 (1980):3-21. (Boston Spa)

WELLS, MERLE W., Anti-Mormonism in Idaho, 1872-1892. (Provo, UT: Brigham YoungUniversity Press, 1978). (X.200/34541)

WINN, KENNETH H. Exiles in a Land of Liberty, Mormons in America. (Chapel Hill, NC:University of North Caroline Press, 1989). (YC.1989.b.7896)

WOOD, GORDON S., "Evangelical America and Early Mormonism," New York History 61(October 1980):359-86. (Ac.8428/4)


ALEXANDER, THOMAS C., “The Word of Wisdom: From Principle to Requirement,” Dialogue 14 (Autumn 1981):78-88. (Boston Spa)BUSH, LESTER, Health and Medicine Among the Latter-day Saints: Science, Sense, andScripture. (New York: Crossroad Publishing, 1993).

- “Birth Control Among the Mormons: Introduction to an Insistent Question,” Dialogue 10(Autumn 1976):12-44. (Boston Spa)

- “The Word of Wisdom in Early Nineteenth-Century Perspective,” Dialogue 14 (Autumn1981):46-65. (Boston Spa)

DIVETT, ROBERT T., Medicine and the Mormons: An Introduction to the History of Latter-day Saint Health Care. (Bountiful, UT: Horizon Publishers, 1981).

PETERSON, PAUL H., “An Historical Analysis of the Word of Wisdom,” (Master’s thesis,Brigham Young University, 1972).


The best place to begin is with the official publications of the Church; particularly useful arethe official reports of conference addresses by Church leaders: Journal of Discourses, 26Vols. (Liverpool and Salt Lake City, 1854-1886) (PP. 861); and Conference Reports, issuedgenerally twice per year since 1898. A compilation of the official statements of the FirstPresidency of the Church to 1952 is James R. Clark, The Messages of the First Presidency 6Vols. (Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft. 1965-1975). A useful guide to the mostly unofficialpublications of the General Authorities of the Church is Gary Gillum, “Out of the BookWhich Shall Be Written,” Dialogue 12 (Summer 1979):99-123. (Boston Spa) An importantstudy of the themes of the General Conferences of the Church (held in April and October ofeach year) as indices to change in the Church is Gordon Shepherd and Gary Shepherd, AKingdom Transformed, Themes in the Development of Mormonism (Urbana, IL: University ofIllinois Press, 1984). (X.(200/45821)

No one can address the topic of Mormon doctrine without seriously considering the sermonsand writings of Joseph Smith. Dean C. Jessee has studied and professionally edited the mostimportant Joseph Smith manuscripts and sources:

1.“The Early Accounts of Joseph Smith’s First Vision,” BYU Studies 9 (Spring 1969):275-94.(P.521/1793)

2.”The Original Book of Mormon Manuscript,” BYU Studies 10 (Spring 1970):259-78.(P.521/1793)

3.“The Writing of Joseph Smith’s History,” BYU Studies11 (Summer l97l):439-73.(P.521/1793)

4.“The Reliability of Joseph Smith’s History,” Journal of Mormon History 3 (l976):23-46.(Boston Spa)

5.“Return to Carthage: Writing the History of Joseph Smith’s Martyrdom,” Journal ofMormon History 8 (1981):3-19. (Boston Spa)

6. The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1984).(YA. 1989.b.6089)

7. The Papers of Joseph Smith. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1989-). Two volumeshave appeared so far in what will be the definitive scholarly edition.

Other works of importance include The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accountsof Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph. Compiled and edited by Andrew F. Ehat andLyndon W. Cook (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1980);Truman C. Madsen, ed., The Concordance of the Doctrinal Statements of Joseph Smith. (SaltLake City, UT:I.E.S. Publishing, 1985); The Lectures on Faith in Historical Perspective. Eds. Larry E. Dahland Charles D. Tate, Jr. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University,1990). The important King Follett Discourse by Joseph Smith (7 June 1844) is the subject ofseveral essays in BYU Studies 18 (Winter 1978). (P.521/1793) The most cited summary of

LDS beliefs is studied in David J. Whittaker, “The ‘Articles of Faith’ in Early MormonLiterature and Thought,” in New Views of Mormon History edited by Bitton and Beecher(1987), pp. 63-92. (YA.1990.b. 1820)

About one third of Brigham Young’s known discourses (ca. 1000) are available in theJournal of Discourses. The rest have been assembled in Eldon J. Watson, ed., BrighamYoung Addresses. 6 Vols. (Salt Lake City: by the compiler, 1979-1984). See also Dean C.Jessee, “The Writings of Brigham Young,” Western Historical Quarterly 4 (June 1973):273-94 (P.701/404); and Ronald W. Walker and Ronald K. Esplin, “Brigham Himself: AAutobiographical Recollection,” Journal of Mormon History 4 (1977):19-34. (Boston Spa)

All the Presidents of the LDS Church have had books compiled from their writings andsermons.

The first attempt to synthesize Mormon thought was Parley P. Pratt, A Voice of Warning.(New York: Sanford, 1837). Especially influential works include Parley P. Pratt, Key to theScience of Theology. (1855); James E. Talmage, Articles of Faith. (1898, and still in print);and Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine. (1958; 2nd edition, 1966). The serious studentwill wish to study the writings of key thinkers who have tried to define and analyze LDSdoctrines; they include Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, George Q. Cannon, B.H. Roberts, JamesE. Talmage, E.E. Erickson, John A. Widtsoe, Lowell Bennion, Joseph Fielding Smith, J.Reuben Clark, Bruce R. McConkie, Leonard J. Arrington, and Hugh W. Nibley to mentiononly the most prominent. An especially valuable project, gathering the published andunpublished writings of one of the most important Mormon intellectuals working today, isThe Collected Works of Hugh Nibley. 13 volumes-to-date (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Bookand the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1985-).

Specific studies include the following:

ALEXANDER, THOMAS G. “The Reconstruction of Mormon Doctrine: From Joseph Smithto Progressive Theology,” Sunstone 5 (July-August 1980):24-33.

Anderson, Lavina Fielding, “The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: AContemporary Chronology,” Dialogue 26 (l993):7-64. (Boston Spa)

Arrington Leonard J., “The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints,” Dialogue 4(Spring 1969):l3-26. (Boston Spa)

Haglund Jr., Richard F. and David J. Whittaker, “Intellectual History,” in Encyclopedia ofMormonism 2:685-91.

HILL, MARVIN S., “The Shaping of the Mormon Mind in New England and New York,”BYU Studies 9 (Spring 1969):357-72. (P.521/1793)

IRVING, GORDON, “The Law of Adoption: One Phase of the Development of the MormonConcept of Salvation, 1830-1900,” BYU Studies 14 (Spring 1974):291-314. (P.521/1793)

JEFFREY, DUANE E., “Seers, Savants, and Evolution: The Uncomfortable Interface,”Dialogue 8 (Autumn-Winter 1973):41-75. (Boston Spa)

MCMURRIN, STERLING, The Theological Foundations of the Mormon Religion. (SaltLake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1965).

PAUL, ERIC ROBERT, Science, Religion, and Mormon Cosmology. (Urbana, IL: Universityof Illinois Press, 1992).

