the best pictures to use for retail signs

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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Pictures are often the first thing that grabs a customer’s attention when they view a sign. Thus, it’s important to choose exciting, interesting and relevant pictures for your signage—learn what types work best by viewing this slideshow.


Custom Window Signs, Car Signs & Banners

The Best Pictures To Use for Retail Signs

•It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

•When it comes to store advertising, a good picture is worth $1,000, if not more.

•Effective imagery encourages new customers to enter a store and influences them to buy.

•There are a variety of images that can be useful when creating a retail sign, many of which are identified here.

•The most-popular image used for store signs is a product image.

•This type of advertising is straight-forward and to-the-point, showing customers what the business offers.

•Have high-quality photographs of your best-selling products to feature on your storefront windows.

•For a customized look, order a die-cut vinyl decal which is directly cut into the shape of the product.

Product Images

•Another highly-successful image strategy is to show pictures of the intended user of the product.

•This is great for clothing, beauty products, and even aspirational products like luxury cars and jewelry.

•Images of beautiful, happy people are motivating to customers who want to look like the people in those pictures.

•Don’t pigeon-hole your product into one type of user, though, as you never know who might need it.

User Images

•For stores with a highly-defined brand or purpose, using lifestyle images like scenery can be very effective.

•They suggest the type of lifestyle your potential customer could live by shopping in that store or using those products.

•Use full-size graphics like one-way vision for these images, as you’ll want them to set a scene in the front of your store.

Lifestyle Images

•The seasonality of retail motivates customers, so many stores embrace the holidays in full-force.

• Order window clings with images for every holiday, from fireworks for the 4th of July to Santa Claus at Christmas.

•Window clings aren’t adhesive, so they’re easy to remove when the holiday is over.

•They give your store a more-festive look and alert customers that there’s something going on.

Seasonal Images

•The purpose of images is to grab the attention of the viewer.

•Many businesses use images that aren’t even necessarily related to the business, but they definitely get noticed.

•Be bold and outside-the-box; just make sure that your images fulfill their intended purpose.

•If customers can’t make any sort of connection, your signs will just confuse them.

Attention-Grabbing Images

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