the 30 questions you will be asked in your next interview; digital jobs

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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The 30 Questions You Will be Asked in Your Next Job Interview: Digital Jobs

1. Do you have any practical examples of your work?

Use this question to sell yourself! Show the employer your portfolio filled with relevant skills, experience and personal projects. If you

don’t have a portfolio, organise one. It doesn’t need to be extravagant, just a simple page that presents your past projects and


2. Can you tell me a bit about your current position?

Your resume provides only small insight into your experience. Elaborate on your responsibilities, tasks, skills you have gained and

what you have accomplished.

3. What do you like and dislike about your current workplace?

The purpose of this question is to discover why you are looking for new opportunities. If you are focusing on what you dislike about your

current position, try and keep the conversation positive. Perhaps describe how you would make improvements.

4. Can you talk me through your process when writing a piece of code from start to finish?

By asking this the hiring manager is able to discover how important organisation is to you. Discussing technical process is also an

opportunity for you to further impress with your knowledge. This question you may state step-by-step how you aim to meet the

requirements of the position.

5. What do you regard as the most important tools when testing the quality of your code?

When answering this it is best to use examples. Discuss the tools you have experience with, how you implemented them and why they

were effective in ensuring quality.

6.What are your favourite development tools and why?

By asking this the hiring manager can learn about the tools you like to work with, and see if they match with the tools used in the

company. This question is also good at demonstrating your detailed knowledge of the subject.

7. What is your favourite programming language? What makes it great?

Similar to the previous question this is to discover whether your preferred language is used in house.

8. From a developer’s point of view, are there any sites that stand out to you? Why?

Do you know what works and what doesn’t? have you analysed any competitor sites?

9. What source control do you use?

This question gives insight into your overall strategy and knowledge.

10. How do you find our website? What do you like/dislike? What would you change?

Discuss improvements that could be made to benefit the business. What would you do differently?

11. How do you ensure your code can handle a variety of error situations?

Designed to ensure you are able to think ahead of time and predict possible downfalls. This question tests your ability to design quality

code and fix issues.

12. Personally, how do you optimise a websites assets and resources?

This question aims to test your technical skills and process.

13. Have you ever had to help someone who isn’t tech-savvy with a complex technical problem? How did you make sure the other person understood what you were saying?

Effective communication is important. This question gives the interviewer an idea as to how well you communicate with others,

including non-technical team members.

14. Is there a project that you are particularly proud of? What did you do to make it successful?

By recounting this you are telling the hiring manager that you have the skills, motivation, experience and collaborative ability to

effectively achieve a goal.

15. Have you ever experienced a coding problem that had to be met with a particularly creative solution? How did this play out?

Creative people help productivity and development. Creativity is a desirable quality in most industries. With real life examples this

question can be transformed into a great selling tool.

16. Are you able to describe some of your coding habits regarding testing, naming, planning etc.?

This is another question that aims to discover the depth of your organisational skills.

17. Describe an interesting problem you have previously experienced? What steps did you take to solve it?

Problem solving is a vital part of any role. The employer wants to make sure you can solve a magnitude of complications calmly and


18. Has there been a time that you have experienced a particularly stressful situation? How did you move past this?

Effective stress management is of high importance. Productivity, motivation and level-headed decision making often result.

19. Do you have an example of a project that may not have gone to plan? What would you have done differently?

Identifying failures and discovering creative solutions are greatly important when it comes to digital jobs. Present what you have learnt from the experience and how you would ensure a similar

situation didn’t occur.

20. What would you say is your weakness?

This is a very common question in any interview scenario. While hard to answer, with preparation it can work in your favour. Turn this

negative into a positive by sharing a weakness that is actually a good quality. For example, “I expect others to work as hard as I do”.

21. Have you ever had to work on multiple projects at once? How did you handle this?

By investigating your ability to multi-task the hiring manager also gathers information about how good you are at managing time and


22. Have you ever worked in a fast-paced environment? How did you respond to rapid changes?

The company want to hire someone who is able to adapt, keep busy and accept challenges. If this is asked, you will be expected to work

on multiple tasks back-to-back or simultaneously. Use practical examples to present how you have effectively managed stressful

situations in the past.

23. Has there been a time where you have experienced conflict in the workplace? How did you work to resolve this?

The ability to resolve conflict is a beneficial asset in any industry and environment. If there has been a time previously that you have experienced or witnessed conflict in the workplace explain the

attitude you had, and the steps you took to move past this.

24. Have you ever worked in a customer or client facing role? How did you allow for effective communication?

The way in which you communicate with clients and customers may be of importance in some roles. The hiring manager will be interested

in how well you communicate with others. This question may also give insight as to how you will interact with colleagues.

25. Is there a time where you have had great success while completing a group project? What was the end goal? What made it successful? How did you fit into the team?

Team work is vital to a number of professional situations. By hiring someone who works effectively in a team situation a smooth work

flow is created. This question also shows what roles they have played in teams previously.

26. Can you describe a time where you have given a suggestion in order to improve a project? How was this received?

Problem solving is an important skill. The company wants to know you have ideas and that you’re not afraid to share them.

27. If you could master one technology by the end of the year, what would it be? Why?

This question explores how willing you are to learn.

28. How do you work on staying up to date with industry updates and trends?

Staying up to date requires commitment. This question shows that you are interested in software outside working hours.

29. Culturally, what are you looking for in the workplace?

Although skills and experience are of high importance, hiring someone who fits into the workplace culturally is essential. Shared

morals and values can be highly beneficial to your application.


Have you ever been asked a question that has left you stumped? Share the weird and wonderful questions you have been asked, or that you have asked in an interview and add to the conversation!

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