UNDERWOOD, GRANT, The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism. (Urbana, IL:University of Illinois Press, 1993). Specific studies include the following:


The most complete guide to the first one hundred years of official and unofficial Mormonpublications is Chad J. Flake, A Mormon Bibliography, 1830-1930: Books, Pamphlets,Periodicals, and Broadsides Relating to the First Century of Mormonism. (Salt Lake City,UT: University of Utah Press, 1978). (1(805/2060) A ten-year supplement appeared in 1989:Chad J. Flake and Larry W. Draper, A Mormon Bibliography, 1830-1930, Ten YearSupplement. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press) (2725g.1616); and a title index toboth volumes was issued in 1992 by the same press. The same authors are currently workingon a bibliography of the periodical literature on Mormonism for the first one hundred years.

A useful guide to various reprint series of Mormon Americana is Gregory A. Prince, “Amongthe Mormons: A Bibliography of Mormon Reprints,” Dialogue 11 (Autumn 1978):120-24.(Boston Spa)

Other essential bibliographical guides to Mormon publications include:

CRAWLEY, PETER, “A Bibliography of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints inNew York, Ohio, and Missouri,” BYU Studies 12 (Summer 1972):465-537. (P.521/1793)

DENNIS, RONALD D., Welsh Mormon Writings From 1844 to 1862, A HistoricalBibliography. (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, SpecializedMonograph Series, Vol. 4, 1988).JACOBS, LYNN R., Mormon Non-English Scriptures, Hymnals, and Periodicals, 183 0-1986, ADescriptive Bibliography. (Ithaca, New York: By the Author, 1986).

WHITTAKER, DAVID J., “Early Mormon Pamphleteering,” (Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University, 1982). (Boston Spa)

Studies of the Mormon Scriptures include:

BARLOW, PHILIP L., Mormons and the Bible, The Place of the Latter-day Saints inAmerican Religion. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991). (YC.1992.a.2005)

CLARK, JAMES R. The Story of the Pearl of Great Price. (Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft,1955).

COOK, LYNDON W. The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith: A Historical andBiographicalCommentary on the Doctrine and Covenants. (1981; Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book,1985).

HOWARD, RICHARD P., Restoration Scriptures, A Study of Their Textual Development.(Independence, MO: Herald House, 1969).

MATTHEWS, ROBERT J., “A Plainer Translation”: Joseph Smith’s Translation of theBible-A History and Commentary. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1975).(X.(200/32310)

SKOUSEN, ROYAL, “Towards a Critical Edition of the Book of Mormon,” BYU Studies30 (Winter 1990):41-69. (P.521/1793)

SORENSON, JOHN, An American Setting for the Book of Mormon. (Salt Lake City, UT:Deseret Book Co. and the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1985).

STOCKS, HUGH C., “The Book of Mormon, 1830-1879: A Publishing History,” (Master’sthesis, UCLA, 1979).

- “The Book of Mormon in English, 1870-1920: A Publishing History and AnalyticalBibliography,” (Ph.D. disc., UCLA, 1986).

WELCH, JOHN W., GARY GILLUM AND DEEANN HOFER, ComprehensiveBibliography on the Book of Mormon (through December 1986) Arranged Alphabetically byAuthor. (Provo, UT: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, 1987).

WOODFORD, ROBERT J., "The Historical Development of the Doctrine and Covenants," 3Vols. (Ph.D. diss., Brigham Young University, 1974).

On Mormon Hymnals see:

DAVIDSON, K LYNN, Our Latter-day Hymns: The Stories and the Messages. (Salt LakeCity, UT: Deseret Book, 1988).

HICKS, MIGHAEL, Mormonism and Music: A History. (Urbana, IL: University of IllinoisPress, 1989).

MACARE, HELEN HANKS, "The Singing Saints, A Study of the Mormon Hymnal, 1835-1950,” (Ph.D. diss., UCLA, 1961).

On Mormon Imprints see:

CRAWLEY, PETER, "Parley P. Pratt: Father of Mormon Pamphleteering," Dialogue 15(Autumn 1982): 13-26. (Boston Spa)

CRAWLEY, PETER, AND DAVID J. WHITTAKER, Mormon Imprints in Great Britainand the Empire, 1836-1857. (Provo, UT: Friends of the Brigham Young University LibraryNewsletter, No. 30, 1987). YA.1991.b.3240)

- “Almanacs in the New England Heritage of Mormonism “ BYU Studies 29 (Fall 1989); 89-113. (P.521/1793)

On Mormon Newspapers see:

ALTER, J. CECIL, Early Utah Journalism. (Salt Lake City, UT: Utah State HistoricalSociety, 1938). (1 1859.ff.27)

ASHTON, WENDELL J., Voice in the West: Biography of a Pioneer Newspaper. [DeseretNews](New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1950). (01I840.m.88)

MCLAWS, MONTE B., Spokesman for the Kingdom: Early Mormon Journalism and theDeseret News, 1830-1898. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1977).(1(200/32007)


ACEVEDO, A. RODOLFO, Los Mormones en Chile. (Santiago, Chile, Cumora, 1991).(YA.1993.b.9912)

ALBRECHT, STAN L., “The Consequential Dimension of Mormon Religiosity,” BYUStudies 29 (Spring 1989):57-108.

ALBRECHT, STAN L. AND HOWARD M. BAHR, “Patterns of Religious Disaffiliation: AStudy of Lifelong Mormons, Mormon Converts, and Former Mormons,” Journal for theScientific Study of Religion 28 (1989):180-200. (P.101/271)

ALBRECHT, STAN L., MARIE CORNWALL AND PERRY H. CUNNINGHAM,“Religious Leave-taking: Disengagement and Disaffiliation Among Mormons,” in FallingFrom the Faith: Causes and Consequences of Religious Apostasy. Edited by David G.Bromley (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1988), pp. 62-80. (YC.1989.a.200)

ALLEN, JAMES B., RONALD K. ESPLIN AND DAVID J. WHITTAKER, Men with aMission, The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the British Isles, 183 7-1841. (Salt Lake City,UT: Deseret Book Co., 1992).

ARRINGTON, LEONARD J., “Historical Development of International Mormonism,”Religious Studies and Theology 7 (January 1987): 9-22.

BENNION, LOWELL “BEN”, “Mapping the Mormons Across the Modem West,” in TheMormon Role in the Settlement of the West. Edited by Richard H. Jackson (1978), pp. 135-69.

BLOXHAM, V. BEN, JAMES R. MOSS AND LARRY C. PORTER, EDS., Truth WillPrevail: The Rise of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the British Isles, 1837-1987. (Solihull, England: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1987).(YC.1988.b.475)

BRITSCH, R. LANIER, Unto the Islands of the Sea, A History of the Latter-day Saints in thePacific. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1986).

- “Mormon Missions: An Introduction to the Latter-day Saints Missionary System,”Occasional Bulletin of Missionary Research 3 January 1979) :22-27.

