the audience of websites and film posters

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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The audience of websites and film posters. Websites-

Chirs McCarthy wrote an article on how to target your audience for websites. He notes that website content has to contain a ‘niche’ for the audience, and the target audience have to be shown passion. He says that a stereotype of the audience needs to be created in order for a successful website, for example audience favor values. Which is a code of behavior, which fits to the target. Europe inhabitants are 21.6% of the worlds internet users, and in 2012, 250,934,000 of the 820,918,446 are heavy Facebook users. On Facebook, films can now have their own ‘page’. This could be a revolution for film websites, as the films Facebook page is more interactive and personal. In one click a member of the audience can share the film with family and friends, as well as view trailers, images and book tickets. Posters-

The target audience is attracted by content that is appealing. Twilights, new moon poster shows one of the protagonist topless, catching the eye, and attention of the younger female. Younger audiences like to see more images than text, and the title in bold so that it can be seen quickly if walking past. They also expect to see an image that is related to the film, and if it is a sequel this must be made very clear. Audiences also require a big bold date; So that they know when the film is out. Some audience are bored of the cliché film poster conventions, and this ha been criticized on many media blogs. It is thought that film company’s stick to these conventions because they know that they bring success. These conventions include The protagonist stood in front of destruction( used mostly in superhero films.

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