CAMPBELL, EUGENE E., “Brigham Young’s Outer Cordon - A Reappraisal,” UtahHistorical Quarterly 41 (Summer 1973):221-53. (Ac.8537)

CARD, BRIGHAM Y., ET AL., EDS., The Mormon Presence in Canada. (Edmonton,Alberta:University of Alberta Press, 1990). (YA.1922.b.4265)

[CLAYTON, WILLIAM], Manchester Mormons: The Journal of William Clayton, 1840 to1842.James B. Allen and Thomas G. Alexander (Santa Barbara, G. Alexander (Santa Barbara, CA:Peregrine Smith, 1974). (X.(200/30871)

CRAWLEY, PETER AND DAVID J. WHITTAKER, Mormon Imprints in Great Britain andthe Empire, 183 6-1857. (Provo, UT: Friends of the BYU Library, Newsletter, No. 30, 1987).(YA.1991.b.3240)

DAVIES, DOUGLAS JAMES, Mormon Spirituality.…(Nottingham, England: University ofNottingham, 1987). (YC.1988.b.321 8)

DENNIS, RONALD D., The Call of Zion: The Story of the First Welch Emigration. (Provo,UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1987).

DICKENS, CHARLES, The Uncommercial Traveller. (London: Chapman & Hall, 1860).[includes an account of a visit to a Mormon immigrant ship at Liverpool] (12355.c.24) 2nd.edition (1861). (12360.e.23)

ELLSWORTH, S. GEORGE, “A History of Mormon Missions in the United States andCanada, 1830-1860,” (Ph.D. disc., University of California, Berkeley, 1951).

England Census Office. 1851 Census Great Britain. Report and Tables on Religious Worship,England and Wales. [A facsimile reproduction], Irish University Press, Series of BritishParliamentary Papers Population, No. 10. (Shannon, Ireland: Irish University Press, 1970).[Includes an enumeration of Mormon congregations] (B.S.Ref.18)

FRANCAVIGLIA, RICHARD V., The Mormon Landscape: Existence, Creation andPerception of a Unique Image in the American West. (New York: AMS Press, 1978).

HAFEN, LEROY R. AND ANN W. HAFEN, Handcarts to Zion: The Story of a UniqueWestern Migration, 1856-1860. (Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark, 1960). (10414.dd.16/14)

HASLAM, GERALD M., Clash of Cultures, The Norwegian Experience With Mormonism,.1842-1920. (New York: Lang, 1984) (YA.1989.a.1190)

HIGDON, BARBARA JOAN MCFARLANE, “The Role of Preaching in the Early Latter-daySaint Church, 1830-1846," (Ph.D. diss., University of Missouri, 1961).

HUNTER, MILTON R., Brigham Young the Colonizer. (1940; Santa Barbara, CA: PeregrineSmith, 4th rev. edition, 1973)

JACKSON, RICHARD H., "The Mormon Village: Genesis and Antecedents of the City ZionPlan,” BYU Studies 17 (Winter 1977): 223-40. (P.521/1793)

JENSEN, RICHARD L. AND MALCOLM R. THORP, EDS., Mormons in Early VictorianBritain. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1989). Includes a bibliographicalessay.

KIMBALL, STANLEY B., Historic Sites and Markers Along the Mormon and Other GreatWestern Trails.(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1988). (YC.1989.b.3924)

- COMPILER, "History of Mormonism in Lancashire County" and Programme of EventsDuring 113th Anniversary, July 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1950. (Preston, England: 1950).(04715.i.9)

KING, TANCRED I, “Missiology and Mormon Missions,” Dialogue 16 (Winter 1983):42-50. (Boston Spa)

LARSON, ANDREW KARL, ‘I Was Called to Dixie’: The Virgin River Basin, UniqueExperiences in Mormon Pioneering. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret News Press, 1961).

LOUDER, DEAN R., “A Distributional and Diffusionary Analysis of the Mormon Church,1850-1970,” (Ph.D. diss., University of Washington, 1972).

MAY, DEAN L., “The Making of Saints: The Mormon Town as a Setting for the Study ofCultural Change,” Utah Historical Quarterly 45 (Winter 1977):75-92. (Ac.8537)

- “A Demographic Portrait of the Mormons, 1830-1980,” in After 150 Years: The Latter-daySaints in Sesquicentennial Perspective. (Provo, UT: Charles Redd Center for WesternStudies, Brigham Young University, 1983), pp. 39-69.

MEINIG, D. W., “The Mormon Culture Region: Strategies and Patterns in the Geography ofthe American West, 1847-1964,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 55(June 1965):191-220.

MULDER, WILLIAM, Homeward to Zion. The Mormon Migration from Scandinavia.(Minneapolis, MI: University of Minnesota Press, 1957). (9617.i.7)

NELSON, LOWRY, The Mormon Village, A Pattern and Technique of Land Settlement. (SaltLake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1952). (7084.f.5)

ORWELL, GEORGE, Down and Out in Paris and London. (London: Victor Gollancz, 1933).[includes a description of two Mormon missionaries trying to preach in Whitechapel inLondon] (

PALMER, SPENCER J., An Expanding Church. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1978).The Church Encounters Asia (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1970).

PRATT, ADDISON, The Journals of Addison Pratt, Being a Narrative of Yankee Whaling inthe Eighteen Twenties, a Mormon Mission to the Society Islands, and of Early California andUtah in the Eighteen Forties. Edited by S. George Ellsworth (Salt Lake City, UT: Universityof Utah Press, 1990). (YA.1993.b.8132)

SHERLOCK, RICHARD, “Mormon Migration and Settlement after 1875,” Journal ofMormon History 2 (1975):53-68. (Boston Spa)

SNOW, ERASTUS, One Year in Scandinavia: Results of the Gospel in Denmark andSweden.By E. Snow, One of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.(Liverpool, England: Franklin D. Richards, 1851). (4139.dd.1.(5)) [Flake #8160]

SONNE, CONWAY B., Saints on the Seas, A Maritime History of Mormon Migration, 1830-1890. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1983). (1(520/38223)

- Ships, Saints, and Mariners, A Maritime Encyclopedia of Mormon Migration, 1830-1890.(Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1983).

TAGG, MELVIN S. AND LETHBRIDGE STAKE HISTORICAL COMMITTEE, AHistory of the Mormon Church in Canada. (Lethbridge, Alberta: Lethbridge Herald, 1968).(X.200/7543)

TAYLOR, PHILIP AM., “Emigrants’ Problems in Crossing the West, 1830-1870.”University of Birmingham Historical Journal 5 (No. 1, 1955):83-102.

- Expectations Westward: The Mormons and The Emigration of Their British Converts in the19th Century. (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1965). (X.(100/1854)

TULLIS, F. LAMOND, Mormons in Mexico, The Dynamics of Faith and Culture. (Logan,UT:Utah State University Press, 1987). (YA.1989.b.6358)

- ED., Mormonism: A Faith for All Cultures. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press,1978).

Wahlquist, Wayne L., “A Review of Mormon Settlement Literature,” Utah HistoricalQuarterly 45 (Winter 1977):4-21. (Ac.8537)

“Population Growth in Mormon Core Area: 1847-1890,” in The Mormon Role in theSettlement of the West. Edited by Richard H. Jackson (Provo, UT: Charles Redd Center forWestern Studies, Brigham Young University, 1978), pp. 107-34.

WILSON, BRYAN R., “Migrating Sects: A Review Article,” British Journal of Sociology 18(Summer 1967):303-17. (Ac.2363/15)


BACHMAN, DANEL W. “A Study of the Mormon Practice of Plural Marriage Before theDeath of Joseph Smith,” (Master’s thesis, Purdue University, 1975).

BAHR, HOWARD M. AND RENATE TONK FORSTE, “Toward a Social Science ofContemporary Mormonism,” BYU Studies 26 (Winter 1986):73-121. (P.521/1793)

BEECRER, MAUREEN URSENBACH AND LAVINA FIELDING ANDERSON, EDS.,Sisters in Spirit, Mormon Women in Historical and Cultural Perspective. (Urbana, IL:University of Illinois Press, 1987). (YC.1991.b.2505)

BEETON, BEVERLY, Women Vote in the West: The Woman Suffrage Movement, 1869-1896(New York: Garland, 1986). (YH.1987.b.40l)

BENNION, LOWELL “BEN” “The Incidence of Mormon Polygamy in 1880: ‘Dixie’ versusDavis Stake,” Journal of Mormon History 11 (1984):27-42. (Boston Spa)

BENNION, SHERILYN COX, Equal to the Occasion: Women Editors of the Nineteenth-Century West. (Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press, 1990). (YA.1992.b.4283)

BITTON, DAVIS, “Mormon Polygamy: A Review Article,” Journal of Mormon History 4(l977):101-18. (Boston Spa)

CAMPBELL, BRUCE L. AND EUGENE E. CAMPBELL, “The Mormon Family,” in EthnicFamilies in America. Edited by Charles H. Mindell and Robert W. Habenstein (NewYork: Elsivier, 1981), pp. 368-416. (YC.l989.a.928)

CANNON, MARTHA HUGHES, Letters from Exile: The Correspondence of MarthaHughes Cannon and Angus M. Cannon, 1886-1888. Edited by Constance Lieber and John Sillito (SaltLake City, UT: Signature Books, 1989). (YA.1991.b.8211)

COOPER, REX EUGENE, Promises Made to the Fathers: Mormon Covenant Organization.(Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1990).

CORNWALL, MARIE, TIM B. HEATON ANI) LAWRENCE A. YOUNG, EDS.,Contemporary Mormonism: Social Science Perspectives. (Urbana, IL: University of IllinoisPress, 1994).

CROCHERON, AUGUSTA JOYCE, Representative Women of Deseret; A Book ofBiographical Sketches to Accompany the Picture Bearing the Same Title. (Salt Lake City,UT: J.C. Graham & Co., 1884). (

DERR, JILL MULVAY, JANATH R. CANNON AND MAUREEN URSENBACHBEECHER, Women of Covenant: The Story of Relief Society. (Salt Lake City, UT: DeseretBook, 1992).

EMERY, JESSIE L., Mormon Polygamous Families; Life in the Principle. (Salt Lake City,UT: University of Utah Press, 1987). (YA. 1990.b. 1672)

FOSTER, LAWRENCE, Religion and Sexuality, Three American Communal Experiments oftheNineteenth Century. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981). (1(200/36369)

- Women, Family and Utopia: Communal Experiments of The Shakers, The OneidaCommunity and The Mormons. (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1991).(YC.1993.b.8880)

FRAZIER, KAREN PURSER, COMPILER, Bibliography of Social, Scientific, Historical,and Popular Writings About Mormon Women. (Prove, UT: Women’s Research Institute,Brigham Young University, 1990). Lists about 1,150 items organized into thirty topical categories.

GODFREY, KENNETH W., AUDREY M. GODFREY AND JILL MULVAY DERR, EDS.,Women’s Voices; An Untold History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900. (Salt Lake City,UT: Deseret Book, 1982). (X.(200/48204)

HANKS, MAXINE, ED., Women and Authority: Reemerging Mormon Feminism. (Salt LakeCity, UT: Signature Books, 1992).

HARDY, B. CARMON, Solemn Covenant: The Mormon Polygamous Passage. (Urbana, IL:University of Illinois Press, 1992).

HEYWOOD, MARTHA SPENCE, Not By Bread Alone: The Journal of Martha SpenceHeywood, 1850-56. Edited by Juanita Brooks (Salt Lake City, UT: Utah State HistoricalSociety, 1978). (1(950/30229)

IVINS, STANLEY S. “Notes on Mormon Polygamy,” Western Humanities Review 10(Summer 1956):229-39 (Ac.2690.rd); reprinted in Utah Historical Quarterly 33 (Fall1967):309-21. (Ac.8537)

KERN, LOUIS J., An Ordered Love, Sex Roles and Sexuality in Victorian Utopias: TheShakers,The Mormons and the Oneida Community. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North CarolinaPress, 1981). (X.(200/41171)

KIMBALL, SPENCER W., ET AL. Women. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1980).[discourses of Church leaders] (1(200/46296)

KUNZ, PHILIP R. “One Wife or Several? A Comparative Study of Late 19th CenturyMarriage in Utah,” in The Mormon People: Their Character and Traditions. Edited byThomas G. Alexander (Provo, UT: Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, Brigham YoungUniversity, 1980), pp. 53-74.

LINFORD, ORMA, “The Mormons and the Law: The Polygamy Cases,” (Ph.D. diss.,University of Wisconsin, 1964).

MADSEN, CAROL CORNWALL AND DAVID J. WHITTAKER, “History’s Sequel:A Source Essay on Women in Mormon History,” Journal of Mormon History 6 (1979):123-45. (Boston Spa)

MADSEN, SUSAN ARRINGTON AND LEONARD J. ARRINGTON, Sunbonnet Sisters,True Stories of Mormon Women and Frontier Life. (Salt Lake City, UT: Bookcraft, 1984).(YA. 1989.b.7522)

Memorial to the President of the United States and Members of Congress, by The “Mormon”Women ofUtah. (Salt Lake City, UT: 1886). (8417.ff.11)

MINER, CAROLINE EYRING AND EDWARD L. KIMBALL, Camilla, A Biography ofCamilla Eyring Kimball. (1980; Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1983). (1(200/47873)

“Mormon” Women’s Protest. An Appeal for Freedom, Justice, and Equal Rights. . . FullAccount of Proceedings at the Great Mass Meeting…Salt Lake City, Utah... March 6, 1886.(Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret News Co., 1886). (8177.m.25) [Flake #5533]

QUINN, D. MICHAEL, “LDS Church Authority and New Plural Marriages, 1890-1904,”Dialogue 18 (Spring 1985):9-l05. (Boston Spa)

- “Plural Marriage and Mormon Fundamentalism,” in Fundamentalism and Society,Reclaiming the Sciences, the Family, and Education. Edited by Martin E. Marty and R. ScottApplegate, Vol. 2 of the Fundamentalist Project sponsored by the American Academy of Artsand Sciences (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1993), pp. 240-93.

ROMNEY, CATHARINE COTTAM, Letters of Catharine Cottam, Plural Wife. Edited byJennifer Moulton Hansen (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1992). (YA.1993.b.4236)

SCOTT, PATRICIA LYN, “Mormon Polygamy: A Bibliography, 1977-92,”Journal of Mormon History 19 (Spring 1993):133-55. (Boston Spa)

SCOTT, PATRICIA LYN AND MAUREEN URSENBACH BEECHER, “Mormon Women:A Bibliography in Process, 1977-1985,” Journal of Mormon History 12 (1985):113-27.(Boston Spa)

SORENSEN, VIRGINIA, Where Nothing is Long Ago. Memories of a Mormon Childhood.(New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1963). (10764.s.44)

THOMAS, DARWIN L., “Family in the Mormon Experience,” in Family and Religions:Conflict and Change in Modern Society. Edited by William V. D’Antonio and Joan Aldous(Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1983), pp. 267-88. (1(200/42565)

VAN WAGONER, RICHARD S., Mormon Polygamy, A History. 3rd edition (Salt Lake City,UT: Signature Books, 1992).

YOUNG, KIMBALL, Isn’t One Wife Enough? (New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1954). (08415.i.84)


BELL, WILLIAM A., New Tracks in North America: A Journal of Travel and AdventureWhilst Engaged in the Survey for a Southern Railroad to the Pacific Ocean During 1867-8.(London: Chapman and Hall, 1869) [Reprinted; Albuquerque, NM: Horn and Wallace, 1965](10412g.25)

BODDAM-WHETHAM, JOHN, Western Wanderings: A Record of Travel in the EveningLand. (London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1874). (

BONWICK, JAMES, The Mormons and the Silver Mines. (London: Hodder and Stoughton,1872). (

BROWNE, CHARLES FARRER [pseud. ARTEMUS WARD] Artemus Ward-His TravelsAmong the Mormons. E.P. Hingston, ed. (London: IC. Hotten, 1865). (12316.c.23)

BURTON, RICHARD F., The City of the Saints, and Across the Rocky Mountains toCalifornia. Edited by Fawn Brodie (London: Longmans & Co., 1861). ( 1964edition, edited and introduction by Fawn M. Brodie (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1964).(10059.r. 10/6)

CAMPBELL, JOHN FRANCIS, My Circular Notes: Extracts From Journals Letters SentHome, Geological and Other Notes, Written While Travelling Westwards Round the World, FromJuly 6, 1874 to July 6, 1875. Macmillan and Co., 1876). (

CARLTON, AMBROSE B., The Wonderlands of the Wild West with Sketches of theMormons.(n.p.: 1891) [Carlton was in Utah in 1882-1890 as a member of the Utah Commission](Pressmark pending)

CARVALHO, SOLOMON NUNES, A Centenary Edition of Incidents of Travel andAdventure in the Far West.…Edited with an Introduction by Bertram Wallace Korn(Philadelphia, PA: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1954). (

CHANDLESS, WILLIAM, A Visit of Salt Lake; Being a Journey Across the Plains, and aResidence in the Mormon Settlements at Utah. (London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1857).(10412.c.4)

CLEMENS, SAMUEL L., [pseud. MARK TWAIN], Roughing It. (Hartford, CT: AmericanPublishing Co., 1873). (10410.s.5)

DAVENPORT, MONTAGUE, Under the Gridiron: A Summer in the United States and Far West, Including a Run Through Canada . (London: Tinsley Brothers, 1876). (10410.aa.14)

DILKE, SIR CHARLES WENTWORTH, Greater Britain: A Record of Travel in English-Speaking Countries During 1866 and 1867. (London: Macmillan and Co., 1869). [Firstpublished as a two-volume work in 1868] (10027.f.2)

DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH, New American. 2 Vols. (London: Hurst and Blackett,1867). Went through eight editions of which most are in the British Library. (

- Spiritual Wives. 2 Vols., (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1868). (10412.ff.1)

FERRIS, BENJAMIN G., Utah and the Mormons, The History, Government, Doctrines,Customs and Prospects of The Latter-day Saints From Personal Observations During a SixMonths’ Residence at Great Salt Lake City. (New York: 1854). (10411.d.7)

- The Mormons at Home with Some Incidents of Travel from Missouri. (New York, 1856).(12704.e.11)

GREELEY, HORACE, An Overland Journey from New York to Sam Francisco in theSummer of 1859. [with notes and introduction by Charles T. Duncan] (1860; London:Macdonald 1965). (X.(809/779)

GUNNISON, JOHN W., The Mormons, or Latter-day Saints, in the Valley of the Great SaltLake, A History of The Rise and Progress, Peculiar Doctrines, Present Conditions andProspects Derived from Personal Observation During a Residence Among Them.(Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, 1852). (4745.c.19)

[HARRIS, WA., AND ALEXANDER RIVINGTON] Reminiscences of America in 1869.(London: Sampson Law, Son and Marston 1870).

HAWKINS, THOMAS S., Some Recollections of a Busy Life. (San Francisco, CA: Privatelypublished for the author by P. Elder & Co., 1913). [includes overland journey via Salt LakeCity 1860] (Mic.A.13342)

KELLY, WILLIAM, An Excursion to California Over the Prairie Rocky Mountains, andGreat Sierra Nevada; With a Stroll Through the Diggings and Ranches of That Country. 2Vols. (London: Chapman and Hall, 1851). (10410.c.21)

LAWRENCE, GEORGE ALFRED, Silverland. (London: Chapman and Hall, 1873).(

LESTER, JOHN ERASTUS, The Atlantic to the Pacific: What to See and How to See It.(London: Longmans, Green (104 13.bbb.16)

LONGWORTH MARIA THERESA, VISCOUNTESS AVONMORE [Therese Yelverton]Teresina in America. 2Vols. (London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1875). (

MANNING, REV. SAMUEL, American Pictures Drawn With Pen a Pencil. (London: TheReligious Tracts Society, [ca.1876]) (10410.f.2)

MERE WETHER, HENRY ALWORTH, By Sea and by Land; Being a Trip Through Egypt,India, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand, and American All Round the World. (London:Macmillan and Co., 1874). (

MURPHY, JOHN MORTIMER, Rambles in North-Western America From the Pacific Oceantothe Rocky Mountains: Being a Description of the Physical Resources, Scenery, Population,EducationalInstitutions, Arboreal Botany, and Game Animals of Oregon, Washington Territory, Idaho,Montana,Utah, and Wyoming. (London: Chapman and Hall, 1879). (10413.c.10)

PRICE, ROSE LAMBART, The Two Americas; An Account of Sport and Travel with Noteson Men and Manners in North and South America. (London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle,and Rivington, 1877). (7907.f.2)

RAE, W[ILLIAM] F[RASER], Westward by Rail: The New Route to the East. (London:Longmans, Guen, and Co., 1870). (; (London, 1871, 2nd. edition)(; (London, 1874, 3rd edition) (10413.a.11)

REMY JULES AND J. BRENCHLEY, Voyage au Pays des Mormons; Relation -Geographic -Histoire Naturelle - Histoire - Theologie - Moeurs et Coutumes. 2 Vols. (Paris:E. Dentu, 1860). [visit to Salt Lake City in 1855] (10412.f.16)

- A Journey to the Great Salt Lake City, by J. Remy and J. Brenchley; with a Sketch of theHistory, Religion, and Customs of the Mormons, and an Introduction, on the ReligiousMovement in the United States. 2 Vols. (London: W. Jeffs, 1861). (10408.m.22)

SIMPSON, JAMES H., The Shortest Route to California illustrated by a history ofExplorations of the Great Basin of Utah, with its Topographical and Geological Character,and Some Account of the Indian Tribes. (Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott and Co., 1869).(

STANSBURY, HOWARD, An Expedition to the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah;Including a Description of its Geography, Natural History and Minerals and an Analysis ofits Waters. With an Account of the Mormon Settlement (Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott.Grambo, and Co., 1852). (l041l.g.7)

TOWLE, NANCY, Vicissitides illustrated, in the Experiences of Nancy Towle, in Europe andAmerica. 2nd edition (Portsmouth, 1833). [author visited Mormons in Kirtland, Ohio inOctober 18311 (4986.a.21)

TOWNSHEND, FREDERICK TRENCH, Ten Thousand Miles of Travel, Sport, andAdventure. (London: Hurst and Blacket, 1869). (10412.g.23)

TWAIN, MARK [SAMUEL CLEMENS], Roughing It. (Hartford, CT: American PublishingCo., 1873). [includes an account of a visit to Salt Lake City and his meeting with BrighamYoung. See also Richard H. Cracroft, “Distorting Polygamy for Fun and Profit: ArtemusWard and Mark Twain Among the Mormons,” BYU Studies 14 (Winter 1974):272-88; and“The Gentile Blasphemer: Mark Twain, Holy Scripture, and the Book of Mormon” BYUStudies 11 (Winter 1971):119-40. (P.521/1793)IVANDERBILT, LINCOLN, The New and Wonderful Explorations of Professor LincolnVanderbilt….in the Territories of Colorado, Arizona, Utah... . (London, 1870).(

WARD, ARTEMUS [CHARLES FARRER BROWNE], The Essence of Fun and Frolic! orthe Experience and... Episodes of Artemus Ward...Who Describes the Ups and Downs of aShowman’sLife in Utah. (London, 1865). (12316.bbb.48(2))

WILLS, MARY H., A Writer in California. (Norristown, PA: M.R. Wills, 1889).(Mic.A.13443)

WHYMPER, FREDERICK, “From Ocean to Ocean: The Pacific Railroad,” in three parts inillustrated Travels: A Record of Discovery, Geography, and Adventure. Edited by HenryWalter Bates (London: Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1869-75). (2354.h.6)


CLARK, DENNIS AND EUGENE ENGLAND, EDS., Harvest: Contemporary MormonPoems. (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 1989). (YA.1991.a.24926)

CRACROFT, RICHARD H. AND NEAL E. LAMBERT, EDS., A Believing People:Literature of the Latter-day Saints. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1974).

DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN, A Study in Scarlet. (London: Beeton’s Christmas Annual,1860). (PP.6704)

ENGLAND, EUGENE, “The Dawning of a Brighter Day: Mormon Literature After 150Years,” in After 150 Years, The Latter-day Saints in Sesquicentennial Perspective. EDS.Thomas G. Alexander and Jessie L. Embry (Provo, UT: Charles Redd Center for WesternStudies, Brigham Young University, 1983), pp. 95-146. A shorter version of thisbibliographical survey is in BYU Studies 18 (1978):131-60. (P.521/1793) A more completeand updated version is in Mormon Americana.

ENGLAND, EUGENE AND DENNIS CLARK, EDS., Harvest, Contemporary MormonPoems. (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 1989). (YA.1991.a.24926)

FISHER, VARDIS, Children of God. An American Epic. (New York: Harper & Row, 1939).(

GRAHAM, MATILDA WINIFRED MURIEL [CORY], Ezra the Mormon (London: Everett& Co., 1907). (012625.c.13)

- Judas of Salt Lake (London: Eveleigh Nash Co., 1916). (NN.3805)

- The Lone Story of a Mormon (London: Mills & Boon, 1911). (012621.aa.16)

- The Mormons. A Popular History From Earliest Times to the Present Day (London: Hurst& Blackett, 1913). (4745.dg.10)

- The Sin of Utah (London: Everett & Co., 1912). (012621.f.29)

- In the Toils of the Mormons (London: Mellifont Press, 1933). (

BUNKER, GARY L. AND DAVIS BITTON, The Mormon Graphic Image, 1834-1914:Cartoons Caricatures and Illustrations. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1983).(X.955/2950)

DUPLESSIS, PAUL, Lea Mormons. 5 Vols. (Paris, France: Fontainebleau, 1859). [a novel](12514.c.28)

GATES, SUSA YOUNG, John Stevens’ Courtship. A Story of the Echo Canyon War. (SaltLake City, UT: Deseret News, 1909). (12702.b.9)

GREY, ZANE, The Heritage of the Desert. (New York: Harper & Bros., 1910).( See also Gary Topping, “Zane Grey in Zion: An Examination of HisSupposed Anti-Mormonism,” BYU Studies 18 (Summer 1978):483-90. (P.521/1793)

- Riders of the Purple Sage. (New York: Harper & Bros., 1912). (

HUNSAKER, KENNETH B., “Mormon Novels,” in A Literary History of the AmericanWest. Edited by J. Golden Taylor and Thomas J. Lyon (Fort Worth, TX: Texas ChristianUniversity Press for the Western Literature Association, 1987), pp. 849-861.(YH.1987.b.595)

LAMBERT, NEAL, “Saints, Sinners and Scribes: A Look at the Mormons in Fiction,” UtahHistorical Quarterly 36 (Winter 1968):63-76.

MILLER, JOAQUIN, First Fam'lies in the Sierras. (London: Routledge and Sons, 1875).(

- The Danites and Other….Selections from the Writings of Joaquin Miller. Edited by A.V.D.Honeyman (Sumerville, NJ: 1878). (11688.ccc.12)

PETERSON, LEVI S., Night Soil: New Stories. (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 1990).(YA.l992.a.13787)

SCHOPPE, AMALIE, Der Prophet. Historische Roman aus dee Neuzeit Nord-Amerikas. 3Vols. [translated: The Prophet: A Historical Romance of the Modem North America] ([ena:Frederick Luden, 1846) [thought to be the first book of fiction about the Church](12550.e.25) [Flake #7566]

SNOW, ELIZA R., Poems, Religious, Historical, and Political. Vol. 1 (Liverpool, England:Franklin D. Richards, 1856). (11648.e.l1)

SORENSEN, VIRGINIA, The Evening and the Morning. (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.,1949). (l2730.b.14)

STEGNER, WALLACE AND RICHARD W. ETULAIN, Conversations with WallaceStegner on Western History and Literature. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press,1983). [includes a chapter on the Mormons] (X.950/33025) Revised edition, 1990.(YA.1993.a. 12470)

STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS, The Dynamiter. (London: Longmans & Co., 1885).(

TAYLOR, SAMUEL W., Nightfall at Nauvoo. (New York: Macmillan, 1971). [a historicalnovel] (X.200/8724)


ALDER, DOUGLAS D., PAUL J. GOODFELLOW AND RONALD G. WATT, “Creating aNew Alphabet for Zion: The Origin of the Deseret Alphabet,” Utah Historical Quarterly 52(Summer 1984):275-86. (Ac.8537)

BASSETT, ARTHUR R., “Culture and the American Frontier in Mormon Utah, 1850-1896,”(Ph.D. diss., Syracuse University, 1975).

BERGERA, GARY JAMES, AND RONALD PRIDDIS, Brigham Young University, AHouse of Faith. (Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books, 1985).

BUCHANAN, FREDERICK S., Reflections on the Mormon Pioneer Commitment toEducation.(1979) (YC.1988.b.9068)

CHAMBERLIN, RALPH V., The University of Utah. A History of Its First Hundred Years,1850-1950. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 1960). (8313.n.31)

The Deseret First Book. (Salt Lake City, UT: 1868). (Cup.401.e.7)

The Deseret Second Book. (Salt Lake City, UT: 1868). (C.59.g.24)

FOWLES, JOHN L. “A Study Concerning the Mission of the Weekday Religious EducationalPrograms of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1890-1990: A Response toSecular Education,” (Ph.D. diss., University of Missouri at Columbia, 1990).

HARRIS, FRANKLIN STEWART, Educator, Administrator, Father, Friend, Vignettes of hisLife. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young University, 1965). [a past president of BYU](X.519/12709)

HEINERMAN, JOSEPH, “Early Utah Pioneer Cultural Societies,” Utah Historical Quarterly47 (Winter 1979):70-89. (Ac.8537)

MOFFITT, JOHN CLIFTON, The History of Public Education in Utah. (Salt Lake City, UT:Deseret News Press, 1946). (Mic.A.9215)

MONNETT, JOHN DANIEL, “The Mormon Church and Its Private School System in Utah:The Emergence of the Academies, 1880-1892,” (Ph.D. diss., University of Utah, 1984).

PETERSON, CHARLES S. “The Limits of Learning in Pioneer Utah,” Journal of MormonHistory 10 (1983):65-78. (Boston Spa)

TANNER, OBERT C., One Man's Search: Addresses By... (Salt Lake City, UT: University ofUtah Press, 1989). (YA. 1993.b.2039)

WAITE, HENRY RANDALL, Illiteracy and Mormonism. A Discussion of Federal Aid toEducation and the Utah Problem. (Boston, MA: D. Lothrop & Co., 1885). (8176.e.17(16))[Flake #95 13]

WILKINSON, ERNEST L. AND LEONARD J. ARRINGTON, EDS., Brigham YoungUniversity, The First One Hundred Years. 4 Vols. (Provo, UT: Brigham Young UniversityPress,1975). (X.520/20700)

WILKINSON, ERNEST L. AND W. CLEON SKOUSEN, BYU, A School of Destiny. (Provo,UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1976). (X. 520/14996)


CANNON, HAL, Utah Folk Art: A Catalogue of Material Culture. (Provo, UT: BrighamYoung University Press, 1980). (X.429/16170)

CHENEY, THOMAS E., (assisted by Austin E. Fife and Juanita Brooks), Lore of Faith andFolly. (Salt Lake City, UT: Folklore Society of Utah, 1971). (X.802/2815)

FIFE, AUSTIN E. AND ALTA S. FIFE, Saints of Sage and Saddle, Folklore Among theMormons. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1956). (10110.f.13)

FIFE, AUSTIN E., ALTA S. FIFE, AND HENRY H. GLASSIE, EDS., Forms Upon theFrontier, Folklore and Folk Arts in the United States. Utah State University MonographSeries, Vol. 16, No. 2 (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 1969). (X.709/13394)

FIFE, AUSTIN E. AND J. GOLDEN TAYLOR, The Western Folklore Conference; SelectedPapers edited by Austin Fife and J. Golden Taylor. (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press,1964). (X.809/5230)

HAND, WAYLAND D. AND JEANNINE E. TALLEY, EDS., Popular Beliefs andSuperstitions from Utah. Collected by Anthon S. Cannon, et al. (Salt Lake City, UT:University of Utah Press, 1984). (YA.1988.b.6186)

LEE, HECTOR, The Three Nephites. The Substance and the Significance of the Legend inFolklore. (Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1949). (Ac.2685.f/9)

TERRY, JILL, “Exploring Belief and Custom: The Study of Mormon Folklore,” UtahFolklife Newsletter 23 (Winter 1989):2-5.

WILSON, WILLIAM A., “A Bibliography of Studies in Mormon Folklore,” Utah HistoricalQuarterly 44 (Fall 1976):389-94. (Ac.8537)

- “The Study of Mormon Folklore,” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (Fall 1976):317-28.(Ac.8537)



SHIELDS, STEVEN L., Divergent Paths of the Restoration: A History of the Latter-daySaint Movement. 3rd. edition, revised and enlarged (Bountiful, UT: Restoration Research,1982).(YA.l986.b.386)

- COMPILER, The Latter-day Saint Churches: An Annotated Bibliography. (New York:Garland, 1987). (2725.d.1113)


QUAIF, MILO MILTON, The Kingdom of Saint James. A Narrative of the Mormons. (NewHaven, CT: Yale University Press, 1930). (4745.eee.27)

RIEGEL, OSCAR W. Crown of Glory. The Life of James J. Strang, Moses of the Mormons.(NewHaven, CT: Amasa Stone Mather Memorial Publication Fund Publications, 1935).(Ac.2692.mec.(15))

VANNOORD, ROGER, King of Beaver Island: The Life and Assassination of James JesseeStrang.

(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1988). (YC.l989.b.4672)


Miscellaneous publications of RLDS Church, not catalogued separately, 1971-. (X.0108/516)

BECKWITH, FRANCISJ. AND STEPHEN E. PARRISH, The Mormon Concept of God: APhilosophical Analysis. (New York: Edwin Mellon, 1991). (YC.1992.b.1458)

Book of Mormon. (Independence, MO: Herald Publishing House for the Board of Educationof the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1966). (X.208/5801) 1978edition (RLDS). (X.208/7420)

EDWARDS, PAUL M., Our Legacy of Faith, A Brief History of the Reorganized Church ofJesusChrist of Latter Day Saints. (Independence, MO: Herald Publishing House, 1991).

HARTSHORN, CHRIS B., A Commentary on the Book of Mormon. (Independence, MO:Herald Publishing House, 1964). (X.200/6082)

HOWARD, RICHARD P., The Church Through the Years. 2 Vols. (Independence, MO:Herald Publishing House, 1992-93).

KNISLEY, ALVIN, Dictionary of All Proper Names in the Book of Mormon. (Independence,MO: Ensign Publishing House, 1909). (X.208/1857)

Libro de Mormon, etc. (Independence, MO: Herald House, 1960). (3070.k.44)

LAUNIUS, ROGER, JOSEPH SMITH III, Pragmatic Prophet (Urbana, IL: University ofIllinois Press, 1988).

- "A New Historiographical Frontier: The Reorganized Church in the TwentiethCentury,” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 6 (1986):53-63.

- "The Reorganized Church in the Nineteenth Century: A Bibliographic Review,” inRestoration Studies Ill, edited by Marjorie B. Troeh (Independence, MO: Herald PublishingHouse, 1988), pp. 171-87.

- "Whither Reorganization Historiography?” John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 10(l990):28-37.

The New Testament of Ancient America. Adapted from the Third Book of Nephi of the Book ofMormon. (Independence, MO: Herald House, 1957).


ANDERSON, C. LEROY, For Christ Will Come Tomorrow: The Saga of the Morrisites.(Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 1981).

BAER, HANS A., Recreating Utopia in the Desert, A Sectarian Challenge to ModemMormonism. (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1988). (YC.1989.b.397)

DRIGGS, KEN, “After the Manifesto: Modem Polygamy and Fundamentalist Mormons,”Journal of Church and State 32 (Spring 1990):367-89.

- “Twentieth-Century Polygamy and Fundamentalist Mormons in Southern Utah” Dialogue24 (Winter 1991):44-58. (Boston Spa)

WALKER, RONALD W., “The Godbeite Protest in Making of Modem Utah,” (Ph.D. diss.,University of Utah, 1977).


BARTLETT, DAVID HENRY CHARLES, The Mormons, or Latter-day Saints, TheirGenesis,Teachings, and Present Activities. (London: Chas. J. Thynne, 1911). [Church of EnglandManuals, No. 21] (4107.ff.59/21) [Hake #322]

- The Mormons or, Latter-day Saints, Whence Came They…With Appendixes…and anIntroduction by…the Lord Bishop of Liverpool. 2nd edition (London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1911)(4744.dd.29) [Flake #323]

BEADLE, J.H., Polygamy; or the Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism…By J.H.Beadle…Assisted by Hon. O.J. Hollister. (np.: 1904). (1041 l.f.40)

BEARDSLEY, HARRY M., Joseph Smith and His Mormon Empire. (Boston, MA:HoughtonMifflin Co., 1931). (20017.h.ll)

BELISLE, ORVILLA S., In the Grip of the Mormons. By An Escaped Wife of a MormonElder.(London: Henry Hardingham, 1920). (

- The Prophets; or, Mormonism Unveiled. (Philadelphia, PA: W.W. Smith, 1855).(012706.1.24)

BENNETT, FRED E., A Detective’s Experiences Among the Mormons; or PolygamistMormons. How They Live and the Land They Live in, by F.E. Bennett, Deputy U.S. Marshall.Mormonism Unmasked. (Chicago, IL: Laird & Lee, 1887). (104l1.df.26) [Flake #399]

CANNON, FRANK JEUNE AND GEORGE LEONARD KNAPP, Brigham Young and HisMormon Empire. (New York: F.H. Revell Co., 1913). (

CHRISTIE, THOMAS WM., Rationalism the Last Scourge of the Church. Illustrated…fromthe Writings of …O. Pratt, Chief Mormon…and the Heathen Philosopher Plato. (Edinburgh,Scotland: Paton & Ritchie, 1861). (

DENNIS, JESSE HERBERT, The Work of the Church Among the Mormons…Preached in St.Barnabas: Church in the City of Chicago, on the Fourth Sunday After Easter, April 24, 1921Together with Appendices. Hale Memorial Sermon, No. 12. (Milwaukee, WI: MorehousePublishing Co. for the Western Theological Seminary, Chicago, 1921). (W.P.6785/5)

DICKSON, E.E., New Light on Mormonism... with an introduction by Thurlow Weed. (NewYork: Funk and Wagnalls, 1885). (4745.bbb.5)

HICKMAN, WM. A., Brigham 's Destroying Angel: Being the Lift, Confessionand…Disclosures of …Bill Hickman….With Explanatory Roles by J.H. Beadle. (New York:Geo. A. Crofutt, 1872). (

HYDE, JOHN, Mormonism, Its Leaders and Designs. 2nd. edition (New York: W.P. Fetridge& Co., 1857). (

JONES, CHARLES SHERIDAN, The Mormons Unmasked. Secrets of Salt Lake City.(London:Jarrold & Sons, 1911). (4182.dc.6) [Flake #4454]

- The Truth About the Mormons. Secrets of Salt Lake City. (London: W. Rider & Son, 1920).(4744.bbb.34) [Flake #4455]

KINNEY, BRUCE, Mormonism: The Islam of America. Rev. & enlarged edition (New York:Fleming H. Revell, 1917). (4744.bbb.32)

KIRBY, GILBERT WALTER, The Mormons. (London: Published for the EvangelicalAlliance Crusade, 1959). (4l84.a.a.30)

LAMB, MARTIN THOMAS, The Mormons and Their Bible, by Reverend M. T. Lamb.(Philadelphia, PA: The Griffith & Rowland Press, 1901). (4l82.c.34) [Flake #4708]

MCCORMICK, WM. JAMES M., Finding Mormons for Christ: A Basic WitnessingAid.(Belfast, Ireland: J. McCormick, 1981). (X.200/35190)

NAIFEH, STEVEN AND GREGORY WHITE SMITH, The Mormon Murders. (New York:Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1988). [an ants-Mormon work disguised as a study of the MarkHofmann case] (YC.1990.a.5579)

NIMBLE, NED, Ned Nimble Amongst the Mormons. (London: EdwinJ. Brett, 1899).(C.140.b.96.(3))

SEIBEL, GEORGE, The Mormon Saints: The Story of Joseph Smith, His Golden Bible, andtheChurch He Founded. (Pittsburgh, PA: Lessing Co., 1919). (4745.aa.52)

SHUPE, ANSON D., The Darker Side of Virtue, Corruption, Scandal and the MormonEmpire. (New York: Prometheus, 1991). (YC.l992.b.526l)

STENHOUSE, FANNY, Expose of Polygamy in Utah. A Lady’s Lift Among the Mormons. ARecord of Personal Experience as One of the Wives of a Mormon Elder During More ThanTwenty Years. 2nd edition (New York: American News Co., 1872). (l0413.bbb.22)

- “Tell it All:” The Story of a Lift’s Experience in Mormonism. An Autobiography…WithIntroductory Preface by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. (Hartford, CT: AD. Worthington,1874).(

- An Englishwoman in Utah …(London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, and Rivington,1880). (l04l2.bbb.4)

- The Tyranny of Mormonism or An Englishwoman in Utah…(London: Sampson Low,Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1888). (

TALBOT, GRACE, Much-Married Saints and Some Sinners. Sketches and from Lift AmongMormons and Gentiles in Utah. (New York: Grafton Press, 1902). ( Utah, or Liftin a Mormon City. (Birmingham, England: P.W. Forbbes, c.1908). (X.708/7028)

WAITE, CAROLINE V., The Mormon Prophet, and his Harem; or An Authentic History ofBrigham Young, his Numerous Wives and Children. (Cambridge, MA: Printed at RiversidePress, 1866). (

WALLACE, IRVING, The Twenty-Seventh Wife. [The life of Ann Eliza Young, wife ofMormon Prophet, Brigham Young] (London: Arthur Barker, 1962). (10631.m.35)

WARD, MARIA N. [pseudonym], Female Lift Among the Mormons; A Narrative of ManyYears’ Personal Experience. By The Wife of a Mormon Elder, Recently from Utah. (NewYork: J.C. Derby, 1855). [also attributed to Mrs. Benjamin Ferris] (12704.dd.24)

- ED., The Husband in Utah; or Sights and Scenes Among the Mormons: With Remarks onTheir Moral and Social Economy. (New York: Derby and Jackson, 1857). ([Flake #9552]

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